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BFF3503 (PE)


1. To make your project run smoothly, my suggestion is to distribute tasks by assigning member as
a designer, product engineer 1 & 2(PE1/2), Industrial Engineer (IE) and Tooling Engineer (ME). If
your group < 5, ok to have 1 PE. Select a project leader.
2. Decide any electronic product (number of components > 20 pcs) to be used in this project.
3. Dismantle product into its assemblies, sub-assemblies & components.
i. Take photo of all parts. Define part no, part name & quantity (including accessories) based on
template from the given link (template #1)
ii. Discuss product architecture (completed with a diagram)
iii. Identify function of each component based on template from the given link (Template #17).
iv. Study assembly efficiency from the given link (Template #21).
v. Decide Make sure all parts properly kept in place. If jig needed, make it.
vi. Part evaluation -conduct part analysis on the selected plastic and metal component.
 Observe quality of the component. (eg: type of materials, any defect found)
vii. Plan for product assembly
 Develop a Parent Child List/Precedent Diagram and finalise process sequences for assembly.
 Maximum six (6) steps (each step comprise of many activities).
4. Suggestion task for team members;
i. The Designer
 Produces a drawing for the selected component of the product.
 Complete the form for task 3(ii) & 3 (iii).
 Identify safety logo must be applied for the selected product (refer to product safety label)
ii. The ‘PE1’
 Identify the product accessories for full packaging (component and subassembly).
 Complete the form for task 3(iv).
 Prepare Bill of Materials from the given link (Template #23) & Product Tree Diagram.
 Identify type of joining of the product and setting requirement for assembly.
iii. The ’PE2’
 Produce a list of critical dimensions based on the developed/selected component
 Training using CMM and measure the selected component (similar to the produced drawing).
iv. The ‘IE’
 Study all activity to complete assembly process. Produce time for each activity.
 Decide task for each work station considering line balancing & jig required
 Develop standard operating procedure (SOP) to show the process.
v. The ME
 Produce the detailed design for the fixture to be produced.
 Decide material & tools for fixture fabrication.
 Fabricate fixture for product assembly.
5. Final report must be submitted with all the compiled document (forms/photos/drawings). One
page ‘suggestion of improvement’ based on final assembly performance also must be included in
the report.
 To evaluate quality of your project team, filled-up minute meeting for every lab session from
the given link (template #3). Put it in appendix.
 Format & rubric for evaluation for the report s available on KALAM.
 The hardcopy must use ‘tape binding’

Prepared by:
Dr Mohd Zaidi Sidek (Sem 2_2018-19)

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