Connections 1

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First Bimonthly

Unit 01

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to provide students with some basic classroom language that will
enable them to communicate in English at all times during their foreign language lessons.

Social Practices
• Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
• Carrying out certain transactions.

Unit functions
I.1. Greeting people and responding to greetings.
I.2. Communicating in the classroom.
I.3. Maintaining communication in or out of the classroom.

page 1
page 10

Ingles 1 pl 01.indd 12 23/4/08 16:23:43 Ingles 1 pl


Performance evidence

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use
them purposefully.
• You will be able to recognize and understand academic texts in order to use
them effectively.
• You will be able to language creatively and appropriately by choosing lexis, phrases
and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant oral texts regarding
socialization in the classroom.

page 13
page 11

08 16:23:43 Ingles 1 pl 01.indd 13 23/4/08 16:23:48

Unit zero

Unit Purpose: The purpose of this unit is to provide you with some basic classroom language that will enable
you to communicate in English at all times during your foreign language lessons.

My Book Unit 0

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • Some classroom expressions. • The symbols of your textbook.

 Read the text and answer the exercise below. 1

Symbols and their meanings

In many parts of the world people use symbols or signs to communicate. You can see
many on the streets, public places like movie theaters, toilets, airports and others.

In this book you can see symbols too. For example, this means you have to put

a check where the instructions indicate. When you see this symbol you have to

match columns, pictures, etcetera.

Other symbols in this book are , , , which mean underline,

listen and complete. This hand indicates that you have to point at something

and when you see these two faces you have to work in pairs.

■ Now look at these symbols. Draw a line to match them with their meanings.



Use your book

Work in groups


 Check your answers with your teacher. 2

didácticas Unit 0 Classroom Language page 14

1. Invite a los menores a comentar la importancia de apren- 1. Ask the students to comment on the importance of learning
der una lengua extranjera y las ventajas que tendrán en la a foreign language and the advantages that they will have in
vida si lo hacen. life if they learn a foreign language
2. Pida a varios alumnos que sigan diferentes instrucciones. 2. Ask individual students to follow different instructions.
Luego pida a toda la clase que siga cada instrucción. Then have the whole class follow each instruction.

Unit 1 page 12
Listen to your teacher and mime the actions.
 Stand up.  Sit down.
 Erase the blackboard.  Close your book.
 Open your notebook.  Close your notebook.
 Open the door.  Close the door.
 Take out your notebook.  Raise your hand.
 Go to the front.  Go to your seat.

 Match the pictures with the instructions in excercise 2.

B _____ 4
C ____

@ _____ 8
A _____

G ____
D ____ 3
E _____ 9
F ____

J ____
K ____
I ____

H ____
e rule
Discover th
Look at the phrases in exercise 2 and choose the best
option to complete the sentence:
 Work in groups. Give and follow instructions
according to the pictures.  To give instructions in English we use

a) questions. b) imperatives.
page 15 My book

1. Comente a los estudiantes que en el recuadro Discover

Ingles 1 pl 01.indd 15
1. Tell students that in the “Discover de rule” box there are
22/7/08 09:37:40

the rule se presentarán actividades con las cuales apren- activities in which they will learn some of the rules of the
derán algunas de las reglas de la lengua inglesa. English language.
2. Verifique las respuestas de esta lección de manera co- 2. Check the students’ answers in this lesson together.

page 13 Unit 1
Unit zero

My First Day of Class


Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Carrying out certain transactions.
In this lesson you will learn: • More classroom language. • Ways of saying hello and good bye.

6Q@BJ Listen to the dialog and complete it with words from the box.

Absent morning come in Present

Teacher: Good ______________ ,
Students: Good morning,
Mr. Williams.
Teacher: Sit down, please. I’m
going to call the roll.
Lorena: Excuse me! May I
come in
________________ teacher?
Teacher: Sure,Veronica, come
in… Ok, Alarcón.
Student: _______________.
Teacher: Buenabad.
Student: Present.
2 Teacher: Cordero.
Students: _________________
Teacher: Dávila…

e rule
Discover th
1.Circle the right option.
 Now, listen to your teacher calling the roll a. We use “May I …?” to ask for permission/
and say Present or Absent. to interrupt.

b. We use “Excuse me” or “Sorry” to ask for

permission/ to interrupt.

didácticas Unit 0 Classroom lenguage page 16

Ingles 1 pl 01.indd 16 22/7/08 09:37:43

1. Solicite a los menores que lean el título y los propósitos de 1. Ask the students to read the title and the goals of the lesson
la lección y anticipen lo que aprenderán. and predict what they will learn.
2. Propóngales que elaboren una nueva lista de asistencia e 2. Have students create a new attendance list and to invent
inventen nombres de estudiantes. Luego un alumno pue- the names of students not in the class. Then one student
de tomar el papel del profesor o profesora y los demás can take the role of teacher and call roll. The rest answer
responderán con Present o Absent. “Present” or “Absent”.

Unit 1 page 14
 Match the expressions with the pictures. f
 ____ e

 @ May I go to the bathroom?

 A Good bye. / See you tomorrow.
 B Excuse me.
 C Good morning.
 D Good afternoon.
 E Good evening.


 Work with a classmate. Use the clocks to

greet each other.



e rule 1
Discover th
Put the following phrases in the correct box.

Good bye. Good morning.

Good afternoon. Until tomorrow.
Good evening.
To greet people when To greet people when
we arrive we leave
Good morning. Good bye.
Good afternoon. Until tomorrow.
Good evening.

 Form groups of five students. Write a time

$DHMCDODMCDMS (am or pm) on a piece of paper. Give it
to a classmate. Greet each other according
See Picture Dictionary 1, on page 195, to find
vocabulary related to the classroom. to the time on the paper.

page 17 My First day of Class

1. Indique a los escolares las horas del día para el ejercicio 1. Point out to students the times of day for each greeting
4: for exercise 4:
Good morning. – de las 6:00 a.m. a las 12:00 noon. Good morning. – 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Good afternoon. – de las 12:00 noon a las 6:00 p.m. Good afternoon. – 12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m.
Good evening. – de las 6:00 p.m. a las 12:00 midnight. Good evening. – 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight

page 15 Unit 1
Unit zero

Useful Information
Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • Useful phrases in the classroom • How to pronounce some words
• Numbers from 1 to 31 • Some uses of dictionaries.

1 6Q@BJ

Listen and match the questions to the answers.
. How do you spell dictionary? @. Sure, blackboard.
. Can you repeat that, please? A. Window.
. What’s the meaning of library? B. d- i- c- t- i- o- n- a- r- y
. Repeat, please. C Biblioteca.
 How do you say ventana in English? D Yes, library.

Listen again and check your answers.

 Circle the letters you hear.
G J I A.
. .
. S X . E I
. D B . P V
. M N  R L 3
 K Q  S Z

 Look at the list of words. Listen to your teacher pronouncing them. Cross the letters you don’t hear.

DF ✕
•sandwich •raise ✕ •write ✕

close ✕
•notebook •blackboard •look
• e r a s✕
e •underline ✕ •complete ✕
 Make a list of some items you need to buy for your classes this year. Use a bilingual
dictionary to help you.

didácticas Unit 0 Classroom lenguage page 18

1. Pida a varios escolares que mencionen en voz alta el 1. Ask several students to say the alphabet in English aloud.
alfabeto en inglés.
2. Have students find some differences between the English
2. Anímelos para que encuentren algunas diferencias entre and the Spanish alphabets.
el alfabeto inglés y el español.
3. Students can work in pairs and practice the alphabet by
3. Solicite que en parejas practiquen el alfabeto deletreando spelling aloud their names for their partner to write the
en voz alta sus nombres al tiempo que su compañero o letters.
compañera lo escriben.

Unit 1 page 16
 Order the numbers from the box and write them on the corresponding lines below.
ten twenty-nine one thirteen twenty-one fourteen
two thirty nine twenty-six eight three
thirty-one twenty four twenty-three twelve five
six twenty-two seven fifteen twenty-five sixteen
twenty-four eighteen twenty-seven nineteen seventeen twenty-eight

DF  NMD  twelve  twenty-three

 two  thirteen  twenty-four



 five  sixteen  twenty-seven
 six  seventeen  twenty-eight
 seven  eighteen  twenty-nine
 eight  nineteen  thirty
 nine  twenty  thirty-one
 ten  twenty-one 
 eleven  twenty-two 

 Now listen to your teacher and point at the numbers you hear.
 Choose 5 different numbers and write them in your notebook. Work in pairs and dictate your
numbers to your partner. Write the numbers (with letters) your partner dictates in notebook.

Remember to ask: How do you spell ____________? when you don’t know how to write them.

A dictionary can help you learn many things about the language you are studying and become an
independent student. Dictionaries usually contain some codes or short forms. Match the following
with their meaning. Write the answers in your notebook.

@ C  uncountable 2
A adj  preposition
B adv  countable
C U  adjective
 D v  pronoun
E prep  adverb
F n  noun
G pron  verb

Use your dictionary and find some information about the following words.

DFpetMNTMBNTMS@AKD noun, countable

d. ruler __________________________
noun, countable
a. hairdresser _____________________ adverb
e. quickly __________________________
b. clean __________________________ preposition
f. from __________________________
c. greet __________________________ prononn
g. them __________________________

page 19 Useful information

1. Es probable que los alumnos no sepan como deletrear 1. Students probably won’t know how to spell the different
los números. Para ayudarles, puede sugerir que realicen numbers. To help them, you can first make sets of numbers
algunos juegos con los números y la forma como se dele- and their spellings on different pieces of paper. Give a set
trean. Organice el grupo en equipos; proporcione a cada to small groups of students and have them try to match
uno pedazos de papel con los números escritos y la forma the numbers with what they think are their spellings. Then
como se deletrean, luego, pídales que se reúnan en pares. they can write them in their books.
Para finalizar anímelos para que escriban en sus cuader-
2. You can explain to the students that these codes can help
nos el número y la manera como se deletrea.
them understand a word’s meaning in a dictionary and
2. Explique a los menores que estas abreviaturas pueden how to use it.
ayudarlos entender el significado de una palabra en el
diccionario y como usarla.

page 17 Unit 1
Unit zero

What’s the date?
Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contact.
Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • Months of the year • Days of the week
• How to ask for and say the date.

Answer the questions with your teacher.

Do you watch TV?
What programs do you watch?


Listen to the quiz program. Write the months of the year you hear.
February September June
January April December
March August November
May July October

 Listen again and cross out the letters you don’t hear.

September December February

October March April

2 July November August

January ✕
June May

 Look at the days of the week. Correct the spelling mistakes. Use your dictionary to help you.

Mondey Correct: Monday

e ru le
• Tuesdey Tuesday
D is c o v e r th
• Wendsday Wednesday
Underline the correct alternative.
• Tursday Thursday
When we write days of the week and
• Fryday Friday
months we start with
• Satourday Saturday small letters / capital letters
• Sonday

didácticas Unit 0 Classroom lenguage page 20

Ingles 1 pl 02.indd 20 23/7/08 08:37:25

1. Pida a los educandos que comparen la forma como se 1. Ask
students if they notice anything different about the
escriben en inglés y español los días de la semana y los way days of the week and months of the year are written
meses y busquen las diferencias. Comentarles que en in English from the way they are written in Spanish. In
inglés siempre se escriben con mayúscula al inicio. English, we always use a capital letter at the beginning.

Unit 1 page 18
 Put the following dialog in a logical order. Write the numbers on the lines.

SNC@X! 3




 Work in pairs and talk about the date today.

 Write today’s date in your notebook.

page 21 What’s the date?

1. Proponga que trabajen en parejas para intentar resolver el 1. You can have students work in pairs to try to work out the
orden de la conversación. order of the dialog.

page 19 Unit 1
First Bimonthly

Unit 1

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to introduce yourself and others, and to exchange
personal details.

Social Practices:
• Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
• Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

Unit functions:
1.1. Introducing oneself and other people.
1.2. Asking for and giving personal details.

page 22
page 20

Ingles 1 pl 02.indd 22 23/4/08 16:27:25 Ingle


Performance evidence

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use them
• You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by choosing lexis,
phrases and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts regarding
factual information of a personal kind.

page 23
page 21

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Unit one


Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • Formal and informal greetings

Circle the correct answers.

The following text is Latin lover says:
an interview / an informal chat. Hi! What’s your name?
Happy heart says: 1
I’m Angie.
Latin lover says:
Nice to meet you, Angie. I’m Oscar.
Happy heart says:
Nice to meet you too, Oscar. How are you?
Latin lover says:
Fine thanks. . Where are you from, Angie?
Happy heart says:
I’m from…

The following text is part of a

formal conversation / an informal chat.

Good morning
doctor Wall.
Welcome to our pro
Good morning.
Dr Wall:
This is doctor Dover
Radio presenter:
How do you do?
Dr Wall:
How do you do?
Doctor Dover:
Let’s begin with…
Radio presenter:

Sugerencias Work in pairs. Compare your answers.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 24

1. Pídales que analicen los textos y expliquen cuál es la dife- 1. Ask students to analyze the texts and explain what the
rencia entre un texto informal y uno formal. difference is between an informal text and a formal one.

Unit 1 page 22
 Look at the phrases in exercise 1. Write them in the correct column.
 Formal phrases
How do you do?
Nice to meet you.

Informal phrases
How are you?.
Fine, thanks.
Nice to meet you.

 Work in pairs. Use your notebook to write a list of questions you would like to ask
someone when you chat.

• Outside task! Get on the Internet and find a new friend who speaks English. Chat with him/her.
Use the questions from exercise 4a to help you.

 Go around the class and greet some of your classmates you don’t usually talk to.
Suggestion: You can start your portfolio. A portfolio is a special place where you can keep items and check your
progress. Every time you see this icon in your book, add your work to your portfolio.

You can include your writings and projects you do in class as well as vocabulary and language from the book
that you find interesting or difficult to remember. You can include things you find outside of class such as songs,
magazines, articles, or things from the internet, etc. You can also share and compare your portfolio with others
in your class.

page 25 Greetings

1. Si lo considera conveniente, solicite a los educandos que 1. If your students are comfortable enough with the rest of
representen sus diálogos frente al grupo. the class, you can have them act out their dialogs in front
of the whole class.

page 23 Unit 1
Unit one

At the Gym Class

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • The alphabet. • How to give your name and last name.
• How to spell your name. • How to ask someone to repeat something.

 Look at the alphabet. Listen to your In your notebook copy the grid. Write
teacher and repeat. a different letter of the alphabet in each

1 #$%&'()*+,-./01
square. Listen to your teacher and
cross out (✗) the letters that you hear.
 Look at the letters below. Listen to Shout BINGO! if you cross out all
your teacher and circle the ones your the letters.
teacher repeats.
a. k q e. a e
b. s c f. n m
c. v b g. z c
d. e i h. x s
 Listen and choose the correct word.


)14&10 9G@S@ANTS

 Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions to
complete the ID card.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 26

1. Pida a varios escolares que mencionen en voz alta el alfa- 1. Ask several students to say the alphabet in English aloud.
beto en inglés.
2. Have three students act out the dialog after listening to the
2. Invite a tres menores a que representen el diálogo de la track on compact disc.
actividad, luego de escuchar el disco compacto.
3. Students can create an ID card in their notebooks and fill
3. Sugiera que elaboren en sus cuadernos una credencial in their own names. Then they can act out a conversation
con sus nombres. Indíqueles que actúen una conversa- similar to the one in exercise 4 using their own information.
ción similar a la de ejercicio 4 con su propia información. This will make the activity more meaningful and provide
Esto hará la actividad más significativa y será una oportu- them with the opportunity to practice spelling their own
nidad para practicar como deletrear sus nombres. names.

Unit 1 page 24
. Swimming
Match the pictures with the sports. . Baseball
1  Football 2
C ______
@ __

E ______
A ______ 6
B ______ 4
D ______

e rule
Discover th Match the two columns with a line.
# $
To ask for repetition we can use the question “How do you spell it?”
To ask for the spelling of something we can say “What’s your name, please?”
To ask for someone’s name we can say “Sorry, can you say that again?”


Work with a classmate. You spell the name of a sport and your
classmate says the word. Student A: S-O-C-C-E-R
Student B: Soccer
(NQLXNTQSD@L Choose a sport and write the name in
your notebook.

Interview your classmates to form your team. Write their .@RS

names in your notebook. D
2 0@L
@ R J D SA@KK 
––What’s your first name? $
––What’s your last name?
––How do you spell it? 6D@L 

page 27 At the Gym Class

1. Pida a algunos estudiantes que pasen al frente y represen- 1. Have some students come to the front and mime a different
ten con mímica los deportes enunciados en la actividad 6. sport from activity 7. The rest of the class says the name of
El resto del grupo adivinará y el que lo representó escribi- the sport. The student who mimed it then writes it on the
rá el nombre del deporte en el pizarrón. board.
2. Invítelos a que usen en la actividad sus nombres o inven- 2. Students can use their own names or invent new names to
ten nuevos, y formen equipos para realizarla. form teams.

page 25 Unit 1
Unit one

At the Library

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about nationalities.


Listen and write T for Tanita and B for Bob.

 Hi, can I sit here? _____
 Sure. _____
  What’s your name? _____ B
 Tanita. _____
 That’s a strange name. _____
 What’s your last name? _____
 Prakid. _____
  Wow! Where are you from? _____ B
 I’m from Cairo. I’m Egyptian. _____
 My name’s Bob. Nice to meet you, Tanita. _____
 Nice to meet you too, Bob. _____

 Change seats several times to meet new classmates. Ask your new partners about their names
and nationalities.

e rule
Discover th Look at the sentences and choose the best option.

• I’m from Cairo. I’m Egyptian. • What’s your last name? • My name’s Bob.
The contraction I’m means: The contraction What’s means: The contraction name’s means:
a) I am b) I can a) What are b) What is a) name is b) name are

 Match the sentences with the pictures.

 I’m Pablo and

 I’m Tomiko and

I’m from Tokyo.
I’m from Caracas.
I’m Venezuelan. 2
I’m Japanese.  I’m Cindy and
I’m from Sydney.
 I’m Robert and I’m Australian.
I’m from Ottawa.
I’m Canadian.
● Now you can play the
 I’m Maria and interactive game Souvenirs from
I’m from Mexico City. the World on your CD if you
I’m Mexican. have a computer.
Unit 1, Personal Identification page 28

Ingles 1 pl 02.indd 28 23/7/08 08:53:53

1. Pídales que analicen los textos y expliquen cuál es la dife- 1. Ask students to analyze the texts and explain what the
rencia entre un texto informal y uno formal. difference is between an informal text and a formal one.

Unit 1 page 26
 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose an identity from Exercise 3 and tell your partner your nationality.
Student B: Guess your partner’s name.
e rule
Discover th Choose the correct alternative.
DF Countries and nationalities
start with CAPITAL letters / do not start with CAPITAL letters.
Student A: I’m from Tokyo. I’m Japanese.
Student B: You’re Tomiko.
Write the country or nationality on the lines.
Mexico - ___________________
___________________- Canadian

Write the correct country or nationality on the map. Choose words from the box.
@ Country: 75# 'MFK@MC
C Country: ______________
1 American
Nationality: ___________________ Nationality: ______________

. England
. Brazilian D Country: (Q@MBD
. English French
Nationality: _________
. Japan
. Italy Italy
E Country: __________
. Guatemalan +S@KH@M
Nationality: __________
. French

2 3
F Country: $Q@YHK
A Country: _____________
Nationality: _________
Nationality: _____________

B Country: )T@SDL@K@
Nationality: _____________ When you travel, you have to fill in a form
like the one on this page. Complete it with the
corresponding information.
Write the name of 2 countries you would
like to visit.
___________________ ___________________

Interview five classmates. Find out their new

names and nationalities.

––What’s your first name?
––What’s your last name?
––Where are you from?
––Nice to meet you.

page 29 At the Library

1. Invítelos a que elijan algún país e investiguen cómo se 1. Ask students to choose a country and to find out how it
escribe y pronuncia su nombre así como el gentilicio y is written and pronounced and what the word is for its
que los escriban en sus cuadernos. Luego, que uno a uno nationality and to write them in their notebooks. Then one
lea en voz alta lo que encontró. by one they read aloud their entries.
2. Pídales que identifiquen en los ejercicios 3 y 5 los nom- 2. Have students identify which countries and nationalities
bres países y de nacionalidades que son muy similares from exercises 3 and 5 are similar in Spanish and which are
al nombre en español y cuáles diferentes, por ejemplo, different, e.g., Italian – italiano, Guatemalan – guatemalteco.
Italian – italiano, Guatemalan – guatemalteco.
3. Tell students that words that are written in a similar way in
3. Coménteles que las palabras que se escriben de manera in English and Spanish are called cognates. Then ask them
similar en inglés y español reciben el nombre de cogna- to give some examples that they know.
dos. Solicite que mencionen algunos ejemplos.

page 27 Unit 1
Unit one

At a Party

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to introduce yourself and others.

 Listen to the conversation and order the pictures.


@ 1 A 6 B 4

C 3 D 5 E 2

 Work with a partner and find another pair of classmates to introduce each other and
your partner.
Hi! My name is Bobby and this is my friend Paddy.
e rule
Discover th
@ Match the sentences with the pictures. A Underline the correct word for each picture.
2 1

 This is my brother Alan. This/That This/That

Sugerencias  That is my friend Carlos.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 30

1. Antes de hacer el ejercicio, pregunte en cuáles situaciones 1. Before doing the exercise, ask students in what situations
se presentan a sí mismos y en cuáles a otros. they would introduce themselves and others.
2. Organice al grupo en parejas y pídales que se presenten 2. Put the group into pairs and ask them to introduce their
ante su compañero o compañera y a su profesor o profe- partner and the teacher to each other.

Unit 1 page 28
 Look at Susan’s family tree. Is it similar to your family?


 Use your notebook. Draw your family tree with photographs. DF
 Work in pairs. Show your family tree to your partner and introduce This is my father, Carlos.
This is my sister, Ana.
your family.

 Choose a name, country of origin and nationality from the list.

Don’t tell anybody.

Name Country of origin Nationality

2 Carlos/Carla Da Silva Brazil American

Yuriko Koshi Japan Japanese

Paolo/Paola Risi Italy English

André/Ana Brocca France French

● Now you can play the interactive game The Postal Service on your CD if you have a computer.

 Work in pairs. Introduce yourself to Change pairs. Introduce yourself and

your partner. your previous partner to your new partner.
My name is… I am from … I am ________
My name is… Beatriz (nationality)
I am from … Mexico Susana
and that is my friend __________________.
Mexican (name)
I am _____________________ .
(nationality) He/She is from… He/She is _____________.

 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 174, activity A, and Student B go to page 179, activity A.
page 31 At a party

1. Pida a algunos estudiantes que pasen al frente y que pre- 1. Ask some students to come to the front and introduce
senten a sus compañeros de grupo alguno de los fami- Susan’s family members to the class so that students will
liares de Susan, con la finalidad de que luego realicen la later be able to introduce their own family members.
actividad con su familia.
2. You can have students practice more nationalities by writing
2. Solicíteles que practiquen más nacionalidades escribien- different names, countries of origin and nationalities on
do en pedazos de papel diferentes nombres propios, paí- different pieces of paper and handing them out to different
ses de origen y nacionalidades y que los intercambien con students.
sus compañeros.

page 29 Unit 1
Unit one

Grammar and Functions Review Lesson
Greetings and farewells 2
DF Hi!
 Say the correct greeting.
Good morning/afternoon/evening/bye. 7:00 am Good morning.
Nice to meet you.
See you.
Until tomorrow.

Asking for and giving information about names

DF What’s your first/last name?
My first/last name is... Good morning Good afternoon
Is your first/last name...?
Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
Are you...?
Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Good afternoon

Spelling names and things 

DF How do you spell...?

Spell it, please.
Good morning Good morning
Asking for and giving information
about nationalities
 Work in pairs. Student A: Give an instruction.
DF Where are you from? Student B: Point at the correct picture.
I’m from (place). I’m (nationality).
Stand up
2 Giving instructions  
DF Stand up.
Sit down.
Open/Close your book.
Spell it/your name, please.

Open your book
I am = I’m
He is = He’s
She is = She’s
What is = What’s
My name is = My name’s

See Grammar Reference Unit 1, on pages
202 and 203 for help with questions
about the grammar in this unit.

Sugerencias Close the door Sit down

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 32

1. Informe a los estudiantes que en esta sección podrán revi- 1. Tell students that in this section they will be able to review
sar lo aprendido en las lecciones anteriores. the things they have learned in the previous lessons.
2. Solicite que identifiquen y repasen los contenidos de las 2. Elicit and review different functions from lessons one to
lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen diálogos usando la informa- four and from the review box and have students act out
ción de la caja de repaso. dialogs using the language.
3. Invítelos a que elaboren fichas de trabajo con la informa- 3. Ask students to use the information in the review box
ción de la caja de repaso, éstas serán de mucha utilidad a to make a study guide that they can use throughout the
lo largo del curso. course.

Unit 1 page 30
 Look at the photograph of people you can talk to in the chat. Circle the name of the person you
would like to meet.

Click on the photos to make a new friend

new friend


video Jocelyn Nathan



Yoshi Claire

 Write some personal information you want to send to your new friend.
Hi, I’m …. And I’m
from …
 Write some questions to find out personal information about the new
friend you selected. RM
Where you from?
@ _____________________________________ ?
What’s your name?
A _____________________________________ ?
How old are you?
B _____________________________________ ?
Who is your best
C _____________________________________ ? delete submit

 Write contractions where possible.

DF I’m Ana Luisa. delete submit

He’s from Japan.

  He is from Japan. _____________________________________
She’s Adriana.
  She is Adriana.
  I am Mexican. I’m Mexican.
My name’s Joseph.
  My name is Joseph. _____________________________________
  She is from the USA. She’s from the USA.

page 33 Review Lesson

1. Indique a los menores que escriban en sus cuadernos al- 1. Ask students to write in their notebooks some of the words
gunas de las palabras revisadas en las primeras lecciones. reviewed in the first lessons of the unit. Then have them
Pídales que trabajen en equipos de tres, uno deletree y work in groups of three and spell words for the other two
los otros compañeros que mencionen de qué palabra se partners to say what the word is.

page 31 Unit 1
Unit one

My Classmate

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
In this lesson you will review numbers from 1 to 31 and you will learn:
• How to ask for and give addresses.
• How to ask for and give ages.
• How to ask for and give telephone numbers.

 Match the symbols with their meaning. Write the correct letter on the line.
 @  __
c . equals

 A __
a . plus

 B __
b . minus


 Listen to the following adds and substractions and write the result on the lines.
@ twenty-one
A thirty-one
1 B eighteen
Discover th
e rule
C nineteen Circle the numbers in which we use a hyphen (—)
D six
when we write them. e.g. 23 twenty-three
15 20 31 18 22 28 30 12 25 29

 Let’s do some math! Look at the following calculations

and write the result on the line.

@ 3 + 7 – 2 = eight DF
8 – 6 + 1 = three (eight
A 15 + 4 – 7 = twelve minus six plus one equals
B 31 – 17 + 4 = eighteen three)

C 25 + 6 – 3 + 1 = twenty-nine
D 13 – 9 – 2 + 7 = nine

 Work in pairs. Plan some calculations. Say them to your partner and check how many seconds
he/she takes to give you the result.

Unit 1, Personal Identification page 34

Pliego 3.indd 34 22/7/08 09:48:56

1. Sugiera que algunos educandos pasen al frente y dicten 1. Ask some students to come to the front to dictate some numbers
varios números al resto del grupo. Después de realizar las to the class for them to write them in their notebooks. Then
operaciones que verifiquen sus respuestas. check their answers together.
2. Proponga a los escolares que escriban en sus cuadernos 2. Have students write in their notebooks sequences of numbers
secuencias de números de 2 en 2 o 3 en 3 hasta 30. in twos or in threes up to thirty.

Unit 1 page 32
Complete the blank spaces with words from the box.
9G@S RXNTQ @CCQDRR ! live @S
@  _______

A  ________ +S R

B  _____

B _____

old @QD
C  ______
years NKC
+ L
D  ________
e rule
Discover th
Underline the correct option.

To give someone a telephone number we:

Say number by number like this: (55 619 3879)

five-five-six-one-nine-three-eight …

Group two or three numbers and say (55 619 38979)

fifty-five, six hundred and nineteen…
Listen and check your answers.
 Work with a classmate. Act out the dialogs.
 Work in groups and fi nd out information about your partners to make a list.
Write it in your notebook.


What’s your name?

My name’s ________________________.

What’s your address?
I live at ____________________________


What’s your telephone number? 
It’s _______________________________.

How old are you? 
I’m _______________________________.

page 35 My Classmate

Pliego 3.indd 35 22/7/08 09:48:58

1. Indique a los escolares que utilicen información real en 1. Encourage students to substitute their own information in
los diálogos. the dialogs.
2. Invítelos a que escriban sus datos en la agenda y la pro- 2. Ask students to write their information for the list and then
porcionen de manera oral a sus compañeros. tell their partners the information.
3. Sugiérales que busquen en diccionarios inglés-español los 3. Ask students to look in an English-Spanish dictionary for
números mayores de 20 que necesiten para realizar la ac- the words greater than 20 that they will need in order to
tividad. do the activity.

page 33 Unit 1
Unit one

Getting Help

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.
Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give someone’s age. • How to ask for and give someone’s
address. • How to ask for and give someone’s telephone number.
• Numbers from 40 to 1,000 and you will review numbers from 20 to 30.

Listen and complete the chart.

1 Nevin’s last name


Address 17 River Street

Phone number 5633-0471

 Work in pairs. Look at Ricky’s notebook.

Ask your partner about Sandra. Complete
Last n
: Sand
ra 2
the blanks in your notebook. Addre Bullo
ss: 16 ck
Telep Summ
hone: er Str
5865 eet
Age: 8897
  What’s Sandra’s last name? 14

  What’s her address?

  What’s her telephone number?
How is she
  _______________ old _______________?

e rule
Discover th
Underline the correct option.
a. In the question What’s your last name?”, the ‘s indicates

possession contraction of What is

b. In the question What’s Nevin’s last name?, the ‘s in Nevin’s

indicates contraction of Nevin is does not indicate contraction of Nevin is

Unit 1, Personal Identification page 36

Pliego 3.indd 36 22/7/08 09:49:01

1. Solicite a los estudiantes que en voz alta mencionen en 1. Ask students to say aloud in English the following information:
inglés estos datos: edad, dirección y número telefónico. age, address and telephone number.
2. Sugiera que repitan el diálogo usando información de uno 2. Students can repeat the dialog using information of one of
de sus compañeros o de un amigo o amiga. their classmates or a friend.
3. Invítelos a que realicen la actividad con sus datos. 3. Have the students do the activity with their own information.
4. Pídales que consigan los datos de algunos artistas o depor- 4. Ask students to find and write in their notebooks information
tistas. Luego, que se reúnan en equipos de tres integrantes about an artist or athlete. Then in groups of three they ask
y se formulen preguntas para obtener información de los and answer to find out each other’s information.

Unit 1 page 34
 Write the missing numbers as words, then listen to your teacher and repeat.

20 twenty 60 sixty 100 one hundred

____________________ 63 sixty-three
____________________ 200 two hundred
30 thirty 70 seventy 332 three hundred and
34 thirty-four
____________________ 79 seventy-nine
____________________ thirty-two
40 forty 80 eighty 1,000 one thousand
45 forty-five
____________________ 88 eighty-eight
50 fifty 90 ninety
52 fifty-two
____________________ 96 ninety-six

Use your notebook. Read and complete the information in Lidia’s notebook.

Her name is Kinuko.
She’s from Japan.
1G9GNHRRGD! She’s 13 years old.
.NNJ@S 9G@S RGDQM@LD! She lives at 325 Kysu Street
LXMNSDR and her telephone number
is 57295306.
Her country code is (208). 2
 Draw an imaginary friend and write a
paragraph about him/her.

 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your

imaginary friend.

What’s his/her name?
How old is he/she?
Lidia E Where does he/she live?
Project What’s his/her telephone?

e rule
Kinuko Discover th
me: treet
Last na
: 325
Kinsu S 06 Underline the correct alternative.
0 8 ) 5 729-53
on (2
Teleph To write your address we first mention:
Age: 13

The street name / the house number

page 37 Getting Help

1. Propóngales que elaboren una lista de diez números entre 1. Have students make a list of ten numbers between 20 and
20 y 300; los escriban en pequeños papeles y los doblen. 300 and write them on pieces of paper and fold them.
Indíqueles que coloquen en una bolsa todos los papeles y, Have them put them all in a bag and then one by one take
a continuación, pídales que uno a uno saquen un papel y a piece of paper from the bag and read the number aloud.
digan el número en inglés en voz alta. Continuar así hasta Continue until all the numbers have been taken from the
terminar con todos los papeles. bag.
2. Guíelos para que adviertan las diferencias en la manera 2. Guide students so that they notice the differences in addresses
como se escriben las direcciones en español y en inglés. in Spanish and English. Encourage them to look in magazines
Anímelos a que busquen en revistas o internet direcciones and on the Internet for addresses of people, hotels and
de personas, hoteles, instituciones, de sitios ubicados en institutions located in the United States, Canada, Australia and
Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y el Reino Unido. the United Kingdom.

page 35 Unit 1
Unit one

My Birthday

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about birthdays. • How to ask and give information about birthdays.


 Listen and complete the chart with the correct dates.

Zodiac sign Dates

Aquarius January 20th – February 18th
Pisces February 19th – March 20th

1 Aries March 21st – April 19th

Taurus April 20th – May 20th
Gemini May 21st – June 20th
Cancer June 21st - July 22nd
Leo July 23rd - August 22nd

 Investigate the dates of the other zodiac signs and complete the chart.
Zodiac sign Dates
Virgo August 23rd – September 21st
Libra September 22nd – October 22nd

2 Scorpio
October 23rd – November 21st
November 22nd – December 21st
Capricorn December 22nd – January 19th

 Work in groups of five students. Make a list of your names, last names, telephone
numbers, adresses and birthdays.


When’s your birthday, Pablo? What’s your name and What’s your address and
When’s Luisa’s birthday? last name? telephone number?
It’s on …

 Put the dates in a table in chronological order.

Sugerencias  Exchange lists with other groups and make a class list.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 38

1. Pida a los alumnos que comparen las sílabas de los meses 1. Ask students to compare the stressed syllables in the months
en inglés con las que tienen en español. in English with those in Spanish.
2. Propóngales que de manera oral proporcionen los datos 2. Have students say their birthdays aloud in groups and write
de su cumpleaños a todo el grupo y que anoten la infor- down the birthdays in their notebooks.
mación en sus cuadernos.

Unit 1 page 36

It’s my birthday! Listen and complete the chart. 1
Name Birthday
Ann July 12 th

Gina August 27th

Robert July 17th

Look at the questions and match them with a correct answer. Write the number on the line.

 @ When’s her birthday? 2

_____  His birthday is on January 23rd.
 A When’s your birthday? _____  Her birthday is on August 4th.
 B When’s his birthday? 1
_____  My birthday is on May 12th.

Order the words to form correct sentences or questions.

e rule
 @ birthday/ on/ her/ September/ is/ 2nd. Discover th
Her birthday is on September 2nd.
_____________________________________________________. Look at the following sentences and
answer the questions below.
 A is/ on/ my/ birthday/ November/ 20th.
My birthday is on November 20th Jo’s birthday is on January 25th.
_____________________________________________________. My birthday is in November.
 B mother’s/ when/ birthday/ ?/ is/ your
To mention the month of events we use
When is your mother’s birthday?
_____________________________________________________. in
preposition _____________ .
 C father’s/ is/ June/ birthday/ my/ on/ 3rd/ May. To mention the specific date of events
we use preposition _____________ .
My father’s birthday is on June 3rd
 D birthday/ his/ on/ is/ 15th/ May. Complete:
Independence day in Mexico is _______
His birthday is on May 15th.
______ September.
Complete the orange columns of the chart with your Mexican people celebrate Revolution
information and the information of a family member on
Day _____________ November 20th.
who does not live in your house. Then interview your
partner and write his/her information in the blue columns.

YOU A family member YOUR PARTNER His/Her family

2 Name
Last name
Phone number

page 39 My Birthday

1. Cuando todos los equipos hayan comparado sus cumplea- 1. When all the groups have compared their birthdays, they
ños, sugiera que los escriban en orden cronológico. can arrange them all in chronological order.
2. Indíqueles que anoten en sus cuadernos, en una tabla 2. Have students make a table in their notebooks similar to
como la de la actividad, las fechas de cumpleaños de sus the one in activity 9 with the birthdays and information
familiares. Pídales que se reúnan en equipos de cuatro of a relative. Then in groups of four read aloud their
integrantes y lean la información. information.

page 37 Unit 1
Unit one


Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about occupations.


 Listen and complete the information on the computer screen.

2 + L@
basketball player

Rachel: Who are they?   musician

Peter: They are famous people.  basketball player
Rachel: Ask Michael Jordan a question.
Peter: OK. What do you do, Michael?

 Work with a classmate.
Use the occupations in the box
to ask and answer about the
e rule
Discover th

 Listen and check.

DF Choose always or never to complete the sentence below.

What do you do, Joaquin? We always / never use the articles A or An to talk about occupations.
I’m an anchorman.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 40

1. Invítelos a que elaboren en sus cuadernos una página

Pliego 3.indd 40
1. Have students create in their notebooks an Internet page 22/7/08 09:49:21

electrónica con información de deportistas, científicos, with athletes, scientists, artists and politicians. Then have
artistas y políticos. Luego, organice una sesión para que them show and describe their pages to others in their
muestren y describan sus páginas a sus compañeros. group.
2. Proponga que un tercer alumno o alumna tome el papel 2. Have a third student take the role of one of the celebrities
de una de las celebridades del ejercicio 1 y mencione su in exercise 1 and say his/her name, nationality and
nombre, nacionalidad y ocupación. occupation.
3. Solicíteles que escriban en sus cuadernos otros ejemplos 3. Ask students to write in their notebooks other examples
del uso de a y an; después, que los verifiquen con un com- of the use of “a” and “an”. Then have them share their
pañero o compañera. examples with a partner.

Unit 1 page 38
 Match the pictures with the occupations.
@  accountant
 taxi driver
 dentist E


 Listen and complete the dialog.
Peter: Lidia, who’s your hero?
Lidia: My Dad!
2 9G@S does your father do?
Peter: (a) _________
See Picture dictionary 2, on page 195, for
vocabulary related to occupations.
Lidia: He’s (b) _________ policeman.
Peter: And what about (c) _________ mother?
Lidia: She’s an (d) _________________.

 Use your notebook. Draw some things
your mother or father uses at work.

Work with a partner. Show your pictures

to him/her and ask questions to guess what
your mother/father does.

A: Is he a mechanic?
B: No, he isn’t..

Work in pairs. Interview your partner

about his/her father and mother.
––What does your mother/father do?
––He/She is a/an...

page 41

1. Anímelos para que en equipos elijan alguna de las ocu- 1. Have students choose occupations from activity 4 and act
paciones de la actividad y realicen diálogos como este: out dialogs: “What does Miguel do?” “He’s a judge”.
What does Miguel do? He’s a judge.
2. Students can write the occupations of their mothers and
2. Sugiérales que escriban en sus cuadernos las ocupacio- fathers. Help them with occupations they haven’t seen
nes de sus papás o de algún familiar. Ayúdelos para que yet.
investiguen en un diccionario los nombres de oficios y
3. Propose students to write in their notebooks a dialog like in the
profesiones que no hayan visto.
one activity with the occupations of their parents and relatives.
3. Proponga que escriban en sus cuadernos diálogos como Then in groups they read aloud their dialogs to the others.
los de la actividad con las ocupaciones de sus padres y
familiares. Luego, organícelos para que los lean en voz
alta en el grupo.

page 39 Unit 1
Unit one

Reading and Writing

 Camila is looking for an e-pal on the Internet. Read the e-mail she wrote.

Hi. My nameʼs Camila and Iʼm from Mexico City. Iʼm 12 years old and my
birthday is on August 7th. I am studying 1st grade of secondary school in
the south of the city. My favorite sports are volleyball and swimming. I
love going to the theater. My favorite writer is Shakespeare.

There are five members in my family. My motherʼs name is Marcela. Sheʼs a

doctor and my father is an architect. His name is Gilberto but everybody
calls him Gil. I have two sisters. They are twins. Their names are Adriana
and Monica. They are 16 years old. We all like parties and traveling.

My sisters are very sociable. We go out together on Saturdays and Sundays.

Their birthday is in October. We usually have a big celebration!

If you want to be my friend please write to me. My e-mail address is


2 Camila

 Write T if the sentences below are true an F if they are false.

Look at the example:

• Camila goes to school in the south of the city. 6

• She is an actress. F

• She likes reading. T

• She is a twin. F
• She is older than her sisters. F

• They like going on vacations. T

• They usually stay at home on weekends. F


didácticas Unit 1, Personal identification page 42

1. Antes de que los estudiantes lean el correo electrónico 1. Before reading the e-mail, you can ask students how often
Pliego 3.indd 42 22/7/08 09:50:36

(email), pregúnteles en inglés qué tanto usan internet. they use the Internet. Also, ask them if they have friends
También, les puedes preguntar si reciben correos electró- they write to through e-mails.
nicos de sus amigos o amigas.

Unit 1 page 40
 You want to fi nd an e-pal on the Internet too. Complete the following chart about you.

• Name
• Age
• Nationality
• Your birthday
• Sports you like
their occupations
• Family members and

• Your e-mail address

 Now use the information in exercise 3 to write an e-mail about you. Illustrate it with a drawing
if you want.

e rule
Discover th
Write the following phrases in the correct box.

Hi See you soon Cheers Hello Bye

To greet people we can say:

Hi / Cheers / Hello

To say Good bye you can also use:

See you soon / Bye

page 43 Reading and Writing

1. Después de hacer esta actividad, sugiera a los menores

Pliego 3.indd 43
1. After doing this activity, students can share their e-mails
22/7/08 09:50:37

que compartan sus correos electrónicos (e-mails) con un with a partner. If students have access to the Internet,
compañero o compañera. Si tienen acceso al internet, aní- you can have them send each other e-mails describing
melos para que envíen un correo electrónico (e-mail) en themselves in English.
inglés en el que se describan a otro alumno o alumna de
la clase.

page 41 Unit 1
Unit one

Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions 1
Use your notebook. Use pictures of three people
Talking about your family you know.

DF. Who’s this/that? Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions to learn
This/That’s my brother. about your partner’s pictures.
Is this your sister?
No, this is my cousin Ana. Think about 3 of your classmates who can help you
Asking for and giving information about
someone’s address
charts with the necessary information. 2
in an emergency. Ask them questions to complete the

0@LD Erika Fabila

DF. What’s your address?
I live at 16 Park Street.
What’s his/her address?
#CCQDRR 107 Tenayuca Street
He/She lives at 15 Lake Street.

Asking for and giving information about *NTRDOGNMD

someone’s age MTLADQ 5248-3312

DF. How old are you?

I’m thirteen years old. /NAHKDMTLADQ 552512-1421
How old is he/she?
He/She is fourteen years old.
Asking for and giving information about someone’s
telephone number

2 DF. What is your telephone number?

It’s 226-3915.

What’s his/her telephone number? *NTRDOGNMD

It’s 662-8591. MTLADQ

Asking about someone’s occupation

DF. What do you do?
I’m a secretary.
I’m an accountant. 0@LD


See Grammar Reference Unit 1, on pag- *NTRDOGNMD
es 202 and 203 for help with questions MTLADQ
about the grammar in this unit.


didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 44

1. Pida a los educandos que organizados en equipos identi- 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons five to
fiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones de las lecciones eigh and from the review box and have students act out
5 a 8 y que actúen diálogos usando el lenguaje de la caja dialogs using the language.
de repaso.
2. Have students write the activity in their notebooks with their
2. Indíqueles que realicen en sus cuadernos la actividad con parents’ information and then share it with a classmate.
la información de sus padres y luego la comparen con la
de un compañero o compañera.

Unit 1 page 42
In case of emergencies, it is important
to carry some kind of identification on
you. Some people wear a necklace
like this:

■ Fill in this form with the necessary information in case of emergencies.

Thanks for caring. This ID can save your life.

Fill in the form clearly and carefully.

Maria Luisa Luna

Name: __________________________________________________________________ 1
456 Gitana
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Gabriela Madison
For emergencies contact: ________________________ (name) on
___________________________ phone number.
O Rh-
Blood type: _________________________
Allergies: ____________________________________________________________

Interview one classmate and fill in ID card A with the corresponding information.
RM Student ID card Student ID card

School: Los Angeles College School:

Name: Ivan Flaherty Name:
Telephone Number: 6543-0909 Telephone Number:
Address: 23 Reforma Street Address:
Birthday: December 17th Birthday:

# $

Work in pairs. Ask your partner about oine of the classmates he/she
interviewed and complete ID card B. What’s his name?
What’s his address?

page 45 Review Lesson

1. Propóngales que con elaboren ID Cards para todos los 1. Have students work in pairs and write in their notebooks
integrantes de su familia. Luego, invítelos a que pasen al ID cards for their family and then come to the front and
frente y las presenten. show it to the class.

page 43 Unit 1
Unit one

Project Page
Your Favorite Character

Draw this form on a piece of paper and cut it out.  Choose your favorite character and fi nd
a small picture of him/her.

 Cut out the picture and paste it on the space  Find out about your character and write his/her
marked “Picture”. information below the picture.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification page 46

1. Coménteles que en estas páginas de fin de unidad realiza-

Pliego 3.indd 46
1. Tell students that on these pages at the end of the units, 22/7/08 09:50:50

rán un proyecto con su equipo que mostrarán y describi- they will do a project in groups and then show and describe
rán su trabajo. it to the class.
2. Indique a los equipos que antes de iniciar con el trabajo, 2. Tell the teams that before beginning the activity one of the
uno de los integrantes lea en voz alta las instrucciones y members reads the instructions aloud to make sure that
verifiquen que las comprendieron. they understand them.
3. Sugiérales que busquen en el Picture Dictionary que está 3. Tell students to look in the Picture Dictionary at the end of
al final del libro algunas de las palabras que se utilizan en the book for words that are used in the activity.
la actividad.

Unit 1 page 44

 Find a picture of your favorite character. Find a large piece of paper. Copy and color the
picture of your favorite character.

 Work in groups. Ask your partners questions  Show your drawings and choose the best one.
about their favorite characters to guess who it is.

Suggestion: You can paste the form you made in activity 1 of this project onto your portfolio.

Write a short interview with your favorite character. Use the questions on page 44 to help you.

page 47
page 47 Your Favorite Character

1. Organícelos para que presenten sus personajes ante el

Pliego 3.indd 47
1. Have groups present their characters to the class and guide
22/7/08 09:51:05

grupo y guíelos para que les formulen preguntas sobre su them in asking questions about their character’s occupation,
ocupación, edad, fecha de cumpleaños y dirección. age, birthday and address.

page 45 Unit 1
Unit one

Time Out!

 Form groups of four

or five students.
2 Collecting Words
1AIDBSHUD to form as many sentences as possible.
 Take turns to throw
the dice and collect
words from the   
board according
to the number on
the dice. Write the judge are do
words you collect
in your notebook.

 Use the words   

to form as many
sentences as street do
possible. you

 Score one point per

correct sentence.

 The same player

cannot use the
2 same words more
than once.
his an am

What’s your name?   
Your name is Pedro.
How old is she? last
name birthday
Where’s he from?

 Play at least four

rounds so that all  
the players have a

chance to form at
least one sentence. my 14 Allison Street her

 The player with the

highest score at the
end of the game is
Sugerencias the winner.

didácticas Unit 1, Personal Identification

page 48

1. Infórmeles que en estas páginas se presenta un juego, el 1. Tell students that on these pages there is a game that they
Pliego 3.indd 48 22/7/08 09:51:06

cual realizarán a partir de leer y comprender las instruc- can play by reading and understanding the instructions.
ciones que se indican en estas páginas.
2. Read aloud the objective and the instructions of the game.
2. Lea el objetivo y las instrucciones del juego; después for- Then ask them questions to make sure that they understood
múleles preguntas para verificar si las comprendieron. them.

Unit 1 page 46
? she is address 1217 Person Street

your yes this live

5677-9985 she where name

dentist he I friend

it what this is her January

page 49 Collecting Words

Pliego 4.indd 49 22/7/08 11:19:04

page 47 Unit 1
Unit one

Match the questions with the correct answers. 2
 Is your name Rosa? @ It’s on January 25 .

 Is your last name Gonzalez? A I’m from Guadalajara.

 Where are you from? B 5256-3519.
 Are you Mexican? C I’m a doctor.
 Where do you live? D Yes, I am.
 How old are you? E Her birthday is on November 20th.

Progress Check
 What’s your address? F I’m 13 years old.
 What’s your telephone number? G In Sinaloa.
 When’s your birthday? H No, it isn’t. It’s Hernandez.
 What do you do? I Yes, it is.
 When is her birthday? J 14 Elm Street.
_____________11 points
Read the text and answer the questions below.

Animal rescue project

As a volunteer with our Animal Rescue Project, you work in a National
Park. You help rangers liberate animals like zebras, elephants and cheetahs
from illegal hunting snares.
You participate in important conservation projects to help preserve the
natural habitat of the local animal population.
As a volunteer you: Cost Includes:
■ Help rescue trapped animals ■ Accommodations
■ Assist specialists with animal research ■ Airport pickup and drop off
■ Track lion and hyena feeding patterns ■ Private volunteer bedroom
■ Help with national park maintenance ■ Transportation to National Park
■ Learn about wild plants and animals ■ 3 meals per day
■ Swimming pool

Minimum: 4 weeks - Maximum: 8 weeks

Do you really want to be a volunteer? Download the application form, fill
it in and send it to us. For more information visit our web site

a. Write the name of the animals you find in the text.

zebras, elephants, cheetahs

b. How many weeks can you work as a volunteer as a maximum?

c. Name some activities you do as a volunteer? 4–8

Learn about wild plants and animals, help rescue trapped animals.

Sugerencias d. Do you need to fill an application form to be a volunteer? Yes

page 50
Unit 1, Personal Identification

1. Informe a los educandos que en esta sección podrán va- 1. Tell students that in this section they can evaluate what
lorar lo que han aprendido en la unidad, por lo que es they have learned in this unit. Therefore, they should res-
conveniente que respondan de manera individual y con pond individually and honestly.
toda honestidad.
2. Have students work in groups without their books and ask
2. Proponga que realicen en equipos y sin el libro un repaso them to review what they have studied in the bimester.
de lo que estudiaron en el bimestre.

Unit 1 page 48
Fill in the application form to be a volunteer.


Please write in english clearly in bold capitals blue or black ink For office use


First Name Last Name

Sex (M/F) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) Nationality Passport No.

Present Occupation Previous one

Present Address Street Number Neighborhood

City Phone Fax E-mail I

E-mail II

Mother Language Remarks on health/special needs: (diet, disabilities, allergies, etcetera)

English Very Good Good Some Little

Write in your notebook a letter about you. Include your personal information from the application form.
Explain why you want to be a volunteer.
_____________10 points
Read the text and use the words from the box to complete the blank spaces.

Peruvian USA Mexico City

American Mexican

Mario has an international family. He is from Peru in South America. He is

___________________________, Mexican
but his sister is __________________________,
Mexico City
because she is from ___________________________. His mother is __________
_________________. She was born in San Francisco, California. Mario’s father
is American too. He is from Kansas in the ____________________. They all
live in New York.

_____________5 points

Suggestion: You can keep a copy of your application form in your
portfolio as a reference when you need to apply for a job, project
or any other interesting activities you want to participate in.

page 51 Progress Check

Pliego 4.indd 51 22/7/08 11:19:07

1. Sugiérales que cuando terminen intercambien su libro con 1. When they finish, have students exchange their books with
un compañero o compañera para verificar las respuestas y a classmate to check their answers and obtain their scores.
obtener el puntaje total.

page 49 Unit 1
y solucionario

page 50
page 51
First Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Complete and write the months and the days of the week.
Months Days of the week
• January Sunday

2. Write the numbers on the lines.

• 2 • 5
• 8 • 10
• 12 • 15
• 20 • 23
• 28 • 31

3. Write the nationalities for each country.

• The United States

• Japan
• Mexico
• Canada
• Italy
• France
• Brazil
• England
• Guatemala
• Australia
4. Write a or an with the occupations.

• a doctor
• actor
• secretary
• accountant
• dentist
• student

5. Match the answers to the questions.

• What’s your name? • 1234 Queen Street.

• What’s your last name? • I’m from Toronto.
• How old are you? • It’s 234-5632.
• When’s your birthday? • It’s on July 28th.
• Where are you from? • Yes, I am.
• Are you Canadian? • Susan.
• What´s your telephone number? • It’s Smith.
• What’s your address? • I’m 15 years old.

6. Answer the questions for you.

• What’s your name?

• What’s your last name?
• How old are you?
• When’s your birthday?
• Where are you from?
• Are you Canadian?
• What´s your telephone number?
• What’s your address?

6. Put the conversation in order.

• Good morning. How are you, James?

• Thank you. You, too.
• I’m fine, too. Have a nice day.
• Good morning, Frank. I’m fine, thanks. And you?

1. Complete and write the months and the days of the week.
Months Days of the week
• January Sunday
• February Monday
• March Tuesday
• April Wednesday
• May Thursday
• June Friday
• July Saturday
• August
• September
• October
• November
• December

2. Write the numbers on the lines.

• 2 two • 5 five

• 8 eight • 10 ten

• 12 twelve • 15 fifteen

• 20 twenty • 23 twenty-three

• 28 twenty-eight • 31 thirty-one

3. Write the nationalities for each country.

• The United States American

• Japan Japanese
• Mexico Mexican
• Canada Canadian
• Italy Italian
• France French
• Brazil Brazilian
• England English
• Guatemala Guatemalan
• Australia Australian
4. Write a or an with the occupations.

• a doctor
• an actor
• a secretary
• an accountant
• a dentist
• a student

5. Match the answers to the questions.

• What’s your name? • 1234 Queen Street.

• What’s your last name? • I’m from Toronto.
• How old are you? • It’s 234-5632.
• When’s your birthday? • It’s on July 28th.
• Where are you from? • Yes, I am.
• Are you Canadian? • Susan.
• What´s your telephone number? • It’s Smith.
• What’s your address? • I’m 15 years old.

6. Answer the questions for you.

• What’s your name?

• What’s your last name?
• How old are you?
• When’s your birthday?
• Where are you from?
• Are you Canadian?
• What´s your telephone number?
• What’s your address?

6. Put the conversation in order.

• 1 Good morning. How are you, James?

• 4 Thank you. You, too.
• 3 I’m fine, too. Have a nice day.
• 2 Good morning, Frank. I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Second Bimonthly

Unit 2

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to give and obtain information about possessions and
to describe actions that are in progress at the moment of speaking.

Social Practice:
• Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

Unit functions:
2.1. Asking and answering questions about personal possessions.
2.2. Describing what people are wearing and/or doing at the moment of speaking.

page 52

page 56

Performance evidence

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use them
• You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by choosing lexis, phra-
ses and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts regarding
possessions and actions in progress.

page 53

page 57
Unit two

My Wardrobe 1

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to name some clothes. • Plural and singular nouns.

 Listen and point to the clothes in the picture below.




 Work in groups. Name some clothes for your partner to point to.

Underline the correct alternative.

To refer to things in plural when they are near we use

What is the plural form of shoe?
these/ those.
a) shoes b) shoe To refer to things in plural when they are far away we
use these/ those.
What is the singular form of dresses?
a) dress b) dresses Circle the correct picture.
3 Is there a singular form for pants? These are my shoes.
a) yes b) no Those are my socks.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 54

1. Con anticipación, solicite a los menores que lleven una 1. Beforehand, ask students to bring an item of clothing.
prenda de vestir.
2. After the activity, ask them to come to the front one by one
2. Luego de la actividad, invítelos a que, uno por uno, pasen to show their item of clothing to the class or to show one
al frente a mostrar la prenda que llevaron al grupo o que that they have on and say its name in English.
muestren alguna que lleven puesta y mencionen su nom-
3. Have them mention how to make the plural of some
bre en ingles.
objects in English for them to figure out the rule.
3. Indíqueles que comenten cómo se construye el plural de
algunos objetos, para que deduzcan la regla.

Unit 2 page 58
 Write the plural and singular forms of the clothes where possible.
Singular Plural
 @ t-shirt
__________________________ t-shirts

 A blouse
__________________________ blouses

 B  jeans
__________________________ __________________________

 C  sock
__________________________ socks

 D pants
__________________________ __________________________

 Pairwork. Complete the dialogs and practice them in pairs. Use these or those.
0N those


0N those

See Picture Dictionary 3, on page 196
for vocabulary related to clothes.

page 55 My Wardrobe

1. Propóngales que escriban en sus cuadernos el modo sin- 1. Ask them to write in their notebooks the singular and
gular y plural de las prendas que visten y de las que lle- plural form of the clothes that they have on and those that
varon a la escuela. they brought to school.
2. Anímelos a que formen equipos de tres o cuatro integran- 2. Have students form groups of three or four, exchange
tes, que intercambien las prendas que llevaron al grupo y items of clothing that they brought to class, and perform a
realicen una actividad similar a la propuesta. similar activity.
3. Anime a los alumnos a que usen these para la ropa que 3. Encourage students to use “these” for the clothes their
llevan puesta y those para la ropa que lleva puesta su wearing and “those” for the clothes their partner is
pareja. wearing.

page 59 Unit 2
Unit two

Whose is this?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about someone’s possessions. • The colors.


  Listen and order the dialog.



Look at these sentences from the dialog above and answer the question.

2 ... these are Alicia’s shoes.

Those are Jessica’s jeans.

What does ’s mean?

a) is b) possession c) has
didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 56

1. Proponerles que en equipos de cuatro integrantes recreen 1. Encourage them to recreate the dialog from the activity in
el diálogo de la actividad, con otros nombres y prendas groups of four with other names and items of clothing in
de vestir, de la siguiente forma: dos de los miembros escri- the following manner: two of the members of the group
birán los diálogos y los otros dos los representarán, luego write the dialogs and the other two act them out; then
cambiarán de papeles. they exchange roles.
2. Indíqueles que en parejas revisen sus respuestas a Dis- 2. Have them work in pairs to check their answers to the
cover the rule y escriban en sus cuadernos la regla que Discover the rule and write in their notebooks the rule that
aprendieron. they learned.

Unit 2 page 60
 Look at the picture of Jessica and Alicia’s clothes and repeat the colors.

 # KH B H@



DF ● Now you can play the interactive

Jessica’s jeans are brown.
game Keith and Betty’s clothing on
Jessica’s blouse is yellow. your CD if you have a computer.

 Make sentences about Jessica and Alicia’s clothes in your notebook.


 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 174, activity B, and Student B go to page

179, activity B.

 Use your notebook. Write five sentences about the clothes your classmates
or your teacher are wearing. 4
page 57 Whose is this?

1. Antes de realizar la actividad, pida a los educandos que 1. Before doing the activity, have them work in groups, look
en equipos revisen en el Picture Dictionary los nombres at the Picture Dictionary (page 184) and say aloud the
de los colores y que los repitan en voz alta. names of the colors.
2. Invitarlos a que en equipos lean las oraciones que elabo- 2. Ask them to work in groups and read the sentences they
raron y formulen sugerencias para mejorarlas. wrote and make suggestions to improve them.
3. Animarlos a que, en voz alta, lean al grupo las oraciones 3. Encourage them to read aloud to the class the sentences
que elaboraron. that they wrote.
4. Los alumnos deben leer sus oraciones a sus parejas quie- 4. Students can read their sentences to a partner who draws
nes harán un dibujo según lo que escucharon. a picture from the sentences.

page 61 Unit 2
Unit two

These are my jeans

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask about your possessions and other people’s possessions.


 Listen and match the columns. You can use some names more than once. 1
a. Sharon b
_______ sneakers
b. Claudia d
_______ t-shirt
5TRX c. Martha e
_______ sweater
d. Jessica D
_______ jeans
e. Alicia a
_______ jeans


Look at the sentences from the dialog above. Choose the correct answer.
1. Are these your sneakers Sharon?
The word these is used to talk about:
a) singular nouns b) plural nouns
2. The word these is used to talk about things:
a) far away from us b) near us
3. Are those my jeans?
The word those is used to talk about:
a) singular nouns b) plural nouns
4. The word those is used to talk about things:
a) far away from us b) near us

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 58

1. Se puede solicitar al grupo que lleven prendas de vestir 1. You can ask the students to bring items of clothing to class
para enriquecer la actividad propuesta. to improve the activity.
2. Luego de realizar la actividad, pídales que lean en voz 2. After doing the activity, ask them to read aloud the text.
alta el texto.

Unit 2 page 62
 Work in groups of five. Put objects and clothes
in the middle of the group. Take turns to ask
and answer about everybody’s possessions.

Is this your sweater Laila?
No, it’s Seide’s.
Are these your pens?
Yes, thank you.

Draw the clothes near or far, according to the sentence or question.

 @ Is this Lisa’s dress? DF
 A These are your jeans. These are my shoes.
That is my t-shirt.
 B  Are those my socks?

 C Is that her blouse?

 D Are these Ricky’s pants?

 E This is Sonia’s skirt. 3 Circle the correct alternative.

Is this / that Robert’s shirt?

Is that / this Karla’s dress?
Work in pairs. Ask questions or make sentences Are these / those your jeans?
using the words and pictures from the circles.
Are these / those your sneakers?

Is this Vicky’s pen?
These are Alfred’s sneakers. LXRHRSDQ SGDRD
Write five sentences in your notebook. Is this Tim’s pencil?
These are Hector’s shoes.

page 59 These are my Jeans

1. Propóngales que se reúnan en equipos de cinco integran- 1. Have them get into teams of five and write in their
tes y escriban en sus cuadernos un texto similar al de la notebooks a text similar to the one in the activity and
actividad en el que incluyan sus nombres y las prendas de include their names and the items of clothing that they
vestir que eligieron. chose.
2. Invite algunos equipos a que pasen al frente y representen 2. Have some teams come to the front and act out the dialogs
los diálogos que escribieron; pueden dibujar en el piza- that they wrote; they can draw on the board the items of
rrón con gises de colores las prendas de vestir. clothing in colored chalk.
3. Pida los alumnos que identifiquen this y these para cosas 4. Have students identify “this” and “these” for things that are
que están de cerca y that y those para cosas que están near and “that” and “those” for things that are far.

page 63 Unit 2
Unit two

Whose pen is this?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • The name of some more clothes and accesories.
• How to talk about your possessions and other people’s possessions.

Look at the pictures and their names. The words have a spelling mistake. Use a
dictionary and correct the mistakes.
2 dress
FK@RDR earrings

glasses D@QHMFR
 Work in pairs and check your answers to exercise 1.

 Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct words. Use
vocabulary from exercise 1 to help you.

After camping Patty forgets her __________________ . Tony
forgets his __________________ and Albert forgets his _______
glasses . The guide is looking for her _________________.
___________ earrings

Choose the word after or before to complete the sentences. This is my watch.
These glasses are mine.
4 To talk about possessions That sweater is yours.
That is your sweater.
a. we use my/your/his/her/their/our after/ before the nouns.

b. we use mine/yours/his/hers/theirs/ours after/before the nouns.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 60

1. Invite a algunos estudiantes a que pasen al pizarrón y es- 1. Have some students come to the board and write incorrectly
criban los nombres de prendas de vestir de manera erró- the names of items of clothing. After, ask the class to copy
nea. Después, indique al grupo que copie las palabras y the words and, like in the activity, write them correctly.
que, como en la actividad, las escriban correctamente.
2. Have the class review their answers.
2. Guíe al grupo a que revise sus respuestas.
3. Encourage them to work in groups to read their texts aloud
3. Anímelos a que en equipos lean el texto en voz alta y en and in order. Demonstrate them for them to improve their
orden. Guíelos para que mejoren su pronunciación. pronunciation.
4. Pida a los alumnos que identifiquen los pronombres en es- 4. Ask students to identify what the pronouns are in Spanish:
pañol: My = mi, mine = mío/a, your = tu, yours = tuyo/a My = mi, mine = mío/a, your = tu, yours = tuyo/a

Unit 2 page 64
 Choose the correct answer.

DF Those are my / mine earrings.

1  @ Are these yours / your sneakers?

 A Yes, they are my / mine.
 B Those aren’t yours / your pants.
 C This dress is my / mine.
 D Is that my / mine watch?
 E My / Mine earrings are new.
 F Yours / Your glasses are on the table.
 G This is your / yours shirt.

 Guessing game! Work in groups of 5 or 6 people. Get a plastic bag

or something to put some objects in. Put some of your belongings
in the bag.

Take turns to take out an object and guess who it belongs to.
I think this is your sweater Lucy.
I think this notebook is yours Rose.
This pencil is mine.

page 61 Whose pen is this?

1. Pídales que transformen cada oración cambiando los ad- 1. You can have students transform each sentence by
jetivos posesivos o los pronombres posesivos según co- changing possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.
Are these your sneakers? Are these sneakers yours?
Are these your sneakers? Are these sneakers yours? This dress is mine. This is my dress.
This dress is mine. This is my dress.
2. After doing the activity, have a few groups come to the front
2. Luego de realizar la actividad, invite a algunas parejas a and perform it in front of the class. Use the occasion to make
que pasen al frente y la realicen frente al grupo. Aprove- suggestions about forming sentences and pronunciation.
che la ocasión para formular al grupo sugerencias en la
construcción de oraciones y la pronunciación.

page 65 Unit 2
Unit two

Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions 1
Write the name of the colors under the correct picture.
Talking about possessions
DF. Those are my shoes.
These jeans are mine.
These are Alicia’s sneakers. pink
That is Lydia’s dress.
This is your watch. yellow

Asking about your possessions and other people’s


DF. Is that my t-shirt? gray

Are these your pants?
Is this your belt?
Are those your glasses?

Saying the color of clothes green

DF. Jessica’s sweater is red. white

Tony’s shirt is green.
Emma’s jeans are blue.
Sam’s sneakers are white. Look at the sentences below. Underline the words
with a spelling mistake and correct them. Use your
dictionary to help you.

DF Your snikers are green.

 @  This is Julia’s squirt.
 A Those are Joseph’s shoes.

 B  Are these Sandy’s panths?

$DHMCDODMCDMS C Is that my blause?
See Grammar Reference Unit 2, on pages
204 and 205 for help with questions blouse
about the grammar in this unit.
 D  Those soks are mine.

Sugerencias  Circle the correct picture according to the sentence.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 62

1. Guíe a los educandos a que identifiquen y repasen las 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons one to
diferentes funciones de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen four and from the review box and have students act out
diálogos usando el lenguaje de la caja de repaso. dialogues using the language.
2. Anímelos para que en sus cuadernos construyan oraciones 2. Encourage them to write in their notebooks sentences in
donde usen los colores de la actividad y que las reviesen which they use the colors in the activity and to check them
en parejas. in pairs.
3. Solicíteles que en parejas lean en voz alta los reactivos de 3. Ask them to work in pairs and read aloud the questions
la actividad y que contesten las preguntas, por ejemplo, from the activity and answer them, for example, Are these
Are these Sandy’s pants? Yes, this is Sandy’s pants. Sandy’s pants? Yes, this is Sandy’s pants.

Unit 2 page 66
Order the words to write correct sentences. pants / red / Gina’s / are.
Gina’s pants are red.

1  @  ?/ that/ shirt/ your/ is

 A  mine/ socks/ are/ those.
Is that your shirt?
Those socks are mine.
 B  dress/ this/ my/ is. This is my dress.
Are these your pants?
 C  are/ ?/ your/ these/ pants. ________________________________________________________
 D  watch/ yours/ is/ that ________________________________________________________
That watch is yours.
 E  Paul’s/ black/ is/ shirt. Paul’s shirt is black

Look at Patty and Andy’s clothes. Write sentences to describe the colors of their clothes.

Patty’s shoes are red.
Andy’s glasses are black.

Andy’s pants are yellow. Patty’s blouse is green
Andy’s t-shirt is blue. Patty’s pants are brown
Andy’s watch is blue Patty’s t-shirt is white

Complete the questions to the answers. DF

Is that your blouse?
those sneakers are yours
 Are _____________________________________? Yes, it’s mine.
No, those sneakers are not mine. They are Charly’s.

Glasses are these

 Whose __________________________________? your skirt
Is that ___________________________________?
Those glasses are mine. Yes, that’s my skirt.

 Is this ___________________________________? your jeans
Are these ________________________________?
No, it isn’t Ann’s. It’s Carol’s. Yes, these are your jeans.

page 63 Review Lesson

1. Sugiérales que luego de terminar la actividad, en parejas, 1. Suggest that after finishing the activity, they work in pairs
lean en voz alta las oraciones. and read the sentences aloud.
2. Indíqueles que en sus cuadernos escriban oraciones sobre 2. Have them write in their notebooks sentences about
la ropa de un compañero o compañera. Después, que en the clothes of a classmate. After, they read some of their
voz alta lean al grupo algunas de ellas. sentences aloud to the class.
3. Cuando finalicen con estas dos páginas, propóngales que 3. When they finish these two pages, have them work in
en equipos de cuatro integrantes revisen sus respuestas. groups and check their answers.

page 67 Unit 2
Unit two

What is Carlo wearing?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask and describe what people are wearing.


 Listen and write items of clothing you hear.

red t-shirt
blue jeans



white cardigan

black pants


school uniform


 Listen again and identify the people in the picture. Write the correct number on the line.
 @ Carlo ________ 1
A Margaret ________ 4
B Frank ________ 3
C Monica ________

 Identify difficult words in the dialogue.

Write three of them.
Use am/ is / are to complete the rules below.
 @  __________________________________
cardigan are
We use ________ with personal pronouns we, you and they.
 A  __________________________________
We use ________ with personal pronouns he, she and it.
 B  __________________________________ am
We use ________ with personal pronoun I. 4
Complete: I ________ are
wearing my uniform. They ________
 Find the meaning of the words in wearing white sneakers.
a dictionary. is
She ________ wearing black pants.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 64

1. Indicarles que antes de realizar la actividad nombren las 1. Before they do the activity, ask them to identify the clothes
ropas y los colores de los personajes de la ilustración, por and colors of the people in the illustration, for example,
ejemplo, yellow t-shirt, green shoes, pink skirt. yellow t-shirt, green shoes, pink skirt.
2. Animarlos a que escriban en sus cuadernos la forma como 2. Encourage them to write in their notebooks what each
viste cada personaje, por ejemplo, Carlo is wearing a red character is wearing; for example, Carlo is wearing a red
t-shirt and blue jeans. t-shirt and blue jeans.
3. Solicitarles que investiguen las palabras que se les dificul- 3. Ask them to look for the words in the dialog that were
taron en el diálogo y compartan sus significados. difficult for them and check their meanings with a partner.
4. Los alumnos pueden describir lo que llevan puesto otros 4. Students can describe what other students in the classroom
alumnos en el salón. are wearing.

Unit 2 page 68
 Pairwork. Student A: Look at the people and describe what someone is wearing.
Student B: Identify and point at the person your partner described.
Change roles and describe more people.

He’s wearing blue jeans and
a yellow shirt.
The girl is wearing a pink
skirt and a white t-shirt.

 Writing. Look at your teacher and write what he or she is wearing.

My teacher is wearing _______________________________________________________________

1 ___________________________________________________________________________________

 Draw yourself in the picture and describe what you are wearing. DF
I am wearing a white skirt
and a pink t-shirt.


___________________________________________ 2


page 65 What is Carlo wearing?

1. Pida a los menores que lleven al grupo recortes de per- 1. Ask students to bring to class cutouts of personalities that
sonajes que les agraden (artistas, cantantes, científicos, they like (artists, singers, scientists, TV personalities, etc).
locutores, etcétera). Guíelos para que escriban en sus Have them write in their notebooks what they’re wearing.
cuadernos como visten. Posteriormente, pídales que pa- Then have them come to the front, show their personalities
sen al frente, muestren la imagen del personajes y lean su and read their descriptions.
2. Encourage them to write in their notebooks how two of
2. Invitarlos a que escriban en sus cuadernos como visten their family members dress and show their descriptions to
dos de su familiares y muestren a los miembros de su the others in their group. If they don’t know the names of
equipo su descripción. Si no conocen los nombres de al- some of the items of clothing, encourage them to look for
gunas prendas de vestir, estimúlelos para que los busquen them in their Picture Dictionary or in a dictionary.
en su Picture Dictionay o en un diccionario.

page 69 Unit 2
Unit two

Danny is playing video games

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask about what someone is doing at the moment.


 Listen and choose the correct picture.

picture 1 picture 2

picture 3

 Look at these conversations about the other pictures and correct the mistakes.
 @ Look at picture 1, What is Marian doing? B Look at picture 2, What is Grandma doing?
She’s sleeping.
 A C She is writing a letter. sleeping
 @ And what is Danny doing? B And what is Danny doing?
playing video
 A He’s doing homework and… games C He’s doing homework and… playing video games
Grandma is writing a letter. reading a book  Marian is playing video games. walking

 There’s a mission for you! Work in pairs.

■ Go to where he/she is. Student A observe
■ Think of a teacher you like or admire. Get a and tell student B what the people are
small present for him/her. It can be a candy or doing. Student B listen to your partner
a drawing. and decide when it is a good moment to
■ You have to place the present near this teacher enter the room and leave the present near

Sugerencias but make sure he/she can not see you. your teacher.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 66

1. Sugiera a los escolares que reescriban el diálogo del ejer- 1. Students can rewrite the dialog in exercise 1 using the correct
cicio 1 usando la información correcta de Picture 1 o de information for either Picture 1 or Picture 2.
Picture 2. Recomiéndeles que utilicen el diccionario para
2. Have students draw a picture in their notebooks like the
las palabras que no conocen.
ones in exercise 1 and write the names of the characters.
2. Sugiérales que en sus cuadernos elaboren un dibujo como Then have them work with a partner, exchange pictures,
el de la actividad 1 y anoten los nombres de los persona- and take turns asking questions about what each character
jes. Enseguida, indíqueles que se reúnan con un compa- is doing in the picture.
ñero o compañera, intercambien sus dibujos y, por turnos,
se formulen preguntas sobre lo que realiza cada personaje
de la escena.

Unit 2 page 70
 Match the sentences in the box to the pictures below. .@MFT@FD


 The girl is watching T.V.
 Grandpa is taking a shower.
   Father is cooking.
   The secretary is working Breakfast
   Mother is having breakfast.

@ A B


See Picture Dictionary 5, on page
197, for vocabulary about activities.

 Look at the picture of a family and write what they are doing.

is cooking
is reading
0N)Q@MCO@HR_____________________ @KDSSDQ@MC
is taking
is doing
is watching

  Listen and check.
 Work in groups of three. Each of you cut four pieces of paper (of about
7 by 5 centimeters). Use the verbs in this unit and write one sentence

on each piece of paper about what someone is doing at the moment.
Begin all your sentences with: You…
You are having breakfast.
 Fold the pieces of paper and mix them. Take turns to take a piece of You are doing homework.
paper and mime for the others to guess. The student who guesses gets
one point in the game. The winner is the one with the most points at
the end of the game.

page 67 Danny is playing video games

1. Pídales que en sus cuadernos dibujen una escena similar 1. Ask them to draw in their notebooks a scene like the one
a la de la actividad. Posteriormente, animarlos para que se in the exercise. Then have them work in groups and write
reúnan en equipos y escriban textos en los que describan texts describing what each character is doing.
lo que realiza cada personaje.
2. Have them make a list in English in their notebooks of the
2. Proponerles que en sus cuadernos elaboren una lista, en things they eat at each meal and then come to the front and
inglés, de los alimentos que ingieren en cada una de las make sentences using the items in their lists: At breakfast, I
comidas y luego que pasen al frente a leerlas con oracio- eat…
nes como estas: At breakfast I eat…
3. If possible, have them take turns doing the activity in front of
3. Si es posible, proponga a los menores que, por turnos, the class.
realicen la actividad frente al grupo.

page 71 Unit 2
Unit two

Writing a Letter

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for information to confirm what someone is doing at the moment.

 Complete the dialog with I’m or you’re.

Brad: Are you writing a letter, Sue?
Sue: No, (1) _____________ not. I’m doing
my homework.
Brad: No, you aren’t. (2) __________________
writing to Bryan. Is he your boyfriend?
Sue: Of course not. Go away, Brad.

 Listen and check your answers. 1

 Work in pairs. Student A close your eyes, listen and guess

what your partner is doing. Ask questions like: Are you Student A: Are you writing a postcard?
sending a message with your mobile phone?

Student B do something that requires making noise. Your

partner has to guess what you are doing. Answer his/her
questions to help him/her guess. E.g. Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.

 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 175, activity D, and Student B go to page 180, activity D.

1. Look at the following sentences and questions.

Sentences Questions
He is writing a letter. Is he writing a letter?
You are cooking. Are you cooking?

2. Choose the correct option

To ask questions to find out what someone is doing we: _____
To give information in an affirmative way we: _____

a. first use the subject and then am, is or are. (You are …)
b. first use am, is or are and then the subject. ( Are you…)

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 68

1. Solicite a algunos estudiantes que lean en voz alta el diá- 1. Ask some students to read the dialog aloud before listening
logo antes de escuchar el disco compacto. Luego, pídales to the CD. Then ask them to listen to the conversation and
que escuchen la conversación y determinen las semejan- similarities and differences in the pronunciation.
zas y diferencias en la pronunciación.
2. Before doing exercise 4 ask them to do the Discover the rule
2. Antes de realizar la actividad 4, sugiérales que realicen la activity and comment on the rule that they learned.
actividad Discover de rule y comenten las reglas que ahí

Unit 2 page 72
)TDRRHMFF@LD. Work in groups of three. Choose an activity from the pictures below and
write it in your notebook but don’t say it to your partner. Take turns to guess the activity your
partner chose. You have three guesses per turn. If you guess, you get two points; if you don’t, you
have to wait for your next turn. Play four rounds. The student who gets the most points at the end
is the winner. Use the words in the box to help you.

 playing @ chess DF

 riding A the piano
Student A: Are you driving a car?
climbing ice cream
 B Student B: No, I’m not.
 painting C a picture Student A: Are you eating ice cream?
 eating D a mountain Student B: No, I’m not.
 driving E dinner Student C: Are you playing chess?
 cooking F a car Student B: Yes, I am.
 playing G a bicycle

Dictations. Work in pairs. Student A go to page 175, activity E, and Student B

go to page 180, activity E.

Answer the following questions in your notebook.

■ Who is watching TV? Uncle Tom, Mark and Mr. Morton.
■ Who is reading? Aunt Maggie and Aunt Clara.
■ Who is taking a shower? Mrs. Morton. DF
I think my father is
 Use your notebook. Write what you think the working.
members of your family are doing at the moment.

Work in pairs. Read your sentences to your partner.

page 69 Writing a letter

1. Indique a los menores que primero relacionen los números 1. Students may first need to match the numbers and letters
y las letras en la caja y después lo hagan con las fotografías in the box and then match them to the pictures below.
de abajo.
2. Organize the members of the group for this game: One
2. Organizar a los integrantes del grupo para que realicen student comes to the front and mimes the action. Another
este juego: un estudiante pasará al frente y con mímica re- student asks what he/she is doing and the others answer.
presentará alguna acción. Otro estudiante preguntará qué
es lo que hace y el grupo dará sus respuestas.

page 73 Unit 2
Unit two

Hello, Richard

Social practices: Giving and obtaining information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to name different written and authentic texts.
• How to link ideas or sentences in a basic form.

 Write the correct word from the box under each picture.

newspaper magazine postcard book brochure



_______________ brochure

_______________ book

 Look at the text below.

Where can you find it? Use one word from exercise 1.

Hello Richard,
I’m writing to you from Miami. We are having a wonderful time here. The
beach is beautiful and the hotel is excellent. There is a large swimming
pool, a restaurant and a discotheque. Mike is swimming and Tanya is drinking
a soda. I am resting and reading a book.
I hope you are okay. Please say hello to your family.
love, 2
Linda postcard

 Answer the following questions about the text.

@ Who is the postcard for? Richard
A Do you think Richard and Linda are family members or friends? friends
B Who do you think Mike and Tanya are? Linda’s brother and sister
didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 70

1. Invítelos a que escriban en sus cuadernos oraciones con 1. Ask them to write sentences in their notebooks using
las palabras del recuadro. words from the box.
2. Propóngales que en sus cuadernos escriban un texto para 2. Encourage them to look in a dictionary for the words in the
una postal de algún lugar que hayan visitado en alguna texts that they don’t know.
ocasión. Indíqueles que guarden su texto para usarlo pos-

Unit 2 page 74
 Write and or a comma (,) where necessary. 1
Hi Tere
I hope you are ok. I’m writing from Disneyland! e rule
There are many shops _____
Discover th
restaurants _________
and attractions. . Look at these sentences from exercise 2 and
choose the correct option.
People are very friendly _________
and nice. ■ There is a large swimming pool, a restaurant
Everybody is here, my mother_________ my and a discotheque.
father _______ my sister Adriana _________
and ■ I am resting and reading a book.

my brother John. @. The comma (,) is used to:

A. separate parts of a sentence to understand the
sentence clearly.
We are enjoying ourselves __________
and we are B. finish one idea and begin a new one.
missing you a lot, too. I’m buying souvenirs
______ ,
and new clothes. I have a t-shirt _______ A The word ‘and’ is used to:
A. join three or more words or phrases in a
a pen and a Mickey Mouse for you! sentence.
B. join two words or parts of a sentence.
See you soon,

 Write a postcard to a friend or family member.

Use the previous postcards as
an example. _
__________ _
__________ __ _
__ __ __
____________ __ _
____ __ __
__________ __ _
______ __
 Draw a nice picture to illustrate
your postcard.

page 71 Hello, Richard

1. Indíqueles que luego de realizar la actividad 4 y Discover 1. Tell them that after doing exercise 4 and the Discover the
the rule, revisen el texto para mejorar la postal que escri- rule, they review the text for the postcard to improve it.
2. Suggest that they use the text that they wrote and revised,
2. Sugiérales que utilicen el texto que escribieron y revisa- but ask them to reduce it so that it fits in the space
ron, pero adviértales que deberán reducirlo para que que- provided for the activity.
pa en el espacio reservado en la actividad.
3. Students can exchange the postcards they wrote in
3. Anime a las alumnas y los alumnos a intercambiar las pos- exercise 5 and draw a picture to illustrate their partner’s
tales que escribieron en el ejercicio 5 y hacer un dibujo postcard.
para ilustrar la postal de su pareja.

page 75 Unit 2
Unit two

Reading and Writing

 Read the letter Billy wrote to Bobby and write the number for each piece of clothing
in the photographs.

1. skirt 7. jacket
2. blouse 8. sweater
3. shoes 9. boots
4. T-shirt 10. dress
5. pants 11. socks
6. sneakers 12. sandals

Hi again! cousin.
. L u is is my favorite s and
y cousins gray pant
photo of m e T-shirt, a
Here’s the he’s wearing an orang sters. She’s wearing
1 In th e ph o to
is one o f h is si
re bl a c k. H is
rs. Mandy er shoes a oto
blue sneake nd a white blouse. H very pretty. In the ph
sk ir t a S h e ’s a ls .
yellow Millie. pink sand
r’s name is socks and
other siste a pink dress, white
she’s weari
ng wearing
h im ve ry much. He’s y are all
I like ts. The
is m y o th er cousin. eater and black boo Disneyland!
Eric rple sw at
cket, a pu se they are mily!
a green ja y M o u se cap becau e your friends or fa
a M ic ke to s to se
wearing me pho
e and send
Write to m
your family,
Say hello to


didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 72

1. Sugiérales que esta actividad la realicen en parejas: uno 1. Have them do this exercise in pairs: one student reads
lee el texto y otro responde. Después que intercambien de the text and the other one responds. Then they exchange
lugar. roles.

Unit 2 page 76
 Read the letter again and write the names of Billy’s cousins in the picture.
Luis, Mandy, Millie, Erik,

 Write a description of a person. Decide what he or she is wearing.

Write your description here. Draw your partner’s descrption.

 Work in pairs. Read your description to your classmate. He has to draw the person you are describing.

 Change roles. Now listen to your partner’s description and draw.

 Read the following text and circle the picture that corresponds to the description.
Hi, my name is Mariana. I’m wearing a green blouse and white jeans. My jacket is black.
I’m wearing my favorite boots. They are green. I’m writing a letter to my best friend.

page 73 Reading and Writing

1. Si en el salón de clases todos usan uniformes iguales, se 1. If all your students use the same uniform, ask them to
sugiere describir cualquier imagen del libro a elección del choose an image of a student in their book.

page 77 Unit 2
Unit two

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Describing what someone is wearing and/or doing at  Work in pairs. Look at this photograph and
the moment of speaking. discuss with your partner what is happening.

DF. I am reading a book.

He/She is watching TV.
You/We/They are playing cards.

DF I am not doing my homework.

He/She is not studying.
You/We/They are not listening to music.

DF Am I listening to music? Yes, I am/ No,

I am not.
Is he/she watching TV? Yes, he/she is/
No, he/she isn’t.
Are you/we/they eating a sandwich?

DF What am I wearing? A blue sweater.

What is he/she reading? A book.
What are you/we/they watching?
A football match.

DF What’s Sandra wearing? She’s wearing

yellow pants and a t-shirt.
What’s she wearing? She’s wearing
his uniform.
What’s he wearing? He’s wearing black
pants and a red shirt.

 Work in groups of three. Remember a funny

$DHMCDODMCDMS photograph you have and tell your partners what
See Grammar Reference Unit 2, on pages is happening in it.
204, 205 and 206 for help with the gram-
mar in this unit.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 74

1. Pídales que escriban una situación graciosa que les haya 1. Ask students to write about a funny experience they had
pasado y la describan a sus compañero de equipo. them and describe it to a partner.

Unit 2 page 78
 Complete the description according to the picture. Use the verbs in the box in the
correct form.

1. talk
2. listen
3. play
4. dance

Cathy and Charles ________________.

are playing
Terry and Brad _____________________cards.

are listening
Tom and Ana _______________ to music. 1
are dancing
Dan and Angela ___________________ .

 Ask questions according to the answers.

They’re dancing.
What’s Angela wearing
. ________________________________________? 2
She’s wearing a green dress and black shoes.
What’s Tom doing
. ________________________________________?
He’s listening to music.
What are Tom and Angela wearing
. ________________________________________?
They’re wearing their uniform.

page 75 Review Lesson

1. Indíqueles que en sus cuadernos escriban otras oraciones 1. Have them write in their notebooks more sentences like
como las de la actividad con los nombres de algunos de the ones in the exercise with the names of some of their
sus compañeros y compañeras. classmates.

page 79 Unit 2
Unit two

Project Page


 Bring some photographs of you, your family and  Choose the photographs that illustrate
friends. They can be old or recent pictures. important moments in your life.

 Bring some large pieces of paper or poster paper  Cut the large piece of paper into smaller
to the class. pieces with a special shape.

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 76

1. Solicite a un alumno o alumna que lea en voz alta las 1. Ask a student to read aloud the instructions for the project
instrucciones del proyecto y luego verifique, por medio de and then check with questions that they understood
preguntas, si las comprendieron. them.
2. Indique a los menores que describan en el cuaderno la 2. Have students describe in their notebooks the way they’re
forma como están vestidos en la fotografía que utilizarán dressed in the photographs they used for their projects.
para su proyecto.

Unit 2 page 80

 Put the photograph you chose in a  Paste each picture on each of the shapes
chronological order. you cut.

 Write the date or a special phrase under  Decorate the shapes of the paper with things
the photograph. you like.
 Work in groups of four or five and show your
photographs to your partners. Describe what
you are wearing and doing in each one.

In this photo I am celebrating my
Suggestion: You can keep one of the photographs in
birthday. I am wearing…
your portfolio. At the back of the paper you can write
the description of what is happening and what you are

page 77 About me!

1. Invítelos a que en sus cuadernos describan los elementos 1. Ask them to write in their notebooks the items they have
que hay en su cartel. in their poster.
2. Sugerirles que empleen los textos que escribieron en sus 2. Suggest to the students that they use the texts that they
cuadernos para describir a sus compañeros y compañeros wrote in their notebooks to describe their group on their
de quipo su cartel. poster.

page 81 Unit 2
Unit two

Time Out!

1 A Secret List
 Form groups of three 1AIDBSHUDTo win as many points as possible by guessing people’s
students. names through a description.

 Each player chooses

a different color pen
(Example: Player
1 uses a blue-ink
Secre t
pen, Player 2 uses
a black-ink pen,
Player 3 uses a red-
ink pen, etc).

 All three players
write a secret list of
six classmates.

 Player 1 chooses
a name from his/her
list, but does not
say it.

 Players 2 and 3 ask

questions to guess
the name of the
person. Player 1

 The first person to

guess the name of
the person wins two
black squares and
fills up the squares
somewhere in the
grid with his/her

 Now player 2
chooses a name
from his/her list.
didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 78

1. Pídales que se reúnan en equipo, lean el objetivo del jue- 1. Ask them to work in groups and read the objective and
go y las instrucciones. A continuación, formule al grupo instructions of the game. Then ask them questions to check
preguntas para verificar que comprendieron lo que tiene that they understood what they need to do.
que realizar.
2. Ask them to play the game with respect for others.
2. Indíqueles que realicen el juego en un ambiente de respeto.

Unit 2 page 82
 Each square is worth one point.
1  If you can put five squares in a row you get an extra point.
Count the number of squares you won when you finish guessing all names.
The player with the most points wins.

page 79 A Secret List

1. Bajo su dirección, organice al grupo para que realice el 1. Under your guidance, organize the class to play the
juego. game.

page 83 Unit 2
Unit two

Correct the sentences to make them true for you.

I am wearing jeans and a green jacket.

My partner next to me is sleeping.
My teacher is drinking soda.

Progress Check
My mother is working in her office.
_____________ 4 points
Read the following questions and write appropriate answers.

 Are you writing a postcard?

 What is your teacher doing?
What are you wearing? 2
Are you studying primary school?
_____________ 4 points
Look at the people and animals in the pictures and complete their descriptions.

 Tafi and Perri are drinking water.

Susan is taking
 ______________________ a bath.
Mr. Smith is cooking
 ______________________ lunch.
Mrs. Brown is watching TV.
Nancy is playing
 ______________________ video games. Susan

Mr. Smith

Tafi and Perri

Sugerencias Mrs. Brown _____________ 5 points

didácticas Unit 2, Actions in Progress page 80

1. Proponga a los menores que en equipos repasen lo 1. Have students work in groups to review the things from
revisado en esta unidad y que elaboren en sus cuadernos this unit and to create in their notebooks a chart of the
un cuadro sinóptico con las estructuras aprendidas. structures that they’ve learned.
2. Invite a los escolares a que muestren sus cuadros sinópticos 2. Have students show their charts to the class.
al grupo.

Unit 2 page 84
Write a comma (,) or the word and where necessary.

 I have a brother ____________ a sister.
 Philip is wearing black pants _____________ a blue shirt and black shoes.
 There is a magazine ________________ a book and a postcard on the table.
 I’m watching television _______________ eating a sandwich. _____________ 4 points

Read the text and answer the questions with Yes or No.

Do you wear a school uniform? Many students in Britain between 11 and 16 wear a school uniform. These
uniforms include a tie and a jacket. But school uniforms are not all similar. For example, they are different
colors. Common colors for school uniforms are blue, green, gray, black and brown.

All British students wear a school uniform. Yes No

Jackets are part of school uniforms. Yes No
School uniforms are not exactly the same. Yes No
_____________ 3 point
Look at these five pictures and describe what they are wearing.

 They __________  My mother is wearing
________ is wearing
 Mr. Wilson ________ is wearing
 Susan ____________
wearing purple
___________________ a red blouse
____________________ a white shirt and
___________________ a____________________
white blouse and skirt,

blouses. jeans. a black suit. her sports uniform.

 They __________ _____________5 points
___________________ 1 _____________ Total Score: 25 points

Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress
Suggestion: Make a chart to register the results of the Check 1 Check 2 Check 3 Check 4 Check 5
Progress Check sections in your book. Fill it in with the
grades and identify the items that are difficult for you. Useful Useful Useful Useful Useful
Find useful exercises that can help you and include exercises: exercises: exercises: exercises: exercises:
them in the chart.

page 81 Progress Check

1. Solicite a los menores que en equipos revisen sus repuestas 1. Ask them to work in groups and check their answers and
y el puntaje obtenido por cada uno. their scores.

page 85 Unit 2
y solucionario

Unit 2 page 86
page 87
Second Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Write the colors.

• black •

• •

• •

• •

• •

2. Unscramble the words for clothes. The first letter is correct.

• s k o c s socks • s i r h t
• b l e u o s • p t s n a
• s h s e o • s k i r t
• d s r e s • s n k r s e a e
• g s l s a e s • j s a e n
• s e r t e a w

3. Describe the clothes. 1

1. Bob's shirt is blue.

2. 5

3. Jessica


5. 4

4. Circle the correct option.

• Is (this / these) your sweater?

• No, it isn’t. (That / Those) is my sweater there.
• Is (that / those) Tom’s shirt?
• Yes, (it / they) is.
• Are (that / those) my socks?
• No, they aren’t. (This / These) are your socks here.
• Are (that / those) Bill’s boots?
• Yes, (it / they) are.

5. Describe two things each person is wearing.

1. 1

1. Margaret
2. 3 2. Monica
3. Frank.

4. Carlo
3. 4


6. Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions.

• the / working / secretary / Is / ?

Q: ______________________________ A: _________________________
• is / doing / What / Father / ?
Q: ______________________________ A: _________________________
• the / Is / girl / book / a / reading / ?
Q: ______________________________ A: _________________________
• shower / Is / taking / Grandpa / a / ?
Q: ______________________________ A: _________________________
• doing / is / Mother / What / ?
Q: ______________________________ A: _________________________

1. Write the colors.

• Black • White

• Red • Orange

• Yellow • Green

• Blue • Purple

• Gray • Pink

• Brown

2. Unscramble the words for clothes. The first letter is correct.

• s k o c s socks • s i r h t shirt
• b l e u o s blouse • p t s n a pants
• s h s e o shoes • s k i r t skirt
• d s r e s dress • s n k r s e a e sneakers
• g s l s a e s glasses • j s a e n jeans
• s e r t e a w sweater

3. Describe the clothes.

1. Bob’s shirt is blue.

2. Jack’s shoes are red.

3. Tina’s blouse is purple.

4. Frank’s pants are brown.

5. Jessica’s skirt is yellow.

4. Circle the correct option.

• Is (this / these) your sweater?

• No, it isn’t. (That / Those) is my sweater there.
• Is (that / those) Tom’s shirt?
• Yes, (it / they) is.
• Are (that / those) my socks?
• No, they aren’t. (This / These) are your socks here.
• Are (that / those) Bill’s boots?
• Yes, (it / they) are.

5. Describe two things each person is wearing.

1. Margaret’s wearing a pink skirt/dress and a

white sweater/cardigan.

2. Monica’s wearing her school uniform and

black shoes.

3. Frank’s wearing black pants and a black shirt.

4. Carlo’s wearing a red T-shirt and blue jeans.

6. Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions.

• the / working / secretary / Is / ?

Is the secretary working?
Q: ______________________________ Yes, she is.
A: ______________________________
• is / doing / What / Father / ?
What is Father doing?
Q: ______________________________ He’s cooking (dinner).
A: ______________________________
• the / Is / girl / book / a / reading / ?
Is the girl reading a book?
Q: ______________________________ No, she isn’t.
A: ______________________________
• shower / Is / taking / Grandpa / a / ?
Is Grandpa taking a shower?
Q: ______________________________ Yes, he is.
A: ______________________________
• doing / is / Mother / What / ?
What is Mother doing?
Q: ______________________________ She’s eating/having breakfast.
A: ______________________________
Third Bimonthly

Unit 3

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to express your personal interests around the topic
of hobbies, leisure and sport, and to make/respond to invitations to events/places related to
the topic.

Social Practices:
• Establishing and maintaining social contacts

Unit functions:
3.1. Expressing preferences, likes and dislikes.
3.2. Inviting and responding to invitations.

page 76

Unit 3 page 92
leisure and

Lesson 1 Do you like comics? 78

Lesson 2 I have a new girlfriend 80
Lesson 3 Cartoons or Reality Shows? 82
Lesson 4 At a Party 84
Lesson 5 Let’s go! 88
Lesson 6 I’d love to! 90
Lesson 7 It’s my birthday 92
Lesson 8 Luisa’s Birthday 94

page 77

page 93 Unit 3
Unit three

Do you like comics?

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to express preferences

1  Work in pairs. Answer these questions.

■ Do you like chatting on the Internet?
■ Do you have any friends from other countries?
■ Would you like to meet someone by chat?

 Read the following chat.

Hi. What’s your name?
I’m Lisa. What’s yours?
That’s a secret.
Ok. Can we talk about us?
Yes. What do you want to know?
I don’t know… . Do you like computer games?
Of course. Do you?
Yes. There’s a party this Saturday. Do you like dancing?
No, I hate dancing but I love listening to music. Do you like parties?
Yes. Do you want to come to the party of Lonely Hearts? I don’t like dancing
very much but I like music.
Ok. Where can we meet?
didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 84

1. Pregunte a los alumnos los significados de like, hate, don’t 1. Elicit from students the meanings of “like”, “hate”, “don’t
like y love. like”, and “love”.
2. Invite a los alumnos y las alumnas a que trabajen en pare- 2. Students can work in pairs and ask and answer the
jas, se hagan preguntas y las contesten. questions for themselves.

Unit 3 page 94
 Complete the chart about Secret man and Teddy bear. Write TB for Teddy bear or SM for
Secret man according to the chat.

love like don’t like hate

Computer Games TB/SM

Dancing TB

Parties SM

Music SM TB 1
 Complete the chart about you. Include other hobbies or activities. You can use the faces
from the previous exercise..


Computer Games




 Find a good friend to go out with!
Go around and ask your partners
Discover the
about their likes and dislikes. Look at the answers to the questions on the web page and
choose the best option. There are three correct answers.

The verbs: like, hate, don’t like and love can be followed by:

DF ■ nouns (comics, pizza, etc)

Do you like listening to music? ■ verbs in infinitive (to dance, to swim, etc.)
■ verbs in base form (play, cook, study, etc.)
Do you like tennis? ■ gerunds (reading, singing, etc.)
■ adjectives (big, interesting, etc.)

page 85 Do you like comics?

1. Invite a los educandos a dibujar símbolos o caras que re- 1. Students can also draw faces for themselves with each
presenten sus gustos. activity in exercise 5.
2. Invítelos a que pasen frente al grupo y que mencionen en 2. Have students come to the front of the class and mention
inglés lo que les gusta o disgusta. in English the things they like and don’t like.

page 95 Unit 3
Unit three

I have a new girlfriend

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about what someone likes and dislikes.
• How to write about someone’s likes and dislikes.

 Read the following text. What is it?

a. a postcard b. a letter c. an e-mail

Hi Tom

Guess what! I have a new girlfriend! Her name is Cynthia and 1

she lives near my house. We have many things in common. She
likes dancing and going to the movies. She doesn’t like romantic
music and she hates opera, she loves rock music. Isn’t that
great? And she loves reading comics. She doesn’t like animals
very much but that’s ok. I think I love her!
I’ll send you a photograph next time. Write back soon and say
hello to Kathy.
Best wishes,

 Read the text again and answer the questions.

What’s Ivan’s girlfriend’s name? e rule

Discover th
__________________________________ .
Look at the sentences from the text:
A Does she like going to the movies?
Yes, he does. ■ She likes dancing and going to the movies.
__________________________________ .
The letter s in likes is used:
2 B Does she like opera? @ to express plural things.
A to express what another person likes.
No, she doesn’t.
__________________________________ .
C Does she like comics? ■ She loves reading comics.
The letter s in comics is used:
Yes, she does.
__________________________________ . @ to express plural things.
A to express what another person likes.
D Does she like animals?

Sugerencias No, she doesn’t.

__________________________________ .

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 86

1. Invite a los educando a que un día antes de la clase pre- 1. Have them ask their friends and families a day before class
gunten a sus amigos y familiares qué les gusta y qué no. what they like and what they don’t like. Ask them to make
Pida que elaboren una lista con la información que reca- a list with the information that they got.
2. Have them make a list in English of their likes that they
2. Propóngales que elaboren una lista en inglés de los gustos share with their best friend and tell them to the class.
que comparten con su mejor amiga o amigo y que las
describan en la clase.

Unit 3 page 96
Speaking. Work in pairs and tell your partner about likes and dislikes of 5 people you know.
Use the information in the circles.

My girlfriend
going to the movies
watching TV
My boyfriend reading books
My brother dancing
My sister listening to music
My friend playing (volleyball, soccer)
My grandpa rock
My mom romantic music
My dad opera

 Write a letter to a friend and tell him/her about one person in the red circle. Use the letter in
exercise 1 as an example.

Show your letter to a partner to read and correct any possible mistakes. 2
Re-write the letter with the corrections and decorate it with some drawings.

page 87 I have a new girlfriend

1. Sugiera a los alumnos y las alumnas que si no conocen los 1. If students don’t know the likes and dislikes of five people,
gustos de 5 personas, los inventen. they can invent them.
2. Pídales que elaboren una carta dirigida a sus padres en la 2. Have them write a letter to their parents in which they
que señalen sus gustos. point out their likes.

page 97 Unit 3
Unit three

Cartoons or Reality Shows?

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask someone about their likes and dislikes.
• Vocabulary to talk about films and TV programs.


 Listen and match the kind of films and TV programs to the pictures.

Western Science Fiction News Soap Opera

Romantic Movie Cartoons Reality Show Horror Movie

Romantic movie
______________ News
______________ Cartoon
______________ Horror movie

Reality show
______________ Western
______________ Science fiction
______________ Soap opera

 Put a check (✓) by the things or activities you like and a cross (✗) by the ones you don’t like.

2 ✓

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 88

1. Pídales que elaboren una lista sobre lo que les gusta o no 1. Have them make a list of the types of programs they like
de los programas del ejercicio 1. and don’t like.
2. Sugiérales que usen el diálogo del ejercicio 1 para pre- 2. Students can use the dialog in exercise 1 to help them ask
guntar y contestar sobre lo que les gusta y lo que no. and answer about likes and dislikes.

Unit 3 page 98
 Speaking. Work in pairs and interview your partner. Put a tick ✓if he/she likes the activity or a
cross ✗ if he/she doesn’t like the activity.

Activity Likes or doesn't like

Partner’s name:______________
Watching films
Soap operas
Listening to music
Science fiction
Volleyball Do you like horror films?
Yes, I love them.
Cartoons Do you like cartoons?
Doing homework No, I hate them.
Playing video games

4. Read the following text.

I like sports ■ What kind of text is this? Circle the correct answer:
but I hate shorts.
a) a song b) a rhyme c) a letter
Science fiction
is my addiction. ■ Which words have similar sounds? __________________________
I like talking
but I hate working. ________________________________________________________

 Now complete the following rhyme. Use the pictures and a dictionary to help you.

I like _________________________
1 but I hate ________________________________

bananas See Picture Dictionary 6, on page 198,
I like _________________________ for vocabulary about music, movies and
pajamas TV programs.
and my _________________________________

I love ________________________

and my new _____________________________

  Listen and check your answers.
page 89 Cartoons or Reality Shows?

1. Propóngales que elaboren rimas similares a las del ejerci- 1. Have them make rhymes similar to the ones in exercise 5
cio 5 con base en sus gustos. based on their likes.

page 99 Unit 3
Unit three

A summer job!

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask people about their likes. • How to write about your likes and dislikes.

 Answer these questions with your teacher.

Would you like to work on your vacations?

What kind of job can young people do?

 Now listen to this job interview and complete the questions.
 Do you like _____________ TV?
 Do you like _____________ at parties?
 Do you like ____________ to music?
 Do you like ____________ volleyball?
 Do you like ____________ to the movies?
 Do you like ___________ comics?
 Do you like ___________ homework?
Carlos loves watching TV.
_____________________ He doesn’t like dancing
8. Do you like ___________ pizzas? at parties.


 Now listen again and circle the correct symbol according to
Isabelle’s answers.

Circle for like, for love, for don’t like and for hate.

 Exchange books with your partner.

 Answer the questions in the interview with Then report the information about
your information. Draw the same symbols in your partner with another classmate.
Sugerencias 2 the YOU column. Are there any things you have
in common?

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 90

1. Sugiérales que usen las mismas preguntas del ejercicio 1 1. Have them use the same questions from exercise 1 and
y que agreguen dos columnas más para que, en su casa, add two more columns for them to interview their family
realicen la entrevista a miembros de su familia y coloquen members at home and draw the corresponding faces.
la cara correspondiente.
2. Students can use the paragraphs in exercise 5 as models to
2. Los alumnos pueden usar los párrafos del ejercicio 5 write about their own likes and dislikes.
como modelos para escribir sobre lo que les gusta y no les

Unit 3 page 100

 Read the following information about different people’s hobbies. 1
Hello. My name’s Hi! My name’s Jean Paul Hello. My name’s Sonia
Irene and I’m 16 and I’m fifteen years old. and I’m eighteen. I live in
years old. I’m I live in Paris, France. I Buenos Aires, Argentina. I
from Moscow, like cooking and watching like playing the piano and
Russia. I TV. I don’t like playing I love dancing. I don’t like
love playing sports very much but I watching cartoons but
computer games like going to football I love going to the
and tennis. I like matches very much. movies. I like science
reading books but I don’t I would like a pen- fiction movies. My
like reading comics. friend with the same favorite movie is
Would you like to be my likes and dislikes. The Aliens’ Return.
e-mail pen pal? E-mail me soon.

 Answer the following questions.

 @ Does Irene like playing a sport?
Yes, she likes
 A Does she like reading?
Yes, she likes
 B Does Jean Paul like sports?
No, he doesn’t like playing sports
 C Does Sonia like watching cartoons?
No, she doesn’t like

e rule
Discover th
 Look at these sentences from exercise 5.
• I like reading books, but I don’t like reading comics.
• I don’t like playing sports, but I like going to football games.
• I don’t like watching cartoons, but I love going to the movies.

 The word but is used…

@ to express two positive ideas or two negative ideas in the same sentence.
A) to express one positive idea and one negative idea in the same sentence.

 Write some information about your likes and dislikes. Illustrate your paragraphs with some
drawings of your hobbies.

page 91 A summer job!

1. Pídales que elaboren un texto similar al que está en los 1. Have them write a text similar to the one in the boxes in
cuadros del ejercicio 6 con sus datos y que lo intercam- exercise 5 with their information and exchange them with
bien con otro compañero o compañera para conocer sus a partner to find out their likes.
2. Have them make sentences like those in the Discover the
2. Pídales que elaboren oraciones como las que hay en el rule box with their likes and dislikes.
recuadro Discover the rule con sus gustos o desagrados.

page 101 Unit 3

Unit three

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Talking about what you like and dislike  Fill in the You column.

DF I like comics and I love Like Love Don’t like Hate
playing video games. ✔ ✔✔✔ ✘ ✘✘✘

I don’t like cooking and I hate Sam Kim Joe You

eating vegetables.
Dancing 666 666 333
I like watching TV but I don’t like going
to the movies.
Sports 333 6 3
3 3 6
Talking about what someone likes and dislikes TV

DF My girlfriend likes listening to  Fill in the blanks.

rock music.
dancing but he loves _______.
 Sam hates _________ sports
He doesn’t like doing homework. hates dancing but she _____watching
 Kim _____ TV.
Alex likes playing volleyball. loves
 I ____________ sports.
 Joe doesn’t like ________,
TV loves dancing.
but he _______
Asking someone what he or she likes. hate
 Sam and Kim ___________ dancing, but Joe ___

DF Do you like listening to music? loves

__________ it.

Do you like sports?

 Put the words in the correct order to form a
sentence. Then circle T if the sentence is true for
you or F if it is false for you.
Asking about what someone else likes.
  like/ comics/ reading/ don’t/ I/
DF Does Joseph like drinking sodas? +CNM SKHJDQD@CHMFBNLHBR 6(
  loves/ boyfriend/ pizzas/ my/ eating
Does she like going to parties? My boyfriend loves eating pizzas.
___________________________________ 6(
  she/ cooking/ hates/ dinner
She hates cooking dinner.
___________________________________ 6(
 movies/ like/ I/ watching/ horror
$DHMCDODMCDMS I like watching horror movies.
___________________________________ 6(
See Grammar Reference Unit 3, on pages
206 and 207 for help with the grammar  parties/ hates/ Sam/ dancing/ at
in this unit. Sam hates dancing at parties.
___________________________________ 6(
 doesn’t/ homework/ Tim/ like/ doing

Sugerencias Tim doesn’t like doing homework.

___________________________________ 6(

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 92

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons one to
de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen los diálogos usando el four and from the review box and have students act out
lenguaje de la caja de repaso. dialogues using the language.

Unit 2 page 102

 Complete the following sentences with names of people you know. Then circle the correct alternative.
1. ____________________ like/ don’t like skating.

2. ____________________ likes/ doesn’t like parties.

3. ____________________ loves/ hates pop music.

4. ____________________ like/ love/ hate cartoons.

5. ____________________ loves/ doesn’t like my friends.

6. ____________________ hate/ love animals.

 Complete the following paragraph about your favorite artist.

____________________ (name) is a/ an ____________________ (job). He/She is ________

____________ years old and he/she is ____________________ (nationality). He/She likes

____________________ but he/she doesn’t like ____________________.

He/She lives in ____________________. I like him/her because he/she ________________

__________________ . He/She usually wears ____________________ and _____________.

 Look at Tanya’s bedroom

and write sentences about
what she likes and dislikes.

Tanya likes rock.

Tanya don’t likes chemistry

Tanya likes playing tennis
Tanya don’t likes hamburger
Tanya likes parties
Tanya likes reading

page 93 Review Lesson

1. Invítelos a que construyan un texto similar al del ejercicio 1. Have them write a text similar to the one in exercise 5.

page 103 Unit 2

Unit three

Let’s go!

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • The days of the week. • How to make an invitation. • How to accept an invitation.
• How to say no to an invitation.


Listen and complete the days in the

1. Monday
2. Friday
3. Wednesday

  Listen again and check your answers.

 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about

the different days in the calendar.

 Look at the posters and complete the

What day is the seventeenth?
sentences about the events. It’s Friday.

1 e rule
 The concert is on (QHC@X Discover th
12:00 pm
 The exhibition is at _____________________. To talk about the time of some activities
7:00 pm we use the preposition
 The School Party is at _____________________.

on at
 The soccer game is on _____________________.
To talk about the day when we do an
7:30 pm
 The concert is at _____________________. activity we use preposition
The exhibition is on _______________ Thursday
and ______________. on at
didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 94

1. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que on se usa para 1. Make sure students understand that “on” is used for days
días de la semana y at se usa para la hora. of the week and “at” is used for time.
2. Pídales que elaboren un listado similar al del ejercicio 5 2. Have them make a list similar to the one in exercise 5 in
en el que incluyan las actividades escolares que realizarán which they include the school activities that they do during
en esa semana. the week.

Unit 3 page 104

 Listen to the dialog and order the pictures. Write the numbers in the circles.

7 1
2 4

@ A B



1 6 3 5


e rule
Discover th
Write the following expressions from the dialog under the correct column.

Sorry, but I don’t like movies.

That sounds great!
Let’s go to the movies!
Why don’t we go for an ice cream?


Let’s go to the movies
_____________________ That’s sound great!
_____________________ Sorry but I don’t
like movies
Why don’t we go
_____________________ _____________________ ____________________
for an ice cream?

● Now you can play the interactive game

Let’s go to the movies on your CD if you
have a computer.

Speaking. Work in pairs. Invite

your partner to one of the events
in exercise 5. 2

page 95 Let’s go!

1. Revise el diálogo y pida a los alumnos que trabajen en 1. Check the dialog and have students work in pairs and act
parejas y lo actúen. it out.
2. Pídales que escriban en su cuaderno la invitación que 2. Have them write in their notebooks the invitation that
harán en el ejercicio 6. they’ll make in exercise 6.

page 105 Unit 3

Unit three

I’d love to!

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • More expressions to make invitations.

• More expressions to accept or refuse an invitation.


 Listen and choose the correct answer to the questions.

@ The contest of the radio program is about:

meeting people making invitations

A The winner is the person who has

the most original invitation the most boring invitation

B The winner is
Mariana Paul Paulina

 Listen again and write.

Expressions for making invitations Expressions for accepting
or refusing invitations
Would you like go on picnic?
_______________________________________ I am busy this weekend.
Would you like to have breakfast
_______________________________________ I’m sorry, but that’s boring.
near the lake?
Shall we go to the beach?
_______________________________________ That’s sound great.

e rule
Discover th
 5OD@JHMF Work in pairs. Student A look
at your instructions in the yellow box Look at the expressions from the dialogs.
Student B look at your instructions in the Write an I for informal expressions and S for
semi-formal expressions.
green box.
S Why don’t we go on a picnic?
S Would you like to have breakfast
with a group of mothers?
Student B I I’d love to.
Student A
Listen to your friend’s I That sounds great!
Invite your partner
1 to an exhibition next
Saturday at 7pm.
invitation and say no.
Suggest another day to
I That’s a great idea!
I Shall we go to the National Park?
S I’d prefer next week.

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 96

1. Pídales que cambien de pareja y de papeles y nuevamente 1. Have students changes partners and roles and practice the
practiquen la actividad. activity again.

Unit 3 page 106

 Look at the following text. Where can you find it?

a. a magazine b. a newspaper c. a web site for entertainment

Latest Events

Event Category
Miguel Bosé Concerts

Café Tacuba Concerts

Ozzy Osbourne and Korn Rock/Metal

Alejandro Fernández Concerts

Pumas Football
The Nutcracker Ballet
Cirque Du Soleil : Quidam Circus
Famous photographers Exhibition

 Work in groups of three. Look at the events in exercise 4 and invite your partners.
Decide where you want to go.

1 page 97 I’d love too!

1. Pídales que expliquen por qué eligieron el evento. 1. Ask students to explain why they chose the event they

page 107 Unit 2

Unit three

It’s my birthday

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • Learn how to write an invitation.

• Develop reading and listening skills.

 Read the invitation. Who is celebrating

a birthday? How old is he now?
party! 14 bir

Tony. 14 to my It’s my e part

y is
Come urda y . T h
on Sat s t a u r ant.
de’s re
at Ja 5:30 p
b e g ins at
d or a
a frien forge
Bring d o n ’t
er and ind th
memb ap t o f
k a t the m
to loo


 Complete the sentence about the invitation.

The party is on ___________________ 5:30 pm
at ____________________.

 Now write an invitation for your next birthday.

Use exercise 1 as an example.

1 RM

It’s my 13th birthday on Sunday. The party is in my house at 6:30 pm. Look
at the map and don’t forget bring friends. Alan.

 Give your invitation to your teacher for him/her to correct.

 Re-write your invitation and decorate it with different colors and drawings.
Sugerencias Use different colored papers to make it attractive!

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 98

1. Sugiérales que intercambien sus invitaciones con sus pa- 1. Students can exchange and correct their partner’s
rejas y, si es necesario, que las corrijan. invitation.

Unit 3 page 108

 Listen to Tony inviting some friends to his birthday party. Complete the chart below.
 Put a check 4 if the person accepts the invitation and a cross 8 if the person says ‘no’.

Name Accept or say ‘no’? Reason for saying ‘no’

1. Lydia yes
1 2. Ricky no There’s a party his cousin’s Lilly
3. Ceci no It’s her brother’s competition

 Work in pairs. Sit back to back and act out a telephone conversation to invite your partner
to the party you wrote about in exercise 3.


 Change partners and have a similar conversation.

 Complete the sentences about your party and your partners’ parties.
a. _____________ Sunday
birthday party is on _____________ 2:00 pm
at _____________.
(name) 2
b. _____________ Saturday
party is on _____________ 9:30 pm
at _____________.
c. My party is on _____________ 8.00 pm
at ____________________ .

 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 176, activity F, and Student B go to page 181, activity F.
page 99 It’s my birthday

1. Pídales que mediante una lluvia de ideas mencionen dife- 1. Students can brainstorm beforehand different reasons for
rentes razones para decir “no” a una invitación. saying ‘no’.
2. Sugiérales que elaboren un listado de las razones que con- 2. Have them make a list of the ways they think are the most
sideren son más respetuosas para rechazar una invitación. respectful for refusing an invitation.

page 109 Unit 3

Unit three

Luisa’s Birthday

Social practices: Establishing and maintaining social contacts.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to make suggestions and invitations.
• How to ask for suggestions.


1. Listen and answer the questions. e rule
Discover th
a. When is Luisa’s birthday? Underline the correct alternative:
____________________________________________ We use the following expressions to:

b. Does she like chocolates? make suggestions / to give our opinion

about something.
No, he doesn’t.
Shall I buy her some chocolates?
c. Where do her friends want to invite her? Let’s give her a book.
Why don’t we invite her to the movies?
To the movies.

 Work in groups of three. Think of a classmate whose birthday is this or

next month. Suggest what you would like to give him/her.

a t-shirt
a t-shirt
Next week a poster a poster
On Friday a cake a cake

Read and order the conversation.
7 That’s an excellent idea!
e rule
5 Oh, no!
____ Discover th
 Oh, thank you!
____ Write I by the expressions we can use for

2 1 Happy birthday, Luisa!

3 We want to celebrate your. Shall we go to the movies?
invitations, A for the ones to accept invita-
tions and R to refuse invitations.

6 Why don’t you come?

____ A
That’s an excellent idea! ____
8 See you then.
____ I
Shall we go to the movies? ____
4 Oh, I’m really sorry, but there’s a party at Linda’s.
____ R
I’m sorry, there’s a party at Linda’s ____
Why don’t we all come to the party? ____


 Listen and check your answers.

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 100

1. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan las funciones 1. Make sure students understand the functions “Inviting”,
inviting, accepting y refusing. “Accepting” and “Refusing”.
2. Pídales que elaboren una invitación y enseguida que 2. Have them make an invitation and then make two
planteen dos respuestas afirmativas y dos negativas. affirmative and two negative responses.

Unit 3 page 110

 Work in groups of three. Act out similar conversations using the cues in the circles.

Invitations Excuses 1
Go to eat tacos. A dinner at my house.
Go to the theater. I have tickets for the rock concert.
Go to a fun fair. I’m watching my favorite
TV program.

 Look at the Birthday card. Who is celebrating a birthday?

Happy birthday Tammy!!!

I hope you have an excellent party

and enjoy all your presents. If the
sweater is not your size, please tell
me. I can change it.
Next year we can celebrate together,
remember that my birthday is next
Best wishes,
By the way, how old are you now?

 Answer the following questions.

@ What is one of the presents for Tammy? Sweater
A When is Tessa’s birthday? Next week
B How old is Tammy? Do you know? No, I don’t know

 Use the words from the box to complete the following birthday card.
21 presents Hi birthday party happy

________ Albert! We all wish
you a ____________. birthday
party and
We hope you enjoy your ________
all your __________.
You are _________ years old now!
You can get a driver’s
license and we can go out to parties
with our friends.
Best wishes,
Anne, Emma and Andy.

 Make a birthday card for one of your friends or a family member. Use the following expressions:
Happy birthday
I hope you enjoy…
You are (age) now!
Use a piece of paper and decorate it with drawings and nice colors!

page 101 Luisa’s birthday

1. Sugiérales que realicen una lluvia de ideas y que escriban 1. Students can brainstorm additional excuses.
excusas para asistir a algún evento.
2. Have them use the excuses they come up whit to respond
2. Pídales que con las excusas que elaboraron respondan a to an invitation.
una invitación.

page 111 Unit 3

Unit three

Reading and Writing

 Read the following rhymes and match the underlined words with the pictures. Look at
the example.

The new cartoon

is now a boom

Writing e-mails

is not for whales.

Now pay attention

to the invitation

come to the party

of my friend Patty.

I like kisses

but not my misses

Hi. My nameʼs Camila and Iʼm from Mexico City. Iʼm 12 years old and my birthday is on August 7th. I am studying 1st
grade of secondary school in the south of the city. My favorite sports are volleyball and swimming. I love going to
the theater. My favorite writer is Shakespeare.
There are five members in my family. My motherʼs name is Marcela. Sheʼs a doctor and my father is an architect. His

I hate rock
name is Gilberto but everybody calls him Gil. I have two sisters. They are twins. Their names are Adriana and Monica.
They are 16 years old. We all like parties and traveling.

My sisters are very sociable. We go out together on Saturdays and Sundays. Their birthday is in October. We
usually have a big celebration!

If you want to be my friend please write to me. My e-mail address is cammen82@coolmail.


but I love pop.

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 102

Unit 3 page 112

 Now look at these rhymes and illustrate the underlined words. Use a dictionary to help you.

is the y
This Carth
hn M
c amila
nd Lu
ke of Jo h d a y iend C
bir t
sday. My fr
ar frie say h
appy edne es va
My de o k ’s W dislik orge
reat c
u s e i t nd Ge
is a g isa beca y frie
nd Lu and m o r t s .
m y frie . s his
and l rd
iz a adore
like a

 Complete the following sentences with words from the box.

selling misses kisses yelling

I send ________________________

And my best wishes

To all the ________________________

Who gave me sixes.

This book I’m ________________________

Is for your spelling

And now stop ________________________.

page 103 Reading and Writing

1. Sugiérales que elaboren una rima y que la ilustren, como 1. Have them make a rhyme and illustrate, as in exercise 2.
en el ejercicio 2.

page 113 Unit 3

Unit three

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Talking about days of different events. Find information about 3 or 4 events you are
The concert is on Monday. interested in. You can use internet, newspapers,
Julia’s party is on Saturday. magazines or other sources. The activities
or events can be movies, concerts, exhibitions,
Saying what time events are. football matches, etcetera.
The exhibition is at 7:30.
The football match is at 5 o’clock.
 Fill in this chart with information about the events
Making invitations. in exercise 1.
Let’s go to the cinema.
Would you like to have lunch with us?
Why don’t we play football? 1 2 3 4

Accepting an invitation.
That sounds great! Event
That’s a good idea!
Yes, I’d love to.
Saying ‘no’ to an invitation.
No, sorry. I don’t like football.
I’d prefer Wednesday.



Work in pairs. Find a classmate you would like

to go out with. Invite him/her to some of the
events you investigated about. Decide where you
want to go.

See Grammar Reference Unit 3, on pages
206 and 207 for help with the grammar
in this unit.

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 104

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons five to
de las lecciones 5 a 8 y que actúen diálogos usando el eight and from the review box and have students act out
lenguaje de la caja de repaso. dialogues using the language.

Unit 3 page 114

 Write the correct preposition: at or on.
The school party is ________
Friday _______ 6. 1
The concert is _______ 3 pm.
The exhibition is ___________ Thursday.
on Saturday!
Let’s have a party ______
Why don’t we go to the movies _______ 7 pm.

Order the words to form correct sentences.

movies/ why/ go / don’t/ to/ we/ ?/ the


watch/ game/ let’s/ a/ football/

Let’s watch a football game.

breakfast/ you/ tomorrow/ like/ would/ have/ to/ ?

Would you like to have breakfast tomorrow?

great/ sounds/ that.

That sounds great.

sorry/ like/ I/ no/ don’t/ movies/.

Sorry, I don’t like movies.

 Complete the conversation with words or phrases from the box.

at Let’s go 3:30 we meet at school Why don’t

Erik: Hi, Pauline! How are you?

Pauline: I’m fine, Erik.
Let’s go
Erik: I’m bored. ______________ to the movies.
Pauline: No, sorry. There’s a concert at school.
Why don’t
Erik: ________________ we go tomorrow?
Pauline: That’s a good idea.
We meet at school
Erik: Shall _________________________?
Pauline: Yes. Let’s meet at _______________.
Erik: Ok, I’ll see you _______ 3:30 then.

page 105 Review Lesson

1. Invítelos a dialogar con un compañero o compañera en el 1. Have them write a dialog with a partner in which they
que elaboren un plan para salir el sábado por la mañana make a plan to go out on Saturday in the morning or
o por la tarde. Sugiérales que cada uno mencione a algún the afternoon. Suggest that each one mention an event
evento o actividad que le guste y que el otro se excuse or activity that he/she likes and the other give an excuse
explicando por qué no desea o puede realizar la actividad. explaining why he/she doesn’t want to or can’t do the
Pídales que intercambien papeles. activity. Have them changes roles.

page 115 Unit 3

Unit three

Project Page

A Celebrity

Bring magazines to the class with  Your teacher will write these headings on
pictures of celebrities. the board.

 Write your name under the topic  A team is complete when there are five names
you like. under each heading.

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 106

Unit 3 page 116


 Get information about your topic (names,  Write down the heading that your team chose
nationalities, occupations, age, descriptions, in big letters.
etc.). Interview other people about your topic.

 Paste the name of the topic in the middle of a  Illustrate your topic with pictures from your
big piece of poster paper. magazines and write information about your
topic, including the results of your interviews.

Suggestion: You can include in your portfolio any language from the unit that is difficult for you. Check with a
partner or look at the picture dictionaries, grammar reference or bibliography at thee back of the book for help.

page 107 A Celebrity

page 117 Unit 3

Unit three

Time Out!

Choose three sentences

from the opposite
page. Copy them
Collect information
on three different pieces
of paper and complete 1AIDBSHUDTo collect as many pieces of paper as possible
them with your own
information. Don’t
write your name,
only your sentences. Do
not show your sentences
to your classmates.

 Get into groups of seven

or eight students.

 Put all the pieces of

paper in a bag.

 Take a new paper

from the bag and try to
find the person who
wrote the sentence on it.

 Ask questions to the

members in your team to
find the right person.

DFStudent A: Do you like

listening to pop music?
Student B: No, I don’t.
Student A: Do you like
listening to pop music?
Student C: Yes, I do.

 When you find the right

person write his or her
name on the paper
and take another
paper from the bag and
ask questions again.

 The winner is the person

who collects more
pieces of paper.

Sugerencias Good luck!

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 108

Unit 3 page 118

I like (sport)_______________________________________________________
I don’t like (sport) __________________________________________________
I like _____________________________________________________________
I don’t like ________________________________________________________
I love ___________________________________________________________
I hate ___________________________________________________________
I like (TV program) _________________________________________________
I don’t like (TV program) ____________________________________________
I like (kind of movie) ______________________________________________
I don’t like (kind of movie) _________________________________________
My (mother/father/brother/ sister) likes ________________________________
My (mother/father/brother/ sister)
doesn’t like ______________________________________________________

page 109 Collect information

page 119 Unit 3

Unit three

In each of the sentences there is an extra word. Identify it and circle it.

 Shall we to go to the theater on Friday?

 Would you like to eat have dinner in a restaurant?

 That sounds is great!

Progress Check
 Let’s watch a football game on the Saturday.

 I’d like prefer Sunday.

_____________ 5 points

Read the note and answer the questions below.

 Is the message on the note formal or informal?

ert Informal
__________________________________________ .
g i e , k c onc t t h e
n c a
Hi A ’ s a r o p . m .  Where does Sam want to go?
re 8
The r d a y a t . Afte
r To a rock concert at the National Hall.
__________________________________________ .
S a t u nal Hal
l er?
i o o to geth r in that
Nat g e
t we ave dinn near you d
r  What time is the event?
Why e can h taurant on’t nee 8 pm
__________________________________________ .
w s d
that ese re ant. We  Is the reservation at the restaurant ready?
Japa if you w , do we?
plac ervation conf
irm No.
__________________________________________ .
a re
s ll to Sam
c a  Does Sam live near the restaurant?
Plea 93 456
55 8 No.
__________________________________________ .

_____________ 5 points

Sugerencias _____________ 5 points

didácticas Unit 3, Hobbies, Leisure and Sports page 110

Unit 3 page 120

Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

. Why not we go for lunch together?

Why don´t we go for lunch together?
____________________________________________ .
. Let’s has breakfast at Linda’s.
Let´s have breakfast at Lindas´s
____________________________________________ .
 You would like to go to a concert tomorrow?
Would you like to go to a concert tomorrow?
____________________________________________ .
The party is in Saturday.
The party is on Saturday
____________________________________________ .
Shall we playing football in the afternoon?
Shall we play football in the afternoon?
____________________________________________ .
_____________ 5 points

Complete the dialog.
*DKKN4HS@! 1G ________,+SYDK

a a
+_____LEHMDATS+_____LANQDC sounds great
Why don´t we
woul like
Would you
;DR _________

ACTIVITY SIX! _____________ 6 points

Respond to the following invitations.

 Would you like to watch the football match on Sunday at my place?

__________________________________________ .
 Let’s go to the cinema in the afternoon.
__________________________________________ . Suggestion: Write a post it note to invite one
 Shall we go for lunch after school? of your classmates out. Give it to him/her and
then respond to his/her invitation on a different
__________________________________________ . post it note. Exchange paper again and see your
 Would you like to go shopping on Saturday morning? partner’s answer. Keep one of the note you wrote
in your portfolio.
__________________________________________ .
_____________ 4 points
_____________ Total score: 30 points

page 111 Progress Check

page 121 Unit 3

y solucionario

page 122
page 123
Third Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Look at the table and fill in the blanks.

Like Love Don’t like Hate

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✘ ✘✘✘

Dave Jill Matt Susan

Soap Operas ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Reality shows ✓ ✓ ✓ ✘ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✘ ✘ ✘
Cartoons ✓ ✓ ✘ ✘
News ✘ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘

1. Dave hates __________________ , but he loves _________________ .

2. Jill ____________________ soap operas, but she ______________ cartoons.

3. Matt ______________ cartoons, and he _______________________ news.

4. Susan loves _________________, and she likes _______________________ .

5. Dave and Jill ________________ soap operas, but Susan ___________ them.

6. ______________ and _____________ love reality shows.

2. Match the activities

1. cooking

2. playing videogames

3. playing soccer

4. dancing

5. going to the cinema

6. listening to music

7. swimming

8. reading a book
3. Draw one of these symbols next to the drawing in exercise 1 for your likes. Write sentences below about your likes for each









4. Match the questions to the answers.

1. Do you like skating? ________ a. Yes, he does.

2. Does Jack like parties? ________ b. No, I don’t.

3. Does your boyfriend love music? ________ c. No, she hates it.
d. Yes, my boyfriend loves music.
4. Does Sally like playing volleyball? ________
e. Yes, I love skating.
5. Does her father like Italian food? ________
f. No, he doesn’t like parties.
6. Do you like horror stories? ________

5. Write the correct propositions: at or on.

1. The birthday party is ____________ Saturday _______ 8.

2. The soccer game is _____________ 2pm.
3. The concert is _________________ Tuesday.
4. Let’s go the movies ____________________ Friday!
5. Why don’t we go to the mall _____________ 5 pm?
Mom and da
My friends a
6. Order the dialog. Then complete the note. nd I are goin
g to _______
_____ becau ___
se it’s ______
_____ Why don’t we invite him to the concert, then? _______ birth
on ________ day
______. The
_____ Let’s give him a video game! concert beg
___________ ins
_____ That’s a great idea. _________ 7
See you later.
_____ It’s Ricky’s birthday on Saturday.
_____ What shall we give him?
_____ He doesn’t like video games.

1. soap operas, reality shows
2. hates, likes
3. hates, loves
4. soap operas, news
5. hate, loves
6. Dave, Matt

2. Match the activities

1. cooking

2. playing videogames

3. playing soccer

4. dancing

5. going to the cinema

6. listening to music

7. swimming

8. reading a book

(Student’s own answers)
1. e
2. f
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. b

1. on, at
2. at
3. on
4. on
5. at

1.– It’s Ricky’s birthday on Saturday.
2 –What shall we give him?
3 – Let’s give him a video game!
4 – He doesn’t like video games.
5 – Why don’t we invite him to the concert, then?
6 – That’s a great idea.
7 – A concert, Ricky’s, Saturday, at
Fourth Bimonthly

Unit 4

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to describe actions that happen daily or periodi-
cally in your life or in the lives of people and animals you are interested in.

Social Practices:
• Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

Unit functions:
4.1. Asking for and telling the time.
4.2. Asking for and giving information about everyday activities.

page 106

Unit 4 page 128


Lesson 1 It’s eight forty 108

Lesson 2 He gets up at 6:30 110
Lesson 3 He takes the bus to work 112
Lesson 4 What time do you start working? 114
Lesson 5 An Unusual Breakfast 118
Lesson 6 I have a new boyfriend 120
Lesson 7 An Unusual Animal 122
Lesson 8 Ethnic Groups 124

page 107

page 129 Unit 4

Unit four

It’s nine forty

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to tell the time.

 Listen and write the correct time on the lines for each city.

e rule
Discover th
Underline the correct question to ask for
the time and cross out the incorrect one.
New York
8:40 What time it is?
Hong Kong What time is it?

Order the information to tell the time


1 The number that refers to the minutes+

It’s+the number that refer to the hour.
Mexico city
2:40 ____________________________
London 1:40

 What time is it? Write the times on the lines.

Use numbers. It’s seven twenty-five.

__________ 10:45

__________ 1:50
__________ 12:00
__________ 4:20
didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 114

1. Pídales que dibujen otro reloj para que sus parejas men- 1. Students can also draw times to have partners tell
cionen la hora. the time.

Unit 4 page 130

 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 176, activity G, and Student B go to page 181, activity G.

 Read the text and match the animals to

the drawings.

Horse Dog Monkey Dragon Cow Snake

Pig Rabbit Ruster Tiger Rat Cheep

Some Chinese clocks do not have hours, minutes or seconds. They

have the names of twelve animals: a rat, a cow, a tiger, a rabbit, a
dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a chicken, a dog, and
a pig.

A Chinese hour is two of our hours. For example the hour of the
rabbit is from 5 am to 6:59 am and the hour of the cow is from 11 pm
to 12:59 am.
Taken and adapted from:

 Work in pairs. Student A: Say the name of an animal.

Student B: Say the hour.
Student A: Horse.
 Write the following times with numbers. Look at the example. Student B: The hour of the
horse is from
11 am to 1 pm.
a. It’s seven o’clock. b. It’s seven forty-five.

b. It’s eleven forty. d. It’s three thirty-five.
__________________ 3:35

c. It’s two ten. e. It’s one twenty.

__________________ 1:20
 What’s the time now? Draw the hands of the
clock and write the time on the line. ______________________

page 115 It’s eight forty

1. Pídales que elijan horas al azar y que realicen la actividad 1. Have students choose times at random and do activity 6 in
6 de manera inversa. reverse order.

page 131 Unit 4

Unit four

He gets up at 6:30

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • A different way to tell the time.
• How to talk about another person’s routine.

 Read about a typical day in a computer science student from New York. Then complete the
clocks below.

1st class ends 2nd class ends
Leave house
1st class starts 2nd class starts

 Listen and draw the hands of the clocks.

 What time is it now? Write the time now in two different ways.
 Look at this student’s routine and order the pictures logically.
It’s four fifteen or It’s
Write numbers in the boxes provided.
quarter past four.

 get up.

4 make his bed.

3 have breakfast.
5 do homework. 2 take a shower.
 Listen and draw the hands in the clocks.

1. He gets up at 6:30.

Sugerencias  Talk about the student’s routine. Use the pictures in exercise 4.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 116

1. Recuérdeles que at se usa con la hora. 1. Remind students that “at” is used with times.
2. Pídales que elaboren una actividad similar a la 4, pero 2. Have them do an activity similar to 4 with their own
que incluyan su rutina. routines.

Unit 4 page 132

e rule
 Write the sentences in your notebook. Discover th
 Imagine the routine of a famous person and Look at these sentences about routines. Write the
draw the activities in the boxes and write words in bold in the correct column.
the time in the clocks. Look at the example:
I have dinner at 8:30. We do exercises in English
class. She has lunch at home.
Name: ________________________
Occupation: ________________________ I make my bed everyday. They take a shower at
night. We do the shopping on Sunday.
She makes coffee in the morning.
I do homework at home.

1 do
make take
Coffee A_________
__________ Lunch
shower ________


 Work in pairs and tell your partner about your famous person. Draw pictures about the routine
your partner talks about.

 Use your notebook. Write the routine of the famous person in exercise 9 or 10. Draw a picture of
the person or objects related to his/her occupation.

page 117 He gets up at 6:30

1. Pídales que describan la rutina de alguien que conozcan 1. Students can also talk about the routines of someone they
o la suya. know.
2. Sugiérales que inventen la rutina de un personaje 2. Have them invent the routine of a famous person.

page 133 Unit 4

Unit four

He takes the bus to work

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: •How to ask and answer about someone’s habits and routines.

 Look at the picture and

answer the questions. Cancun Mexico
 The man in the picture is: Seal trainer
  @ a seal trainer Karl Svenson is 28 years old. He is from Denmark but he lives in Cancun, Mexico. He is a seal
trainer. “I love my job because I love being with animals.” He works very long hours but his job is
A a dolphin trainer. very exciting. What does Karl do on a typical day of the week?
He works at:
His day begins very early in the morning. He gets up
@ an aquarium at six o’clock and takes a shower and has breakfast.
A a pet store. Then, he takes the bus to work. He arrives at the
aquarium at half past seven and feeds the seals.
 His job is: After that, they practice for the show. Karl has lunch
@ boring from twelve to half past one. Then the show begins
at two o’clock. At five, he feeds the seals again and
A exciting.
plays with them for a while. He usually gets home
at about six o’clock. In the evening, he watches T.V.,
reads a book, or studies about the lives of animals.
He also loves going to discos with his friends. “I’m a
happy man and my life is a lot of fun”, says Karl. “I
have a wonderful job and enjoy my free time.” 8

 Read the text again and find the answers to the following questions. Circle the correct answer.
 Does Karl love his job? @ Yes, he does. A No, he doesn’t.
 Does he like animals?
 Does he wake up at half past six?
@ Yes, he does.
@ Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.
No, he doesn’t. 1
 Does he have lunch at 12 pm? @ Yes, he does. A No, he doesn’t.
5. Does he study in the evenings? @ Yes, he does. A No, he doesn’t.

e rule
Discover th
How does the spelling change in the following verbs?
Look at these sentences from the text and tick the correct box.
Name +s +es Other
He reads a book. ✔
He gets up at six o’clock ✔
He watches tv ✔

Sugerencias He studies about the lives of animals. ✔

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 118

1. Sugiérales que usen las preguntas y respuestas del ejer- 1. Students can use the questions and answers in exercise 2
cicio 2 como modelos para describir la actividad de al- as models.

Unit 4 page 134

Work in pairs. Student A go to page 176, activities H and I, and Student B go to page 181,
activities H and I.

 You are a famous person. Decide on a name, age, nationality and the things you like. Invent an
occupation and think about your everyday activities. Write seven sentences about them. Use the
ideas in the box to help you.

have breakfast have lunch in restaurants exercise

go to school go to parties practice your activity
go to museums do homework

 Work in pairs. Interview each other and complete the chart below.
I have breakfast
Name: Activity Yes No at 7:30
go to museums
Nationality: go to school
have breakfast

1 do homework
go to parties
study everyday
What’s your name?
practice your activity Do you have breakfast
exercise at home?
Do you go to parties?
have lunch in restaurants

 Write a paragraph about the famous person you interviewed.


page 119 He takes the bus to work

1. Pídales que usen la información de una persona famosa o 1. Students can decide on a real famous person or an
que inventen una para resolver los ejercicios 4, 5 y 6. invented one.

page 135 Unit 4

Unit three

What time do you start work?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask about the days and time when people do activities.

 Read the interview with a famous family band.

Interviewer: Hello, everybody. Are you ready for the interview?

Sam: Yes. What’s the first question?
Interviewer: What time do you start work?
Tim: We always start at 7 am in the morning.
Interviewer: And do you have breakfast before that?
Tanya: No, we have breakfast at 10:30 and lunch at 3 o’clock.
Interviewer: What time do you finish playing?
Mother: We finish at 6 in the afternoon.
Interviewer: And when do you relax?
Father: We relax on Sundays. We do some shopping or go to the movies.
Interviewer: One more question. When do you see your friends?

The Osbourne
Sam: We visit our friends on Saturday nights.

Interviewer: That sounds good! and … do you see your fans?
Tim: Only when we have a concert.

 Read the interview with a famous family.

e rule
Discover th
 Interview your partner about Look at the following sentences from the interview:
his/her family and their activities.
Use the words in the box to help you. ■ We start work at 7 am in the morning.
■ We finish work at 6 in the afternoon.
■ We relax on Sundays.
do the shopping visit friends
Choose the correct alternative.

1 have lunch We use _____ when we talk about the time we do an activity.
a) in b) at c) on
take a shower
make your bed We use _____ to talk about the day when we do an activity.
a) in b) at c) on
go to the movies
We use _____ to say when during the day we do something.
a) in b) at c) on
have dinner get up
Note: we say at night.
didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 120

1. Pídales que usen las frases del recuadro del ejercicio 3 1. Have students use the phrases in the box in exercise 3 to
para hacer una entrevista a algún familiar. interview a family member.

Unit 4 page 136

1  Write the activities under the correct picture.
eat vegetables exercise regularly drink water walk to school
live near a park eat fruit sleep more than 6 hours eat 3 times a day

exercise regularly eat vegetables drink water walk to school

sleep more than

live near a park eat 3 times a day 6 hours eat fruit
 Look at the instructions in the questionnaire. Ask your partner the following questions and write his/
her answers.
Are you healthy?
Answer the following questionnaire.
Write Yes or No.
 Do you live near a park? _______________________
 Do you eat vegetables regularly? _______________________
  Do you drink water everyday? _______________________
  Do you sleep more than 6 hours?_______________________
  Do you eat 3 times a day? _______________________

2  Do you eat fruit?_______________________

  Do you walk to school?_______________________
  Do you exercise regularly?_______________________
  Do you relax on weekends? _______________________
    Do you have vacations 2 times a year? _____________

 Check your partner’s score and tell him/her the results.

8 to 10 Yes: Congratulations! You are a very healthy person.
7 to 5 Yes: Be careful or you will have health problems soon.
4 or fewer Yes: You really need to do something! You are not very healthy.

page 121 What time do you start working?

1. Antes de iniciar el ejercicio 4, pregúnteles qué tan saluda- 1. Before doing the exercise 5, ask students how healthy they
bles creen que son. think they are.
2. Pídales que califiquen a sus parejas para verificar sus res- 2. Students check their partner’s scores and see if they were
puestas sobre su vida si son saludables o no. right about how healthy they are.

page 137 Unit 4

Unit four

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Describing routines and habits.  What time is it? Draw the hands on the clocks
according to the times below.
DF What does he/she do in the morning?
He/she goes to school.
I don’t watch TV in the morning.  It’s eight o’clock.
 It’s quarter past two.
 It’s twenty past three.
 It’s ten to eleven.
 It’s a quarter to ten.
 It’s seven thirty.

 Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Today (a) _____________ Nancy’s first day at school.
See Grammar Reference Unit 4, on pages class
Her first (b) ________ is English. She likes English
208 and 209 for help with the grammar
in this unit. doesn’t
but she (c) ___________ like math. It is difficult
for her. Her last class is music. That is her favorite
class. She (d) ____________ home at three o’clock.
She (e) ___________ lunch and then she (f) ____
_________ her homework. In the evening she (g)
____________ TV. She goes to bed at about ten (h)

 doesn’t  class
 watches  does
 gets  o’clock
 is  has
didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 122

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons one to
de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen los diálogos usando el four and from the review box and have students act out
lenguaje de la caja de repaso. dialogues using the language.
2. Pídales que en el ejercicio 1 pongan al reloj el número 2. In exercise 1, have students put the number of the time
que corresponda con la hora. that corresponds to each clock.

Unit 4 page 138

 Write the times that you do these things.
 get up ___________  do your homework ___________
 have breakfast ___________  have dinner ___________
 go to school ___________  go to bed ___________
 have lunch ___________

 Complete with your information.

I Meet people from all over the world.
Keep in touch with old friends.
Express yourself!

e-mail adress:

If you are not a member, register now! Complete the following profile.
Write about a typical day in your life. Talk about your likes and dislikes, family and friends.
The submit your profile. Attach a nice picture of you!

submit ➚
 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition in, on or at.
 I usually exercise _____________ Saturdays.
 We always eat fruit _____________ the morning.
 She starts school _____________ 7:30.
 Joseph and Luis don’t work ___________ Fridays.
 They make their bed ______________ the afternoon?

page 123 Review Lesson

1. En los ejercicios 4 y 5 invítelos a describir su rutina 1. In exercises 4 to 6, have students describe their daily
diaria. routines.

page 139 Unit 4

Unit four

An Unusual Breakfast

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about eating habits and hobbies and their frequency.


Inviting a friend. Listen to the conversation and put Y next to the things Yoko has for
breakfast, and D next to the things Dan has for breakfast.




Listen again and check ✔ the boxes.

Never Sometimes Often Usually Always



Y D 1
Rice ✔ ✔
Bacon ✔ ✔
Milk ✔ ✔
Cereal ✔
Fish ✔ ✔
Salad ✔ ✔
Green tea ✔ ✔
Orange juice ✔ ✔
Soup ✔ ✔

Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the information in the chart.
Make a list of the things you have for breakfast, lunch DF
and dinner. How often does Yoko drink
green tea? She always does.

Sugerencias Work in pairs. Ask and answer about your list.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 124

1. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que How often se 1. Make sure students understand that “How often” is used
usa para preguntar sobre frecuencia. to ask about frequency.
2. En el ejercicio 4 sugiérales que elaboren la lista de lo que 2. In exercise 4, have students make a list of what they ate
comieron el día anterior. the day before.

Unit 4 page 140

Read the survey report and write the best title next to the word “Topic”.
a) Daily routines b) Free time activities c) Sports activities

Group: 1st Year B
Free time activities
Topic: ______________________________
Number of students interviewed: 15

Questions: How often do you play a sport in a week? How often do you read a book?
How often do you go to the movies? How often do you watch TV?
How often do you go to parties? How often do you listen to music?

Play a sport Go to the Go to parties Read a book Watch TV Listen to

movies music
Never / // //// /

Once a week /// //// //// // //// //// / //// // /

Twice a week //// / // // /

Three times
/// / // //
a week
Four times a week // / // //

Five times a week / /

Every day / // //// / //// //

● Now you can play the interactive game
Frequency on your CD if you have a computer.
 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about the
results of the survey. How often do the students play a sport?
One student never plays a sport; three students
 In your notebook, answer the questionnaire play a sport once a week; five students … ;
with your information. nobody plays a sport five times a day and only
one plays a sport everyday.
 Interview each other and write down
the results.

DF Report your results to the class.

How often do you go to parties?
Twice a week.
 Work in pairs. Student A go to page
177, activity J, and Student B go to
page 182, activity J.

page 125 An Unusual Breakfast

1. Invítelos a que con los resultados del ejercicio 6 elaboren 1. Have students use the results from exercise 6 to make a list
una lista como la que se muestra en la primera caja. like the one in the first box.

page 141 Unit 4

Unit four


Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about some healthy habits..
• How to talk about the frequency of habits.

 Read the text and answer the exercise that follows..

Changing your daily routine can mean a healthy heart.

Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death for Americans. It affects healthy people,
sometimes killing with no warning. More than half of those who die of cardiac
disease have no symptoms. Even teenagers are not immune to heart disease.
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), two-thirds
of teens have at least one risk factor like smoking, high blood pressure and
If you usually smoke after a meal, stop soon. It’s not healthy for you and other
people around you.
The American Heart Association (AHA) says that about 65 percent of American
adults — and nearly 20 percent of children and teens — are overweight or
obese. That extra weight can be dangerous for your heart, you can get diabetes
or some cancers.
Modify your diet
Too much cholesterol is a major cause of blocked arteries and diabetes. Ask
your doctor about “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Eat more fruits and vegetables
and reduce sugar, salt and alcohol. Make good choices every day and don’t
drink a lot of sodas. Eat 50% of your restaurant portion and take the rest home
for dinner.
Adapted from

Complete the sentences about the text with words from the box.

a. healthy people
Heart disease can affect ____________________.

b. smoking
___________________ is not healthy for you and people around you.

c. obese
Many American people are overweight and ____________________.

d. alcohol
Don’t drink too much ___________________.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 126

1. Invítelos a buscar en revistas o en internet textos relacio- 1. Have students look for texts in magazines or on the
nados con la salud y que extraigan la información que internet related to health and write down the information
consideren más importante. they think is the most important.

Unit 4 page 142

 Make a list of good habits you have and a list of bad habits.
Good habits
Good habits
I always go for a walk in the afternoon.
Bad habits
I don’t usually drink water.

Bad habits

 Work in pairs. Ask your partner questions about the

habitsyou included in activity 3. Complete the chart
with his/her information.

Student A:
Do you for a walk in the afternoon?
Student B:
No, I never do that.
Activities never sometimes usually always

e rule
Discover th
 Look at these sentences from the dialog:

I always brush my teeth in the morning.

So you never do it after lunch.  Work in groups of three. Discuss the
I sometimes have lunch at school. following questions.
I usually wash my hands.
■ Do you think you need to change your habits
 Circle the correct answer. to be healthy? Why?
The frequency adverbs always, never,
sometimes and usually go:
a) after the verbs b) before the verbs

page 127 Health

1. Pídales que elaboren una lista de los hábitos de su familia 1. Have students make a list of the habits of their family
y que la describan a sus compañeros de equipo. members and describe them to others in the group.

page 143 Unit 4

Unit four

An Unusual Animal

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and describe the habits of animals.

#MHL@KSHLD Look at the names of the animals. Underline 6 spelling mistakes and
correct them. Use your dictionary to help you. Match them to the pictures.
@ J
1. ostrich  bee
4. crocodile E  parrot
5. monkey B
9. rooster  monky
10. elephant
12. turtle G  snake i)
K  cow
D  roosther A
 elefant I

 Write these animals under the  Work in pairs and compare your answers.
right heading. Use your notebook.
■ Reptiles ■ Mammals
crocodile monkey
snake cow Monkeys, cows and … are mammals.
turtle elephant 6Q@BJ
■ Insects ■ Birds

bee ostrich
butterfly parrot  Listen and check.
worm rooster
 Read the conversation between two friends playing a guessing game and guess the name of
the animal.
Is it a reptile? No, it isn’t.

2 Is it a mammal? Yes, it is.

Does it live in Africa? Yes, it does.

Does it eat meat? No, it doesn’t.

Is it …?

Work in groups. One student thinks of ■ Category: Is it a reptile?

an animal and describes it. The others ask ■ Habitat: Does it live in …?
questions according to the cues to guess Food: Does it eat …?

what it is.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 128

1. Los alumnos pueden agregar los nombres de otros anima- 1. Students can add the names of any other animals they
les que conocen a cada categoría. may know to each category.
2. Pídales que realicen un ejercicio similar al 5 usando tres 2. Have the students do an exercise similar to 5 using three
animales del ejercicio 1. animals from exercise 1.

Unit 4 page 144

1  #RSQ@MFD@MHL@K Work in pairs. Discuss what you know about the animal in
the picture according to the questions below and write notes in your notebook.

• Where does it live? • What does it look like?

e rule
 Read the text and complete it with verbs
from the box.
Discover th
When we talk about habits of one person or one
animal we add a letter S, ES or IES to the verb
1. wakes up 4. eat depending on the spelling of the verb.
2. fly 5. lives
3. sleeps 6. drinks ■ Look at the examples then change the rest of
the verbs using the correct ending.
 Read your text to your partner to compare your Study- studies Watch- watches
rest- rests
  Listen to a museum guide giving information about lives
Live - ____________ builds
build- ____________
the vampire bat. He makes several mistakes. In your
wash- ___________ drinks
drink- _____________
otebook, write down what is wrong.
Wake- ___________ flies
fly- _____________
 Work in pairs. Compare your notes with a partner.

Many people are afraid of bats. They are strange animals. They are the only
mammals that can (a) ___________
fly like birds. They live in trees, caves or
22 old buildings. The bat in the picture is a vampire bat. It (b) ________
lives in South
America. Every night this bat (c) _______
wakes up in its dark cave.
It is hungry, so it leaves the cave and looks for food. Most bats (d) ________
___ fruit or insects, but the vampire bat doesn’t eat anything. It bites cows and
horses and (e) _________
drinks their blood. Before morning, this bat flies back to
its cave and (f) ___________.
sleeps The famous legend of Count Dracula is based DF
on all these facts.
The vampire bat doesn’t
Taken and adapted from: live in Central America.

 'WOQDRRHNMRVHSG@MHL@KRMatch the two columns according to the pictures.

See Picture Dictionary 8, on page 200, for vocabulary

strong mouse about animals.

As __________ as a/an _____________

blind mule

stubborn ox
 Compare your answers with a classmate and translate the expressions into Spanish.
page 129 An Unusual Animal

1. Invítelos a que antes de realizar el ejercicio 7 elaboren 1. Before students do exercise 7, have them make a list of
una lista de animales que consideren raros. animals they think are strange.
2. Los alumnos pueden usar el texto de ejercicio 11 y el au- 2. Students can use the text in exercise 11 and the listening in
dio de ejercicio 10 como modelos para hablar sobre los exercise 10 as models and talk about other strange animals
animales raros que conocen. they know about.

page 145 Unit 4

Unit four

Ethnic Groups

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about some ethnic groups.

1 6Q@BJ
 Dr. Page’s assistant needs some information for an article in Life in
 the Wild. Listen to her conversation with Dr. Page and choose the
correct option in her notes.

Australian Aborigines
(The Karadjere people)

They live in the desert/jungle of Western Australia.

They live in one place/travel around.

They live in shelters/houses made of tree branches.

They eat fruit, nuts and monkey/kangaroo meat.

They wear a tunic/loincloth.

They like music, dancing and telling jokes/stories.

 Work in pairs. Use the cues below to ask and answer questions about the
Karadjere people and compare your answers.

DF • live/desert? • live/just one place?

Do the Karadjere people live in • live/houses? • eat/monkey meat?
the desert? • wear/a loincloth? • like/stories?
Yes, they do.
Do they live in just one place?
No, they don’t.

Work in pairs. Student A go to page 177, activities K and L, and Student B go to page 182,
activities K and L.
 Listen to a description of the Eskimos. Write as much information as you can.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 130

1. Antes del ejercicio 1, invítelos a elegir algún grupo 1. Before doing exercise 1, have them choose an ethnic group
étnico que conozcan o que vivan cerca de su localidad that they know about or that live in their area and look for
y que busquen información sobre él. information about them.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos conozcan las palabras. 2. Make sure students understand the vocabulary.

Unit 4 page 146

*THBGNKR/DWHB@M+MCH@MRUse your notebook. Read the text and complete the information
Huichols (Mexico) Huichols
Name of ethnic group: __________________________
Huichols live in the states of Jalisco, Nayarit, North Central Mexico
Live: _________________________________________
Jalisco and Nayarit in North
Central Mexico. They live Main activities: Cultivate the land and raise sheep get wool
in small villages and have Mainly corn and beans
Diet: _________________________________________
great respect for nature.
They cultivate the land and Colorful wiyh symbols of nature like
Clothes: _____________________________________
flowers, deer and scorpions
raise sheep to get wool. They
Language: ___________________________________
Huichol and Spanish
eat mainly corn and beans.
They wear colorful clothes They are friendly and hardworking people
Characteristics: ________________________________
decorated with symbols of
nature like flowers, deer and
scorpions. They have special
ceremonial rituals to help heal the earth. They speak
Huichol and Spanish. They are friendly and hardwork-
ing people. They are in danger of extinction.
Where do they live?
Taken and adapted from: They live in North Central Mexico.

 Work in pairs. Close your books and use

the notes in your notebook to ask and
answer about Huichols.

 Use your notebook. Use the information below to write a paragraph about another ethnic group in
danger of extinction.

Tuaregs live in the Sahara Desert
Name of ethnic group: Tuaregs
in Africa.
Place of origin: Sahara Desert, Africa
They live in …
Homes: Tents
Main activity: Raise camels and goats
Language: Berber
Food: Dry meat and dates
Clothes: Tunics and veils

 Work in pairs. Compare your paragraphs.

 Find information about other tribes

in danger of extinction and write
a paragraph.

page 131 Ethnic Groups

1. Sugiérales que usen el párrafo del ejercicio 5 como mode- 1. Students can use the paragraph in exercise 5 as a model.
lo para realizar el ejercicio 7.

page 147 Unit 4

Unit four

Reading and Writing

 Work in pairs. Look at the photograph below and predict five words you could find in the text.

 Read the text and check your predictions.

 Complete the information in the box. e : Michael
N a m r
super-sta ers
tion: five broth
rs a n d sisters:
b ro th e
sisters t and tro
and three ve, jacke
boots, glo
1 Clothes:
quiet and

Michael Jackson
 Michael Jackson is a super-super-super- loves animals. He has a private zoo 
 star! Do you have any of his hit albums with many animals. They include a boa 
 or videos? Millions of people all over the constrictor snake called Muscles and a 
 world love Michael Jackson. sheep called Mr. Tibbs. 
 Michael has a very big family. He has 
 three sisters and five brothers. The boys 
 are all in the band called The Jacksons 
 Five. It is very famous but Michael is the 
 international superstar. People like him 
 because they like his music, they like his 
 songs and they like his dancing. They like 
 his clothes too: his boots covered with 
 sequins, the silver glove on his left hand 
 and his blue and gold sequined jacket 
 and black trousers.On stage Michael is a 
 superstar but at home he is quiet and shy. 
 He lives in a very big house in California 
 with his mother and two of his sisters. He 

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 132

1. Invítelos a realizar un ejercicio similar al 3 usando la 1. Have students do an exercise similar to 3 using information
información de otro artista. about another performer.

Unit 4 page 148

 Read the text again and say what the words in bold refer to.

 his in line 4 refers to: Michael Jackson

 it in line 14 refers to: The Jackson’s Five

  they in line 17 refers to: People

  they in line 34 refers to: Animals

 Find cognates in the text, write them in your notebook and write their equivalent in Spanish.
Use your notebook. Write a paragraph about your favorite celebrity.
Include the following information: 1
• Name

• Occupation

• Nationality

• Age

• Physical description

• Likes and dislikes

Use some connectors (and, but, because).

The Jacksons are a famous group but Michael is
the international superstar.

 Work in pairs. Read your paragraph to your partner.

page 133 Reading and Writing

1. Mencióneles que el ejercicio 6 lo pueden realizar con la 1. Mention to the students that they can do exercise 6 with
información que encontraron en el ejercicio propuesto information that they found in exercise 3.
para el 3.

page 149 Unit 4

Unit four

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

 Write true sentences about yourself using a

Describing frequency of routines frequency adverb from the box.
and habits.

I always play a sport. @ never A always B often C usually D sometimes

He never goes to parties.
They drink coffee twice a week.
Susan goes to parties once a week.
 I __________ get up early to go to school.
Asking about what people do.
 I __________ get up early on the weekend.
Do the Karadjere people live in just
one place? sometimes go to a party on Saturday.
 I __________
Do Amazon Indians live in the jungle?
 I __________ do my homework in the evening.
Describing people and animals’ lives.
 I __________ watch basketball games on TV.
Bats live in trees, caves or buildings. always
 I __________ make my bed after I get up.
The bat flies to its cave.
They cultivate the land and
raise sheep.  Use a dictionary and find the meaning of Pen Pal.

 Answer the following questions.

■ Would you like to have a Pen Pal?


■ What kind of information would you like to

know about a Pen Pal?

■ What kind of information would you like to tell

Pen Pals about you?
See Grammar Reference Unit 4, on pages
208 and 209 for help with the grammar __________________________________________
in this unit. __________________________________________

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 134

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Elicit and review different functions from lessons five to
de las lecciones 5 a 8 y que actúen los diálogos usando el eight and from the review box and have students act out
lenguaje del recuadro de repaso. dialogues using the language.

Unit 4 page 150

 Read the text and follow the instruction below it.

Pen Pals
Here are some good sites found on the Internet to look for pen pals. Some of the sites are also
good reference areas.
General Pen Pals Sites
■ Kidlink is an International organization that proposes communication, projects
and activities on the Internet. There are about 90 000 kids between 8 and 15 years old. The
participation in Kidlink is FREE and is coordinated by volunteer educators.
■ International Pen Friends. International Pen Friends has postal penpals from all over the
world, in 192 countries. A comprehensive programme is available to Teachers, School
Classes and all Youth Groups aged 10-17 years. Over 70 000 students are registered as
I.P.F. members.
■ InterPals Pen Pals. InterPals is a free pen pal site for users of all ages. With over 300 000
active users from over 180 countires, InterPals is one of the largest pen pal sites
on the interenet. Vistors can add their profile, search for pen pals, chat, discuss on the forum,
and much more!
■ Find Penpals & Mailfriends mail friends from all over the world for free on
the largest penpals community. Including hundreds of Ecards!
Adapted from

■ If you want to have a Pen Pal, you need to prepare a profile. Write a paragraph about you,
include your age, physical description, routine, likes and dislikes and other details. Then visit
one of the sites from the text and find a Pen Pal!

_________________________________________________________________________ 1

 Read the text and fill in the blanks with words from the box.

have  swim are live  weigh  eat

Polar bears (1) ____________ live
mammals and feed their babies on milk. They (2) ______________ in
the Arctic. They are about two meters tall and they (3) _____________ five hundred kilos. Polar bears
(4) _______________cream-colored swim
fur which keeps them very warm. They can (5) ___________ very
well. They (6) _______________ seals and they usually live on their own and not in big groups. They
live for about twenty years.

 Read about an animal you like and write about it. Use the ideas in exercise 2 to help you.
page 135 Review Lesson

1. Pídales que contesten el cuestionario del ejercicio 4 con 1. Have students answer the questionnaire in exercise 4 with
su propia información. their own information.

page 151 Unit 4

Unit four

Project Page

A Famous Person
1 1AIDBSHUD to make a collage with information about a famous person.

 Find a picture of a famous person you like.  Paste the photograph on a piece of
poster paper.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 136

1. Invite a un estudiante a que lea las instrucciones frente al 1. Have one student read the instructions to the class.

Unit 4 page 152


 Find information about his/her routine, likes  Illustrate the information with pictures or
and dislikes. drawings.

 Write some sentences on the poster paper.  Show your collage to the class and talk
about it. Be prepared to answer questions from
your classmates.

Suggestion: You can write about your famous person’s habits and routines.
Put your description and your collage into your portfolio.

page 137 A Famous Person

1. Invítelos a intercambiar sus carteles y que cada alumno 1. Have students exchange posters and have each student
escriba en su cuaderno lo que se representa. write what it represents in their notebook.

page 153 Unit 4

Unit four

Time Out!

 Form groups of 3
or 4 students.
1 Snakes and ladders
Each player chooses
an object as a counter 1AIDBSHUD Get to the ‘finish’ box first 2
(an eraser, a coin or
a small piece of paper) 35
37 When do you visit
 You need a dice to play Order the words: your friends?
Congratulations! You
the game. brother/ vegetables/
are the winner!
usually/ my/ eats/.
 Player 1 throws the dice
and according to the
number he/she moves
his/her counter.
20 22
Order the words: he/ Tell the time in
Follow the instructions in what/ does/ time/
Do you live
a different way:
each box. If your answer near a park?
shower/ take/ a? Three twenty.
is not correct, you have
to return to the previous

Then player 2 throws the 18

dice and moves his/her Complete the 16
Is it correct?
counter according to the sentence: My dad What time do you
We plays volleyball
number and follows the _________ his bed in finish school?
at school.
instructions. the mornings.

 Then players 3 and 4 do

the same. 3
2 What’s the time? 4
 The first player who gets Correct the sentence.
Order the words: When do you usually
to the box FINISH is the He works usually in
Never/ I/ soccer/ play. go to the movies?
winner. the morning.

Note: If you don’t have a

dice, you can use 2 coins
to play.

Move two spaces for

a “head”.
Move one space for
Sugerencias a “tail”.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 138

1. Pídales que se reúnan en equipo, lean el objetivo del jue- 1. Ask them to work in groups and read the objective and
go y las instrucciones. A continuación, formule al grupo instructions of the game. Then ask them questions to check
preguntas para verificar que comprendieron lo que tiene that they understood what they need to do.
que realizar.
2. Ask them to play the game with respect for others.
2. Indíqueles que realicen el juego en un ambiente de respeto.

Unit 4 page 154

When do you visit 32 30
34 33 31
your friends? Make a sentence Tell the time in 2
What time do you What’s the opposite What time is
with the word different ways. 8:45.
go to bed? of never? it now?

24 27
25 26 Complete the
Complete the Order the
Is it correct? Jimmy Does your mother/ sentence: My
sentence: I do the sentence: Julia/
brush his teeth in the father work on sisters ____ their
shopping _______ fruit/ sometimes/
mornings. Sundays? homework in the
Saturdays. eats.

15 12 Is it correct?
16 13 They
Correct the sentence: What time 11
What time do you Do you eat always study
I do exercise in do you What time is it? in the
finish school? vegetables?
Mondays. get up? afternoon.

6 7 8
Is it correct? Susy Complete the Put the words in
When do you usually 5
doesn’t works on sentence: I have order: visit/ when/
go to the movies?
Saturdays lunch ________ 3:30. you/ do/ family/ your?

page 139 Snakes and ladders

page 155 Unit 4

Unit four

Order the words to form correct sentences.

 a/ twice/ soda/ drink/ I/ week.

 soccer/ week/ plays/ he/ once/ a

Progress Check
He plays soccer once a week
 Julian/ to/ goes/ never/ movies/ the.
Julian never goes to the movies
 salad/ times/ eat/ four/ they/ week/ a
They eat salad four times a week
 brother/ a/ never/ reads/ my/ book.
My brother never reads a book
 students/ music/ two/ everyday/ listen to
Two students listen to music every day
___________________________________________. _____________5 points

Answer the questions on the quiz. Then write a short paragraph about your health
habits. Use the frequency adverbs.

about us news services your health

• How often do you eat fruit?

always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat vegetables?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat cereal?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you exercise?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat sweet things such as rolls, candy, etc?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you drink water?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you drink soda?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you smoke?
always usually sometimes never

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 140

1. Sugiérales que cuando terminen intercambien su libro con 1. When students finish, have them exchange books with a
un compañero o compañera para verificar las respuestas y partner to check their answers and obtain a score.
obtener el puntaje total.
2. When they finish these pages, have them individually
2. Invítelos a que luego de resolver estas páginas, de manera evaluate what they have learned, and say what they are
individual, evalúen lo que aprendieron, manifiesten sus confused about, and identify what they had difficulty
dudas e identifiquen en lo que tuvieron dificultad. A with. Then spend some time answering their questions and
continuación dedique un espacio para resolver sus dudas review things that they didn’t understand well.
y reforzar los puntos que no comprendieron bien.

Unit 4 page 156

■ Write a short description of your habits using the information you included in the quiz. Then
send it to us by clicking on SUBMIT. Wait for some minutes to get some good suggestions from
our professional doctors.


_____________10 points
Write questions to the following answers.
How often do you brush your teeth
I always brush my teeth.
Where do they live
They live in the desert.
What do you have for breakfast
I usually eat cereal.
How often do you…
Twice a week.
Does he ever/often dance
No, he never dances. _____________7 points

Order the letters to find the names of some animals.
 ylubetrtf  raptor
__________________ parrot
 restroo  kasne _____________5 points
__________________ snake
__________________ /XONQSENKHN
Suggestion: Write about your
A CTIVITY FIVE! habits on a piece of paper. Find
information about health and
Write about an animal you are interested in. Include details about its keep these papers together in
routine, eating habits and the place where it lives. your portfolio. After some time,
take out this information, read it
and analyze if you are changing
your bad habits.

_____________8 points
total 35 points

page 141 Progress Check

page 157 Unit 4

y solucionario

page 158
page 159
Fourth Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Look at the clocks and match them with the correct times.

a) It’s a quarter to eleven. b) it’s ten minutes to two. c) It’s half past eight.

d) it’s ten minutes past nine. e) It’s a quarter past two.

2. Write a question for each of the following.

a) Ask your father how often he watches TV.

b) Ask someone what time he/she gets up in the morning.
c) Ask someone for the time.
d) Ask your friend what he/she is doing at the moment.
e) Ask your teacher about his/her daily routines.
f) Ask your friend how often they play soccert.

3. Answer the following questions for you.

a) What do you seldom do on weekends?
b) How often do you go to the movies?
c) Do you play soccer very often?
d) How often do you go to school?
e) What do you usually have for lunch?
f) How often do you drink coffee?
g) Do you visit your grandparents very often?
4. Find and circle at least seven animals in the wordsearch puzzle. Then classify them in the table.


E W C O W N M D N H G F C S H Birds Mammals Reptiles Insects









5. Read and circle three sentences that describe animal’s habits.

a) Eagles fly at high altitude.

b) Monkeys eat bananas.
c) Lions live in the desert.
d) Bats don’t sleep at night.
e) Parrots can speak some words.
f) An elephant runs like a leopard.

6. Read the information and answer the questions.

Mesoamerica is an area that runs from the other groups in today’s Mexi-
north of Mexico to Central America. It is a co. These groups live in
land of old and presen groups. In Mexico small towns or villages
there are diverse groups like the Zapotecs and work on their land.
and Mixtecs in the state of Oaxaca, or To- Most of them are pea-
tonacs in Veracruz and Mayans in the sta- sants and their basic
tes of southeastern Mexico. There are many diet is corn and beans.

a) Where is Mesoamerica?
b) Does Mesoamerica involve the USA?
c) What are the main groups in Oaxaca?
d) Are corn and beans they basic diet?
e)Where do the Mayas lives?

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. b

a. How often do you watch TV?
b. What time do you get up (in the morning)?
c. What time is it? / What’s the time?
d. How often do you play soccer?

Students’ own answers.











Birds Mammals Reptiles Insects

owl cow snake worm
parrot elephant crocodile fly
ostrich monkey turtle bee
penguin cat frog ant
dog butterfly
Eagles fly at high altitudes.
Monkeys eat bananas.
Bats don’t sleep at night.

1. The north of Mexico to Central America.
2. The Zapotecs and the Mixtecs.
3. Yes, they are.
4. In the states of southeastern Mexico.
Unit four

Project Page

A Famous Person
1 1AIDBSHUD to make a collage with information about a famous person.

 Find a picture of a famous person you like.  Paste the photograph on a piece of
poster paper.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 136

1. Invite a un estudiante a que lea las instrucciones frente al 1. Have one student read the instructions to the class.

Unit 4 page 152


 Find information about his/her routine, likes  Illustrate the information with pictures or
and dislikes. drawings.

 Write some sentences on the poster paper.  Show your collage to the class and talk
about it. Be prepared to answer questions from
your classmates.

Suggestion: You can write about your famous person’s habits and routines.
Put your description and your collage into your portfolio.

page 137 A Famous Person

1. Invítelos a intercambiar sus carteles y que cada alumno 1. Have students exchange posters and have each student
escriba en su cuaderno lo que se representa. write what it represents in their notebook.

page 153 Unit 4

Unit four

Time Out!

 Form groups of 3
or 4 students.
1 Snakes and ladders
Each player chooses
an object as a counter 1AIDBSHUD Get to the ‘finish’ box first 2
(an eraser, a coin or
a small piece of paper) 35
37 When do you visit
 You need a dice to play Order the words: your friends?
Congratulations! You
the game. brother/ vegetables/
are the winner!
usually/ my/ eats/.
 Player 1 throws the dice
and according to the
number he/she moves
his/her counter.
20 22
Order the words: he/ Tell the time in
Follow the instructions in what/ does/ time/
Do you live
a different way:
each box. If your answer near a park?
shower/ take/ a? Three twenty.
is not correct, you have
to return to the previous

Then player 2 throws the 18

dice and moves his/her Complete the 16
Is it correct?
counter according to the sentence: My dad What time do you
We plays volleyball
number and follows the _________ his bed in finish school?
at school.
instructions. the mornings.

 Then players 3 and 4 do

the same. 3
2 What’s the time? 4
 The first player who gets Correct the sentence.
Order the words: When do you usually
to the box FINISH is the He works usually in
Never/ I/ soccer/ play. go to the movies?
winner. the morning.

Note: If you don’t have a

dice, you can use 2 coins
to play.

Move two spaces for

a “head”.
Move one space for
Sugerencias a “tail”.

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 138

1. Pídales que se reúnan en equipo, lean el objetivo del jue- 1. Ask them to work in groups and read the objective and
go y las instrucciones. A continuación, formule al grupo instructions of the game. Then ask them questions to check
preguntas para verificar que comprendieron lo que tiene that they understood what they need to do.
que realizar.
2. Ask them to play the game with respect for others.
2. Indíqueles que realicen el juego en un ambiente de respeto.

Unit 4 page 154

When do you visit 32 30
34 33 31
your friends? Make a sentence Tell the time in 2
What time do you What’s the opposite What time is
with the word different ways. 8:45.
go to bed? of never? it now?

24 27
25 26 Complete the
Complete the Order the
Is it correct? Jimmy Does your mother/ sentence: My
sentence: I do the sentence: Julia/
brush his teeth in the father work on sisters ____ their
shopping _______ fruit/ sometimes/
mornings. Sundays? homework in the
Saturdays. eats.

15 12 Is it correct?
16 13 They
Correct the sentence: What time 11
What time do you Do you eat always study
I do exercise in do you What time is it? in the
finish school? vegetables?
Mondays. get up? afternoon.

6 7 8
Is it correct? Susy Complete the Put the words in
When do you usually 5
doesn’t works on sentence: I have order: visit/ when/
go to the movies?
Saturdays lunch ________ 3:30. you/ do/ family/ your?

page 139 Snakes and ladders

page 155 Unit 4

Unit four

Order the words to form correct sentences.

 a/ twice/ soda/ drink/ I/ week.

 soccer/ week/ plays/ he/ once/ a

Progress Check
He plays soccer once a week
 Julian/ to/ goes/ never/ movies/ the.
Julian never goes to the movies
 salad/ times/ eat/ four/ they/ week/ a
They eat salad four times a week
 brother/ a/ never/ reads/ my/ book.
My brother never reads a book
 students/ music/ two/ everyday/ listen to
Two students listen to music every day
___________________________________________. _____________5 points

Answer the questions on the quiz. Then write a short paragraph about your health
habits. Use the frequency adverbs.

about us news services your health

• How often do you eat fruit?

always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat vegetables?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat cereal?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you exercise?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you eat sweet things such as rolls, candy, etc?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you drink water?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you drink soda?
always usually sometimes never
• How often do you smoke?
always usually sometimes never

didácticas Unit 4, Daily Life page 140

1. Sugiérales que cuando terminen intercambien su libro con 1. When students finish, have them exchange books with a
un compañero o compañera para verificar las respuestas y partner to check their answers and obtain a score.
obtener el puntaje total.
2. When they finish these pages, have them individually
2. Invítelos a que luego de resolver estas páginas, de manera evaluate what they have learned, and say what they are
individual, evalúen lo que aprendieron, manifiesten sus confused about, and identify what they had difficulty
dudas e identifiquen en lo que tuvieron dificultad. A with. Then spend some time answering their questions and
continuación dedique un espacio para resolver sus dudas review things that they didn’t understand well.
y reforzar los puntos que no comprendieron bien.

Unit 4 page 156

■ Write a short description of your habits using the information you included in the quiz. Then
send it to us by clicking on SUBMIT. Wait for some minutes to get some good suggestions from
our professional doctors.


_____________10 points
Write questions to the following answers.
How often do you brush your teeth
I always brush my teeth.
Where do they live
They live in the desert.
What do you have for breakfast
I usually eat cereal.
How often do you…
Twice a week.
Does he ever/often dance
No, he never dances. _____________7 points

Order the letters to find the names of some animals.
 ylubetrtf  raptor
__________________ parrot
 restroo  kasne _____________5 points
__________________ snake
__________________ /XONQSENKHN
Suggestion: Write about your
A CTIVITY FIVE! habits on a piece of paper. Find
information about health and
Write about an animal you are interested in. Include details about its keep these papers together in
routine, eating habits and the place where it lives. your portfolio. After some time,
take out this information, read it
and analyze if you are changing
your bad habits.

_____________8 points
total 35 points

page 141 Progress Check

page 157 Unit 4

y solucionario

page 158
page 159
Fourth Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Look at the clocks and match them with the correct times.

a) It’s a quarter to eleven. b) it’s ten minutes to two. c) It’s half past eight.

d) it’s ten minutes past nine. e) It’s a quarter past two.

2. Write a question for each of the following.

a) Ask your father how often he watches TV.

b) Ask someone what time he/she gets up in the morning.
c) Ask someone for the time.
d) Ask your friend what he/she is doing at the moment.
e) Ask your teacher about his/her daily routines.
f) Ask your friend how often they play soccert.

3. Answer the following questions for you.

a) What do you seldom do on weekends?
b) How often do you go to the movies?
c) Do you play soccer very often?
d) How often do you go to school?
e) What do you usually have for lunch?
f) How often do you drink coffee?
g) Do you visit your grandparents very often?
4. Find and circle at least seven animals in the wordsearch puzzle. Then classify them in the table.


E W C O W N M D N H G F C S H Birds Mammals Reptiles Insects









5. Read and circle three sentences that describe animal’s habits.

a) Eagles fly at high altitude.

b) Monkeys eat bananas.
c) Lions live in the desert.
d) Bats don’t sleep at night.
e) Parrots can speak some words.
f) An elephant runs like a leopard.

6. Read the information and answer the questions.

Mesoamerica is an area that runs from the other groups in today’s Mexi-
north of Mexico to Central America. It is a co. These groups live in
land of old and presen groups. In Mexico small towns or villages
there are diverse groups like the Zapotecs and work on their land.
and Mixtecs in the state of Oaxaca, or To- Most of them are pea-
tonacs in Veracruz and Mayans in the sta- sants and their basic
tes of southeastern Mexico. There are many diet is corn and beans.

a) Where is Mesoamerica?
b) Does Mesoamerica involve the USA?
c) What are the main groups in Oaxaca?
d) Are corn and beans they basic diet?
e)Where do the Mayas lives?

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. e
5. b

a. How often do you watch TV?
b. What time do you get up (in the morning)?
c. What time is it? / What’s the time?
d. How often do you play soccer?

Students’ own answers.











Birds Mammals Reptiles Insects

owl cow snake worm
parrot elephant crocodile fly
ostrich monkey turtle bee
penguin cat frog ant
dog butterfly
Eagles fly at high altitudes.
Monkeys eat bananas.
Bats don’t sleep at night.

1. The north of Mexico to Central America.
2. The Zapotecs and the Mixtecs.
3. Yes, they are.
4. In the states of southeastern Mexico.
Fiveth Bimonthly

Unit 5

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to describe the place where you or other people live, and to
ask the way/give directions.

Social Practices:
• Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
• Carrying out certain transactions.

Unit functions:
5.1. Giving simple information about places.
5.2. Asking the way and giving directions.

page 142

Unit 5 page 164


Performance evidence

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use
them purposefully.
• You will be able to recognize and understand academic texts in order to share with
the rest of the class the information understood.
• You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by choosing lexis, phra-
ses and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts regarding
places and buildings.

page 143

page 165 Unit 5

Unit five

Public Places

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • The name of some public places.
• How to talk about what there is in your neighborhood.

 Listen to the names of some public

places and write them under the pictures.


______________ movie theater

bus station
post office

______________ museum

 Listen again and repeat.

2  Listen to Sylvia and her friend Greg and put a check (✓) next to the map of Sylvia’s neighborhood.

Spring Street Spring Street Spring Street

Summer Street

Summer Street

Summer Street

 Work in pairs. Describe one of the other There is a record store on Spring Street.
neighborhoods for your partner to identify. There are two banks in this neighborhood..
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 144

1. Pídales que mencionen los lugares públicos cercanos a su 1. Have students mention public places near their
casa. homes.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que There is y There 2. Make sure that students understand that “There is”
are se usan para hablar sobre la existencia de cosas, ya sea and “There are” are used to talk about the existence
en singular y plural respectivamente. of things in singular and plural respectively.
3. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que Is there se usa 3. Make sure that students understand that “Is there”
para preguntar sobre la existencia de cosas. is used to ask about the existence of things.

Unit 5 page 166

 Complete the map. Put different places  Work in pairs. Tell your partner about
from exercise 1. your map.

There is a school on Jagger Street.
Bowie Street There are two movie theaters.
Jagger Street

e rule
Discover th
Mc Cartney Road

Circle the correct option.

To mention the street where a public place
Floyd Avenue is we use the preposition
in on at
Complete the sentence with the correct
Vincent Road preposition.
1  Read the following information about a city. Underline the
places you can find there.
There is a Park ________ Vincent Road.

Dover, England
Dover is a large city in the southeast of England, directly
opposite France. It is 135 kilometers from London. It is a big,
busy port and an important connection between Britain and
Europe. Ferry cars, catamarans and hydrofoils go in and out
of the port every day. There are many interesting places to
see in Dover. There is a Roman lighthouse and the ruins of a
Roman house. There is also an old castle on top of Castle Hill,
a Napoleonic fort and a museum in Market Square. If you like
flowers and trees, there are beautiful gardens in the center of the city. There
are many restaurants in Dover where you can eat food from all over the
world including India, Italy, France and of course England.
Millions of people visit Dover every year. Come to Dover. Dover is waiting
1 for you!
Taken and adapted from:

 Read the information in the brochure and answer the $DHMCDODMCDMS

questions below. See Picture Dictionary 9, on page 201,
for vocabulary about public places and
 Where is Dover? The southeast of England, 135 km from London
 Why is it important? It´s an important connection between Britain
and Europa
 What are Dover’s main attractions?An old castle, a Napoleonic fort,
a museum, a Roman light house and ruins of a Roman house.
 Find cognates in the text, write them in your notebook and write their equivalents in Spanish.
 Write in your notebook a description of your city and illustrate it with pictures.

2 page 145 Public Places

1. Pídales que comparen los lugares que encontraron en el 1. Have students compare places that they found in exercise
ejercicio 7 y, si es necesario, que complementen sus resul- 7 and, if necessary, add to their results.
2. Have students draw a map of their neighborhoods and
2. Invítelos a dibujar un mapa de sus vecindarios y a que los describe them.

page 167 Unit 5

Unit five

Is there a school near here?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask where a place is.

Listen to the dialogs and write Chester Street
 numbers in the green squares on
the map.

Washington Avenue
Kennedy Road

Jefferson Avenue

Roosevelt Road

Wilson Avenue
1 Lincoln Avenue

 Listen and number the pictures. e rule
Discover th

Look at these questions from the dialogs, answer the

question and complete the sentences.

Is there an amusement park near here?

Is there a bank near here?
3 6 Is there a school near here?
Is there an Italian restaurant near here?

Underline the words after a or an.

What sound do they begin with?
a) a consonant sound b) a vowel sound

5 2 Complete the following sentences:

We use the article ________________ when the next word
begins with a vowel sound.

We use the article _________________ when the next word
begins with a consonant sound.

Sugerencias 1 4

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 146

1. Pídales que practiquen los diálogos en parejas. 1. Have students practice the dialogs in pairs.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que An se usa cuan- 2. Make sure that students understand that “an” is used when
do la siguiente palabra inicia con una vocal y que A se usa the following word begins with a vowel and that “a” is
cundo inicia con una consonante. used when the following word begins with a consonant.

Unit 5 page 168

 Look at the map on page 140, listen and complete the dialogs with words or expressions
from the box. 1

subway station church bank record store Italian restaurant

Man: bank
Excuse me, is there a _______________ near here?
Italian restaurant
Woman: Yes, there is one on Washington Avenue; it is opposite the ___________________.
Man: Thank you.

Boy: Excuse me, is there a drugstore near here? subway
Woman: Yes, there is one on Wilson Avenue. It’s between the ___________ and the
record store
__________________ .
Boy: Thank you.

Woman: Is there a bus station near here?
Man: Yes, it’s on Chester Street next
police station
to the ___________________.
Woman: Thank you very much.

 Work in pairs. Ask an answer about the

places on the map on page 140.

Student A: Excuse me, is there a school near here?
Student B: Yes, there is one on Washington
Avenue. It’s next to the museum. next to

 /XCQD@LBHSX Use your notebook.
Plan your dream city. Draw a map.

 Draw pictures of buildings, stores or places

on the map.
Student A: Is there a school in your dream city?
Student B: No, there isn’t.
 Write the names of the buildings and Student A: How many restaurants are there?
Student B: There are four.
3  Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
about your maps.

page 147 Is there a school near here?

1. Pregúnteles y asegúrese que entiendan los significados de 1. Ask students to make sure that they understand the
las preposiciones. meanings of the prepositions.
2. Sugiérales que coloquen su casa como centro del mapa. 2. Have students place their homes in the middle of the
3. Pídales que usen los diálogos del ejercicio 3 y que pre-
gunten y contesten sobre lugares en sus mapas. 3. Have them use the dialogs in exercise 4 and ask and
answer about places on their maps.

page 169 Unit 5

Unit five

Where can I buy a CD?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about public places.
• How to talk about where places are.

1 Look at the dialog and insert the missing sentences from the column on the right.
A: Excuse me, where can I buy some books?
_____ @ There’s a restaurant next to the
A: And where is it? bookstore, on the right.
_____ A It’s on Water Street.
A: Is it near here? B At the bookstore.
_____ C Yes, quite near. On the corner of
A: Ok, and where can I eat a good salad? Water Street and Gilmore Road.
_____ D Bye.
A: On the right. Ok, thank you.

 Practice the conversation in pairs.

Sky Road
Lennon Road
(NBTR Main Avenue

• You can buy a book at the Morrison Road 1

Wright Street

Star Avenue
• There is a subway station opposite
the park. Wall Street

 Use the map to ask your partner DF

where to buy, eat or get things.
A: Where can I buy a CD?
B: At the record store.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s on Wall Street, next to the bank,
on the left.
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 148

1. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que where se usa 1. Make sure that students understand that “where” is used
para preguntar sobre la ubicación de algún lugar. to ask about the location of a place.
2. Realice ejercicios utilizando where. 2. Do activities using ”where”.

Unit 5 page 170

 Look at the following public places. There is a spelling mistake in each of the names, use your
dictionary and write the correct words.

dissco disco clotes store clothes store banck bank

zou gas stassion convenientce stor

zoo gas station convenience store

1 ● Now you can play the interactive game The

city on your CD if you have a computer.
 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 178, activity (NBTR
M, and Student B go to page 183, activity M. • You can buy books at a bookstore.
• You can read and borrow books in
a library.

There’s a hospital on the corner of Blue
and Garden.
Is there a bank on Green Street?
There are some trees on Garden Street on map
A and there aren’t any trees on map B.

 Report the differences to the class.

page 149 Where can I buy a CD?

1. Sugiérales que revisen primero las cajas de ejemplos y de 1. Have students first review the example boxes and the
Language Focus antes de iniciar la actividad 5. Language Focus box before beginning activity 5.

page 171 Unit 5

Unit five

My Neighborhood

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about your neighborhood.

 Read the following information. What kind of text is it? Circle the correct answer.
a. a magazine article b. a brochure c. an advertisement

 This is the map for the text above. Complete it with the places mentioned.
cathedral Plaza
de Armas
1 Morelos Road
Madero Avenue

Palacio Portal
de Galeana

Museo del

Sugerencias  Show your map to your partner and compare it.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 150

1. Pídales que comparen sus mapas con dos compañeros o 1. Have students compare their maps with two partners and,
compañeras y, si es necesario, que corrijan el suyo. if necessary, correct their own maps.

Unit 5 page 172

 Draw a map of the downtown in your city or town in your notebook. Include as many places
as you remember.
 Write a short description similar to the one in exercise 1.
 Tell your partner about your neighborhood.
e rule
Discover th
 Look at the following sentences:
a. The zoo is next to the amusement park.

b. The bank is opposite the school.
c. The church is on the left.

 Circle the correct option. We use the prepositions above:

a. to indicate movement b. to indicate location c. to indicate time

 Draw the following places on Map A.

Map A

a post office
Houston Road
a library

a disco
Jackson Street

Presley Street
Wilson Avenue
a movie theater

a school
Madison Street
a record store

Work in pairs. Don’t look at your partner’s map. Ask your partner questions to find out where the
places are and put them on Map B. 2
Map B

Houston Road

Jackson Street

Presley Street

Where is the record store?

Wilson Avenue It’s on the corner of Jackson Street and
Houston Road.

Madison Street

page 151 My Neighborhood

1. Pídales que piensen en lugares famosos o importantes en 1. Ask students to think of famous or important places in
su localidad. their city or town.
2. Verifique que entienden que las preposiciones se usan 2. Check that students understand that the prepositions are
para indicar localización. used to indicate location.

page 173 Unit 5

Unit five

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Saying what you can find in your  Match the items with the public places.
Where can you… At the…
DF There is a post office.

There are two stores in my  buy records? @ supermarket

neighborhood. A police station
 see a movie?
 send a letter? B drugstore
Asking for and giving information about
public places  eat a salad? C bus station
 buy food? D record store
DF Is there a church near here? E park
 take a bus?
Where can I get some books? At the  buy medicine? F movie theater
bookstore.  see a doctor? G post office
9. go for a walk? H restaurant
Excuse me, is there a police station
near here?  report a crime? I hospital
Yes, it’s on Third Avenue. / Sorry,
I don’t know.

Saying where places are  Read these questions and answer them about your
DF There is a school opposite the park.
  Is there a post office? ___________________________
There are two stores next to the
movie theater.
 Is there a restaurant? ___________________________
The post office is between the _______________________________________________
record store and the school.
  Is there a movie theater? _______________________
  Is there a bank? _______________________________
  Is there a supermarket? _________________________
$DHMCDODMCDMS   Is there a Secondary school? ____________________
See Grammar Reference Unit 5, on pages
209 and 210 for help with the grammar _______________________________________________
in this unit.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 152

1. Pida a los alumnos que identifiquen y repasen las diferen- 1. Ask students to identify and review the different functions
tes funciones de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen diálogos from lessons 1 to 4 and act out dialogs using the language
usando el lenguaje de la caja de repaso. from the review box.

Unit 5 page 174

 Use the map to answer the questions.
Marylin Street
 Is there a bank near here?
1 Yes, there is. I´ts on the corner of Newton Street and
Fonda Street.
 Is there a post office?
Yes, there is, on Marylin Street.
Fonda Street

Newton Street
 Is there a library around here?

Curie Street
Yes, there is, on the corner of Fonda Street and Curie
 Is there a hotel near here?
Yes, there is, on Fonda Street.

 Look at the map in exercise 3 and complete the  Order the dialog.
sentences with an appropriate preposition.

  The hotel is NOONRHSD the bank.

3 Is it near here?
___ 1
6 That’s ok.
next to / near
  The bank is ________________ the supermarket.
2 At the post office. It’s on Marilyn Street.
  There is a park __________________ the library.
 Excuse me, where can I post a letter?
  The stadium is ___________________ the hotel
4 Yes, quite near. It’s next to the movie theater.
and the park.
5 Oh, I know where! Thank you.
  There is a post office ________________ the corner.

 Order the words to form correct sentences or questions.

  me/ Excuse/ get/ medicine/ where/I/ can/ some?

  station/ is/ there/ a/ subway/ restaurant/ to/ the/ next.
The restaurant is next to the subway station.
 church/ near/ there/ a/ is/ here/ ?
Is there a church near here?
  one/ there/ yes/ is/ Newton/ on/ Street
Yes, there is one on Newton Street.
 zoo/ is/ the/ where/?
Where is the zoo?

page 153 Review Lesson

1. Sugiérales que realicen la actividad 3 en parejas: que uno 1. Have students do activity 3 in pairs: one partner asks
pregunte y el otro responda. questions and the other answers.

page 175 Unit 5

Unit five

My New Neighborhood

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give directions to get to a place.

 Listen to Kate asking for directions. Mark the drugstore on the map.

You are
here! Grant Street

Jasper Street
Roger Street
Maddison Street

Wallace Street
South Street

 Read the instructions and match them  Work in pairs. Choose places on the map
with the correct sign. in exercise 1, and ask for and give
 Go straight ahead.
 Turn right. DF
 Turn left. –Excuse me.
@ B –How can I get to …
2 –Go straight ahead to … Turn right/left.
–The … is on the left/right.

 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a place

on the map. Tell student B how to get
there. Student B: Follow student A’s
Sugerencias directions and say where you are.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 154

1. Pídales que mencionen, y asegúrese que entiendan, los 1. Have students mention, and make sure that they
significados de las frases del ejercicio 2. understand, the meanings of the phrases in exercise 2.
2. Los alumnos pueden dibujar un mapa antes del ejercicio 4 2. Before doing exercise 4, students can draw a map and give
y dar direcciones a sus parejas para que dibujen la ruta. directions to a partner for him/her to draw the route.

Unit 5 page 176

 Kate invites a friend to a party at her new house. Read and order Kate’s part of the dialog.
___ Kate: Continue straight ahead and my house
Ron: Where’s your new house, Kate? is on the left next to a bookstore.
Ron: And how can I get there? 4
___ Kate: Go straight on Silver Street and pass
the movie theater.
Ron: I get off at River Street and then?
___ Kate: Take bus 104 on Baker Street and get
Ron: Yes and then what?
off at River Street.
Ron: The movie theater. OK. 1
___ Kate: At 57 Silver Street.
Ron: I think I’ve got it. Thank you, Kate. 3
___ Kate: Go straight on River Street and turn
right on Silver Street.

 Listen and check your answers.

Ocean Avenue
 Mark the route on the map. Silver Street

River Street
 Work in pairs. Student A: Tell your partner Cooper Street
how to get to your house from your school.
Student B: Draw a map according to
student A’s instructions.

Baker Street
 Look at the public places in the circle.
Choose three places and put a check (✓) next
to them.
e rule
Discover th
1  Choose the correct answer.

1 Cognates are words which:

@ are similar in two different languages but
their meaning is not the same.
A are similar in two different languages
 Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the and their meaning is the same.
places you chose. Use your school as a
reference.  Identify the cognates in exercise 10 and
write them in your language:
2 A: Is there a park near the school?
B: No, there isn't. DF
A: Is there a convenience store near the school? park parque
B: Yes, there is.
A: How can I get there?
B: Go straight ahead to... and turn...

page 155 My New Neighborhood

1. Pídales que repitan el ejercicio con cada uno de los lugares 1. Have students repeat the exercise with each one of the
del mapa del ejercicio 7. places on the map in exercise 9.
2. Si no existen los lugares que se mencionan en la actividad 2. If the places mentioned in exercise 10 don’t exist near the
9 cerca de su escuela, los pueden inventar. school, they can invent places.

page 177 Unit 5

Unit five

Where is it?

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • More vocabulary of public places.

• More ways to ask for and give directions to get to a place.

Read the descriptions. Find the places in the puzzle and write them in your notebook.
grocery store  In this place you can buy sugar,
g r o c e r y s t o r e m y r n
coffee and flour.
green grocers  In this place you can buy lettuce, r s t a t i o n a r y s t o r e

carrots, and tomatoes. e k l g u i j f r g i t u y m f

stationery store  In this place you can buy e l b u t c h e r s h o p o t e
notebooks, pens, and erasers. n b a h j e u a r c a d e m y r
butcher shop  In this place you can buy meat,
g n n g r c p t e y p m k d r a
chicken, and pork.
r l k e d r u g s t o r e q w z
arcade  In this place you can play
video games. o u r m v e t r t k s g s t e n
bank  In this place you can cash checks c m f d g a n h a g t p w e r b
and keep your money. e h d s k m y t u r o j h d k l
drugstore  In this place you can buy aspirin,
r m f h r p e a r g f d r y u i
shampoo, and toothpaste.
s l n o y a n g a n f t r f h k
post office  In this place you can buy stamps
and send letters. k h f j k r l i n o i m h t f j

restaurant  In this place you can order a m f h t j l n g t k c g h r l n

hamburger, a pizza, and a salad. i y r b q o b e d y e m g d t s
ice cream parlor  In this place you can buy ice
a w q n h r t j r b m j t o t r
cream and milk shakes.


 Listen to the dialog and circle the correct alternative.
Woman: Excuse me, where can I find a .@MFT@FD
drugstore/stationary store?
There’s one next to the grocery store.
Woman: And how can I get there?
Boy: Go along this street, go past the butcher’s shop/
book store and turn right on Carpenter Street.
Woman: Ok, Carpenter Street.
Boy: Then, go straight ahead. The stationery store is on the
right/ left, next to the grocery store/greengrocer’s.
Woman: Right, thank you.
Boy: You’re welcome. Bye.
go past go along
 Practice the dialog in pairs. this street

Sugerencias 2
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 156

1. Pregúnteles los lugares antes de que busquen las palabras 1. Ask students the places before they look for the words in
en el Word search puzzle. the Word search puzzle.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan la diferencia entre 2. Make sure that students understand the difference between
go past y go along. “go past” and “go along”.

Unit 5 page 178

 Choose two places from the puzzle and put  Work in pairs. Ask your partner about
a check (✓) next to them. the places you choose. Use your school
as a reference.

 Read Julio’s notes to get from the bus station to his house and draw the route on the map.
Go along Baker Avenue and turn left on Cook Avenue. Go along Cook Avenue, go past the
church and the post office. Go straight ahead and turn right on Builder street. My house in on the
corner. I’ll see you later. Good luck!

Cook Avenue

Builder Street




e rule
Discover th
 Look at these imperative phrases from exercise 6.
■ Go along Baker Avenue…
■ …turn left on Cook Avenue
■ … go past the church…
 Work in pairs. Use the
map in exercise 6 to give
 Circle the correct option.
your partner directions
We use imperative sentences to:
to get from one place to
another. Tell your partner
 @ talk about rules and obligations.
where he/she will start
 A give directions and instructions.
 B give people permission to do something.

 Write a short paragraph with the directions your part-

ner gave you in exercise 7. DF
Go along Baker street and turn right on
 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 178, activities Cook Avenue…
N and O, and Student B go to page 183, activities N
and O.

page 157 Where is it?

1. Pídales que elaboren un mapa de su casa y expliquen a 1. Ask students to make a map of their houses and explain to
su compañero o compañera cómo llegar a ella desde su a partner how to get there from the school.

page 179 Unit 5

Unit five

New Shops in my Neighborhood

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will: • Learn how to link ideas or sentences. • Practice how to give directions.

 Read the following text. What kind of text is it?

a. a brochure
b. an advertisement

When does the shop open? On sunday Just for you!

What can you buy there? Jeans, t-shirts, accesories Now a new shop in your neighborhood.
What is the name of the shop? Just! Just! opens its doors to all young
Opening on Sunday.
20% discount on jeans and t-shirts.
Raffle of accessories early in the
Look at the map to get there!

 Look at the map to get to Just! and complete the directions with words from the box.

1 park left on straight right along go past

Go _________________ 1st Avenue,
go past
_____________ the post office and
the _____________. left
Turn ______________
on 2nd Avenue. Go ____________ ahead and
left on Clip Road then turn ____________
on Pencil Street.
The new shop is____________ the right.

 Draw the map of your neighborhood. Work in pairs and give your partner directions to get to
different places.

Sugerencias  Write directions to get to the nearest bank, park or stationary store.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 158

1. Pídales que le mencionen el significado de las palabras de 1. Elicit from students the meanings of the words in the box.
la caja.

Unit 5 page 180

 Read the advertisement about a new coffee shop.

Sky Box
nt alternative
p Sky Box is a differe
Sky B The new coffee sho
coffee and cakes. There is a

ox for those wh o enj oy

st try Sky Box
ks and pies. You mu
wide variety of drin of the most delicio

puc cin o and one
special cap visit us! It’s easy to

tow n. Com e and
brownies in ns below. We are nea
ow our dire ctio
here, just foll
the cathed ral.

the cathedral turn
As you come out of
Then turn right

ng Stu art Roa d.
and go alo ahead.
et and go straight
again on Stone Stre the

ad OX
the book store and

Sto les R K YB pol ice sta tion ,


Go past the

a t S
1 ne Road


2 St. ling Aft er


o l
R Box is
ling Road. The Sky
that turn left on Rol
of the stre et on the left. You can’t
at the end

1Police ore
St miss it!
3 Hospi

 Answer the questions.  Look at the map to get to Sky Box and
trace the route.
  What do they sell? Coffe, cakes, drinks, pies, cappucino and brownies.
2   Where is it? At the end of Rolling Read, on the left.

e rule
Discover th  Choose the correct option.
 Look at the sentences from the advertisement.
The words then, and after that are used
■ Then turn right on Stone Street… @ to connect ideas.
■ After that turn left on Rolling Road. A when we start new paragraphs.

 Design an advertisement like the one in  Draw the map to get to your shop and
exercise 5. Write some information about show it to a partner. Give directions to your
the shop. partner to trace the route on your map.

2 2

page 159 New Shops in my Neighborhood

1. Pregúnteles si cerca de su casa hay un centro comercial. 1. Ask students if there is a shopping center near their homes.
Si es así, que dibujen el mapa para llegar a él. En caso If so, have them draw a map showing how to get there. If
contrario, que lo inventen. not, have them invent one.
2. Los alumnos pueden trabajar en parejas o grupos y usar 2. Students can work in pairs or groups and use a store in
una tienda de su propio pueblo o ciudad. their town or city.

page 181 Unit 5

Unit five

You can’t miss it!

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will practice: • What you learned in the unit.

 Listen to Vincent giving directions to his friend Andy. Complete the map with the
 missing places.
Alaskan Avenue
green Italian
grocer´s restaurant
Scrapy Street

Schnauzer Road

Puddle Street

stationery Tafi Road

Clara Street
arcade bank

Afghan Street

 Draw your house on the map. Work in pairs and tell your partner how to get to your place from
the station.

1  Andy is lost and he is asking for directions to get to Vincent’s house. Order the dialog.
 Go along Scrapy Road. The supermarket is on the corner of Scrapy Street and Siberian Road.
 Yes, Schnauzer Road.

Excuse me, where is the supermarket?
And, how can I get there?
 Scrapy, and after that?
 Go along this street and turn left on Schnauzer Road.
 It’s on Scrapy Street.
 Go straight ahead and turn left on Scrapy Street.

Sugerencias 9
 Thank you.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 160

1. Los alumnos pueden trabajar en parejas y actuar el 1. Students can work in pairs and act out the dialog.
2. Have students choose different locations to do exercise 3.
2. Pídales que elijan diferentes posiciones para realizar
el ejercicio 3.

Unit 5 page 182

green grocer´s
 Replace the pictures to rewrite the directions.

Go this road. Turn on Smith Avenue. There is a

along right
on the left. Go straight ahead and go past the and .

stationery store
Then turn on Jackson Road and go straight ahead. There is a school

the and the . My is
bank nex to
the . grocery store
gas station
 Read the complete directions in excercise 4 and draw the map.

 Complete the conversation. 1

A: Excuse me, where is the movie theater?
B: It’s _________ Stone Road.
How can I get there?
A: ________
B: Go __________ turn left on Red Street. Go _______
this street and ________ past the church _________
and the drugstore.
A: Ok, and then? next to/
B: There _________ opposite the drugstore. Go _____________
a restaurant __________ straight ahead.
A: All right.
B: The movie theater is ___________ and
the mall _________ the museum.
thank you
A: Ok, __________
B: You’re welcome.

page 161 You can’t miss it!

1. Los alumnos pueden usar las direcciones y el mapa para 1. Students can use the directions and the map to act out a
actuar un diálogo similar al del ejercicio 4. dialog similar to the one in exercise 3.

page 183 Unit 5

Unit five

Reading and Writing

 Read the title of the text below and predict the information in the blank spaces below.
United States of America
Official name:__________________________ English
Official language: _________________________
Continent: _____________________________ Hamburgers and hot dog
Typical food: _____________________________
Washington D.C.
Capital: _______________________________ Movies, sports and music
Entertainment: ____________________________

No. of states: ___________________________

 Read the text and check your predictions.

Oficial Name
Continet The U.S.A.
Official Lenguages
Typical Food
The United States of America is a very large country in North Amer-
Entertainment ica. It is located north of Mexico and south of Canada. It has 50
Beguin states including Alaska and Hawaii. It has many cities and towns and
a very large population.
The capital of the country is Washington D.C. The United States of
America has a cosmopolitan population. There are native American
Indians, Asians, Europeans, Africans and many Latin Americans. The
official language is English, but many people speak other languages
as well.
The United States is a strong country, both politically and eco-
nomically. The typical American works hard and is very competitive.
Americans love movie stars, sports and music. Hollywood, the
movie capital of the world, and rock and roll are famous all over the
Hamburgers and hot dogs are American favorites but they also eat
food from many different countries.

 Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False.

 The U.S.A. is a big country. T F
1  Alaska is not a state of the U.S.A. T F
 There are no Latin Americans in the U.S.A. T F
 Some people in the U.S.A. speak English and other languages. T F
 American people are hardworking. T F

Sugerencias  Americans don’t like food from other countries. T F

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 162

1. Invítelos a realizar un ejercicio similar al 3 usando la 1. Have students do an exercise similar to 3 using information
información de otro país. about another country.

Unit 5 page 184

1  Work in pairs. Complete the following for a place you want to write about.
Official name:
No. of states:
Official language:
Typical food:

Write a text using the information in exercise 3. Use the text in exercise 1 as an example.

page 163 Reading and Writing

1. Invítelos a que, con la información del ejercicio propuesto 1. Have students use the information they wrote for the
en la página anterior, elaboren el ejercicio 4. exercise on the previous page to do exercise 4.

page 185 Unit 5

Unit five

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Asking for directions  Match the questions in column @ with the

answers in column A
DF How can I get to the museum?

Giving directions @
@ Is there a park near here? _____
DF Go straight ahead…
Turn left/right on Lincoln Road. 4
A How can I get to the bus station? _____
Go along this street…
The supermarket is on the right/ 3
B Where can I get dog food? _____
the left.
C Where can I find a restaurant? _____
Asking for a place to buy/get something
D Where can I get medicine? _____
DF Where can I buy/get
a hamburger/stamps? A
At the café.
 Sorry I don’t know.
Saying where buildings are  At the drugstore.
The café is on the corner of
 Ah! At the pet store. There is one near here.
Madison St. and Stewart St.
The Hospital is next to the park.  Catch a No. 23 bus on the corner of Hill Street
The post office is between the pet and Blue Road.
shop and the school.  There is one on Redding Street, next to the bank.
The movie theater is opposite
the bank.
 Around your school.

It is important to know about the public places

around your neighborhood and school. In case
of emergencies or difficult situations, you know
where to go. Do you know what there is around
or near your school?

■ Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the

public places near your school and give
directions to get there.

hospital drugstore bank

supermarket police station

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 164

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Have students identify and review the different functions
de las lecciones 5 a 8 y que actúen diálogos usando el from lessons 5 to 8 and act out dialogs using the language
lenguaje de la caja de repaso. from the review box.

Unit 5 page 186

 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
 The bank is next to hospital.
The bank is next to the hospital
 Go straigth ahead and turn left on West Street.
Go straight ahead and turn left on West Street
 Excuse me, How can I get to the bus station?
Excuse me. How can I get to the bus station?
 The greengrocer is in the corner of Wright and Mason.
The greengrocer’s is on the corner of Wright and Mason
 The school is between the hospital the café.
The school is between the hospital and the café

 Look at the map. Read the questions and write the correct directions to get to the different places.
 Excuse me, how can I get to Allen Park?
Go along Young Street turn right in Canton Street, go
straight to wood street and the park is on the left.
 Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?
Go along Young Street. The Supermarket is on the left.
 Excuse me, is there a bank near here?
Go along Young Street. The bank is on the left
 Excuse me, how can I get to the police station?
Turn right on Elm Street, turn left on Wood Street and
the police station is on the left.
 Excuse me, where is the Secondary school?
Go straight on Elm Street, and the secondary
school is on the right


Young Street
Stree n

Wood Street
Elm Street

page 165 Review Lesson

page 187 Unit 5

Unit five

Project Page

A Map of the School

1AIDBSHUDTo prepare a map of the area around your school.

 Work together with all the class. Complete the map with the names of all
the streets around your school.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 166

1. Verifique que los estudiantes comprenden las 1. Check that students understand the instructions.

Unit 5 page 188


 In teams of three, draw a map of your block.  Write the names of the streets around your
block. Draw buildings in your block.
Madero Street


Morelos Street
Hidalgo Street
Juarez Avenue

s Street
Juarez A

go Stre

ero Str

Zapata Street

Guerrero Street

 Put all your blocks together and form  Show your map to the class and describe it.
a complete map of your school area.

Suggestion: You can add to your portfolio ant the advertisement you
wrote in lesson seven exercises 8 and 9 of this unit.

page 167 A Map of the School

page 189 Unit 5

Unit five

Time Out!

Around the Neighborhood
1AIDBSHUDTo get to the finish box first.
Instructions to play the
game  Is there a bookstore in your neighborhood?
  Go forward three squares.
@ Work in groups of  Order the words: park/ is/ the/ opposite/school/ the.
three or four.  Make a sentence with between to talk about a place on the map.
A You need a dice and  Where is the subway station?
counters.  The police station is ...
B Player A throws  Are there any schools on the map?
the dice and moves   Go back two squares.
the counter  Where is the church?
according to the   Correct the sentence: The hotel is near to the zoo.
number on the dice.  Is there a convenience store?
C Answer the question  Where is the police station?
according to the  Where can you eat food?
box you landed on.  Throw the dice again.
Look at the list  Say the name of the street where you live.
on this page.  Make a sentence with next to to talk about a place on the map.
D Player B throws  Complete the sentence: The movie theater is on …
the dice and moves  The church is … the hotel.
the counter   The supermarket is on the corner of …. and …
according to the   Throw the dice again.
number on the dice.   Where is the museum?
E Answers the  Order the words: is/a/there/bank/my/house/near.
question according  What can you find next to the record store?
to the box you  Is there a subway station on Chester Street?
landed on. Look  How many churches are there?
at the list on   Go back three squares.
this page. . Make a sentence with drugstore.
F The next players do  The post office is ….
the same.  Go forward one square.
G The winner is the  True or false? The supermarket is near the museum.
person who first  Correct the sentence: There is a park on Kennedy Road.
arrives at the  Throw the dice again.
FINISH box.  Is there a cinema near your home?
 Go back one square.
 Go back four squares.
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 168

1. Pídales que se reúnan en equipo, lean el objetivo del jue- 1. Ask them to work in groups and read the objective and
go y las instrucciones. A continuación, formule al grupo instructions of the game. Then ask them questions to check
preguntas para verificar que comprendieron lo que tiene that they understood what they need to do.
que realizar.
2. Ask them to play the game with respect for others.
2. Indíqueles que realicen el juego en un ambiente de respeto.

Unit 5 page 190


Jefferson Avenue
Chester Street

Kennedy Road



Washington Avenue
Roosevelt Road

Lincoln Avenue

Wilson Avenue

page 169 Around the Neighborhood

page 191 Unit 5

Unit five

Choose the correct option

  You can buy stamps and send letters at the

a. supermarket.

You can buy meat at the

b. stationery store. c. post office.

Progress Check

a. butcher shop. b. grocery store. c. arcade.

  You can have a milk shake at the

a. arcade. b. greengrocer’s. c. ice cream parlor.

  You can buy pencils and notebooks at the

a. post office. b. stationery store. c. bank.

  You can play video games at the

a. amusement park. b. arcade. c. stationary store.

  _______ there a restaurant near here?

a. Are b. Is c. How

  Where can I find _______ Italian Restaurant?

a. an b. a c. the

  There _______ one opposite the park.

a. are b. has c. is

  _______ can I get there?

a. Where b. How c. What

  The school is _______ the church and the drugstore.

a. opposite b. next c. between

  Excuse me, how _______ I get to the greengrocer’s?

a. can b. am c. go

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 170

Unit 5 page 192

  Go _______ this street. It’s opposite the supermarket.

a. straight b. along c. past

  Go _______ ahead and turn left on House Road.

a. past b. along c. straight

  The bookstore is _______ the right.

a. in b. on c. at

  Go _______ the bank and the hospital.

a. past b. along c. turn

____________15 points

Complete the sentences.

____________ is a drugstore next to the post office.
____________ there any movie theaters near here?
Suggestion: You can include in your
____________ is the nearest supermarket? portfolio any language from the
unit that is difficult for you. Check
Get with a partner or look at the picture
  How can I ____________ to the library?
dictionaries, grammar reference
Buy/get or bibliography at the back of the
  Where can I ____________ vegetables? book for help.

  Videogames at an arcade.
You can play ____________

You can cash a check at the ____________.

__________ along this street and turn right on Pen Road.

  Go straight ahead ____________ turn left on Book Avenue.

Turn left on Rice Avenue and go past the church. ____________ turn right on Wilson Street.

My house is ____________ the left.

____________ there a park near here?
  ____________. I don’t know.

Excuse me
  _______________, how can I get to the nearest bank?

  Bus station
You can take a bus at the ________________.

_____________ Total Score: 30 points

page 171 Progress Check

1. Solicite a los menores que en equipos revisen sus repuestas 1. Ask them to work in groups and check their answers and
y el puntaje obtenido por cada uno. their scores.

page 193 Unit 5

y solucionario

page 194
page 195
Fifth Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Write the names of these places.

2. Look at the map. Circle the correct option that correspons to the route from 1 to 2.

Bowie Street
Jagger Street

Mc Cartney Road

Floyd Avenue

Vincent Road

a) Turn right and go ahead two streets, turn right. Walk straight ahead one.

b) Turn left, in the first corner turn right. Walk straight ahead one street and turn left at the traffic circle. Walk one block and
turn right. Go ahead one block. Number two is on the corner.

3. Complete the description of the city. Choose the words from the box.

old beautiful modern busy

Guadalajara is an ____________________ city, but modern. It has a _____________________

________________________ big Cathedral. Guadalajara is a quiet but very ____________ city
on weekdays. It has old buildings with _____________ offices and houses.
4. Look at the map. Write the correct order from 1 to 2.

( ) When you get to Wall Street, turn left.

( ) Walk along Morrison Road.
( ) Walk along Wall Street.
( ) Number two is in front of the movietheatre, you can’t miss it!
( ) Go to the corner of Lennon Road.
( ) When you get to Morrison Road, turn right.

Sky Road
Lennon Road

Morrison Road

Wright Street

Star Avenue
Wall Street

5. Look at the map in exercise 4. Choose to places and mark them A and B. Write instructions to get from A to B.

6. Read the texts and match with de pictures.

a) Bungalow near the beach. Splendid sight

of the bay from bedrooms. Pool and all ser-
vices included.

b) Nice apartment. All services included. Near

downtown, supermarkets and movies.

c) This is a beautiful house in the forest with

1000 acres of woods. It is in the center of
the beautiful of Candlehill.

d) Two floors house in the south of the city.

Four square meters garden in front of the

Post office
Gas station

2. b

3. beautiful

4. 1

5. Student´s own answer.

6. c
Fiveth Bimonthly

Unit 5

Unit Purpose
The purpose of this unit is to enable you to describe the place where you or other people live, and to
ask the way/give directions.

Social Practices:
• Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.
• Carrying out certain transactions.

Unit functions:
5.1. Giving simple information about places.
5.2. Asking the way and giving directions.

page 142

Unit 5 page 164


Performance evidence

• You will be able to recognize and understand quotidian texts in order to use
them purposefully.
• You will be able to recognize and understand academic texts in order to share with
the rest of the class the information understood.
• You will be able to use language creatively and appropriately by choosing lexis, phra-
ses and grammatical resources in order to produce short, relevant texts regarding
places and buildings.

page 143

page 165 Unit 5

Unit five

Public Places

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • The name of some public places.
• How to talk about what there is in your neighborhood.

 Listen to the names of some public

places and write them under the pictures.


______________ movie theater

bus station
post office

______________ museum

 Listen again and repeat.

2  Listen to Sylvia and her friend Greg and put a check (✓) next to the map of Sylvia’s neighborhood.

Spring Street Spring Street Spring Street

Summer Street

Summer Street

Summer Street

 Work in pairs. Describe one of the other There is a record store on Spring Street.
neighborhoods for your partner to identify. There are two banks in this neighborhood..
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 144

1. Pídales que mencionen los lugares públicos cercanos a su 1. Have students mention public places near their
casa. homes.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que There is y There 2. Make sure that students understand that “There is”
are se usan para hablar sobre la existencia de cosas, ya sea and “There are” are used to talk about the existence
en singular y plural respectivamente. of things in singular and plural respectively.
3. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que Is there se usa 3. Make sure that students understand that “Is there”
para preguntar sobre la existencia de cosas. is used to ask about the existence of things.

Unit 5 page 166

 Complete the map. Put different places  Work in pairs. Tell your partner about
from exercise 1. your map.

There is a school on Jagger Street.
Bowie Street There are two movie theaters.
Jagger Street

e rule
Discover th
Mc Cartney Road

Circle the correct option.

To mention the street where a public place
Floyd Avenue is we use the preposition
in on at
Complete the sentence with the correct
Vincent Road preposition.
1  Read the following information about a city. Underline the
places you can find there.
There is a Park ________ Vincent Road.

Dover, England
Dover is a large city in the southeast of England, directly
opposite France. It is 135 kilometers from London. It is a big,
busy port and an important connection between Britain and
Europe. Ferry cars, catamarans and hydrofoils go in and out
of the port every day. There are many interesting places to
see in Dover. There is a Roman lighthouse and the ruins of a
Roman house. There is also an old castle on top of Castle Hill,
a Napoleonic fort and a museum in Market Square. If you like
flowers and trees, there are beautiful gardens in the center of the city. There
are many restaurants in Dover where you can eat food from all over the
world including India, Italy, France and of course England.
Millions of people visit Dover every year. Come to Dover. Dover is waiting
1 for you!
Taken and adapted from:

 Read the information in the brochure and answer the $DHMCDODMCDMS

questions below. See Picture Dictionary 9, on page 201,
for vocabulary about public places and
 Where is Dover? The southeast of England, 135 km from London
 Why is it important? It´s an important connection between Britain
and Europa
 What are Dover’s main attractions?An old castle, a Napoleonic fort,
a museum, a Roman light house and ruins of a Roman house.
 Find cognates in the text, write them in your notebook and write their equivalents in Spanish.
 Write in your notebook a description of your city and illustrate it with pictures.

2 page 145 Public Places

1. Pídales que comparen los lugares que encontraron en el 1. Have students compare places that they found in exercise
ejercicio 7 y, si es necesario, que complementen sus resul- 7 and, if necessary, add to their results.
2. Have students draw a map of their neighborhoods and
2. Invítelos a dibujar un mapa de sus vecindarios y a que los describe them.

page 167 Unit 5

Unit five

Is there a school near here?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask where a place is.

Listen to the dialogs and write Chester Street
 numbers in the green squares on
the map.

Washington Avenue
Kennedy Road

Jefferson Avenue

Roosevelt Road

Wilson Avenue
1 Lincoln Avenue

 Listen and number the pictures. e rule
Discover th

Look at these questions from the dialogs, answer the

question and complete the sentences.

Is there an amusement park near here?

Is there a bank near here?
3 6 Is there a school near here?
Is there an Italian restaurant near here?

Underline the words after a or an.

What sound do they begin with?
a) a consonant sound b) a vowel sound

5 2 Complete the following sentences:

We use the article ________________ when the next word
begins with a vowel sound.

We use the article _________________ when the next word
begins with a consonant sound.

Sugerencias 1 4

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 146

1. Pídales que practiquen los diálogos en parejas. 1. Have students practice the dialogs in pairs.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que An se usa cuan- 2. Make sure that students understand that “an” is used when
do la siguiente palabra inicia con una vocal y que A se usa the following word begins with a vowel and that “a” is
cundo inicia con una consonante. used when the following word begins with a consonant.

Unit 5 page 168

 Look at the map on page 140, listen and complete the dialogs with words or expressions
from the box. 1

subway station church bank record store Italian restaurant

Man: bank
Excuse me, is there a _______________ near here?
Italian restaurant
Woman: Yes, there is one on Washington Avenue; it is opposite the ___________________.
Man: Thank you.

Boy: Excuse me, is there a drugstore near here? subway
Woman: Yes, there is one on Wilson Avenue. It’s between the ___________ and the
record store
__________________ .
Boy: Thank you.

Woman: Is there a bus station near here?
Man: Yes, it’s on Chester Street next
police station
to the ___________________.
Woman: Thank you very much.

 Work in pairs. Ask an answer about the

places on the map on page 140.

Student A: Excuse me, is there a school near here?
Student B: Yes, there is one on Washington
Avenue. It’s next to the museum. next to

 /XCQD@LBHSX Use your notebook.
Plan your dream city. Draw a map.

 Draw pictures of buildings, stores or places

on the map.
Student A: Is there a school in your dream city?
Student B: No, there isn’t.
 Write the names of the buildings and Student A: How many restaurants are there?
Student B: There are four.
3  Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
about your maps.

page 147 Is there a school near here?

1. Pregúnteles y asegúrese que entiendan los significados de 1. Ask students to make sure that they understand the
las preposiciones. meanings of the prepositions.
2. Sugiérales que coloquen su casa como centro del mapa. 2. Have students place their homes in the middle of the
3. Pídales que usen los diálogos del ejercicio 3 y que pre-
gunten y contesten sobre lugares en sus mapas. 3. Have them use the dialogs in exercise 4 and ask and
answer about places on their maps.

page 169 Unit 5

Unit five

Where can I buy a CD?

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give information about public places.
• How to talk about where places are.

1 Look at the dialog and insert the missing sentences from the column on the right.
A: Excuse me, where can I buy some books?
_____ @ There’s a restaurant next to the
A: And where is it? bookstore, on the right.
_____ A It’s on Water Street.
A: Is it near here? B At the bookstore.
_____ C Yes, quite near. On the corner of
A: Ok, and where can I eat a good salad? Water Street and Gilmore Road.
_____ D Bye.
A: On the right. Ok, thank you.

 Practice the conversation in pairs.

Sky Road
Lennon Road
(NBTR Main Avenue

• You can buy a book at the Morrison Road 1

Wright Street

Star Avenue
• There is a subway station opposite
the park. Wall Street

 Use the map to ask your partner DF

where to buy, eat or get things.
A: Where can I buy a CD?
B: At the record store.
A: Where is it?
B: It’s on Wall Street, next to the bank,
on the left.
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 148

1. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan que where se usa 1. Make sure that students understand that “where” is used
para preguntar sobre la ubicación de algún lugar. to ask about the location of a place.
2. Realice ejercicios utilizando where. 2. Do activities using ”where”.

Unit 5 page 170

 Look at the following public places. There is a spelling mistake in each of the names, use your
dictionary and write the correct words.

dissco disco clotes store clothes store banck bank

zou gas stassion convenientce stor

zoo gas station convenience store

1 ● Now you can play the interactive game The

city on your CD if you have a computer.
 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 178, activity (NBTR
M, and Student B go to page 183, activity M. • You can buy books at a bookstore.
• You can read and borrow books in
a library.

There’s a hospital on the corner of Blue
and Garden.
Is there a bank on Green Street?
There are some trees on Garden Street on map
A and there aren’t any trees on map B.

 Report the differences to the class.

page 149 Where can I buy a CD?

1. Sugiérales que revisen primero las cajas de ejemplos y de 1. Have students first review the example boxes and the
Language Focus antes de iniciar la actividad 5. Language Focus box before beginning activity 5.

page 171 Unit 5

Unit five

My Neighborhood

Social practices: Giving and obtaining factual information of a personal and non-personal kind.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to talk about your neighborhood.

 Read the following information. What kind of text is it? Circle the correct answer.
a. a magazine article b. a brochure c. an advertisement

 This is the map for the text above. Complete it with the places mentioned.
cathedral Plaza
de Armas
1 Morelos Road
Madero Avenue

Palacio Portal
de Galeana

Museo del

Sugerencias  Show your map to your partner and compare it.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 150

1. Pídales que comparen sus mapas con dos compañeros o 1. Have students compare their maps with two partners and,
compañeras y, si es necesario, que corrijan el suyo. if necessary, correct their own maps.

Unit 5 page 172

 Draw a map of the downtown in your city or town in your notebook. Include as many places
as you remember.
 Write a short description similar to the one in exercise 1.
 Tell your partner about your neighborhood.
e rule
Discover th
 Look at the following sentences:
a. The zoo is next to the amusement park.

b. The bank is opposite the school.
c. The church is on the left.

 Circle the correct option. We use the prepositions above:

a. to indicate movement b. to indicate location c. to indicate time

 Draw the following places on Map A.

Map A

a post office
Houston Road
a library

a disco
Jackson Street

Presley Street
Wilson Avenue
a movie theater

a school
Madison Street
a record store

Work in pairs. Don’t look at your partner’s map. Ask your partner questions to find out where the
places are and put them on Map B. 2
Map B

Houston Road

Jackson Street

Presley Street

Where is the record store?

Wilson Avenue It’s on the corner of Jackson Street and
Houston Road.

Madison Street

page 151 My Neighborhood

1. Pídales que piensen en lugares famosos o importantes en 1. Ask students to think of famous or important places in
su localidad. their city or town.
2. Verifique que entienden que las preposiciones se usan 2. Check that students understand that the prepositions are
para indicar localización. used to indicate location.

page 173 Unit 5

Unit five

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Saying what you can find in your  Match the items with the public places.
Where can you… At the…
DF There is a post office.

There are two stores in my  buy records? @ supermarket

neighborhood. A police station
 see a movie?
 send a letter? B drugstore
Asking for and giving information about
public places  eat a salad? C bus station
 buy food? D record store
DF Is there a church near here? E park
 take a bus?
Where can I get some books? At the  buy medicine? F movie theater
bookstore.  see a doctor? G post office
9. go for a walk? H restaurant
Excuse me, is there a police station
near here?  report a crime? I hospital
Yes, it’s on Third Avenue. / Sorry,
I don’t know.

Saying where places are  Read these questions and answer them about your
DF There is a school opposite the park.
  Is there a post office? ___________________________
There are two stores next to the
movie theater.
 Is there a restaurant? ___________________________
The post office is between the _______________________________________________
record store and the school.
  Is there a movie theater? _______________________
  Is there a bank? _______________________________
  Is there a supermarket? _________________________
$DHMCDODMCDMS   Is there a Secondary school? ____________________
See Grammar Reference Unit 5, on pages
209 and 210 for help with the grammar _______________________________________________
in this unit.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 152

1. Pida a los alumnos que identifiquen y repasen las diferen- 1. Ask students to identify and review the different functions
tes funciones de las lecciones 1 a 4 y que actúen diálogos from lessons 1 to 4 and act out dialogs using the language
usando el lenguaje de la caja de repaso. from the review box.

Unit 5 page 174

 Use the map to answer the questions.
Marylin Street
 Is there a bank near here?
1 Yes, there is. I´ts on the corner of Newton Street and
Fonda Street.
 Is there a post office?
Yes, there is, on Marylin Street.
Fonda Street

Newton Street
 Is there a library around here?

Curie Street
Yes, there is, on the corner of Fonda Street and Curie
 Is there a hotel near here?
Yes, there is, on Fonda Street.

 Look at the map in exercise 3 and complete the  Order the dialog.
sentences with an appropriate preposition.

  The hotel is NOONRHSD the bank.

3 Is it near here?
___ 1
6 That’s ok.
next to / near
  The bank is ________________ the supermarket.
2 At the post office. It’s on Marilyn Street.
  There is a park __________________ the library.
 Excuse me, where can I post a letter?
  The stadium is ___________________ the hotel
4 Yes, quite near. It’s next to the movie theater.
and the park.
5 Oh, I know where! Thank you.
  There is a post office ________________ the corner.

 Order the words to form correct sentences or questions.

  me/ Excuse/ get/ medicine/ where/I/ can/ some?

  station/ is/ there/ a/ subway/ restaurant/ to/ the/ next.
The restaurant is next to the subway station.
 church/ near/ there/ a/ is/ here/ ?
Is there a church near here?
  one/ there/ yes/ is/ Newton/ on/ Street
Yes, there is one on Newton Street.
 zoo/ is/ the/ where/?
Where is the zoo?

page 153 Review Lesson

1. Sugiérales que realicen la actividad 3 en parejas: que uno 1. Have students do activity 3 in pairs: one partner asks
pregunte y el otro responda. questions and the other answers.

page 175 Unit 5

Unit five

My New Neighborhood

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • How to ask for and give directions to get to a place.

 Listen to Kate asking for directions. Mark the drugstore on the map.

You are
here! Grant Street

Jasper Street
Roger Street
Maddison Street

Wallace Street
South Street

 Read the instructions and match them  Work in pairs. Choose places on the map
with the correct sign. in exercise 1, and ask for and give
 Go straight ahead.
 Turn right. DF
 Turn left. –Excuse me.
@ B –How can I get to …
2 –Go straight ahead to … Turn right/left.
–The … is on the left/right.

 Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a place

on the map. Tell student B how to get
there. Student B: Follow student A’s
Sugerencias directions and say where you are.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 154

1. Pídales que mencionen, y asegúrese que entiendan, los 1. Have students mention, and make sure that they
significados de las frases del ejercicio 2. understand, the meanings of the phrases in exercise 2.
2. Los alumnos pueden dibujar un mapa antes del ejercicio 4 2. Before doing exercise 4, students can draw a map and give
y dar direcciones a sus parejas para que dibujen la ruta. directions to a partner for him/her to draw the route.

Unit 5 page 176

 Kate invites a friend to a party at her new house. Read and order Kate’s part of the dialog.
___ Kate: Continue straight ahead and my house
Ron: Where’s your new house, Kate? is on the left next to a bookstore.
Ron: And how can I get there? 4
___ Kate: Go straight on Silver Street and pass
the movie theater.
Ron: I get off at River Street and then?
___ Kate: Take bus 104 on Baker Street and get
Ron: Yes and then what?
off at River Street.
Ron: The movie theater. OK. 1
___ Kate: At 57 Silver Street.
Ron: I think I’ve got it. Thank you, Kate. 3
___ Kate: Go straight on River Street and turn
right on Silver Street.

 Listen and check your answers.

Ocean Avenue
 Mark the route on the map. Silver Street

River Street
 Work in pairs. Student A: Tell your partner Cooper Street
how to get to your house from your school.
Student B: Draw a map according to
student A’s instructions.

Baker Street
 Look at the public places in the circle.
Choose three places and put a check (✓) next
to them.
e rule
Discover th
1  Choose the correct answer.

1 Cognates are words which:

@ are similar in two different languages but
their meaning is not the same.
A are similar in two different languages
 Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the and their meaning is the same.
places you chose. Use your school as a
reference.  Identify the cognates in exercise 10 and
write them in your language:
2 A: Is there a park near the school?
B: No, there isn't. DF
A: Is there a convenience store near the school? park parque
B: Yes, there is.
A: How can I get there?
B: Go straight ahead to... and turn...

page 155 My New Neighborhood

1. Pídales que repitan el ejercicio con cada uno de los lugares 1. Have students repeat the exercise with each one of the
del mapa del ejercicio 7. places on the map in exercise 9.
2. Si no existen los lugares que se mencionan en la actividad 2. If the places mentioned in exercise 10 don’t exist near the
9 cerca de su escuela, los pueden inventar. school, they can invent places.

page 177 Unit 5

Unit five

Where is it?

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will learn: • More vocabulary of public places.

• More ways to ask for and give directions to get to a place.

Read the descriptions. Find the places in the puzzle and write them in your notebook.
grocery store  In this place you can buy sugar,
g r o c e r y s t o r e m y r n
coffee and flour.
green grocers  In this place you can buy lettuce, r s t a t i o n a r y s t o r e

carrots, and tomatoes. e k l g u i j f r g i t u y m f

stationery store  In this place you can buy e l b u t c h e r s h o p o t e
notebooks, pens, and erasers. n b a h j e u a r c a d e m y r
butcher shop  In this place you can buy meat,
g n n g r c p t e y p m k d r a
chicken, and pork.
r l k e d r u g s t o r e q w z
arcade  In this place you can play
video games. o u r m v e t r t k s g s t e n
bank  In this place you can cash checks c m f d g a n h a g t p w e r b
and keep your money. e h d s k m y t u r o j h d k l
drugstore  In this place you can buy aspirin,
r m f h r p e a r g f d r y u i
shampoo, and toothpaste.
s l n o y a n g a n f t r f h k
post office  In this place you can buy stamps
and send letters. k h f j k r l i n o i m h t f j

restaurant  In this place you can order a m f h t j l n g t k c g h r l n

hamburger, a pizza, and a salad. i y r b q o b e d y e m g d t s
ice cream parlor  In this place you can buy ice
a w q n h r t j r b m j t o t r
cream and milk shakes.


 Listen to the dialog and circle the correct alternative.
Woman: Excuse me, where can I find a .@MFT@FD
drugstore/stationary store?
There’s one next to the grocery store.
Woman: And how can I get there?
Boy: Go along this street, go past the butcher’s shop/
book store and turn right on Carpenter Street.
Woman: Ok, Carpenter Street.
Boy: Then, go straight ahead. The stationery store is on the
right/ left, next to the grocery store/greengrocer’s.
Woman: Right, thank you.
Boy: You’re welcome. Bye.
go past go along
 Practice the dialog in pairs. this street

Sugerencias 2
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 156

1. Pregúnteles los lugares antes de que busquen las palabras 1. Ask students the places before they look for the words in
en el Word search puzzle. the Word search puzzle.
2. Asegúrese que los alumnos entiendan la diferencia entre 2. Make sure that students understand the difference between
go past y go along. “go past” and “go along”.

Unit 5 page 178

 Choose two places from the puzzle and put  Work in pairs. Ask your partner about
a check (✓) next to them. the places you choose. Use your school
as a reference.

 Read Julio’s notes to get from the bus station to his house and draw the route on the map.
Go along Baker Avenue and turn left on Cook Avenue. Go along Cook Avenue, go past the
church and the post office. Go straight ahead and turn right on Builder street. My house in on the
corner. I’ll see you later. Good luck!

Cook Avenue

Builder Street




e rule
Discover th
 Look at these imperative phrases from exercise 6.
■ Go along Baker Avenue…
■ …turn left on Cook Avenue
■ … go past the church…
 Work in pairs. Use the
map in exercise 6 to give
 Circle the correct option.
your partner directions
We use imperative sentences to:
to get from one place to
another. Tell your partner
 @ talk about rules and obligations.
where he/she will start
 A give directions and instructions.
 B give people permission to do something.

 Write a short paragraph with the directions your part-

ner gave you in exercise 7. DF
Go along Baker street and turn right on
 Work in pairs. Student A go to page 178, activities Cook Avenue…
N and O, and Student B go to page 183, activities N
and O.

page 157 Where is it?

1. Pídales que elaboren un mapa de su casa y expliquen a 1. Ask students to make a map of their houses and explain to
su compañero o compañera cómo llegar a ella desde su a partner how to get there from the school.

page 179 Unit 5

Unit five

New Shops in my Neighborhood

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will: • Learn how to link ideas or sentences. • Practice how to give directions.

 Read the following text. What kind of text is it?

a. a brochure
b. an advertisement

When does the shop open? On sunday Just for you!

What can you buy there? Jeans, t-shirts, accesories Now a new shop in your neighborhood.
What is the name of the shop? Just! Just! opens its doors to all young
Opening on Sunday.
20% discount on jeans and t-shirts.
Raffle of accessories early in the
Look at the map to get there!

 Look at the map to get to Just! and complete the directions with words from the box.

1 park left on straight right along go past

Go _________________ 1st Avenue,
go past
_____________ the post office and
the _____________. left
Turn ______________
on 2nd Avenue. Go ____________ ahead and
left on Clip Road then turn ____________
on Pencil Street.
The new shop is____________ the right.

 Draw the map of your neighborhood. Work in pairs and give your partner directions to get to
different places.

Sugerencias  Write directions to get to the nearest bank, park or stationary store.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 158

1. Pídales que le mencionen el significado de las palabras de 1. Elicit from students the meanings of the words in the box.
la caja.

Unit 5 page 180

 Read the advertisement about a new coffee shop.

Sky Box
nt alternative
p Sky Box is a differe
Sky B The new coffee sho
coffee and cakes. There is a

ox for those wh o enj oy

st try Sky Box
ks and pies. You mu
wide variety of drin of the most delicio

puc cin o and one
special cap visit us! It’s easy to

tow n. Com e and
brownies in ns below. We are nea
ow our dire ctio
here, just foll
the cathed ral.

the cathedral turn
As you come out of
Then turn right

ng Stu art Roa d.
and go alo ahead.
et and go straight
again on Stone Stre the

ad OX
the book store and

Sto les R K YB pol ice sta tion ,


Go past the

a t S
1 ne Road


2 St. ling Aft er


o l
R Box is
ling Road. The Sky
that turn left on Rol
of the stre et on the left. You can’t
at the end

1Police ore
St miss it!
3 Hospi

 Answer the questions.  Look at the map to get to Sky Box and
trace the route.
  What do they sell? Coffe, cakes, drinks, pies, cappucino and brownies.
2   Where is it? At the end of Rolling Read, on the left.

e rule
Discover th  Choose the correct option.
 Look at the sentences from the advertisement.
The words then, and after that are used
■ Then turn right on Stone Street… @ to connect ideas.
■ After that turn left on Rolling Road. A when we start new paragraphs.

 Design an advertisement like the one in  Draw the map to get to your shop and
exercise 5. Write some information about show it to a partner. Give directions to your
the shop. partner to trace the route on your map.

2 2

page 159 New Shops in my Neighborhood

1. Pregúnteles si cerca de su casa hay un centro comercial. 1. Ask students if there is a shopping center near their homes.
Si es así, que dibujen el mapa para llegar a él. En caso If so, have them draw a map showing how to get there. If
contrario, que lo inventen. not, have them invent one.
2. Los alumnos pueden trabajar en parejas o grupos y usar 2. Students can work in pairs or groups and use a store in
una tienda de su propio pueblo o ciudad. their town or city.

page 181 Unit 5

Unit five

You can’t miss it!

Social practices: Carrying out certain transactions.

In this lesson you will practice: • What you learned in the unit.

 Listen to Vincent giving directions to his friend Andy. Complete the map with the
 missing places.
Alaskan Avenue
green Italian
grocer´s restaurant
Scrapy Street

Schnauzer Road

Puddle Street

stationery Tafi Road

Clara Street
arcade bank

Afghan Street

 Draw your house on the map. Work in pairs and tell your partner how to get to your place from
the station.

1  Andy is lost and he is asking for directions to get to Vincent’s house. Order the dialog.
 Go along Scrapy Road. The supermarket is on the corner of Scrapy Street and Siberian Road.
 Yes, Schnauzer Road.

Excuse me, where is the supermarket?
And, how can I get there?
 Scrapy, and after that?
 Go along this street and turn left on Schnauzer Road.
 It’s on Scrapy Street.
 Go straight ahead and turn left on Scrapy Street.

Sugerencias 9
 Thank you.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 160

1. Los alumnos pueden trabajar en parejas y actuar el 1. Students can work in pairs and act out the dialog.
2. Have students choose different locations to do exercise 3.
2. Pídales que elijan diferentes posiciones para realizar
el ejercicio 3.

Unit 5 page 182

green grocer´s
 Replace the pictures to rewrite the directions.

Go this road. Turn on Smith Avenue. There is a

along right
on the left. Go straight ahead and go past the and .

stationery store
Then turn on Jackson Road and go straight ahead. There is a school

the and the . My is
bank nex to
the . grocery store
gas station
 Read the complete directions in excercise 4 and draw the map.

 Complete the conversation. 1

A: Excuse me, where is the movie theater?
B: It’s _________ Stone Road.
How can I get there?
A: ________
B: Go __________ turn left on Red Street. Go _______
this street and ________ past the church _________
and the drugstore.
A: Ok, and then? next to/
B: There _________ opposite the drugstore. Go _____________
a restaurant __________ straight ahead.
A: All right.
B: The movie theater is ___________ and
the mall _________ the museum.
thank you
A: Ok, __________
B: You’re welcome.

page 161 You can’t miss it!

1. Los alumnos pueden usar las direcciones y el mapa para 1. Students can use the directions and the map to act out a
actuar un diálogo similar al del ejercicio 4. dialog similar to the one in exercise 3.

page 183 Unit 5

Unit five

Reading and Writing

 Read the title of the text below and predict the information in the blank spaces below.
United States of America
Official name:__________________________ English
Official language: _________________________
Continent: _____________________________ Hamburgers and hot dog
Typical food: _____________________________
Washington D.C.
Capital: _______________________________ Movies, sports and music
Entertainment: ____________________________

No. of states: ___________________________

 Read the text and check your predictions.

Oficial Name
Continet The U.S.A.
Official Lenguages
Typical Food
The United States of America is a very large country in North Amer-
Entertainment ica. It is located north of Mexico and south of Canada. It has 50
Beguin states including Alaska and Hawaii. It has many cities and towns and
a very large population.
The capital of the country is Washington D.C. The United States of
America has a cosmopolitan population. There are native American
Indians, Asians, Europeans, Africans and many Latin Americans. The
official language is English, but many people speak other languages
as well.
The United States is a strong country, both politically and eco-
nomically. The typical American works hard and is very competitive.
Americans love movie stars, sports and music. Hollywood, the
movie capital of the world, and rock and roll are famous all over the
Hamburgers and hot dogs are American favorites but they also eat
food from many different countries.

 Read the sentences and circle T for True or F for False.

 The U.S.A. is a big country. T F
1  Alaska is not a state of the U.S.A. T F
 There are no Latin Americans in the U.S.A. T F
 Some people in the U.S.A. speak English and other languages. T F
 American people are hardworking. T F

Sugerencias  Americans don’t like food from other countries. T F

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 162

1. Invítelos a realizar un ejercicio similar al 3 usando la 1. Have students do an exercise similar to 3 using information
información de otro país. about another country.

Unit 5 page 184

1  Work in pairs. Complete the following for a place you want to write about.
Official name:
No. of states:
Official language:
Typical food:

Write a text using the information in exercise 3. Use the text in exercise 1 as an example.

page 163 Reading and Writing

1. Invítelos a que, con la información del ejercicio propuesto 1. Have students use the information they wrote for the
en la página anterior, elaboren el ejercicio 4. exercise on the previous page to do exercise 4.

page 185 Unit 5

Unit five

1 Review Lesson
Grammar and Functions

Asking for directions  Match the questions in column @ with the

answers in column A
DF How can I get to the museum?

Giving directions @
@ Is there a park near here? _____
DF Go straight ahead…
Turn left/right on Lincoln Road. 4
A How can I get to the bus station? _____
Go along this street…
The supermarket is on the right/ 3
B Where can I get dog food? _____
the left.
C Where can I find a restaurant? _____
Asking for a place to buy/get something
D Where can I get medicine? _____
DF Where can I buy/get
a hamburger/stamps? A
At the café.
 Sorry I don’t know.
Saying where buildings are  At the drugstore.
The café is on the corner of
 Ah! At the pet store. There is one near here.
Madison St. and Stewart St.
The Hospital is next to the park.  Catch a No. 23 bus on the corner of Hill Street
The post office is between the pet and Blue Road.
shop and the school.  There is one on Redding Street, next to the bank.
The movie theater is opposite
the bank.
 Around your school.

It is important to know about the public places

around your neighborhood and school. In case
of emergencies or difficult situations, you know
where to go. Do you know what there is around
or near your school?

■ Work in pairs. Ask your partner about the

public places near your school and give
directions to get there.

hospital drugstore bank

supermarket police station

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 164

1. Pídales que identifiquen y repasen las diferentes funciones 1. Have students identify and review the different functions
de las lecciones 5 a 8 y que actúen diálogos usando el from lessons 5 to 8 and act out dialogs using the language
lenguaje de la caja de repaso. from the review box.

Unit 5 page 186

 Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
 The bank is next to hospital.
The bank is next to the hospital
 Go straigth ahead and turn left on West Street.
Go straight ahead and turn left on West Street
 Excuse me, How can I get to the bus station?
Excuse me. How can I get to the bus station?
 The greengrocer is in the corner of Wright and Mason.
The greengrocer’s is on the corner of Wright and Mason
 The school is between the hospital the café.
The school is between the hospital and the café

 Look at the map. Read the questions and write the correct directions to get to the different places.
 Excuse me, how can I get to Allen Park?
Go along Young Street turn right in Canton Street, go
straight to wood street and the park is on the left.
 Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?
Go along Young Street. The Supermarket is on the left.
 Excuse me, is there a bank near here?
Go along Young Street. The bank is on the left
 Excuse me, how can I get to the police station?
Turn right on Elm Street, turn left on Wood Street and
the police station is on the left.
 Excuse me, where is the Secondary school?
Go straight on Elm Street, and the secondary
school is on the right


Young Street
Stree n

Wood Street
Elm Street

page 165 Review Lesson

page 187 Unit 5

Unit five

Project Page

A Map of the School

1AIDBSHUDTo prepare a map of the area around your school.

 Work together with all the class. Complete the map with the names of all
the streets around your school.

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 166

1. Verifique que los estudiantes comprenden las 1. Check that students understand the instructions.

Unit 5 page 188


 In teams of three, draw a map of your block.  Write the names of the streets around your
block. Draw buildings in your block.
Madero Street


Morelos Street
Hidalgo Street
Juarez Avenue

s Street
Juarez A

go Stre

ero Str

Zapata Street

Guerrero Street

 Put all your blocks together and form  Show your map to the class and describe it.
a complete map of your school area.

Suggestion: You can add to your portfolio ant the advertisement you
wrote in lesson seven exercises 8 and 9 of this unit.

page 167 A Map of the School

page 189 Unit 5

Unit five

Time Out!

Around the Neighborhood
1AIDBSHUDTo get to the finish box first.
Instructions to play the
game  Is there a bookstore in your neighborhood?
  Go forward three squares.
@ Work in groups of  Order the words: park/ is/ the/ opposite/school/ the.
three or four.  Make a sentence with between to talk about a place on the map.
A You need a dice and  Where is the subway station?
counters.  The police station is ...
B Player A throws  Are there any schools on the map?
the dice and moves   Go back two squares.
the counter  Where is the church?
according to the   Correct the sentence: The hotel is near to the zoo.
number on the dice.  Is there a convenience store?
C Answer the question  Where is the police station?
according to the  Where can you eat food?
box you landed on.  Throw the dice again.
Look at the list  Say the name of the street where you live.
on this page.  Make a sentence with next to to talk about a place on the map.
D Player B throws  Complete the sentence: The movie theater is on …
the dice and moves  The church is … the hotel.
the counter   The supermarket is on the corner of …. and …
according to the   Throw the dice again.
number on the dice.   Where is the museum?
E Answers the  Order the words: is/a/there/bank/my/house/near.
question according  What can you find next to the record store?
to the box you  Is there a subway station on Chester Street?
landed on. Look  How many churches are there?
at the list on   Go back three squares.
this page. . Make a sentence with drugstore.
F The next players do  The post office is ….
the same.  Go forward one square.
G The winner is the  True or false? The supermarket is near the museum.
person who first  Correct the sentence: There is a park on Kennedy Road.
arrives at the  Throw the dice again.
FINISH box.  Is there a cinema near your home?
 Go back one square.
 Go back four squares.
didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 168

1. Pídales que se reúnan en equipo, lean el objetivo del jue- 1. Ask them to work in groups and read the objective and
go y las instrucciones. A continuación, formule al grupo instructions of the game. Then ask them questions to check
preguntas para verificar que comprendieron lo que tiene that they understood what they need to do.
que realizar.
2. Ask them to play the game with respect for others.
2. Indíqueles que realicen el juego en un ambiente de respeto.

Unit 5 page 190


Jefferson Avenue
Chester Street

Kennedy Road



Washington Avenue
Roosevelt Road

Lincoln Avenue

Wilson Avenue

page 169 Around the Neighborhood

page 191 Unit 5

Unit five

Choose the correct option

  You can buy stamps and send letters at the

a. supermarket.

You can buy meat at the

b. stationery store. c. post office.

Progress Check

a. butcher shop. b. grocery store. c. arcade.

  You can have a milk shake at the

a. arcade. b. greengrocer’s. c. ice cream parlor.

  You can buy pencils and notebooks at the

a. post office. b. stationery store. c. bank.

  You can play video games at the

a. amusement park. b. arcade. c. stationary store.

  _______ there a restaurant near here?

a. Are b. Is c. How

  Where can I find _______ Italian Restaurant?

a. an b. a c. the

  There _______ one opposite the park.

a. are b. has c. is

  _______ can I get there?

a. Where b. How c. What

  The school is _______ the church and the drugstore.

a. opposite b. next c. between

  Excuse me, how _______ I get to the greengrocer’s?

a. can b. am c. go

didácticas Unit 5, Places and Buildings page 170

Unit 5 page 192

  Go _______ this street. It’s opposite the supermarket.

a. straight b. along c. past

  Go _______ ahead and turn left on House Road.

a. past b. along c. straight

  The bookstore is _______ the right.

a. in b. on c. at

  Go _______ the bank and the hospital.

a. past b. along c. turn

____________15 points

Complete the sentences.

____________ is a drugstore next to the post office.
____________ there any movie theaters near here?
Suggestion: You can include in your
____________ is the nearest supermarket? portfolio any language from the
unit that is difficult for you. Check
Get with a partner or look at the picture
  How can I ____________ to the library?
dictionaries, grammar reference
Buy/get or bibliography at the back of the
  Where can I ____________ vegetables? book for help.

  Videogames at an arcade.
You can play ____________

You can cash a check at the ____________.

__________ along this street and turn right on Pen Road.

  Go straight ahead ____________ turn left on Book Avenue.

Turn left on Rice Avenue and go past the church. ____________ turn right on Wilson Street.

My house is ____________ the left.

____________ there a park near here?
  ____________. I don’t know.

Excuse me
  _______________, how can I get to the nearest bank?

  Bus station
You can take a bus at the ________________.

_____________ Total Score: 30 points

page 171 Progress Check

1. Solicite a los menores que en equipos revisen sus repuestas 1. Ask them to work in groups and check their answers and
y el puntaje obtenido por cada uno. their scores.

page 193 Unit 5

y solucionario

page 194
page 195
Fifth Bimonthly Evaluation


Group: Score: 

1. Write the names of these places.

2. Look at the map. Circle the correct option that correspons to the route from 1 to 2.

Bowie Street
Jagger Street

Mc Cartney Road

Floyd Avenue

Vincent Road

a) Turn right and go ahead two streets, turn right. Walk straight ahead one.

b) Turn left, in the first corner turn right. Walk straight ahead one street and turn left at the traffic circle. Walk one block and
turn right. Go ahead one block. Number two is on the corner.

3. Complete the description of the city. Choose the words from the box.

old beautiful modern busy

Guadalajara is an ____________________ city, but modern. It has a _____________________

________________________ big Cathedral. Guadalajara is a quiet but very ____________ city
on weekdays. It has old buildings with _____________ offices and houses.
4. Look at the map. Write the correct order from 1 to 2.

( ) When you get to Wall Street, turn left.

( ) Walk along Morrison Road.
( ) Walk along Wall Street.
( ) Number two is in front of the movietheatre, you can’t miss it!
( ) Go to the corner of Lennon Road.
( ) When you get to Morrison Road, turn right.

Sky Road
Lennon Road

Morrison Road

Wright Street

Star Avenue
Wall Street

5. Look at the map in exercise 4. Choose to places and mark them A and B. Write instructions to get from A to B.

6. Read the texts and match with de pictures.

a) Bungalow near the beach. Splendid sight

of the bay from bedrooms. Pool and all ser-
vices included.

b) Nice apartment. All services included. Near

downtown, supermarkets and movies.

c) This is a beautiful house in the forest with

1000 acres of woods. It is in the center of
the beautiful of Candlehill.

d) Two floors house in the south of the city.

Four square meters garden in front of the

Post office
Gas station

2. b

3. beautiful

4. 1

5. Student´s own answer.

6. c

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