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Name John

Sex Male
Date of Birth 28-June-1989 Wednesday
Time of Birth 10:00:00 AM
(20.56N 077.45E 82.30E)

Asc 09:49:29 Leo Nakshatra Ashwini

Moon 06:43:46 Aries Tithi Dashmi
Zodiac Cancer Yog Atiganda
Birth no. 1 Karan Vanij
Life no. 7 Ayanamsa N.C. Lahiri 23:42:21

Father's Name
Mother's Name
Lagna Chart

6 4
VEN 04:55
Pushya 1

*MAR 13:30
Pushya 4
ASC Magha 3

7 04:38 3 SUN 12:45

Ardra 2
-KET Magha 2

5 MER 22:43
Rohini 4

8 2 29:08
JUP Mrigasira 2

-Sat 17:15 RAH 04:38

Dhanista 4
MOO 06:43
P. Asadh 2 9 1 Ashwini 3

10 12

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Know Your Dasha...
New Delhi, India Email: web:
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Planets Position (Nirayana)

Lagna Chart Navamsa Chart

6 4 4 2
7 3 SUN VEN 5 1
5 MER 3
8 2 6 12
JUP Sat 9


9 1 7 11

10 12 8 10

Planetary Position Ayanamsa:23:42:21

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 09:49:29 SUN Magha 3 Ket Sat MER
Sun Gemini 12:45:16 MER Ardra 2 Rah MER MER

Moon Aries 06:43:46 MAR Ashwini 3 Ket RAH KET

Mars Cancer 13:30:49 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN RAH Sat D

Mercury Taurus 22:43:37 VEN Rohini 4 MOON SUN MOO

Jupiter Taurus 29:08:34 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat MOO

Venus Cancer 04:55:43 MOO Pushya 1 SATURN Sat RAH

Saturn Sagittarius 17:15:09 JUP P. Asadh 2 VENUS MOO VEN R

Rah Aquarius 04:38:18 Sat Dhanista 4 MARS VEN MER

Ket Leo 04:38:18 SUN Magha 2 Ket MOO VEN R

Ura Sagittarius 09:26:34 JUP Moola 3 Ket Sat Sat R

Nep Sagittarius 17:25:26 JUP P. Asadh 2 VENUS MAR RAH R

Plu Libra 18:54:39 VEN Swati 4 Rah MOO MER R

Moon Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

2 12 6 4
SUN 3 11 RAH 7 ASC 3
1 5 MER
4 10 8 2
MAR 7 11

KET 5 9 Sat Sat 9 1

6 8 10 12 Know Your Dasha... 2

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E


Name John Vikram Samvat 2046
Sex Male Saka Samvat 1911
Date of Birth 28-June-1989 Month ASADHA
Day of Birth Wednesday Paksha Krishna
Time of Birth 10:00:00 AM Sun at Sunrise 12:34:56 Gemini
Isht 10:49:59 Ghatis Moon at Sunrise 04:08:59 Aries
Place of Birth AMRAVATI Sun at Birth 12:45:16 Gemini
Latitude 20.56N Moon at Birth 06:43:46 Aries
Longitude 077.45E Tithi at Sunrise Dashmi
Time Zone Tithi Ending Time 20:50:05
War Time Correc. +00:00:00 Tithi at birth Dashmi
LMT Correction -00:19:00 Nak. At Sun Rise Ashwini
Local Birth Time 09:41:00 Nak. Ending Time 21:05:01
Velantar +00:03:15 Nak. at birth Ashwini
Sidereal Time 04:05:59 Yoga At Sun Rise Atiganda
Yoga Ending Time 10:48:44
PERSONAL DETAILS Yoga at Birth Atiganda
Father Name Vanij
Karan At Sun Rise
Mother Name 10:01:47
Karan Ending Time
Caste Vanij
Karan at Birth
Bhayat 28:16:29 Ghatis
Bhabhog 27:42:33 Ghatis


Sunrise/Sunset(local) 05:21:00/18:45:00
Sunrise/Sunset(IST) 05:40:00/19:04:00
Day Duration(local) 13:24:00
Tara Ashwini - 3
Day Duration(IST) 13:24:00
Ayan DAKSHIN Graha Maitri
Moon Rashi Lord MAR
Ritu VARSHA Graha Gana DEV
Sun-Longitude 12:45:16 Gemini (Rashi / Rashi Bhava) Aries 9th Bhav
Sun-Sign Lord MER Nadi AADHYA
Sun-Nakshatra Ardra Yunja PURVA
Sun-Nakshatra Lord Rah Hansak AGNI
Sun-SubLord MER Janam Alphabet Cho (Choudhary)
Sun-Sub-SubLord MER Namakshar Varga SIMHA
Asc-Longitude 09:49:29 Leo Janam Rashi Paya Silver
Asc-Sign Lord SUN Janam Nakshatra Paya Gold
Asc-Nakshatra Magha Janam Rashi / Lord (Moon) Aries MAR
Asc-Nakshatra Lord Ket Janam Nakshatra / Charan Ashwini - 3
Asc-SubLord Sat Janam Nakshatra Lord Ket
Asc-Sub-SubLord MER Know Your Dasha... 3

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Moon and Navamsa Chart

Moon Chart

Navamsa Chart Know Your Dasha... 4

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E


Lagna Chart Hora (For Wealth)

Drehskana (Brothers Sisters) Chaturthamsa (For Fortunes)

Saptamsa(For Children) Navamsa

Dasamsa(For Livelihoods) Dwadasamsa(For Parents) Know Your Dasha... 5

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E


Shodasamsa(For Conveyance) Vimsamsa(For Worship)

Chaturvimsamsa(For Education) Saptavimsamsa(For Strength)

Trimsamsa(For Miseries) Khavedamsa(Good and Bad Periods)

Akshavedamsa(All Conditions) Shastiamsa(For All Conditions) Know Your Dasha... 6

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Aspects On Planets

Aspected Planet
Sun Moo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat Rah Ket Ura Nep Plu
72.75 6.73 103.51 52.73 59.14 94.93 257.25 304.64 124.64 249.44 257.42 198.91


72.75 0 66.02 30.76 20.03 13.61 22.17 184.5 231.88 51.88 176.69 184.67 126.16


6.73 66.02 0 96.78 46 52.41 88.2 250.52 297.91 117.91 242.71 250.69 192.18


103.51 30.76 96.78 0 50.79 44.37 8.58 153.74 201.12 21.12 145.93 153.91 95.4


52.73 20.03 46 50.79 0 6.42 42.2 204.53 251.91 71.91 196.72 204.7 146.18


59.14 13.61 52.41 44.37 6.42 0 35.79 198.11 245.5 65.5 190.3 198.28 139.77


94.93 22.17 88.2 8.58 42.2 35.79 0 162.32 209.71 29.71 154.51 162.5 103.98


257.25 184.5 250.52 153.74 204.53 198.11 162.32 0 47.39 132.61 7.81 0.17 58.34


304.64 231.88 297.91 201.12 251.91 245.5 209.71 47.39 0 180 55.2 47.21 105.73


124.64 51.88 117.91 21.12 71.91 65.5 29.71 132.61 180 0 124.8 132.79 74.27


249.44 176.69 242.71 145.93 196.72 190.3 154.51 7.81 55.2 124.8 0 7.98 50.53


257.42 184.67 250.69 153.91 204.7 198.28 162.5 0.17 47.21 132.79 7.98 0 58.51


198.91 126.16 192.18 95.4 146.18 139.77 103.98 58.34 105.73 74.27 50.53 58.51 0

Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight Abbr - Aspect Degree Orb Weight
Conj- Conjuction 0 15 10 Oppn-Opposition 180 15 10
Trin- Trine 120 6 3 Squr-Square 90 6 3
Sext- Sextile 60 6 3 Ssqu-Semi Square 45 1 1
Nonl- Nonile 40 1 1 Quin-Quintile 72 1 1
Sqqd- Sesquiquadrate 135 1 1 Qcun-Quincuncb 150 1 1 Know Your Dasha... 7

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Vimshottari Antar Dasha

Bhogya Dasha at birth Ket 3 Year 5 Month 18 Days

Ket - 7 year Ven - 20 year Sun - 6 year

Period - - 16/12/1992 Period 16/12/1992 - 16/12/2012 Period 16/12/2012 - 16/12/2018
Ket - 13/05/1986 Ven 16/12/1992 16/04/1996 Sun 16/12/2012 04/04/2013
Ven 13/05/1986 13/07/1987 Sun 16/04/1996 16/04/1997 Moo 04/04/2013 04/10/2013
Sun 13/07/1987 19/11/1987 Moo 16/04/1997 16/12/1998 Mar 04/10/2013 10/02/2014
Moo 19/11/1987 19/06/1988 Mar 16/12/1998 16/02/2000 Rah 10/02/2014 04/01/2015
Mar 19/06/1988 16/11/1988 Rah 16/02/2000 16/02/2003 Jup 04/01/2015 22/10/2015
Rah 16/11/1988 04/12/1989 Jup 16/02/2003 16/10/2005 Sat 22/10/2015 04/10/2016
Jup 04/12/1989 10/11/1990 Sat 16/10/2005 16/12/2008 Mer 04/10/2016 10/08/2017
Sat 10/11/1990 19/12/1991 Mer 16/12/2008 16/10/2011 Ket 10/08/2017 16/12/2017
Mer 19/12/1991 16/12/1992 Ket 16/10/2011 16/12/2012 Ven 16/12/2017 16/12/2018

Moo - 10 year Mar - 7 year Rah - 18 year

Period 16/12/2018 - 16/12/2028 Period 16/12/2028 - 16/12/2035 Period 16/12/2035 - 16/12/2053
Moo 16/12/2018 16/10/2019 Mar 16/12/2028 13/05/2029 Rah 16/12/2035 28/08/2038
Mar 16/10/2019 16/05/2020 Rah 13/05/2029 01/06/2030 Jup 28/08/2038 22/01/2041
Rah 16/05/2020 16/11/2021 Jup 01/06/2030 07/05/2031 Sat 22/01/2041 28/11/2043
Jup 16/11/2021 16/03/2023 Sat 07/05/2031 16/06/2032 Mer 28/11/2043 16/06/2046
Sat 16/03/2023 16/10/2024 Mer 16/06/2032 13/06/2033 Ket 16/06/2046 04/07/2047
Mer 16/10/2024 16/03/2026 Ket 13/06/2033 10/11/2033 Ven 04/07/2047 04/07/2050
Ket 16/03/2026 16/10/2026 Ven 10/11/2033 10/01/2035 Sun 04/07/2050 28/05/2051
Ven 16/10/2026 16/06/2028 Sun 10/01/2035 16/05/2035 Moo 28/05/2051 28/11/2052
Sun 16/06/2028 16/12/2028 Moo 16/05/2035 16/12/2035 Mar 28/11/2052 16/12/2053

Jup - 16 year Sat - 19 year Mer - 17 year

Period 16/12/2053 - 16/12/2069 Period 16/12/2069 - 16/12/2088 Period 16/12/2088 - 16/12/2105
Jup 16/12/2053 04/02/2056 Sat 16/12/2069 19/12/2072 Mer 16/12/2088 13/05/2091
Sat 04/02/2056 16/08/2058 Mer 19/12/2072 28/08/2075 Ket 13/05/2091 10/05/2092
Mer 16/08/2058 22/11/2060 Ket 28/08/2075 07/10/2076 Ven 10/05/2092 10/03/2095
Ket 22/11/2060 28/10/2061 Ven 07/10/2076 07/12/2079 Sun 10/03/2095 16/01/2096
Ven 28/10/2061 28/06/2064 Sun 07/12/2079 19/11/2080 Moo 16/01/2096 16/06/2097
Sun 28/06/2064 16/04/2065 Moo 19/11/2080 19/06/2082 Mar 16/06/2097 13/06/2098
Moo 16/04/2065 16/08/2066 Mar 19/06/2082 28/07/2083 Rah 13/06/2098 01/01/2101
Mar 16/08/2066 22/07/2067 Rah 28/07/2083 04/06/2086 Jup 01/01/2101 07/04/2103
Rah 22/07/2067 16/12/2069 Jup 04/06/2086 16/12/2088 Sat 07/04/2103 16/12/2105 Know Your Dasha... 8

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Planets vs Houses

Planetary Position Ayanamsa:23:36:25

Planet In Sign Degree Sign Lord Nakshatra Pad NakshLord Sublord SubSublord Position
Asc Leo 09:55:25 SUN Magha 3 Ket Sat MER

Sun Gemini 12:51:41 MER Ardra 2 Rah MER KET

Moon Aries 06:49:25 MAR Ashwini 3 Ket RAH KET
Mars Cancer 13:36:56 MOO Pushya 4 SATURN RAH Sat D
Mercury Taurus 22:50:14 VEN Rohini 4 MOON SUN RAH
Jupiter Taurus 29:13:32 VEN Mrigasira 2 MARS Sat MOO

Venus Cancer 05:02:28 MOO Pushya 1 SATURN Sat RAH

Saturn Sagittarius 17:19:18 JUP P. Asadh 2 VENUS MOO SUN R

Rah Aquarius 04:44:09 Sat Dhanista 4 MARS VEN MER R

Ket Leo 04:44:09 SUN Magha 2 Ket MOO SUN R
Ura Sagittarius 09:39:32 JUP Moola 3 Ket Sat Sat R
Nep Sagittarius 17:27:24 JUP P. Asadh 2 VENUS MAR RAH R
Plu Libra 18:53:40 VEN Swati 4 Rah MOO MER R

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart

6 4 VEN 6 4 MAR
7 3 SUN 7 ASC 3
8 2 8 2

Sat 9
RAH 1 MOO Sat 9 1

10 12 10 12

BHAVA SPASHT (Placidus System)

Bhav Sign Lord Degree Nakshatra Pad Nak Lord Sublord SubSublord
1st Leo SUN 09:55:25 Magha 3 KET Sat MER
2nd Vir MER 07:42:42 U. Phalg 4 SUN KET MER
3rd Lib VEN 08:20:36 Swati 1 RAH RAH SUN
4th Sco MAR 09:45:33 Anuradha 2 Sat VEN Sat
5th Sag JUP 10:31:52 Moola 4 KET Sat SUN
6th Cap Sat 10:30:07 Shravana 1 MOO MOO Sat
7th Aqu Sat 09:49:16 Shatabhi 1 RAH JUP VEN
8th Pis JUP 07:42:42 U. Bhadra 2 Sat KET RAH
9th Ari MAR 08:20:36 Ashwini 3 KET JUP KET
10th Tau VEN 09:45:33 Krittika 4 SUN VEN MER
11th Gem MER 10:31:52 Ardra 2 RAH Sat Sat
12th Can MOO 10:30:07 Pushya 3 Sat SUN RAH

For KP Pages..ayanamsa used - KP AYANAMSA Know Your Dasha... 9

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

General Characteristics of Moon based (Zodiac Sign) Aries...

Nature And Habits

Arian men are extremely fickle minded, excited and take long strides. Their body
is well built. Head is big which has thick dry hair. Many Arians have straight nose
and lips come forward which gives them a appearance of sheep.
In case of health Arians are fortunate, but they have the habit of doing more work
than their capacity which makes them tired. And so they need discipline. They
should develop the habit of trusting others so that the work may get
Arians have good resistance power, but they should protect themselves from
small injuries and serious accidents. The maximum danger is for their head and
face because this is influenced by zodiac sign Aries. From Aries the sixth
(disease) ‘bhava’ is Virgo which is related with digestive system. So the Arians
may suffer from head ache, burns, big diseases, diseases of brain, epilepsy,
pimples, insomnia, ringworm, pain affecting half the head, small pox, malaria etc.
They should take maximum rest and eat green and leafy vegetables more. They
should avoid intoxicants and reduce the quantity of meat in their food.
Children of these zodiac sign show fighting tendency from the beginning. They
may beat others and use more of abuses. He will be without any control, original,
sports loving and in schools he will take active participation in all activities and
due to this he becomes popular very quickly and he will be never alone. The
arien children’s health will fine, but they should protect themselves from head

Financial Affairs And Activities

Aries is a fire (element) sign. It occupies the first place in the fire or AGNI
triangle (Aries Leo and Sagittarius). The combination of sign and its lord
increases the fire and energy to a large extent but in the absence of water, fire
can only be harsh and it cannot take the form of creativity. This is the reason why
Arains are found wasting of misusing their strength and energy and it is not used
for fruitful purpose.

Aries is a moving sign. And hence Arians are bright, courageous and have Know Your Dasha... 10

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

infallible willpower. They are born fighter. Due to this fighting spirit they fight
their way out of great difficulties, and are not afraid of any adversities. They love
freedom and independence and cannot tolerate any kind of interference in their
work. If they are not allowed to work according to their wish they tend to leave the
work and shift to some other work. This is the reason why the lives of Arians are
constantly changing.

If an Arian keeps control over his nature, he can not only excel materially but can
also hold positions of high caliber. But a word of caution for them from
sycophants and tricky people. If they are not cautious then they get confused and
are misled by their ego which ends in their self annihilation.
Arians are always in a hurry. Their mind is always occupied by new and
valuable ideas but due to lack of courage they are unable to execute it. Their
stubbornness makes them feel as they are wiser. They are not ready for a second
opinion and do not listen to other’s suggestions. They judge harsh truth by their
experience. They are not only ambitious, open hearted but also very frank and
outspoken. Due to lack of diplomatic nature, they fall in enmity with their friends.
They should protect themselves from inferiority complex. If the bug of inferiority
complex bites them, they can go to any extent to achieve their goal. They may
become cruel and atrocious and may die …. being killed or unnatural death. As
masters they are harsh and highly disciplined and try to exploit their subordinates
to get the work done, on the other hand they themselves oppose all kind of
traditions and discipline. Without thinking they fall into wasteful discussions.

Aries are very particular about their sense of dressing. While moving out of
house they are attired in such a way that leaves an impression on others about
their personality. They love cleanliness and are as hard as iron. They always
expect that people who come in contact with them should consider them different
from others and should accept their powerful and influential personality.

Female their male counterparts are also highly ambitious and follow
ideals. Females are also enthusiastic and energetic like males. Their house is
very small for realizing their ambitions. Due to their lively and influential
personality they are always in the forefront in social activities. Know Your Dasha... 11

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Friendship, Love & Marriage

As Arians are rich in energy, determination and willpower they are successful
leaders in business and public activities. If they keep control on themselves, they
can scale any heights in life. They are highly intuitive and they wish that they
should be considered as heads in family, business and any area of activity.
Arians are capable of earning money. They prefer to perform those activities
which involve huge expenditure. In the field of management they are very
diplomatic and at the same time they are full of excitement. Their mind is always
occupied with lengthy plans. Hence many times due to important decisions taken
in a state of excitement, they fall prey to wealth loss and ups and down.
Arians are very much interested in gambling and speculations. Instead, if they
use their brain prudently and invest their money in lucrative avenues, they may
reap good returns. They should be bewaring of court cases and arguments as
their fate is not on their side in such matters.
Arians can be successful politicians, organizers, preacher, orators, company
promoters, solider or police officials, chemists, surgeons, dealers in iron and
steel. Mechanics etc. If they fall prey to their vices, they even adopt criminal
mentality. Other professions which Arians can adopt are : butcher, barber,
priests, iron smith, producers of weapons, watch makers, dyers, cook, carpenter,
fire-engineers, spy, boxers, dealers in sports material etc.

Health and Food Habits

There is a significant place for love and friendship in the emotional life of Arians.
In expressing their love they are very open and full of zeal. Due to their kind
nature and hypnotic abilities they are capable of attracting opposite sex towards
them. In doing so they like to be independent, courageous and stable. If they
keep a control on their negative traits like holding control over others, lack of
courage and over excitement, their married life will be full of happiness.
But normally this never happens with them and they land themselves in great
trouble mainly because of their hurried nature and imprudent decisions.

To speak intelligently, Arians should first bring stability in their life and get
married. But this seldom happens due to their hurried and over excited nature.
As a Know Your Dasha... 12

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John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

consequence, in search of an ideal life partner, they get trapped in marriage and
love related matters. Devotion is a not a matter of much significance for them
and hence break-up and separations in marriages, especially in the Western
Countries is not a matter of unusual for them. Their ‘I Attitude’ is not helpful for
them to achieve much in marital relations. As a consequence of which such
persons have to face a lot in love relations. As they are unable to read and
understand women’s mind, their relations with them get strained. But if they apply
“Give and Take” policy in their life, they can experience happiness. They have
attractive personality. The negative trait in them is that they never listen to others.
If they control their selfishness and greed, their problems can come to an end.
They can then prove themselves to be a good friends, companion and lover.
They do not contain any filthy thoughts in their mind for the opposite sex but keep
on properly appreciating them. They tend to mentally worship them and never
hurt their feelings. They also feel as they are protectors of women.

Female Arians are no less than their male counterparts in terms of ‘ideals’. But
they are always worried about their love and marriage getting broken. They are
very much attracted towards male who act as protectors of women and are ready
for sacrifice. Female Arians actively participate in love affairs. In this, their desire
is at the top. Unfortunately weak males do not like such women and their
relations can be in danger. On getting an opportunity, such women can dominate
their husbands.

Arian wives like to be ready-witted and freedom loving. They are very proud of
their beauty and rich life styles. They always keep praising about their family.
Jealousy and pride is the biggest weakness in them. They always want their
husbands to praise them, keep running after them and should never praise other
women in front of them. They are in search of husbands about whom they can
always praise. If by bad luck they get an innocent husband then that husband will
be the most unfortunate one. If they are in good mood then they shower more
Leo or Sagittarians can prove to be good husbands for Arians. Even Librans can
also maintain peace in them and lessen their anger. But an Arian husband can
only be the best life partner for them. They also require beautiful and intelligent
wife. If they are in good mood then they never lag behind in spending more than Know Your Dasha... 13

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

their capacity on their wives. Hence it is advisable for Arian wives to keep some
money aside to face contingencies. Arians love their home and family. They try
to spend maximum time with them. They try to keep their homes clean and tidy.
They are good hosts and they do not feel dearth for friends.

Other Known Facts

According to Indian astrologers …..
the colour of Aries is red.
in their day to day activities.. prefer to use this colour.
The lord is Mars and its gem is coral.
Aries manifests in eastern direction.
The Mars its lord is represented by number 9..…
this number is a number of great disturbances. This number plays an importnat
role in Arian’s life. The day represented by the lord of this Zodiac sign is
Tuesday. Tuesday’s presiding deity is Lord Kartikeya whose vehicle is said to be
peacock. Know Your Dasha... 14

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Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
From 10/02/2014 to 04/01/2015 in the Mahadasa of SUN...
You will be under the influence of RAHU's Antardasa
The RAHU is in 7th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
RAHU in this House/Bhava are:-

Good for partnership, domestic life, cooperation and happiness, marriage

ceremony, defeated enemies, gain in business, excessive sex, bilious and windy
problems, leaves his home, constantly in journey, ill health to wife, venereal
diseases, feels uneasy mentally, loss of job or business, loose in morals.
The effect of Dasha period of the Rahu in the 7th house is as follows:--
In this period however much you may try, you will not be able to maintain good
relations with your partners/associates etc. You might face obstacles in your day
to day pursuits. Family members attitude will not be cordial. There is a danger of
getting involved in litigations or court cases. Don't depend on false hopes as your
friends will let you down at crucial occasions. Take care of your health. There
could be danger of food poisoning too. As far aspossible, travels should be avoided.

From 04/01/2015 to 22/10/2015 in the Mahadasa of SUN...

You will be under the influence of JUPITER's Antardasa
The JUPITER is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
JUPITER in this House/Bhava are:-

Change of place, loss of wealth, ill health to father, transfer, demotion, becomes
poor, danger of disgrace and degradation in status, diseases of phlegm,
confidence is shaken, and in a state of depression, separation from family,
endeavours go in vain.
The effect of Dasha period of the Jupiter in the 10th house is as follows:--
You will do extremely good in your business, trade,job etc. An expansion of
business or promotion in status is likely to take place in this period. You will enjoy
the love and respect from your superiors and higher authorities. Income flow will
remain normal. You will spend money on home affairs. There will be frequent
travels regarding business/job etc. Your enemies might try to harm your
reputation but they will not achieve any success. Family life will be quite happy. Know Your Dasha... 15

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha

From 22/10/2015 to 04/10/2016 in the Mahadasa of SUN...

You will be under the influence of SATURN's Antardasa
The SATURN is in 5th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
SATURN in this House/Bhava are:-

Loss of children, wealth, love affairs; confrontations, loss in speculation,

gambling, litigation; dispute with children, increased expenditure, separation from
family, suspension, problem in education / examination, not good for romance,
apprehensive, unable to make plans and to take decisions, unscrupulous and
tries to cheat others, spends most of his time in the company of wicked women,
decreased income, wife suffers from windy complaints, losses through his son,
meets an acciden, and may lose some limb.
The effect of Dasha period of the Saturn in the 5th house is as follows:--
Your creative faculties will be considerably eclipsed therefore you may not be
able to distinguish and discriminate properly. Extra care should be taken so that
right decisions are taken. The health of your spouse and children may create
problems in this period. Your friends and associates will not keep their promises.
It is better not to depend on false hopes. Journies will not be fruitful. Financial
worries may disturb your peace of mind. Risk taking tendencies should be curbed totally.

From 04/10/2016 to 10/08/2017 in the Mahadasa of SUN...

You will be under the influence of MERCURY's Antardasa
The MERCURY is in 10th house in your Birth - horoscope.The General effects of
MERCURY in this House/Bhava are:-

Good health, gain of money, success in profession, mental and domestic

happiness, enemies defeated, gain of property, new friendships, good for house,
gets promote, involved in social welfare, respects the traditional values, finds
satisfaction in intellectual pursuits.
The effect of Dasha period of the Mercury in the 10th house is as follows:--
You will do extremely well in your business or profession. An expansion of
business may also take place. During this period you will remain action oriented.
Your keen observation and your sense of discrimination will make you learn more. Know Your Dasha... 16

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Effects of Dasha
Your relationship with superiors or authorities will definitely improve. Family
atmosphere will be quite satisfactory. You may also go in for a conveyance. A
good news from a far off place or places is also possible. An auspicious
ceremony in the house may be celebrated. Know Your Dasha... 17

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Varshphal - Annual Predictions Year 2015-2016

You will be under the influence of Mercury
from 28-06-2015 to 18-08-2015
The Mercury is in 2nd house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Mercury in this house are:-
Success but disgrace, harsh speech, loss of honour, sorrows, unjust scandals,
blames, anger, litigation possible, business expansion, good foods, reliable
friends, gain of wealth, success in jobs, earns due to his oratory ability and
education, enjoys delicious dishes and gains from relatives.
The effect of dasa period of Mercury in 2nd house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
Financially, this is going to be the best period. You may also get benefit from the
profitable deals. You will beable to convince others by your keen perception about
situations and plans. You will be quite famous in this period. Family members
attitude will be very cordial towards you. Old dues/debt may also be realised.
Travels will bevery useful this period will also make you human philosophical and
profound. Your interest in occult sciences will increase and you may under go a
para psychological experience.

You will be under the influence of Ket

from 19-08-2015 to 09-09-2015
The Ket is in 12th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Ket in this house are:-
Heavy Expenditure, eye troubles, foreign travel, mental tensions, goes away from
motherland, conflicts in the family, and may become a sanyasi, gets spiritual
enlightenments during this transit.
The effect of dasa period of Ketu in 12th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
You might develop a tendency not to listen to good advise by others. There are
chances of indulging in wrong or sinful acts. Your huge expenses may bring you
under debt therefore try to curb your spending. Worried person on account of
wrong decisions. Don't try to act on your instincts in this period otherwise you may
be in diretrouble. However, this period may see you indulging in some type of
occultism. Your health may not be good in this period. Know Your Dasha... 18

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Varshphal - Annual Predictions Year 2015-2016

You will be under the influence of Venus
from 10-09-2015 to 09-11-2015
The Venus is in 4th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Venus in this house are:-
Meeting with friends, gain in authority, professional success, gain of wealth, birth
of children, marriage ceremony, gain in agriculture, domestic bliss, acquisition of
vehicles, articles of luxury, gain of property, gets his desires fulfilled, gains
money from many sources, helped by his relatives, becomes famous among the
masses and people love him generally, gets a house with all comforts, helps the
The effect of dasa period of Venus in 4th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
This period will make you comfortable. There will be arise in status as well as a
rise in your income. Family life shall be very happy. You might enter into profitable
deals. There will be some sort of get together in your family. Travel will also bring
good news for you. Your opponents will not be able to do any harm. An increase
of family members is quite possible. Success in attempts will be there. Your
sub-ordinates shall extend their full support towards you. Overall this period will
be very pleasant.

You will be under the influence of Sun

from 10-11-2015 to 28-11-2015
The Sun is in 3rd house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Sun in this house are:-
Income, charitable deeds, defeats enemies, fights for the cause of others and
wins enjoys good company of high govt. officers, females get pregnant, one
attains status, correct decisions, promotion
The effect of dasa period of Sun in 3rd house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
This period will relieve you of your tensions and anxiety. On the domestic front
you will be happy and your long cherished desires will be fulfilled. You will travel a
lot at this time.Short distance travels will bring luck and will be fruitful and
pleasant. You may receive good news about benefits or monetary gains. You are
likely to socialise with family friends and relatives. Good health is indicated during
this time. Know Your Dasha... 19

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Varshphal - Annual Predictions Year 2015-2016

You will be under the influence of Moon

from 29-11-2015 to 29-12-2015
The Moon is in 8th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Moon in this house are:-
Quarrels for nothing, fear of loss of money, financial problems, ill-health,
disgrace, suffers of piles, cough, indigestion, diarrhoea, dysentery and chest
affection, untimely meals, sudden calamities and loss of wealth, theft.
The effect of dasa period of Moon in 8th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
You might face failures in your attempts. Health problems will also be there. Do
not involve yourself in any big or new venture. This is not a good time to take
risks.Family member's health will create tension. Unfruitful journies should be

You will be under the influence of Mars

from 30-12-2015 to 20-01-2016
The Mars is in 3rd house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Mars in this house are:-
Enemies defeated, mental worries over, self-labour productive, courageous
deeds, self-confidence, argumentative, pleasure from neighbours, relations,
brothers; earns by dealing in metals and metal articles, gets help from the
government, earns through real estate, gains from co-borns, benefits from the
subordinates, cheerful and very energetic.
The effect of dasa period of Mars in 3rd house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
During this period, you will be courageous. Journies undertaken shall be fruitful.
You may get good news through communications. Your relatives, specially
brothers, will flourish. Acquisition of material things is also indicated.Your
opponents will not dare to face you. Success in attempts is assured.

You will be under the influence of Rah

from 21-01-2016 to 15-03-2016
The Rah is in 6th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Rah in this house are:- Know Your Dasha... 20

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Varshphal - Annual Predictions Year 2015-2016

Chronic diseases, ill health to maternal uncle, loss of honour, ill health, loss of
finance, eye troubles, reduction in income, gives mixed results, falls prey to some
chronic disease, enemies are vanquished and the native earns from them
The effect of dasa period of Rahu in 6th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
This period will make you very successful in your ventures. Your service working
conditions will improve. Money will flow quite normally. Your deals with
government and authorities will get through. You will definitely overcome your
opponents. A pleasant trip is almost certain to take place somewhere in the
middle of this period. Family atmosphere shall be very good. There will be good
chances of entering into profitable deals. If you have applied for loans, then you
might get finances. Minor health ailment could also be possible.

You will be under the influence of Jupiter

from 16-03-2016 to 03-05-2016
The Jupiter is in 4th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Jupiter in this house are:-
Not good for mother, problems in promotion, litigation on account of immovable
property, mother ill, opposition from public, problems in business, disgrace, false
accusations, domestic unhappiness, loses wealth, health, enemies crop up,
leaves his place of birth and settles in a foreign country, no happiness from family
members and paternal property, danger from the Govt., may face departmental
action if in service and may get demoted, always looks worried of his financial
condition and loss of reputation.
The effect of dasa period of Jupiter in 4th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
You will be quite comfortable in this period. Family happiness will be there.
Expenses will be incurred on property. You will have to spend on house hold
articles, movable or unmovable property. An expansion of business/trade etc. is
likely to take place. Sudden unexpected gains are also possible. You will come
into contact with higher officials and authorities. Your fame and reputation will be
on an increase. A change in business or promotion is likely to take place. You will
be inclined towards religion and might visit sacred places. A balanced state of
mind is Know Your Dasha... 21

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT
John 28/6/1989 10:00:00 AMRAVATI 20.56N 077.45E 82.30E

Varshphal - Annual Predictions Year 2015-2016

indicated and over all happiness will be there.

You will be under the influence of Saturn

from 04-05-2016 to 28-06-2016
The Saturn is in 8th house in your Annual Chart.
The general impact of Saturn in this house are:-
Problem with finances, no loans from bank, death of some relative, separation
from loved ones, litigation, bad company, displeasures from officers and Govt, ill
health, loss of animals, pets, progeny; renunciation, imprisonment, gambling; This
is known as Ashtam Saturn and is considered a very bad period, loss of wealth
and material comforts and his endeavours are unfruitful, fearful of insult and of
being penalised from the Govt., may cause death of his wife, trouble equivalent to
death, stomach complains, wasteful expenditure, eye trouble, scandals and loss
of reputation.
The effect of dasa period of Saturn in 8th house in your annual chart will be as
follows -
There will be a danger of loosing some thing very important.Your relationship
with your superiors/authorities may deteriorate. Loss in trade is also possible.
Your friends/associates will not keep their promises. Family members attitude will
be quite different. A state of mental anguish will reflect in your behaviour.
However, this period can help you in occult/para psychological sphere. It would be
better to depend on your own calibre and skill. If aspiring for legacy or inheritance
than it might come your way as a surprise. Take care of your health. You may
also receive bad news regarding some one's demise. Know Your Dasha... 22

New Delhi, India Email: web:
Kundli Chakra 2012 licensed to: NISHIKANT

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