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| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students




Corporación Universitaria del Caribe – CECAR

Facultad de Educación

Licenciatura en Ingles

Modalidad virtual

Sincelejo, Sucre


| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students




Trabajo de grado presentado como requisito para optar al título de
Licenciada en Ingles

Luz Eugenia Gonzales Meza

Corporación Universitaria del Caribe – CECAR

Facultad de Educación

Licenciatura en Ingles

modalidad virtual

Sincelejo, Sucre

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Nota de Aceptación








Evaluador 1


Evaluador 2

Ciudad, Departamento, día de mes de año


| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Thanks to God for each blessing that He has given me in my life allowing me to achieve this goal.

To each of my students.

Thanks to my family, for their support, words of encouragement, and infinite affection, which help
me throughout these years

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Tabla de Contenido

Resumen .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Problem statement.................................................................................................................................... 12
2. Research question ..................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Objectives of the research......................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 General .............................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Specific ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
4. Expected outcomes ................................................................................................................................... 14
5. Justification................................................................................................................................................ 15
6. Theoretical framework .............................................................................................................................. 16
6.1 Communicative competence:.................................................................................................................. 16
6.2 Bachman and palmer model ................................................................................................................... 17
6.3 Speaking skills .......................................................................................................................................... 18
6.4 Role-play and drama................................................................................................................................ 21
7. Methodology ............................................................................................................................................. 23
7.1 Methodological approach ....................................................................................................................... 23
7.2 type of investigation ................................................................................................................................ 23
7.3 population and sample ............................................................................................................................ 24
7.3.1 Population ........................................................................................................................................ 24
7.3.2 Sample .............................................................................................................................................. 25
7.4 DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................... 26
7.4.1 Observation ...................................................................................................................................... 26
7.4.2 Survey ............................................................................................................................................... 27
7.5 Research tools ......................................................................................................................................... 28
8. Variables .................................................................................................................................................... 29

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

8.1 Independent Variable: Role Play ............................................................................................................. 29

8.2 Dependent variable: Speaking skills ........................................................................................................ 30
9. Analysis and Interpretation of the survey ................................................................................................. 31
9.1 Survey to students ................................................................................................................................... 31
9.1.1 The causes that affect the development of speaking skills ............................................................. 31
9.1.3 The need of implement pedagogical strategies ............................................................................... 38
10. Interview with the Principal .................................................................................................................. 45
11. TIMETABLE............................................................................................................................................. 46
1. RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 47
ANNEXES ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
SURVEY TO THE PRINCIPAL............................................................................................................................ 57
........................................................................................................................................................................... 59

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Chart 1…………………………………………………………………………………………………..40
Chart 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………..42
Chart 3………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43
Chart 4…………………………………………………………………………………………………..45
Chart 5…………………………………………………………………………………………………..47
Chart 6…………………………………………………………………………………………………..48
Chart 7………………………………………………………………………………………………….50
Chart 8………………………………………………………………………………………………….52
chart 9…………………………………………………………………………………………………..53
Chart 11………………………………………………………………………………………………..60

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Graph #1 ......................................................................................................................................... 44
Graph #2: ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Graph #3: ....................................................................................................................................... 47
Graph #4: ....................................................................................................................................... 49
Graph #5: ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Graph #6: ....................................................................................................................................... 52
Graph # 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 54
Graph # 8: ...................................................................................................................................... 56

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Fortalecer las habilidades del habla inglesa entre los estudiantes es de gran importancia, estas
actividades permiten el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas, lingüísticas y emotivas de los
estudiantes, creando espacios apropiados de aprendizaje; por ello, se hace necesario realizar
actividades que permitan que los estudiantes mejoren las habilidades del idioma inglés y reconozcan
la importancia del mismo en su diario vivir.

Partiendo de la anterior premisa, estructuró el proyecto de investigación: “Mejoramiento de

las habilidades del habla del idioma ingles a través del teatro en los estudiantes de grado
quinto” el propósito de esta investigación es encontrar nuevas estrategias para mejorar las
habilidades del habla dándole una real importancia a las habilidades comunicativas del idioma

Palabras clave: habilidades del habla, teatro, estrategias de aprendizaje, habilidades comunicativas.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Strengthen English speaking skills among students is very important, these kinds of activities allow
the development of communicative, linguistic and emotional skills of the students, working with
better learning spaces; Therefore, it is necessary to carry out activities that allow students to develop
skills and recognize the importance of this language in their daily lives.

According with the previous premise, it has been structured the investigation project: "Improving
speaking skills through role-play in fifth grade students " the purpose of this investigation is to
find out new strategies to improve the speaking skills giving a really important to the communicative
competence of the English Language.

Keywords: speaking skills, learning, strategies, communicative competence., role play


| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


Strengthening of speaking skills through activities that involve role-play it's the central idea of this
document. This project it has worked with fifth-grade students´ of Liceo Emmaus at Anapoima,
Cundinamarca. It is important that students feel motivated to learn, by the way, that they are having fun,
children will be improving their skills. This project begins with an investigative phase by carrying out
a process of analysis and observation, so we can find out the problem and establish a strategy that can
give a solution.

According to the above, the purpose of this research is to search through role-play, the increase of
the motivation and the improvement of the speaking skills among the students. It's necessary to give a
real importance to the communicative, linguistic and emotional skills, when a child feels comfortable
and happy in his/her learning process, she/he is able to imagine and create his own learning spaces;
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out activities that allow students to acquire the habit of practice
speaking and recognize the importance of it, in their daily lives.

To initiate the research phase of this project, it was necessary a characterization of the students,
carried out in order to identify the difficulties that they had in the subject of English Language; Second
started the process of information collection and selection of research, authors and conceptual and
theoretical references that allow connection and interest with the research proposal that was constructed,
thus identifying the state of art of the proposed proposal.

This is how this research project arises that seeks to work with role play to solve the problems that it
has been detected in the school, with the help of motivating strategies that allow achieving the
objectives set.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

1. Problem statement

Learn English has become a necessity on our days, but most of the time teachers and students have
a special emphasis on reading and writing skills leaving away listening and speaking skills to reach an
appropriate level of communication of the English language.

According to the observation during the practicum at Liceo Emmaus School, there was insecurity
of the students to express themselves in English with a low level of participation.

Sometimes the institution privileges the domain of written production and reading comprehension,
leaving aside other communication skills such as speaking and listening.

This document proposes to integrate the role play as a strategy of action that allows students to be
an active part of their learning process with activities that improve speaking.

2. Research question

 How does the use of role-play improve the English-speaking skills of fifth-grade students at
Liceo Emmaus school?

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

3. Objectives of the research

3.1 General

To analyze the improving of English-speaking skills among fifth-grade students of the “Liceo
Emmaus School” through the use of role-play as a pedagogical strategy

3.2 Specific

 To determine the causes that affect the development of speaking skills among fifth-grade
students of "Liceo Emmaus"
 To develop the proposal with the use of role-play to improve speaking skills.
 To evaluate the impact of the strategy used and the improvement of the speaking skills among
the students.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

4. Expected outcomes

Roleplay provides to the student tools and elements to improve his/her skills. According to the
established, incorporate this strategy at English class within a performance demonstration might

 The learner will have demonstrated the improvement of their speaking skills.

 The learner will have demonstrated the ability to express thoughts and feelings according to
his/her character.
 The learner will have demonstrated the ability to analyze and identify the correct
pronunciation of new vocabulary.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

5. Justification

Speaking it's one of the most relevant skills, but students seem afraid to practice in
class, they need to feel confident with their process; the use of strategies that incorporates
laugh, corporal expression and also teaching it's a great way. Ur (1981, p. 9) states that
"role-play is giving students a suitable topic provides interest and subject- matter of
discussion, dividing them into groups improves the amount and quality of the verbal
interaction". According to the author, the student feels free to express with this kind of
activity. Roleplay is a creative technique that allows the student to be confident with
his/her process.

It's important to develop strategies, that allow the students to be comfortable in the
learning process of a new language according to their tastes and interests.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

6. Theoretical framework

The theoretical framework provides relevant points that are the basis in the
development of research. These concepts and studies have a close relationship with
the present project. The theoretical basis for the construction of this research paper has
been developed around some concepts and theories that are fundamental to this
investigation: first communicative competence, second speaking skills, third teaching
speaking skills, and finally role-play and drama.

6.1 Communicative competence:

Communicative competence includes grammatical, semantic and phonetic rulers that

allow to the speaker has an efficient communication with other persons in the same
language. Communicative competence its base in these theories:

Canale and Swain (1980) as cited Salazar (2015 p. 90) include four components of
communicative competence:

 Grammatical (words and rulers)

 Sociolinguistic (appropriateness)
 Strategic (appropriate use of commutative strategies)

Years later Canale (1983 p. 9) redefine some concepts and include discourse
competence: (cohesion and coherence).

According to the authors to learn a new language it's important to learn the grammatical
rulers and right pronunciation of the notions, but this is only one part of the process;

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

sociolinguistic competence includes the uses of the grammatical competence in different


6.2 Bachman and palmer model

Communicative competence it's a model according to the studies of Bachman and

Palmer (1996) as cited Bagarić (2007 p 99) the communicative language ability includes
more component to the grammatical knowledge as:

 Morphology
 Vocabulary
 Syntax
 Phonetic

They divided language knowledge into two main groups:

 Organizational knowledge: include components that involve the structure of the

language in a grammatical context.
 Pragmatic knowledge: the use of the language in different contexts.

Although this model is similar to Canale and Swain, it offers the learner new elements
that allow understanding the nature of the communication.

Teaching a new language involves many aspects that are necessary to work at classroom by
teachers and students. It is necessary to find out a method that includes the students in the
process, the motivation of the students is extremely important.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

6.3 Speaking skills

Speaking skills give to the student the necessary tools to communicate his/her ideas
in different contexts, many authors define the importance about it, Burns (2012: 165)
stated "The teaching and learning of speaking are a vital part of any language education
not only does the spoken language offer affordance for learning as the main
communicative medium at the classroom".

Although speaking skills it has considered one of the most important skills that students
need to improve each day in the classroom, most of the teachers think that grammar and
writing skills are more important, leaving the speaking skill in a second stage. Gutierrez
(2005: 84) stated "the lack of learning resources and the exaggerated use of grammar
approaches which cause some students to lack motivation in the learning of English".

Cameron (2011:60) argues that "speaking short activities to be practiced with

children; either as individuals or all together in chorus" this research, propose role play
that involves these kinds of activities. Šolcová states:

"one of the problems with teaching speaking skills in the traditional classroom setting
is that it is not the spoken but the written form of language and its characteristics that are
taught. As a result, teachers do not meet their students‟ needs when it comes to speaking
skills training because, in the end, it is not speaking skills that are taught" (Šolcová

Learn a new language is very important in our daily life; students can express ideas,
feelings, and thoughts; that´s why children have to understand the importance of learning
English gives them more opportunities in the future.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

When teachers use strategies in the classroom that include speaking activities, the
student is improving other areas in his/her learning process. Brown (2006:56) stated:
teaching method or procedure based on first language acquisition:

 In language teaching, we must practice and practice, again and again.

 Language learning is mainly a matter of imitation.

 First, we practice the separate sounds, then words, then sentences. That is the natural
order and is therefore right for learning a foreign language.

 Watch a small child's speech development.

 A small child listens and speaks and no one would dream of making him read or

There are many authors that include in their texts about the importance of user activities
that involve the student in his/her learning and also allow the progress, Mendoza states:

"Language learning always implies communication and interaction with others as a

need of all human being, Be sociable is almost an inherent feature to people, no matter
the age, academic, economic aspects or any other factor; therefore language teaching
must be focused on communicating, interacting, sharing ideas, thoughts and beliefs
according with their contexts" (Mendoza 2007 p13).

The use of pedagogical strategies involves find out new forms to teach English, it's
important to recognize that include the students in their learning process is the best way
to improve communicative competence, after all, learn it’s a process that can be fun,
Burns notes that:

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

"In many traditional classrooms, there is a heavy focus on teaching knowledge about
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse. However, as many learners who
have experienced these types of classrooms have come to realize, such knowledge is not
sufficient in itself to enable them to become effective speakers" according with the author
its necessary work deferent kind of strategies that allow the student to be confident with
his/her process, not only in grammar aspects” (Burns, 2017 p247)

For many years, schools and institutes gave more importance to grammar and reading
skills, leaving as consequences: people who are not able to communicate in English in a
correct form, that’s why the importance to emphasize in socio-linguistic areas, which
allows the student to feel comfortable expressing their feelings and thoughts in English.

It's important to include activities in the classroom that involves speaking skills, it's a
good strategy that makes a change in the diary routines of the student. Harni (2007: 8)
states "students feel shy and afraid to take part of a conversation, many factors can cause
the problem of the students" it's important that teachers and students look for new ways
to improve all the skills necessary to learn the new language as a native person. Some
activities that can be included at the school are:

 Games
 Roleplay
 Dramatizes
 Forums

Teachers should use creativity and innovation in their class. It is important to

understand that elements as books, notebooks, pencils, and pens, have to be replaced
with activities that include the active participation of the students in the class.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

6.4 Role-play and drama

At first, it's necessary to find out the definition of role play. According to (Scrivener
2005: 155) "role-play, learners are usually given some information about a „role‟ (e.g. a
person or a job title). These are often printed on role cards‟. Learners take a little
preparation time and then meet up with other students to act out small scenes using their
ideas, as well as any ideas and information from the role cards"

Roleplay is defined by Ments (1999: 13) "expresses hidden feelings, the student can
discuss private issues and problems, enables students to empathize with others and
understand their motivation" this kind of activity allows the student to improve
vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.

Moreover, role play motivates the student and also contributed with his/her learning
process, Richards (1985:86) states that role-play typically involves a situation in which a
setting participants and a goal or problem is described and description of the role of each
of the participants and the task the students have to accomplish.".

Roleplay can be established as an effective activity to improve the speaking skills of

the student, according to the theoretical basis and reference of many authors, the use of
this kind of activities allow the students to be comfortable to practice English, by the
way students can feel that they are playing and having fun, and learning at the same time

Roleplay has many elements to work in class, students must understand the importance,
the message that they are expressing through their character are specials, they need to learn
the correct pronunciation, the significance of each word and select the correct role according
to the story, although roleplay it's a fun activity implies responsibilities and respect with
their partners.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

According with Chesler y Fox (1966, P. 22) It is importance take care of the steps or
sequence of the role play:

 Preparation and instruction

 Dramatic action and discussion
 Evaluation

Besides, according to Patel and Jain (2008) as cited in Criollo (2018:36) about the
importance of oral activities "; it is the first technique to practice speaking skill. In this
activity students are required to answer some questions based on common objects, stories,
or pictures"

According to the authors and theories that have been studying in this theoretical
framework, role- play it's an important tool to promote and improve speaking skills among
the students, using activities that involve knowledge and creativity.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

7. Methodology

7.1 Methodological approach

The methodological design applied to carry out on this research is focused on a

qualitative method, using this method provide to study collect information and establish
the needs of the population according to the data produced by the measurement tools used,
it helps to identify if the processes performed are consistent with the hypothesis.

Hyman argue “findings of the descriptive surveys are a guide to theorize in the
Explanatory the ability to conceptualize a phenomenon, which is of enormous importance
in the descriptive surveys, it is fundamental in explanatory surveys, since the same power
of conceptualization should be extended to the problem of independent variables "(Hyman,
1955: 116- 117).

The research approach collects the necessary information to establish pedagogical

process according to the needed of the chosen population; it is important to identify the
thematic axes to work searching the best criteria for it.

It is essential to define methodological strategies according to the requirements of the

population. The specific case of this research tries to promote open spaces of participation
with role-play as tool that allows to improve the speaking skills process.

7.2 type of investigation

Action Research, AR is consistent with this investigation because it is effective and

compatible with the research approaches, whose intention is to study how the

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

implementation of role-play is a good way to improve the speaking skills of the English

For this kind of research, it is important to review the theoretical references that provide
details and give certainty to the concepts, according with Burns (2015: 189 ) “In AR, the
action in and on the social situation is deliberately interventionist; researchers are
simultaneously critical participants in the action and researchers of the action”.

According to the author it is necessary the mutual and collaborative interaction between
the researcher and the chosen sample, with a proposal that is based on the interests and need
expressing by the students, it was important to integrate activities that allow the
strengthening of communicative skills and the reach of the objectives.

This Research action was developed in three steps, the first step is the Diagnosis, where
has been collected from the tools of data collection, which are the direct observation process
and the design and application of surveys to the principal and students of the Liceo Emmaus
School to characterize the chosen population. The second step was developing the proposal
with the use of role-play to improve speaking skills. Finally, the third step consists in to
evaluate the viability of the proposal.

7.3 population and sample

7.3.1 Population

Character: Private.

Address: Carrera 2 N. 1-29 Anapoima city.

Educational levels: preschool and primary school.

The Liceo Emmaus school locate in Anapoima, a touristic city near to the capital city of
Cundinamarca. It is a private institution in the San Jose neighborhood, integrated students
with a socioeconomic level 1, 2, and a few cases 3, the economic level is medium-low. It

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

has a population of 110 students that belongs to preschool and primary level, and 12
teachers that form part of the teamwork of the institution

As the central axis of the academic process, the mission institution is “To form integral
students in academic and ethical aspects that contributes to the consolidation of a just and
inclusive society.”

This school is a single house with 8 rooms that are used as classrooms to:

 Nursery grade
 Pre- kindergarten
 Kindergarten
 First grade
 Second Grade
 Third grade
 Fourth Grade
 Fifth grade

There aren’t technological tools that allow the students to be comfortable with their
learning process. All the time students stay in the classroom coping in their notebooks.

The English teacher works with primary level, most of the time uses a lesson planner
for each class, according to the item that he is going to work in the classroom.

7.3.2 Sample

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

The chosen sample are fifth-grade students, they don’t present problems of convivence
that affect other process.

Despite the students work six hours of English Language per week, the level is low,
especially in the communicative areas, they can’t understand an easy English conversation
or answer a question about: name, age or favorite color, sometimes the child feels afraid to
express in a different language.

The learning style used by teachers is traditionalist; most of the time they transmit
information and the student has to memorize a series of knowledge.

Fifth grade has 12 children with ages ranging from 10 to 11 years, the gender of the
students is distributed in 8 girls and 4 boys, that belong to the same socio-economic level,
according to the information provided by the parents at the time of admission of the students
to the institution and recorded in the registration certificate.


The use of data collection is necessary in the research exercise, this tool provided
relevant information concerning the problems found with the students and therefore
generating strategies that allowed to improve the speaking process among the students of
the fifth-grade students at Liceo Emmaus School.

For the collection of information, the following instruments were worked on: direct
observation and the interview, that provided important data about the difficulties found
among the students, and thus planning strategies that allow to improve the communicative

7.4.1 Observation

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

The direct observation allows an analysis of the situation, helping with a clear idea
of the condition, which is fundamental in the methodological processes.

This observation process was fundamental to establish if fifth-grade presents need

or difficulty in the English language; on the other hand, to identify the teaching
methods, aids, materials and techniques used by the teacher with this group in English
class and by this way determine the causes that affect the development of speaking
skills among fifth-grade students

Observation technique, provide information to this investigation and allows the

analysis of the English class and the behavior of students and teachers who are subject
to study in this proposal. According with Kulich, (2012: 2) states “Observation is used
in the social sciences as a method for collecting data about people, processes, and

7.4.2 Survey

The survey was applied to fifth-grade students to know their tastes, opinions, and interest
in learning a foreign language.

The survey is a great contribution to developed the investigative process, identified the
habits of the students based on the requirements were found in the observation process;
Furthermore, this tool allows to stablish the pedagogical strategy, that will contribute to
improve the speaking skills among fifth-grade students

According with Easwaramoorthy & Zarinpoush (2006 p 1) argue: “Interviews and

surveys are an appropriate method when there is a need to collect in-depth information on
people’s opinions, thoughts, experiences, and feelings”.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

7.5 Research tools

The research tools that has been choosing for this investigation are:

 Video camera recording: This instrument was important; it was used to make
recorders and later can reproduce as evidence of the improvement of speaking skills
using role-play.

 Notebook: This instrument was used to take note of the activities to elaborate on
during this research.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

8. Variables

8.1 Independent Variable: Role Play

The next chart provide information about the Independ variable, in this specific case is
The role play, in the first column there is the definition of the variable, the second and third
column provide information about the tool, the fourth column are the items or
contextualizing questions and finally the techniques or instruments that has been chosen to
recollect information to the diagnosis phase of the present research.

Chart 1: Independent variable



Role-play Do students practice

allows the student to pronunciation with role-
improve the speaking play? Survey
skills. Student Pronunciation observation
Motivation Does role-play motivate students Interview
Interaction Speaking to learn English?

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

Integrate Role play in the learning process as a pedagogical strategy allows the student
to improve his/her speaking skills. It’s important take care of the indicator that are going
to be use to determinate the effectiveness of the. strategy: Pronunciation and motivation
and the improve of the speaking skills. It’s necessary work the dimensions of the students
that have been stablish to this research: interaction and the activities that have close
relation with the role-play.

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

8.2 Dependent variable: Speaking skills

This chart gives information about the speaking skills as Dependent variable there are
5 columns that provide important information to the research, at first the importance of this
skills among the students , the second column are the dimension that were worked with
the students, the third are the indicators chosen according with the structured objectives,
and finally the fourth and fifth columns are the items and techniques or instruments.

Chart 2: Dependent variable


Speaking skills
gives the student Learning Cognitive Could role play help Survey
the necessary tools to process strategies. student Observation
communicate his/her Social Social to improve his/her Interview
ideas in different affective- Strategies pronunciation of
contexts. Interaction the English language?

Does the use of news

strategies allow the
student to learn and
improve his/her speaking
(Source: Personal collection 2019)

The dependent variable is speaking skill, that is the student´s abilities to communicate
in the English language. According the proposal the student will improve his
communicative competence, especially the speaking skills with the use of activities as role-
play. Learning process and affective interaction will be the indicator of this depend
variable. Give to the students’ new tools to practice speaking, students should understand
the importance of this kind of the activities.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

9. Analysis and Interpretation of the survey

9.1 Survey to students

The interview with the students contributes with relevant information to this research, the
answers of the students present the next data:

9.1.1 The causes that affect the development of speaking skills


Table 3 is divided in three section, the first column shows the options of answers to the question
analyzed, the second column correspond to the frequency and finally the last column is the

Chart # 3: English language

Yes 10 85%
No 2 15%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


The analysis shows that students are conscient about the necessity of learn English. To the
question Do you think English is important? 10 students, that means 85%, expressed that they like
English Language, 15% of the students that are represented in 2 students answer in negative form
to the first question of the survey.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

According with the answers and analysis of the chart one, the next graph shows the frequency
of answers to the question one: 10 students answer yes and 2 students chose the option No.

Graph question 1

Yes No

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


This question provides information of diagnoses to the research, it’s important to know the
feeling of the students about English class, when a student feels comfortable with his/ her learning
process, he/ she will be motivated to participate in all kind of activities. Is important to this
research, that students recognize the importance of learn English.

Question 2

The speaking skills chart is divided in three section, the first column shows the option of answer
that in the specific case are: Speaking in class, cd, video and books, the next column shows the
frequency of answer according with the sample, and the third column the percentage.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Chart #5: Speaking skills


Speaking in class 0 0%

Cd 12 100%
Videos 0 0%
Book 1 0%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


The study helps us to determine that it´s fundamental find out new strategies to practice
communicative competence, to the question: What kind of resource does the teacher use to
practice speaking? 100% of the students answer that the CD is the tool that the English Teacher
uses to practice speaking in the classroom.

The graph 2 shows the frequency of answers about the recourse that uses the English teacher at
the classroom.

Graph # 2: Teaching of the English

Speaking in CD Videos Book

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


According with the information it is important to identify strategies that allows the students to
be comfortable in the English class and practice pronunciation. The facts show that most of the
time teachers don´t use new strategies to teach English, so the students feel that English it’s a
boring subject, that´s why include activities that shows to the students that they can learn by a fun
way is consistent with the implementation of this research.


The table 4 corresponds to the thought of the students about the different skills that are
necessary to work in English class, the first column corresponds to the four skills, then the second
column shows the frequency of answer and the third column the percentage.

Chart # 4: English skills


Speaking 4 33%

Listening 4 33%

Writing 3 26%

Reading 1 9%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Analysis: This analysis revealed that students want to practice communicative skills to the
question: Which skill do you think it’s important to practice? 4 students that corresponds to 33%
think that speaking is one of the most important skills, by the same way 4 students answer that
listening is an important skill, on the other hand 3 students consider that writing is the most
important skill, finally 1 student thinks that is necessary practice reading.

The graph 3 corresponds to the question 3 about the importance of the skills among the students.

Graph question 3

Speaking Listening Writing Reading

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


This question stablishes the causes that affect the development of speaking skill, according with
the answers, is necessary that students understand the importance of each skills, this information
is well-connected with the main idea of this document about improve speaking skills this
information, because provide information about the importance of these skills among the students.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


The data determine that students admit the importance of practice speaking. To the question
Do you think that it´s important practice speaking skills? there are 11 students or 92% of the
sample that answer in affirmative form to the question, only one student considers that practice
speaking it’s no important for him/her

The graph 4 corresponds to the importance of practice speaking skills among the students.
According with the data 10 students answered yes and 2 students answered No.

Graph # 4 practice speaking skills




Yes No

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


Chart 6 shows the answers about the importance of practice speaking skills, the first column
corresponds to the options of answer, the next column stablishes the frequency of answer and
finally the last column is the percentage.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Chart # 6: practice speaking skills

Yes 11 92%
No 1 %

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


The data determine that students admit the importance of practice speaking. To the question
Do you think that it´s important practice speaking skills? there are 11 students or 92% of the
sample that answer in affirmative form to the question, only one student considers that practice
speaking it’s no important for him/her

The graph 4 corresponds to the importance of practice speaking skills among the students.
According with the data 10 students answered yes and 2 students answered No.

Graph # 4 practice speaking skills



Yes No

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


The information contributes in positive form with the research taking account that this research
includes activities to improve the listening and speaking skills among the students. This question
server to determine the problem communicative skills, according with the question most of the
students consider fundamental practice speaking in their classes.

9.1.3 The need of develop proposals to improve speaking skills.


The next chat describes the options of answer chosen by the students according to the question,
the first column shows the possible option of answer that in this case are: Yes or No. The second
column correspond to the frequency and the last column corresponds to the percentage.

Chart # 7 Use of role play at classroom


Yes 0 0%
No 12 100%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


The information helps to determine if role-play is a new instrument to the students, according
with objectives we are looking for new tools.

To the question: Does your teacher practice speaking in class? The data show that they haven’t
practiced this kind of activities in the classroom.

The next graph shows the answer of the question number 5, according with the answer 12
students answer No.

Graph question 5

Yes No

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


This information add data to the study about the importance of include activity with the children
and find the way that students feel that they are learning. Although children practice listening in
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

class sometimes, this skill is conceived as a boring activity. On the other hand, it´s necessary
stablish the strategies used by the teacher.


This chart corresponds to the question 6 and identify if students like role-play. This table is
divided in three sections, the first column shows the options of answer, then the second column
that correspond the frequency of answer and the last column we can find the percentage.

Chart # 8: Role play


Yes 11 92%
No 1 8%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


The analysis exposes the approbating of role play. To the question Do you like Role play? 92
% students answered they would like to practice role play at the school. On the other hand, 8%
students said that would not like it. It shows that most of the students want to do something
different in class.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

This graph shows the answer of the question 6 to know if students like role-play, according to
the graph 11 students answer Yes and 1 student answer No.

Graph question 6



Yes No

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


This information is relevant for this research project about the implementation of new tools to
improve the speaking skills, according to the objectives is necessary create new learning space
with student where imagination and creativity form part of this intervention proposal that will be
carried out.


The next chart provides information about the question 7, there are three columns, the first
column shows the option of answers, the second section is the frequency of answer of the chosen
sample and the last column is the percentage.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Chart # 9 activities in English class


Songs 3 30%
Role play 8 62%
Repeat words 1 8%

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


This study shows that role play it’s the activity with more accepting among the student to
practice speaking skill. According to the question what kind of activities would you like to practice
speaking skills? the results were: 8 students that are the 62% of the group, answered that they like
role play as strategy to learn English, 30% of the students prefer songs and 8% answer that they
prefer repeat words.

The next graph corresponds to the question 7, the options of answer were: songs, role play and
repeat words.

Graph #7: activities in English class

Songs Role play repeat

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


. According with the preview, the implementation of Role-play as pedagogical strategy

conduce to achieve the objectives proposed in this research, although there are some students that
prefer other kind of activities, most of the group agree that role play is a good way to improve the
speaking skill, This question provides relevant information that allows to stablish the viability of
implement new pedagogical strategies.


The next chart shows the answers of the last question that were worked with fifth grade students.
This chart has three sections, the first column corresponds to the options of answer, the next
column there are the frequency of answer ant the third one is the percentage.

Chart # 10 Improve speaking skills


Yes 10 77%
No 1 15%
I don’t Know 1 8%
(Source: Personal collection 2019)


According with the analysis the use of role-play would improve the speaking skills of the
students. According to the question Do you believe that a Role-play would improve your speaking
skills? 77 % of the students think that role-play would improve the pronunciation and help in their
learning process, role play it’s an activity that include communicative competence and allow
students practice their pronunciation.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

The next graph allows identify the frequency of answers of the question number 8.

Graph # 8



Yes No I dont

(Source: Personal collection 2019)


The information that have been structured, throughout this interview, show us that students
want to practice speaking and listening activities, it´s important to create learning spaces that
conduce to reach the objectives proposed in this investigation, therefore the use of role-play would
can contribute with the improve of speaking skills.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

10. Interview with the Principal

1. Why do you consider important the teaching of English language?

The principal answer that it’s very important for the life of the students, that’s why the
directives decided to work 6 hours per week with English class, according with the answer of the
Principal “ learn a new language specially English gives to the student opportunities in the future:
they can travel to another country, study languages or find a good job, is fundamental that students
understand the importance of study English, it’s a big opportunity”

2. Do you think that it’s necessary find out new strategies to teach English language?

The principal agrees that is necessary to use all kind of strategies to teach English, look for new
ways to practice all the English skills. Sometimes the teacher works with the same strategies, it’s
important to change the activities in class, he would try that students feels happy to be in English

3. Do you think that teachers give more importance to writing skills?

The principal thinks that most of the time teachers work with grammar. Its important motivate
the students. Although the use of the book is very important to learn English, there are many tools
that can be used, for example: songs, videos and role play are activities that students can work at
the classroom.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

This chart presents the timetable worked since January to September of the year 2019 with
the investigation: improving speaking skills through role-play, it is structure in phases
according with the objectives of the proposal. a proximally during 10 months:


Jan Feb Mar Apr May. June. July Aug Sep. Oct


Data collection

Bibliographic research


Organization of activities

Selection of role-plays

rehearsal activities

Development role-play

presentation of the role- plays

PHASE 3 Evaluation and impact

information analysis

Data tabulation

Conclusions and recommendations

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

According with the information this project it started in January with the diagnosis, then the
second phase concerning to the implement of the pedagogical strategy started in February, and
finally the evaluation ant impact of the project during the months of august, September and
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


The main objective of this study was to analysis the improving of speaking skills in English,
through role-play in children of 5th grade at Liceo Emmaus the city of Anapoima; with
implementation of the strategy during three months.

The observation contributed in this research with information about the learning process of the
English language and the teaching method that uses the English teacher, during this process it was
necessary observe the class sessions and identify the didactic material used by the teacher this
process was carried out with English class of fifth-grade students to analyze the role of the
students, and activities that teacher and students worked at the classroom.

On the other hand, the survey showed the feelings of the students about the implementation of
activities to improve speaking skills, according with the answers most of the students agree about
the importance of practice speaking skills and the motivation of the students to practice role-play.

The second phase was the developed of the proposal, there was positive attitudes and acquired
new vocabulary and improve the pronunciation of some words that they worked during the process
of the investigation. During the implementation of the strategy students decided the role- play that
they were going to practice, then the children had to learn the dialogues of their character, practice
the correct pronunciation of each words and learning the meaning of each words. Although it was
hard at the beginning, they show motivate to continue.

They did the presentation of the role-play to the other students and teachers of the school, at
first, they felt shy but the students continue and feel proud of their progress. Students apprehend
to work in group and also, learned to attend and understand instructions. The objectives in a high
percentage is completed because they acquire new vocabulary with the activities that were planned
with students have a positive learning approach with the English language having fun and learning
at the same time.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Finally, the third stage was to evaluate the effectiveness the proposal and the reach of the
objective, the indicators, to estimate the effectiveness of the strategy, were:

 Attitude of children
 Participation in role-play
 Motivation in class

It was necessary to know the opinions of the students about the activities they did during the
last months, all the students agree that it has been a fun process and they learn many things.

The effectiveness of role-play in the classroom allows students to listen and speak effectively,
is easier to express in another language, with real context and these activities contributed to the
participation and the use of English language in the classroom.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Table 11 is divided in two sections, the first column shows the objectives that were structures
to reach the main objective of the present research, the second columns shows an analysis of the
results that were found during the research process with a description about the findings.

According with the preview the results can be resume in the next chart:

Chart # 11 Results

To determine the causes that affect the According with the recollected data, the
development of speaking skills among use of the same strategies among English
students. teachers it is one of the most important
reason that contributes with the
demotivation to learn English.
To develop the proposal with the use of This study showed that implement new
role-play to improve speaking skills. proposals in the specific case of the
research: Role-play, provides to English
teachers and students new tool to learn a
new language.
To evaluate the impact of the strategy The strategy used demonstrate that
used and the improvement of the speaking when a student is having fun, it´s easier to
skills improve their speaking and listening skills.
Although the implement strategy was used
in a short time, the results were positive in
aspects as: improvement of pronunciation
of some words and motivation of the
students to practice communicative
competence in class.
(Source: Personal collection 2019)
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


After the implementation of this research there are some conclusion that are important include:

The diagnosis phase helps us to stablish the causes that affect the development of speaking skills

among students and determine that most of the time teachers don’t use new sceneries of learning.

Develop the proposal with the use of role-play contributes with the learning process and helps

the students to feel comfortable, it´s important leave away the traditional pedagogy and explore

new ways to teach. it´s necessary find out strategies and tools that give students motivation to

learn a new language.

In the specific case of this investigation, students learned that it can be fun practice speaking

through role-play, on the other hand, directives understood that is necessary motivate teachers to

strengthen their teaching process.

Use role-play contributed in a positive form to the improvement of the speaking skills among

the students, the interaction of the children and the motivation were the indicator of efficiency of

this project, subsequently an evaluation process it can concluded that it has reached the objectives.

The use pedagogical strategies help to improve the communicative competence in English

through the mutual work between teacher and students. The practice of role-play contribute that

students lost the fear of speaking in public as important part of this research.

The advances were evident among the students, they recognized the importance of use role-

play as an essential part to learn and practice speaking and listening at the classroom.
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


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| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

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| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

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| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

Student’s survey

1. Do you think English is important?



2. What kind of resource does the teacher use to practice speaking in class?



Speaking in class

3. Which skill do you think is important to practice?


4. Do you think that is important practice speaking skills in class?



5. Does your teacher practice speaking in class?

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

6. Do you like the role play?



7. What kind of activities would you like to practice speaking?

Repeat words



8. Do you believe that role-play would improve your speaking skill?

I don’t
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


1. Why you considered important the teaching of English language?

2. Do you think that it’s necessary find out new strategies to teach English language?
3. Do you think that students improve the speaking skills of English Language with the use
of role-play?
| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students


(Source: Personal collection 2019)

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

(Source: Personal collection 2019)

| Improving speaking skills through role play in fifth grade students

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