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Online Games

Few years ago, a Filipino consider his/her childhood complete if he experienced playing
trumpo (top), playing sipa , playing taya-tayaan (a game of tag) or playing other physical games.
Filipino children really love hide and seek which we call Tagu-taguan. In our generation we
experienced playing these games which made us consider our childhood complete.
Today, the children here in the Philippines consider computer games like Dota, Mobile
legends, League of Legends, etc. more fun than the physical games which nowadays students
used to play. If a person asked a kid if which of these he/she prefers, the kid will likely answer
computer games. We admit that these games are really addicting which made us think if these
things have good effect on a person. Computer games can be dangerous to children, It can be a
threat to their physical health because these computer games can lead to obesity, seizures,
muscular, postural or even skeletal disorders. These things happen due to overindulgence and
addiction to a certain game. Another disadvantage of computer gaming to a child is seen in
playing violent games. Violent games can cause physiological arousal, increased aggressiveness
behavior of a child and decreases a child's pro social helping.
Computer games are fun and relieve tension but too much indulgence can lead to
addiction which can trigger a computer games' negative effects. So, the parents are really the
ones responsible for letting their children play games and regulating the time they play. Here are
the possible solutions if you are addicted to computer games accept responsibility. The problem
lies within the individual, not within the game. No attempt at beating 'addiction' can succeed
until the individual accepts its existence. It is not the existence of video games, nor the content of
games, but the person who chooses to play them. All in all, the parents are the ones which will
dictate on how they will raise their child. Their decisions will tell if these games will lead to
negative or positive effect on children; or they can decide if they will let their children play
physical games instead.

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