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Name : Jaihan Syifa Salsabilla

NPM : 1906347981

MPK Bahasa Inggris

Topic : The causes of insecurity in teenage girl in this era

Don’t Let The Insecurity Ruin Our Beauty

“You should know you are beautiful just the way we are, and you don’t have to change a thing,
no scars to your beautiful, we’re stars and we’re beautiful.” –Alessia Cara

Do you know that quotes? That quotes tells us that we are beautiful just the way we are.
There are a thousand definition of beauty. Current generations, many of teenage girl think beauty
is only about has a clear skin and perfect body. For this reason, teenage girls are becoming
insecure, they are feeling like they are imperfect. A survey by Dove Self-Esteem Fund shows that
7 of 10 girls believe their looks are not good enough. Insecurity happens because of social media,
lack of confidence, and people around us.

Social media is a big part of teenage girl’s life. Athough social media very helpful to connect
us with our family and friends, and we can look at the newest entertainment, as like fashion
videos, make up tutorial, outfit styles idea, etc. But who knows, without us knowing, social
media can affect a teenage girl’s mind. Sometimes in social media there is a cyberbullying. For
the example, when a teenage girls post their photo on social media, some netizen will give a bad
feedback as like hate comments. Cyberbullying can make a teenage girls feel insecurity because
their becomes more self-conscious and their start to think badly about their image.

The second one, many of teenage girl feeling not-confident. The fear of being evaluated by
other person can make teenage girls feel self-conscious again. The teenage girl who doesn’t
feeling confident with themselves can judge her own imperfections. They can get a depression
too because of this case.
Another reason for a teenage girl becomes insecure is caused by people around us.
Sometimes people around us, such as family or friend, they are trying to compare ourself with
other girl who has “perfect body”, “clear skin” as like a model, the girls on the movies, a
selebgram, etc. Unconsciously, sometimes they say a bad comments about our looks. They give a
negative comments about our weight, height, skin color, until the outfit that we wear. Because of
this the amount pressure from other person make the worse insecurity.

In brief, insecurity many happens in teenage girl. Society should not change teenage girl’s
views of how she looks like. Teenage girls should to be able to wear, act, and look what they
want. The way we think other people look at us can negatively impact our self-views and caused
a lot of negative thoughts about your appearance. This insecurity develops by social media, lack
of confidence, and also people around us. The best solution is for society to stop brainwashing
teenage girl with what the “perfect” body is.

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