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Windows Forms for Beginners

Part 2

Demo Projects

• Employee Salary Calculation (Object oriented approach)

What will you learn?

• Adding class with business logic to windows form application and using
it in application
• Using following controls:
o Labels
o Textboxes
o Buttons
o Group-box

Bhushan Mulmule
Project 1: Employee Salary Calculation
Object Oriented Approach

Note: Instead of using variables to save data (as in previous example) here we will
write class Employee with required fields and then will save data in the object of
Employee class

Step 1: Design UI And Change Properties as shown in callouts

• Only 3 textboxes are required to get input from user.

• 7 Labels to display calculated values
• Do not change names of left hand side labels
• Change names of buttons, textboxes and right hand side output labels
• To change looks of right hand side output labels change AutoSize: False,
BackColor: White, BorderStyle: FixedSingle, Text: Blank

7 Labels:
3 Textboxes:
These are output labels
Name: txtEmpNo,
txtName, txtBasicSalary AutoSize: False
BackColor: White
BorderStyle: FixedSingle
Text: Blank

Name: lblHRA, lblTA, lblDA,

lblPF, lblTDS,
lblGrossSalary, lblNetSalary

4 Group boxes:

Text: Blank for

two, Allowances,
Step2: Write Class Employee

• To write class Employee insert new class file in project

o In Solution Explorer Right click on project > Add New Item > Select
Class > Name it “Employee” > Add

• Code Employee class as follow:

class Employee
public int EmpNo { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public float BasicSalary { get; set; }
public float HRA { get; set; }
public float TA { get; set; }
public float DA { get; set; }
public float PF { get; set; }
public float TDS { get; set; }
public float GrossSalary { get; set; }
public float NetSalary { get; set; }

public void calculateSalary()

if (BasicSalary <= 10000)
HRA = 10 * BasicSalary / 100;
TA = 8 * BasicSalary / 100;
DA = 5 * BasicSalary / 100;
else if (BasicSalary <= 15000)
HRA = 12 * BasicSalary / 100;
TA = 10 * BasicSalary / 100;
DA = 8 * BasicSalary / 100;
HRA = 15 * BasicSalary / 100;
TA = 12 * BasicSalary / 100;
DA = 10 * BasicSalary / 100;

GrossSalary = BasicSalary + HRA + TA + DA;

PF = GrossSalary * 5 / 100;
TDS = GrossSalary * 3 / 100;
NetSalary = GrossSalary - (PF + TDS);
Step 3: Add event handlers for buttons

• Calculate button code:

private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Employee emp = new Employee();
emp.EmpNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtEmpNo.Text);
emp.Name = txtEmpName.Text;
emp.BasicSalary = Convert.ToSingle(txtBasicSal.Text);
lblHRA.Text = emp.HRA.ToString();
lblTA.Text = emp.TA.ToString();
lblDA.Text = emp.DA.ToString();
lblPF.Text = emp.PF.ToString();
lblTDS.Text = emp.TDS.ToString();
lblGrossSal.Text = emp.GrossSalary.ToString();
lblNetSal.Text = emp.NetSalary.ToString();

• Write code for New and Exit button and run the project

To Do:

Convert Student Progress Report project (refer part 1) using object oriented
approach (Write Student class)

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