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Tainted money is among the important issue discussed by muslim jurist: The views of muslim jurist
from different mazahib in regard to how to purify tainted money.
Muhammad Arif Bin Hasbullah(1)

Ahmad Firdaus Bin Mahdini

Baharuddin Bin Baso

Aliff Asyraf Bin Shaadan

In Islam, managing and spending property is Allah's trust. It is a necessity that aims to achieve a blessed life.
The right perspective on property will ensure that one achieves happiness in the world and the hereafter
through his property. Property has a noble position in Islam. Islam encourages its people to have, produce
and use their property well and wisely. From the Islamic perspective, properties are tools to ensure the
comfort of human life in the world and happiness in the hereafter. It is also a connection to achieve piety.
Allah also grants wealth to humans to test the people whether they are grateful or otherwise. Besides to
teaching people to have a clear perspective on property, Islam also teaches humans to have the right view of
life. This is important to ensure that their lives are aimed and have a clear direction. Money, wealth and
income are the sustenance God has given to His servants. The Muslim community is encouraged to seek and
collect the property from a lawful source as the world is a garden to reap the fruits for the prosperous life in
the hereafter. Similarly, the wealth that is used according to syara’ will bring blessings to the world and the
Hereafter. The source of wealth is a thing that is deeply emphasized in Islam. It should come from a lawful
source, whether the property is income, savings or inheritance. All sustenance that can damage property,
intellect and all the gifts of Allah to man is haram. Likewise, the way we spend the money. Islam forbids its
people from doing wastage. Simple way of life is an ideal in Islam. Human beings must use their rights in
accordance with what is permitted and authorized by syara’. Human beings cannot use their right to harm
another person, individual or group. Property is a test from Allah to man and they are responsible for using
property to the way of God. All the wealth available in the earth is for human beings to use the property as
best they can and do not do damage on the earth. We must remember the warnings from God that the
occurrence of damage on this earth is a result of human hands that often use their property to the path of
God's displeasure. Therefore, as a muslim, we must acquire property in a way that is lawful and spend it in
the way that benefits us so that we can gain a life blessed in the world and give good in the hereafter.

‫ آراء الفقهاء المسلم من مختلف المذاهب فيما يتعلق بكيفية تنقية المال‬:‫المال الملوث هو من بين القضايا المهمة التي ناقشها الفقيه المسلم‬

‫ملخص البحث‬

‫ يضمن المنظور الصحيح على الملكية أن يحقق‬.‫ إنها ضرورة تهدف إلى تحقيق حياة مباركة‬.‫ إدارة الممتلكات وإنفاقها هي ثقة هللا‬، ‫في اإلسالم‬
‫ يشجع اإلسالم شعبه على إنتاج ممتلكاته واستخدامها‬.‫ الملكية لديها موقف نبيل في اإلسالم‬.‫المرء السعادة في الدنيا واآلخرة من خالل ممتلكاته‬
‫ بل هو أيضا‬.‫ الخصائص هي أدوات لضمان راحة الحياة البشرية في العالم والسعادة في اآلخرة‬، ‫ من المنظور اإلسالمي‬.‫بشكل جيد وحكيم‬
‫ وإلى جانب تعليم الناس أن يكون لديهم منظور‬.‫ كما يمنح هللا الثروة لإلنسان ليختبر الناس سواء كانوا ممتنين أو غير ذلك‬.‫صلة لتحقيق التقوى‬
.‫ هذا مهم لضمان أن حياتهم موجهة وتوجيه واضح‬.‫ فإن اإلسالم يعلم اإلنسان أيضًا أن يكون لديه النظرة الصحيحة للحياة‬، ‫واضح للملكية‬
‫ يتم تشجيع المجتمع اإلسالمي على السعي وجمع الممتلكات من مصدر شرعي ألن‬.‫المال والثروة والدخل هي القوت الذي أعطاه هللا لخدمه‬
.‫ فإن الثروة التي تستخدم وفقا لسارة 'جلب البركات إلى العالم واآلخرة‬، ‫ وبالمثل‬.‫العالم هو حديقة لجني الثمار للحياة المزدهرة في اآلخرة‬
‫ سواء كان العقار عبارة عن دخل أو‬، ‫ يجب أن يأتي من مصدر قانوني‬.‫مصدر الثروة هو الشيء الذي يتم التأكيد عليه بعمق في اإلسالم‬
‫ فإن الطريقة التي ننفق بها‬، ‫ وبالمثل‬.‫ جميع القوت التي يمكن أن تضر الممتلكات والعقل وجميع هدايا هللا لإلنسان حرام‬.‫مدخرات أو ميراث‬
‫ يجب على البشر استخدام حقوقهم وفقا لما هو مسموح به‬.‫ طريقة حياة بسيطة هي مثالية في اإلسالم‬.‫ يحرم اإلسالم شعبه من الهدر‬.‫المال‬
‫ الملكية هي اختبار من هللا لإلنسان وهم‬.‫ فرد أو مجموعة‬، ‫ ال يمكن للبشر استخدام حقهم في إيذاء شخص آخر‬.‫ومرخص من قبل شرع‬
‫ جميع الثروة المتاحة في األرض هي الستخدام البشر الملكية على أفضل ما في وسعهم وعدم‬.‫مسؤولون عن استخدام الملكية في سبيل هللا‬
‫ يجب أن نتذكر التحذيرات من هللا أن وقوع الضرر على هذه األرض هو نتيجة ليد اإلنسان التي غالبا ما‬.‫اإلضرار باألضرار على األرض‬
‫ يجب أن نحصل على الملكية بطريقة مشروعة وننفقها بالطريقة التي تفيدنا حتى نتمكن‬، ‫ كمسلم‬، ‫ لذلك‬.‫تستخدم ممتلكاتهم إلى طريق استياء هللا‬
.‫من اكتساب حياة مباركة في العالم والتوفيق في اآلخرة‬

(1) Students
of International Islamic University Malaysia.,,,

According to Fuqaha, what is meant by

Contents tainted money is every property acquired or owned
in a way that is prohibited by shariah or can be
Introduction 2
defined as shariah non-compliant property1
Property Concept 2 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Ghanayim,
Professor at Kuliyyah Syariah University of
Shariah Non-Compliant Kaherah, has defined the tainted money or shariah
Property Concept 2 non-compliant property as illegal property acquired
through non-syariah ways which is taking property
Types of Shariah that has a prohibition on it or that is named as a
Non-compliant Property falsehood by Allah SWT.
and Syubhah Property 2
While most modern fuqaha define shariah
The Status of Shariah non-compliant properties are property owned and
Non-Compliant Property 3 earned through a non-recognized property such as
robbery, loot, proceeds from sale of stolen goods,
The Management of bribery, gambling, lotteries, riba transactions,
conventional insurance protection, investment
Shariah Non-Compliant
profits in shariah non-compliant securities and so
Property 4 on.2
Meaning of Riba 5 Property Concept
View from Four Major School 5
Scholars agree that the possessions of all
Purifying Tainted Money human beings are only trustworthy by God. Man
only serves as a temporary trustee to prosper the
(from sources of riba) 7
earth of God in accordance with His will and
Preferred view 8 command. As a caliph on this earth, human beings
entrusted by God need to use every gift and treasure
The Definition of Bribery 9 that is given fairly and equitably. Along with this
trust, every property owned must be obtained
The Status of Bribery 10 through a source of sharia-compliant. Not only do
they have to be spent on legitimate channels but are
The Punishment 10 also encouraged to be given to those in need.

Factors that Contribute to Bribery 10 Based on this concept, only legal property
in terms of Islam is recognized only. Such property
Purify Property Comes from is permissible to sell its trade and any transaction
Bribery 11 involving it is lawful and acceptable to syarak. Not
only that if this property is sufficient ‘nisab’ and its
Gharar 12 ‘haul’ obliged to be issued zakat from it. Property
that is not recognized by syarak such as bank
Element of Gharar in The robbery, gambling property and so on are not
Sale Contract 12 recognized by Islam and all transactions involved
are illegal.3
Sources of the Prohibition
Effective and Ineffective
Shariah non-compliant property refers to
of Gharar 15
property acquired through non-syariah roads
The Purification of Gharar 15 whether to take property which is prohibited on it
such as usury and gambling or there is a reply to it
Conclusion 16 such as stolen goods or robbery. This shariah non-
compliant property includes usury, excessive gharar,
References 16 gambling, loot, bribery, fraud and transactions
involving matters prohibited by Islam. Unlike
Introduction Shariah-compliant property, property acquired
through illegal sources has a different position in
Islam. Transactions or sale and purchase involving

non-compliant property are not recognized by (b) Property acquired through Sources that do not
shariah. In fact, it is also not imposed to zakat as it fulfill the requirements of shariah.
has no value in the eyes of Islam. Sale and purchase
involving stolen property or liquor sale, or usury This property refers to any type of asset that
transaction is illegal and is not recognized by Islam.4 was originally halal and legitimate, but it became
haram as a way of obtaining it which did not fulfill
Generally, this shariah non-compliant the requirements of Islam. Syariah non-compliant
property is categorized as unrecognized property by property in this category refers to any asset acquired
syarak (Mal Ghair Mutaqawwam). This means that through fraud or criminal activity such as corruption,
even though it has commercial or economic value, it malpractice, stolen property, breach of trust and
does not get Islam's recognition. Therefore, the robbery.
owners or holders of these Sharia non-compliant
properties are not allowed to use them for any (c) Mixed Property (Halal & Haram)
purpose whether personal or otherwise. This is
because he has no right to the property and the right This type of shariah non-compliant
to the property has been transferred to another party: property refers to mixed property where some are
- haram and some are halal. For example, property
acquired from halal and illegal sources such as
(i) If the property is known to the real owner as in
the case of robbery, it must be returned to the real business involving Islamic financial instruments and
owner. at the same time has transactions and income from
conventional banking. If it can be identified from the
(ii) If the property is derived from illegal goods such mixing of the property, the property obtained by the
as gambling, wine or usury, this property has been illegitimate resource cannot be used for personal
transferred to maslahah 'ammah. purposes and it should be given to maslahah
(iii) If the property acquired is mixed with halal and 'ammah.
haram, the property of the illegitimate property
(d) Unrecognized Property of the Source
belongs to maslahah 'ammah.
Among the property often often unclear its
The shariah-compliant property position
shown above is the view of almost all traditional or position refers to the property unknown to its source.
contemporary fuqaha traditions. Even the fatwa For example, properties such as money or gold are
institution that makes fatwa collectively also has the found on the street or everywhere. If the owner is
same views. In this case, according to Yusuf al- known, it should be returned and if it is not known it
Qaradawi, the property acquired illegally is not to be should be handed over to the baitul mall or
owned instead it belongs to maslahah 'ammah. This authorized party so that it can be used for maslahah
non-compliant property cannot be used solely for the 'ammah.
purpose of self-interest, family or relatives.
(e) Syubhah Property
Types of Shariah Non-Compliant
Syubhah property refers to the status or
Property and Syubhah Property
position of the dubious object or asset. Among the
After discussing briefly, the concept of shariah non- examples of syubhah property are the payment of
compliant property, there is a question of what kind late compensation of Islamic financial instruments
of property can be identified belong to the category and ASN and ASB investment status. In this
of such property. To facilitate understanding in this category there is a fatwa that permits it and there is
regard, we listed some types of shariah non- also a fatwa that prohibits it. Although we are
compliant properties in several categories5: - generally allowed to choose any fatwa because it is
not binding unless it is gazetted, it is better that this
(a) Property acquired from the illegal stuffs. property is not used for personal purposes or
becoming our property. This is in line with the
This shariah non-compliant property
hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim concerning
category refers to any property acquired from
the status of the property of syubhah which means,
transactions contrary to Islamic law such as riba,
From Abu Abdullah An-Nu'man bin Basyir he said:
gambling, liquor and other categorized illegal items.
I heard the Messenger of Allah
Property acquired through transactions in usury
Sallallahualaihiwasallam said: "Indeed the halal is
system including conventional insurance, gambling,
clear and the haram is clear and between both are
non-halal product sales and stocks or securities
(there are) things that are syubhah, many of the
based on usury are also included in this category.
people do not know it. Whoever takes care of the

matter, then he has cleansed his religion and honor, fuqaha including the fatwa institutions and
and whoever falls into syubhah matters, he will fall contemporary scholars.
into the haram matter".
The OIC International Fiqh Council, the European
The Status of Shariah Non-Compliant Fatwa Council, the Majma Buhuth Egypt and the
Property Malaysian National Fatwa Council have agreed to
allow this shariah non-compliant property to be used
To discuss the status of shariah non-compliant for maslahah ‘ammah. This shahriah non-compliant
property, there are two aspects that need to be property can be distributed to faqir, poor or used for
addressed. Firstly, do sharia non-compliant maslahah ‘ammah such as school construction,
properties need to be disposed of or can be used? public infrastructure and so on.
Secondly, if it can be used, can it be used for
personal purposes or it belongs to maslahah 'ammah The scholars of Hanafi, Maliki and Syafie also think
rights. 6 that shariah non-compliant properties can be used
for development and usefulness that benefits the
(a) Shariah Non-Compliant Property Cannot Be public as well as the poor in the government's
Disposed. discretion. Even Imam Al-Ghazzali in his book Ihya
If this sharia non-compliant property is not Ulumuddin also thinks this shariah non-compliant
recognized by the syarak, there is a question that is property is haram for its owner but it can be used by
very important to answer which is what can be done the poor faqir. This is clearly supported by Yusuf al-
about this property? Moreover, in the case when a Qaradawi in Fatawa Muasirah which sees that
person who has a lot of shariah non-compliant shariah non-property property cannot be the
property does not know what to do. In this aspect, property of its owner but it should be handed over to
the issue that will arise is whether this shariah non- the poor faqir or donated to goodness projects for
compliant property should be disposed of or is it maslahat ‘ammah.
The Management of Shariah Non-Compliant
In connection with this issue, the fuqaha agreed that Property
this shariah non-compliant property should not be
disposed of or thrown away or wasted. Traditional (a) Shariah Non-compliant Property Should Be
or contemporary Fuqaha views that this property Returned to The Originator
should be used or distributed for the maslahah
'ammah. The act of disposing of this sharia non- If the property is a property of robbery, stolen and so
compliant property also violates the rules of syarak on, then the property must be returned to the real
which prohibits idha'ah al-mal's actions to waste owner. If the owner has died or cannot be found,
property without being exploited. Even when then the property must be returned to his heirs. This
discussing the issue of riba-based non-compliant is synonymous with the views of Imam al-Nawawi
property, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in Fatawa Muasirah is in the solution of syariah non-compliant property
of the view that it is haram confidently to leave or which is to be returned to the original owner if
abandon the money in a conventional bank account known or his representative or beneficiary if it
of riba. This is because the property is capable of involves death.
supporting the conventional consolidation and (b) Shariah Non-compliant Property Used for
strengthening of banks that are clearly haram in Infrastructure Construction
If the owner of the property is unidentifiable, then
(b) Shariah Non-Compliant Property Is Maslahah the property must be surrendered or spent on the
‘Ammah Rights general maslahah ‘ammah of the Muslims. These
In conjunction with the concept of property in Islam include the construction of public infrastructure such
which only recognizes the halal property or property as roads, schools, halls, bridges, transport vehicles
acquired in a way that fulfill to the requirements of and mosques. Not only that this property can also be
shariah, shariah non-compliance property shall not used for infrastructure maintenance purposes
be the property of the person who owns or holds the including environmental preservation and sanitation
property. This shariah non-compliant property of public areas.
belongs to the maslahah ‘ammah rights. This is (c) Shariah Non-compliant Property Used to
clearly spoken by almost all the majority of the Combat the Illegal Sector

Referring to shariah non-compliant property Riba is originated from the Arabic word, which
acquired through illegal sources such as usury and is derived from the verb of ‘raba’, which means ‘to
gambling. There are scholars who view that such grow’, ‘expand’, ‘increase’, ‘inflate’ or ‘excess’. In
property should be used to combat this illegal sector. English, riba is known as ‘usury’ or ‘interest’. In the
For example, gambling monies should be used to shari’ah, riba technically means a sum that is added
combat the gambling sector and the money from to an ordinary price, charge or payment that must be
paid by the borrower to the lender along with the
usury should be spent on efforts to overcome the
principal amount as a condition for the loan or for an
conventional financial sector.
extension of time. Meanwhile, in the view of fiqh,
Touching on this issue Imran Hossein says that riba refers to an increase in one of two similar things
usury or gambling money can only be used to being exchanged without this increase being
accompanied by a return.
combat the conventional financial sector in any way.
These include the publication of books explaining View from 4 major schools
the ban on usury, funding research that provides
alternatives to conventional finance and establishing The Hanafis school stated that the volume or
institutions capable of overcoming conventional weight plus the oneness of kind is the legal reason
finance. Although Yusuf Al-Qaradawi does not that cause the impermissibility excess amount of
require this property to be used only to combat the riba are known. When both of these conditions met,
both selling with surplus or on credit are forbidden.
illegal sector, he says it is haram to let and leave
The legal cause in the four commodities mentioned
money in conventional bank accounts without doing
in the hadith (wheat, barley, dry dates and salt) is the
anything. This is because the act of letting the money combination of volume and like kind and in gold and
without being issued will not only help the silver , the legal cause is the combination of weight
development of conventional banks but it can lead to and the like. Riba will not occur unless the two
abetment practices with illegal activities. qualities are combined together, which is known as
the amount and the kind for instance, is the amount
(d) Shariah Non-compliant Property Distributed to specified by the Sharia’a as being measured or
Poor Fakir weighed. As for the example, imagine the sale of
gold for gold. If one of the golds exceeds the other,
If this shariah non-compliant property is not used for
the excess is considered riba because each of the
infrastructure construction or to combat illegal
gold is considered as a weighed good. This is what
sector, such property can be spent or distributed to being meant by the term “amount.” According to
the poor. This property can also be given to orphans, this, riba occurs only if the commodities are fungible
seniors, disabled, muallaf, single mothers who need (goods contracted for without an individual
and students who need funding. This people do not specimen being specified, which is replaceable by
have to be upset to accept this shariah non-compliant another identical item that is mutually
money even though it is known to be from illegal interchangeable). As for non-fungible commodities,
sources because scholars have agreed to say that such as mansions, property, jewellery, and animals ,
they can use it because it falls in the maslhat ‘ammah riba does not occur within this type of goods, and it
category. is permissible to trade a large or small number or
amount of the same item. Not only that, those non-
(e) Shariah Non-compliant Property Given to the fungible items must be in the same size and amount
Welfare Parties which it cannot be weighed or measured. The source
of this authentic hadith is narrated by Abu Sa’id al-
Apart from the above, these sharia non-compliant Khudari and ‘Ubada ibn al-Samit, that the prophet
properties may also be provided to any welfare body (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said7:
including baitul mal, charities, non-governmental “Gold for gold in equal amounts, hand in hand, and
organizations and da'wah institutions. These any surplus is riba; silver for silver,in equal amounts,
institutions need to ensure that all shariah non- hand in hand, and any surplus is riba;wheat for
compliant property received is spent for maslahat wheat, in equal amounts,hand in hand, and any
‘ammah purposes such as the efforts of jihad in the surplus is riba; barley for barley , in equal amounts ,
hand in hand, and any surplus is riba; dry dates for
path of Allah, support for the development of
dry dates, in equal amounts, hand in hand, and any
Islamic da'wah, preparation of preachers, the
surplus is riba; salt for salt, in equal amounts, hand
publication of religious books and so on. in hand , and any surplus is riba.” As a result, surplus
riba is only specific to the fungible items which can
Meaning of Riba be measured and weighed only. In other words,
those non-fungible items which is measured by
length or counted is not considered riba. The school

of Hanafis support this statement that claims the The legal cause being monetary value is limited only
legal cause of riba is the measure of volume or to gold and silver, other coins and other types of
weight of that particular commodity. It must come currencies and objects of value, even if such
with a reason that states the equality or similarity in currencies and objects are what are used to assess the
the two counter-values as a valid condition for the value of objects. All this is because those vessels,
sales. raw ores, and jewellery which are made of gold or
silver are what are used in riba , and are not what are
The Malikis school holds that the legal cause of used to evaluate the cost of goods , this is also the
the impermissibility of increase in gold and silver. proof that if currencies (other than gold and silver)
This is because they are considered as valuable come into circulation, it is not considered riba.
currencies which is used for daily basis to buy foods. According to the Shafi’I scholars, legal cause for the
The legal cause is different in each of credit riba or impermissibility of riba is edible and has a monetary
surplus riba. The reason of the impermissibility of value. Meanwhile, for those things which is not
credit is because it is edible and not for the sake of edible such as plastics and paper, it is permissible to
medical treatment, regardless whether it is nutritious sell one for its like kind for a disperate amount, for
and storable, only cucumber, watermelon, lemon, trading objects, because these materials are not
lettuce, carrot, and taro, and different kinds of fresh considered currencies or of intrinsic monetary value.
fruits such as apples and bananas. Meanwhile, the Shafi’s scholars argues that if a legal ruling includes
legal cause of the impermissibility of surplus riba is in its wording a derivative noun, this indicates that
bounded to two causes, which it is nutritious and the meaning from which the noun is derived is itself
storable. When a person usually receives nutrition, the legal cause of the ruling. 9Hadith of Sa’id ibn
such that his health being weakened. This matter is Abdullah in which he states, “I used to hear the
including the all sorts of grains, dry dates, raisins, Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be
meats, milk, and milk products. What makes it upon him) say , ‘Food-stuff for food-stuff, for equal
considered as nutritious is when it makes those food amounts’ falls under the rubric of this principle ; for
better, such as salt and its likes of spices, vinegar, the hadith makes clear that edibility is the legal
onion, garlic and oil. When it is stated that it is ruling , since “foodstuff” is derived from “to feed”.
‘storable’, that means the food does not spoiled after This includes all edible items, it is a reasonable
being stored for a long period of time, with no statement as it tells importance of the four kinds as
particular time limit. According to the strongest mentioned in the hadith, since food is a must for
opinion of Maliki school, rather, the limit is survival of life. Likewise, monetary value is a
delineated according to the customary length of time suitable meaning, because it tells the importance of
for that particular food for product. Ruling of the people’s need for the two valued currencies (gold
riba’s impermissibility is perceivable because one and silver) or which takes their place such as coins
cannot cheat and deceive one another, also their or other valid currencies. As for the condition of
wealth can be preserved. Moreover, it is also needed ‘amount’ as stated by the Hanafi scholars, it does not
for the sake of survival, which in this context is tell of any importance in these things.
known as nutritious foods, such as wheat, rice, corn,
vetch , dates , raisins , eggs , and the seven legumes Last but not least, the view from school of
(which are lentils, cowpeas , chickpeas , lupines , Hanbali. Generally, there are 3 narration of the ‘illat
broad beans, chickling vetch, and peas ). As an of riba regarding to this school. However, the most
additional fact, Imam Malik considers wheat, barley famous narration is similar to that of the Hanafi
and rye, (which is a sort of peel-less barley) as one School, which is volume or weight. Commodity
kind. He also considers corn, millet, and rice as one which is measured by volume or by weight if
kind. Consequently, selling an amount of wheat for exchanged for like kind, whether it is a foodstuff or
a different amount of barley is not allowed. not, such as grains, glasswort, flowers, cotton, linen,
However, it is allowed for wheat and corn. For meats wool, henna, safflower, iron, copper, etc, is
for instance, Imam Malik divided them into three considered as riba. However, it is not considered as
categories: first, meat and quadrupeds; second, meat riba if transaction of foodstuff is not measured with
of birds, third, meat of fish. volume or weight, which the food must be the same
kind. This opinion is based upon the saying of the
Similar to Maliki’s school, Shafi’I school also Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
claims that the legal cause in gold and silver is related by Ibn ‘Umar, “Do not sell a dinar for two ,
because of their features which having monetary nor a dirham for two , nor sa’ for two , for verily I
value which can be used as payment for goods fear that you will fall into riba ,” A man then stood
regardless whether the gold and silver meaning, raw and said , “o’Messenger of Allah , what do you say
gold or raw silver. The cost of any one’s handwork of a man who sells horse for two horses , and a
done on the gold or silver is not affected on its’ highbred camel for two ordinary camels?” The
value. For instance, a man pays some dinars for prophet replied, “There is no harm therein, so long
jewellery. In this circumstance, the consideration as it is hand in hand.” Anas R.A relates from the
falls to the equality of the amount, and not the value.

Prophet, “that which is measured by volume, the owner, it must be handed over to faqir for the
likewise, if, however, the types are different, there is separation of it from the holder and this action is not
no harm therein.” Hanbali scholars hold that surplus for the purpose of seeking reward from Allah.
riba is forbidden in all commodities which are According to the Sharia, if a property was obtained
measured by volume or weighed for their like kind, from the illegal sources is known to its owner (such
even though it is only in a small amount. The second as a stolen property and known to its owner), the way
narration is the same as the position of the Shafi’i to dispose of it is to return the stolen money to his
School. The third narration states that the legal cause master and to apologize and repent to Allah.
for the impermissibility of riba in things other than However, if it fails to return to its owner, let him
gold and silver is the edibility of the food, if they are return it to his heirs. If it fails, then the property is
not measured by volume or weighed, such as apples, charitable. Similarly, the assets that arise from the
pomegranates, plums, watermelons, pears, quince, usury/riba of the loan, then it must be returned to the
cucumbers, nuts, and eggs . This also applies to borrower who is levied. If the property does not
dealing with non-edibles such as saffron, flowers, belong to a person but belongs to a group, the
iron, lead, etc. It is not considered riba unless it is alternative to return it is to include in the school
measured by volume or weighed of food and drink. account, foundation or company, or other means by
To simplify everything, school of Hanafi said riba is paying the school and company's water bills as much
the sale of goods weighing or volume similar items, as the stolen one. It is indirectly calculated returns to
such as gold, silver, wheat, dates, salt and dried the owner of the organization. Dalil returns the
grapes. In other words, if the goods of the like of the illegal property known to its owner is derived from
above mentioned items, such as wheat with wheat the hadith of the prophet that he said :“Whoever
weighed for sale and there is addition from one of abuses the honour or whatever (property) of his heir
them,it becomes riba fadl. Meanwhile, according to shall ask him for a halal on this day so he asks him
school of Maliki, gold and silver is the price, while to be halal from him today so do not stay a dinar or
on illat riba in food, they differ in opinion in relation dirham as well. (If it is not on the Day of Judgment)
to riba nasi'a and riba fadl. School of Shafi’i stated if he has a good deed, he will be taken to his good
illat riba on gold and silver is the price, i.e both items deeds with the tyranny he has committed, and if
are priced or being priced something. So, money, there is no good then he will be liable for the evil of
though not made of gold, money can be a price. Last the person (whom he sinned).” 10(al-Bukhari's
but not least, school of Hanbali stated there are three history with Fath Al-Bahri, 5/121). There is a
history of illat riba, the most famous is similar to the dispute over alms or donation for money that is
opinion of school of Hanafi. Only Hanafi scholars illegal because according to syariah law, illegal
forbids the similar kind of sale that weighs a date. property is not owned by the holder, therefore why
it is used for charity to get the reward? it is true that
Purifying Tainted Money (From Sources one of the requirements for the reward of alms
of Riba) wealth is to have it legitimate and sincere intention.
However, in the case of this illegal property, it is not
intended to reward him but to abide by one of the
Money or property that has been polluted with
shari'a of repentance and to escape from exploiting
the presence of riba in it is considered illegal money
the illegal property for himself. Meanwhile, the
and property. Therefore, illegal property cannot be
reward from the donation will be obtained by the real
used for the owner's own benefits. Illegal property
owner of the property whether it is still alive
here is a property that is owned in a way that is not
between life or has died. One of the argument that
approved by the Shari’a. It includes money that was
require ‘donations’ for the unknown money of the
earned from loan, proceeds with riba transactions,
owner is the story of the Caliph Abu Bakr when he
stolen property, gambling, breach of trust, bribery,
bets (ealy days of Islam) with a musyrik (who
illegal business revenue, profits from sale of stolen
challenged the truth of the Quran from surah Ar-
goods, proceeds of illicit investment profits,
Rum verses 1 and 2 which signals the fall of Rom).
proceeds from business processes of monopolistic
When the Roman Empire was totally collapsed,
process and much more. So we can see here that riba
Caliph Abu Bakr acquired the property of the but it
is a part of illegal property. Therefore, money or
was illegal as it has the elements of gambling. (The
property of riba should be managed by the
purpose of Caliph Abu Bakr is just to prove the truth
guidelines of Shari’a that was prepared by muslim
of the Qur'an). when he came to the Messenger of
jurists and scholars. The first modus operandi is to
Allah and narrated it, the Messenger of Allah
dispose that illegal money or property. Sheikh
insisted: "This is dirty, alms it," After this incident,
Atiyyah Saqar (former Head of Fatwa of Al-Azhar)
then the command on the ban of the gambling is
said, it is compulsory to dispose the illegal property
entirely for mankind even for the disbelievers. The
once repented in the following manner8: Return the
story clearly indicates that the prophet did not ask
property or money to the owner of it (once you have
the property to be inflicted upon the kafir, but it was
know it) or to his heirs. If fail to recognize or find
reserved for the needs of the people. Donations for

illegal money cannot be returned to his owner but let your capital be yours," (citation from surah Al-
should be handed over to faqir. That is the view of Baqarah verse 279). It is clear in this verse that Allah
the four majors Islamic mazahib. Next is hand over said if someone has already repent to Him (from the
the illegal money to Baitulmal. Scholars from four acquisition of riba), the capital (initial capital)
major mazahib have agreed on the obligation of belong to yours. Based on the decision of the World
disposing of illegal property by donating it. Islamic Fiqh Union (Majma Fiqh Islami) the
However, they differ in opinion in determining investment agreement becomes void when any party
whether only the two groups are entitled to receive promises a capital guarantee or any profit set. This
it or the property may also be handed over to any means that the capital is not clear and the investor
party that responsible for managing faqir or deserves it. If the company determines that the
baitulmal. Imam al-Dawudi (403 H) said that the contract cannot be cancelled in the mid-way, then it
affairs in this regard are optional, and there is no is legally required to wait for the reinstatement of the
prioritization to any poor faqir or Baitulmal. capital. No less or more. So how about the ‘illegal’
Meanwhile, while most Syafi’e scholars argue that profit that has been acquired? The scholars of four
illegal property which his owner was unknown, major schools have agreed on the obligation of
should be given to a just ruler (baitulmal) to be kept disposing of illegal property by donating it as soon
until his owner is known for his return. However, if as possible. Meanwhile, Sheikh Atiyyah Saqar (the
there is no ability to know its owner, the property former head of Lajnah Fatwa Al-Azhar) said, "It is
will be owned by the baitulmal and will be used for obligatory to dispose of illegal property when
public good use. This has been asserted by Imam repenting. It can be done by returning the property
Zakaria Al-Ansari Al-Syafie . Ibn Taymiah explains to his master (if known) or to his heirs, and if not
the Hanbali school, Abu Hanifah, Maliki and most known, poor faqir to separate from it rather than
salaf think that such property should be given to merit the reward (from the surrender). (Min Ahsanil
anyone who is more important (to manage it). This Kalam Fil Fatwa, page 2/65). The main arguments
view is also shared by Imam al-ghazali who states of the scholars in the case of donating money such
that it can be handed over to the government to as these are the various hadiths of the Prophet (peace
determine the best use of the property as the use of be upon him) narrated by Abu Daud with good
state defense and so forth. Imam An-Nawawi added, sanad, hadith about the defeat of Rome and the
if the government is not sure which is more victory of betting made by Abu Bakr As-Siddiq and
important then it is given to the faqir. However, also athar Ibn Mas'ud narrated by Al-Bayhaqi (
some of the top scholars in this period such as 6/188) and more. The question is , who deserves the
Sheikh Mustafa Az-Zarqa and Sheikh Faisal charity from this illegal money / property ? As we
Mawlawi do not agree with this view and limit this have discussed before, it shall be handed to the faqir
property to poor faqir only. In conclusion, based on and the poor. The majority of Islamic schools
the hadith of the prophet who directed the including past scholars have given the fatwa for
illegitimate property of the bribe taken by Ibn Al - individuals (also for his family) who really are in this
Latbiyah to be handed over to baitulmal. The goat state of use for themselves if they are belong among
meat given to the Prophet without the permission of the poor and the true faqir (not merely allegations).
his master then asked to be given to to the prisoners At that time , the use of the dirty property was no
of war. More accurate point of view in this regard is longer dirty. But it must be accompanied by feelings
by not limiting this illegal property to the faqir only of repentance and repentance from past deeds.
but may dispose the property in one of the following
ways: giving the property (which the owner remains Imam Syafi’i, Imam Maliki, Imam Hanafi and
unknown) to faqir to cover their basic needs, or give Imam Hanbali has come out with the same general
it to the government via zakat or trustworthy opinion / ruling that illegal property/ money must be
charities to build mosques, orphanages, aid to disposed by lending charity . There are also some of
disaster victims and so forth. it is stated that illegal the minor scholars voiced out their view and having
property could be used for the needs of public. the same opinion to dispose the illegal property by
giving a charity. However, there are some minor
Disposing illegal money from the illegal conflicts between them pertaining to the different
investment, regardless which it was based on usury, opinions in determining whether only the two
riba , interest and so on. When a fast-paced groups (faqir and poor) are entitled to receive the
investment through the internet was banned by the illegal property/ money or it may be handed over to
national fatwa council on April 12, 2007, many any purpose of public good, which is considered as
people wondered what is the best way to dispose the charity too. All in all, these different opinions are
illegal property that they acquired.In this case, the just the minor conflict pertaining to ‘whom’ shall the
initial capital of the investment can be taken back. illegal property must be given . At the end of the day,
This is because a transaction of riba transactions is it is still the matter of disposing the illegal property
not recognized in Islam. it coincides with the by giving out the charity.
meaning of the Quran: means: "If you repent, then

someone in order to get something desired12 for

Preffered view exchange. Al-rishwah also come from the word al-
risha which means a rope that used to draw water
The preffered view is from the view of from a well. Both of the word has related meaning,
most of the scholars from school of Syafi’i which is namely, to use something in order to get something
the illegal property or money shall be given to the desired.13
baitulmal , because this institution is obligated to
perform their amanah to take care of the Islamic As we can see from the definitions that
welfares . So, it is best to give it to them so they can given above by scholars, some scholars define the
do their responsibility to divide the given property word al-Rishwah in a narrow sense and others in a
for the Islamic society and infrastructure such as wide sense. For the narrow sense, it means ‘to give
Mosque and Musolla. In addition, Baitulmal is a one something to someone in order to invalidate the truth
big professional institution, which they could handle or establish falsehood in order to obtain what one
the property/money in the most relevant and proper
wants. Whereas, for the wide sense, it means ‘to give
way according to the compliance of Shari’a . Just
imagine if the property / money was large in terms something to someone who is a good man to
value and number . If it was given to the random establish the truth and dismiss falsehood or to reject
people who don’t know how to handle it properly , the truth and establish falsehood in order to reach
then it would be a chaos later on . That is why we one’s goal.14 The final definition is the most precise
have agreed that it should be handed to the because it correlates with the conditions of a
institution of baitulmal to ensure that the illegal definition, namely words that are inclusive yet
money/ property are safe in the good hands . To
exclusive. Next, this final definition consists of all
summarise up everything , money or property from
the acquisition of riba is considered as tainted money the part of the concept of al-Rishwah and refuse
, which is illegal in the law of Islam . The only other definitions. From all of those definitions, al-
legitimate way to separate the holder with his illegal rishwah correlate with the word “suap” in Malay, or
property (which is polluted by riba in this context) is “bribe” in English. Hence, the word al-rishwah is
by the method of disposing it , which that property better understood as bribery. People who give the
will be given out for charity, but he was not entitled
meaning of al-rishwah as corruption are not totally
to seek reward from Allah for that action because the
purpose of the charity is only to separate (get rid) the wrong, because of corruption becomes narrower, by
illegal property from the holder . So, the context of referring only to the issue of bribery. On this day
‘purifying’ the money / property from the result of corruption is not limited to bribery this is because
riba does not exist , because the illegal property stays the word corruption can become more general than
illegal and stays dirty. What is obligatory on illegal that.15
property is to return the property to its owner, if
possible to know who the owner is. Otherwise, it is The status of bribery
obligatory to remove all the illegal property from its
own possession, in order to free himself from illegal
There are two actors for the action of al-
property, and not intended to give alms to seek
reward. This is agreed between all scholars of rishwah or bribery, that are al-rashi and al-
various schools. (Al-Mausu'ah al-Fiqhiyah, 23/249). murtashi.16 Al-rashi is the person who give the bribe
To end this subtopic, property and money of riba can while al-murtashi is the person who receive the
only be ‘disposed’ , but context of ‘purifying’ is bribe. Bribery is prohibited by religion, and the
rather to the soul of one’s who used to make sin to status is haram. Based on Surah al-Baqarah, verse
Allah SWT by performing the methods mentioned 188:
Initially the verse mainly refers to the
The Definition of Bribery prohibition on taking other people’s property in an
illegal way. As a result, the verse refers to one way
The word bribery is correlate with the taking other people’s property, namely by wa tudlu
word al-rishwah that can be found in Islamic text. biha il al-hukkam li a kulu fariq min amwal al-nas bi
The origin words, al-rishwah or al-rashwah (the al-itsm (giving something to a judge in order to take
former being more common) means al-ju’l which
someone else’s property in a sinful way).
means a gift, payment, or commission11. Ibn al-atsir
view the word al-rishwah as al-wushlah ila al-hajah The practice of bribery strictly forbade by
bi al-mushana ah which means sending something
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The related hadith is as
desired for performing something. Al-rishwah also
can be defined as a gift of money or object given to follows: From Abd Allah ibn ‘Amir, who narrated:

The Prophet dislikes those who give bribes and those mashalih (rejecting damage is more important than
who receive them. reaping benefits.19

From that hadith, la’nat means reprobation, Bribery considered as crime because the action it is
that is, words of disapproval. La’nat or reprobation forbidden by Islam. The action is forbidden by
can be occurred when someone has made a major Islamic law because it causes harm to others,
mistake. According to that hadith reprobation is individually or collectively, regarding their mind,
emphasized at those who give bribes and also those wealth or other things. To prevent this action, the
who receive them.17 person who involve in this action is threatened with
punishment, after death and in this life.
As stated by al-Hasan, al-Sya’bi, Jabir ibn
Zaid and ‘Atha’, it can be allowed for a person to From perspective of Islamic jurisprudence, the main
give something in order to protect himself and his purpose of this punishment is to protect public
wealth when he fears dangers. There is a hadith tells interest. Besides, the general purpose of this
that Ibn Ma’sud was stopped in Saby, located in the punishment includes of zawajir or jawabir. The
al-Habshah territory, and he must pay two dinars to meaning of zawajir is the punishment that serves to
be allowed to continue his journey. From this make the doer realize to not repeat their crime and
situation it is allowed to pay bribe but only for the also to teach others to fear for committing that crime.
giver (al-rashi) in order to defend his rights, but the Zawajir emphasized on the worldly affairs. Jawabir
person who taking the bribe, al-murtashi, is consider on the other hand emphasized on the punishment in
as the one committing the wrongdoing, which is order to save the criminal from punishment after
haram.17 death by eliminating sin. Jawabir concerned with
spiritual matters.
According to Al-Syaukani, he has a
different opinion on the topic, which is the special There are two categories of punishment in Islam:
permission given to people who are trying to form That is punishment mentioned in the Qur’an and the
their rights by giving bribes to a judge is a baseless, hadiths, and punishment that are not. For
because the reason for making it allowed is not punishment that mentioned in Qur’an and the hadith
known. The only thing that we know, from him, is consist of hudud, qashash, diyat, and kafarah. Others
that bribery is haram in itself in whatever form. are ta’zir judgements, that are the judgement
determined based on ijtihad or reasoning since
As in the case of Ibn Ma’sud the first opinion is
Qur’an and Sunnah did not clearly state the
correct if al-rishwah occurs in a dire situation, there
punishment for those cases. Bribery or Al-rishwah is
is no alternative and it is outside the field of justice.
a crimes jarimah because the actions are forbidden
Based on the generality of the hadith about the
in Islam and must be punished. As stated in Qur’anic
haram status of bribery, the second opinion is correct
verses that mentioning al-rishwah in Surah al-
if al-rishwah occurs in the field of justice.
Baqarah (2) verses 188:
The negative effect which is greater (al-mafsadah)
In order to prevent them from doing it again, not
than the positive effect (al-mashlahah), will create if
only moral punishment in charged but also social
bribery is allowed in the realm of justice though to
punishment which can be felt physically and feared
establish the truth.18 The positive effect is that
in this world, to instil fear in the perpetrator.
people can form the truth to which they are qualify
with the use of bribery; the negative effect is that this In Qur’anic texts, there are not clearly defined for
is opposite to justice and the supremacy of law. the punishment for the acts of al-rishwah. But in
classical texts of Islamic jurisprudence define ta’zir
In the end, there will no longer be any medium to
judgement. Ta’zir judgement based on the decision
establish the truth and society will no longer trust the
of judge who decides on the punishment based on
law. For this reason, bribery must be forbidden in
reasoning and considering the seriousness of
any form and manner this is because to avoid the
offences and its impact.20
negative consequences. A jurisprudence approach is
described as dar u al-mafasid awla min jalb al- Factors That Contribute to Bribery.

There are two factors that contribute to corruption

The Punishment
that are individuals and the system. In Malaysia for

example, some Muslim embrace the of capitalism, wondering can this money(bribe) be use for a good
but they are forgetting that they must follow it way.
according the principle of the Islamic religion. In a
Are these moneys have to be disposed or burned and
society they admire materialism, and happiness
throw into river or ocean? Scholars almost agree to
rated by the value of the possession gathered and
dispose as mentioned above, without give benefit to
owned. From this type of society everything was
anyone is contrary to various dalil, Maqasid Syariah
measured with money.
and logic of reason. This is because the sin of
All the values are measured with money including acquiring tainted money is hukmi and not
happiness, respect, social status, intellectualism, “aini(jisim).22 Unlike if the belonging were
well-being, and others. As a result, without worrying considered as haram(aini) such as a bottle of wine, a
whether the money is obtained in a halal or haram bowl of pork soup, a piece of goat meat that did not
manner, all the means are justified to get as much slaughter. At that time, the new law was obliged to
money as possible. dispose of it by removing and banned from being
given to anyone, including selling it, making
They are no longer feel sorry or guilty and lose all
jewellery, even to non-Muslims.23 Whereas, the
control in the face of bribe. At a certain level, they
property that considered as haram(hukmi) such as
consider bribe as a legitimate way to make a living,
gambling, corruption, stealing, riba and others
ensure society’s stability, and gain political support
which are owned by themselves are illegal to be used
and influence.
for themselves and their family.
The second factor is the system. The present by
The way to dispose of it are to give it to Baitul Mal,
individuals to spread the plague of bribe does not
the centre of zakat or to the faqir and miskin.
only stand by itself.
Every tax revenue and income which are haram, the
In a capitalist society, which really support government are responsible to give to the faqir
individualism, the personal characters of the miskin or to the public benefit according to the
members of the community are not developed amount from that income. This is because the illegal
correctly. Individuals that value freedom as a source property, if left untouched in the individual's
of happiness will shape, if the whole system that possession, will undermine the blessings of his life
govern life, such as education, social values, the and his sustenance.24
economic and the social system that are Letting the state rely on illegal proceedings without
systematically put in place. proper justification from the perspective of sharia
will plunge leaders into humiliation, sin and
This make society becomes individualistic and vengeance in the hereafter.
materialistic. In such a society that support
materialism, the rise of bribe is not surprising. The The justification mentioned above is that an Islamic-
capitalist system teaches the concept of the led government is permitted to approve something
separation of religion from the worldly things. Some accepted by other religion, but conditions are
people can practice religion but only in individual specific to the locals and do not involve Muslims.
but when deals with state affairs they put religion For example, in some religions, alcohols are
aside or used excuse to justify decision. allowed, hence the Islamic rulers respect the truth,
hence the ulema say it is imperative for the
The capitalist system built an environment that faith
government to approve the opening of a specialty
is not important at all. A weak form of punishment
store for them (non-believer) only. That is the name
is one of the reasons for the lack of effectiveness of
of the syariyyah siasah. Thus, the status with pigs
effort to eliminate bribe. “A rotten tree will produce
and non-slaughtered foods, as their religion allows,
rotten fruit, and the same goes for a rotten system.21
the Islamic government must allow the opening of
Purify property come from bribery. pork shops, pig farms and stalls selling non-
slaughtered foods after applying for admittance
In brief, from all that we had discussed, all the which is permissible but limited and cautious. At the
property that acquired through bribery is considered same time, the government may impose a regular tax
as haram. The question appeared, when some people on such licenses and businesses

Money from illegal sources can be doubly altered if Gharar means jeopardy, danger and
not properly passed. The best channel according to hazard (Siddiq, 1997). Ibn Manzur (1967) as cited
the argument and discussion of scholars is a in Nordin (2014) defined it as someone who has
common benefit, faqir and miskin. These people are been deceived by something or someone. In the
always required by Islam to receive money from any technical meaning of the word, jurists give different
revenue for their capacity as faqir, miskin and definitions based on how they view this subject.
needy.25 Hence, they are the recipients of legitimate Some scholars emphasize on the existence of the
object while some on the ability to deliver it.31
government and individual contributions from the
point of view of Islam. There is no sympathy for Sarakhsi views gharar as “something that
them to accept and no longer illegal. The way to is concealed in its result” such as selling milk in the
dispose this money is intended to purify the udder and selling a runaway slave (Buang, 2000,
possession of illegal property whether it is an 74). In other words, the result of the contract is not
individual or a government. sure if it can be completed or not. Gharar viewed
It aims to bring blessings and their repentance. To by Imam Malik is when a buyer relies on
perform the repentance, illegal money and property speculation of an item’s existence and its features
have to be channelled or returned to the victim (if it such as selling a fetus where a buyer does not sure
when it is born and the price is based on the
is stolen from him). However, if the original owner
speculation of its features if it is born (Buang,
is unknown, the permitted beneficiaries are only
2000, 67). Ibn Rushd viewed it is when a buyer has
public, faqir and miskin.26
to suffer damages as he lacks of knowledge of an
object or its price. Thus, he emphasizes both parties
The scholars of the four schools have agreed on the must have sufficient information on the item, the
obligation of disposing of illegal property by price as well as the currency, the date and venue for
donating it. However, they differ in their opinion in delivery, and its performance in long term (Nordin,
determining whether the two groups were entitled to 2014, 16-17).32
receive it or the property could also be handed over
to any faqir miskin or Baitul Mal.27 Imam-ad- Imam Shafiʻi defines gharar as the
inability to deliver the item such as the sale of a
Dawudi said that the dealings in this regard are
runaway slave (Buang, 2000, 69-70). Meanwhile,
optional, and there is no prioritization to any faqir
Shirazi, gharar is folded in its nature and concealed
miskin or Baitul mal While most Syafie scholars
in its consequence and divided gharar into non-
argue that illegal possessions that their owner do not existent item, inability to deliver item, the item is
know should be given to a just ruler (Baitul Mal) to not seen during contract session, and want of
be kept until the owner is known for his return. knowledge (jahl) in the measurement and amount
However, if there is no ability to know the owner the of the item and price (Buang, 2000, 84-85). Ibn
property will be owned by Baitul Mal and will be Taymiyya defines gharar as an element brings
used for the benefit of the public.28 Ibn Taymi uncertain in the result of a contract and it has three
explained the schools of Hanbali, Abu Hanifia, elements: non-existent object, inability to deliver
Maliki and most salaf think that such a property and ignorance of characteristics or price of an
should be given to anyone who is more important.29 object (Buang, 2000, 89). On the other hand, Ibn
This view is also shared by Imam al-Ghazali which Qayyim says gharar happens when the seller could
states that it can be handed over to the government not deliver the item, even if it exists during the
to determine the best use of the property as the use contract such as the sale of a runaway slave
(Buang, 2000, 90).33
of state defence and so forth.
Sources of the Prohibition of Gharar
Imam An-Nawawi added, if the government is not
sure which is more important than it is given to the This prohibition is mentioned in detailed in
faqir and miskin. However, some of the top scholars the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). The
in this century like Sheikh Mustafa Az-Zarqa and Apostle of Allah exclusively prohibited Muslims
Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi did not agree with this view from practicing the form of transaction practiced by
and restricted this property to faqir and miskin the Pagans. It was narrated by Abu Hurairah that the
only.30 Prophet “forbade a transaction determined by
throwing stones, and the type which involves some
Gharar uncertainty” (Muslim, 21:8). Another hadith which
prohibit gharar where the sale of goods that does not

in the possession of the seller, reported by Ibn Abbas scholars said the currency must be mentioned during
the Prophet said, “he who buys food should not it the contract is made. As for Shafi‘e, it depends on
the verdict of a judge to determine which currency
Element of Gharar In the Sale Contract is to be used in the transaction (Saleh, 1992, 79).

until he has taken possession of it” (Muslim, 21:38). The above explanation is when a bilateral
The Prophet forbids his followers from selling transaction takes place. Moreover, gharar not only
unripe fruits where there is gharar in the transaction. happen in bilateral transaction, it may also happen in
The saying is reported from Imam Malik from Amra unilateral transaction for example, donation, will
binti Abd al-Rahman where the Prophet forbids and power of attorney. The first unilateral
selling fruits until the fruits until clear of blight transaction is donation. Maliki school allows
(Muwatta‘ 31:12). donating item containing gharar such as donating an
Before going to the ways on purification escaped animal or a runaway slave as mentioned by
gharar income, it is better for us to know what the Ibn Rushd. On the other hand, other schools prohibit
elements lead to gharar in trading. There are three anything containing gharar regardless it has price or
major elements that can lead to gharar in a certain not. Shafi‘e only permits minimum gharar item can
sale. Firstly, the non-existent of an item is a strong be donated such as donating fruit before it shows
element of gharar that can nullify a contract. Imam signs of readiness. As for Hanafi, it must exists and
Nawawi views this matter a bit lenient especially in determined before donating. While for Hanbali, only
the case of necessity and when gharar is hard to the knowledge of the donor concerning the item is a
remove except with great difficulty. Similarly, Ibn requirement to validate the donation, not the donee’s
Rushd views when an item’s future inception is (Saleh, 1992, 70). The second one is the will. All
indisputable and is continuously produced with high scholars unanimously agree listing items those are
rate of success, selling the item when it is yet exist “non-existent, undetermined, or outside of the
is permissible (Saleh, 1992, 67). Ibn Qayyim control of testator and/or beneficiary” in a will is
emphasizes more on the ability to deliver the item to acceptable and will not make it void (Saleh, 1992,
the buyer rather than the existence of the item itself 71).
(Saleh, 1992, 67).
Third is hiring an attorney either giving him
Islam does not prohibit the sale of non- a full power to do anything or just a specific
existent item as long as there is no gharar in it. This authorization to him. In Hanafi school, giving
is the view from Dr. Abd al-Razzaq Sanhuri where attorney a full power has different views. Some
the item is for sure will exist in the future, then there scholars limit the power only to bilateral transaction,
is no element of gharar (Saleh, 1992, 68). In while others allow all types of transaction except for
addition, Dr Subhi Mahmasani expands this view to talaq, ‘itq and waqf (Saleh, 1992, 72). Meanwhile,
services contract such as construction workers, Maliki scholars allows all types of transaction
power of attorney and guarantee of debt contracts including risky transactions on the behalf of the
with the condition of the service contract must be principal with principal’s permission, such as power
specific on the purpose and on the payment. For the in divorcing principal’s wife, consenting to the
purpose, either the task or the duration is highlighted marriage of his eldest daughter, disposing of his
as highlighting both make the contract void (Saleh, dwelling-place, and disposing a slave who is in
1992, 68). charge of his affairs. Custom is the foundation in
limiting the power of the attorney according to
The non-existent is expanded to the price, Maliki (Saleh, 1992, 72-73). In Hanbali and Shafi‘e
too. As both parties conclude a contract, price and schools, a very detailed definition in a task must be
the currency, preferably in circulation within the instructed to the attorney as to avoid gharar in the
country, must be specifically mentioned in the task of the attorney. However, in Hanbali, even the
contract. However, it is also sufficient to pronounce task is limited but the attorney has the fullest power
the amount without specifying the currency as to complete the task unlike in Shafi‘e (Saleh, 1992,
viewed by Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi‘e schools, while 73).
Hanbali school prefers to use the average currency
(Saleh, 1992, 79). In the case of a country has more Fourthly, all scholars in four schools
than one currency yet have both have the same value unanimously agree selling unripe fruits and fruits are
and degree of circulation, Hanafi and some Maliki not collected from the sources are prohibited. Selling
scholars view the buyer may use any currencies to fruits when signs of readiness are shown by fruits is
pay for the item, but Hanbali and some Maliki

permissible, however scholars vary concerning unknown features may bring gharar and create
interpretation of the signs. For Maliki and Shafi‘e disputes between the two parties. Displaying the
scholars, the fruits are ready when they show signs item before the eyes of the customers is the view of
of ripeness or sweetness. On the other hand, Hanafi Shafi‘e school, thus invalidate the sale of an absent
scholars say it is when the fruits passed the flowering object. On the other hand, other schools view at least
stage and currently at the final stage showing its final describing the features of the item is sufficient.
look. Regarding agriculture products buried in the Moreover, only Hanafi school permits the method of
earth, for example carrots, onions, garlic and radish, option after inspection where customers may rescind
only Maliki approves this type of sale. In addition, the contract after inspecting the item even though
nuts still in the shell, as an example, is not allowed there is no description given by the buyer (Buang,
to be sold from Shafi‘e point of view (Saleh, 1992, 2000, 118-119).
In Islam, there is a type of transaction
Next is istisna‘ or a manufacture contract where items such as a heap of wheat, carrots and rice
where a customer will place an order of a well- may be sold just by looking at them without proper
specified item in its quality and quantity to a measurement referred as bay‘ al-juzaf. All of four
manufacturer, and the price is determined during schools acknowledge this type of sale with slight
conclusion of the contract. The initial stage is from differences between them. In Hanafi, when the exact
placing the order until the time seeing the object. measurement is unknown to the both parties, it is
Abu Hanifah’s opinion is during the initial stage, the void. However, the sale is remain valid with
customer can cancel his order or the manufacturer aversion when only the seller knows about it,
can refrain from manufacturing it. After it has been according to Abu Hanifah. On the other hand, in
manufactured, the customer has the option after Maliki, the sale is void if only the vendor knows the
inspection where if there is dissatisfaction in the side measurement. Shafi‘e and Hanbali share the same
of customer, the customer can refuse to buy it. view as Maliki. In addition, the three latter schools
However, this opinion is rejected by Abu Yusuf give the right to the buyer to rescind the sale if there
saying that this sale is a binding. In other words, the is any defect found on the item, unlike Hanafi, where
manufacturer and the customer have no rights to the option after inspection is applicable, thus the
refrain from manufacturing the item and to cancel buyer can always change his mind after examining
the order once manufactured, respectively. This sale the item. This sale, however, is not for items that not
is binding, too, in Maliki, Shafi‘e and Hanbali similar to each other such as clothes and animals
(Saleh, 1992, 78). (Saleh, 1992, 96-99).

If there are any disputes between the Another type of sale exists in the Islam is
customer and the manufacturer regarding the item, bay’ al-ghayb. It is when an item exists during the
Maliki and Hanbali schools say the burden is on the contract session, its features are known to the buyer,
customer as the manufacturer is assumed has taken and it is in the possession of the seller which the
the oath. On the other hand, Shafi‘e school view the seller able to deliver it to the buyer, however it is not
burden is on the customer as well as on the displayed before the buyer. Shafi‘e scholars are
manufacturer assuming both have taken the oath against this sale because describing the item alone,
(Saleh, 1992, 78). Regarding the disputes risen in even though the description is accurate, without
price, Hanbali and Shafi‘e scholars view both parties displaying it is insufficient to dispel gharar (Saleh,
are responsible regardless the item is manufactured 1992, 85-86). Al-Kasani allows this type of sale
or not. Thus, any problems arise, the contract is because the buyer has the option to cancel from
rescinded. Similarly, it is the same for Hanafi if the buying the item after inspecting it regardless it has
item is not manufactured. However, when it is been perfectly described by the seller (Nordin, 2014,
already manufactured, “then the manufacturer is to 31). This view is parallel with Ibn Juzay’s view
be believed”. In Malikis view, “the manufacturer is where gharar can be dispelled with an accurate
to be believed when the order is in the recent past”, description to remove the want of knowledge from
if not the client will be considered (Saleh, 1992, 78). customers, thus any dissimilarities found, the buyer
may rescind the sale (Nordin, 2014, 31). However,
Secondly, in order to dispel the gharar, an Hanbali school limit this type of sale with two
item must be displayed during a selling session. It is conditions. Firstly, the item can be sold by bay’
to clearly describe customers the features of the item salam. In other words, it can be measured or
especially its kind (naw‘) and species as any weighed, and can be described. Secondly, the

customers can identify the item just by hearing at the The sale of an unborn animal when the mother
description of it (Saleh, 1992, 87-88). Ibn Rushd is excluded from the sale is void. This is because
permits it only to the items with unchanged features there is a want of knowledge (jahl) on the features
until it is in the possession of the buyer (Nordin, of the unborn animal and it cannot be delivered to
2014, 31). the customer at the will of the seller (Saleh, 1992,
The last element is the inability of the seller to
deliver the item to the possession of his customers. The sale of milk still in the udder is void except
Unable to deliver the item leads to uncertainty or for Maliki school with the conditions of the number
gharar, and the sale is void as unanimously agreed of days are specified in the contract, the milk is from
by all scholars from four schools. The example of more than one animal and the average production of
this inability are the sale of an escaped animal, of a milk is known (Saleh, 1992, 101), and;
runaway slave, of a bird in the air, of fish in the
water, of an unborn animal when the mother is The sale of stallion’s sperm is void with except
excluded from, of milk still in the udder, and of it is tolerated by Maliki school (Saleh, 1992, 101).
stallion’s sperm. The view of each of this type of sale
is described as following: Effective and Ineffective Gharar

To determine if gharar affects a certain sale or

The sale of an escaped animal and a runaway
not, there are some conditions to check. The first
slave is prohibited according to Shafi‘e and Hanbali
condition is gharar only occurs in the commutative
scholars. For Maliki scholars, it is valid with the
contracts. In other words, only sale, lease and
conditions the whereabouts of the escaped animal or
partnership contracts containing gharar are
runaway slave is known and he is with someone
prohibited because there are authentic ahadith
whom he easily retrieved, and the payment is hold
mention the prohibition. Next, gharar must be
until the item is in the hand of the buyer. However,
significant to invalidate the contract. The significant
when the fugitive slave is hard to be retrieved from
gharar in contracts are mentioned by the Prophet
a person, it is invalid. However, in Hanafi, there are
such as sale of hasah, mulamasah, munabadhah and
three views. First view is the sale is void if the slave
muzabahanah, thus making the list of contracts
is unknown of his whereabouts and impossible for
prohibited due to gharar is shorter than the
the seller to deliver him. Second view is his
insignificant gharar contracts. Besides that, gharar
whereabouts is known and he can be delivered, thus
must be in the original item of a contract, not to sub-
the sale is valid. Third view is when the buyer knows
items of the contract. Lastly, when a contract is made
where the slave is and claims he can be delivered, if
due to necessity would eliminate gharar. Necessity
the slave successfully delivered, the contract is
is when a person is not allowed to do something that
valid, and if otherwise, it is invalid (Saleh, 1992,
is prohibited, he will consequently die. For example,
100; ad-Darir, 2012, 347-348);
a man who is starving for at least seven days, if he is
not eating something even it is prohibited he will die
The sale of a bird in the air is unanimously
(ad-Darir, 2012, 645-675).
prohibit by all scholars regardless the bird is owned
by the seller, or the bird is known for its behaviour
to return to its nest (Saleh, 1992, 100-101); The Purification of Gharar
The sale of fish before it is caught is prohibited. As discussed earlier, any contracts should not
However, if the fish is already in the possession of contain significant gharar in the item, its price, its
the seller but in the water, the Hanafi school said it characteristics and exchange possession of the item
is permissible if it does not need to be caught again. from the seller to the buyer. However, a slight
The Maliki school prohibits this sale. The Shafi‘e gharar is permissible because it would not cause any
prohibits if it cannot be delivered immediately after disputes where it may lead to dissatisfaction at either
the sale as the pool is so wide meanwhile it is parties unlike exorbitant gharar would do. Some
permissible on conditions the fish can easily be seen contracts may contain gharar yet they are permitted
and the pool does not connect to a river. The Hanafi in Islam due to necessity and need, for example,
has the same view as Shafi‘e (ad-Darir, 2012, 353- worker contract where workers are not exist at the
354); time of concluding it is permissible as workers will
eventually come into existence, and bay‘ juzaf where
buying in bulk without any parties knowing the

exact weight of a heap of wheat, for example, is Any attempt to dispose of this property is against the
permitted. rules of Islam and contrary to the teachings of Islam.
Therefore, this shariah non-compliant property
In the case of purifying income gained from should be channeled to institutions or individuals
gharar as well the item sold containing gharar, the entitled to use for the maslhah ‘ammah. Although
only possible way is by returning the money back to Islam permits sharia non-compliant property owners
the customers, and the item must be returned to its to be distributed directly to individuals such as the
original owner. This is the solution given by Sheikh poor, orphans, we think that the way to channel these
Muhammad ibn Ibrahim in Fatawa wa al-Rasail ash- properties to institutions such as Baitul mal, charities
Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim as cited in Islam or da'wah, welfare homes and other charitable
Question and Answer, a website supervised by
Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid. This fatwa
given was derived from a case of a woman sold her References
date palms for a thousand riyals, and fifty saa‘s plus
with fruits of another date palms each year for the institutions are the best to do. This is because
rest of her life. This contract contained gharar as for property management made by structured and
the price was not specified and the duration of the organized organizations will further enhance the
woman was not sure.1 effectiveness of sharia non-compliance property
management. Effective and efficient shariah-
Thus, the solution is the object must be given compliant property management will ensure the
to its owner, or if the owner is dead, to its owner’s effectiveness of its use and can be optimized for the
family members, while the income gained must be maslhah ‘ammah.
returned back to the buyer.
ad-Darir, S. M. A. (2012). Gharar: impact on
contracts in Islamic Fiqh. Al-Baraka Banking
Conclusion Group (ABG)
The brief discussion in this article explaining ad-Darir, S. M. A. (1997). Al-Gharar in contracts
the question of sharia non-compliant property and its effects on contemporary transactions.
management is expected to give a general Jeddah: Islamic Research and Training Institute
understanding of the concept, status, law, type or Islamic Development Bank
category and management of such property.
Generally, there are still many people who do not Buang, Ahmad Hidayat. (2000). Studies in the
understand the subject of this sharia non-compliant Islamic Law of contracts: the prohibition of
property which often appears to be inaccurate in Gharar. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International
dealing with issues related to it. We tried to explain Law Book Services
this topic easily and clarified about the management
Nordin, N. (2014). Gharar dalam kontrak derivatif
of this non-compliant property in the current
komoditi. Terengganu, Malaysia: Penerbit
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
The concept of property in Islam put mankind
Saleh, N. A. (1992). Unlawful gain and legitimate
only as trustee. As the khalifah who holds this trust,
profit in Islamic Law (2nd ed.) London, England:
man must obey every God-given rule. In this context
Graham & Trotman
only property acquired in a way of halal is
recognized by Islam as a legal property. While the Zaharuddin, A.R. (2009) Wang, anda dan Islam
shariah non-compliant property has a different halal dan haram dalam kewangan dan
position in which it is not recognized in Islam. perbankan, Kuala Lumpur: True Wealth
Although this shariah non-compliant property is not
recognized, Islam has determined that this property Muhammad, R.A. (2010) Rasuah bagaimana Islam
should not be disposed of even if it is to be menanganinya, Kuala Lumpur: Ilham Baru.
administered and spent according to the method
Muhammad, E.M.N., & Sapto, W. (2010) Islam &
required by syarak.
persoaalan rasuah, Selangor: Generasi Baru
The need to manage this shariah non-compliant Nusantara.
property is among the demands that must be fulfilled
Muhammad, E.M.N., & Sapto, W. (1967) Islam &
at this time. In the context of Malaysian society, for
The issue of corruption Selangor: Generasi
example, there are many shariah non-compliant
Baru Nusantara.
properties that can be used for maslahah ‘ammah.

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Abd Rahman, Zaharuddin , Wang, Anda, Dan Islam.
True Wealth Sdn. Bhd, 2008. Print.

Qal’ajhi ,Dr. Muhammad Rawwas, Urusan Endnotes

Kewangan Semasa. Al-Hidayah, 2005, Print.
1 Ayob, Syeikh Hassan, Fiqh Muamalah, Berlian
11/06/cara-menguruskan-harta-riba/ Publications, 2008, 4.
Siddiq Mohammad Al-Ameen Al-Dhareer, Al- 2
Ayob, Syeikh Hassan, Fiqh Muamalah, Berlian
Gharar in Contracts and Its Effects on Publications, 2008, 5.
Contemporary Transactions, (Jeddah, Islamic
Research and Training Institute Islamic Ayob, Syeikh Hassan, Fiqh Muamalah, Berlian
Development Bank, 1997) Publications, 2008, 23.

Nadhirah Nordin, Gharar dalam Kontrak Dericatif 4

Ayob, Syeikh Hassan, Fiqh Muamalah, Berlian
Komoditi, (Kuala Terengganu, Publications, 2008, 25.
Penerbit Universiti Zainal Abidin, 2014)
Ahmad Hidayat Buang, Studies in the Islamic Law 2011/10/20/pengurusan-harta-tidak-patuh-syariah/
of Contracts: The Prohibition of Gharar,
(Kuala Lumpur, International Law Book Retrievefrom:
Services, 2000) 2011/10/20/pengurusan-harta-tidak-patuh-syariah/
Qal’ajhi ,Dr. Muhammad Rawwas, Urusan
Kewangan Semasa. Al-Hidayah, 2005, 11.
Qal’ajhi ,Dr. Muhammad Rawwas, Urusan
Kewangan Semasa. Al-Hidayah, 2005, 9.
Abd Rahman, Zaharuddin , Wang, Anda, Dan
Islam. True Wealth Sdn. Bhd, 2008, 22.
Abd Rahman, Zaharuddin , Wang, Anda, Dan
Islam. True Wealth Sdn. Bhd, 2008, 25.
Dr. Muhammad Ray Akbar, Rasuah bagaiman
Islam menanganinya, 2010
Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor & Sapto Waluyo,
Islam and the issue of corruption, 1967, p.21.
Nor & Waluyo, Islam, p.21
Ibid., 22.
Ibid, 22.

Ibid p.22
Ibid 23.
Ibid 24.
Ibid 24.
Nor & Waluyo, Islam, p.41
Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor & Sapto Waluyo,
Islam and the issue of corruption, 1967, p.58.
Shahraza, Cara membersihkan wang haram,
Shahraza, Cara.

Shahraza, Cara.
Shahraza, Cara
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman, Wang, anda dalam
Islam, 2009, p.193
Rahman, Wang.
Ibid p,193
Ibid p,193.

Siddiq Mohammad Al-Ameen Al-Dhareer, Al-
Gharar in Contracts and Its Effects on
Contemporary Transactions, (Jeddah, Islamic
Research and Training Institute Islamic
Development Bank, 1997), 10.
Nadhirah Nordin, Gharar dalam Kontrak
Dericatif Komoditi, (Kuala Terengganu, Penerbit
Universiti Zainal Abidin, 2014), 16.
Ahmad Hidayat Buang, Studies in the Islamic
Law of Contracts: The Prohibition of Gharar,
(Kuala Lumpur, International Law Book Services,
2000), 74.

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