Deficient Knowledge Related To Urinary Tract Infection: "Di Ako Aware About Sa UTI"as Verbalized by The Client

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Subjective: Goal: Independent After 8 hours of nursing

intervention, the patient
“di ako aware Deficient Short term: After 1 Assess the patient’s pattern of Serve as a basis for was able to:
about sa knowledge hour of nursing elimination. determining appropriate
UTI”as related to intervention, the client interventions. Patient was able to
verbalized by Urinary tract will be able to: achieve normal urinary
Note client’s age and gender. UTIs are more
the client infection elimination pattern and
 verbalize prevalent in women and demonstrated behavioral
understanding older men. techniques to prevent
of the condition Palpate the client’s bladder urinary infection.
Objective: To determine the
 identify specific every 4 hours. presence of urinary
Frequent causative
retention. .
urination, factors
urgency, and  patient To help improve renal
Encourage increased fluid
hesitancy. maintains blood flow.
intake (3-4 liters a day if
Dysuria balanced tolerated).
intake and
VITAL SIGNS: output with Encourage the client to
clear, odor-free Encourage the client to void
BP: 130/80 void every 2-3 hours.
urine, free of every 2-3 hours.
RR: 26 urinary leakage Proper perineal care
Instruct the female client to
helps in minimizing the
PR: 105 Long term: After 8 wipe the area from front to
back and the avoidance of bath risk of contamination
hours of nursing and re-infection.
Temperature: tubs.
interventions, the
36.8 degree client will be able to: Maintain an acidic
celcius Maintain an acidic environment
of the bladder by the use of environment of the
 Client will agents such as Vit.C, bladder by the use of
achieve normal Mandelamine (a urinary agents such as Vit.C,
urinary antiseptic) when appropriate.
elimination Mandelamine (a urinary
pattern, as antiseptic) when
evidenced by appropriate.
absence sign
Dependent: For drugs that can alter
of urinary Review medication regimen
disorders bladder or kidney
(urgency, function
Implement and monitor
oliguria, interventions for specific To modify treatment as
dysuria). elimination probem and
 Client will evaluate client’s response
techniques to
prevent urinary

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