How To Study Consciousness Scientifically (BRR)

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Brain Research Reviews 26 Ž1998.


How to study consciousness scientifically
John R. Searle
UniÕersity of California at Berkeley, Department of Philosophy, 148 Moses Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-2390, USA

Keywords: Consciousness; Mind; Brain; Neurobiology


Thesis 1 . ........................................................................... 380

Thesis 2 . ........................................................................... 381

Thesis 3 . ........................................................................... 382

Thesis 4 . ........................................................................... 383

Thesis 5 . ........................................................................... 383

Thesis 6 . ........................................................................... 384

Thesis 7 . ........................................................................... 385

Thesis 8 . ........................................................................... 385

Thesis 9 . ........................................................................... 386

Conclusion .......................................................................... 387

References .......................................................................... 387

The neurosciences have now advanced to the point that the relations between consciousness and other mental phe-
we can address — and perhaps, in the long run, even solve nomena on the one hand and the brain on the other. The
— the problem of consciousness as a scientific problem solution to the easy problem can be given with two
like any other. However there are a number of philosophi- principles: First, consciousness and indeed all mental phe-
cal obstacles to this project. The aim of this article is to nomena are caused by lower leÕel neurobiological pro-
address and try to overcome some of those obstacles. cesses in the brain; and, second, consciousness and other
Because the problem of giving an adequate account of mental phenomena are higher leÕel features of the brain. I
consciousness is a modern descendant of the traditional have expounded this solution to the mind–body problem in
‘Mind–Body Problem’, I will begin with a brief discussion a number of writings, so I won’t say more about it here
of the traditional problem. ŽSee for example w1,2x..
The mind–body problem can be divided into two prob- The second and more difficult problem is to explain in
lems, the first is easy to solve, the second is much more detail how it actually works in the brain. Indeed I believe
difficult. The first is this: What is the general character of that a solution to the second problem would be the most
important scientific discovery of the present era. When —
and if — it is made it will be an answer to this question:
Published on the World Wide Web on 24 November 1998. ‘‘How exactly do neurobiological processes in the brain

0165-0173r98r$19.00 q 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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380 J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387

cause consciousness?’’ Given our present models of brain atic way that is characteristic of science. These questions
functioning it would be an answer to the question, ‘‘How include, but are not confined to, the large family of
exactly do the lower-level neuronal firings at synapses conceptual questions that have traditionally occupied
cause all of the enormous variety of our conscious Žsubjec- philosophers: What is truth, justice, knowledge, meaning,
tive, sentient, aware. experiences?’’ Perhaps we are wrong etc. For the purposes of this discussion the only important
to think that neurons and synapses are the right anatomical distinction between philosophy and science is this: Science
units to account for consciousness, but we do know that is systematic knowledge; philosophy is in part an attempt
some elements of brain anatomy must be the right level of to get us to the point where we can have systematic
description for answering our question. We know that knowledge. This is why science is always right and philos-
because we know that brains do cause consciousness, in a ophy is always wrong: as soon as we think we really know
way that elbows, livers, television sets, cars and commer- something we stop calling it philosophy and start calling it
cial computers do not do it, and therefore the special science. Beginning in the seventeenth century the area of
features of brains, features that they do not have in com- systematic knowledge, i.e. scientific knowledge, increased
mon with elbows, livers, etc., must be essential to the with the growth of systematic methods for acquiring
causal explanation of consciousness. knowledge. Unfortunately most of the questions that most
The explanation of consciousness is essential for ex- bother us have not yet been amenable to the methods of
plaining most of the features of our mental life because in scientific investigation. But we do not know how far we
one way or another they involve consciousness. How can go with those methods and we should be reluctant to
exactly do we have visual and other sorts of perceptions? say a priori that such and such questions are beyond the
What exactly is the neurobiological basis of memory, and reach of science. I will have more to say about this issue
of learning? What are the mechanisms by which nervous later, because many scientists and philosophers think that
systems produce sensations of pain? What, neurobiologi- the whole subject of consciousness is somehow beyond the
cally speaking, are dreams and why do we have them? reach of science.
Even: why does alcohol make us drunk and why does bad A consequence of these points is that there are no
news make us feel depressed? In fact I do not believe we ‘experts’ in philosophy in the way that there are in the
can have an adequate understanding of unconscious men- sciences. There are experts on the history of philosophy
tal states until we know more about the neurobiology of and experts in certain specialized corners of philosophy
consciousness. such as mathematical logic, but on most of the central
As I said at the beginning, our ability to get an explana- philosophical questions there is no such thing as an estab-
tion of consciousness — a precise neurobiology of con- lished core of expert opinion. I remark on this because I
sciousness — is in part impeded by a series of philosophi- frequently encounter scientists who want to know what
cal confusions. This is one of those areas of science, Žand philosophers think about a particular issue. They ask these
they are actually more common than you might suppose. questions in a way that suggests that they think there is a
where scientific progress is blocked by philosophical error. body of expert opinion that they hope to consult. But in the
And since many scientists and philosophers make these way that there is an answer to the question, ‘‘What do
errors, I am going to devote this article to trying to remove neurobiologists currently think about LTP Žlong term
what I believe are some of the most serious philosophical potentiation.?’’; there is no comparable answer to the
obstacles to understanding the relation of consciousness to question, ‘‘What do philosophers currently think about
the brain. consciousness?’’ Another consequence of these points is
Since it will seem presumptuous for a philosopher to try that you have to judge for yourself whether what I have to
to advise scientists in an area outside his special compe- say in this article is true. I cannot appeal to a body of
tence, I want to begin by making a few remarks about the expert opinion to back me up. If I am right, what I say
relation of philosophy to science and about the nature of should seem obviously true, once I have said it and once
the problem we are discussing. ‘Philosophy’ and ‘science’ you have thought about it.
do not name distinct subject matters in the way that The method I will use in my attempt to clear the ground
‘molecular biology’, ‘geology’, and ‘the history of Renais- of various philosophical obstacles to the examination of
sance painting’ name distinct subject areas; rather at the the question, ‘‘How exactly do brain processes cause
abstract level at which I am now considering these issues, consciousness?’’ is to present a series of views that I think
there is no distinction of subject matter because, in princi- are false or confused and then, one by one, try to correct
ple at least, both are universal in subject matter. And of the them by explaining why I think they are false or confused.
various parts of this universal subject matter, each aims for In each case I will discuss views I have found to be
knowledge. When knowledge becomes systematic we are widespread among practicing scientists and philosophers.
more inclined to call it scientific knowledge, but knowl-
edge as such contains no restriction on subject matter. Thesis 1
‘Philosophy’ is in large part the name for all those ques- Consciousness is not a suitable subject for scientific
tions which we do not know how to answer in the system- inÕestigation because the Õery notion is ill defined. We do
J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387 381

not haÕe anything like a scientifically acceptable definition fact that the consciousness of others is ‘unobservable’ does
of consciousness and it is not easy to see how we could get not by itself prevent us from getting a scientific account of
one, since consciousness is unobserÕable. The whole no- consciousness. Electrons, black holes and the Big Bang are
tion of consciousness is at best confused and at worst it is not observable by anybody, but that does not prevent their
mystical. scientific investigation.

Answer to Thesis 1. Thesis 2

We need to distinguish analytic definitions, which at- Science is, by definition, objectize, but on the definition
tempt to tell us the essence of a concept, from common of consciousness you haÕe proÕided you admit it is subjec-
sense definitions, which just make clear what we are tize. So, it follows from your definition that there cannot
talking about. An example of an analytic definition is be a science of consciousness.
Water s df.H 2 O
A common sense definition of the same word is, for Answer to Thesis 2.
example, I believe that this statement reflects several centuries of
Water is a clear, colorless, tasteless liquid. It falls from confusion about the distinction between objectivity and
the sky in the form of rain, and it is the liquid which is subjectivity. It would be a fascinating exercise in intellec-
found in lakes, rivers and seas. tual history to trace the vicissitudes of the objectiversub-
Notice that analytic definitions typically come at the jective distinction. In Descartes’s writings in the seven-
end, not at the beginning of a scientific investigation. What teenth century, ‘objective’ had something close to the
we need at this point in our work is a common sense opposite of its current meaning w3x. Sometime — I don’t
definition of consciousness and such a definition is not know when — between the seventeenth century and the
hard to give: ‘Consciousness’ refers to those states of present, the objective–subjective distinction rolled over in
sentience or awareness that typically begin when we wake bed.
from a dreamless sleep and continue through the day until However, for present purposes, we need to distinguish
we fall asleep again, die, go into a coma or otherwise between the epistemic sense of the objective–subjective
become ‘unconscious’. Dreams are also a form of con- distinction and the ontological sense. In the epistemic
sciousness, though in many respects they are quite unlike sense, objective claims are objectively verifiable or objec-
normal waking states. tively knowable, in the sense that they can be known to be
Such a definition, whose job is to identify the target of true or false in a way that does not depend on the
scientific investigation and not to provide an analysis, is preferences, attitudes or prejudices of particular human
adequate and indeed is exactly what we need to begin our subjects. So, if I say, for example, ‘‘Rembrandt was born
study. Because it is important to be clear about the target, I in 1606’’, the truth or falsity of that statement does not
want to note several consequences of the definition: depend on the particular attitudes, feelings or preferences
First, consciousness, so defined, is an inner qualitative, of human subjects. It is, as they say, a matter of objec-
subjective state typically present in humans and the higher tively ascertainable fact. This statement is epistemically
mammals. We do not at present know how far down the objective. It is an objective fact that Rembrandt was born
phylogenetic scale it goes, and until we get an adequate in 1606.
scientific account of consciousness it is not useful to worry This statement differs from subjective claims whose
about whether, e.g. snails are conscious. truth cannot be known in this way. So, for example, if I
Second, consciousness so defined should not be con- say ‘‘Rembrandt was a better painter than Rubens’’, that
fused with attention because in this sense of consciousness claim is epistemically subjective, because, as we would
there are many things I am conscious of that I am not say, it’s a matter of subjective opinion. There is no objec-
paying attention to, such as the feeling of the shirt on my tive test, nothing independent of the opinions, attitudes and
back for example. feelings of particular human subjects, which would be
Third, consciousness so-defined should not be confused sufficient to establish that Rembrandt is a better painter
with self-consciousness. Consciousness, as I am using the than Rubens.
word, refers to any state of sentience or awareness, but I hope the distinction between objectivity and subjectiv-
self-consciousness, in which the subject is aware of him- ity in the epistemic sense is intuitively clear. But there is
self or herself, is a very special form of consciousness, another distinction which is related to the epistemic objec-
perhaps peculiar to humans and the higher animals. Forms tive–subjective distinction, but should not be confused
of consciousness such as feeling a pain do not necessarily with it and that is, the distinction between ontological
involve a consciousness of a self as a self. objectivity and subjectivity. Some entities have a subjec-
Fourth, I experience my own conscious states, but I can tive mode of existence. Some have an objective mode of
neither experience nor observe those of another human or existence. So, for example, my present feeling of pain in
animal, nor can they experience or observe mine. But the my lower back is ontologically subjective in the sense that
382 J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387

it only exists as experienced by me. In this sense, all could make it necessary that anybody who has those
conscious states are ontologically subjective, because they firings in that area of the brain must feel a pain, for
have to be experienced by a human or an animal subject in example?
order to exist. In this respect, conscious states differ from, However, though I think this is a serious problem for
for example, mountains, waterfalls or hydrogen atoms. philosophical analysis, for the purpose of the present dis-
Such entities have an objective mode of existence, because cussion, there is a rather swift answer to it: We know in
they do not have to be experienced by a human or animal fact that it happens. That is, we know as a matter of fact
subject in order to exist. that brain processes cause consciousness. The fact that we
Given this distinction between the ontological sense of don’t have a theory that explains how it is possible that
the objective–subjective distinction, and the epistemic brain processes could cause consciousness, is a challenge
sense of the distinction, we can see the ambiguity of the for philosophers and scientists. But it is by no means a
claim made in Thesis 2. Science is indeed objective in the challenge to the fact that brain processes do in fact cause
epistemic sense. We seek truths that are independent of the consciousness, because we know independently of any
feelings and attitudes of particular investigators. It doesn’t philosophical or scientific argument that they do. The mere
matter how you feel about hydrogen, whether you like it or fact that it happens is enough to tell us that we should be
don’t like it, hydrogen atoms have one electron. It is not a investigating the form of its happening and not challenging
matter of opinion. That is why the claim that Rembrandt is the possibility of its happening.
a better painter than Rubens is not a scientific claim. But So I accept the unstated assumption behind Thesis 3:
now, the fact that science seeks objectivity in the epistemic Given our present scientific paradigms it is not clear how
sense should not blind us to the fact that there are ontologi- consciousness could be caused by brain processes. But I
cally subjective entities that are as much a matter of see that as analogous to: Within the explanatory apparatus
scientific investigation as any other biological phe- of Newtonian mechanics, it is not clear how there could
nomenon. We can have epistemically objective knowledge exist a phenomenon such as electro-magnetism; within the
of domains that are ontologically subjective. So, for exam- explanatory apparatus of nineteenth century chemistry, it is
ple, in the epistemic sense, it is an objective matter of fact not clear how there could be a nonvitalistic, chemical
—not a matter of anybody’s opinion— that I have pains in explanation of life. That is, I see the problem as analogous
my lower back. But the existence of the pains themselves to earlier apparently unsolvable problems in the history of
is ontologically subjective. science. The challenge is to forget about how we think the
The answer, then, to Thesis 2 is that the requirement world ought to work, and instead figure out how it works
that science be objective does not prevent us from getting in fact.
an epistemically objective science of a domain that is My own guess — and at this stage in the history of
ontologically subjective. knowledge it is only a speculation — is that when we have
a general theory of how brain processes cause conscious-
ness, our sense that it is somehow arbitrary or mysterious
Thesis 3
will disappear. In the case of the heart for example it is
There is no way that we could eÕer giÕe an intelligible
clear how the heart causes the pumping of blood. Our
causal account of how anything subjectiÕe and qualitatiÕe
understanding of the heart is such that we see the neces-
could be caused by anything objectiÕe and quantitatiÕe,
sity. Given these contractions blood must flow through the
such as neurobiological phenomena. There is no way to
arteries. What we so far lack for the brain is an analogous
make an intelligible connection between objectiÕe third
account of how the brain causes consciousness. But if we
person phenomena, such as neuron firings and qualitatiÕe,
had such an account — a general causal account — then it
subjectiÕe states of sentience and awareness.
seems to me our sense of mystery and arbitrariness would
Answer to Thesis 3 It is worth pointing out that our sense of mystery has
Of all the theses we are considering, this seems me the already changed since the seventeenth century. To
most challenging. In the hands of some authors, e.g., Descartes and the Cartesians, it seemed mysterious that a
Thomas Nagel w4x, it is presented as a serious obstacle to physical impact on our bodies should cause a sensation in
getting a scientific account of consciousness using any- our souls. But we have no trouble in sensing the necessity
thing like our existing scientific apparatus. The problem, of pain given certain sorts of impacts on our bodies. We do
according to Nagel, is that we have no idea how objective not think it at all mysterious that the man whose foot is
phenomena, such as neuron firings, could necessitate, could caught in the punch press is suffering terrible pain. We
make it unavoidable, that there be subjective states of have moved the sense of mystery inside. It now seems
awareness. Our standard scientific explanations have a mysterious to us that neuron firings in the thalamus should
kind of necessity, and this seems to be absent from any cause sensations of pain. And I am suggesting that a
imaginable account of subjectivity in terms of neuron thorough-going neurobiological account of how and why
firings. What fact about neuron firings in the thalamus exactly it happens would remove this sense of mystery.
J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387 383

Thesis 4 works, these surface reflections and bit of froth are them-
All the same, within the problem of consciousness we selÕes caused, but are causally insignificant in producing
need to separate out the qualitatiÕe, subjectiÕe features of further effects. Think of it this way: If we were doing
consciousness from the measurable objectiÕe aspect which computer models of cognition, we might haÕe one com-
can be properly studied scientifically. These subjectiÕe puter that performed cognitiÕe tasks, and another one, just
features, sometimes called ‘qualia’, can be safely left on like the first, except that the second computer was lit up
one side. That is, the problem of qualia needs to be with a purple glow. Now that is what consciousness
separated from the problem of consciousness. Conscious- amounts to: a scientifically irreleÕant, luminous purple
ness can be defined in objectiÕe third person terms and the glow. And the proof of this point is that for any apparent
qualia can then be ignored. And, in fact, this is what the explanation in terms of consciousness a more fundamental
best neurobiologists are doing. They separate the general explanation can be giÕen in terms of neurobiology. For
problem of consciousness from the special problem of eÕery explanation of the form, for example, my conscious
qualia. decision to raise my arm caused my arm to go up, there is
a more fundamental explanation in terms of motor neu-
Answer to Thesis 4. rons, acetylcholine, etc.
I would have not have thought that this thesis — that
consciousness could be treated separately from qualia — Answer to Thesis 5.
was commonly held until I discovered it in several recent It might turn out that in our final scientific account of
books on consciousnessw5x. The basic idea is that the the biology of conscious organisms, the consciousness of
problem of qualia can be carved off from consciousness these organisms plays only a small or negligible role in
and treated separately or better still, simply brushed aside. their life and survival. This is logically possible in the
This seems to me profoundly mistaken. There are not two sense, for example, that it might turn out that DNA is
problems, the problem of consciousness and then a sub- irrelevant to the inheritance of biological traits. It might
sidiary problem, the problem of qualia. The problem of turn out that way but it is most unlikely, given what we
consciousness is identical with the problem of qualia, already know. Nothing in Thesis 5 is a valid argument in
because conscious states are qualitatiÕe states right down favor of the causal irrelevance of consciousness.
to the ground. Take away the qualia and there is nothing There are indeed different levels of causal explanation
there. This is why that I seldom use the word ‘qualia’, in any complex system. When I consciously raise my arm,
except in sneer quotes, because it suggests that there is there is a macro level of explanation in terms of conscious
something else to consciousness besides qualia, and there decisions, and a micro level of explanation in terms of
isn’t. Conscious states by definition are inner, qualitative, synapses and neurotransmitters. But, as a perfectly general
subjective states of awareness or sentience. point about complex systems, the fact that the macro level
Of course, it is open to anybody to define these terms as features are themselves caused by the behavior of the
he likes and use the word ‘consciousness’ for something micro elements and realized in the system composed of the
else. But then we would still have the problem of what I micro elements does not show that the macro level features
am calling ‘consciousness’, which is the problem of ac- are epiphenomenal. Consider for example, the solidity of
counting for the existence of our ontologically subjective the pistons in my car engine. The solidity of a piston is
states of awareness. The point for the present discussion is entirely explainable in terms of the behavior of the
that the problem of consciousness and the problem of so molecules of the metal alloy of which the piston is com-
called qualia is the same problem; and you cannot evade posed; and for any macro level explanation of the work-
the identity by treating consciousness as some third person, ings of my car engine given in terms of pistons, the crank
ontologically objective phenomenon and setting qualia on shaft, sparkplugs, etc., there will be micro levels of expla-
one side, because to do so is simply to change the subject. nation given in terms of molecules of metal alloys, the
oxidation of hydrocarbon molecules, etc. But this does not
Thesis 5 show that the solidity of the piston is epiphenomenal. On
EÕen if consciousness did exist, as you say it does, in the contrary such an explanation explains why you can
the form of subjectiÕe states of awareness or sentience, all make effective pistons out of steel and not out of butter or
the same it couldn’t make a real difference to the real papier mache. ´ Far from showing the macro level to be
physical world. It would just be some surface phenomenon epiphenomenal, the micro level of explanation explains,
that didn’t matter causally to the behaÕior of the organism among other things, why the macro levels are causally
in the world. In the current philosophical jargon, con- efficacious. That is, in such cases the bottom up causal
sciousness would be epiphenomenal. It would be like sur- explanations of macro level phenomena show why the
face reflections on the water of the lake or the froth on the macrophenomena are not epiphenomenal. An adequate
waÕe coming to the beach. Science can offer an explana- science of consciousness should analogously show how
tion why there are surface reflections and why the waÕes my conscious decision to raise my arm causes my arm to
haÕe a froth, but in our basic account of how the world go up by showing how the consciousness, as a biological
384 J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387

feature of the brain, is grounded in the micro level neuro- primary function of the wings of most species of birds is to
biological features. enable them to fly. And the fact that we can imagine a
The point that I am making here is quite familiar: It is science fiction world in which birds fly just as well
basic to our world view that higher-level or macro features without wings is really irrelevant to the evolutionary ques-
of the world are grounded in or implemented in micro tion. Now similarly with consciousness. The way that
structures. The grounding of the macro in the micro does human and animal intelligence works is through conscious-
not by itself show that the macro phenomena are epiphe- ness. We can easily imagine a science fiction world in
nomenal. Why then do we find it difficult to accept this which unconscious zombies behave exactly as we do.
point where consciousness and the brain are concerned? I Indeed, I have actually constructed such a thought experi-
believe the difficulty is that we are still in the grip of a ment, to illustrate certain philosophical points about the
residual dualism. The claim that mental states must be separability of consciousness and behavior w6x. But that is
epiphenomenal is supported by the assumption that be- irrelevant to the actual causal role of consciousness in the
cause consciousness is non-physical, it could not have real world.
physical effects. The whole thrust of my argument has When we are forming a thought experiment to test the
been to reject this dualism. Consciousness is an ordinary evolutionary advantage of some phenotype, what are the
biological, and therefore physical, feature of the organism, rules of the game? In examining the evolutionary functions
as much as digestion or photosynthesis. The fact that it is a of wings, no one would think it allowable to argue that
physical biological feature does not prevent it from being wings are useless because we can imagine birds flying just
an ontologically subjective mental feature. The fact that it as well without wings. Why is it supposed to be allowable
is both a higher level and a mental feature is no argument to argue that consciousness is useless because we can
at all that it is epiphenomenal, any more than any other imagine humans and animals behaving just as they do now
higher level biological feature is epiphenomenal. To re- but without consciousness? As a science fiction thought
peat, it might turn out to be epiphenomenal, but no valid a experiment, that is possible, but it is not an attempt to
priori philosophical argument has been given which shows describe the actual world in which we live. In our world,
that it must turn out that way. the question ‘What is the evolutionary function of con-
sciousness?’ is like the question, ‘What is the evolutionary
Thesis 6 function of being alive?’ After all, we could imagine
Your last claims fail to answer the crucial question beings who outwardly behaved much as we do but are all
about the causal role of consciousness. That question is: made of cast iron and reproduce by smelting and who are
What is the eÕolutionary function of consciousness? No all quite dead. I believe that the standard way in which the
satisfactory answer has eÕer been proposed to that ques- question is asked reveals fundamental confusions. In the
tion, and it is not easy to see how one will be forthcoming case of consciousness the question ‘What is the evolution-
since it is easy to imagine beings behaÕing just like us who ary advantage of consciousness?’ is asked in a tone which
lack these ‘inner, qualitatiÕe, states’ you haÕe been de- reveals that we are making the Cartesian mistake. We
scribing. think of consciousness as not part of the ordinary physical
world of wings and water, but as some mysterious non-
Answer to Thesis 6. physical phenomenon that stands outside the world of
I find this point very commonly made, but if you think ordinary biological reality. If we think of consciousness
about it I hope you will agree that it is a very strange claim biologically, and if we then try to take the question
to make. Suppose someone asked, what is the evolutionary seriously, the question, ‘What is the evolutionary function
function of wings on birds? The obvious answer is that for of consciousness?’ boils down to, for example: ‘What is
most species of birds the wings enable them to fly and the evolutionary function of being able to walk, run, sit,
flying increases their genetic fitness. The matter is a little eat, think, see, hear, speak a language, reproduce, raise the
more complicated because not all winged birds are able to young, organize social groups, find food, avoid danger,
fly Žconsider penguins, for example. and more interest- raise crops, and build shelters?’ because for humans all of
ingly, according to some accounts, the earliest wings were these actiÕities, as well as countless others essential for
really stubs sticking out of the body that functioned to help our surÕiÕal, are conscious actiÕities. That is, ‘conscious-
the organism keep warm. But there is no question that ness’ does not name a separate phenomenon, isolable from
relative to their environments, seagulls, for example, are all other aspects of life, but rather ‘consciousness’ names
immensely aided by having wings with which they can fly. the mode in which humans and the higher animals conduct
Now suppose somebody objected by saying that we could the major activities of their lives.
imagine the birds flying just as well without wings. What This is not to deny that there are interesting biological
are we supposed to imagine? That the birds are born with questions about the specific forms of our consciousness.
rocket engines? That is, the evolutionary question only For example, what evolutionary advantages, if any, do we
makes sense given certain background assumptions about derive from the fact that our color discriminations are
how nature works. Given the way that nature works, the conscious and our digestive discriminations in the diges-
J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387 385

tive tract are typically not conscious? But as a general and the movements of the micro-elements. In my writings,
challenge to the reality and efficacy of consciousness, the I use the notion of a ‘causally emergent’ property Žcf. Ref.
skeptical claim that consciousness serves no evolutionary w7x. and in that sense, liquidity, solidity and consciousness
function is without force. are all causally emergent properties. They are emergent
properties caused by the micro-elements of the system of
Thesis 7 which they are themselves features.
Causation is a relation between discrete eÕents ordered The point I am eager to insist on now is simply this:
in time. If it were really the case that brain processes The fact that there is a causal relation between brain
cause conscious states, then conscious states would haÕe processes and conscious states does not imply a dualism of
to be separate eÕents from brain processes and that result brain and consciousness any more than the fact that the
would be a form of dualism, dualism of brain and con- causal relation between molecule movements and solidity
sciousness. Any attempt to postulate a causal explanation implies a dualism of molecules and solidity. I believe the
of consciousness in terms of brain processes is necessarily correct way to see the problem is to see that consciousness
dualistic and therefore incoherent. The correct scientific is a higher level feature of the system, the behavior of
Õiew is to see that consciousness is nothing but patterns of whose lower level elements cause it to have that feature.
neuron firings. But this claim leads to the next problem — that of
Answer to Thesis 7
This thesis expresses a common mistake about the Thesis 8
nature of causation. Certainly there are many causal rela- Science is by its Õery nature reductionistic. A scientific
tions that fit this paradigm. So, for example, in the state- account of consciousness must show that it is but an
ment, ‘‘the shooting caused the death of the man’’, we illusion in the same sense in which heat is an illusion.
describe a sequence of events where first the man was shot There is nothing to heat (of a gas), except the mean kinetic
and then he died. But there are lots of causal relations that energy of the molecule moÕements. There is nothing else
are not discrete events but are permanent causal forces there. Now, similarly, a scientific account of consciousness
operating through time. Think of gravitational attraction. It will be reductionistic. It will show that there is nothing to
isn’t the case that there is first gravitational attraction, and consciousness except the behaÕior of the neurons. There is
then, later on, the chairs and tables exert pressure against nothing else there. And this is really the death blow to the
the floor. Rather, gravitational attraction is a constant idea that there will be a causal relation between the
operating force and, at least in these cases, the cause is behaÕior of the micro-elements, in this case neurons, and
cotemporal with the effect. the conscious states of the system.
More importantly for the present discussion, there are
many forms of causal explanation that rely on bottom up Answer to Thesis 8.
forms of causings. Two of my favorite examples are The concept of reduction is one of the most confused
solidity and liquidity. This table is capable of resisting notions in science and philosophy. In the literature on the
pressure and is not interpenetrated by solid objects. But of philosophy of science, I found at least half a dozen differ-
course, the table, like other solid objects, consists entirely ent concepts of reductionism. It seems to me that the
of clouds of molecules. Now, how is it possible that these notion has probably outlived its usefulness. What we want
clouds of molecules exhibit the causal properties of solid- from science are general laws and causal explanations.
ity? We have a theory: Solidity is caused by the behavior Now, typically when we get a causal explanation, say of a
of molecules. Specifically, when the molecules move in disease, we can redefine the phenomenon in terms of the
vibratory movements within lattice structures, the object is cause and so reduce the phenomenon to its cause. For
solid. Now, somebody might say ‘‘Well, but then solidity example, instead of defining measles in terms of its symp-
consists in nothing but the behavior of the molecules’’, and toms, we redefine it in terms of the virus that causes the
in a sense that has to be right. However, solidity and symptoms. So, measles is reduced to the presence of a
liquidity are causal properties in addition to the summation certain kind of virus. There is no factual difference be-
of the molecule movements. Some philosophers find it tween saying, ‘‘the virus causes the symptoms which
useful to use the notion of an ‘emergent property.’ I don’t constitute the disease’’, and ‘‘the presence of the virus just
find this a very clear notion, because it is so confused in is the presence of the disease, and the disease causes the
the literature. But if we are careful, we can give a clear symptoms.’’ The facts are the same in both cases. The
sense to the idea that consciousness, like solidity and reduction is just a matter of different terminology. This is
liquidity, is an emergent property of the behavior of the the point: What we want to know is, what are the facts?
micro-elements of a system that is composed of those In the case of reduction and causal explanations of the
micro-elements. An emergent property, so defined, is a sort that I just gave, it seems to me that there are two sorts
property that is explained by the behavior of the micro-ele- of reductions — those that eliminate the phenomenon
ments but cannot be deduced simply from the composition being reduced by showing that there is really nothing there
386 J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387

in addition to the features of the reducing phenomena, and ena of awareness or sentience. And we would lose that
those that do not eliminate the phenomenon but simply feature of the concept of consciousness if we were to
give a causal explanation of it. I don’t suppose that this is redefine the word in terms of the causes of our experi-
a very precise distinction but some examples of it will ences.
make it intuitively clear. In the case of heat, we need to You can’t make the appearance–reality distinction for
distinguish between the movement of the molecules with a conscious states themselves, as you can for heat and color,
certain kinetic energy on the one hand and the subjective because for conscious states, the existence of the appear-
sensations of heat on the other. There is nothing there ance is the reality in question. If it seems to me I am
except the molecules moving with a certain kinetic energy conscious then I am conscious. And that is not an epis-
and this then causes in us the sensations that we call temic point. It does not imply that we have certain knowl-
sensations of heat. The reductionist account of heat carves edge of the nature of our conscious states. On the contrary
off the subjective sensations and defines heat as the kinetic we are frequently mistaken about our own conscious states,
energy of the molecule movements. We have an elimina- as for example in the case of phantom limb pains. It is a
tive reduction of heat because there is no objective phe- point about the ontology of conscious states.
nomenon there except the kinetic energy of the molecule When we study consciousness scientifically, I believe
movements. Analogous remarks can be made about color. we should forget about our old obsession with reduction-
There is nothing there but the differential scattering of ism and seek causal explanations. What we want is a
light and these cause in us the experiences that we call causal explanation of how brain processes cause our con-
color experiences. But there isn’t any color phenomenon scious experiences. The obsession with reductionism is a
there beyond the causes in the form of light reflectances hangover from an earlier phase in the development of
and their subjective effects on us. In such cases, we can do scientific knowledge.
an eliminative reduction of heat and color. We can say
Thesis 9
there is nothing there but the physical causes and these
Any genuinely scientific account of consciousness must
cause the subjective experiences. Such reductions are elim-
be an information processing account. That is, we must see
inative reductions in the sense that they get rid of the
consciousness as consisting of a series of information
phenomenon that is being reduced. But in this respect they
processes, and the standard apparatus that we haÕe for
differ from the reductions of solidity to the vibratory
accounting for information processing in terms of symbol
movement of molecules in lattice structures. Solidity is a
manipulation by a computing deÕice must form the basis of
causal property of the system which cannot be eliminated
any scientific account of consciousness.
by the reduction of solidity to the vibratory movements of
molecules in lattice type structures. Answer to Thesis 9.
But now why can’t we do an eliminative reduction of I have actually, in a number of works, answered this
consciousness in the way that we did for heat and color? mistake in detail ŽCf. Ref. w8x, see also w1,2x.. But for
The pattern of the facts is parallel: For heat and color we present purposes, the essential thing to remember is this:
have physical causes and subjective experiences. For con- Consciousness is an intrinsic feature of certain human and
sciousness we have physical causes in the form of brain animal nervous systems. The problem with the concept of
processes and the subjective experience of consciousness. ‘information processing’ is that information processing is
So it seems we should reduce consciousness to brain typically in the mind of an observer. For example, we treat
processes. And of course we could if we wanted to, at least a computer as a bearer and processor of information, but
in this trivial sense: We could redefine the word ‘consci- intrinsically, the computer is simply an electronic circuit.
ousness’ to mean the neurobiological causes of our subjec- We design, build and use such circuits because we can
tive experiences. But if we did, we would still have the interpret their inputs, outputs, and intermediate processes
subjective experiences left over, and the whole point of as information bearing, but in such a case the information
having the concept of consciousness was to have a word to in the computer is in the eye of the beholder, it is not
name those subjective experiences. The other reductions intrinsic to the computational system. What goes for the
were based on carving off the subjective experience of concept of information goes a fortiori for the concept of
heat, color, etc., and redefining the notion in terms of the ‘symbol manipulation’. The electrical state transitions of a
causes of those experiences. But where the phenomenon computer are symbol manipulations only relative to the
that we are discussing is the subjective experience itself, attachment of a symbolic interpretation by some designer,
you cannot carve off the subjective experience and rede- programmer or user. The reason we cannot analyze con-
fine the notion in terms of its causes, without losing the sciousness in terms of information processing and symbol
whole point of having the concept in the first place. The manipulation is that consciousness is intrinsic to the biol-
asymmetry between heat and color on the one hand and ogy of nervous systems, information processing and sym-
consciousness on the other has not to do with the facts in bol manipulation are observer relative.
the world, but rather with our definitional practices. We For this reason, any system at all can be interpreted as
need a word to refer to ontologically subjective phenom- an information processing system. The stomach processes
J.R. Searler Brain Research ReÕiews 26 (1998) 379–387 387

information about digestion, the falling body processes know how brains do it we are not likely to be able to
information about time, distance, and gravity. And so on. produce it artificially in other chemical systems. The mis-
The exception to the claim that information processing takes to avoid are those of changing the subject — think-
is observer relative are precisely cases where some con- ing that consciousness is a matter of information process-
scious agent is thinking. If I as a conscious agent think, ing or behavior, for example — or not taking conscious-
consciously or unconsciously, ‘‘2 q 2 s 4’’, then the in- ness seriously on its own terms. Perhaps above all, we
formation processing and symbol manipulation are intrin- need to forget about the history of science, and get on with
sic to my mental processes, because they are the processes producing what may turn out to be a new phase in that
of a conscious agent. But in that respect my mental history.
processes differ from my pocket calculator adding 2 q 2
and getting 4. The addition in the calculator is not intrinsic
to the circuit, the addition in me is intrinsic to my mental
The result of these observations is that in order to make
w1x J.R. Searle, Minds, Brains and Science, Harvard University Press,
the distinction between the cases which are intrinsically
Cambridge, MA, 1984.
information bearing and symbol manipulating from those w2x J.R. Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind, MIT Press, Cambridge,
which are observer relative we need the notion of con- MA, 1992.
sciousness. Therefore, we cannot explain the notion of w3x Rene Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy, especially Third
consciousness in terms of information processing and sym- Meditation ŽFor example, ‘‘But in order for a given idea to contain
bol manipulations. such and such objective reality, it must surely derive it from some
cause which contains at least as much formal reality as there is
objective reality in the idea.’’. The Philosophical Writings of
Conclusion Descartes, Vol. II, translated by J. Cottingham, R. Stoothoff, D.
There are other mistakes I could have discussed, but I Murdoch, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1984.
hope the removal of these I listed will actually help us w4x Thomas Nagel, What Is It Like to be a Bat?, The Philosophical
make progress in the study of consciousness. My main Review LXXXIII Ž4. Ž1974. 435–450.
w5x Francis Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for
message is that we need to take consciousness seriously as the Soul, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1994; Gerald Edelman, the
a biological phenomenon. Conscious states are caused by Remembered Present: A Biological Theory of Consciousness, Basic
neuronal processes, they are realized in neuronal systems Books, New York, 1989.
and they are intrinsically inner, subjective states of aware- w6x J.R. Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind, MIT Press, Cambridge,
ness or sentience. MA, 1992, Chapter 3.
w7x J.R. Searle, The Rediscovery of the Mind, MIT Press, Cambridge,
We want to know how they are caused by and realized 1992, Ch. 5, p. 111ff.
in the brain. Perhaps they can also be caused by some sort w8x J.R. Searle, Minds, Brains, and Programs, in: Behavioral and Brain
of chemistry different from brains altogether, but until we Sciences, 1980, Vol. 3.

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