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It is a location where someone works

for his or her employer, a place of
employment. Such a place can range
from a home office to a large office
building or factory.

1. A complete understanding of your

work and knowledge of every step that
must be taken and the realization that
mistakes could be costly to yourself
and to the company.
2. Good Judgment. Never rely on luck;
always be prepared to cope with
unexpected situations and being alert
when following your routine.

3. A consideration for the family that

depends on you, for the company that
employs you, and for your own
4.Remembering the safety rules
set up by your company and
applying them every minute when
you are on the job.

5.It is neat and orderly Employees

6. Understanding their work and
how to do it safely

7. Recognizing the importance of

safe work practices to
accomplishing their goals.

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