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SELVAt ’s Tips


Mechanical Movements
Please note: 4 7
In order to test the various functions of a
used mechanical movement, e. g., before Loosen the pillar nuts and disassemble the Cleaning parts in an ultrasonic cleaning
purchasing it, all parts must move freely. If a movement. machine is much easier and effective than
movement is heavily gummed up due to ex- manual cleaning. Mainsprings, however, can
5 be damaged by ultra-sound waves.
tended storage or use of unsuitable lubri-
cants, it can be »loosened up« with SELVA’s Place all parts, with the exception of the
barrels with springs, into a cleaning solution
special »Emergency Clock Oil«.
and clean them with a suitable brush. Make Before assembling the clock movement,
1 sure that all bearing holes are cleaned out, check all bearing holes and wheel pivots for
First, make a sketch showing the positions best with a piece of pith wood. wear and cleanliness. Lubricate the main-
of the various wheels, levers and other springs after fitting them into their barrels.
6 They do not need a very high-grade oil.
parts. Mark the spring barrels for time and
strike/chime trains. Closed spring barrels and barrels with
spring installed cannot be placed in cleaning
2 solution. Carefully remove the springs and After successful assembly,
Before disassembly, be sure to let down the check them for tension. When not installed, check all functions and
mainspring(s) to avoid personal injury or a spring should have at least 4 times the di- lubricate all bearing
damage to the movement’s wheels, pinions ameter of the spring barrel. After long-term surfaces.
and arbours! use, many mainsprings no
longer have the necessary These products from the
3 tension. Manually winding SELVA Programme help you
a spring into its barrel is
A tool grip is ideal for letting down main- to do a professional job:
springs. Firmly grip the winding square with difficult but not impos-
this tool and then turn it in winding direc- sible. This work is done Description Page Illus. Order No.
tion in order to be able to disengage and lift much easier with a spring
Mainsprings 43
the click. CAUTION: Barrels turning to the winder.
Mainspring Winder 60 7 383-137-600
right can open up the tool chuck! Carefully Tool Grip 65 14 384-724-300
let the mainspring down. If the pressure on
Reamers 67
the tool grip becomes too great, let the click
Clock Brush 68 12 381-729-400
engage to stop the action, then re-grip the
tool and repeat the procedure until the Ultrasound Machines 70
spring is completely unwound. Open the Cleaning Solutions 70
chuck and remove the tool grip. Emergency Clock Oil 72 14 096-028-600
Spray Cleaner 73 12 093-239-800
0910 466-422-3 E
SELVA’s Tips
Ex pe rt

Lubricating Clock Movements

When lubricating clock movements, there more problems than too little. As soon as an
are a number of facts, collected in these in- oil drop runs from the bearing, it will draw
structions, to keep in mind. Movement more oil with it. An over-oiled bearing thus
manufacturers lubricate their movements so can run dry much faster!
that – under normal conditions – they will If a bearing is left unlubricated, increased
not require service for 6 to 7 years. wear will occur – or the movement will not
function at all.
Oil mixed in with dust Do not oil the wheel teeth. Oil attracts dust,
prevents the proper trans- which will cause excessive friction in the
mission of power. gear train.
The only exception is the escape wheel with however, recommended for valuable move-
If a clock is subjected to extreme heat, the ments. If in doubt, please consult a clock
oil can – depending on its quality – evapo- pallets. Apply a small amount of clock oil or
grease to the pallet faces or the tips of the expert.
rate quickly, lose its viscosity or gum up.
This causes friction losses in the bearings escape wheel teeth. This will help to muffle If a movement is not too dirty and the bear-
and poor performance of the wheel train, the ticking sound. Mainsprings, too, need ings are in reasonable shape, a quick and
which eventually will come to a halt. Dust lubrication. effective cleaning can be
mixed into the lubricating oil has an ex- A small amount of oil or grease should be done with a spray cleaner,
tremely negative effect. A black residue applied to the pendulum crutch, which which should be applied in
builds up in the bearings drastically increas- guides the pendulum leader or rod. This al- liberal quantities.
ing wear. Damaged bearing surfaces and so will help to dampen the
rough pivots are the inevitable results. A ticking of the clock. These products from the
proper power transfer is no longer guaran- In Black Forest clocks, the SELVA Programme help you
teed. wire loops of the pendu-
lum suspension should al- to do a professional job:
Less is more! so be lubricated.
While clean and intact bearings can be Description Page Illus. Order No.
Important: Quartz bat-
lubricated without preparatory work, prob- tery movements need Large Oil Dipper 72 9 380-009-700
lems can arise, e.g., when the oils used are no lubrication. Any at- Clock Grease 72 10 091-415-800
not compatible. Today, synthetic oils, such tempt to oil such move- Oil Dippers 72 11 380-001-500
as »Clock 859«, are used rather than con- ments is detrimental to Clock Oil »859« 72 17 099-844-200
ventional clock oils since they are more uni- their performance.
versal and resistant to aging.
Please make sure that the spray does not
When re-oiling or lubricating a movement Movements with dirty bearings enter the spring barrel(s). The spray cleaner
after cleaning, it is always better to use less need to be cleaned first. dries by itself. Remaining residue should be
rather than more oil. After taking the move- wiped from the plates.
Lubricating the bearings of older mechan-
ment from its case and removing its dial, lu-
ical movements only makes sense if all After the spray cleaner treatment, the move-
bricate the pivots held in the front and rear
bearings appear clean. If, however, they ment should be lubricated as previously de-
movement plates only.
show any traces of dirt, it is absolutely nec- scribed – best with »Clock 859« oil. Heavily
essary to clean the movement first. Please soiled and gummed up movements, how-
Lubricate bearings only. check also, if all bearing holes are still in ever, must have a general cleaning. To do
Only lubricate areas where friction occurs, good shape, i.e., round. If they are not, new this, the movement has to be completely
such as pivot bearings. The oil must be ap- brass bushings have to be fitted into the disassembled.
plied carefully with an oil dipper. Generally, movement plates with the help of a special
the bearing holes in movement plates are bushing tool. In simple movements, over-
countersunk on the outside to hold small sized bearing holes can be closed up with
amounts of oil. Too much lubricant causes special punches. This procedure is not,
0910 466-422-3E

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