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Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania

For the past two decades organized crime has become a transnational phenomenon,
and its impact is still far from being fully known and understood by common people.
Its forms of manifestation, whether explicit, or subtle, are permanently evolving and
adapting. As a result, its interference with the activities from the legal area makes
it difficult to identify and counteract. After a long period of time when it was more
a peripheral phenomenon, current transnational organized crime tends to become
a major danger to the political, social and economic stability of the states. Through
its nature and goals, as well as through the complexity of its forms of manifestation,
transnational organized crime represents a major challenge for the state and non-
state organizations that deal with national and international security
This paper focuses on the phenomenon starting from some of the most influent
theories in international relations, presents the current features of transnational
organized criminal groups and analyzes the causes and the favoring factors of the
phenomenon, as well as the impact of the phenomenon upon national and international
security at political, economic-financial and military level. The approach is an inter-
disciplinary one and also covers the nexus between transnational organized crime
and international terrorism.

Key words: organized crime, international relations theories, criminal

organizations, terrorism.
1. DEFINITIONS as an assemble of conditions and
historical, socio-political, economic
The rapid developments and technological developments (in
and turbulences during the last the case of space), or as a set of specific
two decades have determined a ideas, concepts and perceptions (in
continued redefinition of the notion the case of time). In this respect
of transnational organized crime [1]. it is worth noting that definitions
Thus, at present, there is no universal themselves evolve continuously
accepted definition regarding this but their contents is influenced by
phenomenon. the theoretical approaches to the
The conceptual framework built phenomenon they describe.
around the notion of transnational Moreover, the variability of
organized crime is influenced by the definitions referring to this
two main variables: the space within phenomenon is pretty much rendered
which the phenomenon occurs and by the discipline itself, the level
the required time for its analysis. In of analysis and the methodology
this context these two variables gain for research. The particularities of
sense if they are understood either different geographical spaces, the
political and economic interests (not lucrative markets, then they will
always convergent) of states, as well become targets for transnational
as the differences in approach specific organized groups, that will engage in
to different theories in international illicit activities, trying to limit or to
relations further hinder reaching a minimize their risks, but continuing
consent regarding what transnational to operate, mainly, from states where
organized crime represents, even for the jurisdiction presents diminished
a delineated period of time. risks for them ;
But the lack of the consent e. the digital signals - refer to the
regarding what transnational sending of the electronic messages
organized crime represents does not aiming at attacking or destroying the
prevent researchers from reaching an informatics systems or robbing the
agreement regarding some features of financial institutions.
the phenomenon, considered intrinsic According to the operational
to its transnational character [2]: definition emerging from all of the
a. perpetrators - they are persons above, transnational organized crime
or organized groups crossing national has three distinct features which
borders (physically or virtually - distinguish it from its early national
by using advanced technologies in manifestations: a) it operates at
informatics and communications) regional or global level; b) it has
while developing their activities; created extended trans-border
b. the object of the organized connections; c) it has the capacity to
crime - is represented by: “illicit challenge national and international
goods (manufactured or from the authorities.
services field); licit goods stealth
or those that make the object of 2. CONCEPTUAL
smuggling outside the country; PERSPECTIVES
the licit goods purchased from a
country by violating the restrictions As previously stated, the
regarding their export; the licit goods approach to the phenomenon of
imported from a country by violating transnational organized crime suffers
restrictions regarding import or from the impact of different trends
international embargo” [2] ; in dominating international relations
c. the subject of the organized theory, namely Realism, Liberalism,
crime - consists of foreigners Marxism and Social Constructivism.
engaging in illegal acts on the From the perspective of Political
territory of other state; Realism, each member of the human
d. the motive of organized crime - society has the obligation to obey the
consists in gaining profit from illicit fundamental values of the community.
activities. The involvement in illicit As such, the state is authorized to
activities presupposes exposure to intervene (violent means included)
risks incurred by national legislation in order to keep social order under
constraints. That does not mean its control. State institutions have the
that transnational organized crime function to preserve the dominant
organizations avoid high risk states. legal system to the benefit of the
If the latter offer attractive and whole society.
From a Clausewitzian perspective, from the society and will bear the
organized crime represents, in its core, consequences of their behavior. The
a continuation of economic activities adepts of Liberalism argue that the
using illicit means (transnational phenomenon can be fought through
organized crime groups combine cooperation among states and by
legal working methods with illegal creating strong international institutions
ones- the use of violence, corruption, with attributions in this field.
intimidation, blackmail). The Marxist theory explains
This theory proposes, as the the phenomenon of transnational
only one solution to eradicate the organized crime as the continuous
phenomenon, strong measures effort on behalf of capital owners
against those who engage in such to maximize their own profit and,
kind of antisocial deeds. That should implicitly, as a result of their rapacity
represent, in fact, clear signals to or lack of interest, to limit the access
individuals who are part of a given to well-being for other social classes.
social organization that the state is The latter, once marginalized, do
strong enough and determined to not have any alternative to survive.
take the measures that it considers For the researchers belonging to
necessary to discourage those that, this thinking trend in international
otherwise, would intent to challenge relations, the solution consists in
state authority, be them persons or adjusting the ratio between work and
organized groups. capital as far as goods and services
Liberalism emphasizes human on the world market are concerned,
freedom and views society as a in favor of work.
harmonious and unitary mechanism, Social Constructivism approaches
in which citizens share a common set crime as an ensemble of elements whose
of values specific to their community. origin is at the crossroad between the
Within this general framework, social process sphere and the concrete
criminals are defined as persons with reality. Constructivist researchers argue
a deviant behavior. that reality is a social construct, and the
The theoreticians of Liberalism manner in which people act or react in
recognize that globalization, in society has a significant impact upon
general, and trade liberalization, people’s behavior.
in particular, have contributed to The researchers belonging to
extending transnational organized this school of thought argue that the
crime. However, they argue that this phenomenon is a consequence of
represents a secondary effect which the current social organization, of
cannot shadow the benefits of free the way in which society’s members
trade and globalization. perceive themselves in relation to the
According to this theory, there are institutions defining the state, as well
two solutions to the issue: either the as of some individual psychological
criminals give up (on their own will features. Regarding the things from
or under the pressure of the society the perspective of Alexander Wendt,
in which they live) their behavior and we may say that organized crime is
become alike other members of the strongly shaped by the ideas and the
society, or they exclude themselves interests prevailing in society.
From the perspective of this analysis and, implicitly, from an
school of thought, the solution insufficient understanding. That is
should be sought in the direction of also underlined by the numerous
rethinking and redefining the social concerns linked to drug, human and
processes that currently regulate arms trafficking activities, illegal
people’s behavior in society. immigration or other illegal activities,
Each of the above mentioned as well as by the ignorance or, simply,
theories has its own limits in exclusion from the definition of the
explaining the phenomenon. The phenomenon of other illegal activities
Realist theory ignores that in every carried out by legal actors or in
society there are “social misfits” which these actors have an important
for the treatment of which special involvement. Thus, the crimes carried
means are necessary. Nonetheless, out by transnational corporations
almost all contemporary societies (especially those which operate in the
are not prepared or in tune to invest field of tobacco, oil, chemical products
in this direction since such effort is or international finance) or those
considered too costly and, therefore, carried out by some state institutions
ineffective. Liberalism admits the (such as intelligence services),
hypothesis mentioned above, but including those of democratic states,
also considers that this is a natural are excluded. The causes of this
fact, and the citizens themselves approach lie in the politico-diplomatic
are the only responsible for their relations generally accepted by
acts, taking into consideration that states, but also in “the existential
state institutions should have only a symbiosis between state and the non-
limited (or minimal) involvement in state criminal groups” [3]. Thus, the
regulating a given society’s activities. limitative and somehow subjective
In its turn, the Marxist theory cannot character of the current research in
explain why only some individuals the field can be better explained, even
from the exploited social categories though the objective character which
engage in criminal acts, and others do scientific research claims should rise
not. Social Constructivism, beyond above these practices that, many
its merits in uncovering the limits of times, have a temporary character
the other schools of thought and apart and are not necessary anchored in the
from its contributions to elaborating social needs of the citizens which they
a theory on the challenges that are supposed to serve.
societies face nowadays, is not so Essentially, transnational
coherent in formulating solutions to organized crime is defined by
the problems under discussion. It can illegal activities orientated towards
be said that the research programs profit that cross national borders.
proposed by Social Constructivism is Not all organized crime forms are
suggestive and ad yet less conclusive transnational, but, currently, there is
in identifying concrete solutions. a range of activities in this sphere that
Regardless of the perspective are carried out on transnational bases,
from which the phenomenon of some of them even at a global scale.
transnational organized crime is At the same time, there are premises
approached, it suffers from a partial for extending the criminal activities
beyond the national borders, firstly, crime represents an answer to poverty
because of the differences in the and inequality. Therefore, it is
character of the demand and supply characteristic not only of poor states
of the illegal goods and services. or communities, but also of developed
A non-exhaustive list of the ones that are characterized by a high
criminal activities includes: drugs level of social inequality and by
trafficking, persons’ trafficking, social and economic discrimination;
persons’ smuggling, arms’, - the demand for goods and
ammunitions and other forbidden illicit services. Increasing wealth
substances trafficking, fake goods and excessive consumption in
trafficking, maritime piracy and developed countries have created
cyberspace crime. The most important new opportunities for spending spare
activities of the transnational time, associated with an increase
organized crime, by the profit they in the demand of goods and illicit
generate, are presented in Figure 1. services. Sometimes, criminal groups
become involved in the development
of some projects of local interest [4],
as a way to prove that they are more
reliable and more effective that state
- the demographic boom in
developing countries - has led to
Fig. no. 1. The main activities of the the marginalization and social and
transnational organized crime; Source: UN economic exclusion of an increasing
Office for Drugs and Crime, 2010. part of the population in those
3. CAUSES countries, all of which is overlaid over
AND FACILITATING FACTORS the social and economic difficulties
FOR TRANSNATIONAL that those societies are facing. In the
ORGANIZED CRIME absence of the opportunities, that
category of population is the most
Transnational organized crime vulnerable to the actions of organized
has deep roots in humankind history. crime groups that have developed
The phenomenon is a consequence their capacity to intervene where state
both of some causes spread in all the institutions do not involve themselves
regions on globe and of some specific or are not engaged enough;
premises that are linked to social, - differences among the legislative
political and regional developments. and juridical systems of the states.
The following are some of the most A range of transnational crimes are
important causes: caused, or at least stimulated, by
- the disparities in the socio- the existence of some differences
economic conditions. The high level between the national legislations
of global poverty and increasing regarding the fiscal regime for some
economic and social inequalities, goods [4]. The smuggling of different
within the last several decades, have goods would not be possible - at
stimulated the phenomenon. From least not at the current level - if big
the market’s perspective, organized differences among states would not
exist in goods’ taxation. In addition, On the other hand, some processes
the commercial barrier unilaterally associated with globalization
imposed by developed states facilitates diminish the facilitating causes of
illicit and smuggling activities. The organized crime. The liberalization of
harmonization of different states’ markets, for instance, has diminished
legislation can reduce the level of the possibility for criminal groups to
transnational organized crime; interfere with the capital flows;
- globalization. Globalization Last but not the least, organized
represents a cause and facilitating crime is a consequence of attitudes
factor for transnational organized and practices promoted by persons
crime. The liberalization of markets that do not integrate socially or that
and the free movement of capital do not care about the consequences
flows and, to some extent, of people of disobeying social norms.
have created new stimuli for the Transnational organized crime
criminal groups interested in raising would not have reached the current
their profit. The modus operandi of development level without the
current criminal organizations follows support of some favorable factors.
the logic of market; they succeed in Some relatively recent developments
avoiding national boundaries and at international level have facilitated
quickly adapt to the current global the intensification of transnational
economic environment, in which organized crime activities:
states exercise a more limited control a) the geopolitical events occurred
over national business than in the past. for the last 22 years.
Currently, the illicit criminal activities The strategies of transnational
are mixed with licit business [4], an organized crime groups are closely
aspect which makes the activities linked to regional and global
associated with combating organized geopolitical developments. A range
crime even more difficult, both in terms of events with regional and global
of distinguishing the legal aspects from impact (the Cold War ending, the
the illegal ones, as well as in terms of Soviet Union disintegration, the
their effectiveness, as decision-making civil war in the former Yugoslavia,
factors at local and central level are the emergence of new commercial
involved in legal/illegal activities. blocks and newly industrialized
In the context of globalization, states), that occurred within the last
organized crime expands, both two decades, have stimulated the
geographically (the spatial level), activities of transnational organized
and numerically (the number of the crime [5]. Terrorist organizations,
countries affected, the number of such as Islamic State in Iraq and
groups that operate and the fields of Levant, (ISIL), is gaining substantial
illegal activities). The revolutions resources from production and
in communications and transports trading oil and natural gases, by
- the main vectors of globalization - imposing taxes on the commercial
have facilitated these developments, activities in the territories it controls,
leading at the same time to the drugs trafficking, protection taxes,
improvement of criminal groups’ funds extortions, kidnappings for
methods of actions. ransom, bank robberies, terrains
and properties confiscations etc. of drugs because they are fragile
According to a study realized by IHS states that present lesser risks to
Inc. at the end of 2015, ISIL gained the transnational organized crime’s
between 75 and 80 million euro, groups than it is the case of stronger
monthly, from illegal activities [6]. states. States caught up in these illegal
This plague prospers in the context activities can be perceived as victims
of political turbulence and economic of circumstances since they are not the
uncertainties, and the last 20 years do final destinations for these activities.
not lack this kind of developments As Kleiman said, “the United States
at all. The dissolution of the Soviet is central to Mexico’s drug problem,
Union has encouraged, to a large whereas Mexico is incidental to that
extent, the expansion of transnational of the United States [7]”;
organized crime. In the context of - developing opaque privatization
collapse of the communist regimes, processes. The economic liberalization
the criminal groups have established has weakened state authority in
links in all former socialist states Eastern Europe, partially as a result of
from Eastern Europe. Currently, the unfair privatization processes;
Russian organized crime operates - lack of strong political
without restrictions within the entire institutions and the increasing and
ex-Soviet space, being engaged in consistent interference of capital
drug trafficking, illegal migration, owners in political decisions with
a view to quick enrichment, illegal
and money laundering or illegal ways included.
arms’ trade. Often, the links between The political, economic and social
Russian organized crime groups and transformations in the ‘90s have led
those from other ex-Soviet states to reframing former structures of
is established through the former authority, to domestic disorder, to
Soviet nomenclature. strengthening popular resistance to
Transnational organized crime has the control exercised by new state
also proliferated as a result of local authorities, to the revival of ethnic
conditions and developments. In the antagonism, as well as to the collapse
ex-Soviet space and in the former of the juridical and security systems,
satellite-states of the Soviet Union, often subordinated to or cooperating
for instance, the continuation and the with the organized crime in the new
spreading of the phenomenon were political context [8]. The power
facilitated by the following evolutions: vacuum and the previous experience
- the elimination of the of organized crime, as well as the
interdependence between states rapid deterioration of the living
belonging to the former socialist standard of the population have
block has permitted the extending of constituted important premises for
the space for action for the new illegal reviving and extending organized
groups, which involved themselves crime groups’ activities. At present,
in identifying new markets for goods the overlaying of legal activities with
manufactured in these states. Much those illegal in the majority of the
of these states represent key elements new market economies is intrinsic to
in the movement and production the new situation;
b) the increasing role of non-state officials’ corruption, and by launching
actors. As a consequence of economic threats and intimidations,
deregulation and globalization of d) intensification of international
world politics, especially after 1989, migration. Immigrants that did not
the non-state actors have gained integrate in their host societies may find
a more prominent role in world themselves in what Manuel Castells
politics. Sometimes, these non-state calls “areas of social exclusion” [9].
actors have succeeded in obviating In Western Europe, for instance, a
the control and authority of the large part of the Muslim immigrants
states. Against this background, an is marginalized and alienated. Even
increasing number of groups and those who are the second and third
organizations became involved in generation living in these countries
trans-border activities, such as drugs, face discriminations on the labor
arms or persons trafficking; market or in the educational systems.
c) the convergent evolutions in For them, engaging in the informal
the fields of new technologies and economy and in criminal activities
in that of the liberalization of illegal represents an alternative - many times
flows of goods and services have the only one possibility to survive.
created a range of opportunities
for transnational organized crime. 4. TRANSNATIONAL
As already stated, the sphere of CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS
activities developed by transnational
organized crime groups has extended The bulk of studies regarding
and diversified, as a result of the transnational organized crime
peaceful coexistence between presents criminal organizations as the
geographically dispersed criminal core element (a considerable smaller
groups and the interdependence number of studies focus on the illicit
between national governments and market) of organized crime. A special
criminal organizations [3]. interest is related to the way in which
The same elements that have these entities are organized and
facilitated the intensification of the function.
business - economic liberalization, The UN Convention on
globalization, elimination of customs transnational organized crime
barriers, and development of new defines organized crime group as “a
technologies - are now exploited by structured group of three or more
organized crime groups. They have persons existing for a period of time
taken advantage of the new context and acting in concert with the aim
even more than the legal organizations of committing one or more serious
that obey the regulations of the crimes or offences … in order
states in which they operate and, to obtain, directly, or indirectly,
hence, make higher profits than the a financial or other material
latter. Organized crime networks benefit”[10].
can currently use the free market According to the UN Convention
advantages and the opening of state [10], a serious crime is transnational if:
borders for their own advantage (a) it is perpetrated in more than
as a result of being encouraged by a state;
(b) it is perpetrated in a state, but b. structured either hierarchically,
a substantial part of its preparation, or on the bases of personal relationships
planning, direction and control occur and able to consolidate that structure
in another state; through strict sanctions;
(c) it is perpetrated in a state, c. ready to use violence,
but it involves a criminal group that intimidation and corruption in order
engages in criminal activities in more to gain profits and control over the
than a state, or territories and markets;
(d) it is perpetrated in a state, but it d. forced to laundry their illicit
has substantial effects in another state. gains either by extending their area
We may notice that the UN of activity or by penetrating the legal
definition regarding the organized national economy;
criminal group does not encompass e. able to extend in new activities,
those entities whose main aim is beyond the national boundaries;
not gaining financial or material f. more and more interested in
benefits, as it is the case of terrorist cooperating with other transnational
or insurgent groups. By referring to organized crime groups;
the financial or material benefits it g. able to infiltrate governmental
was just indented the exclusion of the institutions, including custom
political or social motivated groups. services, police, judiciary organs and
The UN experts consider that even national parliaments;
transnational organized crime h. in a permanent quest for legal
activities are characterized by: the covering.
extensive use of violence; corruption,
penetrating the legal economy; 5. THE IMPACT
carrying out activities in three or more OF ORGANIZED CRIME
states; cooperation among criminal ON (INTER)NATIONAL SECURITY
groups; an extended area of activities
and the political influence (Figure 2). Although it has only recently been
included on the international agenda,
transnational organized crime has
quickly become a priority on states’
agenda. The UN Convention on
transnational organized crime has
been in place since 2003. In 2004,
the UN Committee has identified
Fig. no. 2. Features of the transnational
transnational organized crime as one
organized crime groups’ activities; of those “six groups of threats that
Source: UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 2006. the humankind must be concerned
currently and in the next decades”
In an attempt to characterize the [12], and in February 2010, the
behavior of transnational organized UN Security Council underlined
crime groups and organizations, Kees the threat raised by transnational
Zijlstra mentions that they are [11]: organized crime in certain cases
a. orientated towards for the international security in
committing infractions; different regions of the world and
suggested to the General Secretary of forced work along a certain period
of the organization to consider these of time, or how legal trade is affected
threats as a factor in the strategies by competition from counterfeit or
for preventing conflicts, conflict fake goods.
resolution, assessment and integration The literature in the field reveals
of missions. a range of opinions regarding the
Indeed, through the extension level of the threat represented by
and depth of its involvement, transnational organized crime.
organized crime threatens a range of Some researchers reduce its impact
state interests. Thus, “the physical at a potential risk; others, more
violence and the intimidation of the recently, consider it a challenge
population the illicit way of gaining for national security (even an issue
wealth undermine the political, of hard security, through its nexus
economic, social and cultural - sometimes proved, other times
wellbeing of the state; attack the only inferred - with international
legislative and executive systems terrorism, violent conflicts or traffic
power... The organized crime creates of nuclear materials). The variety
a parallel economy that instead led to of the viewpoints and approaches to
the loss of the public trust in the state’s the phenomenon at the international
institutions and the latter’s capacity to level reveals the necessity for
ensure equity in society.” [1] specialists in international relations
In such conditions, one should to reach explicative theories able to
not wonder that criminal violence is adapt themselves to the emergence
the first reason of concern for people, of transnational organized crime as a
according to a survey conducted in major threat - perhaps the biggest -
2005 by Human Security Centre in raised to the whole world in the 1990
11 countries. decade and after that [3], as the first
What distinguishes organized step in an effective approach to the
crime from other security threats phenomenon.
is that it anchors in corruption and Beyond the nuances, a thing
systematic violence in order to gain is certain: organized crime affects
high profits, often laundered through the way in which institutions and
their reinvestment in the legal democratic processes function.
economy [13]. In the case of states without
Quantifying the impact of powerful institutions, the threat is
organized crime upon society is straightforward, while for powerful
desirable and yet very difficult to states, it creates the premises of
accurately measure due to the fact that some vulnerability. But in both
the specific activities of organized cases, transnational organized crime
crime develop clandestinely. Most threatens: good governance, state
often, this impact is estimated on institution, legal markets, economic
the basis of some statistical data development and people’s life.
like how many persons die annually Regardless of the point of view
because of drugs consumption, or that we share as far as the level of
how many persons were trafficked, the threat coming from this flagellum
sexually exploited or were the object is concerned, we have to admit that,
given the current globalization wave, for individuals and governments to
transnational organized crime has get involved into illegal activities
become more than ever an increasing that “creates shared vulnerabilities,
threat (both hard and soft) for as interconnected systems and
national and international security. sectors are susceptible to the threat
The negative effects of organized of transnational crime” [14];
crime propagate themselves in all - it intervenes in the democratic
society spheres, as follows: process, fueling the idea that the
a) in the political field: political life is governed rather by
- it affects state sovereignty by money than rules and principles;
“creating parallel routes of goods sometimes, organized criminal groups
distribution, aiming at violating seek to replace genuine political
national frontiers” [5]. Susan Strange representation providing their own
argues that the current international candidates and electors [15]. Criminal
system suffers crucial transformations organizations can take part (illegally)
that lead to an excess of power in in the development of the political
world politics in favor of the non- process penetrating the executive and
state actors that have the tendency legislative structures by corruption
to govern the world [3]. As Strange and blackmail, weakening thus their
argues, against this background, legitimacy. The final effect can be the
states lose their power (which is destruction of political institutions
to be understood in terms of the and of the governing system;
distribution of capabilities) in favor - organized crime can bring
of markets, sometimes illegal ones. serious prejudices to the affected
Strange also points out that criminal societies when it interferes with the
groups challenge the power and the values and norms that contribute to
sovereignty of the states. The result citizens’ understanding of political
is a kind of “existential symbiosis activity. By distorting the line
between the state and the non-state that cuts off the legal sphere from
criminal groups” [5] and governments the illegal one, organized crime
get accustomed with the eroding of changes the perceptions and the
the political framework, accepting the understanding of the public opinion,
cohabitation with criminal groups. generating alternative loyalties
Thus, organized crime transforms to state institution, with negative
itself, in the writer’s opinion, from an effects upon the overall way society
amount of illegal criminal economic functions [5];
activities in semi-legal enterprises - it has an impact on political
with different covers, frequently institution functions through the
supported by governmental or local influence it can exercise on the
officials. In other words, between executive, legislative and juridical
organized crime, legal business and decision making-factors. Its influence
state authorities mutual relationships upon these fundamental links of the
are established. states provide criminal organized
According to the 2015 U.S. groups two important advantages:
National Security Strategy, rapid pace on the one hand, these tend to create
of change provided new possibilities their own system outside state justice,
and on the other hand it tries to use b) in the social field it generates
state infrastructure and institutions high costs with the treatment of those
for their own benefits; depending on drugs consumption,
- the criminal groups can resort with the social reintegration of those
to manipulating the electoral process, who have been the object of human
providing their own candidates, to being traffic [17]. The costs also
whom they provide large amounts of include economic productivity loss of
money and compromising information such individuals.
on their political enemies. Even when c) in the economic and financial
they support the candidate required by fields:
the public, they make it in exchange - criminal organizations penetrate
of the help given by that candidate state authorities and, implicitly, the
furthermore (after he is elected). legal business. Concerning this aspect,
The economic power of criminal two distinct points of view have
organized groups, that gradually taken shape. The first point of view,
becomes also political power, extends which we can consider optimistic,
so much that they can sometimes argues that, in spite of this risk that
subordinate the political parties or is frequently invoked in the specific
can create their own political parties literature, there is not enough proof
[16] in order to obtain an increased regarding criminal groups’ infiltration
degree of influence over the political scale. For this reason, the supporters
decisions in a state. When the result of of this opinion consider that the risk
the political elections is uncertain, as it represents an exaggeration. The other
happened in many countries in the last point of view, that we may name it
years, even the control exercised over pessimistic, considers that the lack of
a small party can be effective in the sufficient proof should not constitute
play of the political alliances and can an argument in the sense of reducing
have profound social consequences the threat level, because a range of
over citizens’ life; transnational crime can be carried
- when they get involved in mass- out without a significant level of
media, organized criminal groups penetration or corruption of state
can manipulate and even instigate structures. The obviation of the law
the populations (by selecting the is often more facile to realize than
disseminated information flow), corruption of governments. Moreover,
hijacking its attention from the real a range of services provided by the
problems in society; legal firms can be used by criminals
- criminalgroupscanuseintimidation without these companies being aware
and blackmail in order to eliminate of that;
those that oppose to the promotion of - it generates additional costs for
the illegitimate interests (be they state the economic activity, because of
officials, union leaders, etc.); the use of violence and eroding the
- when it infiltrates state legitimacy of the political regime.
institutions, organized crime can The costs required to solve the
block the implementation of conflicting interests between the
public policies, by intimidation, criminal groups and legitimate state
corruption and blackmail. institutions hinder the penetration
and maintenance of legitimate invest their money on the short term,
participants to economic life on seeking the immediate profit, with an
the market. In these circumstances, impact on the long term economic
the investments in the capital are development. A weakened state that
discouraged and create the premise is vulnerable as far as the guarantee
for the massive outflows of the capital of contracts execution is concerned
from the affected country; provides organized crime new
- it generates disturbances in opportunities to fill a more extended
the financial system of the affected economic and social space and directs
countries. The existence of the off- economy, and society, in general,
shore banking system, for instance, towards personalized structures, to
has eroded not only the capacity of the detriment of public interest. The
the states to resist to the speculative flexibility and the dynamism of the
attacks against their national new transnational organized crime
currencies, but it also facilitated the groups provide them a comparative
money laundering operations. The advantage towards the bureaucratic
financial stock markets, that are more and complex state structures in their
and more internationalized, make it fight for economic and political
more difficult to track the so-called control in society;
“hot money”, being permanently in - the illegal character of organized
search of speculative investments. crime activities leads usually to less
This risk is more acute in the new productive investments in economy
economies in transition, where new [19]. The known cases reveal that
financial markets have developed, but the extension of organized crime
where the regulating bodies cannot often occurs by acquisitions in the
keep the pace with these changes. real estate field and by exercising
The result of these effects consists a degree of control over banks and
in less impersonal distribution financial companies. The productive
processes, more inequitable and of investments realized by criminal
structural dysfunctions in economy, groups, when they exist, are made
with negative effects upon citizens’ in order to launder money and not to
life and the stability of the domestic generate economic growth or long
political system; term social and economic benefits.
- it discourages free participation These investments are directed
of the citizens and of the companies towards markets that generate a
on the market as business entities, small added value. The strong
distorting market functioning, and and consistent demand on behalf
may endanger firms’ investments and of organized crime contributes to
citizens’ personal economies; an increase in the prices of real
- it undermines the role of estate goods, with further negative
the state, by seriously impacting consequences on citizens’ life and
its effectiveness [18]. Under the public policies;
pressure of organized crime, the - the criminal organizations
stability and predictability provided threaten, firstly, the financial sector
naturally by the state disappear. As of the state, to the extent that they
such, capital owners will tend to promote the financial institutions
that operate without qualm and thus an issue of hard security. Organized
erode the functions of legitimate crime influences the intensity, the
state institutions through complex dynamics and the duration of armed
mechanisms of money laundering, conflicts, by providing armaments
that finally can undermine citizens’ and ammunitions to the combatants.
trust in these institutions. At the same The Kosovo conflict, for instance, has
time, the volatility of the capital, as a been prolonged due to the fact that
result of the latter being in the hands Western Europe Kosovo diaspora
of criminal groups, destabilizes financed the guerrillas of the Kosovo
banks and financial markets and that Army for Liberation. Similarly, the
may lead to profound economic and Iraqi insurgency has been fueled
social crises. for a long time with armaments
The combined effects of organized from the neighboring countries
crime in the economic field are (including with stealth cars that were
inflation, inequitable distribution of further transformed into vehicle-
income, obviation of free markets and born improvised explosive devices).
economic regulations [20]. All these Also, a large part of the African
have as a result a short term approach conflicts are fueled with arms from
of investments, which is counter- different countries, interested less in
productive from the perspective of the consequences of these conflicts
the economic-social development of upon the countries affected and more
a society. in gaining consistent profits from
Organized crime has the selling these arms.
capacity to provoke major economic The possibility of terrorist groups
disequilibria and long periods of to get access to the WMD materials
economic recession, seriously through global drug trafficking
affecting international competitivity routes represent a threat that cannot
in the current increasing globalized be neglected nowadays, as it is
framework. In countries with highlighted in the May 2015 issue
economies strongly dependent on of Dabiq, the English language ISIL
the productive system of a criminal periodical, that suggest the possibility
nature, any attempt to eradicate it and of ISIL to move such materials into
to come back to a market led by the the U.S. via Libya, Nigeria, South
efficiency principle risks to provoke America and Mexico [21].
economic recession and strong social
reactions. That makes it more difficult 6. CONNECTIONS BETWEEN
to combat criminal organizations, ORGANIZED CRIME AND
especially because the last ones have TERRORISM
seldom an explicit antisocial and
antidemocratic program. In the last years, the threat coming
d) in the military field. from organized crime has also been
The involvement of criminal increased by the connections, some of
organizations in military conflicts, them proved, others only presumed,
especially in areas where the control between organized criminal groups
over territory and institutions is weak, and terrorist organizations. These
makes transnational organized crime ideas are based on several convergent
elements existent between the two - on the other hand, terrorism
categories of groups: has a political motivation. Terrorist
- terrorist organizations carry out organizations seek to destroy states
some activities which are specific or to radically change the political
to criminal groups, in order to regime in a country.
finance their terrorist activities [22]. - criminal groups want to remain
Moreover, terrorist organizations in the shadow, while terrorists seek
have inspired themselves from the to be as visible as possible.
working methods of criminal groups. Currently, a radicalized trend
Thus, the terrorists in Iraq, or the can be noticed among the traffickers
Talibans in Afghanistan or Pakistan, operating in Western states against the
gain large amounts of money from background of an increasing social
kidnappings, money swindling or polarization at international level,
drugs trafficking - activities specific marginalization of immigrants from
to organized crime. It is worth this geographic space and increasing
mentioning that, currently, frauds of feelings of frustration, as a result of
the current inequitable redistribution
any kind, together with drugs and of resources around the globe. If
persons trafficking, represent an concretized, the phenomenon will
industry in which extremism adepts have the effect of strengthening the
in Western Europe are more and actionable capacity of terrorist groups.
more involved;
- organized crime groups 7. CONCLUSIONS
use tactics specific to terrorist
organizations (violence) in order to Through the dimensions that
shape the environment in which they it has gained, organized crime has
operate, to make it more productive become a transnational phenomenon
for their own goals; and a threat to global security. The
- the existence of some hybrid challenge raised by organized crime,
groups (an example is the Columbian latent for a long time, tends to become
Revolutionary Army Forces - an a major danger for the political, social
insurgent organization that operates and economic stability of states. The
in Columbia and carries out extended current stage of organized crime
operations of drugs cultivation, has evolved in parallel with and has
production and trafficking). been facilitated by new frameworks
However, despite these clear in which international trade has
similarities, there is a range of been carried out, as well as by the
important differences between the revolutions in communications and
transportation. The extended access
two kinds of groups that make their of new technologies, the diminishing
long term cooperation unlikely: barriers in human mobility and
- organized crime has an financial resources allow criminal
economic motivation. As such, it groups to challenge states’ stability
focuses its activities on gaining and undermine the democracy in
material advantages. In this respect, many areas of the globe, especially
criminal groups seek to weaken, but in the weak states and where pluralist
not to destroy state institutions. regimes are not consolidated.
Given the transnational nature of be persons or even groups, organized
this phenomenon, states are constrained more or less hierarchically, that will try
to forge international cooperation to provide those goods and services.
relations in order to provide an From the perspective of the criminal
effective response to this flagellum. groups, organized crime represents
The effectiveness of countering the most common opportunity of
measures depends essentially on two making businesses, a choice from
aspects: the understanding of the many possibilities, that permits
phenomenon and the integration of gaining a large profit in a short time.
national responses within an effective Illicit markets function because their
international strategy. clients are not morally injured by the
Currently, two different patterns effects of their gestures. Therefore, the
of analysis of transnational organized strategies of annihilating organized
crime have taken shape: one focuses criminal groups have to be joined by
on the criminal groups operating in interventionist measures concerning
different fields of human activity. The the illicit goods markets in order to
studies corresponding to this pattern effectively counter the issue.
approach the way in which illegal Combating transnational
activities develop and the entities organized crime has to be regarded
involved in these activities. The as an extended project that should
other pattern of analysis focuses on be linked to global governance. An
the illicit markets. None of these two argument in this sense is the fact
approaches do reflect the problem in that, regardless of whether they are
its complexity because they do not generated by the demand side (that is
grasp all the interactions between the by the markets) or by the supply (that
relevant elements. is by criminal groups), transnational
Up to the moment, the first organized flows are, mainly,
approach benefited from an transcontinental (the majority of these
increased attention on behalf of flows are initiated on one continent and
researchers. However, this approach commercializing on other continent,
is not an effective one because it is after the transit of a third continent).
rather reactive than pro-active. The In these conditions, what occurs in one
annihilation of the current organized region of the globe produces effects
crime groups does not eliminate the in others region, sometimes situated
risk for other groups to replace the a large distances. As such, only an
current ones, as long as there is a intervention of a similar scale as the
demand for illicit goods. As a UN issue is – namely a global one - can
report on the issue has showed [12], produce the desired effects.
the majority of the goods and illicit The effectiveness of the current
services flows are firstly the result combating measures of the flagellum
of market forces and less the result has been affected also by the speed
of the activity of criminal groups. with which a range of processes have
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