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1. Add S - ES - IES to the verb.

See __sees__ Cry __cries___

Take __takes__ Watch _ watches_
Brush __brushes Fight __fights_
Kiss kisses___ Come __comes__
Call _calls___ Carry __carries_
play __playes_ Give __gives__
Study _studies_ Wake __wakes_
Choose __chooses_ Teach ___teaches_
Swim __swims___ Buy __buys__

2. GRAMMAR. Simple present (+) and (-)

 Circle the correct answer.

1. A lot of American people go / goes to the movies.

2. They don’t smoke / doesn’t smoke in coffeehouses.

3. We read / read the newspaper on the train

4. They doesn’t like / don’t like children in restaurants.

5. You lives / live in a house with a garden.

6. My father don’t cook / doesn’t cook.

7. In the US, cars stop / stops at crosswalks.

8. The women do / does the housework in my family.

9. My mother watch / watches a lot of TV

10. Your children eat / eats a lot of French fries.

3. Write the questions. Use the present simple and the words in parentheses. Use capital
letters where necessary.

1. (how often / you / buy / clothes)

A. How often do you buy clothes?

2. (where /your parents / go / on Fridays)

A. __does where your parents go on Fridays?
B. To a club or the movies.

3. (when / your friend / see her Friends)

A. When do your Friend see her Friends?
B. On Sundays.

4. (what / your brother / do / in his free time)

A. What does your brother do is his free time?
B. He reads a lot.

5. (who / your brothers / go out with)

A. Does who your brothers go out with?
B. With their friends.

4. COMPLETE with the correct form of the verb “To Be”

1. Thomas _is_____ my Little brother. He ___is____ nine years old.
2. Wait! We __aren’t__ (not) ready to go.
3. Laura ___is my favorite aunt. She always cooks me chicken and pop corn.
4. I _am___ sleepy. I think I will go to bed son.
5. The school __is___ closed. It __isn’t___ (not) open.

5. UNCRAMBLE the sentences.

1. old / are / how / you

______how are you old ?

2. you / are / how

how are you ?

3. teacher / where / your / is

_ where is your teacher?

4. are / my / where / colors

__where are my colors?

6. READ Paula’s e-mail. Then answer the questions.

1. Who does Paula live with? Paula live with your parents and your two brothers .
2. Does she see her family a lot? Paula rarely see your family

3. When does she check her e-mail? she chek her e- mail In the morning

4. Paula uses her home computer for six things. What are they?
she alwais get up early in the morning and checks your e-mail before school, she reads the
news online and listen to the radio your computer, she whatches movies on the computer,
and she go shopping online, and usually write e-mailmessages to your friends.

7. Listen and write the words.

1. ____________________ 4.____________________
2. ____________________ 5. ____________________
3. ____________________ 6. ____________________

8. Listen and write the numbers.

1. __________________ 5.____________________
2. __________________ 6. ___________________
3. __________________ 7. ____________________
4. __________________ 8. ____________________


A. __12:45_____________ It’s a quarter to one.
B. 2: 15 __it’s a quarter past two.
C. __4:30_____________ It’s half past four.
D. 4:50 ___it’s ten to five
E. ___1:40____________ It’s twenty to two.
F. 8:35 __it’s twenty five to nine.

10. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine. (10 points)

• I wake up every day at a quarter past four. I get up at twenty past four, Then I take a
shower at twenty five past four, I comb my hair and dress, then I put on makeup,
breakfast and feed my cats, I go to SENA at a quarter past five, I finish my studies at
quarter to twelve. I have lunch at twelve o’ clock, Then i return to my house at one o’
clock, I change my clothes and rest for a while. Then i do homework at three o’ clock,

I eat dinner at half past seven, I watch tv and talk to my family. at nine o'clock at night I
go to sleep.

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