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Purification of Recombinant Protein A by

Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction Integrated

with Affinity Precipitation
Masamichi Kamihira,'*** Rajni Kaul,' and Bo Mattiasson'
'Department of Biotechnology, Chemical Center, University of Lund, Lund,
Sweden; and 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Nag0ya University, Nag0ya, Japan
Received February 4, 1992/Accepted July 24 1992

Aqueous two-phase extraction incorporated affinity pre- not extract a protein specifically from a crude mixture.
cipitation was examined as a technique for protein purifica- To overcome this problem, the introduction of an affin-
tion. A n enteric coating polymer, Eudragit SIOO, was ity ligand into one of the phases (usually polyethylene-
employed as a ligand carrier. Eudragit was specifically par-
titioned t o the top phase in the aqueous two-phase sys- glycol) has been attempted to enhance the s p e c i f i ~ i t y . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~
tems. For application of this method to purification of However, this procedure still has some limitations in
recombinant protein A using human IgG coupled to Eu- the effective removal of impurities and recovery and
dragit in an aqueous two-phase system, 80% of protein A reuse of the ligand.
added was recovered with 81% purity. The purity was en- During the past decade, another potentially scalable
hanced 26-fold by this method. The IgG-Eudragit could be
used repeatedly for the purification process. This separa- technique, that of affinity precipitation, has been studied
tion method should be applicable to industrial-scale purifi- for the isolation of protein^.'^*'^,'^ The affinity ligand,
cation as a new purification procedure combining the coupled to a reversibly soluble-insoluble polymer, is
advantages and compensating for the disadvantages of the used to specifically bind the protein in a complex mix-
aqueous two-phase method and affinity precipitation ture. The precipitation step, which can be accomplished
method. 0 1992 John Wiley 81Sons, Inc.
Key words: aqueous two-phase extraction affinity precipi- by a change in any environmental parameter such as pH,
tation Eudragit protein A temperature, salinity, etc., facilitates the separation of
the bound ligand and affinity complex from the unbound
components. Although cells and cell debris should be re-
INTRODUCTION moved before use, recovery and reuse of the ligand are
Advances in genetic engineering and cell fusion tech- relatively easy, and highly specific and scalable separa-
niques have made possible the realization of commercial- tion can be expected by this method.
scale production of various physiologically active In the present study, we describe a new separation
substances such as hormones and vaccines. However, procedure using aqueous two-phase separation method
the separation techniques for such bioproducts have incorporated affinity precipitation, in order to combine
been slow in development compared with the produc- the advantages and compensate for the problems in both
tion techniques. This is one of the latest problems in the methods described above. This method was applied
biotechnology.16 Conventionally, bioproducts have been for the purification of protein A produced by recombi-
purified by precipitation methods using salts and/or or- nant Escherichia coli as a model system.
ganic solvents and various column chromatography pro-
cedures. The chromatographic operations are sometimes
difficult for industrial-scale purification and the need for
the development of new, effective separation techniques
has been felt. Materials
Liquid-liquid extraction in the aqueous two-phase An enteric coating polymer, Eudragit (S 100 type, co-
system has provided a gentle and scalable procedure for polymer of methacrylic acid and methylmethacrylate; a
the separation of various biological substances.' In this commercial product of Rohm Pharma GmbH, Darm-
method, if the substance of interest is extracted to the stadt, Germany), was used as a reversibly soluble-
top phase, it can be separated with minimal energy re- insoluble ligand carrier. The polymer has been used for
quirement from cells and cell debris, which usually par- coating of drugs, since the solubility in water can be
tition to the bottom phase. Commonly used aqueous controlled by pH change; i.e., while it is insoluble in
two-phase extraction by spontaneous partitioning may gastric juice, it dissolves in the region of the digestive
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed at the De- tract where the juices are neutral to weakly alkaline. Re-
partment of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, cently, Eudragit was used as a polymer matrix for the
Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-01, Japan. immobilization of enzymes acting on macromolecular

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 40, Pp. 1381-1387 (1992)

0 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0006-3592/92/01101381-07
substrates." The enzymatic reaction could be per- sorbance at 470 nm for each solution were measured. A
formed with the immobilized enzyme in a soluble form, ratio of the absorbance at each pH to the maximum
which could later be recovered by precipitation. The value of the absorbance at pH less than 3.5 was calcu-
present study was undertaken to study the possibility of lated as relative value.
using Eudragit as a ligand carrier for affinity partition-
ing of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems, in a man-
Evaluation of Adsorption Capacity
ner that the bound ligand can be easily recovered by
precipitation and the elution of the protein from the af- Adsorption capacity with respect to the amount of pure
finity complex can be independently controlled. protein A adsorbed to IgG-Eudragit was determined as
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 (Union Carbide Co. , follows: 0.5 mL of 0.5% IgG-Eudragit solution and
New York, NY) and hydroxypropyl starch, Reppal PES 0.5 mL of 20% PEG 8000 solution were mixed, and
ZOO9 (Reppe Glykos AB, Vaxjo, Sweden), were used as 100 pg of pure protein A was added to the mixture.
polymers for making aqueous two-phase systems. Pro- After overnight incubation at 4"C, the pH of the mix-
tein A isolated from the Staphylococcus aureus cell wall ture was adjusted to 4.5 by adding 2M acetic acid. After
was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, centrifugation, the supernatant was collected and dia-
MO), and human IgG was purchased from KabiVitrum lyzed against PBS to remove PEG. The amount of
AB (Stockholm, Sweden). protein A in the dialyzed solution was measured. Ad-
sorption of protein A to Eudragit treated only with
ethanolamine was measured by the same procedure.
Immobilization of Human IgG to Eudragit
This amount was regarded as nonspecific adsorption to
Human IgG was coupled to Eudragit using water-soluble Eudragit. Adsorption capacity of IgG-Eudragit was cal-
carbodiimide. The immobilization procedure was as culated by subtracting the amount of nonspecific ad-
follows: 0.25 g of Eudragit was suspended in 25 mL of sorption from the amount adsorbed to IgG-Eudragit.
0.01M phosphate buffer solution containing 0.14M NaCl
(PBS), and the pH of the solution was adjusted to 7.2 by
adding 2N NaOH to solubilize the polymer. To this Preparation of Recombinant Protein A
Crude Extract
solution 0.075 g of 1-et hyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) -
carbodiimide hydrochloride (Sigma Chemical Co.) was E. coli N4830-1 (Pharmacia Fine Chemical Co., Uppsala,
added under stirring. After 10 min, 0.5 to 1 mL of hu- Sweden), harboring a plasmid pRIT2T (Pharmacia)
man IgG solution (15 to 120 mg/mL), previously dia- encoding S. aureus protein A was cultivated in a me-
lyzed against PBS, was added. dium (pH 7.0) containing, per liter: 10 g bacto-tryptone,
The coupling mixture was allowed to stand for 3 h at 5 g yeast extract, 5 g NaCI, 1 g glucose, and 80 mg ampi-
room temperature with constant stirring. Then, 0.7 mL cillin. The protein A gene was located to the down-
of 0.45 g/mL ethanolamine solution (pH 8.5) was added stream of PRpromoter derived from A-phage. Therefore,
for blocking of the remaining activated sites on the poly- production of the protein A was heat-inducible, and the
mer. After incubation for 1 h, the pH of the mixture product was accumulated in the cells. The cells were
was adjusted to 4.5 by adding 2M acetic acid solution grown first at 37°C until the absorbance at 600 nm
and the precipitated IgG-Eudragit complex (IgG- reached approximately 2.5. Thereafter, the temperature
Eudragit) was collected by centrifugation and washed was raised to 42°C and the cultivation was continued
three times with 25 m L of 0.01M acetate buffer further for 4 h. The protein A content in total soluble
(pH 4.5). The IgG-Eudragit precipitate was dissolved in protein of the cell was 3.1%. The cells were collected by
potassium phosphate buffer and the pH of the solution centrifugation and stored at -20°C until use. Protein A
was adjusted to 7.0. The final solution contained 1% crude extract was prepared by sonication of the E. coli
Eudragit, 0.2M potassium phosphate and 0.05% sodium cell suspension in 0.2M potassium phosphate buffer
azide for preservation, and was stored at 4°C. (pH 7.0). The lysate was directly used for purification
without elimination of cell debris.
pH Response Test of Eudragit
Purification Procedure
Because all Eudragit was precipitated at pH less than
3.5 and the amount of the precipitate was almost pro- PEG 8000, Reppal PES 200, 1%IgG-Eudragit solution,
portional to the turbidity, absorbance at 470 nm was 0.4M potassium phosphate solution, and the E. coli cell
measured to study the precipitation response of Eu- homogenate were mixed to form an aqueous two-phase
dragit to variations in pH, as reported by Taniguchi system having a final concentration of 5% PEG 8000,
et al.17,'8Various amounts (3 to 150 pL) of 2M acetic 14% Reppal PES 200, 0.5% IgG-Eudragit and 0.2M
acid solution was added to 3 mL of 0.15% Eudragit or potassium phosphate. After occasional stirring for 1 h,
IgG-Eudragit solution, and the mixture was well-mixed. the mixture was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 10 min,
After stabilization of the turbidity, the pH and the ab- and the top phase and the bottom phase were sepa-

rated. The top phase was used to recover the protein A. Rabbit muscle phosphorylase b (MW 97,000), bovine
The pH of the top-phase solution was adjusted to 4.5 by serum albumin (MW 66,000),ovalbumin (MW 45,000),
adding 2M acetic acid, and the resulting precipitate was bovine carbonic anhydrase (MW 31,000), soybean tryp-
collected by centrifugation at 4500 rpm for 10 min. sin inhibitor (MW 22,000), and hen egg white lysozyme
The precipitate was then washed three times with (MW 14,400), available as a standard kit (Bio-Rad Labo-
0.01M acetate buffer (pH 4 3 , and later resuspended in ratories Ltd., Richmond, CA), were used as molecular
2 mL of 0.1M glycine-HCI buffer (pH 2.5) to elute pro- weight markers.
tein A from IgG-Eudragit. The elution procedure was
repeated twice. Each fraction of eluate was neutralized
immediately with 0.5 N NaOH. The precipitate (in-
soluble form of IgG-Eudragit) was washed with 0.01M
Partition Behavior of Eudragit in the Aqueous
acetate buffer (pH 4.5) and resolubilized in 0.2M potas- Two-Phase System
sium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). This solution was used
for the next cycle of the purification. The partition behavior of Eudragit in the PEG 8000-
Reppal PES 200 two-phase system was examined. In
this study, modified starch, Reppal PES 200 was used as
Analyses hydrophilic bottom-phase polymer instead of dextran,
Eudragit concentration was estimated by measuring the because the material is rather inexpensive and promis-
turbidity at 470 nm after precipitation of the polymer ing for industrial-scale use.
and calculating the amount using calibration curves. For Table I shows Eudragit concentrations in the two-
the measurement of recovery of Eudragit, the precipi- phases as a result of change in the initial concentration
tate collected after centrifugation was washed three of the polymer. Most of the Eudragit was partitioned to
times with 0.05M acetic acid, dried overnight at llO"C, the top phase in every case, although Eudragit concen-
and then weighed. tration of the bottom phase was increased with the in-
Phase diagrams (binodial curves) were determined by crease in the initial concentration. Moreover, Eudragit
the turbidity method described by Albertsson.' For the from the top phase was recovered almost completely af-
two-phase systems containing Eudragit, predetermined ter precipitation. Also, in the other aqueous two-phase
concentrations of Eudragit were added to each solution systems such as PEG-dextran and PEG-phosphate, most
for making the binodials. of the Eudragit was partitioned to the top phase (data
Total protein concentration was determined by the bi- not shown). It is, therefore, possible that Eudragit could
cinchoninic acid method described by Smith et a1.I5 Bo- be used as a ligand carrier to partition the protein of
vine serum albumin or protein A was used as a standard. interest specifically to the top phase in the aqueous two-
Protein A concentration was determined by a solid- phase systems.
phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method The effect of Eudragit addition on the phase diagram
(ELISA).3The wells of the microtiter plate (Coster Co., is shown in Figure 1, and the lines represent phase-
Cambridge, MA) were coated overnight at 4°C with separation limit. The phase separation was promoted by
mouse anti-protein A monoclonal antibody (Sigma the addition of Eudragit to the two-phase system. How-
Chemical Co.). The plate was washed three times with ever, the shape of the binodial was not changed much,
PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20. After addition of the even beyond Eudragit concentration of 0.25%.
protein A samples to the wells, the plate was allowed to
stand for 30 min. Table I. Partition and recovery of Eudragit S 100 in PEG 8000-
After washing three times with PBS containing 0.05% Reppal PES 200 two-phase system.
Tween 20, the diluted solution of rabbit IgG conjugated Concentrationa (wt%) Recovery from
to horseradish peroxidase (Dakopatts A/S, Glostrup, Initial concentration top phaseb
Denmark) was added to the wells and the plate was (wt%) TOP Bottom (%)
stood for 1 h. Then the wells were washed four times 0.1 0.20 ND' 101
with PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20 and added the (100%) ( 0 %)
substrate solution containing H 2 0 2and 2,2'-azino-bis 0.25 0.59 0.0007 104
(3-et hylbenz-thiazoline-6-sulfonicacid) diammonium to (99.9%) (0.1%)
detect the enzyme. The protein A concentration was es- 0.5 0.86 0.025 103
(97.7%) (2.3%)
timated by measuring absorbance at 405 nm using an 1.0 1.38 0.31 103
ELISA reader (Labsystems OY, Helsinki, Finland). The (85.0%) (15.0%)
commercial protein A or the recombinant protein A pu-
rified by IgG-sepharose was used as a standard. The composition of the phase system was 5 wt% and 14 wt% of
PEG 8000 and Reppal PES 200, respectively.
Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electro- a Estimated from turbidity at 470 nm after precipitation.
phoresis (SDS-PAGE) with 13% gel was performed ac- Estimated from dry weight after precipitation.
cording to Laemmli' to check the purity of the samples. Not detected.

h '"1 1
Table 111. Effect of salt addition on partition of Eudragit S 100.

(MI TOP Bottom

Salt + 0.5% Eudragit

No addition 0.86 0.025
(97.7%) (2.3%)
0 5 10 15 20 K phosphateb 0.05 0.84 0.005
Reppal PES 200 (wt%) (99.5%) (0.5%)
Figure 1. Phase diagrams of PEG 8000 and Reppal PES 200 con- 0.2 1.02 ND'
taining Eudragit S 100. Symbols: 0, 0%; 0, 0.1%; A, 0.25%; A, (100%) (0%)
0.5%; 0, 1.0%. NaCl 0.2 0.67 0.24
(76.5%) (23.5%)
The effect of the phase composition on the partition 0.5 0.39 0.56
(43.8%) (56.2%)
of Eudragit is shown in Table 11. Because each composi- Salt + 1.0% Eudragit
tion examined was almost along the same tie line, it No addition 1.38 0.31
could be considered that the compositions of each top (85.0%) (15.0%)
and bottom phase were the same. Consequently, the re- K phosphateb 0.05 1.66 0.059
(97.2%) (2.8%)
sults show the effect of volume ratio between the phases
0.2 2.27 0.041
on the Eudragit partitioning. The partition to the bot- (98.2%) (1.8%)
tom phase was increased with the decrease of the top- NaCl 0.2 1.28 0.77
phase volume. Furthermore, the partition to the bottom (66.6%) (33.4%)
phase was drastically increased as top phase concentra- 0.5 0.59 1.31
(31.7%) (68.3%)
tion of Eudragit exceeded 1% (Tables I and 11).
The influence of salt addition on the partition of Eu- The composition of the phase system was 5 wt% and 14 wt% of
dragit was also studied (Table 111). The experiments PEG 8000 and Reppal PES 200, respectively.
a Estimated from turbidity at 470 nm after precipitation.
were performed with 0.5% and 1% Eudragit concentra-
K phosphate: equal molar mixture of KH2P04 and KzHP04.
tions, in which the partition to the top phase was less Not detected.
than 98%. It is apparent from the data that the partition
to the top phase was increased by the addition of potas- phosphate ion strongly favors the bottom phase and
sium phosphate. When 0.05M phosphate was added to chloride ion is present equally in the both phases,6 elec-
the two-phase system, Eudragit partition to the top trostatic repulsion between Eudragit, polyanion in the
phase was increased to 99.5% for 0.5% Eudragit and soluble form, and the salt anions generates the parti-
97.2% for 1% Eudragit. With the increase in phosphate tioning. Thus, the addition of anion specifically parti-
concentration to 0.2M almost all of the 0.5% Eudragit tioned t o the bottom phase will be effective for
and more than 98% of the 1% Eudragit was partitioned complete recovery of Eudragit from the top phase.
to the top phase. On the other hand, the addition of
NaCl had the opposite effect. More than 50% of Eu-
dragit added was partitioned to the bottom phase for Character of Human IgG-immobilized Eudragit
both concentrations of Eudragit when 0.5M NaCl was The protein A and IgG-binding system was selected as a
added. This seems to be attributable to the distribution model system for the application of this purification
of the anion in the two-phase system. From the fact that procedure. For this, human IgG was covalently coupled
Table 11. Effect of phase composition on partition of Eudragit to carboxyl groups of Eudragit by the carbodiimide
s 100. method in order to be used for the purification of pro-
tein A. For all the concentrations of IgG used, more
Composition Eudragit than 90% of the antibody added was immobilized to Eu-
concentrationa (wt%)
PEG 8000 Reppal PES Volume ratio dragit (data not shown).
(wt%) 200 (wt%) TOP Bottom (top/bottom) Figure 2 shows the precipitation response of Eudragit
and IgG-Eudragit with change in pH. Native Eudragit
2 25 1.81 0.21 0.22
(65.4%) (34.6%) had a soluble-insoluble transitional region between
5 14 0.86 0.025 1.2 pH 4.5 and 5.5. The region was shifted slightly upward
(97.7%) (2.3%) in pH scale after the immobilization of human IgG.
8 6 0.57 0.048 5.3 However, the response width was not changed. Even
(98.4%) (1.6%) though the IgG density immobilized was increased to
Initial concentration of Eudragit was 0.5 wt%. 400 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit, the pH response was al-
aEstimated from turbidity at 470 nm after precipitation. most the same as with the lower densities. The shift in

- 30 i r 1.0

3 4 5 6 7 8
PH Immobilized IgG density
Figure 2. Precipitation curve of Eudragit S 100 and IgG-Eudragit (mglg-Eudragit)
in response to pH variation. The different samples studied con- Figure 3. Adsorption capacity and binding ratio of IgG-Eudragit
tained: Eudragit only ( 0 ) ;60 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit (A); 240 mg for pure protein A. Symbols: 0, adsorbed protein A; 0, binding
of IgG/g of Eudragit (+); 400 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit (m); Eudra- ratio.
git + 10% PEG (0);120 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit + 10% PEG (A);
and 400 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit + 10% PEG (0).
for immobilization of human IgG. It seems that high
p H response curves was also obtained when just density of immobilized IgG caused steric hindrance for
ethanolamine or bovine serum albumin were coupled to protein A adsorption.
Eudragit (data not shown). Thus, the independent pre-
cipitation character on the kind or density of ligand is
Aqueous Two-Phase Partitioning and Affinity
important for general use. Precipitation of Protein A
The pH response in the presence of PEG was also
examined (Fig. 2), because about 10% of PEG was pre- Recovery of protein A from an aqueous two-phase sys-
sent in the top phase of the two-phase system used in tem was examined. The protein A was partitioned spon-
this study. The pH response behavior for IgG-Eudragit taneously in the aqueous two-phase system (5% PEG
was the same both in the absence and presence of PEG. 8000, 14% Reppal PES 200, and 0.2M potassium phos-
However, the pH response curve for native Eudragit was phate) with a partition coefficient of 0.85. This was fol-
shifted upward in the presence of PEG and overlapped lowed by the partitioning of the protein A in the system
with the curves for IgG-Eudragit. containing IgG-Eudragit. Based on the results in Fig-
Next, protein A binding activity of IgG-Eudragit was ure 3,100 pg and 200 pg of protein A were added to the
examined. Some proteins were adsorbed nonspecifically two-phase systems containing 0.025 g of IgG-Eudragit
to Eudragit (data not shown), and also 80% of protein A (60 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit). The results are shown in
added was adsorbed to Eudragit. This is a potential prob- Table IV. The apparent partition coefficient calculated
lem if Eudragit is to be used in affinity precipitation from the amount of protein A remaining in the bottom
method. It is probably partly due to the hydrophobic phase was found to be 28 and 2.6, respectively. Protein A
character of the polymer. Fortunately, this nonspecific amount recovered from the fractions of eluate was al-
adsorption was reduced very much in the presence of most the same in both cases, and the recovery was 91.7%
PEG, including the nonspecific adsorption of protein A, and 63.0%, respectively. A large amount of protein A
which was repressed to more than 90% in 10% PEG was detected in the PEG phase after precipitation for
solution. Because, in our studies, the top phase of the the 200 pg addition. From the results, adsorption capac-
two-phase system contained about 10% PEG, the use ity of the IgG-Eudragit in the two-phase was calculated
of Eudragit in the aqueous two-phase system had a as about 4 mg of protein A/g of Eudragit.
great advantage in terms of prevention of nonspecific
adsorption. Table IV. Recover of purified protein A from PEG 8000-Reppal
Figure 3 shows adsorption of protein A t o IgG- PES 200 two-phase system containing IgG-Eudragit.
Eudragit with respect to the change in IgG density. The
Added Recovered protein A (pg)
amount of protein A adsorbed to IgG-Eudragit increased protein A Recovery"
with the increase in the amount of immobilized IgG. (PgLp) El E2 Bottom (%I
However, the increase in the amount was not propor-
100 75.9 15.8 3.3 91.7
tional as obvious from the binding ratio of mol-protein 200 78.1 16.3 55.2 63.0
A adsorbed to mol-IgG immobilized. For instance, the
binding ratio for 30 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit was 0.5, but Phase composition was 5 wt% PEG 8000, 14 wt% Reppal PES
the value was decreased to 0.21 for 400 mg of IgG/g of 200, 0.5 wt% IgG-Eudragit (60 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit) and 0.2M
K phosphate. Total weight of system was 5 g (0.025 g of IgG-
Eudragit. These results were similar to reported by Eudragit).
Taniguchi et al.," in which they used another pH re- E l : first fraction of eluate; E2: second fraction of eluate.
sponsive support, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acetate, a Recovery was calculated from added amount and eluted amount.

Purification of Recombinant Protein A
This separation method was applied for purification of
protein A produced by recombinant E. coli. The cell ho-
mogenate was directly added without elimination of cell
debris to the aqueous two-phase system containing IgG-
Eudragit. Because the cell debris was partitioned to the
bottom phase after phase separation, this method pro-
vided the advantage in terms of removal of cell debris
without the aid of a high-speed centrifuger, etc.
Table V shows the results of purification of the re-
combinant protein A from the cell homogenate. Two
different sample amounts were used for purification.
Addition of sample containing 137 pg protein A (total
soluble protein was 4400 pg) resulted in partitioning of
95% of the protein to the top phase, and 85% of this
could be recovered after the precipitation of IgG-Eu-
dragit. As a result, the total recovery was 80.3%. Most
Figure 4. SDS-PAGE patterns for purified protein A. Lane M:
of the protein A was recovered in the first fraction of marker proteins. Lane 1: crude extract without cell debris. Lane 2:
eluate. The purity of the first fraction was 81% and en- first fraction of eluate purified by aqueous two-phase extraction
hanced 26-fold as compared with that of the crude ex- with affinity precipitation. Lane 3: eluate from IgG-sepharose.
tract without cell debris.
Figure 4 shows SDS-PAGE patterns of purified pro- IgG-Eudragit added was lost each time due to incom-
tein A samples. The main band of the first fraction of plete recovery of the top phase, the recovery of protein
the eluate appeared in the same position (MW 31,000) A adsorbed to IgG-Eudragit was maintained at around
as the protein A purified from the same cell by IgG- 90% for every cycle (data not shown). The purity of the
sepharose. However, the purity of the second fraction of eluates during repeated use was 35% to 50% (data not
eluate was lower than that of the first fraction. SDS- shown). Relative adsorption capacity and total protein
PAGE analysis revealed that this finding was not due to on IgG-Eudragit, including immobilized IgG after each
denaturation of protein A, but due to elution of impuri- cycle, are shown in Figure 5. As seen, the relative ad-
ties nonspecifically bound to IgG-Eudragit (data not sorption capacity was decreased to 80% in the first use,
shown). and thereafter was maintained constant. The reason for
When the amount of the protein A sample added to the decrease in adsorption capacity seemed to be the
the two-phase system was doubled, the total recovery denaturation of the ligand and/or some protein A still
was decreased to 55.3%, and the purity of the first frac- remaining on IgG-Eudragit due to incomplete elution.
tion of eluate was also lower (Table V). Therefore, over- On the other hand, proteins were accumulated on IgG-
load is not recommended in this procedure in terms of Eudragit in the use. After five cycles of purification,
both the loss of product and the decreased purity. the total protein amount on Eudragit became 224 mg/g
Next, the repeated use of IgG-Eudragit in the two- Eudragit, and the accumulated amount was 2.7-fold
phase system was examined. Although 3% to 5% of higher than the amount of immobilized IgG. It is as-
sumed, therefore, that the adsorbed proteins caused the
Table V. Purification of recombinant protein A from cell homo- decrease in the purity of eluate during repeated use.
genate by the PEG 8000-Reppal PES 200 two-phase system con-
taining IgG-Eudragit.
100 (h I_ 500
Added Recovered protein A (pg)
protein A Recovery a
(f%) El E2 Bottom (%I
137 80.0 30.1 6.7 80.3
(0.031)b (0.810)b (0.494)b
274 112.0 39.8 53.0 55.3
(0.031)b (0.563)b (0.519)b

Phase composition was 5 wt% PEG 8000, 14 wt% Reppal PES

200, 0.5 wt% IgG-Eudragit (60 mg of IgG/g of Eudragit) and 0.2M 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
K phosphate. Total weight of system was 5 g (0.025 g of IgG-
El: first fraction of eluate; E2: second fraction of eluate. Figure 5. Relative adsorption capacity and total protein amount
a Recovery was calculated from added amount and eluted amount. on repeatedly used IgG-Eudragit. Symbols: 0, relative adsorption
Protein A content (mg of protein A/mg of total protein). capacity; 0, total protein on Eudragit.

Nevertheless, IgG-Eudragit could be repeatedly used References
for separation of protein A. Further studies concerned
1. Albertsson, P.-& 1986. Partition of cell particles and macro-
with washing conditions or regeneration method of IgG- molecules. 3rd edition. Wiley, New York.
Eudragit will be necessary to prevent the decrease of 2. Andrews, B.A., Head, D. M., Dunthorne, P., Asenjo, J.A.
purity during reuse. 1990. PEG activation and ligand binding for the affinity parti-
tioning of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems. Biotechnol.
Techniq. 4: 49-54.
CONCLUDING REMARKS 3. Harlow, E., Lane, D. 1988. Antibodies: A laboratory manual.
Downstream processing is often characterized by a se- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York.
4. Harris, J. M., Yalpani, M. 1985. Polymer-ligands used in affin-
quence of several separation steps that all contribute to ity partitioning and their synthesis, pp. 589-626. In: H. Walter,
reach a product with the desired purity. Losses in each D. E. Brooks, and D. E. Fisher (eds.), Partitioning in aqueous
step lead to reduction in yield in the overall process. two-phase systems. Academic Press, London.
One way to improve the yields would be to reduce the 5. Hedman, P. O., Gustafsson, J.-G. 1984. Protein adsorbents in-
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The authors thank the Japan-Sweden Foundation, Tokyo,
as a ligand. J. Ferment. Bioeng. 68: 32-36.
Japan; National Swedish Board for Industrial and Technical
Development (NUTEK); and the Swedish Research Council
for Engineering Sciences (TFR) for financial assistance.


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