From The Editor'S Desk: Many Faces of Objectivity

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From 50 Years Ago famous simian trio, or otherwise affect a pose of While a diplomat or an insurance agent may
godlike impartiality in all matters — assuming, choose to remain tight-lipped in moments of cri-
of course, that god can be impartial — news- sis, and even enhance his credibility thereby,
papers would soon be reduced to telephone newspapers — and that means editors in this
directories. Yet a journalist makes his choice context — are expected to exercise their right of
Vol IV, No 47 NOVEMBER 22, 1969
with discrimination and without rancour, or is free speech, especially in times of crisis. …
Many Faces of Objectivity expected to do so. For, though there is nothing On the morning of November 3, which was a
in the Constitution or the ethics of his own Monday, following the weekend meetings of the
Nireekshak profession which debars him from being as Congress Working Committee which the Prime
Journalists, like everyone else, have the right to fierce a partisan as any salesman of a particular Minister and her associates boycotted (thus for-
political choices as between parties and person- brand of toothpaste, a journalist is none-the- malising the split in the party), neither Indian
alities, and even between factions within parties. less expected to keep objectivity as his watch- Express nor Hindu had a word of comment in its
Were editors and reporters to emulate the word at all times. … editorial columns.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW NOVEMber 23, 2019 vol lIV no 46 9

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