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Rou Deng

2016-2020 Beijing Institute of Technology University, Undergraduate.
BS in Statistics
Score: 90/100
2017-2017 Summer School, Oxford, Cambridge.
Intensive-undergraduate level: Macroeconomics and Behavior Economics

2018 Successful Participant: Selecting new Office Location MCM & ICM .

•Develop Language Potential Model by using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process with 12 specific factors
to investigate the pattern of language speakers in Matlab
•Predicted number of various language speakers in the next 50 years by constructing the Language
Development Model based on time-series forecasting model and BP neural networks for top 10 speaking

2017 Honorable Mention: Pricing Model for the Photo to make Money at Crowdsourcing
Platform, National College Student Modeling Competition .
• Categorized data using K-means clustering, and then integrated and analyzed the location, task
quota and time for exploring detailed reasons for tasks uncompleted
• Performed the least-square polynomial fitting and proposed a better fitting by considering more

2017 Honorable Mention: English dubbing competition,BIT

2018 China CITIC Bank International Settlement Department, Intern Beijing, China.
• Participated in training for LC settlement operations, Clean Collection, Inward Remittance, inner
clearing automation system and administrative rules
• Assisted in collecting and sorting documents & materials relevant to LC settlement, archived and
maintained all relevant information

Programming Skills
Basic C++
Intermediate Python, R
Advanced MatLab, SPSS

2017 Conduct statistical knowledge training for the interpreter of Haidian Exhibition Hall
2017 Summer Voluntarily Teacher to support statistical education at Fangshan,Shanxi
2018 Volunteer at Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Beijing
This CV is design for my graduate application since I am now a junior student in university.
I try to make it more attractable while make sure it is a formal CV. In order to adjust it, I ask
my friend how they feel about it. I realize that I may came across some “Fundamental
attribution error” when I talked with my friend about this CV. It seems that I know myself too
thoroughly that I put too much emphasis on one part when I am writing my CV. Like too much
emphasis on competition I participate. The competition part is too “SALIENT” and sometime
people would not focus on the other part of my CV. I shorten it afterward since I still want to
emphasis it but don’t want it attract too much attention.
Still, I find that asking friends may be not the most suitable way to adjust my CV since they may
have some “Hindsight Bias”. They had known my for such a long time that they know who I am
and what I am good at. However, the interviewer won’t know me, and I hope that by show this CV
to you, you can tell my some opinions helps me further modify this CV.
Below are some changing I made according to my friend’s suggestions.

1.Using Bold and large type letter to highlight the name——make it as salient as possible
2.Using professional photo to show that I am confident of what I am applying for. I try to use the
photo to make sure my first impression for other is great. (The photo I use is not mine, because of
privacy issues)
3.Putting those competitions in the most salient part of the CV since that is the most special part of
my experience. It is also closely relating to my major, so I do want to show I am capable of what I
am applying.
4.Adding some social work I have done, to show my experience more fully.

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