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Power Distribution and Utilization

Conductor Material
Used in DC Distribution Supply Systems

Engr. Asad Muneer Objectives

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Learning Objectives

• Requirements of Distribution Supply.

• Impact of HV on Conductor Material Volume.

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1) Voltage Regulation (VR):

• Voltage regulation i.e., change in voltage from no-load to full-load must be
minimum to maintain supply system.
• All loads have best characteristics at rated voltage. Too high voltage can damage
the insulation of the windings and very low voltage will cause high current which
will produce copper losses. Hence efficiency decreases with too high and too low
• Sudden fluctuations in the voltage can cause the tripping of circuit breakers and
as a result the service will be interrupted.
2) Continuity of Service (Dependability):
• Dependability means consumers availing the electric supply system must be
provided with uninterrupted service.
• Interruptions to service are dangerous to life, business, property, etc.
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3) Balanced Voltage:
• Electric supply system must provide balanced three phase voltage to the
• Unbalanced voltages can overheat the machines and efficiency of the machines
will be reduced.
• Consumers can also balance the voltage by having balanced loads connected to
the circuit.
4) Efficiency:
• Efficiency of the electric supply system must be maximum.
• Losses in the lines and machines are determined by power factor.
• Loads of low power factor require greater generator capacity than those of high
power factor and produce large voltage drops in the lines and transformers.

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5) Frequency:
• The frequency of the supply system must be maintained constant.
• Any change in frequency will change the speed of machine, iron losses, capacitive
reactance and inductive reactance.
6) Sinusoidal Waveform:
• The electric supply system must provide sinusoidal waveform to the consumers.
• Distorted waveform will produce harmonics (unwanted frequencies) that will
affect the efficiency and output of the machine.
• Harmonics can be avoided by improving design of generators and transformers
that include uniform air-gap between stator and rotor, uniform distribution of
slots, etc.
7) Free from RF Interference:
• Power lines running parallel to telephone lines produce electrostatic and
electromagnetic interferences.
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• These field produce noise in the apparatus connected to communication circuits.
• RF interference can be avoided by proper transposition of both power and
telephone lines.
8) Minimum Fault Time:

• If a fault occurs in power supply system, then it should be rectified in minimum


Impact of HV on Volume of Conductor Material

P = power transmitted in watts VL = line voltage in volts

Cos Ф = PF of the load L = length of line in meters
R = resistance per conductor in ohms ρ = resistivity of conductor
A = cross-sectional area of conductor
W = total power loss in watts
I L = line current in amperes

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3-phase Load current, I L = P / √3 V L Cos Ф
Resistance / conductor, R=ρL/A
Total power loss, W = 3 I L2 R

= 3 [P / √3 VL Cos Ф]2[ ρ L / A]
= P2 ρ L / V2L Cos2 Ф A
A = P2 ρ L / V2L Cos2 Ф W
Volume of conductor required = 3 A L
= 3 [P2 ρ L / V2L Cos2 Ф W] L

= 3 P2 ρ L2 / V2L Cos2 Ф W

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