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Survey: NURS 3020-Instructor

Reviewer: Preceptors (Vongprachanh, Anousone ANNE)

Reviewee: Students (Milson, Sarah)
Survey Period: 10/22/2019
Completed: 11/6/2019 10:54:43 PM ET

1. Please indicate what term this evaluation is for.


2. Student Information:

Student Number: 0618192

Clinical Instructor: Anne Vongprachanh-Rowshan

Placement: NHH

Total Missed Clinical Hours: 0

Total Missed Simulation Clinical Hours: 0

Total Missed Lab Hours: 0


1. Provide nursing care that includes Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

comprehensive, collaborative Evidence/Indicators: Student has worked
assessment, analysis, planning, collaboratively with her co-assigned nurses and
evidence-informed interventions and other members of the health care team in caring
outcome measures. for her assigned client. She has completed vitals,
head-to-toe assessments and specific
assessments such as neurological assessments
for a client with a stroke. Student has also
administered medications following her 3 checks
and 10 rights. Student has assessed for pain and
re-assessed after intervention. She has titrated
oxygen on clients who have COPD to achieve
goal SpO2 between 88% and 92% as per MD

1a) Interpret critical aspects of the Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

person’s experience of acute illness in Evidence/Indicators: Student has been able to
relation to common signs and symptoms, correlate signs and symptoms of selected acute
responses to treatment, patterns of illnesses to their acute care conditions. Student
coping, and impacts on individual and understands the client's response to treatment
family relationships and the effects of acute illness on client and their
family's coping mechanism. Student was
assigned a post-op patient with a small bowel
resection due to a small bowel obstruction. Prior
to the surgery, the client had nausea and
vomiting due to the obstruction and was unable
to eat. Post-operatively, this client was in severe
pain and on a PCA pump. Student had an
opportunity to understand the client and family's
experience of acute illness. The family asked a lot
of question and student recognized that they did
not understand medical jargon. She explained to
the family in a way that they were able to
comprehend the client's condition and progress.
Student was supportive to both patient and family
during this acute phase of her illness.

1b) Demonstrate selected nursing and Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

collaborative interventions related to Evidence/Indicators: Patient has been assigned to
caring for adult patients with acute illness. post-op clients. She has completed focused
Pre and Post-op care, IV medication, head-to-toe assessments. She has utilized the
physical assessments, wound care, Canadian Neurological Stroke Scale in her
rapidly changing conditions, and assessments. She has assessed for pain. She
resuscitation. has completed wound care. She has administered
IV medications and reconstituted medications.
Student works collaboratively with her co-
assigned nurses to ensure that any change in
status is communicated immediately for joint

1c) Identify common medical treatments Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

and potential Evidence/Indicators: Student has worked with
consequences/complications of selected clients who have small bowel obstructions. These
acute illnesses clients are usually NPO. A nasogastric tube is
usually inserted to drain the gastric contents.
Student has successfully inserted an NG tube
into a client with SBO and removed one. She has
administered medications to her clients following
the 3 checks and 10 rights.
1d) Demonstrate health promotion and Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
illness prevention practices. Evidence/Indicators: Student follows best practices
in infection prevention by following the 4
moments of hand hygiene. She also encourages
her patients to sanitize their hands before meals
and after the washroom.

1e) Engage with patients and families to Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
identify health-related situational Evidence/Indicators: Student showed empathy and
challenges compassion in taking the time to talk with her
client's husband regarding the client's stroke and
deterioration as the client was unable to
communicate. This helped student to establish a
therapeutic relationship with the family and to
learn about the client as well as the family's
situational challenges.

1f) Work with patients and families to Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
create reasonable and effective solutions. Evidence/Indicators: Student was successful in
encouraging a client who had not showered in 4
days to take a shower. She asked the client's
husband to bring in the client's own shampoo
and body wash. This solution was effective in
helping the client to take a shower using her own
bathing products.

2. Establish and maintains therapeutic, Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

caring and culturally safe relationships Evidence/Indicators: Student has established
through effective communication. therapeutic and caring relationships with her
clients and their families in providing safe and
therapeutic care as demonstrated by the
examples she has provided. Student has a caring
approach in which she seeks to learn about her
clients and who they are as people, respecting
their personal beliefs, cultures and values. She
utilizes effective communication in speaking to
clients and families in a manner that they can

2.a) Explain the experience of acute Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

illness in individuals receiving care in Evidence/Indicators: Student recognizes that each
acute setting client experiences acute illness in their own way.
It is important for nurses to understand how each
client is experiencing acute illness. Some clients
seek information. All require emotional and
psychological assistance and nurses cannot just
care for the body, but must care for the person as
a whole.

2.b) Demonstrate therapeutic use of self Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

Evidence/Indicators: Student utilizes the
therapeutic use of self in her approach to her
clients - her openness to learn about them as
individuals, her caring nature and tone, and her
willingness to help them through this challenging
period. Student is friendly and seeks to be
helpful. Her clients and their families appreciate
her care.
2.c) Understand and anticipate emerging Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
bio-psycho-social needs of persons with Evidence/Indicators: Student is not afraid to
acute illness and apply this knowledge to advocate for her client and their family's needs.
care: Plan and predict outcomes of Student repositions clients who are less mobile
nursing care, evaluate client response to routinely, recognizing that pressure ulcers may
nursing care, demonstrate patient develop. She titrates oxygen for clients with
advocacy. COPD to achieve goal spO2.

3. Apply the ways of knowing and Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

informational technologies to effectively Evidence/Indicators: Student applies the 4 ways of
care for diverse, acutely ill patients. knowing to her practice. She utilizes empirical
knowledge in checking lab values and
medications on Lexicomp. She practices ethically
in seeking consent. She utilizes personal
knowing in understanding what the clients are
going through based on her own personal

3a) Apply relevant nursing models, Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

philosophical frameworks, theories and Evidence/Indicators: Student applies relevant
evidence. nursing theories/framework to her practice. She
has utilized Nightingale's theory of environment
and Carper's Ways of Knowing to her practice.

3 b) Adhere to policies and practice of the Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

institution. Evidence/Indicators: Student follows both TFSON's
policies and the hospital's policies in her

3c) Use knowledge gained in theory and Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
labs to support patient care decisions. Evidence/Indicators: Student follows hospital
policy. When inserting an NG tube, she located
the hospital's policy on NG insertion and
reviewed it and followed the instructions.

3d) Uses best practice guidelines. Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

Evidence/Indicators: Student works well with the
health care team. She is a team player. She has
positive interactions with the client and their
families. She utilizes best practices learned in
class and applies it into the clinical setting.

4. Adhere to professional practice Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

standards and organizational polices to Evidence/Indicators: Student maintains
contribute to a culture of safety. confidentiality. Student respects each client's
culture and values.

4a) Critically appraise own practice in Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

relation to nurse-client/family interactions Evidence/Indicators: Student has established
and as a member of the health care team successful working relationships with her co-
assigned nurses and therapeutic nurse-client
relationships with her clients and their familes.

4b) Engage with patients in an ethical and Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
culturally safe manner Evidence/Indicators: Student obtains consent prior
to any assessments or interventions. She takes
the time to learn about her client's values, beliefs
and culture.
4c) Demonstrates accountability Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]
Evidence/Indicators: Student accepts responsibility
for her assigned patient(s) and updates her co-
assigned nurse and clinical instructor. She
completes her documentation in a timely manner
and reports her findings.

4d) Demonstrates reliability Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

Evidence/Indicators: Student is reliable. She
arrives early to clinical and has no attendance

5. Exercise leadership to enhance patient Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

care, and support professionalism in Evidence/Indicators: Student advocates for her
practice. clients. She is helpful to the team. Student does
not give herself enough credit for her informal
leadership roles.

5a) Participate in professional Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

development based on reflective practice Evidence/Indicators: Student reflects on her
and critical inquiry. practice. She demonstrates critical inquiry by
asking questions such as disposing of
medications in the sink.

5b) Support peers. Satisfactory Progress (SP) [3 pts]

Evidence/Indicators: Student supports her
classmates. She is helpful and is always available
to lend a hand.

Mean: 3.00 of 3 Points: 72 Score: 100.0%

4. Student Areas of Strength:

1. Team player

2. Quick learner

3. Therapeutic communication and relationship

5. Student Areas for Future Development:

1. Building on your knowledge of medications

2. Critical thinking

3. Being more comfortable in communicating with

interdisciplinary team
6. Please choose the appropriate outcome.

First Row Satisfactory [2 pts]

Final Comment: Sarah, Good work at midterm. You
have a caring nature and demonstrate a genuine
desire to help others which has allowed you to
successfully establish a therapeutic nurse-client
relationship with your clients and their families.
You seek to understand the person as a whole,
recognizing the effects of acute illness on clients
and families. You practice safely and
therapeutically. Keep up the good work!

Mean: 2.00 of 2 Points: 2 Score: 100.0%

7. Signature of Instructor

Name: Anne (Anousone) Vongprachanh-Rowshan

Total points for all rating scale questions: 74 (Each main question equally weighted)
Mean percentage score for all rating scale questions: 100.0% Response as of 11/18/2019 3:34:56 PM ET

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