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RUBANK EDUCATIONAL BRARY No. 78 SELECTED Ntupies Advanced Etudes, Scales and Arpeggios in al Major and Minor Keys jo CLARINET 4g H. Voxman ADVANCED ETUDES Page Pose C Major. 2 A Minor. 4 F Major 6 DMinor 8 G Major. 10 E Minor 12 Bb Major 14 G Minor. 16 D Major 18 B Minor 20 ES Major 32 CMinor. 2 A Major 26 FE Minor 28 ‘> Major 30 F Minor 32 E Major 34 CE Minor... 36 Db Major 38 Bb Minor 40 B Major 42 GE Minor 44 Gb Major 46 Eb Minor. 48 FE Major. 50 D2 Minor 52 Cadena Study Kreutzer 54 SCALES AND ARPEGGIOS Seal 56 ‘Seales in Thirds 62 Arpessios 1 ROMNTS JAL*LEONARD" C Major FERLING- ROSE Andante cantabile oo @, Copyright MCMALN by Rubenk: Ine Copyright Renawed International Canyright Secured Alle agitate A Minor HEINZE Andante semplice => SSS Allegro risolute P ——= = wy POF PSF PS = . << —— = = = ee zi fete eS St ? es Andante semplice 2 eee Pip mf Allegretto F Major ROMANZE WEDEMANN Andante maestoso Cadena 7 GAMBARO Allegretto D Minor FERLINS-ROSE Larghetto =<=——_— P con duoto —= FS P mh eee —— a reel ete -& TS Fuga = == 9 niuer Allegro moderato EE ey a nf ca : c* 7 eS a G Major BOURREE Bacn Allegro modarato od D.C.without repeats 1" KIETZER Allegre vivace —— fe 2. Aerie eater Sees E Minor HEINZE Andante (in 8) express = = = SS — leggiero 13 WIEDEMANN Allegretto Pr Bn tHe. accelerando Bb Major cawaano Adagio cantobile (in 8) Bs ee PP dotee 16 KeELUNER Allegro scherzando (in 3) : . Fag 16 G Minor FERLING- ROSE Adagioin 6) “ay fe dotee expressive molto risoluty coproes oF Yoe PPA. pe P 7 Allegro neinze mf staccato wazas Andonte wy 2H 4“ — 19 KREUTZER- ROSE Allegro assai af . aompre stace, 20 B Minor wiLLer Allegro molto 2 WIEDEMANK Vivace 22 Eb Major FERLING-AOSE Andante con moto a ren pe tmp Adagio Tea cece Pe PP dolce a EEE ple 7— decrese, ga ee ele 2 8 ee PE a ee rese, Fr = din multo allargando € oresc a . 23 FERLING-ROSE Allegro moderato t —_ rest 24 HEINZE Adagio(in 8) 25 Allegro GANBARO 26 FERLING-ROSE Andante cantabile oe 2 pitt lento mt 27 wiLLer Allegre moderate Jp om P a kt tes., > =—- S= iecet stro Br ptr crete EEE Seer rte —= D cree, 28 F# Minor BERR Moderato 29 MULLER Allegro ~~ — 30 Andante tas oo vale din. inf atempo eS - 7s & a nULLeR Allegro moderato poo Wie, 32 F Minor HEINZE ‘Andantino (in) im, P pppscr Pater ad 33 wieTzER sg Allegro con moto poeo rit ‘ = 34 E Major FERLING-ROSE Andante po es rie Patem = mazas Allegro visotuto Langorient * C# Minor HEINZE Andante (in 3) as P express 2 FP tive Bw a ce. 37 BERTINI“ BENDER Allegretto 998-75 28 quer Adagio P dotce 39 miLLer Allegro moderato = oo? “ Bb Minor Andantino in 6) x ar 2p 7» = + ae a ome Se yp & p= Allegro molto ef Pietiets 26 © 2 Fiat begins maf steoeate a2 FERLING-ROSE Andante (in 3) 43 mULuER Allegro 44 miLter Moderato assoi(in 4) ¥ 45 Scherzo weInze Allegre vivece .. Presto (assai) Andante , Te mazas Andante sostenuto 47 MULLER All@ moderato, ma brillante Eb Minor HEINZE Andante cantabile dotee oe ees. oe oe 49 wiLier Allegro 50 Fe Major MULLER Moderato St Sei ss B the: E i tf > : : ft st wOLLER Allegro moderato ore et —— oS 82 Dé Minor HEINZE Adagio quasi ondante DP tamento Pil mosso. sohereando 2S ‘gem = QP & S_tese,e e 2s eo? 53 BERTINI - BENDER Allegro ** Cadenza Study KREUTZER Scales Adopted from BRERMANN The use of a metronome with the following studies is highly recommended, ©) ss eget (je SS © major A miner (melodic form)” + All ninor scale exercises should alsa be practicedin thehsrmenis form. Copyright MCMXLII by Rubortstne copyright Renewas Tnternatisnel Copyright Sesured 87 G major i eapet ite Etree i . == ae 2 a ze E minor asietetiste Bb mojor 58 B minor yo nett teres. Eb major minor iteerett eetftter === aS 59 F minor ensititiehe 60 Bh minor 8 major G# minor Gh major Eb minor a Df minor Whole-tone scale on E sere ee _, ae SSS Chrometic seale # 4 52 Scales in Thirds A minor (mstedis form)" te te efeteiet fetter! ‘ & 3 ftet tise e = —— aoa ae EY cee aa q F major 1 Practica oleo in the harmonic form obVeeh Nannon Copyright MCWXLI by Ruban Ine fernationel Copyright Secured 63 D minor G mojor E minor 64 Bb mojor G minor eres Segawa © mojor xmeratetateleter Eetetere« Here ae ap 2 Te = EF += it SEE SE ete e ete . =: ‘ 65 deatotetet Fetetetion Eb major © minor 6s A major F4 minor or F minor E mejor C8 minor oe Db major Bh minor 9 Gf minor Gb major Eb minor. 70 FH major DE minor Intervals derived from wholo-tona scale > o Minor thirds a ee ee Supe —rxtelttelen'tinit et ” Arpeggios A minor Copyright NCMXLIL by Rubay Copyright Renewed ya ternational Copyright Secured 72 6 major ¥ Ete te, fee ee Se E minor £ Wie et a SSS > ES ve *sS z G minor 73 Eb major C minor A major FH minor 74. Ab major F minor Ct minor Db major 78 G¥ minor Gb major ae j Ete, te —_ & wee SS Se aS Ras. 4 Eb minor F4 mojor Arpeggio of the ougmented 5th Arpegaio of the augmented Sth

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