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Graduation Research Project

“A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour of RS Jeans and

Gap Analysis of Declining Sales of RS Formal”


Pallav Arya




Department of Fashion Management Studies (FMS)

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
Plot no. 15, Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 410210
Ph. +91-22-27747000 Fax: +91-22-27745386
May, 2018

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Graduation Research Project

“A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour of RS Jeans and

Gap Analysis of Declining Sales of RS Formal”


Pallav Aya

Under the Supervision of

Ms. Sonali Saldanha
Assistant Professor




Department of Fashion Management Studies (FMS)

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
Plot no. 15, Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 410210
Ph. +91-22-27747000 Fax: +91-22-27745386

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I, Mr. Pallav Arya, hereby declare that the Graduation Research Project
(GRP) entitled “A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour of RS Jeans
and Gap Analysis of Declining Sales of RS Formal” is the result of my
own research work carried out by me during the period from 15/01/2018
to 30/04/2018 except as cited in the references. This report has not been
submitted to any other University or Institution for award of any
degree/diploma etc.

Name of the Student: PALLAV ARYA

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This is to certify that Mr. Pallav Arya of National Institute of Fashion

Technology (NIFT), Mumbai has successfully completed his GRP work
titled “A Study of Consumer Buying Behaviour of RS Jeans and
Gap Analysis of Declining Sales of RS Formal” in partial fulfilment of
requirement for the completion of 2 Years Post Graduate Programme
"Master of Fashion Management (MFM)" as prescribed by the
Department of Fashion Management Studies (FMS), National Institute of
Fashion Technology.

This 'Graduation Research Project' report is the record of authentic work

carried out by him during the period from 15/01/2018 to 30/04/2018
under my mentorship.


Name of the Faculty Mentor: MS. SONALI SALDANHA


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I am very thankful to the head of the Buying department of Exclusive

Brands at Shoppers Stop, Mr. Jitender Darji, who has given me the
opportunity to work under his team. I have gained confidence while
working on this internship report and it has also enhanced my
professional skills so as to become competent in this field. I am very
thankful to my mentor, Mr. Gururaj Sagar, who supported and guided
me throughout my internship.

I would like to express special thanks of gratitude to my mentor, Ms.

Sonali Saldanha for preparing me with sound fundamentals to undertake
the project.

I am also thankful to my family for their kind co-operation which made

my task easy.



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1.1 Indian Retail Industry 2

1.2 Indian Textile Industry 3
1. 1.3 Indian Fashion Industry 4
1.4 Exclusive Brand 5
1.5 Private Label 5
Celebrity Brand 6
1.6.1 Influence of Celebrity Brands in India 7
2.1 An overview of Shoppers Stop 11
2.2 Shoppers Stop and its other brands 13
2.3 Loyalty Programme 22
Working of Shoppers Stop 23
2.4.1 Design Department 23
2.4 2.4.2 Buying Department 25
2.4.3 Quality Department 27
2.4.4 Merchandising Department 28
2.5 Introduction to the Brand: Rocky Star 34
3.1 Research Objectives 38
3.2 Research Methodology 38
3.3 Research Design 38

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3.4 Customer Survey Analysis
3.5 Findings 50
3.6 Suggestions 52

4.1 Research Objective

4.2 Research Methodology 55
4.3 Research Design 55
Feedback Survey from Department
4.4 56
4.5 SWOT Analysis 62
4.6 Findings 63
4.7 Suggestions 63

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The Indian retail industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced
industries due to the entry of several new players. It accounts for over 10 per cent of
the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and around 8 per cent of the
employment. India is the world’s fifth-largest global destination in the retail space.
Indian Retail Industry has immense potential as India has the second largest
population with affluent middle class, rapid urbanization and solid growth of


India’s retail market is expected to increase by 60 per cent to reach US$ 1.1 trillion
by 2020, on the back of factors like rising incomes and lifestyle changes by middle
class and increased digital connectivity. While the overall retail market is expected
to grow at 12 per cent per annum, modern trade would expand twice as fast at 20 per
cent per annum and traditional trade at 10 per cent#. Indian retail market is divided
into “Organised Retail Market” which is valued at $60 billion which is only 9 per
cent of the total sector and “Unorganised Retail Market constitutes the rest 91 per
cent of the sector.
India’s Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce market is expected to reach
US$ 700 billion by 2020. Online retail is expected to be at par with the physical
stores in the next five years and has grown 23 per cent to $17.8 billion in 2017.
India’s total potential of Business to Consumer (B2C) is estimated to be US$ 26
billion, of which $3 billion can be achieved in the next three years from 16 product
categories, according to a study by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (FICCI) and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT).
India has replaced China as the most promising markets for retail expansion,
supported by expanding economy, coupled with booming consumption rates,
urbanizing population and growing middle class.
India is expected to become the world’s fastest growing e-commerce market, driven
by robust investment in the sector and rapid increase in the number of internet users.
Various agencies have high expectations about growth of Indian e-commerce
markets. Indian e-commerce sales are expected to reach US$ 120 billion! by 2020

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from US$ 30 billion in FY2016.Further, India's e-commerce market is expected to
reach US$ 220 billion in terms of gross merchandise value (GMV) and 530 million
shoppers by 2025, led by faster speeds on reliable telecom networks, faster adoption
of online services and better variety as well as convenience.
India’s direct selling industry is expected to reach Rs 159.3 billion (US$ 2.5 billion)
by 2021, if provided with a conducive environment through reforms and regulation.
Indian exports of locally made retail and lifestyle products grew at a CAGR of 10
per cent from 2013 to 2016.
India is expected to become the world's third-largest consumer economy, reaching
US$ 400 billion in consumption by 2025.
Luxury market of India is expected to grow to US$ 30 billion by the end of 2018
from US$ 23.8 billion 2017 supported by growing exposure of international brands
amongst Indian youth and higher purchasing power of the upper class in tier 2 and 3
cities, according to ASSOCHAM.
The size of modern retail in India is expected to double to Rs 171,800 crore
(US$ 25.7 billion) from Rs 87,100 crore (US$ 13 billion) in three years driven by
omni-channel retail.


India’s textiles sector is one of the oldest industries in Indian economy dating back
several centuries. Even today, textiles sector is one of the largest contributors to
India’s exports with approximately 13 per cent of total exports. The textiles industry
is also labour intensive and is one of the largest employers. The textile industry has
two broad segments. First, the unorganised sector consists of handloom, handicrafts
and sericulture, which are operated on a small scale and through traditional tools and
methods. The second is the organised sector consisting of spinning, apparel and
garments segment which apply modern machinery and techniques such as
economies of scale.
The textile industry employs about 45 million people directly and 20 million people
indirectly. India's overall textile exports during FY 2015-16 stood at US$ 40 billion.
The Indian textiles industry is extremely varied, with the hand-spun and hand-woven
textiles sectors at one end of the spectrum, while the capital intensive sophisticated
mills sector at the other end of the spectrum. The decentralised power looms/

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hosiery and knitting sector form the largest component of the textiles sector. The
close linkage of the textile industry to agriculture (for raw materials such as cotton)
and the ancient culture and traditions of the country in terms of textiles make the
Indian textiles sector unique in comparison to the industries of other countries. The
Indian textile industry has the capacity to produce a wide variety of products
suitable to different market segments, both within India and across the world.

 Rising per capita income, favourable demographics and a shift in preference to

branded products to boost demand.

 The domestic textile industry in India is projected to reach US$ 250 billion by
2019 from US$ 150 billion in July 2017.


Indian fashion industry is at its infancy at the moment and has great potential to
make the mark on the world stage. Fashion in india has thousands of years of
tradtions behind it. India has a rich and varied textile heritage where each region of
india has its own native dress and traditional costumes. Fashion industry is growing
at rapid pace with international developments, such as the India fashion week
gaining popularity and annual shows by fashion designers held in major cities of

Fashion in india ids a fastly growing industry with international events such as india
fashion week and annual shows by fashion designers in the major cities of the
country. There are victories of a member of indian beauty queens in international
events such as Miss World and Miss Universe contests which have made india

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models recognized worldwide. Fashion designers such as Ritu Kumar, Ritu Beri,
Rohit Bal, Muzaffar Ali, Satya Paul, Manish Malhotra are some of the well-known
fashion designer in India.


An Exclusive brand is a product that is exclusively manufactured for a retailer. The

retailer will market the product under its own brand name. In this category, a
well-established brand name (known as licensor) enters in a contract with outsider
for developing, producing and selling the merchandise under defined set of terms
and conditions. This license may be either given to a retailer having large chain
stores or to a third party who then sells to the retailers.

The business of private labels in India has seen a sharp upward incline with offline
as well as online retailers pumping in resources to strengthen their growth. There has
also been a collaborative effort in this space with retailers stocking private label
brands of industry competitors at their stores. Here is a look at the current dynamics
and opinions of key retailers in this space.


Private labels have been witnessing a growing trend in the Indian retail Industry.
The retail segment in India has experienced a worldwide metamorphosis post the
year 1991, with the rapid expansion of liberalization, privatization and globalization.
Private label brand is a product, which is produced or manufactured by one company,
for selling under other companies’ brand. The companies that sell and control these
products are retailers. Private label brands are also known as label brands, house
brands, store brands or retailer’s brands. Private label brands have become popular
due to the price of these label brands, which is lower than the price of national
(manufacturer) brands. The popularity of private label brands has expanded in
numerous nations since nineteenth century, because of the lower cost of private label
brands. The researcher took up the study to evaluate the purchase intention of
fashion brands and its motivating consumer behavioural factors influencing the
buying intention.

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The rise of a celebrity culture has been widely noted in the literature (Kerrigan,
Brownlie, Hewer, & Daza-LeTouze, 2011; Lash & Lury, 2007; McCracken, 1989).
Moreover, celebrities are no longer relegated to entertainment news but regularly
appear in political and business discussions as well. For example, in the recent
World Economic Forum of 2014 in Davos, the political and business elite were
queuing to hear Goldie Hawn’s views on meditation (Treanor & Elliott, 2014). As
the economic value-generating ‘industry’ of celebrity is becoming increasingly,
powerful, mediatised and globalised (O’Guinn, 1991), the socio-cultural value of
celebrities is now being used to generate political and ideological values in more
transparent ways than ever before: whether through charity work, political
campaigns or media appearances. Indeed, Rindova, Pollock, and Hayward (2006)
find that celebrity can be an important intangible asset as an attention-getting and
profit-generating value. Driessens (2012) comments on the mobility of today’s
celebrities as they migrate into other spheres such as politics, capitalising on their
reputation. This paper seeks to show how this migration can occur successfully by
using the lens of corporate branding to consider the implications of this ‘celebrity
portfolio’. As noted by Kerrigan et al. (2011), there has been little research in
marketing studies that has moved beyond simple economic analysis of celebrity
endorsement of products (Erdogan, 1999) to determine how socio-cultural values
can be packaged, framed and circulated. Furthermore, this celebrity migration is no
longer limited to simple © 2015 Westburn Publishers Ltd. Journal of Marketing
Management, 2015 Vol. 31, Nos. 5–6, 616–645, endorsements; celebrities’
personal brands encompass a range of products and services, effectively operating as
businesses and now encompassing a whole ‘lifestyle’ (see, for example, Gwyneth
Paltrow: Heawood, 2014). Celebrity as a context has been shown to allow marketers
to consider the emotional dimension of consumers’ responses to causes, people and
even firms (Rindova et al., 2006). Through a strong brand narrative, we argue that
the celebrity brand can bring into relief ideological values which serve to heighten
public attention and empathetic engagement but for this to come about, the brand
must perform authentically. Although authenticity has been linked to celebrity in the
literature (see, for example, Kerrigan et al., 2011; Rojek, 2001) as a quality which

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has historically been ‘greatly prized’ (Dyer, 1998, p. 11), there has been little
understanding as to how this is performed, transmitted and negotiated. We therefore
seek to unpack how authenticity is constructed, managed and circulated within the
celebrity brand and how this process adds meaning and value to the brand.
Authenticity is found to be inextricably linked to core brand values and narrative
which is transmitted through a brand leveraging process, being augmented and
replicated collectively across various platforms, media, roles and products to
generate brand awareness. This follows from much of the authenticity literature (e.g.
Beverland, 2006; Chronis & Hampton, 2008; Leigh, Peters, & Shelton, 2006; Rose
& Wood, 2005) which acknowledges that authenticity is socially constructed.
Furthermore, our research demonstrates how, through the Internet, this authenticity
can be disseminated faster and further than ever before. This has wider implications
for the marketing literature in terms of social, cultural and political meaning-making.
As such, this paper contributes to recent research placed in the intersection between
the political economy, culture and society (Brownlie & Hewer, 2009; Cayla &
Eckhardt, 2008; Kravets, 2012). The way in which the celebrity brand is framed and
positioned and the discourses that are picked up all serve to highlight the hidden
ideological underpinnings of the market system. This allows us to consider what is
perceived as ‘authentic’ and how these values are amplified and circulated.


The West and Hollywood have been the wellsprings of modern fashion culture and
the phenomenon of celebrity-led fashion brands has also its roots in their very heart.
Legendary American actress Gloria Swanson is said to have pioneered the trend
with her own clothing line way back in 1950’s. Various more celebrities have
walked the path since then with varying degrees of success before fading into the
mists of time. 2000 onwards, the trend started gaining serious momentum with a
slew of Hollywood stars, International athletes, singers and supermodels making
successful forays into the fashion business. From clothes to footwear to accessories,
they are doing it all.

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In India turning fashion designers, fashion brand owners and entrepreneurs – some
of them have launched their own fashion brands or lines in collaboration with
established fashion companies, while others have made investments in or have set
up their own fashion-focused businesses. With tremendous following, film stars and
cricketers are the biggest influencers in India. Nearly all celebrity fashion brands so
far have come from them. John Abraham is the first Indian actor to release his
clothing line in 2006. After a hiatus, Salman Khan launched his fashion label in
2012, followed by Hrithik Roshan in 2013 and Virat Kohli in 2014. The trend has
been on the constant uptick from then on.

Celebrity advertisements and endorsements have always been there. We also have
had celebs lending their name to products such as signature fragrances. But now, we
are moving beyond the ‘age of advertisements and endorsements’ into the ‘era of
advocacy’ wherein Millennials, Generation Z, Aspiration, Inspiration, Relevance,
Resonance, Connection, Higher Purpose are the catchwords for brand success.
Today’s consumers don’t just buy a product; they seek an idea or concept they can
actually relate to. For celebrity brands, the celeb’s persona, charisma and relatability
are the USPs – the brand story, philosophy and core values are likewise significant,

These are the some major celebrity brands in India:

WROGN: Virat Kohli’s Wrogn

This brand is known for its quirky designs and

deliberate attempt to ditch conventional
fashion. The nonconformist clothesline reflects
his inner aggressive drive. The label includes
some fantastic tees, shirts, chinos, slim fit
trousers and casual jackets.

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Hrithik Roshan’s HRX

A stylish and a fitness icon Hrithik Roshan also has a fashion line for training
apparels and accessories. It was started in 2012 by Roshan and Exceed
entertainment. This brand is for fitness freaks hence comfort is given more
importance than the looks. Wide range of active sportswear, casuals and foot wears
are available for both men and women. The apparel is designed in slim fit with light
weight and high quality material. Myntra has combined with HRX in 2013 and it has
51% stake in HRX.

Sonam Kapoor’s Rheson

Bollywood’s undisputed style queen Sonam

Kapoor’s fashion label Rheson that she
started with her sister Rhea has been a total
hit with every fashionista as well as celebs.
One, the superstar and the other, the
mastermind behind her headline-making
looks, the duo is at the brink of starting a
fashion empire, launching their high-street
fashion label with Shoppers Stop.

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An Indian retail sector major Shoppers Stop Limited (Shoppers Stop) opened its
door in the year 1991, the foundation was made by K Raheja Corp and it was
incorporated on 16th June 1997 as a private limited company. It started operations
with the first store in suburban Mumbai and is now a multi-channel retailer with 24
large format department stores and online presence. From its inception, Shopper's
Stop has progreShoppers Stoped from being a single brand shop to becoming a
Fashion & Lifestyle store for the family. Today, Shopper's Stop is a household name,
known for its superior quality products, services and above all, for providing a
complete shopping experience. It provides retail range of branded and own label
apparel, footwear, perfumes, cosmetics, jewellery, leather products and
acceShoppers Stopories, home products, books, music and toys, operates in the
cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Jaipur and
Gurgaon. The first store was opened in the year 1991 at Andheri, a suburb in
Mumbai, only with Men’s wear and the Ladies wear was introduced in the year
1992. After a year, the company added Children & non apparels to its list in 1993.
Loyalty Program titled First Citizen was launched by Shoppers Stop in the year
1994 and in 1995; the company had opened the second store in Bangalore. The
status of the company was changed to deem public limited company in December of
the same incorporation year 1997. Shoppers Stop had opened its third store in
Hyderabad during the year 1998 and implemented JDA Retail ERP (a global leader
in retail ERP packages) in the year 1999. Also during the same year of 1999, the
company's fourth & fifth stores in Jaipur & Delhi were opened. During the year
2000, the company opened its sixth & seventh store at Chennai & Chembur,
Mumbai and also in the same year 2000, Shoppers Stop had acquired CroShoppers
Stopword, India's leading retail book chain. The eight & ninth store in Pune &
Bandra and tenth store in Kandivli, Mumbai were opened by the company in 2001
and 2002 respectively. Shoppers Stop's status was further converted to a full-fledged
public limited company on 6th October 2003. The eleventh, twelfth & thirteenth
store in Mulund (Mumbai), Gurgaon and Kolkata were unlocked by the company in
the 2003 itself. During the year 2004, Shoppers Stop had opened its fourteen, fifteen
& sixteenth store in Malad - Mumbai, Kolkata & Bangalore. In 2005, Shoppers Stop
had opened its seventeen, eighteen, nineteen & twentieth store in Pune, Juhu -

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Mumbai, Bangalore & Ghaziabad. Also in the same year of 2005, the company had
launched M.A.C & Homestop, a home store. Mothercare in India and F & B outlets
Brio & Desi Cafe were launched by the company during the period of 2006.
Shoppers Stop made its release of twenty first (Mumbai) and twenty second store in
Lucknow in the identical year of 2006 and also acquired 45% of Timezone India.
The Company had opened its 22nd Store at Noida in May 2007. During the same
year 2007, the company had signed Joint Venture (JV) (50:50) with the Nuance
Group for Airport Retailing and also inked the Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) with the Home Retail Group of UK to enter into a franchise arrangement for
the Argos formats of catalogue & internet retailing. In March 2008, Shoppers Stop
kicks its operation Kolkata, aggregating the 24 shops. The Company honored with
Emerging Market Retailer of the Year 2008 in April of the year 2008. In same April
of the same year 2008, Shoppers Stop had unveiled its new logo and introduced the
new experience Shoppers Stop of the brand. Shoppers Stop bagged Department
Store of the Year award in November of the year 2008 for its reputation in the

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With an unparalleled assortment of the leading international and national brands in

clothing for men, women, and kids; accessories, fragrances, cosmetics, footwear;
home furnishing and decor products, our stores aim to provide shoppers a truly

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international shopping destination.
Experienced professional management; supported by world-class systems and
practices; and a talented pool of associates with a shared passion for making every
shopper visit a memorable one, has helped Shoppers Stop to grow from a single
store in 1991 to the largest chain of Department Stores in India today.

Our unending pursuit to benchmark ourselves with the best in the world is testified
by the fact that Shoppers Stop is the only Indian member of the "Intercontinental
Group of Departmental Stores", which has the likes of Selfridges (United Kingdom),
Karstadt (Germany), Marks & Spencer (UK), Matahari (Indonesia), Myers Grace
Bros. (Australia) and Rustan's (Philippines) among its members.

At Shoppers Stop we believe in a world of limitless possibilities. We always

set benchmarks, cross limits, achieve the impossible and celebrate our successes.
Innovation being our key driver, we have adopted a new philosophy of "Start
Something New" to give retail a new dimension. We endeavor to Start Something
New in performance. Start Something New in products. Start Something New in
customer service. Start Something New in Life.


Crossword aims to be a point of cultural and social interaction where authors and
poets hold court, where children are regaled, where people gravitate to be informed,

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to be entertained, even enlightened. The name embodies the vision of Crossword as
a place and space for people who seek information, knowledge or just the pleasure
of reading. Crossword stocks the widest range of Books – Movies- Music- Toys-
Stationery- Magazines and CD ROM’s.

With its large children’s section and its focus on making the store a friendly, safe,
fun-filled place, Crossword attracts many families who normally don’t think of
visiting bookstores. Facilities like the Crossword Gift Vouchers, the friendly ‘Return,
Exchange & Refunds’ policy, the Cafes within the stores and the unique store
experience make it easy and enjoyable for customers to shop at Crossword. Over 3
lacs loyal customers are rewarded through the Crossword Book Rewards
Program with points, discounts, exclusive discounts & offers and more. ‘EWORDS’,
a monthly e-newsletter with reviews of new books, news about in store events and
bestseller lists, is currently mailed to these Members.

Since its inception in 15th October 1992, Crossword has received wide recognition
for its achievements; articles on retailing in India invariably feature Crossword. It
has been featured in Advertising Age International, USA, as one of the Marketing
Superstars for 1994. The Bookseller, UK, has also described it as ‘being on the
cutting edge of retailing’ in India.


HomeStop is a complete home solution chain offering design, style, quality,

convenience and value to the consumer. HomeStop provides high quality products
required for homes with a deeper product assortment. HomeStop, the first of its kind
of premium home concept store from Shoppers Stop Ltd. is the destination to

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transform your dream house into a reality. It offers a choicest range of home
products to give your house that unique look and feel you always wanted.

From the kitchen to the dining room, the bathroom to the drawing room, HomeStop
has everything that will add a special touch and exclusivity to your space. It is
one-stop-shop for all your home needs ranging from home decor to furniture &
recliners, bath accessories to bedroom furnishings, mattress to draperies, carpets,
kitchen gadgets accessories and appliances to modular kitchen and anything else one
can think of.

HomeStop houses some of the most reputed national and international brands under
one roof viz. Back to earth a brand with natural and earth friendly products,
fragrance spa collection from Soulflower, cookware from Wonderchef & Bergner,
High end crockery from Corelle, Oxo from USA, exclusive down feather pillows
and fine bedding, bed linen and furnishing from Ivy, Esprit, Spread , Ddecor,
Maisha, Portico, Bombay Dyeing and home appliances from Phillips and Morphy
Richards, bathroom linen from Ivy, Spaces, Spread. Presently, there are 13
HomeStop stores.


Shoppers Stop Ltd. Has an exclusive retail arrangement (for the department store
segment) with Mothercare PLC of UK to open & operate shop-in-shops of
Mothercare and ELC stores in India within Shoppers Stop stores. Mothercare is UK’s
premium international brand for maternity, infant and childcare products. Currently
there are 41 stores of Mothercare(including2 standalone stores) with a presence in 11

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Shoppers Stop Limited has entered into nonexclusive retail agreement with world
renowned cosmetics major Estee Lauder to open M.A.C, Clinique and Estee Lauder
stores in India.

M.A.C (Makeup-Art Cosmetics) the professional brand of choice, is the first brand
under the Estee Lauder Group of Companies' portfolio to enter the Indian retail
market. It operates 40 MAC stores in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Amritsar, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Pune, Gurgaon, Noida, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Surat and Kolkata. It also
operates 27 Clinique stores in Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad,
Amritsar, Chandigarh, Surat, Kolkata, and Pune, and seven Bobbi Brown stores in
Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Mumbai and Pune.

The company provides online shopping facility through its e-commerce website, which offers categories such as apparel, accessories and
home decor. It delivers its products to more than 1,000 cities and towns in India.


Over the years, Shoppers Stop has continued to introduce exciting new brands and
collection has created a differentiator through its exclusive and non- exclusive retail
arrangements with world class brands. The range of Indian and international brands
has been carefully selected to meet the desires of the discerning modern shoppers.

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Having acquired unique insights through its extensive retail experience. Shoppers
Stop has been able to anticipate the needs of today’s Shoppers and has consequently
introduced several bridge to luxury international brands in India much before others.
Shoppers Stop has set a benchmark for others Multi brand outlets.


One of Shopper’s Stop’s strongest brands, STOP is a reflection of modern styles with
classic sensibilities. The brand is an expert at catering to the customer's complete
fashion needs by offering for men, women, kids, accessories as well as home décor.
STOP’s modern and sophisticated collection celebrates individual style while clean
silhouettes, comfortable fabrics and immaculate tailoring sum up the essence of the
brand. One stop shop for everything fashion.


Life is an exclusive brand from Shoppers Stop that believes in the philosophy of
today’s youth which is ‘live life to the fullest and make the most of every moment’.
Offering preppy, colourful and casual clothing and accessories for men and women
life is quintessentially a youthful and trendy brand. The collection ranges from a

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variety of t-shirts to dresses, everyday wear bottoms to stylish tops and carries must
have essentials for every girl’s wardrobe. Resonating well with the fashion trends, it
is slowly becoming a popular name as a go to brand for stylish clothes amongst the


Kashish aims at linking contemporary and traditional elements with easy-chic

embellishment. Driven by a holistic vision of luxury, specially catering to Indian
sensibilities, the brand celebrates traditional style in a mélange of embroideries,
weaves, colors and textures ultimately creating a design vocabulary that is unique
and inspiring. With beautifully crafted designs, Kashish speaks volumes about the
Indian culture while always standing tough against time.


Haute Curry signifies contemporary fashion with elements of ethnicity. Clean and
modern silhouettes are juxtaposed against the bright, vivid colour and traditional
motifs to create contemporary clothing for the fashion diva in you. The collection

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ranges from pretty ethnics like kurtis and anarkalis to eclectic crop tops, shorts,
kaftans, jackets etc. and is a perfect way to infuse traditional chic into your

Haute Curry mirrors the new age Indian woman, one who is rooted at home but
takes on the world with panache, playing a myriad of roles and taking on new
challenges in her stride.


Fratini Woman is a brand for women who are believers. The cutting edge styles and
designs made using the latest of technology are an amalgamation of sophisticated
and modernistic look. Meticulously designed for independent women, Fratini
Woman’s clothing is smart, easy-going and effortlessly chic. Choose from structured
silhouettes, trendy separates and luxurious styling, running through the entire
collection to uplift any wardrobe.


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Free spirited in its soul, vibrant in every hue and fuelled with flamboyant energy,
Desigual, the Spanish clothing brand emanates positivity and youth. Founded in
1984, Desigual is an apparel and fashion accessory brand from Barcelona, Spain.
Just like the country, the brand is characterized by fervent and groundbreaking
creativity. The designers freely express their artistry through fabric, print, colour and
silhouette. Their print motifs are inspired by global bohemian nomads and are
further intensified by the brash boldness of colour, used almost recklessly. Their
abstract art explodes with psychedelic mania.


Breaking the norms of traditional dressing, Femina Flaunt is quintessentially a brand

symbolizing an independent woman. Easy to wear pieces with modern silhouettes,
beautiful contours and pleated details are ideal for office. The casual collection on
the other hand features urbane and street chic garments for the contemporary woman.
Stylish separates, digital patterns, trendy hues along with attention to detail and
impeccable tailoring make each and every garment an exclusive piece. The entire
range revolves around a gorgeous fall colour palette with an array of shades of grey,
walnut & coffee, powder whites accentuated with berry reds & deep blondes.

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Rocky S has carved a niche for himself as a designer to go to for all couture as well
as prêt needs. Being one of the first Indian designers to dress celebrities, he has
dressed the who’s who of Bollywood. Starting with Akshay Kumar, he moved on to
designing for stars like Shilpa Shetty, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif, Hritik Roshan etc.
His international portfolio and clientele boasts of bigwigs like Beyoncé and Paris
Hilton. Structured contours, exquisite materials, tailored fit and attention to detail
are just some of the things that make his products priceless. ‘RS by Rocky Star’ is a
collection designed for men and women who are fashion conscious and are always
on a look out for new styles. The collection features stylish, trendy everyday pieces
that are not heavy on your pocket.


Shoppers Stop First Citizen - a loyalty programme and a virtue

Shoppers Stop’s virtue of always „putting the customer first‟ has enabled it to
pioneer a reward-based loyalty programme called Shoppers Stop First Citizen.
With a growing base of over 3.7 million members contributing over 72% to sales
annually, Shoppers Stop First Citizen loyalty programme is the biggest and most
successful programme in this category.

Crossword Book Rewards Programme

Customer Satisfaction and customer loyalty is the no.1 priority for crossword. The
Crossword Book Rewards Programme Rewards its loyal members with points,
Discounts. Preview during sales, event updates, news on various upcoming titles,

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offers and much more. ‘eWords’ a monthly newsletter with reviews of new arrival,
news about in-store events and best seller lists that crossword recommends, is
mailed to these members. Crossword has added 75,000 plus members this year,
increasing the total loyalty base to 5.25 lac members. The book rewards programme
contributes to 51% of sales of Crossword bookstores.



The design department work starts from the I-spy in which the market survey done
to know the customer buying behavior, change in buying pattern of customers,
competitive analysis, market surveys, product surveys, trend surveys, trims and
fabric study are done for predicting the styles of coming season. Along with this
fashion forecasts from various international organizations is also studied.

On the basis of such information the designer starts preparing the concept board in
which a concept for a new season is prepared in which style, colors, silhouettes,
prints and designs is decided. The designers then present their concept to category
manager who approve the design and then designers gives the range presentation to
the team members. After the concept presentation buyer and designer goes for
directional shopping involving trips to international and local markets which helps
in finding out what is happening in the retail market and to communicate in more
detailed merchandise seen.

Then the designer starts working to prepare the range on selected designs to show
different options during range presentation for approval. The option plan is decided
by product merchandiser, so accordingly the designer chooses the styles in the
range and prepares product design. Range Collection includes development sample
display and these samples are graded in the range presentation.

As per the style, quality of fabric and design the costing is done before the range
presentation to see the whether the product could be made in the acceptable price or
not. After the range presentation, final manipulations are made in the product as
suggested by the team members in the range presentation. After the range is

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approved the development samples are handed to the buying team for further

The total pieces to be produced for a particular style are decided on the basis of the
previous year sales and Competitive Analysis.

Responsibilities of a Designer

Conducting market, product & trend surveys.

Competitive Analysis

Finding out coming up or new fabrics & new materials in various


Design conceptualization based on the

International forecast & present market trends
Directional Shopping

Sourcing of new vendors for new styles & developing new products.

Working with buyer for required Fabric & Materials on time

Handling negotiations regarding the costing of the fabric & Materials

Monitoring and meeting the deadlines of each

activity, starting from Design conception stage
till the final Range is prepared & send for
Events carried by Designer :

o Concept Presentation- 1st Design Presentation for approval.

o Range Presentation- Final Design Presentation for


o Fabric Indents and Style Indents to be created.

o Store Roll-out – Merchandise layout done

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A Buying Department is responsible for buying or approving the acquisition of

goods and services needed by the company. A Purchasing may oversee the
acquisition of materials needed for production.

After the range presentation, designer give the sample of the fabric to the buyer to
get it produced from the mill. The buyer decides the quality and price of fabric to
be produced from the different mill as it keeps the information about the mill and
the buying team issues the fabric indent for given mill to do lab dips and gives
order for preparing the desk loom samples.15 days are required to get the desk
loom sample after the order given by buyer. In the meantime, sampling is done.

Thereafter the approval is done by the designer and product merchandiser of given
desk loom sample. And product merchandiser gives the approved desk loom
sample to the buyer for ordering the required quantity to be produced in bulk as
they are done with the order booking. After the Purchase Order is released by the
merchandiser. Buyer asks for TNA plan for expected production from vendor and
merchandiser is informed about the dates.

The buyer decides for vendor selection and does the quality, price negotiations with
them for new fabric or style developments The vendors selected are of two types
which as:

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1.Pure FOB - In which the process from fabric sourcing to finished garments is
done purely by the vendor which is selected by the purchase department for
particular product

2.FOB Nominated- In which the fabric sourcing is done from the different mill by
the purchase department and then this fabric with selected trims material is
transported to the selected vendor for the finished garment. And also the buying
department is responsible for the inventory management of company for fabric and
trims to be maintained in standard norms.

In pre-production activity the buyer keeps follows up with merchandiser for

consumption of the fabric to be produced for particular garment. Buyer keeps an
eye on the current status of the order and checks whether the status matches the
TNA provided by the vendor or not. Once the buyer gets confirmation from the
vendor that the order is ready, buyer releases the DA and the vendor has to deliver
the product within 1 days of DA release to the respective warehouse.

Responsibilities of Buying Department

 Conducting market, product & trend surveys.

 Competitive Analysis

 Seeking reliable vendors or suppliers to provide quality goods at

reasonable prices

 Negotiating prices and contracts

 Reviewing technical specifications for raw materials and garment.

 Sample Requisitioning

 Sample Approving

 Vendor selection

 Determining quantity and timing of deliveries.

 Placing Orders

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 Purchase Tracking

 Receipting Goods and Services Received

 Accounting Goods and Services

 Receiving Invoices and Making Payment

 Debit note in case of material defect

2.4.3 Quality Department

Quality Department makes sure the manufacturing process is running smoothly and
that the product is up to standards. The quality assurance manager monitors internal
and external construction of the product as well as the status of processes and
systems. He also oversees such items as contractors, supplier certifications, ISO

Till the range presentation is done , the QA is responsible for giving technical and
quality inputs to the designer and buyer. After the range is finalized QA has to start
making the tech packs for sampling. QA is responsible for checking the fit and
quality of the fit and preproduction sample along with the buyer and to write
comments if case of any non- appropriation. After the production has started, he
should go for inline Inspection audits to the production units and before the goods
dispatch a final audit should be done.

Responsibilities of Quality Assurance Manager

Make spec sheet

Give technical and quality inputs

Once fit of a product has been finalized the

QC take over management of product quality
through production, packaging and delivery

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2.4.4 Merchandising Department:



Merchandising is the methods, practices, and operations used to promote and

sustain certain categories of commercial activity. In the broadest sense,
merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail
consumer. Merchandising refers to the variety of products available for sale and the
display of those products in such a way that it stimulates interest and entices
customers to make a purchase.

The work process for merchandizing department starts at the beginning of the
season. They analyses the sales report and determines the range for new season
accordingly. The merchandiser is the retail planner who ensures that products
appear in the right store at the right time and in the right quantities. They determine
the entire individual stores option plan, styles, ratio and display of the product.

Analyzing the sales report through merchandise category wise, channel wise, region
wise, store wise gives information of merchandise in details. Then review of
particular merchandise is given for next season and accordingly its decided what to
buy and what product to be produced.

Merchandise allocation is done through the stores on the basis of previous data oh
what sells there and what not. Through previous data it gives information about the
sales of merchandise of any stores in given season. And accordingly MRP wise, size
wise, collection wise, sleeve, fit wise the merchandise is distributed to the stores in
required quantity. Allocation of the merchandise is to be done carefully as season
sales depends on how allocation of the products is done.

Deciding Merchandize Density:

A specific area is allotted to each brand in the store and accordingly merchandize is

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Merchandize Density refers to number of pieces to be placed per square feet on the
shop floor.

Merchandize Density = Display Quantity / Total Area

Once the merchandise density is found the merchandiser plans how to display the
merchandise in the stores by coordination with visual merchandiser. Display
guideline is provided to stores by the merchandiser and Planograms are prepared by
the merchandiser for merchandise display in proper way as to have good visibility
of all the products through color blocking in merchandise. Highlighting of
particular merchandise in proper way is important for the given season.


Planogram allows planning of the arrangement of merchandise on a given fixture

configuration to support sales through proper placement of merchandise by Style,
Option, Size, Price points, etc. It also enables a chain of stores to have the same
merchandise displayed in a coherent and similar manner across the chain. The main
purpose is to support ease of applicability to the merchandiser while also increasing
selection & enhancing the merchandise display in a neat and organized manner.

The Merchandiser prepares the sales analysis report; retail analytics report for the
given season and optimize the inventory level through moving the best sellers
product and knowing its potential also monitoring the slow moving sellers.

After the concept presentation is done for the given season after which the option
plan is decided. In option plan the number of styles and color options are decided to
which is being offered to customers for coming season. Product merchandiser with
design team decides the range to be selected for the season (Option Plan).

Budget is prepared by the commercial team. This is then passed on to the

merchandiser that finally decided on the percentage of budget that has be allocated
to each category depending upon the past category performance.

During the range presentation modifications in style are done on further as per
requirements and changes in color pallet could be made. Products then developed

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are to be test fit to see the wear-ability and acceptability. Any modifications
required are then made and additional styles are added in case needed.

Budget is then divided among the categories and gender. MRP is decided for all the
styles. Buying team has a targeted MF (Multiplier Factor) which decides the level
of PROFIT that is expected out of a range.

Based on the selected styles grading process is carried out.

The Team prepares a Style sheet grid sheet which has all the styles, the product
details (description), their color options, their size sets, their MRPs, etc recorded,
along with their grade.

The style sheet is linked to the budget sheet, the buy sheet, the size ratio sheet and the
grading sheet. This helps the data to be updated in the other sheets whenever changes
are made to any one sheet. Once the buying for all the stores is over, data is compiled
and entered into the IT protected Master Sheet.

The merchandiser also calculates the sell thru percentage of the given merchandise
and calculates the contribution done by the given category, merchandise,
collection, colours, style wise.

Sell-Through: It is the ratio of the total sales before the end of season sale and the
total stock received at the store for a store. This is calculated for each category.

Sale value: It is monetary value of sales for the store in a particular season before the

Percentage of Sale (data): Total sale of a category divided by the total sales in
season in percentage.

Percentage of Stock (data): Total stock of category received divided by the total
stock received in season in percentage.

Average Price: The ratio of total sales divided by the total units sold per category
gives the average price per category.

According to merchandize Density, OTB budget is planned.

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OTB is essentially the difference between how much inventory is needed and how
much is actually available. This includes inventory on hand, in transit and any
outstanding orders. Weekly Analysis is done to find how much more merchandize
is needed in the store.


Enables calculation of working capital requirement in


Ensures right inventory level to support planned

sales and to attain the best Gross Margin return
on Inventory (GMROI)
Enables fresh flow of merchandise at the desired times

An OTB plan has the following elements

1. Forward Sales Planning: Sales plan for the full season or the year with monthly
phasing needs to be prepared. This enables one to react to variations in sales plan,
reschedule deliveries and cancel and alter purchase orders for the future deliveries as
the case may be.
2. Forward Cover: This is based on the planned stock turns. For instance if the
planned stock turns for the store is 6 times a year, then the ideal stock holding at
any point of time should be equivalent to 2 months stock cover.
3. Opening Stock: The value of the opening stock is a flow calculation. In OTB
planning, the first entry is an estimate. From the 2nd month onwards, the closing
stock of the previous month is the opening stock of the current month.
4. Stock Norm: This is based on the forward cover planned. If the forward cover is 2
months and the current month is Month 1, then the stock required would be the sum
of the forecasted sales on Month 2 and 3.
5. Intake Requirement: Difference between required stock and opening stocks.

6. On Order: Stocks already ordered and due for delivery during the period.

7. Open to Receive: Figure arrived by deducting the stock on order, if any, from
the intake requirement. This figure indicates the OTB quantity.

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8. Closing Stock: Arrived by taking the opening stock, subtract sales and add the
on- order and open-to-receive quantities.

OTB budget is allotted by merchandiser; any OTB shouldn’t exceed that


Stock Norm = Total Merchandize Display Capacity * Average selling price + 2

week of DC cover

OTB = Stock norm – Closing Stock + 2 weeks of sale

Some mandatory analysis that are needed to be done by the merchandizer:

Analysis after 4 weeks of season launch: This is an analysis conducted in the

early phase of the season launch. This helps the buyer to understand how the styles
are performing in the market. Depending on these performances, reorders are done.
If a certain style is not doing well, corrective measures are taken.

Mid-season Analysis: This analysis is done sometime midway into the season. For
e.g.: SS08 was launched on 4th February, 08. The mid-season analysis for the same
happened around the 20th May, 08.

A very crucial analysis, this helps the buyer to understand the overall market trend,
the growth of categories and to a large extent it helps in deciding the next season‟s
buying. In this the present season’s sales data is compared with the previous year’s
similar season up to the same date.

Pre- Sale Analysis: This analyses sales data up to the start of discount (sale
period). This is done on the basis of sell through, growth rate, achievement of
targets, etc. This analysis is a more accurate measure of how the brand is doing
than post-EOSS analysis as the data attained after sales is highly influenced by the
price factor.

Discount percentages for EOSS (End of Season Sales): An important function of

the merchandiser is to ensure that whatever she has bought is finally sold.

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Depending upon the time period the merchandise has spent on the shop floor, she
decides upon the percentage of discount to be allowed on the merchandise.

Post-Sale Analysis: The last analysis done by the merchandiser for a season. It
consolidates all the analysis done throughout the season and measures how the range
has performed in the season. Done at a store level, it is an indicator of the price
sensitiveness of a market.

Liquidation of Stock: An important function of the merchandizer is to ensure that

there is no merchandise waiting to be sold when there is a need for the merchandise
at some other place. If suppose there is an excess of stock at some store, while some
other store does not have sufficient stock, the buyer ensures that stocks are
transferred from one store to the other. She also ensures that stock liquidation occurs
at warehouse level also.

Responsibilities of a Merchandiser

 Market and trend research

 Competitive Analysis

 Analyses previous year Range Performance for current year Marketing


 Creating a framework for the buying budget, defining number of product types
and determining numbers of lines within a range. (Option Plan)
 Merchandiser gives buyers a shopping list of products in terms of price (low,
medium or high) and length of time which they are expected to be in store
 Based on target profits finalize markup and mark down

 Define target margins for sales

 Act as stock controller

 Monitors sales progress through weekly progress report. (Point of Sales

 Take action for repeat orders

 Brief buyers about mark-up and margins based on annual budget

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Ensures that product range selected by buyer is delivered to stores in the
right size ratio, quantities at the right time.



Denim has always been an everyday symbol for style. This season RS Jeans by
designer Rocky Star brings you a collection of denims - shirts and tops that you need
to add to your suitcase when travelling this summer.

Girls, ripped and distressed denims are a must-have this season. Cool and
comfortable, they are perfect for travel. Throw on a cute tee or a denim shirt and
shine like the diva you are.

Boys, ripped denims and joggers are your travel buddies this summer. Pair them
with cool graphic tees or loose shirts.

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Fashion designer Rocky Star brought in a new wave in the fashion industry in India
by being the first designer to design for both common man and celebrities.

His label stands for luxury, and is known for its luxurious and tasteful design
sensibility. Renowned for its simple yet stylish design aesthetics, the label presents
a fusion of hand crafted textures and glamorous silhouettes.

Rocky Star is known for his exquisite craftsmanship, stunning and opulent
embroidery and impeccable fit and finishing. He is a couturier star.

He loves India’s rich cultural heritage and the traditional crafts and believes in the
responsibility of designers ensuring the longevity of these traditions and crafts. His
collections are a representation of his own personal experiences and his journey as
designer and are a perfect amalgamation of his love for his Indian roots and his
modern inspirations. The sympathetic synergy with which he creates his ensembles
is magical.

Rocky Star is known not only for his designs, having styled and designed for over
300 movies, Rocky Star is also heavily embedded in Bollywood‘s fraternity. He
has been acclaimed for his costume designing for several major movies and
personal projects.

His extensive private client list includes many names featured in Forbes Rich List
as well as celebrities from both Bollywood to Hollywood like Paris Hilton,
Pussycat Dolls, Beyonce, Priyanka Chopra, Bipasha Basu, Katrina Kaif, Hrithik
Roshan, Shilpa Shetty, Amy Jackson, Sunny Leone and Dia Mirza among many

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Rocky’s collections have been a part of the Lakme Fashion Week; he also
showcased his work at the Milan Fashion Week and has been a part of the London
Fashion Week for four seasons now. He has showcased at the Bombay, Delhi &
Pune Times Fashion Week, India Beach Fashion Week and has been the luxury
style partner for Mercedes Benz Luxe Drive in India this season.

From runway to red carpet, Rocky has done it all. His unique creations that define
chicness and beauty have made their way towards the major podiums and
personalities around the world. He is the official fashion director for Miss India
World and Miss India Universe and is the genius behind current Miss World-
Manushi Chillar’s wardrobe.

After having carved a niche for himself in the fashion industry, Rocky has ventured
into a partnership with Shoppers Stop Ltd. His prêt collection RS by Rocky Star
has been loved for its fun and sophisticated vibe. His aesthetic is simple yet
incredibly stylish, creative textures and vibrant prints are the essence of his line.
Adding to his ever-growing repertoire of creative endeavours he has launched RS
JEANS, which is a line of denim and street-wear, and RS KIDS for the little stars
of tomorrow.


Rocky Star Jeans






SS'16 SS'17
Sales Plan Sales Retail ASP

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Rocky Star Jeans





Autumn-Winter'16 Autumn-Winter'17
Sales Plan Sales Retail ASP

 For spring-summer’16 the actual sales came out to be 23.66% more than the
planned sales.

 While in Autumn-winter’ 16 the actual sales were just 4.97% less than the
planned sales.

 The sales contribution of Rocky Star Jeans for year 2016 was 0.61% of the
overall sales of women’s wear category of Shoppers Stop.

 For spring-summer’17 the actual sales came out to be 13.28 % less than the
planned sales.

 While in Autumn-winter’ 17 the actual sales were just 30. 13% less than the
planned sales.

 The sales contribution of Rocky Star Jeans for year 2016 was 0.58% of the
overall sales of women’s wear category of Shoppers Stop.

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 To study the consumer buying behaviour of RS Jeans.

 To find out the gaps in the option mix by analysis the customer survey.


A questionnaire survey was carried out to identify the customer buying behavior of
Rockystar Jeans.The target population comprised all of the customers entering
inside Shoppers Stop store. Due to time constraints, a total of 100 customers were
selected as our respondents. The questionnaire was conveniently handed over to the
customers in the store. The survey was carried out between the months of February
and March in 2018.The data obtained were analyzed using excel, where descriptive
statistics were used to analyses the data.


 Type of research: Descriptive research

 Data sources: Primary data

 Research instrument: Questionnaire

 Type of questionnaire: Structured

 Type of questions: Close-ended questions

 Sample size:100

 Contact method: Personal

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Customer analysis is a critical component of any business plan in all stages of

growth. When you analyze your customers, you define who your target market is,
and decide how you'll reach them. Customer analysis is vital to any effective
business strategy. If a business doesn't know who its customers are or what its
customers want, it can't meet customers' needs.

A customer analysis will do three main things:

 Identify the target customer

 Understand the need of the customer

 Show the how the company’s product or services meets the consumer’s needs or

The customer survey has taken to identify the customer’s buying behavior of the
Rockystar Jeans brand.

This survey was taken in Shoppers Stop stores in Malad, Vashi, Panvel.



15-25 1 6 10 34 51
26-35 3 16 21 2 42
36-45 1 6 7
Total 5 28 31 36 100

Page | 40
6 6
5 3 2
1 1
15-25 26-35 36-45

Other Self-employed Service Student

 According to the survey analysis the 36% of the customer profile is student
at age-group of 15-25 which is 51%.
 After student, 21% of the customer profile is service at age-group of 26-35
which is 42%.

2. Customer preferred shopping destination:

Sum of
Destination Count
Exclusive Brand Outlets 16
Local market 5
Multi- Brand Outlets 46
Online 33
Grand Total 100

Page | 41

5% Exclusive Brand Outlets
Local market
Multi- Brand Outlets


 As per the survey, 46% of the customer is preferred to shop from

Multi-brand outlets.

 As per the survey, online market is competing with retail format. Customer
shopping preference is also change toward online at 33%.

3. Most preferred Multi-Brand outlets:

Multi- Brand
outlets Sum of count
Central 7
Lifestyle 44
Shoppers Stop 37
Westside 12
Grand Total 100

Page | 42

12% 7%

Shoppers Stop
37% 44%

 According to the survey 44% of the customer preferred to shop from

Lifestyle which is one of the best Multi-brand outlets in India.
 As per the analysis 37% customers preferred to shop from Shoppers Stop.

4. Customer preference for Shoppers Stop:

Cust During End of Once in a Once in six Once in two Grand

omer Season Sale month months months Total
No 23 4 1 28
Yes 21 21 15 15 72
Total 44 25 16 15 100

Page | 43
25 23
21 21
15 15


5 4
No Yes

During End of Season Sale Once in a month

Once in six months Once in two months

 According to the survey, 72% customers shop from Shoppers Stop.

 It is observed 21% customers shopped once in a month from Shoppers
 As per the analysis 23% of non-Shoppers Stop customers shopped
from Shoppers Stop during end of season sale.

5. Familiar with Exclusive brands of Shopper Stop:

Sum of
Rating Count
Extremely Familiar 13
2 30
3 33
4 13
Not at all familiar 11
Grand Total 100

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According to the survey analysis 33% customers are somewhat familiar to the
exclusive brands of the Shoppers Stop.

6. Medium of Brand Awareness:

Sum of
Medium Count
Magazines 7
Social Media 37
Store 39
Word of mouth 17
Grand Total 100

Social Media
37% Store
Word of mouth

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 According to the survey, 39% customers got awareness of these brands when
customers come inside the store.
 37% customers got awareness through social media.

7. Preferred Exclusive Brand of Shoppers Stop:

According to the survey analysis Rheson is the most preferred brand among the
other exclusive brands of the Shoppers Stop.

8. Value for money products:

Behaviour Sum of Count

Strongly Agree 10
Agree 20
Neutral 45
Disagree 22
Strongly Disagree 2
Grand Total 100

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 According to the survey 30% respondent feel that RS Jeans products provide
value for money.
 It is observed 70% customers feel that RS jeans product are not value for

9. Most preferred pattern in RS Jeans:

Row Labels Sum of Count

Checks 8
Embroidery 28
Placement prints (graphic, text) 19
Solids 34
Striper 11
Grand Total 100

Page | 47
Striper, 11 Checks, 8

Solids, 34 Placement28
text), 19

 According to the survey 34% customers preferred patter is solids.

 It’s observed that 28% customers preferred embroidery pattern.

10. Quality of the RS Jeans merchandise:

Quality Sum of Count

Very satisfied 11
Satisfied 26
Ok 40
Dissatisfied 20
Very Dissatisfied 3
Grand Total 100

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 According to the survey only 35% customers were satisfied with the RS
Jeans merchandise.
 40% customers were okay with products.

11. Adheres to current fashion trends:

Fashion trends Sum of Count

Maybe 47
No 23
Yes 30
Grand Total 100



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 It’s observed 47% customers feel RS Jeans merchandise maybe adheres the
current fashion trends.

12. Preferred fit for RS Jeans Denim:

Fits Sum of Count

Boyfriend 40
Skin 1
Skinny 9
Slim 33
Straight 17
Total 100

20 Total
Boyfriend Skin Skinny Slim Straight

 As per the survey analysis 40% customers liked boyfriend fit of RS Jeans
 After boyfriend fit 37% customers liked slim fir of RS Jeans denims.

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13. Preferred fit RS Jeans Top wear:

Sum of
Fits Count
Both 42
Boxy 26
Regular 32
Total 100

Both Boxy Regular



As per the survey analysis 42% customer preferred both regular and boxy fit of RS
Jeans top wear.


 Among the 100 sample size of Shoppers Stop customer- 36% of the
customer profile is student at age-group of 15-25 which is 51% and 21% of
the customer profile is service at age-group of 26-35 which is 42%.

Page | 51
 As per the survey, 46% of the customers have preferred to shop from
Multi-brand outlets. As per the survey, online market is competing with
retail format. Customer shopping preference is also changing towards online
as 33% customers have preferred to shop from online format.

 According to the survey 44% of the customer preferred to shop from

Lifestyle which is one of the best Multi-brand outlets in India. As per the
analysis 37% customers preferred to shop from Shoppers Stop.

 According to the survey, 72% customers shop from Shoppers Stop. It is

observed 21% customers shopped once in a month from Shoppers Stop. As
per the analysis 23% of non-Shoppers Stop customers shopped from
Shoppers Stop during end of season sale.

 According to the survey analysis 33% customers are somewhat familiar to

the exclusive brands of the Shoppers Stop.

 According to the survey, 39% customers got awareness of these brands when
customers come inside the store. 37% customers got awareness through
social media.

 According to the survey analysis Rheson is the most preferred brand among
the other exclusive brands of the Shoppers Stop.

 According to the survey 30% respondent feel that RS Jeans products provide
value for money. It is observed 70% customers feel that RS jeans product are
not value for money.

 According to the survey 34% customers preferred patter is solids. It’s

observed that 28% customers preferred embroidery pattern.

 According to the survey only 35% customers were satisfied with the RS
Jeans merchandise. 40% customers were okay with products.

Page | 52
 It’s observed 47% customers feel RS Jeans merchandise Maybe adheres the
current fashion trends.

 As per the survey analysis 40% customers liked boyfriend fit of RS Jeans
denims. After boyfriend fit 37% customers liked slim fir of RS Jeans denims.

 As per the survey analysis 42% customer preferred both regular and boxy fit
of RS Jeans top wear.


 As per the survey analysis, most of the customers prefer to shop from
multi-brand outlets. Their second preference is to shop online. Exclusive brands
of Shoppers Stop are available online on their website and
However, exclusive brands do not perform well online, contributing
approximately 15% of the sales.
 In multi-brand outlets, lifestyle, the biggest competitor of Shoppers Stop, is the
most preferred shopping destination.
 Customers are not very familiar with the exclusive brands of Shoppers Stop.
Most of the customers who shop from shoppers stop are aware about these
brands. They should start to promote themselves through YouTube to gain
awareness among customers.
 Among the four exclusive brands of Shoppers Stop (Rheson, RS apparel, RS
Jeans and Femina Flaunt), Rheson is the most popular brand as it is a celebrity
tie-up brand whose products are designed by Sonam Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor.
Sonam Kapoor is well-known for her unique sense of style and has a large fan
following leading to the success of Rheson. For RS jeans, Rocky star should
start connecting with potential customers through social media like Instagram
and Facebook to gain popularity for his brand.

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 As per survey analysis, preferred pattern are solids and embroidery. Therefore,
number of options in these patterns can be increased. Also, variety in styles of
these patterns can be introduced to increment sales.
 There is no designated design department for RS Jeans. The head buyer handles
the design duties. A separate design team must work in alignment with the
buying team so that better styles catering to the current market trends can be
provided to the customers.

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To find out the reason behind the decrease in the sales of RS formals Men’s wear.


A questionnaire survey was carried out to identify the reason behind the decrease in
the sales of RS formals Men’s wear..The target population comprised all of the
Department Manager of RS formals. Due to time constraints, a total of 50 DM’s
were selected as our respondents. The questionnaire was conveniently asked over to
the DM’s through telephone. The survey was carried out between the months of
February and March in 2018.The data obtained were analysed using excel, where
descriptive statistics were used to analyses the data.


 Type of research: Descriptive research

 Data sources: Primary data

 Research instrument: Questionnaire

 Type of questionnaire: Structured

 Type of questions: Open-ended questions

 Sample size:50

 Contact method: Telephone

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1. Staff availability:

Staff status Count of Staff Status Contribution

No 27 56%
Yes 21 44%
Grand Total 48 100%

no yes



 56% of stores do not have separate brand sales staff.

 Sales Staff are not much knowledgeable towards the merchandise.

2. Preferable fits for RS formals:

Preferable Fit Grand Total Contri%

regular fit/full sleeves 2 4%
regular/ full sleeves/half sleeves 1 2%
slim fit/ full sleeves 37 73%
slim fit/ full sleeves/Half sleeves 7 14%
slim fit/ Half sleeves 2 4%
slim/regular/full sleeves 2 4%
Grand Total 51 100%

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Grand Total 51

slim/regular/full sleeves 2

slim fit/ Half sleeves 2

slim fit/ full sleeves/Half sleeves 7

slim fit/ full sleeves 37

regular/ full sleeves/half sleeves 1

regular fit/full sleeves 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Count of Store number Grand Total

 As per the feedback with Department Manager most the customer prefer to wear
slim fit and full sleeve shirt.
 According to the survey in some region there is a demand for the half sleeves

3. Competitor Brands

Values Grand Total Contri%

ARROW_ 8 15%
VAN HUESEN_ 11 20%
VDOT_ 5 9%
PRAX_ 1 2%
STOP_ 3 5%
Grand Total 55 100%

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• Louis Philippe contributed highest 25% as a competitor brand in the store.

• 20% contributed by the Van Huesen as a competitor brand.

4. Issues received from the store:

Values Grand Total contri%

Stock 12 19%
Color 5 8%
Design 16 26%
Display area 6 10%
Packaging 3 5%
Sales staff 8 13%
Fit 9 15%
Price 3 5%
Total 62 100%

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Fit_ stock_
14% 19%

Sales color
staff_ 8%
Packaging_ 26%
Display area_

 26% of stores have issues on design of the merchandise.

 The design of the merchandise is not trendy as competitor brands.
 19% of stores have issues on stock replenishment and cut pieces.
 Stock replenishment is one of the major issues which is faced by stores.

5.Stock fill rate:

Store Sum of Base Sum of Sum of FILL

Store Name
number Stock SOH RATE
ACROPOLIS 188 590 590 100%
ALPHAGAHMDBD 151 600 632 105%
ANDHERI 101 600 580 97%
AURANGABAD 150 450 380 84%
BANASWADI 270 450 350 78%
BANDRA 109 700 745 106%
BEGUMPET 103 350 425 121%
BENRGATTA 116 850 720 85%
BHOPAL 155 500 570 114%
Big Thane 323 600 530 88%

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CGROADAHM 123 360 500 139%
CITYCENTE 257 400 400 100%
COIMBATORE 159 340 340 100%
GARUDA 102 844 850 101%
GURGAON 110 400 575 144%
HYDERABAD3 154 650 700 108%
INDORE 168 550 304 55%
JALANDHAR 171 250 300 120%
KOLKATA2 115 500 600 120%
KOLKATA3 128 600 700 117%
KORAMANGALA 163 160 250 156%
MAGARPATTA 183 500 550 110%
MALAD 114 950 727 77%
MANGALORE 254 300 325 108%
MEENAKSHIMALL 274 350 270 77%
MGFSAKET 127 450 502 112%
NOIDA 130 580 600 103%
PACIFICPUNE 164 450 478 106%
RAIPUR 166 450 404 90%
RANCHI 312 500 950 190%
ROHINI 165 300 381 127%
SHIVAJI 108 300 290 97%
SILIGURI 167 300 617 206%
SURAT 185 350 360 103%
THANE 153 600 500 83%
TRINITY 194 350 450 129%
VADODARA 196 650 375 58%
VALACHERY 192 400 398 100%
VASANT 147 800 500 63%
VASHI 144 650 720 111%
VIJAYWADA 158 256 380 148%
WHITEFIELD 157 450 450 100%

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WTP 182 500 420 84%
NOIDA2 170 400 419 105%
Grand Total 21580 22107 102%

 According to the survey in some of the stores fill rate of the stock is very
low.( highlighted in yellow color)
 After analysis of the survey some of the stores fill rate of the stock is very
high.(highlighted in blue color)



1. Rocky Star is a well-known 1. Low brand awareness

international designer 2. No designing team for the brand
2. Bollywood celebrities like 3. No budget is allotted for
Karan Grover are the brand marketing
endorsers 4. Only sold through Shoppers Stop
5. Lack of knowledgeable sales staff


1. Celebrity brands are 1. Increase in competition in the

performing well domestic market due to large
2. Wider presence in online number of formal wear brands
platforms coming up
2. Strong foreign brands in the

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 According to the survey, 56% of stores do not have separate sales staff for
RS Formals.
 Sales staffs do not have the requisite knowledge about the merchandise in the
 As per the feedback from Department Managers, most the customers prefer
to wear slim fit and full sleeve shirts. However, in the south region, there is
more demand for half sleeve shirts.
 25% DMs said that Louis Philippe is the biggest competitor of RS Formals
whereas another 20% said Van Heusen.
 As per the feedback, the main reasons for declining sales of RS Formals are:
1. Design of the merchandise
2. Stock replenishment


 On the basis of the findings of the survey, the head merchandiser conducted
a meeting with the sales staff of the exclusive brands of Central and Western
region. In this meeting, the entire team of Rocky Star interacted with the
sales staff and gave them the requisite training and knowledge of the
merchandise in the stores.
 Due to demand of half sleeve shirts in the Southern region, RS Formals will
introduce few options in AW’18.
 A WhatsApp group has been created with the entire team and all the
department managers in order to give regular updates regarding MDQ, offers
in the stores, wall display, etc.

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My Graduation Project internship at Rocky Star under Shoppers Stop was an
interesting and learning experience. It gave me an idea about the duties and
responsibilities of a retail buyer and merchandiser. It taught me about the working of
the buying and merchandising department.

I am grateful to Mr. GuruRaj Sagar, my Industry mentor, for guiding me throughout

the internship program and for giving me this enriching experience.

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Customer Buying Behavior towards the Exclusive

Brands of Shoppers Stop

Hello everyone!
I am student of Masters of Fashion Management at National Institute of Fashion
Technology. This research is a part of my Graduation Research Project with
Shoppers Stop, Mumbai. I would be grateful if you took out a few minutes to fill
this questionnaire.
Your co-operation will be highly obliged.

Thanks and Regards,

Pallav Arya

1. Where do you prefer shopping? *

Mark only one oval.
o Exclusive Brand Outlets
o Multi-Brand Outlets
o Online
o Local Market
o Other: ______________

2. Which multi-brand outlet do you prefer the most? *

Mark only one oval.
o Shoppers Stop
o Lifestyle
o Westside
o Central

3. Do you shop from Shoppers Stop?

Mark only one oval.
o Yes

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o No

4. How often do you shop from Shoppers Stop? *

Mark only one oval.
o Once in a month
o Once in two months
o Once in six months
o During End of Season Sale

5. How familiar are you with the exclusive brands of Shoppers Stop (RS by Rocky
Star, RS Jeans, Rheson, Femina Flaunt)? *
Mark only one oval.

6. How did you come across these exclusive brands? *

Mark only one oval.

o Social Media
o Store
o Magazines
o Word of Mouth

7. Please rate the following exclusive brands as per your preference. (1 is most
preferable and 5 is least preferable.) *
Mark only one oval per row.

8. Do you think RS jeans products provide value for money?

Mark only one oval.

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9. Which pattern do you prefer in RS Jeans? *
Mark only one oval.

o Solids
o Placement print
o Striper
o Checks
o Embroidery

10. How would you rate the quality of the RS Jeans merchandise? *
Mark only one oval.

11. Do you think RS Jeans collection adheres to current fashion trends? *

Mark only one oval.

o Yes
o No
o Maybe

12. What type of fit do you prefer in RS Jeans denims? *

Mark only one oval.

o Straight
o Skinny
o Slim
o Boyfriend

13. What type of fit do you prefer in RS Jeans tops? *

Mark only one oval.

o Regular
o Boxy
o Both

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14. Please give suggestions, if any, on any improvement that we need to bring to RS

15. Name


16. Occupation
Mark only one oval.

o Student
o Service
o Self-employed
o Other

17. Age Group

Mark only one oval.

o 15-25
o 26-35
o 36-45
o 46-55
o Above 55

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