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14 principles

1. Customer Obsession
2. Ownership
3. Invent and Simplify
4. Are right a lot
5. Learn and be curious
6. Hire and develop best
7. Insist on high standards
8. Think big
9. Bias for action
10. Frugality
11. Earn Trust
12. Dive deep
13. Disagree and commit

1. Customer obsession :

Give one school or government based example – how difficult or different their demands were and how
innovatively you solved it with their needs at the centre

2. Ownership
Time when you stepped up and took a responsibility from a peer, why was it important for you
and worked for long term results
3. In vent and Simplify
Changing the status quo, being innovative in approaching a problem

4. Are right, a lot.

Intuition, past experience, ownership.

5. Learn and be curious

How to continue inc knowledge, curious an d innovative
6. Hire and develop talent.
How to identify talent, when faced with issue, how nuture them
7. Highest standards
When were you unsatisfied with status quo, how did you overcome. One regret you could have
done better
8. Think Big
Where saw a long term gain, bigger picture, how to implement your ideas and thoughts
9. Bias for action : immediate action with tight deadlines, calculated risk, what steps
10. Frugality : cost vs quality , how did you trade off. No additional resources, how did you manage
11. Earn trust: conflict, negative feedback, how did you respond. When negotiated with others to
reach an agreement
12. Dive deep: a multiple layered issue, how did you know you were focusing on the right thing,,
whom did you speak to to understand
13. Disagree and commit : time when you strongly felt about theissue, but an outlier and how did it
resolve. If lost how did you press and how did you cope. If won, how did you convince
14. Deliver results:



1. Invent and Simplify : charging system. Briefcase which has tablets that can be carried around.
Usage was 20pc working time. Noticed 7 minutes goes in moving around. Now carry it around
Big cupboards, extension and lock it up. Everytime wants to engage, come and collect and take
them. Take and keep, 2 classes back 2 back , no bulk charging devices. ____percentage usage of
classes, custom manufactured, light weight, briefcase with in built charging an locking system.
2. Enter username – tap their name and log in. saves 4 minutes. How do you know they are not
cheating – teacher controlled, cant cheat, time saved, doubles up at attendance – extra
operational. How did it raise the bar : how identified a person: username pwd, now just a tap
3. Big picture: market we started- we can make crores teaching in Hassan. Cannot scale it up,
without involving founders, never took the option – convert that people specific service to
product, scale through training
4. Highest standards: don’t have a web app, offline. Have a progressive web app – using through a
mobile, pretty fast < 1 sec, otherwise 4 seconds (noticeable) – take tests and answer dpps. Do it
once a week.
5. Customer obsession : giving tabs to teachers, they don’t know the answer- if its teachers tab
give answer
6. Frugality : aluminum partition : pop sound absorbing, wall like look and 1/3 cost .

Teachers: 70 percent for salaries. How did you reduce. Instead of hiring experienced, hire
young and retain them.

Road facing windows: Put bill boards. Luminate at night

Hire and develop the best : hire young .

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