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LOTRO Warden Cheat Sheet

Helm's Deep, Update 12.2

How to Use This Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet orders the Warden gambits and finishers (gambit chains) under three categories—Assailment,
Determination, or Recklessness. Note that all gambits may be used from any category regardless of tree
specialization, unless otherwise specified.

Furthermore, damage specifiers for gambits are listed in red, and may have other modifiers to elaborate on the
kind of damage. The damage type of a gambit (provided it does any damage) is assumed to be the same as your
weapon's damage type (i.e., Beleriand, Westernesse, common, light, fire, etc.) unless a damage type is explicitly
listed before the damage specifier. The number of attacks (i.e., x3) if there is more than one direct damage
attack is listed after the damage specifier. If the damage is exceptionally heavy damage, it will be listed in bold.
The damage may be specified as AoE (area of effect) if more than one target is affected. Finally, if multiple
damage attacks are utilized of a different kind (i.e., direct vs. damage over time) or of a different type, then each
attack will be listed on separate lines.

The following numbers are used to designate gambit panel icons to use when forming gambits:

In the Fray Stance Assailment Stance

1 – Spear (using Quick Thrust skill) 1 – Javelin (using Quick Toss skill)
2 – Shield (using Shield-Bash skill) 2 – Shield (using Behind the Shield skill)
3 – Fist (using Warden's Taunt skill) 3 – Fist (using Warden's Aim skill)

These numbers are displayed in sequence to indicate which skills to use to build the gambit. For example, 23
designates the Impressive Flourish gambit in Determination, which is built with the Shield and Fist icons on the
gambit panel, using the Shield-Bash/Behind the Shield skill and Warden's Taunt/Warden's Aim skill in

Finally, finishing gambit skills (finishers) and their chain of gambits are listed in order, from top to bottom, and
their cells in the table highlighted. The finisher itself will be underlined. Note that all gambit chains consist of
one 2-skill gambit, plus one 3-skill gambit, plus either a 4-skill gambit or a 5-skill gambit as the finisher, with
the finisher receiving a bonus. Of course, each gambit can be used separately from the change. For example,
you can use the 3-skill gambit alone, or the 5-skill gambit alone. However, the finishing skill gambit will only
have a bonus applied if the chain is executed in order.

Gambit Chain Formula:

xx + yyy + zzzz = Bonus to zzzz

xx + yyy + zzzzz = Bonus to zzzzz


21 (Persevere) + 212 (Safeguard) + 2121 (Celebration of Skill) = Bonus to 2121 (Celebration of Skill)
21 (Persevere) + 212 (Safeguard) + 21212 (Restoration) = Bonus to 21212 (Restoration)
+buff The + symbol is used in front of a word to denote a buff for the player character or his allies. For
example, +block rating denotes that a buff increasing block rating is applied.
-debuf The - symbol is used in front of a word to denote a debuff is applied to enemies. For example,
-outgoing damage denotes that a debuff decreasing an enemy's outgoing damage is applied.
AoE Area of effect; i.e., effect applies to multiple enemies (in the case of damage or debuffs) or allies (in
the case of heals or buffs). This abbreviation is often accompanied with the maximum number of
targets or range, as applicable. For example, AoE x3 denotes that up to 3 targets within range can be
affected. AoE 10m denotes that the effect applies to targets within 10 meters of the player character.
crit Critical
dmg Direct damage
DoT Damage over time (i.e., a bleed or possibly a health drain on the enemy when coupled with a HoT)
HoT Heal over time (possibly a morale drain when coupled with a DoT)
phys mit Phyisical mitigation
tact mit Tactical mitigation
Spear/Javelin Gambits
Gambit Level Into the Fray Stance Icons Assailment Stance
Deft Strike 1 melee dmg 11 ranged dmg
Boot 1 common melee dmg 12 common ranged dmg
>>interrupt<< >>interrupt<<
Onslaught 32 melee dmg x3 121 ranged dmg
>>interrupt<< >>interrupt<<
Wall of Steel 44 melee dmg x3 1212 ranged dmg
>>interrupt<< >>interrupt<<
+parry rating
Offensive Strike 1 melee dmg x2 13 ranged dmg
Morale Tap DoT / HoT -outgoing damage
Combination Strike 22 melee dmg x2 131 ranged dmg
-outgoing damage
BONUS dmg after using
Offensive Strike (13)
Boar's Rush 44 common melee dmg 1313 common ranged dmg
daze on crit -outgoing damage
daze on crit
BONUS dmg after using
Combination Strike (131)
Power Attack 18 melee dmg 123 ranged dmg
common DoT difficult to block, evade, or parry
Mighty Blow 38 melee dmg 1231 ranged dmg
common DoT difficult to block, evade, or parry
difficult to evade or parry
BONUS dmg after using
Power Attack (123)
Unerring Strike 50 melee dmg 12312 ranged dmg
common DoT common DoT
difficult to block, evade, or parry difficult to block, evade, or parry
BONUS dmg after using
Mighty Blow (12312)
Reversal 50 melee dmg 132 ranged dmg
corruption removal corruption removal
Adroit Maneuver 58 melee dmg 1321 ranged dmg
reduces attack duration reduces attack duration
The Dark Before 60 melee dmg x2 12131 ranged dmg
Dawn restores power restores power
Warden's Triumph 70 melee dmg 13213 ranged dmg
+melee damage +ranged damage
Shield Gambits
Gambit Level Into the Fray Stance Icons Assailment Stance
Defensive Strike 1 melee dmg 22 ranged dmg
+block rating +block rating
1. Persevere 1 melee dmg 21 ranged dmg
+block rating
+partial block chance
2. Safeguard 24 common melee dmg 212 ranged dmg
+block rating
+partial block chance
3a. Celebration of 24 melee dmg 2121 ranged dmg
Skill (finisher) +block rating HoT
+partial block chance
+incoming healing modifier
3b. Restoration 24 melee dmg 21212 ranged dmg
(finisher) HoT HoT
1. Impressive 1 light DoT 23 light DoT
Flourish +crit defense, +phys mit, +tact mit +crit defense, +phys mit, +tact mit
2. Maddening Strike 16 melee dmg 232 melee dmg
+crit defense, +phys mit, +tact mit +crit defense, +phys mit, +tact mit
3a. Dance of War 34 +crit defense, +phys mit 2323 +crit defense, +phys mit
3b. Conviction 16 HoT AoE 30m 23232 HoT AoE 30m
(finisher) +AoE crit defense, +AoE tact mit +AoE crit defense, +AoE tact mit
Shield Mastery* Tier 2 +block rating, +evade rating, 2132 +block rating, +evade rating,
+ranged block rating +ranged block rating
Shield Tactics* Tier 4 stun immunity!, +tact mit 2312 stun immunity!, +tact mit
* Usable only when specialized in the Determination tree. Earned at the tier specified in the level column.
Fist Gambits
Gambit Level Into the Fray Stance Icons Assailment Stance
Goad 1 light DoT AoE x3 33 light DoT AoE x3
<<Taunt>> AoE x3 <<Taunt>> AoE x3
Precise Blow/Throw 12 melee dmg 31 ranged dmg
light DoT -critical defense
Piercing Strike/Toss 30 common melee dmg 313 common ranged dmg
light melee dmg light ranged dmg
light DoT -crit defense
Spear/Javelin of 46 common melee dmg 3131 common ranged dmg
Virtue light melee dmg light ranged dmg
light DoT -crit defense
1. War-Cry 13 light DoT AoE x10 32 light DoT AoE x10
+evade rating +evade rating
2. Brink of Victory 34 light DoT 323 light DoT
+evade rating +evade rating
3a. Surety of Death 16 melee dmg 3232 melee dmg
(finisher) light DoT light DoT
+evade rating +evade rating
3b. Desolation 34 light DoT AoE x3 32323 light DoT AoE x3
(finisher) -miss chance -miss chance
Resounding 80 light dmg AoE x6 3231 light DoT AoE x6
Fierce Resolve 24 Morale Tap DoT AoE x10 / HoT 312 Morale Tap DoT AoE x10 / HoT
Exultation of Battle 60 Morale Tap DoT AoE x10 / HoT 31232 Morale Tap DoT AoE x10 / HoT
Resolution 72 Moral Tap dmg AoE x10 / Heal 3123 Moral Tap DoT AoE x10 / HoT

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