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A symposium
presented at the
Fifth Pacific Area Notional, Meeting
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31 - Nov. 5, 1965


Price $2.25; to Members $1.60

published by fhe
1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Vermont Technical College
n„„/4nink PAntor Vprmnnt

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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-17093

The Society is not responsible, as a body,
for the statements and opinions
advanced in this publication.

Primed in Philadelphia, Pa.

June, 1966

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This symposium was held during the Fifth Pacific Area National Meet-
ing of ASTM at Seattle, Wash., on Nov. 2, 1966, and was sponsored by
Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock for Engineering Purposes, whose
chairman is C. B. Crawford, National Research Council of Canada,
Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
Field testing of in-situ soils using vane-shear and cone-penetration
methods are being used with increasing frequency and wider acceptance
throughout the world. Studies are under way to develop standard meth-
ods of test for these two procedures so test data can be evaluated on the
basis of a known procedure. This symposium has as its objective the
presentation of the state of the art in these two procedures.
The paper, "Field Vane Tests with Delayed Shear," which was
presented at the symposium, is not included in the volume. The paper,
"An Inspection Vane," which is included in this volume, was not presented
at the symposium.
The symposium chairman was L. J. Walker, Northern Testing Labora-
tories, Great Falls, Mont.

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Related ASTM Publications
Soils, Papers on 1959 Meetings, STP 254 (1960),

Soil Dynamics, STP 305 (1962), $4.50

Field Testing of Soils, STP 322 (1963), $15.00

Soil Exploration, STP 351 (1964), $8.00

Compilation of Procedures for Soil Testing (D-18)

(1964), $7.75

Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils, STP 361 (1965),


Compaction of Soils, STP 377 (1965), $7.00

Instruments and Apparatus for Soil and Rock

Mechanics, STP 392 (1965), $8.50


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Introduction—L. 3. WALKER 1
An Inspection Vane—A. ANDRESEN and s. SOLLIE 3
An Evaluation of the Field Vane Test in Sensitive Clay—w. j . EDEN 8
A Comparison of Soil Shear Strengths as Determined with Field and Labo-
ratory Vane Shear Apparatus—E. B. HALL and E. A. MILLER 18
Dynamic Cone for Shallow In-Situ Penetration Testing—G. F. SOWERS and

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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

Leland J. Walker1


As the field of soils mechanics and foundation engineering has grown

and developed, the need for determining the in-situ characteristics of the
soil layers, as. opposed to the characteristics of samples as tested in the
laboratory, and the relationship of these two sets of data, has long been
recognized. Many pieces of equipment, devices, and gimmicks have been
constructed and utilized by various engineers over the years to measure the
strength of the soils in place.
Two of the most common devices for this purpose are the vane-shear
apparatus for tests of cohesive soils and the cone penetration test apparatus
for measuring the relative density of soil layers. While there are several
different kinds of each of these test devices, the procedures are accepted
and used rather broadly, so that the Executive Committee of ASTM Com-
mittee D-18 on Soils and Rock for Engineering Purposes determined that
standard methods of test should be developed, if possible, for these two
This symposium was planned to provide an opportunity for presenting
descriptions of test procedures and to crystallize a state-of-the-art of the
techniques of testing and of the evaluation of the test results for engineering
usage. This would provide a basis for the preparation of a tentative method
of test and utilization by the membership of the Society and the profession.
A good response was experienced for the vane-shear test, with five
papers received. Only one paper relating to cone penetration testing was
presented. As a result, a tentative method of test has been drafted by
Subcommittee 2, and is now before Committee D-18 for adoption. The
method should be published as a part of the manual in 1967. Work is
continuing on the preparation of a cone penetration resistance test method.
The efforts of the authors in preparing these excellent papers were most
helpful in developing a standardized and useful tool in the study of in-situ
soil conditions.
Northern Testing Laboratories, Great Falls, Mont. Symposium chairman.
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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

A. Andresen1 and S. Sollie1

An Inspection Vane

REFERENCE: A. Andresen and S. Sollie, "An Inspection Vane," Vane Shear

and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of In-Sitn Soils, ASTM STP 399, Am.
Soc. Testing Mats., 1966, p. 3.
ABSTRACT: The Norwegian Geotechnical Institute has recently developed
a light inspection vane borer for field determination of the undrained shear
strength in clay. The range of the instrument is from 0 to 2 tons/ft 2 (0 to 20
tons/m 2 ). It is primarily intended for use in trenches and excavations at a depth
not influenced by drying and excavation procedure.
KEY WORDS: vane shear test, soil (material), field tests, clay (material), shear

In Norway the failure of trenches and excavations in soft clays very

often occurs, and loss of lives is not unusual. Therefore, some years ago
the State Labour Inspection asked the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
to work out safety regulations for excavations. During the preparation
of these regulations it became evident that the field engineer needed a
simple tool for determining the undrained shear strength of clay. The
Institute therefore decided to design an inspection vane.
The resulting design is shown in Fig. 1. The measuring part of the
instrument is a spiral spring (5). When the handle (/) is turned, the spring
deforms, and the upper part (4) rotates with respect to the lower part (#).
The size of this angular displacement depends on the torque which is
necessary to turn the vane in the soil. By means of a graduated scale (5)
the size of the torque can be observed.
The lower and upper parts of the instrument are connected by means
of threads. The scale is also supplied with threads, and follows the upper
part of the instrument by means of two lugs. The zero point is indicated
by a line on the ring (6) which is clamped in correct position by means of
Head of Mechanical Design Office, and Mechanical Engineer, respectively, Nor-
wegian Geotechnical Inst., Oslo, Norway.
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FIG. 1—Drawing of inspection

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the counter-rings (7). When torque is apphed, the scale ring follows the
movement of the upper part of the instrument, and when failure in the
soil is obtained, the scale ring will remain in its position due to the friction
in the threads.
Three sizes of four-bladed vanes (//) are used, % by \% in. (16 by
32 mm), 0.78 by 1.56 in. (20 by 40 mm), and 1 by 2 in. (25.4 by 50.8 mm)
("diameter" by length), which makes it possible to measure shear strengths
of 2 tons/ft^ (20 tons/m-), 1 ton/ft^ (10 tons/m^), and 0.5 tons/ft^ (5
tons/m-), respectively. The "area ratio" of the vanes are 14, 16.5, and
24 per cent. The vane blades are soldered to a vane shaft (9), which again
can be extended by one or more 0.5-m long rods. The connection between
the shaft-rods and the instrument is made by threads. To make the connec-
tions as straight as possible, the connections have male and female conical
The maximum shear strength that can be measured with the inspection
vane is 20 tons/m.- In clays with this shear strength, a force of about
40 to 50 kg is required to force the vane into the clay. The vane shaft is
designed to take this force, but if the extension rods are used precautions
are needed to prevent buckling. About 1.5 rpm is a suitable speed of
rotation. The maximum load is obtained at about a 300-deg rotation of
the handle.
The equipment has been thoroughly tested in the laboratory and in the
field. The friction in the measuring instrument is small and is eliminated
by the calibration. Repeated calibration after use gives a deviation of the
order of =t 2 per cent of the maximum reading.

Test Results (Fig. 2).

The inspection vane has been used on several occasions to measure the
shear strength of clays in excavations and trenches, and for inspections
of foundations. For this purpose the vane is pressed 0.4 to 1.0 m into the
wall of the trench or vertically down into the clay. The results obtained
have proved satisfactory, and the engineers found it an easy and practical
The vane has also been tested at two sites to find out its applicability
to determine the shear strength at a considerable depth below the surface,
using the extension rods to increase its length. The results of these meas-
urements compared with the results of conventional vane tests carried
out with Swedish Geotechnical Institute's (SGI) equipment are shown in
Fig. 3. At both sites the clay is a quick clay with a shear strength of about
0.1 tons/ft- (1 ton/m'-). To penetrate the upper stiff drying crust found at
the Manglerud site a preboring to a depth of 3.5 m was made with a
20-mm diameter steel rod. In both cases the depth of penetration amounted
to about 9 m, being limited only by the number of extension rods

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VaUe Hovin Manglerud

Shear strength, t / m ^ Shear strength, t / m ^
1 2 3 1 2

^Original «>urf ace —'

't '
2 Preb orir>S

Surfcice after /
6 p e x c a vation

m jfj
E \ I Softening due
•e X
c r to exc avation
o. J •

14 ^31

16 4

— 0 — Ordinary Vane-borings with SGI equipment

— - ^ — Inspection Vane

FIG. 2—Measurements with inspection vane compared with measurements with the ordi-
nary Swedish Geotechnical Institute's (SGI) field vane.

Any soil adhesion on the vane rods during a test will increase the
measured apparent shear strength. For shallow borings where preboring
is done through any stiff surface layer, this adhesion is not an important
error. However, for deeper borings the soil adhesion should be taken into
consideration by direct measurements in an extra boring using only the
rods. At great depths, the adhesion can be large, and as a result the accuracy
of the determined shear strength will decrease. The strength values plotted
in Fig. 3 have thus been corrected for soil adhesion on the extension rods.

Additional Results (Fig. 3).

In the neighborhood of Oslo a sewage plant had to be placed on very
soft quick clay, due to the local conditions. The geotechnical investigations

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Cathode Anode Cathode

—o— Undisturbed
—•— Remoulded
Original propert
Wp = 16 7.
c " WL = 217.
41 W = 327.
T, = 0,8 ton/m^

/ / > \
/ / \\ \\
/ / \ \
/ y
> y \
/y '^ V
• N ^^
- tf •

- -•
2m im Im 2m

FIG. 3—Measurements with the inspection vane in an excavation after electroosmotic


showed clearly that a bottom failure would occur during excavation for
some 4-m-deep tanks. The Institute proposed to increase the shear strength
by means of electroosmosis, and the stabilization was successfully
The results of the measurements with the inspection vane are shown in
Fig. 3, giving the shear strength measured 0.5 m below the bottom of the
final excavation. These measurements showed that the shear strength was
increased considerably as a result of the electroosmotic treatment. At the
anodes the shear strength increased from an original value of about
0.07 tons/ft- (0.7 tons/m') to a value exceeding 0.1 tons/ft- (10 tons/m'-)-
The effect of the electroosmosis is gradually reduced toward the cathode.

This paper describes an inspection vane which permits a quick and
easy measurement in the field of the undrained shear strength of soil. The
size of the equipment is such that it can be carried in a briefcase, and it
weighs only about 1 kilogram.
The equipment is used primarily in the field by forcing the vane 0.4 to
1.0 m into the walls of a trench or below the bottom of an excavation, and
then measuring the shear strength of the clay at a depth not influenced
by drying and the excavation procedure. The vane may also be used in
soft clay at greater depth by adding extension rods. The friction on the
rods, however, reduces the accuracy with depth.

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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

W. J. Eden1

An Evaluation of the Field Vane Test in

Sensitive Clay

REFERENCE: W. J. Eden, "An Evaluation of the Field Vane Test in Sensitive

Clay," Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of In-Situ Soils,
ASTM STP 399, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1966, p. 8.
ABSTRACT: For the past 10 years, the Division of Building Research has
employed the field vane apparatus to measure the undrained shear strength of
the sensitive Leda clays of Eastern Canada, which have an overconsolidation
of from 0.3 to 5.0 tons/ft. 2 The apparatus has also been used in the nearly
normally consolidated varved clays of northern Ontario and Quebec. This
paper summarizes this experience and attempts to assess the usefulness of the
field vane in relation to other field evidence.
For the soft, lightly overconsolidated clays (undrained shear strength less than
0.5 tons/ft 2 ), the field vane yields consistent undrained strengths which have
correlated well with other field evidence. For stronger clays (overconsolidated
from 3 to 5 tons/ft 2 ), the value of field vane tests is questionable.
KEY WORDS: shear tests, soil (material), vane shear test, field tests, clay

The field vane test has gained some prominence as a tool to determine
the undrained shear strength of clays, but its reliability has been the object
of some controversy. In 1957, ASTM [1]- published a symposium on the
vane shear test setting forth many of the arguments for and against its
use. The purpose of this paper is to record views on the use and limitations
of the test which lead to the opinion that in certain clay formations the
field vane is a reliable method of assessing the undrained shear strength
of a clay. It is hoped that other opinions will be offered for the establish-
ment of satisfactory working rules and standard procedures.
Many of the desirable features of the test were pointed out in papers
presented at the previous symposium [/]. Briefly, the two chief advantages
are (1) that the test is conducted in situ and avoids the problems of stress
release and sample disturbance, and (2) that the test is relatively inexpen-
sive compared with conventional tube sampling and laboratory testing.
Research officer, Soil Mechanics Section, Division of Building Research, National
Research Council, Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references at the end of this paper.
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The obvious restrictions on the test are (1) it can only be used in rather
uniform cohesive soils which are fully saturated, (2) it does not yield
samples by which an accurate identification of the materials in a boring
profile can be made, and (3) it imposes a failure surface on the soil which
may not be relevant to the problem being studied.

The original apparatus used at the Division of Building Research was
constructed for use with existing drilling equipment [2]. It was subse-
quently replaced with the "Geonor" apparatus described by Andresen
and Bjerrum [3]. This equipment eliminates friction between the torque
rods and the soil and does not require wash boring and casing. Recently
the "Geonor" apparatus has been adapted for use with a truck-mounted
hydraulic drill rig, which speeds up the pushing and pulling of the vane
housing by placing the ball cone clamp below or above the drill head.

General Use
Experience with vane testing at the Division of Building Research has
been almost entirely in sensitive to quick clays. Prior to the use of vane
equipment, no consistent strength-depth relationships were observed in
Leda clay. Results were generally quite erratic due primarily to sampling
difl^culties in the sensitive clays. Once the vane apparatus was obtained
and a comprehensive vane testing and sampling program undertaken, it
was possible to identify several important features of Leda clay.
Field vane tests revealed that the Leda clay had a fissured drying crust
extending below the normal oxidation and to depths of about 30 ft in
some locations [4]. Because of the Assuring, all methods of shear testing
are questionable in this zone. Below the fissured-weathered crust, an
increase in shear strength with depth was found. Recently the results of
the testing program on Leda clays have been summarized by Crawford
and Eden [5], and it has been possible to show a consistent relationship
between surface elevation, preconsolidation pressure, and undrained
strength. Shear strength of the intact, unweathered Leda clay in the
Ottawa area ranges from 0.2 to 2.0 kg/cm^, with corresponding precon-
soUdation pressures from 0.3 to 5.0 kg/cm.^ In general, the Leda clays can
be classed as sensitive to quick.
Field vane tests have also been conducted at three sites in nearly nor-
mally consolidated varved clays in northern Ontario and Quebec and
compared with test results from tube sampling. The varved clays were
quite sensitive and difficult to sample.
Table 1 describes 12 sites where the field vane test has been used with
supporting information obtained from tube sampling. The first 9 sites are
Leda clay sites in the Ottawa area; the last three listed are varved clay

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sites. At each site, sufficient field vane tests were taken below the fissured
crust to allow a line of regression to be determined representing the
increase in strength with depth. The standard error gives an indication of
the dispersion of individual test results about this line.
A study of the laboratory compression tests shows that from each good
sample about one test per tube yields a shear strength equivalent to the
field vane test. The average of the strength determinations from the tube
samples was only about one-half of the field vane strength. The average
strengths of the varved clays were in better agreement than for the Leda
clays, presumably because the disturbance in the less sensitive soil was
less serious.
In the following paragraphs, a more detailed examination of four sites
is presented to illustrate the comparison between field vane strengths and
undrained strengths obtained from samples.

Undrained Shear Strength, kg/cnn

0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8

25 -

Line of regression for

field vane results.
30 Standard error = 1 0 07




Individual undrained
compression tests Individual field
50 vane tests


FIG. 1—Comparison of vane and tube sample results at Kars bridge site.

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Kars Bridge Site

At the Kars Bridge site, a 26-ft fill was constructed for the approaches
to a bridge over the Rideau River. The subsurface conditions at the site
consisted of about 3 ft of organic silt (which was removed), 5 ft of alluvial
material, 12 ft of stiff fissured Leda clay (a former drying crust), and 30 ft
of extremely sensitive Leda clay. Several test holes were put down in the
area. Two closely spaced borings are used for illustration. From one,
continuous samples were taken with the 54-mm Norwegian Geotechnical
Inst, piston sampler [6], and undrained shear strengths were determined
by unconsolidated undrained tests (with confining pressure equal to the
overburden pressure) and by unconfined compression tests. In such satu-

Undrained Shear Strength, kg/cm^

0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0 8 0-9

FIG. 2—Results of 5 vane test holes at NRC site.

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rated clays, no advantage was indicated by the use of the triaxial undrained
over the unconfined compression test. In the other hole, field vane tests
were made at 1-ft intervals. The results of the two types of tests are shown
in Fig. 1. Average results in the form of lines of regression with the stand-
ard errors indicate that the vane yields higher undrained strengths with
somewhat less scatter than the laboratory tests.
The stability of this embankment during construction was in doubt.
A stability analysis based on the field vane strengths had a factor of safety
of only about 1.2, and, based on laboratory tests, a failure could be
expected. The fact that the embankment has stood for 6 years indicates
that in this instance, the field vane strengths were reasonably reliable.
The Kars borings are typical of the agreement achieved between results
of field vane tests and laboratory tests in Leda clay. The vane yields higher
strengths with more consistent results.

NRC Site
At the Montreal Road Laboratories of the National Research Council,
there is a deep deposit of extremely sensitive Leda clay. The clay at this
site is highly stratified. A series of field vane tests have been made to check
the consistency of the results from one bore hole to the next. Fig. 2 presents
the results of the five borings conducted on a 50-ft square. The top 30 ft
of the clay is highly fissured, and tests in this zone were conducted only
in the first boring. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the reproducibility is
reasonably good considering the stratified nature of the clay.

Sewage Treatment Plant

The Ottawa sewage plant was a unique site in that the Leda clay was
overconsolidated by about 4.5 tons/ft. 2 In spite of the overconsolidation
and relatively high undrained strengths, the clay below 50 ft is quick
(sensitivities 500 to 1000). During the excavation of pump wells for the
treatment plant, it was possible to obtain large block samples of undis-
turbed clay to a depth of 72 ft. These provided an opportunity to check
the undrained strength obtained frorn both the field vane and tube sampling
methods against block samples. The results of this comparison are pre-
sented in Fig. 3. Here the field vane gave higher strengths than those
yielded from tube samples, but both were considerably below the results
obtained from the block samples. Each block sample strength represents
the average of six undrained determinations, three by unconfined compres-
sion and three by undrained triaxial with confining pressure equivalent
to effective overburden pressure. From other evidence in the Ottawa area
[5], there is no reason to suspect that the strengths given by the block
samples are too high, and it must be concluded that both the vane and
tube samphng methods are much too conservative on this site.

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Shear Stress, kg/cm

0-4 0-8 1-2 1-6 2-0 2-4 2-8 3-2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

10 -

20 •
Avg from each L
30 -
tube sample »., /o




7 \ ^;o-«—Max from each tube sample
•^. A - - "

\ \
60 - \ \
/ •
70 _-
4.^__^ -*—Block samples
^'•^—Field vane
80 -

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

FIG. 3—Comparison of vane, tube, and block sample results at Ottawa sewage treatment
plant site.

At two Other sites in the Ottawa area, it has been possible to obtain
block samples of unweathered Leda clay from tunnel excavations. In
both cases, the field vane strengths compared closely with the undrained
strengths obtained from the block samples. In both cases, the overcon-
solidation of the clay was only about 1 ton/ft. 2
At the sewage plant site, the results obtained with the vane are of
questionable value because they are considerably below those obtained
from block samples. In spite of this. Fig. 3 demonstrates that the vane
gave a somewhat more consistent indication of undrained strength than
the thin-wall piston samples.

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Sites in Varved Clay

At the three sites involving nearly normally consolidated varved clay,
the pattern of more consistent and higher undrained strengths by the field
vane over tube sampling methods is repeated. Because of the highly
stratified nature of varved clays and the presence of somewhat silty layers,
its use is open to more criticism than with homogeneous clays. Townsend
[7] has detailed theoretical arguments against the use of the vane in such
clays. In spite of this, in a number of cases, the field vane has yielded
undrained strengths consistent with the strengths derived from the analyses
of failures [8]. For example, in measurements made at New Liskeard at
the site of a silo failure [9], the average field vane strength measured in
the failure zone was 325 psf; average laboratory strength in the same zone
was 235 psf, and the average of the maximum strengths per sample tube
was 295 psf. Safety factors for the analysis based on these strengths were,
respectively, 1.0, 0.75, and 0.9.
At the Beattie Mine [10] and Steep Rock, it is diflicult to assess the
reliability of the field vane strengths in comparison to failures, but in
both cases more consistent and higher undrained strengths were achieved.
In all cases, the varved clays tested were made up of a layered system with
both the light and dark layers exhibiting appreciable plasticity and could
be termed cohesive soils.


1. For the highly sensitive Leda clays and varved clays described by
this paper, the field vane has yielded more consistent and somewhat higher
undrained shear strengths than those obtained from carefully taken thin-
wall tube piston samples.
2. For the softer clays with an undrained strength less than 0.5 kg/cm^,
the vane strengths have proved to be reasonably reliable in comparison
with stability analysis for loading cases.
3. At one site where the Leda clay was appreciably overconsolidated,
the field vane strengths were considerably lower than those obtained from
block samples. Osterman [//] has suggested that the field vane should
only be used in "contractant" soils, and it may be that the clay at the
sewage treatment plant can no longer be considered contractant.
As the soils below 50 ft were supersensitive, it may be that the insertion
of the field vane leads to serious soil disturbance and reduced strengths.
This, however, cannot explain the lower results above 50 ft. The clays
both above and below 50 ft could be termed brittle (failure strains less
than 1 per cent), and the brittleness is a feature which should be considered.
The clays at this site were much more brittle than the other sites in Leda
clay referred to in Table 1.

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Tt is the author's view that the field vane apparatus is a useful engineering
tool for sites featuring soft saturated clays. It offers considerable economy
over conventional tube sampling and testing, and in sensitive soils it
overcomes to some extent the problems of disturbance in such soils. The
field vane should always be supported by geotechnical information ob-
tained by sampling. When the shear strengths are greater than 1 kg/cm^
or when there is a tendency for the soils to dilate on shearing, then the
use of the vane is questionable.

The author wishes to acknowledge the work of his colleagues in the
Soil Mechanics Section because the results given in this paper are the
results of several years' work by a number of individuals. The paper is
a contribution of the Division of Building Research, National Research
Council, Ottawa, Canada, and is published with the approval of the
Director of the Division.

f/] Sviiiposiiini on Vane Shear Testing of Soils, ASTM STP No. 193, Am. Soc. Testing
Mats., 1957.
\2] W. J. Eden and J. J. Hamilton, "The Use of a Field Vane Apparatus in Sensitive
Clay," Symposium on Vane Slwar Testing; of Soils, ASTM STP No. 193, Am. Soc.
Testing Mats., 1957, pp. 41-5.'?.
[3] A. Andresen and L. Bjerrum, "Vane Testing in Norway," Sviiiposiiim on Vane
Shear Testing of Soils, ASTM STP No. 193, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1957, pp.
[4] W. J. Eden and C. B. Crawford, "Geotechnical Properties of the Leda Clay in the
Ottawa Area," Proceedings 4th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering. Butterworths Scientific Publications, Vol. 1, London,
1957, pp. 22-27.
[5] C. B. Crawford and W. i. Eden, "Comparison of Laboratory Results with in situ
Properties of Leda Clay," Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Montreal, University of Toronto Press,
September 1965.
[6] L. Bjerrum, "Geotechnical Properties of Norwegian Marine Clays," Geotechnique,
Vol. 4, No. 2, 1954, pp. 49-69,
[7] D. Townsend. Discussion of "Failure of an Embankment Founded on Varved
Clay," by K. Y. Lo and A. G. Stcrmac, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2,
No. 3, August, 1965, pp. 254-258.
[8] W. J. Eden, Discussion of "Failure of An Embankment Founded on Varved Clay,"
by K. Y. Lo and A. G. Stermac, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3,
August, 1965, pp. 259-260.
[9] W, J. Eden and M. Bozozuk, "Foundation Failure of a Silo on Varved Clay,"
Engineering Journal, Vol. 45, No. 9, 1962, pp. 54-57.
[10] W. J. Eden, "Earthflows at the Beattie Mine, Quebec, Canada," Canadian Geo-
technical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1964, pp. 104-114.
[//] J. Osterman, "Studies on the Properties and Formation of Quick Clays," Pro-
ceedings, 12th National Conference, Clays and Clay Minerals, Atlanta, Pergamon
Press, 1964, pp. 87-108,

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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

E. A. Milled and E. B. HaW

A Comparison of Soil Shear Strengths as

Determined with Field a n d Laboratory
V a n e Shear Apparatus

REFERENCE: E. A. Miller and E. B. Hall, "A Comparison of Soil Shear

Strengths as Determined with Field and Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus,"
Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of In-Situ Soils, ASTM
STP 399, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1966, p. 18.
ABSTRACT: The increasing use of the field vane shear apparatus 3 ' 4 has been
noted during the past several years. Even with the many limitations it possesses,
a defined degree of reliability has been attached to this method of determining
the undrained shear strength of fine-grain plastic soils.
This paper presents a comparison of results of undrained shear strengths as
obtained by the field vane shear test with those obtained by a laboratory vane
shear device. Further comparisons are presented from the use of the " Q " type
(unconsolidated-undrained) triaxial compression test on undisturbed specimens.
A remolded strength was determined with the field and laboratory vane shear
devices, and certain triaxial test specimens were remolded at unaltered water
contents. This was also accomplished for comparative reasons. Close agreement
under qualified conditions was found to exist between the strength values
obtained by the two methods of vane testing as well as the triaxial tests. How-
ever, definite variation was found in the shear strengths obtained by laboratory
vane testing within a given 30-in.-long undisturbed sample taken in a 3-in. diam-
eter thin-walled tube with a piston sampler.

KEY WORDS: shear tests, soil (material), vane shear test, field tests, clay

The necessity for making and also supporting deep excavations in the
soft San Francisco Bay soils, commonly referred to as bay mud, for
various types of structures was the primary purpose for investigating these
soils. A search of the literature revealed no information that could be
used for direct comparisons between laboratory-determined shear strengths
using vane methods and field vane shear determinations on comparable
soils. This investigation was conducted to make such a comparison.
Principal, Harding Associates, San Rafael, Calif.
President, Geo-Testing, Inc., San Rafael, Calif.
Symposium on Vane Shear Testing of Soils, ASTM STP 193, Am. Soc. Testing Mats.,
Lyman Cadling and Sten Odenstad, "The Vane Borer," Proceedings No. 2, Royal
Swedish Geotechnical Inst., Stockholm, 1950.

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The scope of the field work included obtaining continuous undisturbed

sampling^ with an Osterberg-type piston sampler using 3-in. diameter steel
Shelby tubing. Samples were obtained from two adjacent borings. Imme-
diately adjoining the borings was the location for the field vane shear tests.
The extent of the laboratory testing included vane shear testing, triaxial
compression testing, Atterberg Limits determinations, moisture-density
profiles, specific gravity, particle size determinations, and organic content.

Field Test Site Location

San Rafael Bay is an area on the north side of the San Rafael-Richmond
Bridge and is a portion of the northern part of San Francisco Bay. The
borings and field tests were made in an area of reclaimed tidal flats on the
west side of San Rafael Bay and about 600 ft east of State Highway No. 17.
They were immediately adjacent to the San Rafael Sanitary District Treat-
ment Plant in east San Rafael. The borings and field vane test hole were
arranged in an equilateral triangle spaced approximately 7 ft apart.

Field Investigation and Tests

Two continuous borings were made to a depth of about 62 ft using
3-in. diameter Shelby tubing 30 in. long and with an Osterberg piston
sampler. Fill material existed above the depth of 6 ft, and the top foot of
the mud was somewhat contaminated with debris and organic substance.
The field vane shear tests were conducted adjacent to the borings. The
water table was noted at about the 6-ft depth which also was approximately
sea level. The torque measuring device was a new model Karol-Warner
(KWVS-1) with an extremely sensitive load measuring cell. The torque
head was mounted on BX casing and supplied torsional drive to standard
E rod which was totally enclosed within the casing. At the bottom of the
E rod was a round stainless steel section to which the vane section was
attached. The lower end of the BX casing contained a watertight bearing
and gland seal with the steel section on the end of the E rod and vane
extending through the seal. The casing and vane were pushed to a depth
15 in. above the predetermined test point. The steel section and vane
attachment was then extended an additional 15 in. and the vane shear test
was conducted. Tests were made at depth intervals of at least every 5 ft,
and the remolded undrained strength was determined at every other test
point. It was not necessary to drill a hole, since the vane and casing were
hydraulically pushed into the soil with a drilling rig. Frictional correction
was applied to all field test data for the 15 in. of exposed rod between the
gland at the bottom of casing and the vane. The torsional strain rate was
0.1 deg/sec and was repeated in the laboratory testing.
5 M. J. Hvorslev, Subsurface Exploration and Sampling of Soils for Civil Engineering
Purposes, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Miss., 1948.

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Laboratory Testing Program

In addition to undrained shear strength determinations by laboratory
vane and triaxial compression methods, the testing program included
identification tests, moisture, density, and specific gravity. Triaxial com-
pression tests of the " Q " type (unconsolidated-undrained) were conducted
on specimens obtained from the "bit" end or lower portion of samples
from boring No. 101. The specimens averaged about 2.85 in. in diameter
by 6.2 in. in height. The confining pressure applied during the triaxial test
was equal to the overburden wet weight above the water table and the
buoyant weight below the table. The rate of strain during shearing was
kept constant at 1 per cent per minute. Shearing was started simultaneously
with the application of the predetermined confining pressure. Laboratory
vane shear tests were performed on the companion samples from com-
parable depths in the adjacent boring 102 as well as at specified intervals
in boring 101. The tests were made with the specimen still contained within
the 3-in. steel tube. A modified Karol-Warner (KWVS-11) laboratory vane
shear device was used in the program.
The first test was conducted at the lower portion or "bit" end of the
tube about 3 in. from the end. This portion was then extruded and the
moisture content and dry density obtained from an undisturbed adjacent
section. The remaining portion of the sample was moved within the tube
in such a manner as to have the approximate center of the total sample
at the "bit" end or bottom of the tube. A second vane shear test was made
at this location, and the sample was again extruded a suflicient distance to
permit a third vane shear test at about 6 in. from the top of the sample.
Test results were deleted from the data if it was found that small concen-
trations of shells existed in the shear plane.
The graphic presentation in the various figures refers to top, middle,
and bottom and applies to the above description of the test location within
each thin-walled tube. The remolded shear strength was determined on
specimens at about each 5-ft increment after the undisturbed shear strength
had been established. The drive rod for the vane device was released from
the gear attachment and the vane was rotated 10 times. The gear attachment
was then reclamped and the maximum stress under remolded conditions
determined. An identical procedure was followed in the field vane shear
Physical tests for soil identification purposes were conducted on repre-
sentative specimens taken at intervals of about 10 ft. They were particle
size analysis, including sieve and hydrometer, Atterberg Limits, specific
gravity, and organic content. The organic content was computed on the
basis of a weight loss by ignition of an oven-dried specimen. Where a soil
type change was noted, additional tests were conducted to define the
demarcation more closely.

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Evaluation of Results
A summary of all test data from the field and laboratory is shown in
Table 1. The graphic presentations of shear strength obtained by the
various methods versus depth are plotted in Figs. 1 and 2, and Fig. 3
presents typical particle size analyses.
In Fig. 1 the laboratory vane shear strength values were obtained from
the lower portion or "bit" end of each sample. It was considered that this
test represented soil that had been subjected to a minimum amount of
disturbance during specimen preparation, testing, and sampling operations.
The high shear strength of the field vane tests observed at the shallowest
depth (Fig. 1) could be attributed to the presence of organic substance,
since the amount for that general depth was 16.9 per cent (by weight),
a value high enough to affect the engineering properties. Although some
very small lenses of shells were found in the samples and resulted in dis-
carding a few laboratory vane shear test results, it was considered that they
had little if any effect on the field vane tests, particularly in view of the
length of the vane that was employed.
The lesser shear strengths found for the triaxial " Q " tests in the upper
25 feet of boring 101 appear directly related to some degree of disturbance.
The specimens were ejected horizontally from the tubes and continuously
supported until placed on the pedestal of the triaxial apparatus preparatory
to receiving a membrane covering. Even with this maximum attention to
the care of the specimens a very small increase in diameter was noted when
unsupported on the apparatus pedestal. The saturated weight of the speci-
men alone caused the noted deformation.
The ratio of shear strength obtained on " Q " tests to consolidating
pressure, 5'„//j, is noted in Table 1. The higher values observed for the
tests from shallow depth may be of questionable validity, since organic
material was encountered. With one exception, however, for depths below
15 ft, the S^lp ratio was found to be in the rather narrow region of 0.27
to 0.40, with an average of 0.34.
Figure 2 presents the undrained shear strength obtained with the lab-
oratory vane shear device versus depth for test points at three locations
within each sample tube. The most sporadic strength values were obtained
from tests conducted at the center and top of the tubes. It is concluded,
from this behavior, that the sampling operation and further handling in
the laboratory could impose very significant strength losses, and this is
the principal reason for the widely fluctuating strength patterns.
The sensitivity ratio, S„ has a much broader range in the laboratory
vane shear results, with values between 1.3 and 24, and an average of 3.4.
This somewhat large range was not unexpected when the amount of
variation in shear strength was noted. The field vane tests are closely

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Shear Strength, tons persq. ft.

0.2 0.3

Triaxial Compression Test

'Q' Type

F I G . 1—Results of iiiHlraincd slicar tests by several methods on comparable soil. Labora-

tory vane shear results were taken front tests at ''bit" end or bottom of each
sample lube. (Number beside test point denotes confining pressure during test
in tons per square fool.)

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Shear Strength, tons persq. ft.

0.2 0.3

o—— . . — . ^
Bottom of Sample

o Boring 101
ABoring 102

F I G . 2—Results of undrained shear tests by laboratory vane methods showing variation

within the length of each tube.

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U.S. Standard
Sieve Number Hydrometer
20 40 100 200
1 90
1 Above 35
1 80
1 70
1 60
Below 35'
i 1 1

1 0.1 0.01 0.001

Particle Size, mm

FIG. 3—Typical particle size analysis.

grouped and have an average S, of 4.9. Although some authors^'^ classify

the bay muds to be "sensitive," "rather sensitive," and "moderately
sensitive," other authors'^, referring to soils at other locations on the North
American continent, have referred to sensitivity ratios of the above mag-
nitude to be insensitive. The authors of this paper are inclined to agree
that an S, of above 5 and less than 10 could well be considered moderately
sensitive. The soil encountered in this exploration study is considered the
"soft member" of the younger bay mud as described by Tresher^.
In reviewing the classification testing, it is noted that the liquid limit to
a depth of 35 ft was generally higher than encountered in the younger bay
mud throughout San Francisco Bay. The plastic limits for this same depth
increment were found to be higher than noted from any published source.
Although all tests plot below the "A" line on the plasticity chart, they have
been classified as Clay (OH) as designated in the Unified Soil Classification
System. The average mean diameter D50 for soils above about 35 ft was
of the order of lii. Below 34 ft it consistently was found to be about 5/i.
^ R. T. Tresher, "Geology of the Sedimentary Deposits in San Francisco Bay, Cali-
fornia," Special Report No. 82, California Division of Mines & Geology, San Francisco,
' J . E. Mitchell, "Engineering Properties and Problems of the San Francisco Bay
Mud," Special Report No. 82, California Division of Mines & Geology, San Francisco,
** C. B. Crawford and W. J. Eden, "Comparison of Laboratory Results with in situ
Properties of Leda Clay," Proceedings, 6th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering, Montreal, 1965.

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The presentation of these data, although somewhat limited, permits the
conclusion that significant variations in shear strength, within the length
of what appeared to be a homogeneous sample, can be expected. It is
further concluded that each sample produced only one test value that was
considered most reliable and this was evaluated to be the one at the "bit"
or lower end of the tube.
The shear strength as obtained by triaxial methods was found to be
lower than obtained by field and laboratory vane methods for samples
tested to a depth of about 25 ft, with close agreement below this depth.
This is somewhat contrary to the findings reported on the Candlestick
crossing^ in the southern portion of San Francisco Bay. That report
indicated strengths determined by field vane tests were consistently higher
than laboratory compression tests throughout the entire depth of the
Strength variations of as much as ±30 per cent were encountered
within a given homogeneous sample even under the most careful sampling
The sensitivity ratio as developed by the laboratory vane apparatus
was sporadic over a wide range of values. The ratios at the "bit" end of
the samples were quite consistent and, in general, lower than those found
in the field testing. No ready explanation or conclusion for these results
can be made at this time.
'J E, B. Hall, "Shear-Strenglh Determinations of Soft Clayey Soils by Field and
Laboratory Methods," Symposiiim on Soil Exploiutioii, ASTM STP 351, Am. Soc.
Testing Mats., 1963.

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J. D. Boitano^—The strength of "bay mud" in the San Francisco Bay

Area is of interest to many construction agencies who are forced to build
on filled ground over bay sediments. Naval facilities in this region, of
necessity, are partially situated on bay mud, or filled ground overlying
deep, organic to lean, clay strata.
The writer is very pleased to note the interest shown by the authors in
presenting test results which point up the necessity for obtaining informa-
tion to prevent possible large and dangerous overestimates of field strength.
Hall and Miller's confidence in the field vane shear method for future use
is encouraging; although, admittedly, further research is needed in this
important subject.
One point of interest in the data presented can be explored further by
comparing the Q shear stress versus moisture content, by making a plot
of the data. If this is done, one notes a rather well-defined increase in
shear strength with corresponding decrease in moisture content down to
about 65 per cent moisture content. The dry density is about 60 pcf at
this moisture content. Then, at this point one finds a sharp grouping of
values and a sudden increase in measured shear strength. This is charac-
teristic of test results reported by others on Navy projects overlying bay
This paper has significance to the practicing engineer, since it provides
an indication of the importance of the test method and procedure for
making shear value determinations in connection with bearing capacity
problems of deep bay mud foundations. The authors are to be congrat-
ulated for their efforts.

* Manager, Soil Mechanics and Paving Branch, Western Div., Bureau of Yards and
Docks, U. S. Navy, San Brunc, Calif.

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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

George F. Sowers1 and Charles S. Hedges2

Dynamic Cone for Shallow In-Situ

Penetration Testing

REFERENCE: George F. Sowers and Charles S. Hedges, "Dynamic Cone for

Shallow In-Situ Penetration Testing," Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resist-
ance Testing of In-Sitn Soils, ASTM STP 399, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1966,
p. 29.

ABSTRACT: Field calibration of a portable dynamic cone penetrometer was

made to determine a penetration resistance relationship with the standard pene-
tration resistance. The penetrometer has been found useful in the inspection of
footing foundations and for light field exploration where the standard penetra-
tion range of limits is generally known. The test data show that it is capable of
approximating the standard penetration resistance for the virgin soils of the
southeastern United States.

KEY WORDS: soil (material), field tests, penetrometers, penetration resistance,

cone penetrometers, footings

Penetration tests have long been used to evaluate soil consistency and
density. The primitive builder may have sounded the ground with a
pointed stick or his heel, as can be seen in some tribal villages today. The
skilled workman forced the point of a pick or drove a rod into the ground
with a mallet of known weight. Today there are numerous penetrometers
of standardized design, but all based on the same principle; the penetration
of an object into the soil, forcing the soil aside and developing a shear
displacement similar to a bearing capacity failure of a foundation [1-4]3.
The relationship between soil strength and penetration resistance is a
function of the shear pattern. This can be determined by a plastic analysis
of the shear zone or by empirical correlation with laboratory tests, in
each case the results depend on the shape of the penetrometer, which
varies with the type of soil and its consistency and density.
Professor of civil engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., and
vice-president and consultant, Law Engineering Testing Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Manager, Special Consultation Department, Law Engineering Testing Co., Atlanta,
The italic numbers in brackets refer to the list of references at the end of this paper.

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Various shapes of penetrometers are in use, including flat-tipped rods,

cones of different sizes and shapes, augers with cone-shaped tips, and
cutting edges of thick-wall samplers. Although there are few comparative
data on the effect of shape, there is some belief that the cones yield more
consistent results than the others. Two types of loading are used: static
and dynamic. Static loading simulates the shear developed in laboratory
testing and can be easily adapted to continuous penetration and automatic
recording [5]. Dynamic loading is adapted to a very wide range of soil
strengths but introduces the variable effect of dynamic shear and shock
or vibration. The personal experiences of those who make and interpret
the test results rather than any well-defined merits of any one method or
device appear to be the factor determining selection and use of the various
devices [6].

Dynamic Portable Penetrometer Genesis

The senior author developed a lightweight portable dynamic cone pene-
trometer in 1959 to be used in field exploration and for verifying individual
footing foundations during construction. The device, as with most field
tools used in foundation evaluation, should never be used as the sole
means for determining foundation conditions. It must be used in conjunc-
tion with previously established field and laboratory data: standard split-
barrel penetration resistance, density, shear strength, and consolidation
data. Some investigators have gone to great lengths to develop sophisticated
techniques for the correlation of penetrometer design and penetration
depth using standard applicator energies with unconfined compression
strength or bearing capacity of deep foundations [7]. The heterogeneous
variation of most natural soil masses is not favorable to the use of such
rigorous techniques, except in very localized areas of relatively homo-
geneous soils. The dynamic penetrometer described in this paper was
developed primarily as a verification or control penetrometer to check
individual foundations during construction where a subsurface investiga-
tion has been made utilizing standard split spoon penetration methods,
and laboratory shear strength and consolidation tests and analyses have
been performed on undisturbed samples. A secondary use is the field
investigation of subsurface conditions for lightly loaded structures where
local experience from previous field investigations and laboratory analysis
have established narrow limits of the strength parameters and consisten-
cies; here again it is a verification tool to be used for an economical
foundation analysis.
The device is a dynamic portable cone penetrometer utilizing a 15-lb.
steel ring weight falling 20 in. on an E-rod slide drive (Fig. 1). The cone
point is enlarged to minimize shaft resistance during testing. The penetra-
tion test is made through an augered hole from 4 to 6 in. in diameter using

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E - Rod

Pullout anvil

15 ib, steel ring weight

Driving anvil

Sliding Drive Hammer

Cone Point

FIG. 1—Dynamic portable penetrometer.

the auger cuttings to identify the soil. This is essential because the interpre-
tation varies with the soil type.
After augering to the test depth, the cone point is seated 2 in. into the
undisturbed bottom of the hole to be sure the cone is completely embedded.
The cone point is further driven 1 % in. using the ring weight hammer
falling 20 in. These blows are counted and recorded. If need be, a second
and third penetration test can be made by driving the cone point additional
1 M-in. increments. Beyond this distance the effect of side friction of the
shaft may become apparent, and the shape of the shear zone may be
altered and jeopardize the value of the blow count readings. The pene-
trometer can effectively be used in auger holes to depths of 15 to 20 ft.
Beyond this it is difficult to handle the weight of rods by hand, and also
it is possible the penetration blow resistance count is affected by the
dynamic energy loss in overcoming the rod inertia.

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FIG. 2—Theoretical boundaries of plastic failure.

Theoretical Principle
Basically the theoretical aspect of the successive penetrations caused by
the hammer drop is that outhned in the classic study of bearing capacity
failure by local and by general shear [8, 9]. Before the cone point is forced
into the level of the soil to be tested, the soil is in a state of elastic equilib-
rium. When the cone point is forced to the test level the soil passes into a
state of plastic equilibrium with the cone point becoming the element
forming part or all of Zone I, Fig. 2. Assuming an ideal soil and a smooth
cone point, the zone of plastic equilibrium is subdivided into a cone-shaped
zone (later displaced by the penetrometer point), an annular zone of radial
shear emanating from the outer edges of the cone, and an annular passive
Rankine zone. The dashed lines on the right-hand side of Fig. 2 indicate
the boundaries of Zones I to III at the instant of failure or penetrometer
movement, and the solid lines represent the same boundaries after the
cone point has moved into the level being tested. The foregoing explanation
is brief; it describes the general condition that exists during the cone point
penetration and is not meant to be a complete or precise rationalization.
As mentioned before, it is not necessary and almost impossible to form a
working hypothesis of the cone point penetration mechanism because of
the macro and micro variations within a real soil mass.

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Penetrometer Resistance—Shear
The punching resistance of an ideal plastic medium as first described by
Prandtl [/] can be expressed by
qo^Ns (1)
where qg is the average punching or penetration stress, s is the shearing
resistance of the medium, and A^ a coefficient which depends on the
geometry of the point and surface it penetrates. As modified for expressing
soil bearing capacity, A'^ depends on both the geometry of the point and
the surface and on the angle of internal friction. For clays exhibiting no
apparent internal friction and for cone angles of 45 to 60 deg., A^ appears
to be approximately 7.
The static penetrometers, such as the "Dutch Cone" and the Swedish
Geotechnical Laboratory cone, apply a static force to the point sufficiently
great to produce shear failure. Thus, the soil bearing capacity for a founda-
tion the same size and shape of the cone is measured directly at that depth
below the surface, and the soil shear strength could be found by rewriting
Eq 1 as
•y = _ ^ (2)


provided A^ can be found theoretically or by experiment. This procedure

lends itself to continuous measurement of resistance with increasing depth
by merely advancing the cone and measuring the necessary force, and
automatic recording might minimize the human factor.
There are three serious inherent shortcomings, however. First, wide
variations in resistance within a short distance provide a zigzag record
that is difficult to average and often more difficult to interpret. Second, a
very hard but thin layer that may contribute little to the strength of the
soil mass may distort the picture. Third, in penetrating soils of widely
varying resistance, the force may be limited in hard materials to the weight
of the equipment or the integrity of some anchoring device, while in soft
materials the error inherent in the measuring system may obscure the
soil's resistance.
The dynamic penetrometer has none of these shortcomings (although
it has a few of its own). A measured increment of work, /\W, is applied
to the penetrometer and this is dissipated in the energy necessary to force
the penetrometer a distance As
AW = Asq.A (3)
where A is the penetrometer area.
By driving the penetrometer a fixed distance, the variations in q^ are
automatically averaged. If a hard spot is encountered, the work applied
can be increased simply without increasing the weight of the equipment.

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The ordinary dynamic penetrometer, including the one under discussion,

employs a simple falling weight for a controlled source of energy. Thus
the measuring system can be simple and relatively foolproof. If a hard
layer is encountered, the force increases as As decreases, so the device
adjusts itself to some extent to the material hardness. All this is possible
with a light, simple, unsophisticated device.
The only inherent disadvantage is from the effects of a dynamic force
on some soils. The dynamic resistance of a loose, saturated, fine-grain,
cohesionless soil is likely to be lower than the static resistance; conversely,
the dynamic resistance of a very dense, saturated, fine-grain, cohesionless
soil is likely to be higher than the static. Therefore, the results of dynamic
penetration testing must be utilized judiciously with proper engineering
interpretation of the results. The indiscriminate use of any test result is
fraught with danger, and this test is no exception [9].

Application and Behavior of Penetrometer

The dynamic penetrometer described in this paper has been used with
much success by the authors in four geologic regions encompassing ages
from Precambrian to Recent and almost all types of soils: the Piedmont,
Blue Ridge, Appalachian Valley and Plateau, and Coastal Plain geologic
provinces of the southeastern United States. Its primary correlations have
been with results from the ASTM Method for Penetration Test and Split-
Barrel Sampling of Soils (D 1586-64), on a blow-count basis for their re-
spective increments of driving.
The soils in which the penetrometer has been most reliably calibrated
with reference to Method D1586 resistances are the sandy micaceous silts
and clayey sandy micaceous silts of the Piedmont geologic province; the
silty sands, clayey sands, and interbedded and intermixed sandy, silty,
clayey soils of the Coastal Plain province; and the silty clays and clayey
silts and sandy clays of the Appalachian Valley province. It has also been
calibrated for compacted fills made of the above soils.
The dynamic portable penetrometer in virgin soils of the Piedmont
province has shown a consistent correlation between penetrometer resist-
ances and Method D1586 resistances. Curve A in Fig. 3 was compiled
from a variety of tests on virgin Piedmont soils in Georgia, South Carolina,
and North Carolina. The ratio of Method D1586 resistance to the pene-
trometer blows varies from 0.9 to 1.0 for material with low resistances to
0.3 to 1.0 for material with high blow resistance. These ratios are for
individual data points and may not exactly coincide with ratios taken from
the various curves.
The use of the penetrometer in compacted fill soils of the Piedmont
origin shows that the calibration ratio of Method D1586 penetration
resistance to the penetrometer blows varies from 0.9:1 for low-density

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/ ^

10 15 20 25 30
Cone Penetrometer Resistance
(blows per increment )
Curve A- Virgin Piedmont soils
B- 9 5 % Compacted soil
C- 9 0 % Compacted soil
D- 8 5 % Compacted soil
E- Coastal Plain soils
F- Piedmont alluvium

FIG. 3—Penetration relationships.

(85 per cent of maximum by ASTM Methods D698) fill to 0.66:1 for
high-density (95 per cent of maximum by ASTM Methods D698) fill.
Three curves, B, C, and D, shown in Fig. 3 are for tests on compacted
fills and their different densities.
The two remaining curves, £ and F, show the relationship between
Method D1586 resistance and penetrometer resistance for the marine and
estuarine Coastal Plain soils (Curve £ ) ; and alluvial soils of the Piedmont,
which are silty micaceous sands and sandy micaceous silts of recent
deposition. The ratio of Method D1586 resistance to penetrometer blows
for the Coastal Plain soils varies from 0.5:1 for materials of high resistance
to 1:1 for materials of low penetration resistance. The ratio for alluvial
soils of the Piedmont varies from 0.6:1 to 2:1.

The conclusions reached from the many tests and calibrations by the
authors and their associates are that the dynamic portable penetrometer is a
useful tool for construction control and field exploration for lightweight
structures where value does not justify the cost of a drilling rig or where
access prohibits a drilling machine. The use of the penetrometer is not too
valid in alluvium of Piedmont origin, in that the calibration ratios vary
without specific pattern. It is probable that this variation is due to (1) the

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effect of pore pressure irregularities caused by tiie usually high water

contents of such soils, (2) the vast irregularities in deposition and grain
size of the Piedmont alluvium, and (3) the general unconsolidated state of
such recent deposits.
In general the penetrometer produces the best correlations between 4
and 30 blows. Below 4 blows, for the required 1 %-in. penetration incre-
ment, the soils are too soft or loose to produce significant results; these
soils under any circumstances should be tested by other means, such as
unconfined compression or triaxial shear tests from undisturbed samples,
or by field vane shear methods. Above 30 blows per penetration increment
the correlations are quite variable. This change may be caused by the local
hard layers of partially weathered soils in the Piedmont, or the grain size
variation usually associated with high penetration resistances in the Coastal
Plain soils. The penetrometer is generally limited to soils in which all the
gradation is smaller than fine gravel or very coarse sand.
In order to utilize the portable dynamic penetrometer for construction
control it must be calibrated for each project. This can be done during the
exploratory work. For exploratory work the penetrometer must be used
in areas where the limits of the soil properties are generally known, with
the aid of unconfined compression tests or triaxial shear tests on un-
disturbed samples. The penetrometer can be used for verification of
penetration resistances from Method D1586 once a calibration has been
established; however, in soils that are highly micaceous the soil rebound
associated with excavation of the footing may show up in a reduction of
the number of blows recorded. When checking such conditions the test
should be made through an auger hole to the footing level immediately
prior to footing excavation or beside the footing in the unexcavated
portion. Several penetration tests are needed at different depths below the
footing level to qualify the inspection results. It is wise to test between the
first foot level below the footing and the level at a depth equal to the width
of the footing. The penetrometer does not work well below the water
table unless the bore hole is stabilized to prevent inflow and soil softening.
The use of the penetrometer in estimating in-place density of compacted
fills is not valid because the penetration resistance varies with both density
and moisture content. In fill control work it is used to supplement density
testing and to determine areas where relative consistency or density are
radically different. Areas thus detected can be checked by standard density
test methods.
The use of this type of dynamic penetrometer with its sliding weight
presents conditions which can result in injury to the operator's fingers
unless maximum attention is maintained during operation.
The ratios as well as Fig. 3 are intended to show qualitative rather than
quantitative information. More field and laboratory work is necessary
before this procedure can be developed into a rational method of control.

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This work is part of the research program of the Consulting Department
of the Law Engineering Testing Co. Special thanks are due to W. F. Peck,
Chief Florida Soils Engineer for Law Engineering Testing Co., for making
data on research in fill soils available.

[/] C. Prandtl, Hiirte plashecher Korper, Nach. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 1920.
[2] W. Kjellman, "Testing the Shear Strength of Clay in Sweden," Geotechnique, Vol.
2, No. 3, June 1951, p. 225.
[3] M. J. Hvorslev, Subsurface Exploration and Sampling of Soils for Civil Engineering
Purposes, Engineering Foundation, New York, 1949.
[4] E. Schultze and H. Knausenberger, "Experience with Penetrometers," Proceedings,
Fourth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,
London, Vol. 1, p. 249, 1957.
[5] T. Kalstenius, "Development of Two Modern Continuous Sounding Methods,"
Proceedings, Fifth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Engineering, Paris, Vol. 1, p. 475, 1961.
[6] G. F. Sowers, "Strength Testing of Soils," Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils,
ASTM STP 361, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1963, p. 3.
[7] R. L. Kondner, "A Penetrometer Study of the In-Situ Strength of Clays," Materials
Research & Standards, Vol. 2, No. 3, March, 1962.
[8] G. F. Sowers and G. B. Sowers, Introductory Soil Mechanics and Foundations, The
MacMillan Co., New York, Second Edition, 1961.
[9\ K. Terzaghi, Theoretical Soil Mechanics, John Wilev and Sons, Inc., New York,
[10] G. F. Sowers, "Shallow Foundations," Foundation Engineering, McGraw-Hill
Book Co., Inc., New York, 1961.

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Nicholas Chryssafopoulos^ —The authors have presented in this paper

some interesting correlations between values obtained by means of a
dynamic cone penetration test they have devised and standard penetration
test results (A^-values). These correlations were established with the primary
purpose of determining densities of fills already in place at variable depths.
The results reported primarily covered cohesive soils and mixtures of
cohesive and noncohesive materials. To reach the depth at which density
checks are to be carried out, a hole is advanced to the desired depth, and
then the dynamic cone penetration resistance is measured.
In view of the well-established lack of reliability of jV-values in cohesive
soils, the use of the correlations established by the authors may result in
estimates of densities which may not be representative of the true density
of the soil being checked. The writer wonders whether better results could
not be obtained, once the hole is advanced to the desired depth, by testing
the density and strength of samples of the soil obtained by pushing or
driving into the ground 6-in. long sections of a 2-in. Shelby tube. It would
appear that this latter method, which has been used often, would not
require special equipment or longer time for taking the samples. On the
contrary, actual measurements of density and strength would be made
instead of estimates based on correlations that may prove to be not too
reliable, when dealing with cohesive soils.
Messrs. Sowers and Hedges {authors)—Mr. Chryssafopoulos apparently
misunderstands the authors' intentions when he states that the primary
purpose of the correlations is to determine density of Alls. Instead, the
paper states that such a use is invalid except to quickly detect doubtful
areas where density tests should be made. We agree with the discusser
that a direct measurement of density is necessary. We do not agree that it
is faster (the sampling may be but the ensuing testing takes time). We do
not agree that a 2-in. thin-walled tube is a valid sampling device for fill
density tests even though some may use it.
' Vice-president, Woodward, Clyde, Sherard & Associates, Los Angeles, Calif.

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STP399-EB/Jun. 1966

E. A. Sibley1 and G. Yamane'2

A Simple Shear Test for Saturated

Cohesive Soils

REFERENCE: E. A. Sibley and G. Yamane, "A Simple Shear Test for Satu-
rated Cohesive Soils," Vane Shear and Cone Penetration Resistance Testing of
In-Situ Soils, ASTM STP 399, Am. Soc. Testing Mats., 1966, p. 39.

ABSTRACT: A simple torsional vane shear device has been developed which
provides a reliable and rapid measure of the shear strength of saturated
cohesive soils. This device can be used both in the field and in the laboratory.
It is lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to use. For an extensive foundation
investigation with a large laboratory testing program, the torsional vane shear
device will provide rapid results and will supplement the over-all program. For
small investigations, this device can be used in evaluating site conditions and
may reduce or, in some cases, eliminate laboratory testing. This paper describes
the development and application of the device.

KEY WORDS: shear tests, soil (material), torsion tests, vane shear test

STP399-EB/Jun. 1966
During investigation of several massive landslides winch occurred as a
result of Alaska's Good Friday Earthquake (March 27, 1964), it became
evident that the identification of the sensitive zones within a clay stratum
(Bootlegger Cove clay) was important in understanding the mechanics of
the slide failures and to support an analysis of the remedial measures
required to stabilize the slide areas.
In order to complete the enormous task within the specified time limit,
it was essential to obtain the greatest possible number of undisturbed and
remolded shear strength determinations. Finding the shear strength by
means of conventional compression tests would have required an undue
amount of time, therefore efforts were directed toward developing a
laboratory vane shear device.

A laboratory vane consisting of six thin steel vanes mounted on a Vi-in.
diameter brass rod was first developed to determine the shear strength.
Vice-president, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, Wash.
Senior Engineer, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, Wash.
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Copyright^ 1966 by ASTM International
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L*'*, . » '

FIG. 1—Laboratory vane.

This vane was placed in a drill press as shown in Fig. 1. To eliminate

disturbance caused by penetration of the vane rod into the sample, a Vi-in.
diameter hole was first drilled using thin-wall tubing. A small rod was
inserted inside the thin-wall tubing to the bottom of the cutting edge,
providing a small hole to eliminate suction when removing the tubing
containing the soil plug. The laboratory vane was then inserted into the
predrilled hole, and the torque was applied with a calibrated torque
wrench. The rotational friction was negligible due to the presence of ball
bearings in the drill press.
A field vane device, similar to the laboratory vane, was developed for
determining the shear strength at the ends of Shelby tube samples (Fig. 2).
A small torque wrench was used to apply the torque to this vane.
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A—vanes with guide block

B—torque wrench
D—thin-wall tubing with guide block
FIG. 2—Field Shelby lube vane.

The resLilts obtained with these vanes were excellent, but the time
required to perform the tests did not harmonize with the completion
schedule of the program. For this reason a completely self-contained,
hand-operated, torsional vane shear device was then developed which
proved to be fast and simple to operate on cohesive soils. The vane
measured shear strengths from 0 to 1 ton/ft^ and up to 2.5 ton/ft- using
an adaptor.
The torsional vane shear device, Figs. 3 and 4, consists of a 1-in.
diameter stainless steel disk having 8 vanes, 0.195 in. deep. The diameter
of the opening inside the vanes is Yn in. The handle which is attached to
the disk through a precision helical spring is rotated with finger pressure
and applies a torque to the disk. This is resisted by the shear stress in the
clay across the lower face and around the circumferential area of the

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A—standard vane, 0 to 1.0 ton/ft^ range

B—high-capacity vane adapter, 0 to 2.5 ton/ft^ range
C—sensitive vane adapter, 0 to 0.2 ton/ft^ range
F I G . 3—Hciml-opcrawd torsional vane shear device.

Acorn nut Teflon washer

dial number plate
Stop pin

3 Teflon washers
Snap ring (.020 thick)
Insert 6-32 Set screw

/ 4 " - 2 0 Socket head
Spacer cap screw

6-32 Set screw

Shear vane

F I G . 4—Hand-operated torsional vane shear device.

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vanes. The calibrated dial on the top of the handle converts the torque
directly into ton/ft 2. The dial is subdivided into 20 equal parts, with a
maximum shear strength reading of one ton/ft 2. The maximum reading
on the dial when applying the torque is the shear strength of the soil.
For extremely soft soils or for remolded strength determination, a
sensitive, larger-diameter vane adapter, Fig. 3(C) was developed which
has an OD of 1.625 in. and an ID of 0.5 in., with a depth of 0.160 in. The
vanes are designed to minimize soil disturbance and prevent a "shoving"
action during shear. The torque ratio between the standard vane and the
sensitive vane is 1:0.02, thus the latter measures a maximum shear strength
of 0.2 ton/ft2.
A smaller, high capacity adapter. Fig. 3 (B) was developed for use on
stiffer clays having shear strengths up to 2.5 ton/ft 2. This vane has an
OD of 0.75 in. and an ID of 0.324 in., with a vane depth of 0.133 in. The
torque ratio between the standard vane and the high-capacity vane is
0.4:1, thus the latter measures a maximum shear strength of 2.5 ton/ft^.

Test Procedure
The hand-operated torsional vane shear device should be used only on
fully saturated cohesive soils when the undrained shear strength is inde-
pendent of the confining pressure. A ilat surface is first prepared on the
sample of undisturbed soil. The vanes are then carefully pressed into the
soil to their full depth. A slight vertical pressure is maintained by finger
pressure on the handle which is slowly turned at a constant rate to provide
a torque on the vanes. A rate of rotation such that failure develops in
5 to 10 seconds is used. The maximum value the pointer on the dial face
attains is the shear strength in tons per square foot.

Test Results
It is recognized that in determining the shear strength of cohesive soils,
the rate of stress or rate of strain influences the results. Therefore, during
this investigation, a study was made to determine the relationship between
the rate of loading and the ultimate shear strength on undisturbed samples
of the Bootlegger Cove clay. The rates selected for investigation were 0.1
ton/ft2 for every I, 5, 10, and 20 sec. Fairly uniform and undisturbed soil
samples were selected for this study. The samples were approximately
10 in. long with an undisturbed shear strength ranging between 0.2 and
0.7 ton/ft^. A slice approximately 1 in. thick was first removed longitudi-
nally from the specimen, providing a level undisturbed soil surface. Two
to four torsional vane shear tests were then performed on the specimen
using a constant rate of stress of approximately 0.1 ton/ft^ per second.
After the first set of tests, a slice approximately Yi in. thick was removed
from the specimen, which provided an undisturbed soil surface on the
specimen which was free from disturbance caused by the previous vane

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shear tests. The next set of torsional vane shear tests were then performed
on this surface using a rate of stress application of 0.1 ton/ft^ per 5 sec-
onds. In the same manner, a third and a fourth set of tests were performed
using rates of 0.1 ton/ft ^ per 10 and 20 seconds. Thus, it was possible to
perform four complete series of stress-controlled torsional vane shear
tests on the same soil specimen.


- 1.00 -^
0 - -
op—o- O
°o_-a2crft q .—


a: If A

0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
VANE SHEAR STRENGTH Sy, in tons/sq.ft.

Sv| - Vane shear strength, rate of stress approx. 0.1 tsf/second
o S,,j - Vore shear strength, rate of stress = 0.1 t s f / 5 seconds
0 Sv - Vane shear strength, rate of stress = 0.1 tsf/IOseconds
Vane shear strength, rate of stress 0.1 t s f / 2 0 seconds

FIG. 5—Relationship between torsional vane shear strength and rate of stress. Bootlegger
Cove clay.

The results of these tests are included in Fig. 5. In this figure the effect
of the rate of stress on the shear strength is shown. The results are plotted
as a function of the "basic" shear strength, which was determined from a
rate of stress application of 0.1 ton/ft^ per second. The results show a
decrease in the shear strength with decreasing rates of applied shear stress.
This is more pronounced at the lower shear strengths than at the higher.
Torsional vane shear tests, unconfined compression tests, and uncon-
solidated undrained triaxial compression tests (Q-test) were also performed
to study the correlation between the shear strengths obtained by the
various methods of testing. All tests were performed on fairly uniform
and nearly identical undisturbed samples of Bootlegger Cove clay with
sensitivities ranging from medium (5 to 7) to high (11 to 14) and undis-

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turbed shear strengths ranging from 0.2 to 0.9 ton/ft 2. On each sample,
an unconfined compression test or a triaxial shear test was preceded by
six to eight hand-operated torsional vane shear tests. The vane tests were
performed at a rate of 0.1 ton/ft 2 per second. Unconfined compression
tests were performed on undisturbed soil samples with diameters of 1.3
to 1.5 in. and heights equal to about two times the diameter. The elapsed
time to failure was 10 to 20 sec. for the "fast" tests and 3 to 5 min. for
the "slow" tests. Triaxial unconsolidated undrained compression tests
were performed on undisturbed samples with a diameter of 2.3 and 2.8
in. and a height equal to approximately two times the diameter. The
confining pressure was equal to the overburden pressure, and the elapsed
time to failure ranged from 10 to 20 min.
A summary of the test results is shown in Fig. 6, which shows the rela-
tionship between the unconfined and triaxial compression test results and
the corresponding vane shear test results. The figure shows a fairly good
correlation between the different tests. Generally, the results indicate an
extremely close agreement for soil with a shear strength between 0.4 and


0.80 ^^/o"/s"b^y /

S 0.60

/ /
/ / /.

0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

VANE SHEAR STRENGTH Sv, in :ons/sq.fl

A SuCsLow " Unconfined compression test, slow test; Sue = i/z qu
A SucpAST ~ Unconfined compression test, quicl^ test; Sue =1/2 qu
• Sg - Triaxial compression test, Q test'- Sg = 1/2 (<r]-<rj)max.
qu - Unconfined compressive strengtti

F I G . 6—Torsional vane shear strength relationship with other strength tests. Bootlegger
Cove clay.

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1.4 r

o X

: ; 1.2-

I ^ q_

/ "
En a s

in / o •

£0.6 .| ° *,^ ! ^
UJ / •
z 0.4 '/ " 1


02 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


Lafayette Dam
Anacortes, Washington
Bootlegger Cove Clay

FIG. 7—Torsional vane shear strength versus half-unconfined compression strength.

0.5 ton/ft2, while for soil with a higher strength, the values for unconfined
and triaxial compression tests are somewhat greater than the corresponding
torsional vane shear values.
In Fig. 7, the correlation between shear strengths determined by uncon-
fined compression tests and shear strengths determined by torsional vane
shear tests is shown for other types of clay. The test for shear strength
greater than 0.9 ton/ft ^ was performed with the high-capacity vane
attachment having a shear strength range up to 2.5 ton/ft 2. The results of
these tests are very similar to those on Bootlegger Cove clay.

Application in Field and Laboratory

The hand-operated torsional vane shear device is well suited for both
the field and the laboratory. It is a rapid method of determining shear
strength. It is not specifically for the exact determination of the shear

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Strength characteristics, but rather for determining strength variation with

depth and for identification of zones of weakness in the subsoil.
In the field, it is suited for evaluation of shear strength along the sides
of test pits, ends of Shelby tube samples, and chunk samples from excava-
tions. In the laboratory, the device may be used on undisturbed thin-wall
tube samples in the following manner:
1. Split the sample lengthwise using a wire saw, and at intervals of I to
6 in. perform a torsional vane shear test.
2. Cut the sample into segments V^-\n. or more longer than the desired
length for a triaxial or consolidation test. Perform a torsional vane shear
test on each end, then trim the disturbed material.
3. Use the torsional vane shear strength as a control test prior to other
shear strength tests.
4. In consolidation testing, after the specimen has consolidated under the
desired normal stress, remove the upper stone and determine the consoli-
dated strength of the specimen.

Summary and Conclusion

The correlation between the hand-operated torsional vane shear test
results and those from unconfined and triaxial tests on saturated clays
having shear strengths below 1 ton/ft ^ is very good. Very few data are
available at present for the correlation of the shear strengths above 1
ton/ft 2.
The main advantage of the torsional vane shear device is the rapidity in
obtaining a shear strength with reasonable accuracy. For a homogeneous
soil, it should be a valuable tool to assist in visual classification.

5. D. Wilson was responsible for developing the torsional vane shear
device, and Ulrich Vollenweider performed most of the correlation tests.

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