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Carolyn Hansen
Carolyn Hansen is a noted Holistic Health and
Wellness Coach who hails from Whangarei,
New Zealand where she owns an Anytime
Fitness Gym. She has gained a reputation
online as an authority on health, exercise
and weight loss matters and is the author of
several thousand health and fitness articles
along with eBooks and programs that can be
found here.

She has devoted more than three decades

to the fitness industry, both offline and
online, teaching people the simple secrets to
getting into better shape, losing weight, and
improving health.

Her main goal is to change the paradigm of health care from sickness care
to wellness care and will be showing people how to live longer, healthier
lives while avoiding the many mistaken beliefs and practices that diminish
health and longevity.

She will encourage you to become stronger and stay that way through each
decade of your life, maintain your health, wellness and vitality and to ensure
your “health span” matches your “life span”.

Click Here To Discover The Carolyn Hansen Catalogue


If you are looking start a new business, building a more successful one or
simply wish to increase your wealth I wish to share what has worked for me
for several decades.

I run multiple offline and online businesses and to be able to operate at this
high level I need to bring my “A” game to the table.

Over the years the number one belief I have upheld is “better health,
better business”. The exact same attributes I apply to my health, I apply
to my businesses.

Is there anything more important than your health? If you possess great wealth,
but are in poor health, your ability to enjoy your wealth is severely diminished.

Imagine having both - health and wealth!

It’s all about creating balance in your life - Healthy entrepreneurs treat health
as a lifestyle. You can’t put a Band-Aid on a bad business plan, just like you
can’t eat healthy for a week or do a couple of exercise sessions and expect
to get into shape.

Successful entrepreneurs (and those wishing to lead a peak performance

life) wholeheartedly embrace healthy living: They work smarter, not harder.
They put their health at the very top of the totem pole of priorities as they
know it will have a “trickle-down” effect into every other area of their lives
which includes business and wealth creation.

Entrepreneurship greatness and health go hand-in-hand. Each will teach

you valuable lessons about the other.

Aside from family, friends, and relationships, there are few things more
important in your life than your health and your career. When you
passionately pursue both of these things you can experience a longer, more
fulfilling life.


We often think of our personal fitness as being all about “exercise and
nutrition” - TRUE FITNESS is much more about PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT…

The benefits of physical fitness are many. It keeps your muscles and bones
strong, controls your weight, disease proofs your body, improves your
mood, makes you sleep better, boosts energy and improves your sex life.

But there are key personal development benefits in good physical fitness as
well. Honing the mind, creating self -discipline, treating the body with respect
and setting and achieving goals are all excellent attributes to cultivate.

The mental aspect is one of the key benefits of physical fitness. If you learn
the principles of success in fitness you can use them in other areas of life.
The attitude it takes to succeed is the same, whatever it is you are trying
to achieve.

The physical body is an excellent place to learn and develop the principles
of personal development. You can see it and measure it. Progress or lack of
it is easily apparent.

So many people do not see results because they set weak goals with weak
intentions and give up. Somehow we have forgotten that our most important
asset is our body and its health and wellness.

We cannot reach any our goals, do our work or fulfil our mission and purpose
in life if our body cannot support us.

There is no mystery as to what is required to succeed. Proper exercise

supported by REAL food is what it takes over a long period of time. You will
see results if you stick to it.

Once you learn to master the art of goal setting, hone your self-discipline
along with developing higher motivation levels you will be able to set your
mind to other life goals.

Martial arts are an excellent example of how the body can be used to learn
and understand deeper spiritual and mystical aspects of oneself and of life
in general.

The importance of physical fitness goes beyond mere physical benefits. The
body and mind are deeply interconnected.


I practice what I preach for multiple reasons. First I wish to stick around
for as long as possible. I wish to be around to not only get to meet my
grandchildren but to get to know them as well.

Then also I like continual improvements in all areas of my life. The benefits
of physical fitness are that it sets the tone of constant improvement in a
very tangible manner and it has flow on effect throughout the rest of my life.

I like being strong, healthy and fit but these are secondary benefits. The
most important is honing my powers of personal development.

A Holistic Lifestyle

The more you immerse yourself in personal development the more you
realize how interconnected all aspects of life are. Living a holistic life where
you achieve growth and balance in your career, relationships, finances,
fitness and spirituality becomes important.

Improving health and fitness is the easiest one of those to control and it is
the easiest one to gain mastery of. Developing your skills there is a good
stepping stone to making more serious changes in other areas of your life.

And when you make positive change in one area it has trickle down
effects in all areas. The benefits of physical fitness will be felt in your work,
relationships, finances and spirituality as well.

I speak about this from personal experience… I was only able to get a full
grasp on my personal fitness - ONCE I discovered my journey was actually

That is when my life changed. All for the better. In profound ways...

I would love for YOU to experience the same... In ALL AREAS of your life
and I hope this eBook and my “Reclaim Your Longevity” program will do
that for you.

Carolyn Hansen


About Carolyn Hansen .....2

Note From The Author .....3

Introduction .....7

Chapter 1: Diligence .....10

Chapter 2: Self-Discipline .....14

Chapter 3: Mental Toughness .....18

Chapter 4: Confidence .....21

Chapter 5: Goal Setting .....25

Chapter 6: Mental Focus And Concentration .....28

Chapter 7: Focus .....31

Chapter 8: Positive Thinking/Mindset .....35

Chapter 9: Enhanced Productivity .....40

Chapter 10: Increased Energy .....44

Chapter 11: Improved Sleep Quality .....47

Chapter 12: Increased Competitive Drive .....49

Chapter 13: Life Satisfaction .....51

Menu Plan .....55

4 Week Workout Protocol .....86

Beginner Workout Plan .....86
Advanced Workout Plan .....90

Conclusion .....94


If you’re reading this right now, there’s a good chance you’re very career driven.
Or, perhaps it isn’t so much that you want that high profile career itself, but
rather, you want the income that comes with such a high profile career.

You want to be financially set.

You want to never have to worry about another dollar in your life.

You want to know that you and your family are well taken care of.

Whatever your motivation happens to be, you’re trying to climb the corporate
ladder, build your business to its full potential, or become the absolute best
in your field.

As such, you may be devoting a great deal of your time and attention to your
career oriented activities. This often means waking up in the early morning
hours to hit the office before anyone else does, burning the midnight oil
as you continue to work way past when everyone else has gone home, or
attending conferences or trade shows on the weekend to try and network
with others who may advance your career.

Well, what if I told you that these things are all good, but there’s something
you could be doing that would be even better. Would you be interested in
hearing more about it?

That’s precisely what I’m here to tell you today.

That a person who….

“Possesses the skills to better manage their health is more likely to manage
their wealth”.


You see, financial and career success are inextricably linked to your health
and fitness level. If you take a good look around you, most often, those who
are fit and healthy are also experiencing a flourishing career.

Why is this?

Why does this connection hold?

It’s because when you are fit and healthy, you have certain lifestyle habits
along with characteristics and qualities that help shape you to become the
absolute best that you can be.

Those who are able to succeed in building their fitness level up and taking
care of their body are often most likely to succeed in other things that they
put their mind to.

In this book, I’m going to share with you some of these connections. You’re
going to see exactly why certain people become more successful than others
and how you can emulate those exact same characteristics in yourself.

My goal is simple: help you become more successful in all that you do.


While my main focus here is on the health and well-being realm, I know
there will be direct transform over benefits to all other areas of your life.
For instance, let’s say that you are seeing your career advance to become
all that you wanted it to, you’ll also find that as you start implementing
the habits and principles I’m going to discuss here that your interpersonal
relationships also begin to flourish as well.

“Entrepreneurship greatness and health go hand-in-hand.

Each will teach you valuable lessons about the other.”

The success in one area of your life will begin to translate to the success in
another area of your life. You just need to get the ball rolling.

Over the years, the number one belief I have upheld is “better health,
better business.” The exact same attributes I apply to my health, I apply to
my business.

And if you stop and think about it, there is nothing more important than
your health. You can have the best career in the world and an unlimited
amount of money but if your health is not where it needs to be, you aren’t
going to be able to live the life you hope to be living.

When most people think of the term ‘personal fitness’, they tend to
immediately think of nutrition and exercise. And while those are two vital
components to the story, they are by no means all there is to it. True personal
fitness is all about personal development, whether it’s development with
your health, your family, your relationships, or your business.

As you progress through this book, you’ll begin to realize the strong
connections between the health and fitness world and your career/business
success. Then, as you start making positive changes in your health, you’ll
see first-hand the benefits it brings to other areas of your life and from
there, I am positive you will be hooked.

You’ll be hungry to soak up more knowledge and information and to continue

on with your journey.

So this all said, let’s get started and begin with what might be one of the
most important things that you’ll learn as you go about your fitness and
health journey, diligence.


When it comes to truly making positive changes in your life, whether it’s with
regards to fitness, health, nutrition, business, or finances, one thing that you
must have is diligence.

What is diligence?

Simply put, it’s your ability to put forth careful and persistent work.
Essentially, you are taking a ‘can-do’ attitude and never giving up. You may
face road blocks, but you find a way to get around them.

When you fail, you learn from those failures and use them to help you get
stronger, smarter, and more successful.

Diligence is a dying trait in today’s world with our ‘quick-fix’ mentality. Most
people, when they set their sights on something want it to happen now.

They aren’t willing to accept that it’s going to take a great deal of effort and
hard work to achieve and when it doesn’t come to them right away, they
give up easily, without much fight.

Diligence is the opposite of that.

When you start showing diligence, you learn that there are no shortcuts and
the only way to get what you want is through hard work and determination.


How does this parallel to health and fitness?

Stop for a moment and think about some of the most common fitness goals
that people set for themselves. Whether it’s to lose body fat, build muscle,
or achieve a performance related feat such as completing a marathon, one
thing all of these have in common is that they won’t come easy.

If you want to carve out six pack abs for instance, you’re going to have eat
right for weeks, if not months at a time. And eating right 60 percent of
the time won’t cut it. 90 percent of the time, you’ll need to be focusing
on putting the specific foods in your body that will help you burn fat and
achieve your goal.

If you want to build muscle, this too is going to take hours of hard work.
You can’t expect to just go to the gym a handful of times and see an inch
of ‘gains’ on your biceps. You’ll need to hit the gym diligently for months
before you start seeing a noticeable size increase on whatever body part
you are targeting.

And for a marathon race, you should already know that a few runs won’t cut
it. Marathon runners train for months to be able to go that major feat of
26.2 miles, crossing the finish line before collapsing.

None of these goals are ‘short term’ sorts of goals and if you can accomplish
them, it will train you to learn how to put this sort of hard work and focus
into other endeavors you may be doing.

“Dig until you hit rock.

Then take out that jackhammer and go a little deeper”.

It also teaches you that, when you realize success, it was worth all the hard
work. When you work that hard for something, once you finally do achieve
your goals, it’s that much more satisfying.

Putting This Into Action

So how can you begin applying diligence to your own situation?


The first thing to do is take an inventory of all the goals and desires you
have for your life, whether they’re with your fitness, nutrition, health, or

Now ask yourself, what are you willing to do to realize success? And when
you ask this question, be brutally honest.

This is the only way to uncover just how hard you are willing to work. Once
you know the answer, compare this with how hard you really (honestly!)
think you’ll have to work to make that happen.

Are the two compatible?

If not, you have work to do. Most people underestimate how much work
they really need to put in and overestimate how much work they actually
are putting in.

It’s this disparity that leads to the lack of success.

Once you have made yourself more aware of this, now you can start keeping
that fact in mind. Making yourself consciously aware of how much hard
work it’s going to take is the first step to making the effort to put for that
work on a continual basis.

Until you realize this though, it just won’t happen. It can’t just be on a
subconscious level. You need to truly accept that your goals are going to
take work and a great deal of effort.


Usually after someone sets one goal and reaches it, learning the amount of
effort that’s required that they then fully grasp this concept and can start
applying that to other goals they have set.

So there you have the first connection between fitness success and business
and financial success.

Building the trait of diligence and being able to work hard towards everything
you want, rain or shine, success or fail, is one that will stick with you and will
help you out in everything that you do.

This trait doesn’t come easily and will take time to build and develop in you,
but once it’s built, it will serve you very well for years to come.

Now let’s move forward and talk about the next trait that’ll be critical to your
success, self-discipline.


Self-discipline is the ability to force yourself to do things that need to be done,
even if doing them is going to make you feel uncomfortable or unpleasant.

is the bridge between goals and achievement”.

They are the things you NEED to do, but you may not WANT to do.

It’s about realizing what you have to do and actually doing it.

This is another thing that many people really struggle with. Most people in
today’s world get stuck in their comfort zones and very rarely venture away
from that.

It’s unfortunate because the greatest success you’ll experience in life will
come when you step outside of your comfort zone.

This is the area of growth, so to speak, where you are doing things you may
have never done before and that will lead to the greatest change.


Change, by nature, is uncomfortable. Your body and mind resist change,
instead, being far more comfortable with just maintaining the status quo.
But yet, if you hope to grow – to become more successful, to become more
fit, and to become healthier than you were yesterday, you need to change.

Change by nature means further advancement in your life. So it’s time to

stop fearing change and start embracing it.

Once you seek out change, realizing that doing things that are new and
different – outside of that comfort zone are precisely what you need to do,
you’ll find that you can work up the self-discipline you need much easier.

For example, let’s say you hate public speaking. You know that this is key
to your business success however, but you don’t have the self-discipline to
do it regularly. You almost always find a way to talk yourself out of doing it.

Once you change your viewpoint and discover that public speaking isn’t
something to fear but rather something to relish, you’ll find that it’ll be easier
to work up the self-discipline to put that first step forward.

Likewise, at times it won’t be necessarily something that you fear doing, but
rather something that you just don’t want to do. The ‘grunt’ work, so to
speak of your business or career. If you want to get ahead though, these
are things that need to be done, so having the self-discipline to put the steps
in action to do them will be critical.

So how does this all relate to health and fitness? It’s quite simple.

For most people, especially when starting out with their fitness routine, they
rarely want to hit the gym. They would much prefer to stay on the couch,
watching their favorite TV show.


Likewise, when it comes to nutrition, they don’t want to forgo the pizza they
crave and eat some grilled chicken with salad instead. Despite the fact they
know this is what needs to be done to see success, they often lack the self-
discipline to do it.

Instead, they give in. They skip the gym, saying they’ll go ‘tomorrow’ and
they dive into that pizza, claiming they’ve deserved it after all their hard
work (or on the contrary, beating themselves up over failing yet again).

Those who are able to put forth the energy to succeed in health and fitness
goals are able to develop the level of self-discipline that they can then put to
other areas of their life.

If you’ve ever started your own business before, you know very well that
those first few years are extremely trying. Very few business owners ever
see much success during those initial years but yet they must keep going.
They must keep doing the things they know they need to be doing if they are
going to make forward progress and success.

If you have done this with past health and fitness endeavors, it’ll be that
much easier to do it now in your business life. You’ll have the confidence
you need to know that if you maintain self-discipline and put the plan you
have into action that good things will eventually come your way.

This is very much the case for finances as well. In order to become financially
wealthy, you need to maintain good impulse control. You need the self-
discipline to stick to your savings budget and not blow your paycheck the
minute it enters your bank account.

You need to be able to delay short-term gratification, be it purchasing that

new shirt you see in the store just like you need to avoid the short-term
gratification that you’d get from the taste of that cheesy pizza in your mouth.

If you stick with it and stay disciplined, eventually your saves will grow to the
level you want it to be.

Those who invest their money in stocks or bonds know very well the power
of self-discipline. If they are able to invest a certain amount each month and
let it grow, having the self-control to not touch it, eventually you will realize
the power of compound interest.


The longer the money sits in the account (the greater the self-discipline you
show), the higher and higher the compounding interest will become.

So as you can see, self-discipline is very much alive and present in achieving
your health and fitness goals and likewise, is also very much there when it
comes to having business and financial success.

If you can master self-discipline with your wellness goals, you’ll have
developed this trait that will serve you well for a great deal of time to come
in all that you do.

Remember, your ability to delay short-term gratification for long-term gain

is the one thing that sets you apart from animals. You know the power of
holding off and waiting it out.

Use that power more often. Don’t let yourself give into impulses when you
know that over the long term, it won’t be what you really truly want.

It can take a great deal of effort the first few times to say no and delay that
gratification, but the more often you do it, the easier it will become.

After doing it enough, it will then just become your nature to do so. You’ll
have your vision for what you want to achieve in mind and you won’t think
of faltering.

Focus on getting past that initial hurdle where it’s most challenging and it’ll
get easier from there.

Now let’s talk about how mental toughness comes into play.


Mental Toughness
Another characteristic that you’ll find yourself developing if you are going
after your health and fitness goals is a high degree of mental toughness.
What’s this?

Mental toughness basically is your ability to persist at something despite

the fact that you are going through very hard times.

You might confuse this initially with diligence as the two are quite similar.
Diligence however speaks about doing something each and every day. It’s
about repetition – forcing yourself to do something you don’t want to do
because you know that at the end, it will pay off.

Mental toughness however is much shorter lived. It’s about pushing through
the very hard times, telling yourself that you just have to get through and
then things will get better.

It’s about coming home after a long, hard day where nothing has gone your
way and you may have had a serious set-back to your business and know
that you will get up just the same tomorrow morning and keep on going.

There are a couple parallels between this and the fitness and nutrition realm.


Take dieting for instance. How often have you heard of dieters complaining
that they’re hungry?

This happens quite often as by nature, most people will be at least slightly
hungrier while on a diet plan. You are eating less energy than your body
would ideally like and as such, its first response is to make you feel hungrier.

Those who are able to succeed with their dieting efforts are those who can
push through this hunger despite feeling like this and stick to their plan.

Often, food cravings aren’t all that strong provided you are in a satiated
state. But, as soon as hunger rears its ugly head, all bets are off and you’ll
find that you can’t think of anything but food. Next thing you know, you’re
half deep into a box of cookies and wondering where your will-power went.

Not having the mental toughness to persist despite this physical discomfort
is what’s causing this.

Likewise, we can compare this to your fitness as well. When you’re in the
gym performing a set of heavy squats for instance, there’s no question that
there’s going to come a point where you’re feeling extreme discomfort.

So much so that you may give up. But, if you want to truly make progress,
you must be able to push past this discomfort as getting to that high level of
muscular fatigue is what will help ensure that next session you come back
stronger than you were at the last.


Muscle pain, fatigue, and soreness will result, but if you want to get to your
end goal of building muscle and getting stronger, these are the things that
you need to get used to.

Those who are not mentally tough, won’t persist. As such, they won’t reach
their goals.

So take a good look at whatever it is that you are trying to reach right now
and ask yourself, are you showing mental toughness?

Are there places where you bow out when the going gets hard? What can
you do to build up a higher degree of mental toughness?

The best place to start with this is focusing on smaller things first. Don’t put
yourself into the hardest situation you’ll ever face and expect yourself to
come through. Baby steps are what’s needed.

As you demonstrate greater mental toughness and gain the confidence in

yourself that you can push through, it will become easier and easier to keep
doing this on the harder tasks that come your way.

Working on your mental toughness through your fitness and nutrition plan
is a great place to start and develop the trait that will then help you in all
realms of your life.

Now let’s carry on and talk about the next connection between those who
are fit and those who are successful, confidence.


Ever heard the saying, ‘fake it till you make it’?

What does this saying really imply?

It implies that showing confidence is largely tied into the success that
you want to see in your life. Essentially if you want to make it, you’ll need
confidence to get there. And, if you don’t have confidence, you had best fake
it until you do.

So what is confidence?

When most people hear the term, they immediately tend to think about
looks. They think about an attractive individual who clearly knows they’re
attractive and gets loads of attention from others.

Or, you might think of someone who’s successful and sure of themselves.
Someone who never breaks. Each and every word spoken out of their
mouth comes with a certain level of self-assuredness that no one would
ever doubt them.

Whatever you think about, confidence is a feeling you get when you truly
believe in yourself and all that you stand for.

It’s about owning yourself, your thoughts, and your morals. It’s about never
letting self-doubt show.


Think about someone who you would describe as lacking self-confidence.
What thoughts come to mind?

Generally, people will think of someone who is relatively weak. When they
speak, they’re quiet and full of uncertainty. They rarely question what others
are saying and tend to be followers. They never lead.

They would prefer to be left out of the spotlight, never having attention put
on them.

But, when it comes to achieving great success, all of these characteristics

are directly opposite of what you really need to be doing.

To achieve success, you need to speak up. You need to be prepared to go

after what you want. You need to voice your thoughts and your opinion.
And, you definitely need to be prepared to put yourself in the spotlight a
few times.

You need to gain confidence.

Keep in mind that confidence can come in many shapes and sizes. You may
have people who are not all that confident in their appearance, but are very
confident in their smarts and knowledge.

Usually the two go hand in hand, but there are exceptions to this rule.

So how can fitness help with this?

As just noted, usually those who are confident in their appearance are just
generally more confident in their everyday lives.


And, there’s good reason for this. We as a world do tend to view fit and
healthy people differently than we view those who are overweight and
struggling with health woes, isn’t always the case, but 90 percent of the time,
it really is.

And, maintaining an active exercise program and healthy diet will improve
the way you look on the outside. Once you feel more confident in your
outer appearance, you may find that you are more likely to stand up for
your beliefs and voice your thoughts.

This now makes you more confident in all areas of your well-being. For many
people, all it takes is this initial confidence boost in their appearance to spark
the light that will then shine in all areas of their life.

In addition to improving your looks and helping you feel more confident
in that regard, a regular exercise program will also help you become more
confident in your ability to achieve success.

When you see yourself gaining strength in the gym, building your
cardiovascular fitness level, and reaching the goals that you have set for
yourself, these will all help to build up your self-esteem and confidence level.

Starting with your fitness in this instance is the perfect path to take. Since,
for most people, internal confidence builds from external confidence,
putting the focus on building that external confidence as high as possible
will naturally lead to you become more confident overall.


And as that happens, you’ll begin to find that changes in other areas of your
life begin to take place.

Whether it’s speaking up in a business meeting and advancing your business

or it’s asking that person you’ve had your eye out on for a date on the
weekend, you will be seeing a transformation occur in your life as you reach
new heights in your confidence level.

Now let’s move onto our next topic, goal setting.


Goal Setting
If you want to see success in any element of your life, one thing that you
must be doing is goal setting on a regular basis.

If you’ve never set a goal before, there has never been a better time to start.

Whether your objective is to save $50,000, gain 100 new customers this
month, or hit a personal record of 180 pounds on your bench press, goal
setting will help get you there.

Being involved in a fitness plan is a great way to learn how to set goals
properly. It’ll teach you to evaluate what’s realistic and what’s not, how to
lay out your goal so it’s as specific as possible (and therefore motivates you
forward), and how to assess your goal as time goes on.

The great thing about fitness or nutrition related goals is often it’s very easy
to see just how close you are coming to reaching the goals you’ve set.

You’re hitting the gym daily and with each lift you do, you get a constant
reminder of whether you have made progress in terms of the total amount
of weight that you can lift.


Likewise, each time you step on the scale or look into the mirror, you get
a chance to see whether or not your actions over the last week or two are
paying off and you are looking better, feeling better, losing weight, gaining
strength or whatever is your goal.

Without proper goal setting, none of this is possible.

A health and wellness program will teach you the value in setting SMART goals.

This means the goal is:

• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Timeframe

If the goal is lacking in even one of these areas, the chances that you move
forward and attain it are going to be slim to none.

And, as you achieve each of the goals that you’ve set for yourself, you’ll get a
great boost to your self-confidence that you can in fact achieve what you’ve
set out to.

This self-confidence in reaching your goals not only means you’re more likely
to go on to achieve future goals you set for your health and fitness program,
but it also means that you’ll be more likely to go on to reach other goals you
set in different areas of your life.


Again, this comes back to the entire concept of self-confidence we spoke
about in the last chapter. When you reach your health and fitness goals, it’ll
really help you see that if you put your mind to something, you can achieve
the results that you desire.

Once you have this knowledge, it becomes a very powerful thing and can
help you continue pushing on through all the other areas in your life where
you want to achieve ultimate success.

So take those 10-20 minutes it takes to line up some goals. The results you
see from doing so will be well worth it.


Mental Focus
And Concentration
In order to excel with your workout sessions, you’re going to require a certain
level of mental focus and concentration.

You simply can’t go into the gym and be focusing on what you’re doing on
the weekend or on the argument you got into with your spouse the night
before and expect to give an optimal performance.

No. You need to be 100 percent mentally present in each and every
repetition you do if you hope to exercise at the correct level of intensity to
receive results.

Being involved in a fitness program teaches you how to maintain this high
level of mental focus and concentration, which you can then apply to the
areas of your career or professional life you want to succeed at.

As an entrepreneur, you likely know by now that if you hope to achieve

maximum results, there’s no room for lack of focus. You need to have a
vision of what you want your business to become and once you have that
vision, go at it full speed ahead.

Those who tend to falter with their effort, who may take one step forward
and then two steps back because they feel a sense of uncertainty are far
less likely to have success at any point during their career.

The same concept applies for lifting weights. If you sit down to attempt a new
max on the bench press for instance, there is no room for doubting yourself.


The minute you think you won’t get the bar up is the minute it’s all over. You
need to 100 percent fully believe in yourself every single step of the way. If
you get that bar up, go to lower it and then doubt sets in, it won’t be moving
far. You need that mental focus, concentration, and confidence that yes,
you can do this.

Developing this level of concentration in your workout routine will then give
you the power to develop it elsewhere.

So once again, you get the great transfer over benefits from gaining
experience in a fitness plan.

Critical Thinking

Another area where you get a brain power boost from fitness to enhance
your business is in terms of critical thinking.

Let’s say that you’ve been going to the gym for four weeks straight and have
yet to see progress. What are you going to do?

Are you going to keep going, doing the same thing that you’ve always been
doing and expecting eventually you’ll start seeing results?

Hopefully not. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing
over and over again and expecting a different outcome. If it hasn’t worked
in four weeks, it’s likely not going to start working at any point.


Instead, you’ll get your critical thinking cap on. You’ll start assessing what
you are doing, what you may need to do differently, and also likely work at
what is working well for you.

Then you’ll adjust your program from there.

These critical thinking skills that you develop – the ability to evaluate our
program and make adjustments in order to propel yourself forward are the
same skills that you need in the business world as well.

You need to constantly be evaluating your business, looking at what’s

bringing you in the most revenue and what’s moving you forward in terms
of your overall market share.

Then once you know this, you need to be able to adjust and adapt from
there, positioning yourself in a better place for the future.

Those who don’t do this will typically spend months, if not years, going
absolutely nowhere with their companies.

Do you want that to be you?

Likely not, which is why gaining these critical thinking skills is so imperative.

Now let’s talk about another psychological benefit that comes from exercise
– positive thinking.


Manage Your Focus and Improve Your Productivity

One of the biggest challenges to getting things done and being productive
is the distraction of the mind. Often when we try to get one job done, our
mind reminds us of ten others that it thinks need our attention.

These days our lives are busier than ever. We work more than ever. We are
more stressed and exhausted than ever before. And yet we get less done
and are less happy

Are You Being Busy Or Productive?

Busy is one of the most overused words. We hear all the time, “I’m too
busy,” or “I don’t have time.” How often do you actually achieve results
while you are busy? Not too often, I bet.

“You cannot be a Superstar if you focus on everything”

We as a society need to re-learn to focus. We need to learn that it is ok

to let go of the constant connection to phones, email, texts, Facebook,
Twitter along with phone apps pinging you at every opportunity. These
things are hugely distracting especially so if you are serious about building
or growing a business of any kind.

You will know if you are being “busy” as busy people multitask. Doing three
things at once may make you feel like you are being super productive, but
research shows we are actually terrible multitaskers.

One recent study showed people who were regularly bombarded with
several streams of information had difficulty paying attention, recalling
information, and switching from one task to another, compared to those
who only focused on one task at a time. Multitasking has even been shown
to lower IQ.


Simply put, research shows that we can’t multitask, that we are
biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously.

Everyone likes to think they can multitask, but the reality is that no one
really can do it well and you could be losing up to 40 percent of your
productivity by trying.

If we know that across the board, multitasking lowers productivity why

do we do it so often? The truth is it has been shown to make you more
emotionally satisfied as at the same time it makes you less productive.

People seem to be misperceiving the positive feelings they get from

multitasking. They are not being more productive – they just feel more
emotionally satisfied from their work.

At the end of the day it always comes down to one of two ways, either we
did it, or we didn’t. If we kind of did it, then we didn’t do it.

Single-tasking, on the other hand, means focusing on one task at a time.

This makes you more productive by allowing you to be fully immersed in
the task at hand, giving it quality creativeness and focus.

The problem is that we are overloaded with information and tasks, and
we try to get everything done instead of just the most essential things.
Solution: focus on only the essential, eliminate the rest, and allow yourself
to get into that beautiful state known as “flow”.

And although it can be hard at first to give up all the busy-ness that we
have grown accustomed to, the change will have tremendous benefits on
our sanity, our stress levels, our happiness, and yes, our productivity.

Our focus needs to be reclaimed from the 95 percent of “stuff” that does
NOT make us successful or make us money to the 5 percent of tasks that
increase our productivity. After all, you only “get paid for done!”

It’s all about switching focus from being busy to being productive but
the problem is so many of us are not disciplined enough to make these
changes and let go of these things on our own.


But the fantastic news is when you have your fitness program firmly
cemented into your life your levels of self-discipline are increased and so
is your ability to focus on a single task for longer

Experts believe that the ability to stay focused will be the superpower of
the 21st century.

Those who can focus undistracted for decent blocks of time, mastering
subjects and creating things will rule the world - while the rest of us
frantically and futilely try to keep up with texts, tweets and other incessant

How your exercise program will help you with your focus

Not only does exercise have the ability to make you healthier, look and feel
better, it also can make you a lot more focused. According to a number of
studies, exercise produces a ton of benefits that will improve your focus
such as:
• Increasing blood flow and growth factors to your brain, improving
your mental cognition and ability to focus
• Actually creating new brain cells, building up the empire that is your
• Works out your attention muscle, and improves the “brain circuits
that underlie your ability to think and learn”
• Enhances your mood, impulse control, memory, and energy levels,
which are all factors that influence how focused you are.

Part of the reason exercise enhances cognition has to do with blood flow.
Research shows that when we exercise, blood pressure and blood flow
increase everywhere in the body, including the brain. More blood means
more energy and oxygen, which makes our brain perform better.


Sure all this does sound easy in theory, but doing it - and sticking with it – is
the more difficult part. But like your muscles the more you work them the
stronger they get and so does your “focus” muscle. There will always be
good days and not so good days. It is a process of self-discovery and about
forming long-lasting habits.

Once you start to focus your own precious time on what’s truly important,
your productivity will instantly increase and you can really start to set
yourself apart growing your business to superstar levels.


Positive Thinking/Mindset
Ask anyone who claims to be ‘addicted’ to working out and they will tell
you that there is nothing like walking out of the gym after finishing an
intense workout.

Their blood is plumping, their mind is clear, and they feel energized and
ready to face the world.

Exercise has a profound influence on your brain health as well as your mood
– so much so that you simply can’t overlook it.

Those who engage in a regular fitness plan tend to be less stressed overall,
more positive, and have a real excitement for life. They can’t wait to take on
new challenges and see what they can become.

Contrast this to someone who is not involved in a regular fitness program.

When you think about these people, that usually leads you to think of
someone who looks run-down, who may always complain of being tired,
who often spends far more time watching TV and engaging in ‘passive
activities’ in their life than actually living it, and who may even come across
as depressed once in a while.


Who would you rather be doing business with? Your customers, clients, or
employees will feed off positive energy and it will make the entire process
of building your business run that much smoother.

Exercise has a profound influence on your overall mental state, so you must
not underestimate the transfer over benefits you’ll get to your work and
professional life here.

Furthermore, each time you participate in intense exercise, there will be a

release of positive feel-good endorphins in the body, which have the object
of relaxing and calming your mind.

If you always notice that less stressed feeling after a good workout, it isn’t just
something that you are imaging. There are actual neurological chemicals at
work here that are putting your brain into a more relaxed and happy state.

Likewise, exercise provides extremely beneficial stress release. Whether you

are feeling very anxious and nervous about an upcoming work meeting or
event or you are simply stressed out because you aren’t turning the revenue
in this last quarter that you hoped you would, an intense workout session
will help put your mind at ease.

It may not solve your problem, but it will help relax you and get you thinking
more clearly so that you can then figure out how to better solve that problem.

Few people think and function optimally when they are heavily stressed, so
it’s imperative that you do whatever you can to relax yourself and your mind.


Increased Self-Awareness

Another way that getting involved in a fitness program can help improve
your mindset is through enhanced self-awareness.

Working out in general can be a very humbling experience. You will learn
what your strong points are, where you may be more weak, and what you
can work on to become a better version of yourself.

It forces you to reflect on all that you are and gain a deeper awareness of
what you will need to do to get to where you want to be.

Few things in life will cause you to do this. And, once you do this for your
fitness program, you might find that you are more prone to doing this in
other areas as well, business included.

You’ll gain a sense of awareness of who you are and what you are doing in
terms of managing your time, your energy, as well as your resources, and
then come to realize what changes you may need to make if you are to
better move forward from there.

Remember that success in business, as with anything in life, is a very large

growth process. You need to grow your business just like you grow yourself
as a human being, enriching various key areas of your business/personal self.

The greater your overall self-awareness is for this, the easier this process
will be.


Many people are severely lacking in self-awareness, so they have a hard
time really pinpointing what it is, exactly, that they need to be changing if
they are going to move forward.

Ability to Accept Change

Finally, the last area that’s related to mindset that a good fitness program
can help you out with is the ability to accept change. Throughout your
workout program, there are many times that you’ll need to be willing and
open to accepting change.

Whether this is trying new exercises, ditching the current workout program
you’re on and trying something else entirely, or changing the way in which
you are structuring your exercises in the gym.

You need to change if you are going to grow. You’ll learn this – and quickly
when starting a workout or diet program.

Those who are unable to accept change will find they hit a plateau quickly
and tend to stay there until they either drop off, or something forces them
to make a change.

The entire process of change in a workout program can be referred to as

periodization, which basically means focusing on different elements or
different goals at various points during a training cycle.

The same can be applied to your business and career progress as well.
There will be certain times when you may have one specific goal in mind
and then later on, you need to change this goal around, doing something
else entirely.

For example, early on in your business, your primary goal may be focusing
on customer or client acquisitions. You need to be trying to bring more
people into your business as you generate that initial revenue.

After a few months (or years) of having this focus however, you may find that
you can switch gears and now focus more on customer or client retention as
well as improving your service offerings or skill set.


You no longer need to focus on bringing in customers as you have a wide
customer base that continues to do business for you. This now allows you
to grow in other areas as the cycle continues.

Think of this as periodization for your business.

As you can see, there’s a great parallel between this and your health and
wellness program.

The same concept applies to nutrition as well. If you want to succeed with
your goal of weight loss or muscle building, you have to continually be
evaluating what you are doing and whether it’s working.

If it isn’t, changes need to be put into place. With dieting more than anything,
plateaus are highly likely if you aren’t continually periodizing your calorie
intake. Having periods where you eat much less and then periods where
you eat more to help ramp your metabolic rate up again.

Now let’s move forward and look at the next area where being fit and healthy
can help you succeed with growing rich and successful: enhanced productivity.


Enhanced Productivity
If there is one thing that almost all fit and healthy people have in common,
it’s the ability to improve their productivity. All of us only get 24 hours a
day, so it becomes how you use those 24 hours that determines the level of
success that you see.

Many people who lack personal fitness often state that it’s because they
simply have a lack of time. Going to the gym takes up hours each week and
those are hours they don’t have.

But yet, if you take a closer look at what they are doing on a daily basis,
you’d come to find that they are spending hours watching TV in the evening
– so clearly they do have the time.

It all boils down to priorities and how they choose to engage in their day to
day living. How well do they manage their schedule?

What you will find with very successful business owners is that they know
exactly what their priorities are and despite how many responsibilities they
may have, they have found a way to make it work.


Often, this means outsourcing. They have learnt how to delegate certain
tasks to other individuals who can easily take care of them for them. Or, as
the case may be, they have learned how to say no to things that they really
didn’t have the time or desire to take on and that would not move them any
closer to reaching the goals they have set for their own life.

Whatever the particular case is, they have learned how to master their schedule.
Many CEO’s of top companies arise at the wee hours in the morning to get in their
workout. They realize that doing so will help them start their day off right, putting
them in the proper mindset to tackle whatever it is that their day may bring.

Even though they are working long hours and may not leave the office until
evening, they get their workout in first thing so that nothing will crowd it out
of their schedule.

It takes a lot of mental determination and drive to stick to a fitness schedule.

There will always be those days where you simply do not want to go in and
do a workout. Even the fittest individuals have those days. It’s those who
realize that there is long-term gain to be had by pushing through those days
and doing it anyway, sticking to the schedule that realize success.

The same applies to business and financial success. If you have a savings
schedule set up for instance and need to contribute a certain amount each
month if you hope to realize your long-term goal, there will always be those
things that pop up – things that you want to buy.

If you are able to push those things aside and know that purchasing them
is not going to move you forward over the long-term, you’ll be positioning
yourself for success.

Essentially, fit people know that short-term satisfaction often does not mean
larger, long-term gain and are able to stay focused on the long-term gain,
keeping committed to their plan.

Energy Management

In addition to learning how to be more productive with your time, participating

in a regular fitness program is also going to teach you how to manage your
energy better. This too can lead to enhanced productivity.


If you know you have a hard workout coming up later in the day for instance,
you’ll know that working on cleaning out your garage for instance may not be
the best idea beforehand. That would take a lot of physical energy, leaving
you drained for the workout ahead.

Likewise with your business and financial success, you can learn where to put
your energy for maximum results. You’ll learn that some things are just not
worth expending the energy over if they don’t have a high enough payoff.

Instead, you can then devote more energy towards the things that do.

Energy is an expendable resource, meaning once it’s gone, it’s gone. You
only have so much of it in a day, so it’s essential that you devote it towards
the tasks that will pay off the most.

The great news however is that by engaging in a regular workout program,

you can actually increase your daily quota of energy, thus you’ll have more
to expend before it runs out.

So as you can see, being involved in fitness really is a win-win as far as this
element is concerned.

Improved Creativity

Finally, the last way that fitness can help increase your productivity is
through improved creativity. As you go about designing a fitness program
for yourself, at times, you’ll need to get creative. You’ll need to take a closer
look at all the exercises that you can do, which ones interest you, and which
ones will help you best meet the goals that you have set for yourself.


Then you’ll need to get creative, putting together a master workout plan
that you’ll then follow for the months ahead.

Of course you can always see a personal trainer or find a plan online to do
this for you, however at some point during your fitness career, you will likely
find yourself wanting to get more creative yourself.

As you do this, further benefits will come as you’ll now be custom designing
a program that is based on your own specific needs.

Learning how to become more creative can also help you with your career
success as you’ll be more investigative of ideas and resources that you may
have never thought about in the past.

The best and most successful business owners are those who are naturally
curious and always want to keep learning, growing, and evolving.

Having a creative side will help you with this.

Productivity is something that many people do struggle with, but fortunately,

it’s something that with a bit of hard work and focus, you can develop.
Fitness can help get you there.


Increased Energy
The next area that fitness is going to come in helpful for your business is
increasing your energy.

We just spoke about the fact that doing regular workouts can help to increase
your overall energy level, allowing you to do more in your day without hitting
that state of fatigue that so many people find themselves in.

Successful business owners are prepared to put in the long hours. It isn’t
easy by any means, but they go to the distance, showing up each day, hour
after hour.

If you are lacking in energy, you’re going to find this incredibly hard to do
and may give up sooner than if you had more energy.

As you begin to train your body through a physical fitness program, you’ll
become more conditioned. Your cells will become better at utilizing stored
body fat as a fuel source, meaning you don’t use up the other available
energy – carbohydrates from the foods you eat, as quickly. This means each
meal will sustain you longer.

Likewise, as you become stronger, you’ll find that day to day tasks simply
feel easier. They won’t be as taxing on your muscles, therefore you should
find that you can easily do them with energy to spare.

Imagine someone who is very unfit (hasn’t seen the gym in weeks!) climbs
up a long flight of stairs.

What do they look like as they reach the top? Chances are they are winded,
gasping for air. Tired doesn’t even begin to describe how they look.

Now imagine someone who is fit and healthy climbing that same flight of
stairs. How do they look?


Chances are they are energized and make it up no problem. Once they’re at
the top, they continue on because that just wasn’t a challenge.

They didn’t deplete their energy reserves climbing those stairs like the unfit
person did. This is how fitness can impact you – in every area of your life.

As we noted earlier as well, getting on a good fitness program is an excellent

way to combat stress as well, and that lower stress level can also help
increase your energy.

Stress is one of the leading energy drains that people experience on a daily
basis, so the better you can manage your stress, the more energy you’ll tend
to feel. So this is another indirect way that fitness can help increase your
energy level.

Finally, if you are very involved in fitness, chances are this also means that
you are paying close attention to your nutrition plan as well. Eating right
will also amplify energy levels dramatically, so this too can lead to a more
successful career.

Once again, many of the top CEO’s follow very strict diet programs as they
realize that what they put into their body will have a very strong influence
on how they feel on a day to day basis.

If they are eating foods that provide a fast energy burst followed by an
energy crash, they’ll never be able to sustain their performance over the
course of the day.


Likewise, if they are constantly getting sick due to a weak immune system
from lack of proper nourishment (vitamins and minerals), this is going to
make it very hard to take care of the business they need to attend to.

They simply can’t be conducting meetings from their bedroom while down
with a brutal cough and runny nose. They need to be at their best at all
times and a proper nutrition plan will help ensure that happens.

Taking the time to tend to your personal fitness level and nutrition has so
many payoffs when it comes business success that this isn’t something that
you should ever be overlooking.


Improved Sleep Quality
Moving along, the next area where a proper fitness plan can go a long way
towards improving your success in your business and financial life is through
improved sleep quality.

Now, you may have this notion that all the top business owners in the world
hardly sleep at night. You might think they’re awake until the wee hours in
the morning and then arise before sunrise to get a jump start on their day.

And, often this is somewhat true. Successful individuals do tend to maximize

their time during the day, staying awake a bit longer and waking up before
most of the rest of the world awakens.

But, this doesn’t mean they are tired and sluggish all day. In fact, it’s very
much the opposite. These individuals typically focus on sleep quality over
quantity, so they may only be getting 6-7 hours of sleep each night, but
those hours they do spend sleeping are of very high quality. This allows
them to awaken feeling refreshed and ready to tackle their day.

How do they do this?

They’ve learned that a regular fitness program helps them sleep deeper and
more soundly than if they didn’t exercise. Now they capitalize on that.

Those who are engaging in fitness, provided their workouts aren’t coming
too late at night (which can then interfere with a proper night’s rest) are
more likely to fall asleep faster once their head hits the pillow and to stay
asleep longer during the night as well.

This translates to a far better quality of sleep that leads to you feeling
healthier, more energized, and more mentally focused during the day.


Sleep is critical to success. There have been studies done that show that
sleep deprived individuals suffer memory impairments, vision disturbances,
maintain slower reaction times, and in severe cases, lack of sleep can even
create a similar effect that being intoxicated has.

All in all, sleep has a very powerful effect on your well-being and success. If you
think the way to get ahead is to ‘sleep later’, you’re wrong.

You must sleep now and you need to ensure that the sleep you do get is high
quality sleep as well. Once again a proper fitness and nutrition program can
help you achieve this.

There are just a few things to note here when it comes to utilizing fitness
and nutrition to improve sleep quality. These are:
• Avoid late night exercise as this can rev up your metabolism and cause
you to have too much energy, making it hard to sleep
• Be aware of any pre-workout products you are using as some contain
caffeine and also could make it hard to sleep
• Avoid eating a large meal too close to bedtime. Even if it is healthy, it may
make it harder for you to fall asleep

If you follow these quick tips, you should find that your health and wellness
program only helps you sleep better than you ever have in the past.

Let’s now talk about another area where you will see a good parallel between
your fitness program and your success: increased competitive drive.


Competitive Drive
There are some people who are naturally competitive by nature. Everything
they do in life, they have to be the best at.

Often these people tend to push themselves harder naturally and therefore
do excel more compared to the average individual.

If you don’t normally have this competitive drive, not to worry, all hope isn’t
lost. It can be developed and quite easily as well.

With a proper workout program, you’ll be constantly pushing your limits,

trying to ‘one-up’ yourself from the last workout. Fitness success is all about
progressive overload, meaning you did more than you did last time.

You beat your last record.

So in essence, fitness teaches you how to have this competitive drive in

order to continue to make progress. Those who are not born naturally with
it can learn it through regular fitness training.


Likewise, if you happen to exercise with a workout partner (something
that is usually recommended), this too can help you increase your
competitive drive.

If this partner is of around the same skill level as you, you might find you
challenge each other on. It can bring out your competitive instincts, making
you work harder than you ever have in the past.

What’s more is that when you succeed – when you beat your last personal
best or you overcome your workout partner and lift more weight, you’ll get
the natural high that comes from success. Your competitive instincts will be
satisfied and this will leave you feeling fantastic.

Once you get used to this feeling, you’ll find that you’re more likely to crave
it in other areas of your life – your business included. This may help push
you to take action in ways that you normally wouldn’t have.

And that action is often what leads to the most success. Having a competitive
instinct and drive will help you push yourself out of your comfort zone and
usually this is where you will experience the most growth, both professionally
as well as personally.

Being competitive is a very good thing when it comes to financial and career
success. Those very driven entrepreneurs are typically the ones that you
see climbing the ladders as their businesses become as successful as they
can be.

Having a competitive instinct will really factor into this.

Finally, let’s wrap up by talking about the last parallel between fitness and
career and financial success.


Life Satisfaction
Life satisfaction. When you hear this term, what do you think? What comes
to mind? What do you believe contributes the most to life satisfaction?

Many people will instantly answer this question as being successful and
having lots of money. And while there’s no denying the fact that having
enough money that you aren’t stressed all the time about making ends meet
is very important for overall life satisfaction, there is not a high correlation
between making an overabundance of money and happiness.

In fact, in many cases, it’s the opposite. Those who make the most money find
themselves unhappy because other areas of their life have not succeeded.

Namely their health and personal relationships.

Money cannot buy health. You need to firmly understand this so that you
can realize the true importance of a proper nutrition and fitness plan. You
can have all the money in the world, but once your health starts to go, there’s
nothing you can do (in many cases) to get it back.

And, if your health starts to go, you’ll find it becomes harder and harder to
enjoy the things that your money can buy.

Life satisfaction, for most people, comes from experiencing happy and
positive times. It comes from sharing their lives with others and being able
to do the things that give them the most pleasure.


Sure, you may need money to do these things, however you also need to be
fit enough to do them.

If you reach your older years and you can barely move, it’s going to be very
hard to achieve happiness.

Staying fit and well in your younger years will have major payoffs as you
reach your older years, so it’s something that you really need to be striving
to do. Little action steps you take now can mean big changes later on.

For instance, consider bone density. You may not even be worried about
this right now while you are in your 30’s, 40’s, or even your 50’s. But, beyond
the age of 40-50, your bone density is slowly starting to deteriorate. If you
don’t do something to stop it, by the time that you are 60 or 70, you may find
that you are rather weak and are at a high risk of stress fractures later on.

If that should happen, your overall life satisfaction will likely go down. You
won’t be able to enjoy the things you used to and you may start to feel
highly restricted on a day to day basis.

So this is one way that fitness will play into your overall life satisfaction.

Work/Life Balance

Another way that fitness will come into play is by helping you achieve better
work/life balance.


Those who are trying to build their business and accumulate as much wealth
as possible are often so fixated on this one thing that they tend to neglect
other elements of their life. They never give themselves a ‘break’ so to speak
– time when they can focus on something else.

By engaging in a health and fitness program, you give yourself this break. You
build something else into your life that you can focus on excelling at so that
not all of your focus is being placed on how much money you accumulate.

In terms of your overall life satisfaction, this can be huge. Having a good
level of work/life balance is key for happiness over the long term.

If you ask any successful and healthy entrepreneur, they will tell you that
they found a way to achieve this balance.

They may have a different way of going about it than you would, but they feel
like they are in good balance. Their work and career focus is not overtaking
their entire life.

Maintaining a good level of work/life balance is something that you

constantly have to strive to achieve. You should always be checking in with
yourself, asking whether you are on track or not. Are you obtaining the level
of balance you need to be?

If not, what can you do to move yourself into a better place?

Do this now before the negative side effects set in. Those who are out of
balance for far too long often let the other elements of their life go so far
that it’s hard to get them back.

When they finally realize this, they may move into a deep depressive state –
a state in which no amount of money is going to get them out of.

So hopefully now you can see just how many parallels there are between
being fit and healthy and being wealthy. The two really go hand in hand. If
you aren’t healthy, chances are, you won’t be as wealthy as you can be.

Now, you might still be thinking, ‘I just don’t have time.’


I’d like to challenge that. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym or
multiple evenings in the kitchen each week to get healthy. In fact, it can all
take less than one hour per day if you are doing things properly.

To help you get started, you’ll find a four-week workout and nutrition
plan below. Follow this program and get ready to watch the benefits
begin to unfold.


Below you’ll find a weekly menu plan. Below the schedule will the
corresponding recipes to use to fill up the plan. Repeat this plan on a weekly
basis, adjusting the recipes to match your desired preferences.

Feel free to get creative and make adjustments to any of the recipes below
for more variety if desired as well.

Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner

Red Pepper Strawberry Peanut Butter
Chicken And Spicy Chicken
Monday And Onion Banana Coconut
Berry Salad Pita
Frittata Smoothie Protein Bars
Coconut Banana-
Spinach Mandarin Steak
Tuesday Berry Blaster Berry Blaster
Omelet Beef Salad Sandwich
Smoothie Smoothie
PB Protein
Kiwi Mango Healthy Cobb Overnight White Turkey
Wednesday Oatmeal With
Smoothie Salad Oats Chili
Apple Peachy- Peanut Butter Chicken And
Cheesy Tuna
Thursday Cinnamon Pineapple Protein Brown Rice
Oatmeal Smoothie Cookies Casserole
Peanut Butter Chicken Rice
Friday Berry Blaster Yogurt Parfait Turkey-Loaf
Apple Crepes Bowl
Cheesy Oriental
Lime Tuna Kiwi Mango
Saturday Salmon Yogurt Parfait Chicken Stir-
Burgers Smoothie
Omelet Fry
Strawberry Turkey Peanut Butter Thai Beef
Egg ‘N Cheese
Sunday Banana Lettuce Protein Vegetable
Breakfast Pita
Smoothie Wraps Cookies Bowl


Breakfast Recipes

Red Pepper And Onion Frittata

1 cup egg whites

1 whole egg
½ tbsp. olive oil
1 sliced red pepper
½ cup sliced onion
salt and pepper to taste
½ clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp. light Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together the egg whites and whole egg.
Add salt and pepper and then set aside.

Heat olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. Next, add garlic and
cook for 1 minute. Add the onion and red pepper to the skillet and continue
to cook until slightly tender. Pour in the egg mixture and cook for 5 minutes.
Sparkle cheese over top and then transfer the skillet to the oven and bake
for 10 minutes. Let stand a few minutes prior to serving.


Spinach Omelet

6 egg whites
1 whole egg
1 cup fresh spinach
½ cup sliced mushrooms
¼ cup diced onion
½ tbsp. olive oil

Whisk together the egg whites and whole egg. In a skillet, saute the spinach,
mushrooms, and onion in half the olive oil until soft.

Remove from skillet and then heat second amount of olive oil. Once heated,
add the eggs and then cook for 3-4 minutes, lifting the edges slightly to
allow eggs to cook through. Add the spinach mixture to the center of the
eggs and then flip one side over the other. Let cook for 30-60 seconds more
and then remove and transfer to a plate. Serve immediately.


PB Protein Oatmeal With Banana

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1/3 cup oatmeal
1/3 cup almond milk
2/3 cup water
1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
1 sliced banana

Cook oatmeal according to package directions using 1/3 cup almond milk
and 2/3 cup water. Once finished, stir in vanilla protein powder until well
mixed. Let stand for 2 minutes to thicken and then stir in peanut butter and
top with sliced banana.


Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

¼ cup dry oatmeal

¾ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop vanilla protein powder (or cinnamon bun if you have it)
½ diced apple
¼ cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp. cinnamon
stevia to sweeten
1 tbsp. chopped walnuts

Prepare oatmeal with the almond milk. Meanwhile, dice the apple and toss
with the cinnamon and stevia. Once oatmeal is finished, microwave the
apple for 30-60 seconds.

Stir in the protein powder and applesauce into the oatmeal and then top
with apple pieces. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top before serving.


Peanut Butter Apple Crepes

½ cup egg whites

1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 sliced apple
1 tbsp. natural peanut butter
stevia to sweeten

Whisk together the egg whites and protein powder. Heat a non-stick skillet
over medium heat and then slowly pour batter in. Cook like you would a
crepe, flipping at halftime (after about 2-3 minutes). Once finished, transfer
to a plate and then smear with peanut butter. Roll up and top with apple
slices, and serve.


Cheesy Salmon Vege Omelet

¼ cup canned salmon, bones and skin removed

6 egg whites
2 tbsp. fat free creamy cheese
1/8 cup diced yellow onion
1/8 cup diced red pepper
1 cup mushrooms, tomatoes (or your choice of veges)
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 orange

Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Add olive oil then diced onion,
chopped mushrooms, tomatoes and red pepper and sauté until tender.
Remove from pan into a dish.

Whisk together the canned salmon, egg whites, and 1 tbsp. cream cheese.
Add the egg white mixture and cook for 2-3 minutes or until edges start to
bubble. Flip over and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Add vegetable mixture to one half of the omelet, flip top over and smear
the remaining 1 tbsp. of cream cheese over and serve alongside an orange.


Egg ‘N Cheese Breakfast Pita

1 small whole wheat pita

1/8 cup salsa
4 egg whites plus 1 whole egg
¼ diced red pepper
1 cup chopped tomatoes and mushrooms (or your choice of veges)
½ cup spinach leaves
1 tbsp. cheddar cheese
½ tbsp. olive oil

Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the diced vegetables and
sauté for 1-2 minutes. Whisk together the egg and egg whites and pour into
the skillet. Scramble until white. Place cheese on top and cook for another
30 seconds or until cheese is melted. Put this mixture into the pita, top with
salsa, and then add in spinach leaves before serving.


Lunch Recipes

Chicken And Berry Salad

3 oz. grilled chicken breast

2 cups spinach leaves
1 tbsp. walnuts pieces
1 cup sliced strawberries
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. vinegar
1 tbsp. Splenda

Grill 3 oz. of chicken on a non-stick grill for 3-4 minutes per side. In a bowl,
mix together the oil, vinegar, and splenda. Slice chicken and toss together
with the spinach, walnuts, and sliced strawberries.

Drizzle dressing over top and then toss and serve.


Mandarin Beef Salad

3 oz. grilled lean steak

1 cup finely diced broccoli
¼ cup red onion
½ cup carrot strips
¼ cup mandarin orange pieces
1 tbsp. slivered almonds
1 tbsp. sunflower seeds
1 tbsp. dried cranberries
2 tbsp. fat free mayonnaise
2 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. Splenda
1-2 tbsp. mandarin juice

Cut broccoli and onion into pieces, carrots into strips and cook together for
a few minutes in a little oil.

Toss together with the mandarin oranges, sunflower seeds, cranberries,

and almonds. In another bowl, combine the mayonnaise, vinegar, splenda,
and mandarin juice. Pour over salad and then toss to coat.


Healthy Cobb Salad

2 hard boiled eggs + 4 hard boiled egg whites

¼ diced red pepper
½ cup green beans (lightly cooked)
½ cup cucumber sliced in fine strips
1 diced tomato
½ cup corn off the cob
2 tbsp. fat free mayonnaise
2 tbsp. white vinegar
2 tbsp. Splenda

Combine together the splenda, vinegar, and mayonnaise. Slice hard boiled
eggs and egg whites and then toss together with the spinach leaves, cherry
tomatoes, green pepper, and cobbed corn. Drizzle with dressing, toss to
coat and then serve.


Cheesy Tuna Wrap

1 can tuna, drained

1 oz. low fat cheddar cheese, shredded
1 celery stick, finely diced
1 medium carrot, shredded
¼ red pepper, finely diced
1 whole wheat soft tortilla

Mix together the tuna with carrot, pepper, and celery. Place in the center of
a tortilla and then top with shredded cheese. Roll up, stick a toothpick into
the center to have it stay and then place under the broiler for 30-60 seconds
or until cheese is melted.

Serve immediately.


Chicken Rice Bowl

3 oz. cooked chicken breast

1/3 cup salsa
½ cup cooked broccoli
½ cup chopped red or orange pepper
½ cup cooked brown or white rice
2 tbsp. toasted peanuts

Combine together the chicken breast, salsa, peppers and broccoli. Serve on
top of rice and sprinkle with peanuts before serving.


Lime Tuna Burgers

1 can of tuna
1/8 cup sliced onion
3 egg whites
¼ cup oats
1 tbsp. lime juice
¼ tsp. garlic powder
1 tbsp. onion flakes
4 sliced cucumber
2 slices of tomato
2 lettuce leaves
1 whole wheat bun

Combine together the can of tuna, onions, egg whites, oats, lime juice, onion
flakes, and garlic in a large bowl. Form into two patties. Heat a non-stick
skillet over medium heat and once ready, add the patties to the skillet. Cook
for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Remove from skillet and top with lettuce, sliced cucumber and tomato inside
a whole wheat bun. Serve immediately.


Turkey Lettuce Wraps

6 oz. ground turkey breast meat

½ tbsp. olive oil
1 clove minced garlic
½ tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. red pepper and garlic seasoning
2 large carrots, shredded
½ diced onion
2 minced green onions
¼ minced red pepper
¼ finely diced cucumber
2 tbsp. slivered almonds
10 sliced mushrooms
Collard greens (for wraps)

Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add garlic, ground turkey,
carrots, onion, pepper and mushroom. Saute for 5-6 minutes or until no
longer pink inside. Next, add the Worcestershire sauce and stir through.
Transfer to serving bowls and top with minced green onions, cucumber and
almonds. Serve wrapped inside a large leaf of collard greens, steamed to
soften to make it easier to wrap.


Dinner Recipes

Spicy Chicken Pita

3 oz. grilled chicken breast

½ tsp. fajita seasoning
1 tsp. olive oil
½ diced onion
½ minced clove of garlic
½ cup lettuce, shredded
2 tbsp. low fat Greek yogurt
¼ cup salsa
¼ diced tomato
1 small soft whole wheat tortillas

Begin by slicing the chicken into chunks and adding into a non-stick skillet.
Add the onions and garlic and sauté for 5-8 minutes or until chicken is no
longer pink inside. Add the seasoning and once finished, transfer to your
whole wheat tortilla and then top with the salsa, lettuce, Greek yogurt and
diced tomato. Serve immediately.


Steak Sandwich

2 oz. lean grilled steak

2 slices Ezekiel bread
¼ sliced avocado
2 tbsp. fat free mayonnaise
¼ diced cucumber
2-3 tomato slices
sliced onion rings
2 cups salad greens
1 tbsp. olive oil based salad dressing

Combine the avocado with mayonnaise and smear over top of two slices
Ezekiel bread. Can toast if desired. Top that with the steak and then cover
the steak with sliced cucumber, onion, and tomato before serving alongside
a greens salad.


White Turkey Chili

6 oz. ground turkey

1 ½ cups beef broth
1 cup frozen kernel corn
1 cup baby corn
½ cup skim milk
2 tbsp. chili powder
1 ½ tsp. ground oregano
salt to taste
1 cup white kidney beans
1 clove minced garlic
1 sliced onion
½ cup sliced red peppers
1 cup sliced mushrooms
½ tbsp. olive oil
cilantro to taste

In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the olive oil, garlic, mushrooms red
pepper, and mushrooms, along with ground turkey. Add the chili powder,
oregano, and salt and pepper. Once turkey is almost cooked, add in the
chicken broth, kernel corn, baby corn salsa, and cannellini beans. Cover and
turn down the heat to low, simmering for 15 minutes. Serve immediately
topped with cilantro.


Chicken And Brown Rice Casserole

1 cup raw uncooked brown rice

1 ½ cups diced broccoli
1 large tomato, diced
½ cup salsa
12 oz. chicken breasts
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. oregano
1 minced garlic
1 diced onion

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Prepare the rice according to package
directions. Next, heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat with garlic.
Add chicken breast, and onions and cook until chicken is almost done.

In a large oven-safe dish, combine rice, chicken, diced tomato, salsa, oregano,
and layer broccoli on top. Place in the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes.



1 cup low-fat cottage cheese

1 egg lightly beaten
¼ cup tomato paste
2 tbsp. chopped onion
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 finely chopped red pepper
¼ cup oats
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. onion powder
12 oz. ground turkey
1/3 cup reduced fat Parmesan cheese

Combine the cottage cheese, egg, tomato paste, onion, mustard, oats, salt,
pepper, garlic, and onion powder in a bowl until well blended.

Next add in the turkey and red pepper pieces and mix with hands until well blended.

Press into an 8 inch greased pan and back at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese and then
bake for another 10 minutes. Serve sliced alongside a half cup of cooked
brown rice.


Oriental Chicken Stir-Fry

3 oz. chicken breast, cut into bite sized strips

½ sliced red pepper
½ cup sliced mushrooms
¼ cup sliced carrots
½ cup broccoli florets
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 tbsp. chicken broth
½ tbsp. olive oil
½ tsp. pureed ginger
½ tsp. pureed garlic
½ tbsp. honey
½ cup pre-prepared brown rice

Heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Next add chicken, garlic, and
ginger, cooking until chicken is almost done. Add in the vegetables and stir-
fry for 1-2 minutes.

In another bowl, combine the soy sauce, honey, and broth. Pour over stir-fry
and cook for 2-3 more minutes or until vegetables are at their desired stage
of tenderness.

Serve over top of brown rice.


Thai Beef Vegetable Bowl

3 oz. lean steak

½ tbsp. natural peanut butter
1 tbsp. reduced sodium soy sauce
1 tbsp. reduced sodium beef broth
½ tbsp. olive oil
1 cup broccoli florets
½ sliced orange pepper
1 medium carrot, sliced
1 sliced green onion
½ clove minced garlic
½ cup cooked brown rice
1 tbsp. chopped peanuts

Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add the steak and garlic, cooking
for 3-4 minutes or until no longer pink. Add the broccoli, orange pepper,
and carrot, and cook for 3-4 minutes longer.

Stir together the peanut butter, soy sauce, and beef broth. Add to mixture
and heat through, 1-2 minutes.

Serve on top of pre-cooked brown rice and sprinkle with 1 tbsp. chopped peanuts.


Snack Recipes

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1 scoop strawberry protein powder

1 frozen banana
1 cup almond milk
½ cup frozen strawberries
1-2 ice cubes
½ tsp. xanthan gum

Place all ingredients into a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency
is reached.


Kiwi Mango Smoothie

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 whole kiwi, peeled and sliced
1 cup frozen mango pieces
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp. chia seeds
1-2 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency
is reached. Serve immediately.


Banana-Berry Blaster Smoothie

1 scoop banana flavored protein powder

½ frozen banana
1 cup blueberries
1 cup spinach leaves
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp. dried unsweetened coconut flakes
1-2 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency
is reached. Serve immediately.


Peachy-Pineapple Smoothie

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

½ cup pineapple cubes
½ cup frozen peaches
2 tbsp. flaxseeds
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1-2 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency
is reached. Serve immediately.


Coconut Berry Blaster Smoothie

1 cup light coconut milk

1 scoop berry flavored protein powder
1 cup blueberries
½ tsp. xanthan gum
1-2 ice cubes

Place all the ingredients in a blender and pulse blend until desired consistency
is reached. Serve immediately.


Peanut Butter Coconut Protein Balls

2 cups vanilla whey

¼ cup dried coconut
¼ cup coconut flour
¼ cup almond milk
1/8 cup peanut butter
3 squares dark chocolate for coating

Combine all ingredients together except melted chocolate. Once mixture is

formed, create balls and then dip in melted chocolate. Once finished, place
in the freezer for 30 minutes before transferring to the fridge until serving.


Peanut Butter Protein Cookies

½ cup chocolate protein powder

¾ cup natural peanut butter
1/8 cup almond flour
1 whole egg
2 egg whites

Mix all ingredients together and then shape into cookies. Bake at 375 C
degrees for 10 minutes.


Yogurt Parfait

¾ cup low sugar, low fat Greek Yogurt

¼ cup blueberries
¼ cup sliced strawberries
2 tbsp. slivered almonds
6 pecan halves chopped

Alternate between layers of yogurt and berries in a bowl. Next top with
slivered almonds and pecans and serve.


Overnight Oats

½ cup oatmeal
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
2 scoops chocolate protein powder
stevia to taste
2 tbsp. unsweetened dried coconut flakes

Combine together the oatmeal, almond milk, chocolate protein powder, and
stevia. Let stand in the fridge for 2 hours (if using steel cut oats, overnight).
Sprinkle with coconut flakes before serving.


Workout Protocol
Below you’ll find a beginner and then advanced workout plan. If you have
more than 6 months of exercise training under your belt and feel you can
do the advanced plan, feel free to move to that. Otherwise, please start with
the beginner program.

Beginner Workout Plan

For this plan, you will alternate between workouts A, B, and C. Workouts A
and B are strength workouts and should be done at least one day apart for a
maximum of three sessions per week. Workout C is a cardio focused workout
and can be done two to three times per week as your schedule permits.

Be sure to start each workout with a 5 minute warm-up and finish with a 5
minute cool-down. Perform each exercise as it’s listed in the table.

After the end of the four-week protocol, you can move to the advanced
workout plan if you wish.


Workout A

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Squats 8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Bent Over
8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Walking
8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Chest
8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Shoulder
10-12 2 45 seconds
Dumbbell Lateral
12-15 2 30 seconds
Dumbbell Front Raise 12-15 2 30 seconds
Dumbbell Calf Raise 12-15 2 30 seconds

Workout B

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Deadlifts 8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Single Arm
8-10 2 60 seconds
Bent Over Rows
Dumbbell Step-Ups 8-10 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Incline
8-10 2 60 seconds
Chest Press
Dumbbell Upright
10-12 2 45 seconds
Dumbbell Bicep Curls 12-15 2 30 seconds
Dumbbell Overhead
12-15 2 30 seconds
Tricep Extension
Lying Leg Raise 12-15 2 30 seconds


Workout C

For this cardio workout, you’ll choose an exercise mode of your choice
(jogging, cycling, using the elliptical, or so on) and perform the following
according to your rate of perceived exertion. On this scale, a 10 would be
a maximum, all-out effort while 1 would be a very light walk. Use this to
monitor your effort level.


5 minutes @ RPE 3
30 seconds @ RPE 6
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 6
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 8
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 6
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 6
5 minutes @ RPE 3


Advanced Workout Plan

During the advanced program, you’ll be introducing some advanced concepts

known as supersets and drop sets. For a superset, you’ll be alternating
between one exercise and another until both are completed, at which point
you’ll then take your rest break.

This technique will help to increase your ability to tolerate fatigue while also
helping you build in cardiovascular training into your workout protocol.

For a drop set, you’ll perform the same exercise for two to three sets in a
row. You’ll start out at your normal weight for the first set and then once
that set is finished, drop the weight by 5 or 10 pounds and then perform a
second set right after it.

Once that set is completed, you’ll drop the weight one more time and then
move into the third and final set (if doing a third set).

This technique is great for helping you combat plateaus as well as improving
your ability to tolerate fatigue.

You’ll only do one or two drop sets per workout as they are very intense and
if done too frequently, could cause you to burnout.

You’ll be doing four strength training workouts per week and one to two
cardio training sessions. Your strength workouts will be divided into upper
body training days and lower body training days and you’ll be doing two of
each type of workout in a one week cycle.

So your workout will look like this:

Monday – Lower Body Strength Training
Tuesday – Upper Body Strength Training
Wednesday – Cardio Training
Thursday – Lower Body Strength Training
Friday – Upper Body Strength Training
Saturday – Cardio Training or REST
Sunday – REST


Remember to listen to your body. If you feel like you need to rest on
Saturday or need to make any of the other days an easier day, do so. Don’t
push yourself when you’re already tired as this is your body telling you
that it needs more time for recovery. At the end of the four week period,
change this workout up for something new to keep your body continually
responding and challenged.

Day 1 – Lower Body

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Squats 8-10 3 60 seconds
Dumbbell Lunges 8-10 3 60 seconds
Drop Set: Dumbbell 2 sets + 1 drop set
10-12 60 seconds
Step-Ups (with 2 drops total)
Standing Dumbbell
15-20 3 60 seconds
Calf Raise
Bicycle Crunch 10-12 3 45 seconds
Lying Leg Raise 12-15 3 30 seconds

Day 2 – Upper Body

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Chest
8-10 3 60 seconds
Dumbbell Bent Over
8-10 3 60 seconds
Dumbbell Shoulder
10-12 3 60 seconds
Superset: Dumbbell
Front Raise with 15-20 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Rear Raise
Drop Set: Lateral 1 drop set
10-12 45 seconds
Raise (2 drops total)


Day 3 - Cardio

For this cardio workout, you’ll choose an exercise mode of your choice
(jogging, cycling, using the elliptical, or so on) and perform the following
according to your rate of perceived exertion. On this scale, a 10 would be
a maximum, all-out effort while 1 would be a very light walk. Use this to
monitor your effort level.

5 minutes @ RPE 3
30 seconds @ RPE 6
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 8
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 8
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 9
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 8
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 8
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 7
60 seconds @ RPE 4
30 seconds @ RPE 6
5 minutes @ RPE 3


Day 4 – Lower Body

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Deadlifts 8-10 3 60 seconds
Dumbbell Split Squat 8-10 3 60 seconds
Superset: Jump
Lunges with Sumo 10-12/30 second hold 2 60 seconds
Squat Hold
Drop Set: Standing 2 sets + 1 drop set
15-20 60 seconds
Dumbbell Calf Raise (3 drops total)
Supermans 10-12 3 45 seconds
Plank Hold 60 seconds 3 30 seconds

Day 5 – Upper Body

Exercise Reps Sets Rest

Dumbbell Incline
8-10 3 60 seconds
Chest Press
Dumbbell Single Arm
8-10 3 60 seconds
Bent Over Rows
Push-Ups 15-20 3 30 seconds
Superset: Dumbbell
Bicep Curl with
15-20 2 60 seconds
Dumbbell Tricep
Drop Set: Upright 1 drop set
10-12 45 seconds
Row (2 drops total)

Day 6 – Cardio Or REST

Perform 20-45 minutes of moderate paced cardio on this day. You should
not be pushing yourself maximally here, but rather working at around 5-6
on a scale of 1-10.


So there you have the many connections between fitness, wealth, and
success. If you invest in your health and wellness, you will be investing in
your future.

Don’t take these connections lightly. Over time, the more positive steps you
take towards optimal health, the more you’ll move forward to reaching the
goals in all other areas of your life.

For more tools and resources that will assist you in attaining your
goals and achieving the success you desire in life, please visit:


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