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Sometimes we ask ourselves these question How can we develop our social skills? Or
Why is it important to develop social skills? but we haven’t had answer.

Currently, people are looking for the development of social skills at school, at the
university or in different places because social skills enable the individual to establish
proper communications with other people and contribute to having a positive impact on
them. Also Saadi Sami informed that the frequency of doing sports and participation of
individuals in sportive activities was influenced at a certain ratio by environmental factors
such as the place to live.

First, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise prevents health

problems, increases strength, increases energy and can help reduce stress, so with this
information we know that do exercise or practice a sport will help our health but in social
skills, how can help us?. When you practice a sport you may develop the following:

• You will get social values such as respect, commitment, collaboration and

• Physical exercise provides great psychological well-being by promoting

teamwork, self-esteem and solidarity. practice, promotes self-knowledge and an
incredible formula to learn to value and integrate successfully in the group.

When we take about respect in sport, although this be individual sport or team sport.
Surely there is rivalry with other competitors , but sport teaches them to respect the
opposite and also their own teammates. An essential value that you can apply in many
other aspects of your day to day.

In addition, Artur Tatar informed that people who develop social skills may have a good
job where have a well comunication with the other employers but if they hadn't
developed social skills, they wouldn’t have had a good comunication in their Jobs and
they might lose their job.

To sum up,i believe that the social skills help in different aspect of our life like in the job,
at university or in our family and this is important because thanks of this we have a well
comunication and we should teach other people these skills social to live in a better

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