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Silicon Carbide quence.

The hexagonal wurtzite or 2H sequence also

occurs in SiC. Both polytypes can also occur in more
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a generic name for a material complex, intermixed forms yielding a wide range of
produced by numerous process routes that result in a ordered, larger period, stacked hexagonal or rhombo-
host of different external and internal microstructures hedral structures of which 6H and 4H are the most
and, as a consequence, a broad range of properties. common. A high-resolution transmission electron
The thermal, mechanical, chemical, and electronic microscopy (TEM) image showing the atomic struc-
properties of SiC make possible a substantial number ture of a 3C-SiC film deposited on a 6H-SiC substrate
and variety of applications. The primary driving forces is shown in Fig. 1. Note the periodic, chevron-like
for the interest in SiC for electronic applications are structure of the unit cells of the 6H polytype consisting
for high-power, high-frequency, and high-temperature of three atomic layers per each half-cell with the half-
devices resistant to radiation damage and for sub- cells separated by a rotational twin defect. All non-
strates for Group IIIB nitride thin films and optoelec- cubic structures are known collectively as α-SiC.
tronic and microelectronic devices. SiC is suitable for From an electronics viewpoint, the polytypes of
these applications primarily because of its wide band- SiC possess a range of bandgap energies at 300 K
gap, excellent thermal conductivity, good electrical (e.g., 2.2 eV (3C), 3.0 eV (6H), and 3.3 eV (2H))
conductivity, and moderately close match in atomic as well as high values of saturated electron
arrangement and distances among atoms on the basal drift velocity (2i10( cm sV" for both 6H and 4H),
planes with those of AlN and selected AlGaN alloys. junction breakdown electric field (2.2i10' V cmV"
Basic device structures including p–n junctions and (4H), 2.5i10' V cmV" (6H)), and thermal conductivity
Schottky contacts, as well as more complex SiC devices (4.9 W cmV" mCV" at 300 K for 4H, 6H, and 3C). The
including metal–semiconductor field effect transis- high thermal conductivity of SiC also indicates the
tors (MESFETs), junction FETs, metal–oxide– potential for high-density integration of SiC devices.
semiconductor FETs (MOSFETs), and thyristors This idea received considerable impetus with the
have been developed and are being introduced development and scale-up of the seeded-sublimation
commercially. growth technique for producing commercially viable
The SiC electronics field is also enhanced and made single-crystal α-(6H and 4H) SiC boules from which
more complicated by the existence of a large number wafers are obtained. In addition to its excellent
of different periodic stacking arrangements of the electrical and thermal properties, SiC has a native
crystallographic planes containing atoms of silicon oxide suitable for MOS-based power devices. These
and carbon. In certain close-packed structures there properties of SiC have been reviewed in terms of their
exists a special one-dimensional polymorphism called potential enhancement in selected electronic charac-
polytypism. Polytypes are alike in the two dimensions teristics of SiC devices (Rahman and Furukawa 1992,
of the close-packed planes, but differ in the stacking Cooper et al. 1998).
sequence along the direction perpendicular to these As indicated above, the emphasis in SiC electronics
planes. The only cubic (C) SiC polytype is referred to research and development has been and continues to
as 3C or β-SiC, where the ‘‘3’’ refers to the number of be driven by the need for devices operative under high-
silicon\carbon bilayers in the periodic stacking se- power, high-frequency, and severe environmental
conditions and for increasingly larger and less ex-
pensive wafers for Group IIIB nitride-based devices.
A substantial portion of this research to 1990 has been
reviewed (Davis et al. 1988, 1991). The reader is also
referred to Pensl et al. (1997) and Park (1998).

1. Bulk Crystal Growth

Prior to the mid-1950s SiC was only available from the
industrial Acheson process for making abrasive ma-
terial. However, in 1955 the development of a sub-
limation process for growing higher purity α-SiC single
crystals was reported (Lely 1955). Unfortunately,
nucleation and growth were uncontrolled, and the
resulting crystals were randomly sized, hexagonally
shaped platelets. Each crystal usually possessed ad-
jacent regions of different α-polytypes. Since the
Figure 1 bandgaps differ in the polytypes, undesirable (or
High-resolution TEM image of 3C-SiC deposited on a 6H- uncontrollable) electrical junctions occurred
SiC substrate (after Davis et al. 1991). randomly within each crystal. Solution growth

Silicon Carbide

(0001) basal plane of a 4H seed crystal. Typical growth

rates are in the range 0.5–5.0 mm hV". Boules of the
pure 6H and 4H polytypes having diameters
Heat shield  100 mm and lengths  125 mm have been grown in
(Sigraflex®) the laboratory. They will be available commercially
Electrographite very soon. The positive results of this research have
added considerable impetus to the growth of SiC thin
SiC powder films with low dislocation densities, to the develop-

Porous graphite ment of SiC devices, and to the research associated

SiC-crystal with this development, as described below.

2. Thin-film and Epitaxial Growth

The structural, chemical, and microstructural charac-
2200 2300 °C Temperature teristics of SiC wafers derived from the boules de-
scribed above and their uniformity from boule to
Figure 2
boule are not sufficient for the production of large
Schematic of the system for the bulk growth of SiC via the numbers of electronic devices with the same properties.
modified Lely process (after Schoen 1997). As such, the growth of SiC thin films is necessary to
provide this increase in quality and uniformity of
methods using molten silicon or various transition character. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) has been
metals were also explored in the mid-1960s adopted as the process route of choice. In this
(Knippenberg and Verspiu 1966) and are still technique, gaseous compounds are transported to the
occasionally studied. The resulting crystals are very substrate surface where chemical reactions occur,
small, highly twinned β-SiC needles. They usually resulting in the formation and growth of the desired
exhibit good electrical properties but are unsuitable in material. Water-cooled, cold-wall growth systems
size and quality for devices. operating from low to atmospheric pressures are the
Subsequent research (Tairov and Tsvetkov 1981, most commonly used and are commercially available.
Ziegler et al. 1983, Davis et al. 1995) resulted in the Hot-wall systems have been designed and employed
implementation of a seeded-growth sublimation pro- (Kordina et al. 1994) at temperatures in the range
cess, also called the physical vapor transport method, 1800–2200 mC to enhance significantly the growth rate
wherein only one large crystal of a single polytype is of the films (up to " 500 µm hV").
grown. (In the Russian literature this technique is Prior to the development of boule growth, mono-
often referred to as the LETI or Tairov–Tsvetkov crystalline silicon (100) wafers were used as the
method in reference to the Leningrad Electrotechnical substrate of choice for the CVD growth of SiC thin
Institute and the researchers who made significant films. Only the 3C polytype is obtained on this
contributions to the development of this technique via substrate. The mismatches in the coefficients of ther-
the growth of boules of several of the common mal expansion (about 8%) and the lattice parameters
polytypes.) In this process, nucleation occurs on a SiC (about 20%) are partially accommodated via the initial
seed crystal located at the top or bottom of a reaction of the silicon (100) surface with a carbon-
cylindrical growth cavity, as shown in Fig. 2. As in the containing gas. The subsequent epitaxial CVD of
Lely process, SiC is heated in the range 2100–2400 mC relatively thick (up to 30 µm), crack-free films on this
where it sublimes from a polycrystalline source to β-SiC converted layer using individual carbon- and
form silicon, Si C, and SiC . The growth pressure is silicon-containing gases has been achieved (e.g., Davis
20 torr, and # the temperature
# gradient between et al. 1988, 1991, Larkin 1997). Unfortunately, TEM
source and seed is in the range 20–35 mC cmV". These of the films has revealed extensive concentrations of
gases diffuse through a porous graphite retainer and line and planar defects, especially at the silicon\SiC
along carefully controlled thermal and pressure interface. The principal applications of these films are
gradients, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 2. The for x-ray masks and microelectromechanical systems.
primary gaseous species of silicon reacts with the The single-crystal 6H- and 4H-SiC wafers described
graphite walls of the growth cell to form additional above are used in tandem with CVD for essentially all
Si C and SiC . Hence, the silicon acts as a carbon- commercial growth of SiC thin films for electronic
transporting #
agent and plays an active role in the device applications. The surface of a solid normally
formation of the species impinging on the growing consists of flat terraces separated by steps that rise
crystal. Boules of 6H are grown at approximately essentially vertically from the terraces and are one to
2000 mC on the silicon-terminated (0001) basal plane of several unit cells in height. If the substrate wafer is
a 6H seed crystal while boules of 4H are grown at oriented a few degrees off the vertical axis, the density
approximately 1800 mC on the carbon-terminated of steps is increased significantly. Growth on SiC

Silicon Carbide

substrates misoriented several degrees off the silicon- Source Gate Drain
terminated surface planes results in a reduction in Polysilicon SiO2 Ni
growth temperature as well as improved material
quality. Growth on such misoriented substrates is
referred to as step-controlled growth (Yamamoto et
N+ P N+
al. 1998) because films that nucleate and grow from the P well implant
steps replicate the polytype of the substrate; films that
nucleate and grow on the terraces are invariably the N-5e14 15 lm
3C polytype. High-resolution cross-sectional TEM
has revealed an atomically abrupt and coherent
Semi-insulating 4H-SiC Substrate
wafer\film interface. Ranges of reported room tem-
perature values for charge carrier concentration, Hall
mobility, and Hall resistivity in unintentionally doped
6H- and 4H-SiC films are 10"%–10"( cmV$; 300– Figure 3
700 cm# VV" sV" (electrons), 50–100 cm# VV" sV" (holes); Cross-section of a lateral dual MOS power transistor in
and 10#–10& Ω cm, respectively. The principal electric- 4H-SiC (after Cooper et al. 1998).
ally active dopants that provide excess electrons and
holes are nitrogen (donors) and aluminum and boron sufficiently elevated temperatures to achieve dynamic
(acceptors), respectively. annealing. Among the common dopants nitrogen is
easily ionized; however, aluminum is much more
difficult in this regard.
3. Intentional Doping of Impurities in SiC
Control of the electronic properties of devices is
4. Device Fabrication and Characterization
achieved via the intentional addition of particular
concentrations of electrically active impurities Operable SiC devices have been successfully fabricated
(dopants) and the device microstructure (see Sect. 4). in α-SiC in concentrated efforts to develop this
Nitrogen is almost universally used as the donor material as a semiconductor (Campbell and Chang
species (contributes electrons to the conduction band) 1978). However, the devices were produced in Lely
and aluminum is commonly the acceptor (accepts crystals, the character of which was not reproducible
electrons from the valence band) species of choice. from run to run, as indicated above. Significant
Nitrogen doping during conventional thin-film growth progress has been made regarding the development of
of 6H-SiC has produced donor concentrations in the these devices, as described below. The reader is
range 10"'–10"* cmV$ (Karmann et al. 1992) with most referred to the website\WBG\
of the nitrogen atoms being ionized (ionization energy maintained by the SiC power-device research group
of 0.080–0.150 eV at room temperature, depending on at Purdue University where one can obtain both
the crystallographic site occupied). By contrast, only continually updated information regarding SiC
about 1% of the aluminum atoms are ionized, in devices and links to other sources of information
keeping with the ionization energy of " 0.250 eV. regarding SiC-based devices.
Semi-insulating SiC has been produced via the The fundamental reasons for the interest in SiC as
addition of vanadium. a potential material for devices, specifically high-
A greater range of doping control can be achieved temperature and high-power devices, stem from its
by varying the Si\C ratio within the CVD reactor superior thermal conductivity and thermal stability
during growth via a method known as site competition relative to other semiconductor materials and from the
epitaxy (Larkin 1994). This method relies on the fact fact that the specific on-resistance of a SiC power
that nitrogen and aluminum dopants occupy carbon device is expected to be 100–200 times lower than a
and silicon sites, respectively. Increasing the Si\C ratio similarly rated silicon device (Baliga 1989). The
in the gas phase and, therefore, at the growing surface chemistry, microstructure, and electrical properties of
of the film, allows more nitrogen to occupy the vacant cobalt, titanium, and platinum Schottky contacts on
carbon sites; decreasing the Si\C ratio allows more 6H-SiC have been reported (Porter et al. 1995a, 1995b,
aluminum to occupy the empty silicon sites. 1995c). A critical review of the status of contacts to
Ion implantation is the only alternative to doping various polytypes has also been published (Porter and
during thin-film growth and is commonly used in SiC Davis 1995). Devices using these types of contacts and
device fabrication (for a review of this work see known as Schottky diodes are expected to find use as
Wongchotigul 1995). Many elements have been im- flyback rectifiers in power systems driving inductive
planted including aluminum, boron, gallium, indium, loads. Nickel and titanium Schottky diodes (rectifiers)
thallium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and antimony. have been fabricated on 4H-SiC (Schoen 1997). The
Dopant ionization is achieved by either post- measured blocking voltage of the nickel diode was
implantation thermal annealing or by implantation at 1720 V with a specific on-resistance of 5.6 mΩ cm#.

Silicon Carbide


0.8 VGS = 24 V

Blocking voltage (V)

Drain current (lA)

20 V
Channel width =130 lm
Channel length =10 lm
16 V Drift length = 35 lm

12 V Max. darin
0.2 voltage
8V 0V

0 1 2 3
Drain voltage (kV)
Figure 4
Current–voltage characteristics of the 4H-SiC LDMOS Figure 5
power transistor of Fig. 3 at room temperature. The Yearly progress in blocking voltage of SiC power
maximum blocking voltage is 2.6 kV (after Cooper et al. MOSFETs as reported by three groups in the USA (after
1998). Cooper et al. 1998).

resistance and increases in absolute current rating

This former value is approximately 90% of the before these devices will be commercially viable.
theoretical plane-junction value, and the latter value
is only several times more than the theoretical mini-
mum for this device. It should be noted that Schottky
diodes on silicon are limited to applications with a 5. Summary
blocking voltage less than 200 V. The growth, doping, and device science and tech-
Thyristors, or semiconductor-controlled rectifiers nology regarding electronic SiC have achieved dra-
(SCRs), are used in a.c. switching applications where matic progress that has been sufficient to bring this
they provide both forward and reverse blocking material to commercial reality. Vapor phase transport
capacities. The first SiC thyristors were fabricated on is the technique of choice for the production of SiC
p-type 6H substrates and had blocking voltages of boules. Crystals of 6H and 4H polytypes with
50 V (Edmond et al. 1992). Subsequently, thyristors diameters to 100 mm and lengths to 60 mm have been
with blocking voltages of 900 V in both directions have grown in the laboratory via vapor phase transport.
been fabricated on n-type 4H-SiC. The specific on- Wafers, 50 mm in diameter, of the same polytypes are
resistance in these devices is 1.7 mΩ cm# (Palmour et al. commercially available. Research on thin-film growth
1996). and doping, primarily via CVD, continues with most
Power MOSFETs on SiC have also been the subject work being done on off-axis substrates and an em-
of extensive research. Silicon carbide has a signi- phasis on very high, very rapid deposition. The
ficantly higher critical breakdown field than silicon. primary areas of progress in SiC device technology
This allows a power MOSFET on SiC to achieve the have been in Schottky rectifiers, thyristors, and power
same blocking voltage as a similar device on silicon in MOSFETs. However, much additional work must be
a much thinner drift region. Unlike thyristors, accomplished in thin-film growth and doping, ion
MOSFETs exhibit a saturating current–voltage implantation, and device design and processing to
characteristic, giving a large safe operating area. reduce the specific on-resistance and increase the
Lateral double implanted (D)MOS power transistors absolute current rating to make SiC devices a
have been fabricated on 4H-SiC with blocking voltages commercial product.
of 2.6 kV (Spitz et al. 1997). The schematic and the
current ( I )–voltage (V ) characteristics of this device
are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The theoretical
breakdown voltage for this device is in excess of 10 kV. Bibliography
The increase in blocking voltage for SiC power devices Baliga B J 1989 Power semiconductor device figure of merit for
has been dramatic, as shown in Fig. 5. However, they high-frequency applications. IEEE Electron DeŠice Lett. 10,
must be accompanied by reductions in specific on- 455–7

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Silicon Carbide

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Encyclopedia of Materials : Science and Technology
ISBN: 0-08-0431526
pp. 8497–8502

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