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Nico Runtuboy, Andi Permata, Edi Supriatna and Slamet Abadi

Main Center for Mariculture Fisheries, Lampung

Directorate General for Aquacultere Fisheries
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Sea weed Kappaphycus alvarezii becoming priority species to be developed in

mariculture. It is because of its strenghtenned such as; like open market, simple
culture tecknology, short time culture, and absorbed many man power. In sea weed
culture remoute area, there are many problem to be solved, once of that is the
transported sea weed seed is died in the target site.Trial on sea weed seed
transportation was allways conducted to over come that matter. There are two
system in sea weed transportation e.i clossed and open system. The first study was
the open system sea weed seed transportation and in this trial there were 4
treatments e.g. (1) sea wee seed put on into the basket; (2) sea weed seed put on
into the basket and was rinsed with sea water every 5 hours; (3) sea weed seed put
on into the plastic bag with several holes and (4) sea weed seed put on into the
cotton bag with several holes. All of the treatment put on sheltered sun ligth. The
second study was clossed syatem, and this trial there were three treatments e.g. (1)
sea weed seed put on into styrofoam container and clossely tied wth lackband and
monitored every 5 hours; (2) sea weed seed put on into styrofoam container with
three ice cubes and repacking after 50 hours; and (3) sea weed seed put on into
styrofoam container wih three ice boxes and observed every 5 hours after the 24th

Results of the researh showed that the open system sea weed seed transportation
on treatment 1 was still alive at 15 hours; treatment 2 to 4 until 25 hours. And
results of the clossed system sea weed seed transportation on treatment 1 was still
alive at 20 hours; treatment 2 until 75 hours and treatment 3 until 50 hours.

Key words: Sea weed, Kappaphycus alvarezii, Open System, Clossed System,

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