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The Society, as a body, is not responsiblefor the statements and opinions advanced in any of its Publicati~ns
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Vol. 52 No.6 DECEMBER 1951 Price 6/-'



By D. G. KRIGE, M.Sc. (Eng.) (Rand)

SUMMARY value as a powerful and indispensable tool

is ,now recognized not only by research
Certain fundamental concepts in the application workers and scientists but also, ever-
of statistics to mine valuation on the Witwaters-
rand are discussed, and general conclusions are increasingly, by the commerCial and indus-
drawn regarding the application of the lognormal trial world. This being the .case it is ·note-
curve to the frequency distribution of gold values. worthy that in a mining field such as the
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An indication is given of the reliability of present Rand with its highly developed and
valuation methods on the Rand. It is shown that
the existing over- and under-valuation of blocks of advanced mining methods, singularly little
ore listed as high-grade and low-grade, respectively, attention has been paid to the analysis of
can be explained statistically. Suggestions are mine valuation problems on a; modern \,
made for the elimination of such errors and for the statistical basis. This omission is even more
improvement of the general standard of mine
valuation by the use of statistical theory. striking when cognizance is taken of the
wealth of li:Jampling data concer~ng the
gold ore which is available and of the far:
reaching, decisions and deductions con-
The estimation of the tonnage and grade stantly being based on such data. Some
of payable ore in a mine and the correct contributions have however been made from
policy of selective mining ba~ed on such time to time towards the application of
estimates, is of vital importlince to the statistics to mine valuation on the Rand
mining engineer. It is surprising, therefore, (References Nos. 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12), but
that more attention has not been devoted none of these have be.en generally applied
on the Witwatersrand to the scientific in practice and a systematic practical
improvement of 'mine valuation methods. approach based on clearly defined funda-
At present these methods consist almost mental concepts still appears to be lacking_
entirely of the application of simple arith- The object of this paper is, therefore, to
metic and empirical formulae guided by define these statistical concepts and to
practical experience, and ignore the many indicate briefly the lines along which
advantages to be gained from a careful statistical methods can be applied profitably
statistical analysis of the behaviour of the in solving some of the existing problems
gold values. and in improving the general standard of
The science of statistics has expanded mine valuation on the Rand. For this
rapidly during the last tWb decades and its purpose a knowledge of mathematicaf.
120 Journal,ot the Chemica~, Metallurgical and lI{ining Society ot South Atrica. . [Dec., 1951

statistics is essential, but' as this paper is Before' this can be 'done, however, th
primarily intended to provide the mine following fundamental statistical terms an~
. valuator with a practical introduction to their application, to mine valuation on th
statistical application in his field, the South African gold fields have to be defined~
mathematics is confined to a short annexure,
together with references from which details Population
can be obtained.
The common concept of a 'population'
II. DEFINITION OF CERTAIN FUNDAMENTAL is that of a large group of persons, each
CONCEPTS , member' of the population being
identified by his or her own particular
The intelligent observer has no doubt attributes such as height, weight, age
often been amazed at the regularity and wealth, etc. In the statistical sense, how~
order behind what at first glance appears ever, the measurements of anyone attribute
to be a chaotic variation in the attributes of the individual persons in such a group
of an object, event or condition. The constitu~e a population (of measurements)
individual heights of the people forming the and each such measurement is regarded
population Of a. town, for exa,mple, appear as a member of the population.
from a casual' investigation to vary hap- In the case of a gold mine, the ore body
hazardly: and yet when such height measure- can be regarded as a single ore parcel
ments are grouped according to the .fre- which can be subdivided into a large
quency of occurrence of individual sizes, a number of small parcels of ore, each of these
surprisingly uniform and regular trend in smaller parcels having its own attributes
such frequencies will be found. Thus, the vital one naturally being its gold
intelligent observation and analysis will content. The aim in framing the ideal
generally disclose a regular pattern behind policy of selective mining is to select for
the apparent chaos. 'stoping purposes only those parcels of ore
Even an experienced mine valuator on which contain sufficient gold to pay for all
the Rand may believe that the variation expenditure incurred up to and including
between gold values along a stretch of drive, the extraction of this gold and to leave
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raise. or stope face is haphazard. This is intact all parcels with an insufficient gold
not the case, however, and it follows content to cover such costs. In practice,
naturally that the observation of the except in the case of unusually wide auri-
regular. pattern followed by such values, ferous reef bodies, this process of selection
and'the correct interpretation thereof, must is effected in respect of reef' parcels' which
open up new avenues of approach to the .in each case occupy the entire width of the
benefit of mine valuation in general. reef body (or economic band of reef), and the
It is as well to stress at this stage that thil , payable' and 'unpayable' parcels can
basic problem of mine valuation is that the· consequently be depicted on the plane of
actual gold coritent of a block of ore to be the reef by the areas covered by these
stoped is unknown and that it can only be parcels. For practical purposes, therefore,
estimated from the limited number of values a reef body in a particular mine can be
available round its periphery, the orthodox regarded as a large 'area' of reef con-
estimate being based on the arithmetic sisting of smaller individual reef 'areas,'
mean of such a set of available values, i.e. each 'area' being identified in particular
the mean of such values is accepted as by the gold content of the ore parcel (or
, being the indicated mean value of the whole volume or tonnage of or~)' it represents.
block of ore. The two main objectS' of a' The gold contents of such individual small
statistical approach to mine valuation are reef 'areas' within a large reef 'area'
firstly, to determine the reliability of such can from a statistical angle, consequently
existing methods of estimation and be regarded as the members of a population.
secondly, ·to develop methods which will The smallest 'area' of reef, the gold
on average, yield closer and more reliable content of which is measured in practice,
estimates of the actual mean value of the is that represented by the cross sectional
are from the limited available sampling area of the standard size channel cut in the
information. . . process of sampling across the width of the
Journal 0/ the Chemical~ Metallurgical and Mi~ing Society. 0/ South A./r1ca 121
pee., 1951]
Statistical approach to basic mine valuation problems-D. G. Krige

f body at a sampling section and, on more or less <;onstant factor- of the stoping
re e e measures approximately 6 sq in. width so a~ to yield the dwt/ton value
aver~i~e valuation purposes, the~efore, the over the stoping, width will also, therefore,
For urements of the gold contents o( all provide a measurement of the gold content
~easstandard size (6 sq in) reef 'areas' of the relevant standard size reef area.
t ;'ch constitute a larger'reef ' area' will Similarly, in the case of a wide variable
; \egarded as a population, a~d every reef width, having a definite influence on
e h individual measurement 'YIll be a the stoping width, but where neither of
8ucmber of the population. The basic these widths appears on average to be
)1le ulation is comprised of the actual related to the corresponding inch-dwt
p~fct. contents of these 'areas' b~t t~ese values (i.e. where the full range of stoping
g n in practice only be measured by under- . width variations is likely to be associated
c~ound sampling and l?-ence the observed with every category of inch-dwt values),
go ulation consists of a number of measure- the dwt/ton value over the stoping width
~lnts of the actual gold contents concerned. at a sampling section will on average also
In the practical case 'of a block of ore provide a measure of the gold 'content of
measuring, say, 200 ft by 200'ft, which has the corresponding standard size reef area-.
been sampled at 5 ft intervals round its In the unusual case where there appears
periphery, the measured gold contents of to be a definite relation~hip between the
the 160 standard size reef' areas' at the stoping widths and cor-responding inch-dwt
corresponding number of sample sections values at the various sample sections, the
will constitute the only known members of problem is more complicated and will not
the population of measurements of the be considered in this paper.
gold contents of the odd million standard From a practical point of view, therefore,
siz~ reef 'areas' constituting the entire the statistical use of either the inch-dwt
block. value or the dwt/ton value over the stoping
The gold content of anyone such standard width at a sampling section can be justified
size reef' area' (6 sq in) will be measured and should yield the same eventual answer
by the assayed gold content of th{j sample(s) if a sufficient number of values is available,
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obtained from the channel cut at the since the average dwt/ton value for the
corresponding sampling section, i.e. by the tonnage of ore in a block is the quotient
(weighted average) dwt/ton of the sample(s) of the average inch-dwt value and the
X tonnage of sample(s). Now, since the average stoping width. '
tonnage of the sample(s) is directly pro- For the purpose of this.paper the inch-dwt
portional to the volume of the sample(s), measure 'will be used almost invariably
and the volume is in turn directly pro- and a population will therefore be con-
portional to the overall sampled width sidered as being comprised of a number of
(when the cross-sectional area of the channel inch-dwt values of sample sections corre-
cut for every sample is identical), it follows sponding to 'standard' size reef areas.
that the measurement of the gold content In the case ofa block of ore, for example,
of a standard size reef ' area' is directly the population will consist of all the
proportional to the average dwt/ton over theoretically possible inch-dwt values which
the sampled width X the sampled could be obtained if the block were to be
width = total inch-dwt for the sample extracted by a process, of continuous
section concerned. sampling.
The inch-dwt of a sample section can, Similarly, the sample values obtained
therefore, be accepted as a measurement of from a stretch of drive, raise or stope face
the gold content of a standard size reef' area' can be considered to be equivalent to that
(6 sq. in.) .corresponding to this sampling obtained from a relatively narrow and,
section. elongated 'area' of reef containing a
Where the reef width is relatively narrow population of sample section values.
the stoping width is determined entirely A case where the area concept is departed
by practical mining considerations and is from is in the ana.lvsis of the distribution
fairly constant. In such a case the inch-dwt of calculated ore r~serve values. In this
value of a sampling section divided by the case the population in effect comprises the,
122 . . JOurn~l 01 the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society 01 SouthA/~iCa.
'[Dec., 19(;1

indicated mean values of a number of ?f 'random: sampling (statistical sense

blocks (i.e. ' areas ') of ore. In order, how- I.e. the concept of the drawing of a set ),
ever,to allow for the ·fact that in practice . of
sample values (valuation sense) fro:m
the areas of these block/> are usually very population of such values in a p:urely rando a
divergent in size, the tonnages of ore in the
various value categories provide a better and unbiassed manner. Briefly this :mea Ill.
relative frequency measure. The population that for every selection of a single :me:mb
will therefore in this case consist of all the every individual member of the populatioe~
individual tons of ore in the ore reserves must have an equal chance of selection.
each at the indicated average value of the In practice, samples can only be take
ore block of which it forms part.' 'round .the periphery of an ore block an~
common sense has dictated the spacing of
Sampling from a population these at equal interv~ls.. The theoretical
sample values in the interior of the block
In' the statistical sense 'sampling' therefore, have no chance. of selection'
implies the selection of a limited number of
members of a population, the group of and the peripheral values are selected not
selected members constituting the so-called at random but systematically. The exact
. 'sample.' To the mine valuator, ' sampling' relationship between the results of such
implies the physical act of chiselling out a systematic sampling and. the theoretical
few pounds of reef (and waste) material for random procedure is at present being
assay purposes,. and' samples' imply the investigated. It appears, however, from
separate packages of reef (and waste) practical tests on mine A5 that where the
material obtained in 'sampling.' It is" selection of the locations of the drives and
therefore, obvious that in the application . rais~ bounding the blocks of ore has not
of statistics to mine valuation a clear been influenced in any way by sampling
distinction is required between the above
dual meanings of both '.sampling' and values previously known, the systematic
, sample.' Bearing in mind the stated perimeter samples may be accepted on
intention of this paper, the valuation average as representative of the blocks as a
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interpretation of these two terms will be whole. The author is, however, fully aware
maintained and the corresponding of the limitations of 'this statement, par.
statistical tenns will be referred to in the ticularly in cases where value trends are
following manner : - evident and where individual blocks are
irregular in shape.
Statistical term Valuation equivalent
, Sample' A set of 'sample values Frequency histogram
drawn from a popula-
tion of sample values. The statistical analysis of a population of
'Sampling' The act of drawing a set .values consists primarily of the segregation
of sample values from of such values into a range of selected value
a population of such categories. The population is, then repre.
values. sented graphically by plotting 'the limits of
the range of values within each value
The term. sample, . therefore, unless category as abscissae and on each such
qualified, is used in the mine valuation range of values as base, J1 rectangle with
sense. and an individual sample value will area in direct proportiorY to the frequency
be the inch-dwt value at a sampling section,
of occurrence of the values in the value
Le. a member of a population of individual
sample values. category concerned. The resultant step
diagram is called a frequency histogram,
Random and systematic sampling and where the value ranges are made
, , sufficiently small, this step diagram will
A considerable part of statistical theory in the limiting case, merge into a smooth
has been built up round the basic concept curve called a frequency curve.
Journal 01 the Chemical, Metall'urgiCal and 'Mining Bocl,ety 0/ Bouth A/rica 123
pee., 1951J Statistical approach to basic mine valuation problems---'D. G. Kriue

J)1.TilE LOGNORMAL' FREQUENCr' symmetrical ' normal' c,urve of error, and

DISTRIBUTION AS APPLIED TO GOLD can be transformed - into ,the latter by
;VALUES plotting the abscissae, i.~. the inch-dwt
values on a logarithmic scale.
The sluipe of the lognormal curve
The fact that the gold values obtained in The application of the lognormal curve in
ling a reef area could be represented , various fields
fIll! frequency histogram of definite shape
The lognormal frequency curve is not
Ys known as far back as 191912 but it
was not until recent years that the type of peeuliar to' the distribution of gold values
;:quency curve which could be fitted and has been found to be' applicable in a,
r tisfactorily to such. a ,histogram was large number of widely different fields, as
~:cognized as the lognormal frequency the following brief list will indicate:-
The incomes of individuals ina nation. 9
The sizes of grains in samples from
sedimentary deposits. 6 .
The sizes of sandgrains in samples from
windblown sand. 1 .
The sizes of partiCles of silver in a photo-
graphic emulsion. 3
Sensitiveness of animals of same species
to drugs. 3
Numbers of plankton caught in different
hauls with a net. 3
Amounts of electricity used in medium
class homes in the U.S.A.3 '
Reaction times 'of' human beings in a
word test. 3 '
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Diameters of particles of aIrborne dust

in coal mines. 3
~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-
Number of words iri sentences from
INCH nWTS, works of G. B. Shaw. 3
DIagram No. I-ShowIng frequency distribution of
28,334 Inch-dwt values on Mine A by means of a histo- As far as the Witwatersrand goldfield
gram and the lognormal curve fitted to these
observations and its extensions 'are concerned, evidence
from a number of the chain of mines
curve. 7,., 9 A typical lognormal curve is stretching for more. than a hundred miles
illustrated on Diagram No. 1. For this from Heidelberg in the east to the West-
purpose 28,334 inch-dwt values repre- Wits line in the west, as well as from mines
senting the development, results for a in the Klerksdorp sector, indicates that it
large section of Mine f.. were analyzed. The is highly probable that the lognormal curve
observed percentage frequency of occurrence will find application to the distributions of
of the values falling into the'various value gold values in most, if not all, of the' known
categories are represented by the areas of the economic reef horizons. An' analysis of the
rectangles forming the, step diagram to borehole values for the Basal Reef in the
which the lognormal curve was fitted, e.g., Orange Free State field c9.nfirm the natural
12 per cent of the total number of values expectation that the pattern exhibited
were found to lie in the category between by these values is al~o lognormal in ·trend.
150 and 200 inch-dwt. The most distinctive
features of the lognormal curve 'are its Charac,teristic8 of the lognormal curve
marked skewness to the left and the long
drawn-out tail towards the higher value A -brieflist of the more important formulae
. categories. , based on a mathematical analysis of the
As suggested by the name' lognormai,' lognormal distribution is contained in the
this curve is related to the well-known annexure to this paper with the r.elevant
124 J~urnal 01 the O!lemical, Metallurgicarana Mining ~ociety 01 South Airl,ca [Dec., 1951

references. For the stated purpose of this may be of ~ol)sider,abie importance in futur
paper)t is sufficient to mention only two in im~roving the general s~an~ard of min:
basic characteristics of the lognormal valuatIOn, was that the relatIve variation
dIstribution, i.e. the mean of the populatioI). between values wit.hin equal size reef areas
and the relatIve variation (co-efficient of appeared to be' faIrly stable and possibly
variation) between the values constituting constant. (at least for practical purpOses)
, the distribution. Referring to Diagram No.1 in individual sections of a mine with minor
the mean lies at the inch-dwt v..alue corre- changes from section .to section. This
sponding t'o the centre of gravity of the aspect will be referred to again in Section VI.
area between the curve and the x-axis, and . '
the ·relative variation is measured ,by the The effect of a variation in the size of the ore
relative spread of the curve. All the other samples '
characteristics of the' distribution, e.g.
skewness, kurtosis (peakedness), modal Since the' de'cision to select samples
value, median value and geometric mean, corresponding to reef areas of 6 sq .in. is also
can be expressed in terms 'of either or both arbitrary, 'the size of the sample should also
of the above two basic characteristics. ' not affect the typical lognormal pattern
, A lognormal distribution is, therefore, of the distribution of gold values. This is
completely determined by its mean value 'confirmed by the fact that, in an ideal case
and the' relative variation between the (where the natural distribution of the ore
units, of the population. '. values' has not, been upset by previous
.mining operations), the average values of
Effect of a variatio'f!- in the size of the reef area ore blocks (pay and unpay) in a mine have
also been found to be distributed log-
The question naturally arises whether the normally, an ore reserve block being' eql1i-
gold values in a reef body are distributed valent to an exceptionally large ore sample.
lognormally, irrespective of the size of the It is fo,und in practice, therefore, that the
.reef area concerned. The selection of the . inch-dwt values within a block of ore are
boundaries· of the section of Mine A, for distributed lognormally, that these values
example, in respect of which the lognormal from all the blocks in the mine when con-
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distribution shown on Diagram No. 1 \vas sidered together stiil form ,a' lognormal
observed, was purely arbitrary and it is, distribution with a curve. of a somewhat
therefore, natural to expect the distribu- ,different shape, and that if the mean
tions of gold values within smaller (or larger) values of the individual blocks are con-
'sections of such a mine also to be log- sidered, these in turn also constitute a
normal. This has been confirmed on Mine A similar type of distribution. The mathe-
for various sizes of reef areas down to a . matical relationship between the relative
size smaller than that of the average ore shapes. of these three types of.distributions
reserve block on the mine. 5 is formulated in the annexure (Formula 19)
Now, in dealing with the incomes of the and can be applied in practice'in predicting
members of a human population it is only the percentage payability and. average
natural to expect a larger relative variation' pay~ble ore reserve vi!'lue for a new mine
between the incomes of members ofa town's from relatively little basic information
.population than between those, of members such as borehole values and a limited
of tIle population in a single suburb of that number of underground ,development values.
town.. Similarly, it can be expected that A detailed discussion of this aspect falls
gold values in,a w;hole mine will be subject outside the scope of, this ,paper and could
to a larger relative variation than those in possibly be dealt with at 'a later date.
a portion of the mine, and hence that the
relative" variation between gold values on General basic conclusions to 'be drawn from
'any mine will tend to increase with an the lognormal distribution of gola values
increase in the size of the reef area con- , /

cerned. Practical experiments on Mine A It is imme'diately evident from the

have confirmed this.5 . illustration of a typical lognormal curve
A conclusion arrived at as a result of (Diagram No.1) that the inch-dwt values
these 'practical investigations, and which cover the entire theotetic~l range from zero
pe C., 1951] ·lo.urnal of the Ohemical, M~taZ!urgical ana'Afining s~ciety ofS~lIth Aj"ica 125
Statistical approach to.basic mine valuation problems.,--D. G: Kriae .

t infinity. Also since the curve approaches in'respect o'f a block of ore or a stope face
t~e x·axis asymptotically in the range of represent only a few known values out of a
the higher value categories; the frequency virtually infinite number of. values which
of occurrence of extr~mely high values is can be obtained by' repeated sampling.
relatively small but can only become zero 'Yhe~e the. few known sample values are
for infinitely large value·s. dIstrIbuted, over the range of values in
In drawing a set of values at random approxiniately the same proportions as the
froro a population of values, the 'probability total number of possible sample values,
of drawing a value in any' particular value the mean value of these Jew samples will
category is measured by the relative naturally correspond, closely to the true.
frequency of occurrence of values in this mean v?,lue of all the possible. samples.
category, e.g. referring to Diagram No. I, In practICe, however, some of the relatively
it is obvious that if one value is draivn at few extremely high values in the parent
random from the 28,334 values· represented population of values, must at one time or
by the curye, the probability of drawing a another be struck in taking a set of samples,
value between, say, 150 and 200 inch-dwt and will in such an event appear to be out
is 12·0 per cent, i.e. approximately I in 8. of accord with the rest of the sample values
It is also evident~hat every lognormal , in the set, and will raise the average value
distribut~on, no matter what -its mean
of the set to· an abnormally" high figure.
value may be, must comprise a mixture of Such values are generally regarded as 0

values ·ranging theoretically from. zero to , anomalous,' 'freak,' or the result of

infinity. * .A distribution with .a low bad sa:r;npling, and are in practice usually
average value will, therefore, always contain , cut' or' adjusted" by arbitrary methods
a proportion (even if small) of relatively . in order to yield what, at any rate; appears'
high values, and vice versa a distribution by intuition to be a more .reliable 'average
with a high average value will contain a . result. Such apparently anomalous values
proportion of relatively low values. In mine are, however, genuine 'members' of the
valuation, therefore, the occurrence of· p01?ulation of values alqng the 'stope face
or III t~e block of ore, and are, therefore, in
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

relatively high values (eve?i if only occasion-

ally) in a low-grade block of ore is quite no sense truly anomalous or freak. The
n(!tural, and similarly also the occurrence correct approach to the problem of esti-
of low values in a high-grade block of ore. mating the true mean val:ue of the unknown
Considering now the. practical. aspect of,
population of values· (i.e. the stope faceof
or ore block) from the few known members
say, a. block of ore. o~ a stope face. in respect of this population (i.e. from the 'few avail-
of wllIch only a hmIted ~umber of all the able sample values) is, therefore, to fill in
possible values is available, it·' is 'evident the gaps between these known values in
that the possible combinations of, say, ten such a way as to result in the best estimate
sample values each, which can be drawn of the parent distribution of vaiues, i.e.
from the complete distribution formed by the population, without discarding or
all the sample values, will be infinite and , cutting' anyone value which may
there~ore, .that the probability of striking appear to be anomalous. This is one of the
two IdentICal ~ sets of ten values each is basic aims in approaching the problems of
slight. Further, in view of the wide range of mine valuation from a statistical angle.' .
values covered by the pareI).t population
the, striking of a set in which all ten value~ It is also evident that since even adjoining
are identical, i~ virtually impossible .. ,sample values cannot be expected tq be
. identical, a fact which. has in a practical
A further basic conclusion to be drawn way often been observed from the results of
from the knowledge 'of the lognormal check sampling in the same ,or an adjacent
frequency distribution of gold values is groove, any sample value cannot. be regarded
that the iIidividual sample values available as having a so-called 'area or distance of
influence,' in the accepted, sense .
.* In practice the ma~imum gold value possible An occasional high value encountered in
:VUI be that corresponding to pure gold, i.e. some
D83,000 dwt/ton, or say, 29 million inch-dwt for 'sampling successive stope faces in a low-,
8 50 in. stoping width. grade block of ore is, th!3refore, not
Journal 0/ the Chemical, Metallu!"gical,anct Mining Society 0/ South A/rica
'[Dec" 195,

necessarily' indicative of a patch of high-

The frequency distributions of gold valu
in individual ore reserve blocks vary ~s
grad~. ore (extending half way from the
relevant sample section to surroundingcharacteristics from, mine to' mine an~
reef. to reef an~ even ~thin m~nes frolU
sampling sections), and the same principle,
naturally applies to .borehole values.
'sectIOn to sectIOn, . but If the ,mdividual
values are expressed as' percentages of the
true mean block value, Diagram No. 2
can serve as an indication of what conditions
might be on average. * The curve on this
As stressed at' the outset, the individual diagram, therefore, approximately repre_
sample values as computed from assay sents the distribution, of individual gold
results have bee~ employed throughout, values in an average on(reserve block on the
and no attempt' has been made to deter- Witwatersrand, the position being possibly
mine the bias errors which may be intro- somewhat different. in any particular mine
or section of a mine.
duced in the actual physical acts of sampling
If now, one sample is taken at random
and assaying. A useful paper on this aspect from this average block of ore (or stope
, was published bySichel 8 in 1947. Reference face), the probability of drawing a value
to the reliability of block and face values falling within any specific value category
in", this investigation" therefore, merely will be represented by the percentage of
implies the reliability of accepting the values in this category, e.g. the chances of
mean of a limited number of sample values obtaining a value falling within the range
as an estimate of the correct average sample of, say, 80 per cent to 100 per cent. of the
value of ,the relevant block, 'or face. The' true mean value of the block, i.e. a value
criterion for measuring reliability will, corresponding to a negative error of between
consequently, be the average value of a o and 20 per cent will be 8·1 per cent, i.e.,
say, 1 in 12.
theoretically infinite number of sample 'Similarly, the probability of an error
. sections in the relevant block or stope 'face. . - not exceeding plus or minus 40 per gent of
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" This average value has been, and will be, the true mean value is represented by the
referred to as the .true mean value of the percentages ,in the categories from 60 per
block and will only equal the actual m~an cent to 140 per cent of the mean value,
value .of the block where on average no i.e. 29·9 per cent. There will" therefore,
over- or 'under-sampling is carried o.u~. only be a chance of about three in ten of
not exceeding an error of 40 per cent. In
other words, in an average of seven cases
out of every ten the value obtained will be
in error by more than 40 per cent of the
true mean value of the 'block of ore. As
could have been anticipated, one sample
value as an estimate of the true block value
will serve little practical purpose.
, Consider now the case where,' say, ten
'values are drawn ·at random from a parent
population of values and where the arith-
metic mean cif such a set of ten values is
accepted as an estimll-te 9( the true niean
value of the population. If this process is
repeated many times, it will resUlt in a
series of estimates of this true mean value
and such estimates will in turn yield a
distribution of estimates which can, as in
the above case of 'individual values, be
Diagram No.2-Showing the frequency distribution of * Parameter ,-"of distribution taken as 1·02-
inch-dwt values within an average ore reserve block on
, , the Witwatersrand see Annexure.
Journal o/the· Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Soci~ty 0/ South A/rica 127
pee., 1951]
Statistical to basic mine valuation·problems-D. G. Kriue

is shown dotted and it is immediately

evident how the estimates based on sets
BlOCK VALlIE of ten values each are clustered more
closely on either side of the overall true
mean block value.
From Diagram No.3 it is evident that if
a large number of sets of'ten samples. each
are taken from this particular block of ore,
the chances are that, e.g. 70·6 per cent of
all the observed mean values of these sets
of ten sample values each will be within
the' range of values from, 60 per cent to
140 per cent of the true mean value of the
block. There is therefore approximately a
seven in ten chance of not exceeding an
error of 40. per cent if the arithmetiC! mean
o1Q .IQ III MJ /fJO 120 ,J4() I~ 140 ;co "'0, Jf)() of ten sample values is accepted as the true.
EST/MArrS OF milE MEAN Bl ()cK VAL liE AS %01' THE LArrEII. mean value of the block.
Diagram No. a-Showing the frequency distrihutions of
imates of the true mean' value of an average ore Similarly, the distribution' curve for
:':~erve block hased on I, 10 and 50 values per estimate· estimates based on, any specific number of
available' sample values can· be obtained,
and Fig. 3 shows the curve (dotted) for sets
represented by a smoo~h frequency curve. of 50 values each. Based on a series of such
Statistical theory provIdes the method of curves, Table 1 was prepared to indicate'
determining the distribution curve of the the overall reliability of block valuation in
estimates (to a first approXimation in the the case of an average ore reser:ve block
case of a lognormal parent distribution).* on the Rand.
In the case of the so-called average ore It becomes clear from this table what
reserve block considered above, the dis-
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

, chances' are taken by the valuator in .the

tribution of the estimates of the true mean valuation of individual blocks and stope,
value of the block if based ,on ten· values in faces where conditions approach the
each case only, can be represented by the
full curve on Diagram No. 3.t The curve
for individual values (from Diagram No.2) t Based on random sampling theory. For
systematic sampling as practised on the Wit-
watersrand the curve will probably be ,slightly
* See Annexure and Ref. 5. different, an aspect receiving attention at present.


Maximum error either side of true mean value of block

pe~ cent
No. of ,.
10 per cent 120 per cent 130 140 per cent I 50 per cent
set Probability percent -
1 7 14 22 30 39
5 14 28 42 ,56 68
10 19 38· 55 71 82
20 27 51 71 85 92
. 50
~ 90
, 200 71 97 100 100 100
500 91 100 100 100 100
- -
E.g., there will be a 51 per cent probability, say, an even chance, of the observed
mean of 20 sample values not being in error by more than 20 per cent either side
. of the true mean value.
'128 , Journal 0/ the Ohemical, Metallurgtcal'ana ,Mining':Soc£ety 0/ South A./rica '[Dec., 1951

'.average. In order to ensure, say, that the . before the block can safely be classed as
observed mean of the sample values for a payable, or will havE1 to be at most 0'723
·'block or face will not' be in error by more times the pay limit for the block to be
, than 10 per cent in, an average of nine ,classed. safely as unpayable. 'No safe
cases out of every ten (i.e. a 90 per' cent classification can be made if the arithmetic
probability or confidence li~it), a total of 'mean of the 50 'onserved values lies any_
some 500 samples will be necessary. This where between these two limits. '
is far in excess of the usual number of
Where the pay limit is, say, 3 dwtjton, a
sample sections available for an av:erage block valuation based on 50 sa~ple sections
ote reserve block and 'appears nearly, will therefore have to be less than 2'17
astronomical when compared with the dwtjton .or more than 4·01 dw'tjton for the
number of stope sampling sections per block to be classed safely as· unpayable Or
face, usually r!\>nging from 10 to 30. payable, respectively. Similarly, a face
It is therefore obvious that the customary valuation based on, say, ten values, will be
pra,ctice of ,starting and stopping stope faces, indecisive anywhere between 1·42 dwtj~on
or portions of stope faces, on ~he evidence of and 5·38 dwtjton.
one, or even two or three, stope samplings, It is evident from the .above analysis
must' inevita,bly re~ult in the stoping of some '. which it must be stressed applies only under
unpay orf- and in, the re,iection of a per- the'stated average conditions, that a reason_
centage of pay ore. . ' " ably reliable estimate of the value of a block
This statement will be 'more evident froni of ore or of a stope face cannot be based on a
Diagram No,. 4 which is based on the same limited number of values such, as are
fundamental assumptions and on which the generally available from a single stope
position for' the average ore reserve block ,sampling or even from two or three Such
(or stope face) is presented in relation to the samplings; ,
pay limit and to a probability of 95 per cent, It seems, therefore, that the present
i.e. 19 in 20.
practice of basing selective stoping policy
, If,. therefore, a wrong, decision in' not
on current stope sainpling results is open to
more than an average of ,on.e case out of
justifiable criticism and requires careful,
every 20 is regarded as a reasonable risk
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

reconsideration. It appears to the author

to take in block valuation, it is evide~t
th'at serious thought should be given to the
from the diagram that a block valuation
curtailment and possibly even the dis-
. based on, say, 50 sample sections will have
continuation of stope s,ampling and the
to be at least 1·336 times the pay limit diversion of all efforts rather towards
increasing the number of-available develop-
ment sampling sections per ore block in
"< order to improve at any rate the general
~ reliability of block valuations to within
:;'} 4
!:l , safe limits. B.efore this general but radical
~ s· suggestion can be put into effect on a~y
~~! specific mine, it will naturally be es~e~tlal
~~ to analyze very' carefully local conditIOns,
~~ such as-'
"'\!s (a), the average variation between values
~ ...
\!!~, in ore blocks ;
(b) 'the extent of the cl;a~ge' (if any) in
~: 11,L7-~!"i'"--::=
l:!;s this variation from block to block;
~~'. (c) shoot and general value trends (if
/2 5 fO 50 /00 .5txJlaiJ.?lW&
if) 2fK)
any) ; 0


(d) , the extent to which perimeter sampling
BLOCK VALUE IS BASED. {jeome/rlc Scale, can be accepted as representative; and
Diagram No. 4--Showlng safe IIm~t!! for selecting ore as (e) the extent to which stope sampling is
payable'or unpayable where' safe Implies an incorrect
classification on average In not more than one case out essential for purposes other than
of 20. Based on approximately average, conditions on
the Witwatersrand selective stoping policy.
Journal 0/ the Oh~mieal, Afetallurdieal and Mining Soeiety 0/ South A/I'iea' 129
pec., 19511 Statistical approach to basic mine valuation problems-D. G. K rige

BIAS ERRO:RS INTRODUOED IN ORE number of ore blo'cks is of a true grade lying
'I. ERVE VALUATIONS DUE TO THE NATURE between' 2·55 dwtjton. and 2:95 dwtjton
RES TIlE DISTRIBUTION. OF GOLD VALUES and has an average .true value of 2·75
OF D TIlE LIMITED NUMBER OF AVAILABLE dwtjton. The· ore blocks are in practICe
Al' VALUES PER ORE RESERVE BLOOK . valued on, an average of only 60 sample
section values per block, and as indicated
The question which now nat.urally arises in the previous subsection !,lUch estimates
. ~hat the overall effect will be.of valuing of the true block values are, therefore,
lSU'the blocks of ore in a mine on a limited
~UIllber of sample values ~er ore block. * Assumptions for Table 2 :
For this purpose a practlCal example, Parameter O'bl. of distribution of true block
which is a rea:sonable .representa:tion of the Overall mean value = 4·9 dwt/ton:.
osition on Mille C, wtll be conSIdered. Parameter ·O'i.tof distribution of individual.values
P The true values of the payable and un-· within blocks = 1·183
ayable ore blocks in this mine are dis- Distributions of means of sample .sets based on
random theory an~ assumption of lognormality.
£ributed lognormall:v: in the various grade Determinations made graphically and therefore .
categories as shown ill Columns IA and .IE not necessarily correct to the second decimal
of Table 2,* e.g. 7·10 per cent of the total point.


'Distribution of means of 60 samples per block

1_ _ 1___[

2 1=3=1=4=1_5_1=.6=1=~_'-1=8=i='9=
2·95 3·95 4·95 5·95 6·95 7·95 8·95

12·57 6·32 22'.42 19·21 13·46 9·36 6·20 3·66 6·80

Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

2·05 2·76 3·45 4·43 5·42 6·41 7·41 8·41 1l·20

--~I.---I----I----I-;--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
8·26 0·48 0·81
2·88 2·06 0·14
-1-----1----1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,-
1·43 3:41 12·67 4·03 0·49
0·41 5·8'1 9·44 3·94 0·97 0·17
-1----1----1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1·00 4·45 5·45 ,3·15 1·01 0·23 0·06
-1---'--1----1·-.,--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0·07 0·99 2·67 3·12 2·06 0·80 0·35
-1-----1----1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0·15 0·77 1'55 .1·77 1·12 0·84·
-1-.........:--1----1--- - - - - - - - - - - ----
0·01 0·14 0·51 . 0·92 0·89 1·22
---I~---I--- --- --------------- ------
0·06 0·27 0·62 4·33

2·42 3·19 3·70 4·57 5·40 6·17 6·97 7·89 9·73

--------1----1--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

% % % % % %. '% % %
U8 116 107 103 100 96 94 94 87

119 106 ~08 105 101 98 93 81 I
130 Journal of the Chemical, Met.allurgiCal ana Mining,Society of Soufh Africa [Dec" 1951

subject'to considerable fluctuation or errors. in th~ low-.grade. categor!es and over-valuation

, For e~ample, valuations of the, blocks of of blocks hsted ~n the' h~gh-grade categories,
ore falling in the second grade category Now, it is a well-known fact on Illost
(i.e. the 7·10 per cent) with a true ,mean r mines on the Witwatersrand that when ore
,value of 2·75 dwtjton, will yield the, reserve blocks are extracted, the results
following results (Row No.2) : - from blocks valued as, high-grade are on

2·88 per cent will be valued at between nil and 2·55 dwt/ton
2,02 2·55 2·95
2,06" 2'95:: 3·95
0·14 3'95,." 4·95

7·10 per cent ~ill be valued at an average of ... 2·75 dwt/ton

Similarly,' the block valuations of ore average d~sappointing, whereas results from
falling in the other true grade categories blocks valued as low-grade on average
are refl~cted in the other rows up to No.9 ,exceed expectations. The best practical
in the table., The overall effect of all the measure of these phenomena is provided
block valuation§! can now be analyzed by the Block Plan Factors* observed in the
as follows : - various categories, those for Mine C being
" 'Taking, for example, Celumn No.2 which listed in Row No. 12 (Table 2).
represents. all the 6·32 per cent of blocks The question naturally ar~ses why
listed from. block valuations as having
current st?pe sampling· can be accepted
values between 2·55 and 2·95 dwtjton
with an overall indicated mean value of as a criterion for criticising ore' reserve
,2·76 dwtjton. Due to the fact that these valuations in the various categories, but the
blocks' were each valued on 60 sample explanation can be suppiied readily. Take,
values . only, these blocks actually for' example, the blocks as valued in' the
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

comprise- . category 2·55 to 2·95 dwtjton (Column 2,

0·48 per cent wi,th true mean values between nil and' 2 ·55 dwt/ton
2·02 2·55 and 2·95
3·41 2·95 '" 3'95
0·41 3·95 " 4·95
6·32 per cent with a true mean value of 3·19 dwt/ton

The true mean value of these blocks Table 2), and in fact, comprising a range
valued ;tt an average of 2·76 dwtjton, is 'Of blocks with. true values in the categories
therefore 3·19 dwtjton representing a con- from 0 to 4·95 dwt. The current· face
siderable undervaluation. ' samplings in respect of these blocks (based
In it similar manner the true values of the on an even smaller n,umber of samples per
blocks falling in the other 'indicated'
value categories can be determined and block than iIi the case of. block valuations)
are' shown ih Row No. 10. The' indicated will err on either side of the" true values in
average values of the ·blocks within these' the range 0 to 4·95 dwt, b~t the mean of all
categories, as obtained from sampling such 'samplings (particularly over a whole
results, will however be as shown in Row year of operation) will provide a reasonable
No. lB. 'Comparing n~w the values in this
row with those in Row No. 10, it is obvious * Block Plan Factor is the ratio expressed as a
that· block valuation based on a limited percentage which the gold content of the ore
broken' from, Ore Reserves as indicated by current'
number of samples per block 'will result in stope samplIng res~lts bears to the content as
the general' under-valuation of blocks listed computed from block valuations.
Journal of the Chemical, Metauurgical,ana Mining Society of South Africa
pe C" 19511
. Statistical approach to basic mine valum.ion' problems-D, G, Krige

, ate of the t~ue mean value of the ,practical results is close.. This diagraJ'!l
eS~ination of blocks under consideration, * clearly indicates the extent of. _under-
cO The theoretical Block Plan Factors in valuation of blocks ·listed as low-grade
No, 11, Table 2 (i.e. theoretical true and the over-valuation of blocks listed as
Rl"'es in Row No. 10 divided by indicated high-grade. . .
':~l~es in Row 1;13) can now be_compared It is obvious from the foregoing that,
~dth the observed -Block ~lan Fact6~s (in where the number of samples per block is
h various value categones) for. Mme C limited, and no. catting of individual or
~R~'" No. 12), where the conditions assumed block values is done, it is only natural
, the table are roughly approximated. and not - d~e to wrong blocking policies, to
The agreement is sufficiently close to expect Block' Plan Factors exceeding 100
- dicate that the contentions on which the per cent in the low-grade ore categories
ll~lculation of the theoretical Block Factors and less than 100 per cent in the high-grade
c\'as based can provide a reasoned solution .ore categories. The extent of the deviation
;0 the problem of the variation in the Block
Plan Factors as observed in the various
either side will depend partly on the basic
behaviour of the distributions of gold
value categories. ' values in the mine and in individual blocks,
A direct and more accurate method of but mainly on the average number of sample
arriving at the theoretical Block Plan values available' per block, and these.
Factors'is provided by the ~heory of log- deviations can only be expected to become
normal correlation and regression (Formulae insignificant as the, number of sample
Xos. 22 and 23 in the annexure). . values per block is increased considerably.
Referring now to Diagram No.5, the ,The average value above any pay limit.-
curve ab represents the _theoretically deter- Referring again to Table 2, and computing -
mined trend of relationship of .true block now the average indicated and true values
yalues corresponding to the observed block above any pay limit, the interesting position
yalues for Mine C. This .relationship ~s reflected in Table 3 is found.
observed in practice from the Block Plan
Factors in the . various grade categories is TABLE 3
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

shown by the ~mallcircles, and it is evident

that the agreement between theory arid
Average Average Block
Value indicated true Plan
limit value value Factor
=pay above above for all
limit' pay pay ore above
limit limit pay
Values in dwt/ton Per cent

0 4·9 4·9 100

2·55 5·33 5·28 99·1
2·95 5·53 5·45 98·6
3·95 6·32 6·11 96'7
4·95 7·24 6·85 94·6
5·95 8·18 7·59 92·8
6·95 9·18 8·37 91·2
7·95 10·22 9·17 89'7
8·95 1l·20 9-90 88·4

2 J 4 s' 6 17 8 9 10 /I
Diagram No.5-Showing theoretical and observed The overa11theoretical Block Plan Facto~s
trend of relationship between block valuations based on for various pay limits are shown by the
60 values per block and the true block values for Mine C
curve AB on Diagram No.6 and it is cle'ai'
* Provided the total number of samples taken that as the pay limit is raised the overall
from blocks in the category is sufficiently l~rge. Block Plan Factor will decrease, i.e. the
JOllrnal 0/ the Chemical,. Meta.!lurgtca! ana Mining Society 0/ So 11th A/rica . , [Dec., 19-
~ • I ' . ' " .

decision is based being a~ low, possibl

as 10 or 15 (e.g. a ,100 ft length of £ Y,
sampled at 20 ft intervals). The aver:c e
number of stope samples, on which any su gh
decision is, based is probably larger be
,will in nearly all cases be considerab~t
smaller than the aver'age number of salllpi Y
per ore reserve block. If, therefore es
table similar to ~able 2 is 'prepared' t~
allow for the selectIOn of tonnages in valu e
categories on, say; 30 sampling section
~er .w~rking face Ol~ly,. it is obvious that th!
. varlatlO? of the mdlcated values in the
,rows will be larger; and that the under.
valuation . in the low-grade and OVer.
n 2 4 6 S valuation in the high-grade categories Will
~ PAY LIMIT 1WTS/TON be accentuated.
Diagram No. 6~Showing overall effect above various On this basis, a second edition of Table 3
pay limits for Mine C
was prepared and is reflected in Table 4.
From the above it is' evident -that in
over-valuation of ore listed as payable will '
working to a pay' limit and even where there
increase. is no .physical, over-sampling underground
Th;e effect on the Mine Call Factor.*-:The there will always be ~ consistent and natural
·wstomary practice on the Rand instoping· tendency' .for the are selected for stoping to
to a .pay limit is to base the policy of be over-valued. Further, in the case of a
,stopping and starting stope faces, i.e. of D;line with a relatively low payability (i.e. a
selecting the payable' ore ·for stoping, , high pay limit in relation to the average
."largely on' current stope sampling except, value of all the ore in the mine) ..the per-
possibly, where an ore reserve block falls centage .over-valuation in selecting tonnages
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

well within the payable category. In many of ore as payable on a limited number of
·cases portions of stope faces, which can sample values can be appreciable, and can
from a mining point of view be stopped thus account directly for a proportion of the
without upsetting the general layout, are difference between the gold called for by
·stopped on the results of one or two, or at sampling and that accounted for b}~ the
:most, three unpay stope samplings, the reduction works. The effect on Mine C
total' number'?f samples on which such a is shown graphically on 'Diagram No. 6
by the dotted line CD. The explanation of a
* Mine Call Factor is the ratio expres~ed. as '0, Mine Call l\actor of less than 100 per cent
percentage which the ·gold accounted for by the
reduction works bears to the gold called for by can therefore to some extent be sought in the
current sampling results. limited number of sample values available


Pay limit: dwt/ton 0 2·55 2:95 3·95. 4·95 5·95 6·95 7·95 8·95
Average indicated
'value above pay limit:'
dwt/ton ... 4·9 5·42 ,.5·68 6·49 .7·41 8·39. 9·41 10·45 11-49

Average true value

above pay limit:
dwt/ton ... ... 4·9 5·31 5:51 6·08 6·71 7·35 8·00 8·63 9·27
" -
,Stope sampling factor 100
98 97 94 91 88· - 85 83 81
% I
. " ' .
JOUI"IW! 01 the Chemica!, Me'tallurgtca! and Mining society 01 SiJuth Alrica ,133
pee', 19511 ~tati8tical app;oach 10 ba8i~ mine valuation p~oblem8~D. G. Krir/e

rking face and on which the selectiOll methods b~sed on the strajght arithmetic
per ",oable and unpayable ore is based. mean of sample values an obvious remedy
of 6:~r a period t~e -Mine Call Factor ?,S is to increase where necessary,the number of
ved on' ,a mme can, therefore, m values on which any individual valuation
o~:~ion to the well-known ,eo:(1tributing of an ore block or stope face is rq.ade. In
a tors such as any actual physical over- the case of a stope face, practical' cQn-
fa e ling underground, and any gold lost siderations ex'clude the possibility of obtain-
~!1~ning, also be ascribed to the ·invisible ing the hundreds of sample sections required
lllut inevitable over-valu?,ti?n of the ore to' reduce valuation errors to safe limits.
~lassed as payable on a hmIted number 'of In the case of ore blocks, however, and
. lues per stope face or ore block. provided these ani blocked out realistically
\ aThe major effect ·of this unsatisfactory so as to be of a reasonable size' with as
er- and under-valuation of blocks in the much of ~he periphery as possible exposed,
oVer and lower grade categories, as well it -is quite practical to obtain the required
lI PPthe undesirable overall over-valuation number of sample sections. For most mines,
a all blocks above the pay limit, can of'
oourse be eliminated by applying the
satisfactory block valuation may necessitate
at ,most the doubling or possibly the
eorrectly calculated Block Factors in the trebling of the development sampling pro-
c'ariouS grade categories. This should also gramme, and this will- not call for any
; ave a definite steadying effect on the,Mine additional samplers if,' as suggested pre-
Call Factor on. any mine, .particularly as viously, the stope sampling - programin,e,
e\'ery change m the workmg costs of a, ,on which relatively little reliance for
mine and/or the price of go~d,. has a~l valuation purposes can be' place,d, is cur-
immediate effect on the pay hmIt. ThIs tailed' drastically. The policy . to· be
in turn will have an effect on the Mi,ne Call advocated for any specific mine· will
Factor unless the corrections, based on the naturally depend. on local conditions as
8uggest~ons above, are effected, in the stressed in a previous section.
grade categories. Such corrections will,how- The application of statistical theory to
e\"er, orily result in 'a corrected average our problems; however, opens up a new
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

valuation of, all blocks in every grade avenue of approach. ,Where the gold
category, and many Individual blocks will, values follow the lognormal pattern it is
therefore, remain graded incorrectly. ' possible to arrive at ~mprcived statistical
A further significant observation is, that, estimates of the true values of ore blocks
as in the case of the Block Plan Factors, (or stope faces), i.e. calculations' subject
the Mine Call Factors will vary from one tO'reduced errors as compared with existing
grade category to another." The Mine Call estimates. Thus the same basic sample'
Factor at the pay limit grade can, therefore, values can be' employed to greater
not be expected to be the same as that advantage. . '
observed for the mine as a ,,,hole, and pay Two types of improved estimatE;ls have
limit determinations based on the overall been developed and the choice between
Mine Call Factor will consequently be these wilJ depend on local 'conditions. The
subject to a bias error. In the case of the first type will be dealt with in some detail,
ore reserve pay limit, however, this bias and applies where analysis of the distribu-
error' will be eliminated automatically tion of gold values in a mine indicates that
if the correct Block Plan Factors for the the relative variation_ between values in ore
various grade categories are applied first. blocks (or stope faces) of equal size is
sufficiently stable to allow it to be accepted
VI. IMPROVED ESTIMATES BASED ON as' constarit for valuation purposes through-
STATISTI(JAL THEORY out the relevant mine or section of that
mine. Where this proves to be the case
There are various additional -ways in (and practical experiments carried out on .
which the unsatisfactory features present Mine AS and recently also on Mine D,
in existing mine valuation practice can be suggest that, this warrants serious investiga-
reduced to such an extent as to render the tion on all mines) the improved estimation
effects insignificant. With the' present procedure is straightforward. The geo-
134 Journal 01 the Ohemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society 01 South A.lrica

metric mean of the sam~le values is deter-

mined and multiplied oy a factor related
to the number. of available values and the
known relative variation between all the
possible values in the ore block (or stope
face), i.e. the parent population (Formulae
18 and 18a in annexure).
The improvement' obtained- by this-
method compared to -the present method. of.
accepting the arithmetic 'mean, can be
measured in the most practical manner by
the relative numbers of sample values.
required by these two methods to yield
equally, reliable estimates of ·the true
value of any particular ore block. Allowing
for the variation in conditions which have
so far been observed for a number of Wit-
watersrand mines, it can be stated that for
Diagram No.7-Showing comparison between Ortho
equivalent reliability the number of sample a.nd corresponding Improved estimates of true rndo.
values required o:p.' the present orthodox value of a reef area obtained from 30 sets of 20 sarn e,a,
each Pet
method will be at least one and a half times,
Arrow tail.= orthodox estimate
and rp.ay be as high or even exceed, three Arrow head = improyed estimate
times the number required on the suggested
improved' method (see notes following
Formula 18a in annexure). The. 30 'improved' estimates were found
on the whole to be clustered much more
Practical illustration.-The above con- closely around the true mean value of
clusions were tested by taking a developed 477 inch-dwt than the corresponding 30
section of Mine B with 3,600 available straight means and 'improvements' Were
development sampling values. For our obtained in 21 out 'of the 30 cases.t The
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

purposes the true mean value 'of this results for these 30 cases are shown
section of the mine can be' accepted as the graphically on Diagram No.7, and the
arithmetic mean of these 3,600 values, i.e. . overall improvement obtained is evident,
'477 inch-dwt. The relative variation The following 'is an' example of how the
between these values was calculated and need for 'cutting' a high value falls
can also for practical purposes be accepted away:- ,
as equivalent 'to that between all the values
of the parent population of values c·on- Set No. 13:
cerned. Based on this calculated figure the
relevant factors by which the geometric Inch-dwt values: 3~, 40, 66, 74, 81, 112,
mean of any set of sample values requires 146; 161, 202, 209, 244, 266, 290, 305, 319,
to be multiplied to yield the improved 528, 1,004, 1,233, 2,341, 18,928.
estimate ·.of the population mean. were Straight mean value: 1,329'2 inch-dwt.
determined. , Improved' estimate: 466·7 inch·dwt.
. Thirty sets of twenty equidistantly spaced TrQe mean value: 477 inch-dwt. '
sample values* each were now selected
I from these 3,600 samples, and the mean and Table 5 indicates the results of six sets
geometric mean of every set was calculated. of 100 samples each tre;tt~d in the identical
Tile geometric mean of every set was then manner, and the' overall advantage of the
multiplied by 'the required factor, i.e. suggested improved method is obvious.
1'7514, to yield the 'improved' estimate In the same way, one set of 600 samples
_of, the ·true mean value (477 inch-dwt). gave an arithmetic mean value of 555,9
inch.dwt, and an '.improved' estimate
'" These values were therefore not selected in a , .
,random fashion but systematically. For practical t Average extent of improvements in 21 cases
comparative purposes, however, this aspect can = 189 inch-dwt. Average extent of worsening in
be disregarded at this stage. ' 9 cases = 34 inch-dwt. •
Journal 0/ the Ohemical, Metallurg1.c'al and Minino Society 0/ Sout/], a/rica 135
S/iltistica,l approach to basic mine valuation problems--;D. G. Kriue


Sample Set No.

value 0
f set--inch.dwt ...






d' estimate of true mean
• lJ!1proIIlC
ye h·dwt ... ... . .. 405·7 432·6 471·7 476·3 485·9 488·8
vrJue-- "

(True mean value=477 inch·dwt.)

461-0 inch-dwt, the former being in error may possibly be dealt with at a'later date.
l,f +16·5 per ,cent and the latter by only The object ofthis presentation will, however,
Y3.4 per cent. have been serv~d fully if a general and keen
- Where detailed analysis on any mine interest iri the application of statistical
hOws that the relative variation between procedures in the field of mine valuation
8 the possible values in, individual ore has been aroused.
blocks (or stope faces) varies significantly
fr ill block to block (or face to face) the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
se~ond type ofimproved estimation procedure
can be employed. This procedure has The author wishes to express his apprecia-
been analyzed in de~ail by Sichel (1949 and tion to the Mines Department for placing
1951), and involves the use of formu,la (20). the necessary facilities for investigation
The practical application ,of this procedure at his disposal, to a number of colleagues
will be facilitated by the tables to be pub- who have assisted him with suggestions
lished in Ref. 10. Although this procedure and advice, and to the University' of the
will yield improvements of a somewhat Witwatersrand, for permitting this paper to
lesser extent' than' ~hose discussed above, be based pftrtly on his recent, Master's thesis:
and is not quite so straightforward, it has
Reproduced by Sabinet Gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2012)

other advantages and cali be applied with- REFERENCES

out any detailed preliminary research.
There is, therefore, at this stage no longer 1. BAGNOLD, R. A. The physics of blown sand
any excuse for not claiming the obvious and desert dunes. Methuen & Co., Ltd., London
advantages to be gained by the application 2. FINNEY, D. J. On the distribution of a
of either of the two statistical valuation variate whose logarithm, is normally distributed.
procedures referred to in this section. Supplement to The Journal of the Royal Statistical-
Without any increase in the number of Society, Vol. VII, No.2 (1941). .'
samples taken regularly on a mine, these 3. GADDUM"PROF. J. H. Lognormal distribu-
tions. Nature, Vol. 156 (.1945), p. 463. .
methods will result' in reduced valuation 4. JUAN, PAE TsI. On the logarithmic fre·
errors in individual block and face valua- quency distribution and the semi.logarithmic cor·
tions and will thus also reduce the overall relation surface. Annals of Mathematical Statistics,
unsatisfactory features assoqiated with ore Vol. IV (1933).
reserve determinations as discussed in the 5. KRIGE, D. G. A statistical approach to some
mine valuation 'and allied problems on the Wit.
previous section. watersrand. Master's Thesis, University of the
Witwatersrand (1951). - '
CONCLUSION 6. PETTIJOHN, F. J.' Sedimentary rocks.
Harper & Bros., New York (1949). .
This concludes the necess'arily brief intro- , 7. Ross, F. W. J. The development and some
practical applications of a statistical value distribu.
duction to the general statistical procedures tion theory for the Witwatersrand auriferous'
which can be applied profitably in mine deposits. .Master's Thesis, University of the Wit-
valuation on the Witwatersrand. More watersrand (1950).
specific applications in e.g. the analysis of 8. SICHEL, ·H. S. An . experimental' and
borehole results and the correlation between theoretical investigation. of bias error in' mine,
sampling, with'special reference to Narrow Gold
gold and uranium values have been omitted Reefs. Transac~ions of the Institution of Mining and
from this paper for:,' practica;1 reasons and Metallurgy, London (February, 1947). '
136. Journa! 01 the Ohemical, MetaU¥rgica! and ,Mining society 01 South .A./rlca
[Dec, 19
' ~l
, .
'9. SICHEL,H. S. }\fine valuation and maximum probable, value of ore res~'rves from assay re
,likelihood: }\faster's Thesis, University of the Tr,an8actiqn8 of In8titution of Mining and MetauSU!te.
Witwatersrand ( 1 9 4 9 ) . ' , ' London, Vol. 39 (1929j30). \ Urgy,
10. SICHEL" H. S. New methods ,in the statisti- . 12. ,WATERMEYER,' G. A. Application of
cal evaluation of mine sampling data. Paper to be theory of probability, in the determination of the
published shortly in the Tran8action8 of the In- reserves. J oumal of the .chemical, Metallurgical ore
stitution oj"Mining and Metallurgy, London (19.52). Mining Society of South Africa, Vol. 19 (Janu~1Id
11. T~us.coTT,~. J. The computation of the 1,919)., 1)',


'rhe lognorm~l frequency distribution * can be represented by the formula :-

y=M exp [-a 2 (logez _.b)2] (1)
where JJf = .J1T exp (b + 1j4a 2) for unit area under the curve, Z is the variable
concerned, a and b anr the two parameters, and y the ordinate corresponding to
an abscissa value of z.
a 2 = 212
and g ----' a2 = b, (1) reduces to :

'I' (z) dZ'~[ V21T' ~rl exp [~2 - g- 2~2(lOge Z- {,+ a2)2] dz '" (2)

~ with mean* = () = exp (g +~) (3)

t =
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geometric mean = median value exp (g) (4)

modal value

height of mode

variance t.= 11-2 =

t = exp(g - a 2 )

t = ( ~21T.a
[exp (a 2 ) -
r 1
exp (f- g) -
1] [exp (2 g +a 2
)] ~ ..



standard deviatio~ t = [~xp (g + f)] [ exp (a 2 ) - 1] t ., .. (8)

coefficient of variation t (i.e. relative variation) = [exp (a 2 ) - l]t (9)

3rd moment about the mean: t
.11-3= [ex p (a2)~lJ[exp (a 2 )+2] [exp ( 3g+ 3;2)1 .. , (10)

4th moment about the meal). :,t //

2 2
11-4= [exp (a )-1]2 [exp (4 a )+2 exp (3a )+3exp (2a )-3] [exp (4g+2a 2)] .. , (11)
2 2

skewness: f31 .. , (12)

* References 2, 4, 5, i, 8, 9 and 10.

t References 4,5, 7,9 and 10.
t References 4 and 5.
Journa! 01 th:e· Chemica!, Metallurgtcal and Mming Boci.etll.01 Bouth Alrlqa .. - 137
.. 1051]
pee., Statistica! approach to basic mine valuation problems----' D. G. E;ri(Je

and kurtosis (peakedness) :.

f32 = fL~ = exp (4 a 2 )

+ 2 exp, (3 a 2) + 3 exp (2 a 2 ) - 3 .. , (13)
. \

For real values of a, the lognormal curve will, therefore~ always be positively
kew with its mode to the left of the mean and its long drawn-out tail towards
:he ;ight hand side. The curve is also more sharply peaked than the Gaussian .
Normal Curve, i.e. it is leptokurtiu. Values commonly encountered in dealing with
the distribution of individual gold 'inch-dwt values on the Witwatersrand cover
the following ranges :- .

2·00 1·389 1·02 0·781

------ -------- ------- ------- -------
f3I 564·22 108·75 4;0'44 20·73

The normaJised frequency function":t

No. (2) normaJizedby substitliting x = logeZ tq yield:

f (x) ax =c= [V27T.ari exp [ -2!2 (x - ' g)2] dx .. .., (14)

which is the Gaussian Normal Frequency Distribution Law with mean g and
standard de~ation a.
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. .
Frequency of values above value Zi : t

= V~ 7T f exp ( - j2) d~v (15)

where w = - (log eZ - g)

Average of all Z values above valu'e Zi : t

00 (16)


t References 2, 5, 9 and· 10.

:I: References 5 and 7.
, I
138' . - Journal 0/ the. Onemical, M etaUurgical and Mining SOcletll'o!
. , . ~ '. South' A/rica [Dec., 10'
, '.
Sampling di~tributio:ri 'of arithmetic mean: t
The sampling distribution>of the mea~ of a sample of size n, from a lognormal
Parent pop' ulation
ha~ variance = 1!:.n. 2, skewness_' = &
and kurtosis = f32- 3
3, +
For the' same variance, this distribution is more skew and peaked than the
lognormal. Preliniinarypractical tests t ',have, however"indicated that as a first
·and practical approxi~ation for mine valuation purposes. this distribution can
, .
b e ac'cepte,d as . ongnormal with varIance ',iL2
= - ,

. Sampling distribution of geometric mean: t

In the case of a parent lognormal population, this sampling distribution is also log.
nor~al with yariance , I

=[~x~(~'y-lJ [ex p (2 t+/)] ... (17)

Maximum Likelihood Estimat9r when ais known a priori: t

This estimator is a~so lognorm~lly distribiIted with variance as defined by (17),

the estimat'or being = t" =:,exp[n~1 (a 2 ) + X] (IS)

where x= mean of natural logarithms .of observed '.::alues in a sample 'of size n

i.e. t" = geomet~ic ,mean of sample values multiplied ~y exp[n;:I'a2] (ISa) ,

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The relative efficiencies of t" and the arithmetic mean are evident' on com·
parison of their variances. For equally reliable results, and assuming the range of a<-
values listed above (i.e. 0·7.S1 to 2·000), the arithmetic mean will require from It
to 3 times as many individual observations as the estimator t".

The. combination of lognormal subpopulations with identical as values and log.

normally distributed means: t
I . '. .
. Since the product of two lognormally distributed variables corresponds to the
sum of two normally distributed variables (after' normalization), this product is
lognormalin distribution. The parent population comprising the above com,bination
of subpopulations is, therefore, 10gnorPIal with ~ean: equal to the. overall mean of
these subpopulations and parameter ap = parameter a:;- of the subpopulations
+ parameter fI;:;
of the distr~bution of the means of these subpopulayons ... (19)

Maximu~ Likelihood Estimator t when a is unknown: t

,[ n - 1 (n - 1)2 ]
t = .e
x L + tv + 22.2! (n
+ 1) V + 23.3! (n + 1) (n + 3) V + .... 3 ... (20)

t Reference 5. :
*References 2,' 9 and 10.
Journal of the. Ohemicai, Metallurgical and· Mining Society 0/ South A/rica I 139
, 19511
vee., Statistical approach to basic mine valUation.problems-c D. G. Krige
'Where x = mean of natural logarithms of observed valu~s and V = variance of
natural logarithms of observed values.

For n large, (20) tends to t =exp x (- + 2V) ... (21)

The solution of (20) can be effeCted by use of the tables in Reference 10; this
reference also discusses the v.ariances and- efficie_nces of t and t'.

Lognormal correlation and regression. *

For an ideal lognormal correlation surface corresponding on a double log.

arithmic grid to a normal correlation surface with homoscedastic regression system
and linear regression, the lognormal regression curves (or lines) will be of the type
z. = K exp (p log Zj) (where K and p are constants and Zi and Zj the two correlated
v'ariables) and this will be a straight line only when p = 1, i.e. Zi = K Zj'
In this particular case, the corresponding curve of regression of Zj on' Zi is
defined by : -

loge Zj = :~: loge Zi + t j + G l - ::: (t,i + G~2)+ Gl( 1 - :::) (22)

where Gi and ti = parameters of Zi distribution; and Gj and t j = parameters of
Zj distribution.
In the special case when the means of the Zi and Zj distributions are identical, '
(22) reduces to : -

... (23)
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Straightline gra.phica.l fit of the lognormal curve *

This can be effected on logarithmic-probability paper but is unsuitable for
small samples (statistical sense) and is in any case subject to human errors.

* Refel;'i'lnce 5.

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