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Mackenzie Tillis

ENC 1101

Professor McGriff

14 October 2019

Compare-Contrast Essay

Many times at a young age, you have thought about what it would be like to live alone in your

own house or apartment. After graduating from high school, you have an option of whether or not you

would like to live at home or get your own place while going to college. Living at home with your

parents, you will not have to pay rent, you will be provided with free meals daily, and most importantly,

you have your loved ones close by at any time; however, when living on your own there will be times that

you will go without those things.

There are often many times in your life that you wish you can hurry and get out of your parents'

house. However, living at home while going to college may be a great decision. When living at home

with your parents, you will not have the stress of having to pay for bills. Instead of paying for bills, you

would have the opportunity to spend your money on any extra activities that you enjoy. When you have

the responsibilities of paying bills, you have to sacrifice other things in life that you never thought you

would ever have to give up.

Living at your parents' house, you are always promised daily meals. Being provided with food for

each meal of the day can be a huge help to your life, and probably even your bank account! Eating out

isn't only expensive, it can also be very bad for your health. In most situations, home-cooked meals have

less sugary ingredients in the food. When eating out, you are putting yourself at a greater risk of heart

disease due to the fat, cholesterol, and sugar that is put into your food.

While going to college, working, and maintaining friendships/relationships, it can very well cause

you to carry stress on your shoulders pretty heavily. There will be times that you may feel the need to

vent to someone. When living on your own, of course, the person whom you want to vent to is only a

phone call away. However, talking on the phone still is not the same as talking in person. When living at

home, there are days that you wish to be alone, but when needed, you will always have a loved-one there

by your side to listen to all of your problems and to give you advice.

When living at home, you will not have to worry about whether or not your bills are getting paid.

On the other hand, living in an apartment you will have to continuously stress over the fact of making

sure you have the money to pay your bills. You will have the responsibilities of buying your own

groceries, paying your light bill/water bill, and also buying furniture for your place. This means you will

have to maintain a well-paying job while also going to college. Overall, taking on this responsibility can

help guide you to be more mature.

You are usually always promised meals daily living at home with your parents. Leaving home to

go live on your own, you have to make sure that you provide yourself with daily meals. As much freedom

as you think you are going to have, you will not know until you get there that going to college will take

up the majority of your life. Providing yourself with daily meals also leads up to having a job. You cannot

buy yourself groceries without having money. It all leads up to having responsibilities.

Living at home, it is always a guarantee to have a loved one by your side. There will be times in

college that you will begin to feel overwhelmed with all of the responsibilities that you have like,

schoolwork, maintaining a job, friendships/relationships. Those are the times that you will have to make

yourself keep going because you know you can! It is important that when you start feeling this way, you

should talk to someone just to get things off your chest. Living alone you will not always have this perk.

Of course, those people will only be a phone call away, but a phone call just isn't the same.

In conclusion, I believe that living at home is the best decision that you could make while going

to college. When staying at home, you will have fewer responsibilities than what you would if you were

to live in an apartment on your own. Staying at home with your parents, you are provided with daily

meals, you do not have to pay rent, and you always have someone by your side regularly.

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