Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) : 1: Halaman

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Application of the LWR Theory

When a vehicle stalls in the HRBT Tunnel, and thereby blocks one of the two lanes, the
incident responders have two option to clear the incident: 1) close the tunnel to traffic to
clear quickly; or 2) keep one of the lanes open to traffic while responding to the incident.
Based on historical data, it takes about 10 minutes (T1) and 30 minutes (T2) to clear the
incidents in options one and two respectively. The input flow and the fundamental
diagrams for two-lane and one-lane scenarios are given below.
a) For both option draw (t,x) diagrams to show the characteristics and shockwaves.
Use ‘’hour’’ and ‘’mile’’ as units of time and distance respectively. Include a
sample vehicle trajectory on each diagram. Assume that the highway is
homogeneous with two lanes; and input flow at x = 0 does not change by time.
Also assume that the incident happens at t =0 and at point xd = 6 miles. Show
the coordinates of the critical points on (t,x) diagram find the corresponding
statre of the traffic stream on the fundamental diagram and indicate it. For
example, if traffic is stopped the corresponding state will be J.
b) Calculate the total travel deklay (relative to non-incident conditions) for each
option for x = 0 to x =xd. Which option is more advantageous from the travelers’
perspective? How long does the queue grow in option one ? how long is the
queue at t = 1/6 hours (10 minutes) ?
c) If we assume that the value of time for travelers is $12 per hour and 200 of these
incidents happen every year, how much money do the motorists save (per year)
when the more advantageous option is taken to clear the incidents relative to the
other option?
d) (optional: 5 bonus point) let p be the ration of T1 to T2. At what p value the
delays in both option are identical?
state of the system
upstream of xd
during incident
input flow option 1 option 2 discharge
u (mph) 55
k (veh/mil)
q (vph) 3000

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 1


For point A
y = 3000
𝑦2 − 𝑦1 𝑦 − 𝑦1
𝑥2 − 𝑥1 𝑥 − 𝑥1

𝑥2 − 𝑥1
𝑥 − 𝑥1 = (𝑦 − 𝑦1 )𝑥
𝑦2 − 𝑦1

𝑥2 − 𝑥1
𝑥 = (𝑦 − 𝑦1 )𝑥 + 𝑥1
𝑦2 − 𝑦1

80 − 40
𝑥 = (3000 − 2200)𝑥 + 40
4400 − 2200

𝑥 = 54.54

A = (54.54,3000)

Relevant shokwave speeds are :

(3000 − 0)
𝑈𝐴𝐽 = = −13.924 𝑚𝑖/ℎ𝑟
(54.54 − 270)
(4400 − 0)
𝑈𝐶𝐽 = = −23.158 𝑚𝑖/ℎ𝑟
(80 − 270)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 2


X (mi)

6.0 L T M

0.167 0.419 t (hr)

t = 10/60 minutes
= 0.167
Since we know the slope of line LS, which is equal to 𝑈𝐴𝐽 =-13.924, and the coordinates
of point L, we can write the equation of line LS:

𝑋𝐿𝑆 = −13.924 ∗ 𝑡 + 6

We also know the slope of line TS, which equal to 𝑈𝐶𝐽 = -23.158, and the coordinates of
point T, we can write the equation of line TS

y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y-6 = -23.158 (0-0.167)
y = -23.158 (0-0.167) + 6
y = 3.867386 + 6
y = 9.867

𝑋𝑇𝑆 = −23.158 ∗ 𝑡 + 9,867

Solving for X and t using these two equations we get the coordinates of point S
-13.924 * t + 6 = -23.158 * t + 9.867
-13.924 * t + 23.158t = 3.867
9.234t = 3.867
t = 3.867/9.234
t = 0.419
𝑋𝐿𝑆 = −13.924 ∗ 𝑡 + 6
= -13.924 * 0.419 + 6
= 0.166
coordinates of point S = t,x (0.149,0.166)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 3


once we know point s, we can write the equation for line sm, (the slope is 55)
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y1 = 0.166
m = 55
x =0
x1/t = 0.419

y – y1 = m (x-x1)
y - 0.166 = 55 (0-0.419)
y = 55 (0-0.419) + 0.166
y = -22.879

𝑋𝑆𝑀 =55*t-22.879

Y = a + bx
6 = -22.879 + 55*t
55*t = 6 + 22.879
t= 28.879/55
t= 0.525 r

For X = 6 mi. t=0.525 hr

Therefore, the coordinates of M = (0.525, 6.0)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 4


For the second option, since B is the midpoint of segment CJ, y =2200

𝑦2 − 𝑦1 𝑦 − 𝑦1
𝑥2 − 𝑥1 𝑥 − 𝑥1

𝑥2 − 𝑥1
𝑥 − 𝑥1 = (𝑦 − 𝑦1 )𝑥
𝑦2 − 𝑦1

𝑥2 − 𝑥1
𝑥 = (𝑦 − 𝑦1 )𝑥 + 𝑥1
𝑦2 − 𝑦1

270 − 80
𝑥 = (2200 − 0)𝑥 + 80
4400 − 0

𝑥 = 175

B = (175,2200)

Relevant shockwave speeds are:

(3000 − 2200)
𝑈𝐴𝐵 = = −6.641 𝑚𝑖/ℎ𝑟
(54.54 − 175)
(4400 − 2200)
𝑈𝐵𝐶 =𝑤= = −23.158 𝑚𝑖/ℎ𝑟
(80 − 175)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 5


X (mi)

6.0 L T M

0.345 S

0.5 0.701 t (hr)

t = 30/60 minutes
= 0.5
Since we know the slope of line LS which is equal to 𝑈𝐴𝐵 = -6,641 and the coordinates of
point L, we can write the equation of line LS

𝑋𝐿𝑆 = −6.641 ∗ 𝑡 + 6
We also know the slope of line TS which is equal to 𝑈𝐶𝐽 = -23.158, and the coordinates
of point T, we can write the equation of line TS

y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y-6 = -23.158 (0-0.5)
y = -23.158 (0-0.5) + 6
y = 11.579+ 6
y = 17.579

𝑋𝑇𝑆 = −23.158 ∗ 𝑡 + 17.579

Solving for X and t using these two equations we get the coordinates of point S
-6.641 * t + 6 = -23.158 * t + 17.579
-6.641 * t + 23.158t = 11.579
16.517.t = 11.579
t = 11.579/16.517
t = 0.701
𝑋𝐿𝑆 = −6.641 ∗ 𝑡 + 6
= -6.641 * 0.701 + 6
= 1.345
coordinates of point S = t,x (0.701,1.345)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 6


once we know point s, we can write the equation for line sm, (the slope is 55)
y-y1 = m (x-x1)
y1 = 1.345
m = 55
x =0
x1/t = 0.701

y – y1 = m (x-x1)
y – 1.345 = 55 (0-0.701)
y = 55 (0-0.701) + 1.345
y = -37.21

𝑋𝑆𝑀 =55*t – 37.21

Y = a + bx
6 = 37.21 + 55*t
55*t = 6 + 37.21
t= 43.21/55
t= 0.786 hr

For X = 6 mi. t=0.786 hr

Therefore, the coordinates of M = (0.786, 6.0)

Lagonda Louis Christian (17202109003) Halaman : 7

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