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U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of investigation Wasnington, D.C. 20535 September 27, 2019 MICHELE GROVER, HSBC BANK PAYEE 231 SWLOCUST STREET, NEW PLYMOUTH, IDAHO, 83655 FOIPARequestNO.: 1354040-001 Subject: INDEMNITY COMPENSATION OWNERSHIP AND GUARANTEED REMITTANCE OF FUND. Dear Ms. Grover: ‘The purpose of this leer is to advise you of the status of your Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA) request at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Material consisting of 84 page(s) has/have been reviewed pursuant to Tite 5, U.S. Code, Section 552, and this material 4s being withheld in its entirety by the HSBC Bank pursuant to subsections (by(7)(C),(ON7)E) and (b\(6). For your information, the FBI have declared you as the legal beneficiary and Owner of the total amount sum of (US '$950,000.00) Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars. We further clearly announce that the name above, had benefited these amount from the 2019 Consolidated indemnity Compensation Program. FBI have also confirm and approve the above named beneficiary, as legal owner of funds. ‘Thus our Ireversible and irrevocable Guarantee agreement to beneficiaries, states that; Considering Financial Policy and Monetary Regulations, we guarantee and assure that upon endorsement adherence of the mandated tax to beneficiary, payment of funds by your preferred manner will be done in full with immediate effect. Funds ‘must reach you within stipulated hours. Our Guarantee also serve as attestation, that your payment is authentic and original from legitimate source, and is no way associated with Fraud, Money Laundering or Terrorism activities. We accept responsibilty of any unexpected occurrence or delays after beneficiary compliance. In the event of any contradiction to these guarantee letter, been the FBI Special Agent in Charge, | shail be liable to any challenge in court of aw, ifwe breach, void or amend our guarantees herein. MARK De 3 FBI ‘SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE. (ON BEHALF OF: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION

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