Mobile Marketing

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Session 1 / 3
What is a mobile?
 Means of Communication
 Voice& Text
 Video & Image
 Whatsapp Case Study
 How old is this technology?
 Gravestones & Postal systems
 Marathon Runners, Horses & Carrier Pigeons
 Signaling Posts
 Torchlight & drumbeats
 History & Science
 Telegraph, Morse, Telephone, Wireless
 Are you aware about the Communication Model?
 Yes
 No
Communication Model
What is a mobile?
 Functional Aspects
 Functions Beyond Communication
 Information
 Productivity
 Entertainment

“On an average a mobile phone is accessed

over 150 times a day.”
 After you wake up, when do you access your mobile
 The mobile alarm / call / notification wakes me!
 First thing, after I wake up

 Within 30 mins

 After an hour

 After a couple of hours

What is a mobile?
 Hardware: Device Form
 Feature phone to Smart phone
 Evolution story & way ahead

 Android / iOS / Etc

 Software: Network State

 2G to 5G & beyond
 CDMA, GSM, Wi-Fi / WiMAX

 NFC, RFID, Bluetooth

Smart Phone Anatomy
 Are you a practitioner of Mobile Marketing?
 Am a novice
 Have a little theoretical knowledge

 Have a little practical skill

 Have moderate expertise

 Am proficient
What is (special about) a mobile?

It’s USP lies in –

Real-time Interactivity
Always on – always along

Payment enabled
MMA: 2019 Report
What is (special about) a mobile?
 Multi-media capability:
 Text & Voice
 Video & Image
 AR & VR
 Pokemon Go is AR
 What are the other applications

 Virtual Cricket / Museum Tour is VR

Innovative formats of devices – built around USPs storm the market? Examples??

Google Glass!!
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on your mobile usage:
 Usage Trends – Since you first used it & now
 Likes / dislikes

 Wish list

 Internet / Library search

 The ‘mobile’ technology that enables your usage
Mobile as a Media
 Importance of ‘Mobile as a Media’ for Marketers
 Most popular mode for internet access
 Mobile has the largest advertising share in US

 Mobile ad is the fastest growing medium in India

“The most popular consumer tech in the world & India.”

Mobile & Digital
Most popular mode for internet access

45% Mobile
Only internet
The most popular consumer tech
Rules of Engagement
 Please feel free to text your thoughts anytime during the session

 If you need to interrupt me, raise your hand

 Participate in polls & Reflection Activity

 Reflection Activity is immediate
 Grounded in research on effective learning
 Research & project activity is to be completed post the session, and
submitted by the next day session

 We will spend adequate time on each slide

 ‘The tea cup analogy’ – Quality Vs Quantity tradeoff!
Growth forecast
Growth forecast
Prime economic activities
Future trends
Edge Computing
IoT / M2M
IoT - Applications

The build up to Tik-Tok…
Tech Applications
AI – Players & Applns
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on brands leveraging mobile:
 Whatsapp, Twitter, Tik-tok, Pokemon
 Learning for other brands / marketers

 Internet / Library search

 How mobile is leveraged by
 India eg Digital India Mission
 International bodies such as United Nations
Thank You!

 Learning
 Next Action
 Reading
 Projects

Session 2 / 3
 Topics Covered
 Residual Learning

 Next Action
 Reading
 Projects

Format Splits
2019 Digital Advertising Estimate
Digital continues to be the fastest growing media platform
in the country. Dentsu has forecast that advertising
expenditure on the platform is expected to grow
32.7% in 2019 to ₹14,410 crore, accounting for 21%
of total ad spend.
Mobile is the fastest growing digital platform
Television continues to be the dominant media platform in
India contributing 39% to the total spend on ads. The
medium is expected to grow 9.5% to ₹27,140 crore.
Digital is expected to overtake newsprint by 2020.
2019 Mobile Advertising Estimate

“After consulting various digital agencies, advertisers and media

buyers, exchange4media concluded that over 90 per cent of
all planning and buying that happened in 2019 for the digital
medium was done keeping the mobile device as the
advertising destination. The outlook for year 2020 is a growth
prediction of 30-35 per cent for digital advertising. As per our
research, mobile is expected to take the lion’s share of 90 per
cent of the total digital ad spends. The revenue generated
from mobile advertising in 2020 is expected to be in the range
of Rs 13,000 crore to Rs 13,500 crore.”
Beyond the numbers
 What makes mobile an important media
 Depth of my relationship with my mobile
 Always on – always along
 Data Rich
 Personal data, Location, Usage, Contact list
 Integrated / Converged bundle
 Computer, TV, Camera, Radio, Book, Gaming, Watch…
Important Concerns
Mobile as an Identity
 Personal Device
 Authenticated Activation
 User Accountability
 Hackers, Privacy & Crime issue
 Do you share your phone
 Password protection
 Service Provider Responsibility
 Application
 Adhar / Bank Linked Services
 Transaction / OTP Authentication
 Gas booking / Service Access

Mobile number is a rich source for profiling and segmenting customers,

based on demographics, and usage patterns.
Mobile as a ‘platform’
 If not for mobile computers would have killed music!
 Everything is free on the internet if you can get in!
 DRM: Ability of mobile to charge & identify usage
 The industry has come full circle with OTTs

 Mobile industry experiments with walled internet

 Paid content: Wikipedia Vs Encyclopedia Analogy
 Netflix experiment on how to win the content game

Mobile is now enjoys a platforms status (Integrated / Converged bundle:

Computer, TV, Camera, Radio, Book, Gaming, Watch) due to its reach
and ability to offer feature rich possibilities… but still a platform is a
platform only as long as the players grace it… so it is not at all a
monarchy… far from it as can be seen from the examples above!
Media within the Media
 Mediums within the Mobile – Media
 Text: SMS – P2P / P2A-A2P, USSD, CBC, PCN, BOD
 Voice: IVR / ASR, Call – Out/Inbound & OBD, PCA
 Rich Media: MMS, WAP, Websites, Apps, AR/ VR
 Others:
 Bluetooth / Beacons
 NFC, QR / M-Coupons
 Podcasting

Leverage Videos & Hashtags – and the latest tools…

But keep the customer experience intuitive like Apple not like the
Bank IVRs, that keep going on in loops!
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on the Tele Marketing & SMS Marketing
communication you receive
 What changes would you make, if you were the
Marketing Head

 Internet / Library search

 How is AI impacting Voice & SMS eg Chatbots, Mass
 Which brands are at the forefront in this field
 Short Code / A2P & P2A
 Database: Opt-in / Opt-out: Quantity Vs Quality
 Charged / Toll-free
 Uni-directional / Bi-directional
 Dedicated SC / Shared
 Tele-marketer Provider / Cross-Carrier
 Campaign Platform Features e.g integration with CC
 Experiment with scripts & monitor efficacy
 Capacity & Cost
 Legal Compliance: Spam, Privacy
 160 Characters per message, Alphanumeric SC display
 DND Compliance & Telemarketer Registration
 Privacy & Marketing guidelines across the world & in India
Text Marketing Industry Trends
 P2P SMS is going down but P2A SMS is growing
 Rich Media Messaging is coming soon
 Response rates are low compared to voice calls
 Certain text based services are exceptions
 SMS based notifications are ‘hygiene’
 For Small business they are seen as ‘luxury’
 Can be used for polls & awareness campaigns too

 Whatsapp & Mobile Emails are the new MMS

I have 1 million customers. Whenever a SMS is
received by my customers, I get paid 7p from the
sender. However, when I send SMS to my customers,
I can send it for free.
A business offers to pay me 5p per SMS, and asks me
to send a SMS every day to my customer for the
next one year. Should I accept the offer:
 Yes

 No
 Voice as a platform
 Alexa / Siri
 Voice based authentication
 Innovative formats such as Ad-RBT
 Click to Call Feature
 Location based routing
 Integrated Voice Campaign
 IVR – ASR – CC: Scripting & Call flow
 Missed Call once a rage is now extinct
 Voice is costlier than SMS
 But also powerful when used wisely
 The bottom ceiling of cost depends on IUC & Cost structure
 And also the volumes
 Database building
 Lead generation / Research
 PersonalSelling
 Account Management

 Customer care
 Inbound / Outbound
 Enquiries & Complaints

 Advantages: Direct, controllable & measurable

 Disadvantages: Intrusive, Impersonal & partial attn.
Telemarketing Best-practices
 Rich quality of database
 Segmentation & Targeting
 Customized scripts eg language

 Moderate the frequency of contact

 Relationship Marketing
 Test the Campaigns
 Control Groups, A/B Experiments
 Quality Monitoring
 Incentives
Telemarketing Best-practices
 Seek permission
 Empower agents to handle objections
 Customer 360-D Account information
 Knowledge resources
 Empowered to offer freebies
 Handle complaints
 Sales pitch / Story
 Buyer motivation set
 Feed off customer response / cues
 Engage customers / get them to talk / agree
 Audit / Tag call feedback
Telemarketing Best-practices
 Improve Reach
 Day-part & week-day segmentation
 Improve Response
 Voice modulation
 Accent training

 Focus on your body language

 Smile & Posture
 Be professional
 Train to handle tough customers
Telemarketing Best-practices
 Ask leading Questions
 Listen actively / welcome feedback
 Don’t be too eager to monopolize talk-time

 Personalize the talk

 Use the customer name
 Know when to pop the question
 Identify buy / closing signals
 Close the call on your terms
 Outline win-win next steps
Telemarketing Best-practices
 Prioritize Analytics
 Customer Analytics
 Agent Analytics

 Identify KPIs to drive

 Target KPIs
 Enabling KPIs

 Benchmark with competition

 Inbound / Outbound / IVR dynamics are different
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on the media mix for different stages of PLC
 What other factors to consider for media mix decision

 Internet / Library search

 Estimate the size of mobile marketing industry
 Market share of different media formats
Thank You!

 Learning
 Next Action
 Reading
 Projects

Session 3 / 3
 Topics Covered
 Residual Learning

 Next Action
 Reading
 Projects

Designing your website for Mobile
 Optimize for mobile device
 Use Responsive design
 mobi auto redirect, based on device of access
 Consider automatic transcoders
 Compatibility with device screen sizes
 Consider high end as well as low end devices
 Leverage Mobile USPs
 Leverage location & Map / directions
 Click to call feature & Social Media
 Others
 Speed of loading & Ease of Navigation / Relevant content
 Test the website & solicit feedback – Ratings are important
 Agile philosophy

Mobile optimized sites are ranked higher by Google algorithm.

Mobi Website vs Apps
Developing Apps
 OS Decision: Apple, Android, Etc
 In-house Vs Outsourcing
 Even when outsourcing: Give rich inputs – GIGO
 Selecting a vendor
 Organize a pitch / RFP
 Reputation / client list
 Cost & Time
 Think through the complete cycle
 Promotion & Maintenance
 Use the Persona Philosophy to target customers
App Marketing
 Publishing on the App Store
 Free Vs Paid Decision
 Revenue Share with the App Store
 Monetization options e.g. In App advertising
 Check guidelines & comply
 Budget for time for clearance
 Consider other avenues
 Carrier App catalogs
 Device App catalogs

 Direct distribution
 Other media platforms
iOS vs Android
Promoting your App
 Paid App Install Campaigns
 Google, FB, Others
 Monitor LTV & ROI

 Promote on other media platforms

 Mobile Media e.g. SMS
 Digital Media e.g. Display
 Traditional Ads e.g. Print

 Best practices
 Incentivize installs
 Manage lifecycle & Control Churn
App Marketing
App Marketing
App Marketing
App Marketing
App Marketing
App Monetization
 Subscription
 Freemium with In-App Purchase
 In App Advertising
 Banner
 Video

 Pop-ups

 Sponsored Apps
 In App Branding
App Marketing
 360-D promotion
 Monitor App Install Campaigns
 LTV by traffic source
 Optimize campaigns
 Test different creatives – A/B splits
 On-boarding Flow
 Consumer Journey & Milestone Funnels
 Profile users
 Deeplinking
 Go viral through App referrals
 Retargeting
 Monitoring competition
 Churn Prevention
 Focus on User Reviews
 Engage with Push Notifications
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on the apps you use
 Think of your usage behavior
 Free Vs paid Apps
 Attitude to In-app ads / App notifications
 What makes you install an app & what makes you un-install

 Internet / Library search & Practical Project

 Imagine you are launching a new app, make a business
plan for the same
Analytics & Metrics
 How do you know if it’s working or not
 Principle of Digital Analytics Remain Same
 Understand Mobile Marketing Campaign Evaluation
 Difference between Desktop & Mobile
 Device information
 MSISDN Information
 Location
 Language

Depending on the ad network and analytics provider

What is Analytics?
Etymology: Ana- "up, throughout" and lysis "a loosening“ (Greek Origin)
 Analysis: Breaking ‘complex’ into small parts to understand it
 Analytics: Discovery & communication of ‘patterns’ in data
 Analytics involves mathematics / statistics, computer
programming and operations research to improve
 Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive & Prescriptive stages
 Advanced analytics eg. Machine learning
 Big Data: Large Volume, High Velocity & Great Variety
 Analytics Pitfalls: GIGO, Analysis Paralysis
 Parallels: Cricket Analytics, Literary / Musical Analysis

 Appflyer
 Adobe Analytics
 Google
 Ecosystem Players
 Publishers
 Ad-networks / Ad-exchanges

 Agency

 Third-party Analytics
Important Concerns
 Multiple Attribution
 Customer Journey & Sales Funnel
 Unified View
 Click Fraud
 Favorite hypothesis / myths
 Pre-conceived notions
 Software bias
 Analyst bias
 Popular literature bias
 Evolving Ecosystem & Players
 Devices, Carriers, Content, Platforms, Intermediaries
Analytics - KPIs
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on ATL / BTL campaign planning &
evaluation Vs Mobile campaigns

 Internet / Library search & Practical Project

 Different Planning & Evaluation formats for Mobile
Marketing Campaigns, and how they differ
Mobile Advertising: Policy
 Code of Conduct Policy
 Document your intent
 Consumer data policy
 Terms & Conditions of Data collection & sharing
 Privacy Policy & Permission Protocols
 Opt-in / Double Opt-in
 Timing of promotional contact & frequency

 Effective date & legal compliance

 GDPR Regulation
 Global best practices
Mobile Advertising - Future
 “The more it changes, the more it’s the same.”
 Content is King
 Back to Basics e.g. STP, DAGMAR
 Mobile marketing for brand building too + sales
 Things may go wrong
 Learn & move on
 Things change fast – e.g. Google updates on Google Ads
 Things go wrong - Negative customers reviews on Social
 Dopplegangers
 Mobile is bridging the gap between Online & offline
 Showrooming
 Pokemon Go
Video Rules!
PIMS: Context
PIMS Model
PIMS Ecosystem
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on the current Mobile Marketing players &
their strategies

 Internet / Library search & Practical Project

 Privacy
is an important issue for digital marketers eg
GDPR impact – how does this impact mobile marketing?
Cyber Security
Carrier Partnership
 Innovative Formats
 Ad RBT & App Delivery
 OBD & SMS Campaigns
 Digital Display Ad Inventory
 Contests & Special Events
 Loyalty Programs
 Carrier Billing
 Customer billed by carrier on revenue share
 Premium SMS, Voice SC, Digital Content
 Sponsored App
 In-App placements

Leverage partnership with ecosystem players e.g. the ecommerce

companies partner with banks & credit card brands for special offers
Mobile Money
Smart Cities
 Smart Society
 Guidelines & Protocols
 Smart Home, Smart Office / Industry

 Big Data
 Opportunity for Marketers

Just like the ancient civilizations flourished on the banks of rivers, the
new smart societies will flourish on the banks of the information
superhighway – where smart devices are connected seamlessly, in a
relevant and symbiotic role of value addition.
Reflection & Research Activity
 Reflect on the emerging business models –
what are the opportunities to leapfrog

 Internet / Library search & Practical Project

 Internet search: Which are the strongest digital brands
today – what makes them strong
 Books
 The Book of Telecommunications
 Auth.: Leonard de Vries – Trans.:Karla Oosterveen
 John Murray
 The Mobile Revolution
 Dan Steinbock
 Kogan Page
 Mobile Marketing for Dummies
 Michael Becker & John Arnold
 Wiley
 Effective Telemarketing
 Pauline Rowson
 Infinity Books
 Google
 App Anie
 Statista
 Wikipedia
 Exchane4media
 ET
Thank You!

 Learning
 Next Action
 Reading
 Projects


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