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BS-MS Thesis Monitoring Committee:

Supratim Banerjee (Convener)

Arindam Mukherjee
Ashwani Tiwari
Pradipta Purkayastha
Ratheesh K. Vijayaraghavan
Regular Lab-work and Maintenance of Lab Notebook

✓ You have to follow a regular work routine in the lab

✓ All the research activities (lab work and literature reading) have to be written down in an organized manner in a lab

✓ During the Mid-Sem or End-Sem evaluations, you will be asked to show the lab note-book to the committee

A. Autumn Semester (100 marks) [20 credits]

1) 50 marks (by the Supervisor):

The Supervisor will grade the student’s performance in a scale of 50 marks.

2) 50 marks (by the Monitoring Committee)

a) Mid-Sem Evaluation-20 marks:

There will be a Mid-Sem evaluation (tentatively between 16-20 September, 2019). Each student has to give a 10-15 min
presentation in front of the BS-MS Thesis Monitoring Committee. The presentation will be based on the literature survey on
the topic of interest and a definition of the research problem.

b) End-Sem Evaluation-30 marks:

There will be an open poster session and short presentations (3 min, the theme of the work has to be highlighted in 3-4
slides) by the students. Tentatively in the last week of November/first week of December.
B. Spring Semester (100 marks) [24 credits]

1) 50 marks (by the Supervisor):

The Supervisor will grade the student’s performance in a scale of 50 marks.

2) 50 marks (by the Monitoring Committee)

b) Mid-Sem Evaluation: 20 marks

Each student has to give a 10-15 min presentation on the progress of his/her thesis work.

c) End-Sem Evaluation: 30 marks

The students have to present their complete MS thesis work and these presentations will be open to all.
3. Best MS thesis award:

Based on the thesis work and performance, the BS-MS Thesis Monitoring Committee will short-list and recommend 6
students (this number is flexible and will be decided by the committee). The final evaluation will be done by a special
committee comprising of external members to be selected by the committee members and depending on the research
work of the shortlisted candidates.
Format for Lab Notebook
Table of Contents
Date Experiment Page No.

Leave the first few pages in the notebook for table of contents
Reaction scheme/experiment

Reactants/ Mol. Wt Amount mol/mmol Concentration

Reagents (Density) taken

Journal reference or Lab notebook (volume, page no)
✓ Reaction procedure:

▪ Start time

▪ Observation

▪ End time


▪ Work up/column

▪ NMR/Mass/other data

▪ Conclusion: Whether the reaction worked, product is pure or not, etc

Leave Card

Sl No Duration No of Purpose of Approve Reject Signature

Days Leave

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