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Alfufatin Nabilah (D75217030)

Yanuarita A (D75217067)

Dewi Arisa Jijah A (D75217075)

The teaching activity that we will do in this classroom about expressing sentence about the
topic by speaking for 8th grade of Junior High School. Teacher will give instruction before do the

Instruction to do this activity are :

1. Teacher greeting the student "Hello smart students we are going to used Whatsapp in our

2. Teacher explain about the material and show the example.

3. The material is about expressing sentence about the topic.

4. Teacher give instruction how to do this task. Teacher will send some picture and students will
explain the picture use voice note.

5. Student answer the task with one or two sentences that related to teacher's have send the

6. Teacher give feedback to the students respons about pronunciation.

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