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Draft Date: 10/4/2019

I write because I'm stress or because I want to get whatever is on my mind out. I
usually write whatever is on my mind. I never plan it or if you were to see some of
my writing I just put whatever comes to mind. It never makes sense. I tried to
have it make sense it just never happens. I also sometimes write so much and so
quick that I’ll say something in my head and not put it in the journal.
I write to remind myself of something late. I write letters to people. I write
because one day I want to write a book and have people see it and be inspired
by it. I write because I get bored. I write to say my feelings to someone on how I
feel in general if I don't want to say it out loud. I write to get help on certain
things. I sometimes also write so that nobody knows what I'm thinking or because
I don't want someone to know something. I write for a lot of reasons. I write so
that I can feel better in many things. I write down any ideas have at the moment
so that I won't forget it.

Samantha Padilla
American literature
Reasons Why You May Write
There are many reasons as to why I write. Some reasons why I write are to
simply just put my thoughts down on a paper when I have a good idea and I don’t
want to forget it, or when I am just simply writing to someone. Some other
reasons why I write is to keep track of what happens in my days. Sometimes also
just write and then it somehow becomes a book or a story. It may express some
emotions that you may have bottled up inside for so long. When writing you can
let your anger, sadness, happy, confused, thoughtful, caring, any emotion that
you can think of you can let out by writing it out.
Some starting examples would be “Dear diary….” or “Dear Keyla….” or
“Random ideas….” or “Once upon a time” or “Today was the worst day ever.
Here is why…” or “I’ve been feeling so down lately….”. Things like that are what
you can write about.
Well, you also have to consider that not everyone likes to write. Some
reasons may be that they simply just don’t like it. Some may think that it is just a
waste of time. Maybe they wouldn't want anyone to know what's on their mind so
they don't write down anywhere.
There can be many other reasons why someone would want to write. Why
do you write?
Some people who do write become successful for only writing. So writing
may become a good thing at the end of the day. Many successful stories are
written non-traditional ways. Whichever way you want to write may become
popular if it that good. Why not take that chance of writing and see if it can take
you somewhere. See if it can make you successful. See if it can make you
someone important in situations. See if it can make you change people's lives.
See if it can help you become better. Even if it doesn’t make you big and known
in society. Writing something and showing it to someone can change someone's
life. You may even save a life. We write when we text people. Sometimes we text
long paragraphs when we are trying to get a point across to someone else.

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