Iqra University

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May 14,2012

Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………………. 4

Dedication ………………………………………………………………… 5

Mission Statement ………………………………………………………………. 6

Core Values ………………………………………………………………. 6

Vision Statement ………………………………………………………………….7

SWOT Analysis ………………………………………………………………….8

PEST Analysis …………………………………………………………………. 8

Segmentation …………………………………………………………………. 9

Target market …………………………………………………………………. 10

Positioning …………………………………………………………………. 10

Differentiated strategy …………………………………………………………… 11

Promotional strategies …………………………………………………………… 14

Group members

Zaheer u din Qadir 01141

Aitezaz Ashraf 01142

Fawad Khattak 13201

M. Imran 11666

All acclamation to Allah who has empowered and enabled us to accomplish the take
successfully. First of all we would like you thank our Allah Almighty who really helps us in
every problem during the project. We would to like to express our sincere and humble gratitude
to almighty who`s Blessings, help and guidance has been real source of all our achievements in
our life.

We would like to admit that we completed this project due to parents who pray for our success.

We also wish to express our appreciation to our teacher Ma`am Mahwish J Khan who helps us.

Our project is dedicated to our beloved parents, teacher and all of our-selves.

Mission Statement
To be a world-class institution of higher education and research, promoting technical skills,
critical thinking and public duty, to help develop a prosperous and progressive society

A mission statement shows the purpose of an organization .Iqra university provides solid
direction and plenty of inspiration to keep student motivated to help develop a prosperous and
progressive society.

The mission statement guides the actions of the Iqra University to provide students with a world
class education and to allow for creative growth and promote technical skills to compete with
outer environment and in public duty.

Core Values

 Respect

Iqra mission is to promote respect for all human being. Iqra mission is to build and maintain
it as a functioning entity capable of achieving its potential; it must be able to manage its
interpersonal relationship in a positive civil and respectful manner.

 Merit

Admissions at Iqra University are based 100% on merit. Students applying for different
disciplines must clear the admission test and the interview. Admission test is split into four
sections: Quantative Analysis, English Language, General Knowledge, IQ test etc.

 Excellence

Iqra University is comparatively younger than other private sector universities; it has proven
its quality and achieved higher education rankings with its excellence. As they say,
excellence is not their act, it’s a habit.

 Equality

Iqra University mission statement is based on Equality. No Gender discrimination, ethnicity,

and any social discrimination. Because the main purpose of Iqra is to be a world class
institution of higher education.

 Innovation

A social process through which Iqra University adopts a series of major changes.
Technological advancement brought innovation in different areas of management
practice and formal organizational structures.

Vision Statement (Objectives)
 Develop Leadership

Leaders are born not made but Iqra is there to make leader. One of the main objective of
Iqra University is to develop leadership qualities in students. Their objective is to make
student a leader, so pupil can lead in their professions.

 Promote Entrepreneurship

Societal and student perception of education as solely a means to a job, but Iqra promote
entrepreneurship. Iqra arrange seminar’s on Entrepreneurship. The message which Iqra
gives that the job should not be your final destination. Iqra started some programs on

 Promote Advanced Learning Methodology

Iqra s teaching their students with advanced way of learning and is making able to pick
every important things from life. Recently Iqra started video recording of lectures, so
students can get help from videos.

 Promote Training

Iqra is training their students, so academically as well as practically they are improving
their skills. Instead of getting trained in a new organization they will be able to innovate
the best for where ever they are working in the world.

 Uphold Islamic Values

Iqra named its university from a holy book of Islam so being a Muslim our important part
of life is to follow the teaching of Islam. In banking sector Iqra University is providing
the education which is accepted In Islam. For example Islamic banking and finance

 Promote Industry and University interaction

Iqra University is promoting interaction through different channels like having interactive
participation in LUMEN and other sports activities. On industrial level Iqra arrange trips
for students to gain knowledge and to mature the mind in different field of life.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths  Lacking of communication in some
 Positive reputation in the external teachers
 Positive experience with those who Opportunities
interact with the campus  Partnerships with abroad university
 Proactive Partnerships with other  External Community and University
universities, community and relationships
Corporations  Interest in academic program
 HEC ranked 3 on the basis of Past expansion
performance  Growth potential
 Professional and skilled faculty  New construction
 Access to services(online)  Technological advances
 Artistic and Cultural Performances  Increased focus on higher education
Weaknesses  Negative public perception
 Operational structure(no track of  high competition
application)  Security
 Over populated class  Societal and student perception of
 Weak communication of staff with education as solely a means to a job
students  Historical public perceptions/lack of
 Unequal workloads on faculty & knowledge about higher Education.
staff  Experiences Lecturers are leaving.

PEST Analysis:
Political: Social:
 Uncertain holidays from apart of  Increasing diversity and mobility of
government. society.
 No barriers to increase or decrease  Increase demand of graduates for
fee. global careers
 Political issues effect daily routine  Increase in % of younger people in
activities the population.
Economic: Technological:
 Major economic downturn effected  E-connectivity 24/7 and growing
badly. use of internet for services.
 Slower growth of global knowledge  Web-based communication and
economy creating reduced demand social networking defining current
for knowledge workers. and future students.


Divides the market into groups based on demographic variables including age,
gender, family size and life cycle. But Iqra divided market into one group that is age.

Age: Iqra segmented based on age group for different discipline.

Iqra University basically providing services for young age.


Iqra has divided market according to geographic segmentation

(Karachi, Islamabad, Peshawar,Quetta). After achieved target
Iqra has decided to build a new campus in Islamabad to provide
best facilities. Iqra Islamabad campus is covering Islamabad and
Rawalpindi community. Iqra University has divided market
according to geographic segmentation, so they can cover market
and can compete with competitors. Iqra has one of the best
geographic segmentation in Pakistan.


Divided market into group bases on psychographic characteristics like Lifestyle

Involves classifying people according to the values, beliefs, opinions, and interests.
Iqra University mainly segmented according to interest. Iqra is offering services which mainly
target the interest of students like Business program, I.T program, Fashion and textile Design and

Target market
Selecting the target market segment:
After evaluating the different segments, we must decide that how many segments we will target.

A. Under Graduate students

Students came from colleges after completing their college education. Iqra University
targeting them as a potential market. Iqra is offering graduation and master program.

B. University transfers

University transfers and graduates, on the other hand, have a more focused reason for
selecting a campus: career, programs, convenience, etc.
C. Graduate students
Graduate students have a clear career purpose and seek an institution for the strength of
specific graduate programs and their reputation in the field.
D. Foreign Students
Iqra University is targeting foreign students. Iqra University is using international
language in education, so foreign students can easily get education in Iqra.


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Differentiated strategy:

Iqra have different set of services. By providing a diverse range of contents in program, Iqra
trying to make sure that students should be fit in their education and can get various career
opportunities. All programs have different marketing mix. They are offering five major programs

 Management Sciences
 Computer Science
 Electronics Engineering
 Fashion and Design
 Social Sciences

Management Sciences

o Vision

Transforming local minds into global minds.

o Target audience

Management Science is concerned with developing and applying models and concepts
that help to illuminate management issues and solve managerial problems.

o Programs
 Bachelor of Business Administration
 Master of Business Administration
 MS and PhD program

Computer Science

o The Department of Computing and Technology offers BS in Computer Sciences and

Telecommunication & Networks, both in morning and evening timings. The Department
has also started a strong postgraduate degree program of three and a half years for non-
computer and computer graduates

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o Programs
 BS in computer science
 Bs in Telecommunication & networking
 MS in computer science
 MS in Telecommunication & networking

Electronics Engineering

In order to achieve its goals and objectives, the department of Electronic Engineering has
decided to offer BE in Electronic Engineering. An inspection team of the Pakistan
Engineering Council (PEC) consisting of experts visited IUIC last year to verify available
facilities and infrastructure for the Engineering discipline. Based on the strong
recommendations of the inspection team, PEC has allowed IUIC to start BE in Electronic
Engineering program.

o Program
 BE in Electronics Engineering

Fashion and Design

IQRA University’s Department of Fashion and Design provides a solid formation for those who
are creative, able to manage a heavy workload, are ready to meet deadlines, accept changing
lifestyles and fight fierce competition.

o Programs

This Department consists of two major study groups.

 Bachelors in Fashion Design (BFD)

 Bachelors in Textile Design (BTD)

Social sciences

Development Studies is an emerging and interdisciplinary program of study in Pakistan where

students are exposed to the major issues and theories of development. In the course of study
students are provided with a comprehensive understanding of contemporary development issues.
Both the Bachelor and Master’s program focus on the development processes in less developed
countries, newly industrializing economies and the developed nations.
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o Programs
 Bachelor of Science in development studies
 Bachelor of Science in social sciences
 Master of Science in development studies
 Master of Science in International Relations
 M.Phil. in International development studies
 M. Phil. In International Relations

Personnel Differentiation
Iqra University has skilled management and faculty and having Competence, Courtesy,
Credibility, Reliability, Responsiveness and best Communication skills in them.

Channel Differentiation
Iqra University has partnership with foreign universities who have a very positive image and
reputation; it is also helping Iqra University to have a better image. Iqra have decision maker
who have bright image and is helping to make image of Iqra brighter.

Image Differentiation
Iqra University has a unique brand symbol and image, which
differentiate Iqra University from other universities. The slogan
of Iqra University is “where your future begins”. Image
Differentiation helps Iqra to identify what is unique about Iqra.

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Promotional strategies
Partnership with colleges
Iqra University make patnership with colleges in Pindi-islambad. Directly target students from
colleges. So after comlpeting their college education they can get easily admissions.

Promoting university with organizing event can be effective promotional strategy. Iqra university
should arrange some sports and cultural event on national level. These activites helps to promote.
People get aware that this university is doing good for society.

Social Media
Social media websites such as Facebook and Google+ offer companies a way to promote
products and services in a more relaxed environment. This is direct marketing at its best. Social
networks connect with a world of potential customers that can view Iqra University from a
different perspective. Rather than seeing Iqra from some other perspective. With the help of
social network we can easily in touch with people on a more personal level.

Corporate social responsibility

Promoting university while supporting a cause can be an effective promotional strategy. Iqra
University should work for Pindi-Islamabad community. One way to do this is to give a
percentage of profit to the cause Iqra University has committed to helping. Iqra should follow
these steps:

o Plant trees
Iqra University should start a campaign of planting trees, and install Iqra university logo with
each and every planted tree. This gives very good message in society.

o Promote no smoking campaign

By promoting campaign against smoking also gives a good message. Iqra should start a
campaign, so they also become a part of a good cause.

o Traffic rules awareness

In Pakistan huge amount of people is unaware of traffic rules. Iqra should take part in this

Campus visit
Iqra University should arrange campus visits of collages students. Because Iqra has not a good
image in students mind. These visits will clear all misunderstandings and miss gaudiness which
students have about Iqra University.

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High school visit
Some members of Iqra University should visit in high schools and promote Iqra University in
front of students and give answer to students, so students can make a mind to join university after
completing their basic education.

Iqra university should promote through advertisement, Iqra is targeting young age of people, so
T.V, Internet and radio are effective way to promote in youngsters.

o T.V
Electric media is very effective way to promote something. Iqra university should promote on
T.V. Iqra University should make creative commercials and run these on TV. Iqra also buy air
time of tv channal which is popular among youth.

o Radio
Those radio stations which are popular in youth, iqra university should promote on those raido
stations, they should buy some air time and promote education, give answers to youngsters,
which promote education and Iqra also.

Short courses
During summers Iqra University should introduce some short courses. This is effective way to
promote University.

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