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Andrews Society of Aiken

Public Relations Plan

Tartan Ceilidh Celebration

Presented by: Taylor Buettner, Katie Davidson, Taylor De Vore,
Julia Gray, Elyssa Jones and Sarah Tychsen on
April 16, 2019

Table of Contents


Situation Analysis…………………………………………………………………….…………...4

Target Public…………………………………………………………………………………....…5


Objectives and Tactics………………..………………………………….………………………...6


SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………...8


Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………….......10



Research is important in every campaign because it allows communication to be two-way
through the collection of information from the targeted publics. Research should be gathered
from those who are interested in the St. Andrews Society of Aiken and those actively involved
within the organization itself. Formative research would be beneficial because it looks at what
the current public relations research is and what people know about them. It could be both what
the people know about the organization, and what the organization knows about itself through
observing the environment surrounding it. It is conducted to show what the publics believe and
value about the St. Andrews Society as well as what they may desire to know before
communication can actively begin.
Specific attention was brought towards our target audience being the general CSRA,
Augusta University Students, and the public of Aiken. Targeted publics were between the ages of
16 to 60 and included all races and ethnicities. Message strategies are another fundamental
element in research because it allows public relations practitioners to understand what the
message should be, both verbal and nonverbal for the target audience. Verbal communication
occurred through word of mouth; towards the people we know in the hopes that they would pass
the message on to others. Verbal and nonverbal communication in the form of written
documentation, such as advertisements in newspapers, email, flyers, posters, and social media
pages. Social media included both Facebook and Instagram because these are two major
networking sites that people would draw their attention towards.
Potential publicity was the most difficult part of this specific research, because we had to
find the best suitable networks and businesses that would not only be willing to share the
information with the public, but also those that had a greater amount of foot traffic on a daily
basis. Certain places that drew our focus and attention through research were; major cafés in
Augusta/Aiken, the Surrey Center, a range of restaurant’s/bars in downtown Augusta, Augusta
University campuses (both the Medical College and Summerville), and also frequently visited
places in Aiken.
Through advertising attention was drawn to the Phoenix magazine and the Bell ringer
newspaper at Augusta University, but we also reached out to specific newspapers and other
online sites that people visit for information in Augusta and Aiken.
Research would be actively strategic because it ensures that the communication is
targeted towards the St. Andrews publics, because those interested in the organization will need,
care, and want feedback. This feedback allows the organization to show results and to measure
the impact made through the Tartan Céilidh celebration. It would also show the impact made
through the fundraiser for the Study Abroad program at Augusta University. This type of
research is called evaluation research and is an important function in this campaign because it
ensures effectiveness and proper implementation of communication.
Monitoring the research gathered means observing whether or not the plans made are
working, and if the organization is getting closer to reaching and accomplishing its objectives.
Are the tactics that were mentioned working, or does the tactic need to be adjusted for it to work
better to accomplish the desired result.
Both, evaluation and monitoring research are two vital ways to get the desired feedback
needed to know the campaign was successful. It allows an understanding that the objectives are
met, as well as, making sure the program is staying on track.


Situation Analysis
A situational analysis is may be the framework for the SWOT analysis as it is an element
that is foundational towards Public Relations plans. A situational analysis provides opportunities
for the St. Andrews Society of Aiken and the Campaigns class, to assess and also examine both
the external and internal factors that could broadly impact client feedback. The components
within a situation analysis include, both the growth of the organization, the treats to the
organization, the potential as well as sustaining clients, and the competitors that may be
beneficial or harmful to the organization. It would be important for the St. Andrews Society and
the Campaigns class to form an overall assessment that could be conducted at the end of the
Céilidh celebration to assess the performance of the fundraiser itself.
Internal factors that should be examined would be the strengths and weaknesses of the
campaign and the St. Andrews Society. These factors can be examined through the information
provided from within the organization, which includes the St. Andrews Society members, the
public, and its newly found members. The assessment needs to come from what was gained
through doing such a campaign and also, what could have potentially negatively impacted the
External factors are ones in which the organization has no control over, but it still plays a
major role in the success of the campaign. These occur outside of the organization and could be
things such as, the number of people to attend the event, are people interested in the event, and if
not, evaluating ways to make people interested. To ensure that the campaign is successful, focus
needs to be drawn more towards the opportunities that come out of this event, and these
opportunities need to outweigh the threats. Such opportunities include, did the fundraiser meet
the goals for the Study Abroad program, did the clients find it successful, did the money raised
outweigh the costs for the Céilidh. Finding out whether or not there are competitors that could
pose a threat to the Céilidh’s success, and if so, how does the St. Andrews Society differ from its
competitors. One of the biggest implementations would be a need for focus on the client’s
environment, and their background, in regards to how this may impact the number of people
attending this event.


Target Public
The St. Andrews Society of Aiken is open to women and men of all ages. The St. Andrews
Society wants to target individuals and families who have Celtic heritage and are eager to learn
more about it. The St. Andrews Society lingers throughout the United States, but is more
dominant on the East coast. The St. Andrews Society target market are individuals that would
help spread the exciting events and activities of their culture that the organization holds; those
who are devoted, eager, fruitful and compassionate.

The dominate geographic is the CSRA, reaching a wide range of counties and towns near
Augusta and North Augusta.

16-60 years old, women and men, all ethnicities and races welcome.

Interested in music, art and festivities centered around Celtic heritage.

Individuals who crave learning about Celtic heritage and would like to be immersed into the
Celtic culture.


Raise at least $1500 on April 27th with a fundraiser at St. Andrew’s Society of Aiken’s Tartan

Objective and Tactics

To encourage 100 people to buy tickets for the event by April 27th.
 Distribute press releases to local newspapers and media outlets (Bellringer, Metropolis,
Augusta Chronicle, etc.).
 Post flyer in target places around Augusta and Aiken (downtown areas, campuses).
 Distribute quarter sheets to classrooms around Augusta University and USCAiken.
 Start and maintain an organization Instagram page to promote the event, posting 3-4
 Start and promote a Facebook event, linked to the organization page.


The St Andrews Society of Aiken is looking to enroll new members into their
organization and will do so by promoting the theme of scholarship and education through a
charitable concert for Augusta University’s study abroad students. The theme will effectively
attract new members, between the targeted age range of 16-30 years of age, by hosting a concert
played by popular Celtic band Tuatha Dea. The St Andrews Society of Aiken looks to welcome
all people of Celtic heritage or those interested in learning more about Celtic culture.
Targeting Age 16-30
 Headlining band Tuatha Dea to perform at concert
 Networking event with people in a variety of fields
 Evening to dress up (If attending dinner prior to concert)
 Scholarship for those interested in highland dancing, bagpiping and drumming
 workshops as well as competitions
 Heavy promotion on Social media outlets (Facebook and Instagram)
Targeting Age 30+
 Formal dinner prior to Concert
 Optional photo purchase to commemorate the event
 Scholarship support for Augusta University Scotland study abroad students
 Students will receive proceeds from the purchase of a photo or Whiskey short
bread cookies as well as general donations
Targeting All Ages
 Various events throughout the year for business networking
 Education on Celtic culture
 Connecting with other people with or interested in Celtic Culture


SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Opportunities:
 Live entertainment  Influential
 Affordable  New connections
 Flexible  Learn about Celtic culture and Celtic
 New and enticing experiences Nations

Weaknesses: Threats:
 Limited exposure, marketing and  Other cultural organizations that are
advertising more established and extensive
 Limited collaboration  Assumption that members are not
open to non-Celtic heritage members

After taking careful consideration of the key strengths and weaknesses, along with potential
opportunities and threats, this plan may capitalize on the St. Andrews Society of Aiken
membership due to the addition of widening our range of target markets. The St. Andrews
Society of Aiken will be able to gain more members consistently through advertising, marketing
and publicity, expanding their efforts across the CSRA.




Executive Summary
The St. Andrew’s Society of Aiken is a cultural Scottish organization focused on
celebrating and educating themselves about their Celtic heritage. This year they have decided to
hold their first annual Tartan Ceilidh celebration and host guests with a traditional Scottish
dinner and musical entertainment. They are looking to enroll new members and will do so by
promoting the theme of scholarship and education.
The purpose of this public relations campaign was to do the following:
 Raise awareness of the St. Andrew’s Society of Aiken and their first annual Tartan
Ceilidh celebration.
 Increase ticket sales to their Tartan Ceilidh event on April 27.
 Raise money through photography and shortbread sales for Scotland Study Abroad
We established through research that our target publics are women and men of all ages who have
Celtic heritage and would like to learn more about it that would also help spread the word about
the exciting activities and celebrations of their culture that the organization holds.
Our goal was to raise at least $1,500 on the night of the event selling professional photos and
homemade shortbread cookies. The objective was to encourage 100 people to buy tickets for the
event by April 27th. The tactics we chose to use were:
 Distribute press releases to local newspapers and media outlets.
 Post flyers in target places around Augusta and Aiken.
 Distribute quarter sheets to classrooms at Augusta University, USC Aiken, and cars
 Maintain an Instagram page for the St. Andrew’s Society to promote the event, posting 3-
4 times weekly.
 Promote a Facebook event that is linked to the St. Andrew’s Society Facebook page.
The evaluation plan includes determining from social media likes, shares, and RSVPs on the
event page, how far this event made it on social media. Also, we will determine the impact that
the event had on the community and examine the implementation methods we used.


We were not as successful with the impact of our event as we would have liked.
 Distributed press releases to many local news outlets.
 Flyers were posted all around Augusta and Aiken.
 Quarter sheets were distributed in classrooms as well as on cars in downtown Augusta.
 The Instagram page has 14 followers, is following 27 people, and has one image with the
o “Fun awaits at the 1st Annual Tartan Ceilidh #April27 #TicketsinBio #SASA
On the night of the event, we sold 0 pictures and only a few shortbreads. We sold the rest of the
shortbread the Monday and Tuesday on campus at discounted prices to raise some additional
funds for one of the Scotland Study Abroad students.
There are multiple ways that we could make this event more successful next year.
Suggestions include:
 Start publicity early – as in December of 2019 for an event held in April 2020.
 Book the same or similar musicians.
 Because it also has a concert, make sure kid’s tickets can also be purchased.
 More social media postings, specifically to the Instagram page.
 More publicity about how there are parts of the event that include fundraising for
Scotland Study Abroad – whose students should definitely be involved in the planning
and publicity for this event.


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