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Report :1 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author :

Year : 2018


*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, it is hoped that the time to use the smartphone correctly
and foster patterns of student achievement for school. So that it can improve the
achievements of children in school so they can make a bright future. parents also oppose
the use of cellphones so as not to be used by children to see dangerous spectacles.

*(approximately 50 words)


Report :2 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author :

Year :


*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, health education can increase knowledge in children so
parents need to pay attention to their children's relationships besides giving time and
attention to their sons. parents can also provide motivation and enthusiasm for their children
who are looking for knowledge, do not scold children in physical or verbal form because it
will make the child's psychic change.
*(approximately 50 words)


Report :3 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title : How Nursing Students Interest And Motivation With Nursing Student Skills
Last Semester at STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Author : Ivtika Maghfiroh

Year : 2018

High Interest and motivation to be nursing student is important to determine student's
attitude to get good skill. Nursing student's skill can refer to soft skill and hard skill. The
purpose of this study is to find out how Nursing Students With Nursing Student Skills Last
Semester at STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan. Research design used correlational
analytic method with Cross sectional approach. The population of all Nursing student's last
semester in STIKES Muhammadiyah Lamongan is 221 students, the number of sample 141
student's with Stratifiied Random Sampling technique. The instrument of this research is
questionnaire, taking data, then done editing, coding, tabulating, scoring and analyzed using
Regresion test.

*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, From this study there is a relationship of interest and
motivation with the skills of nursing students last semester. This should increase students'
interest and motivation in teaching and learning to improve student skills. This is also a
benchmark for the independence of students to conduct research in the field of health,
especially nursing so as to bring up the latest innovations.
*(approximately 50 words)


Report :4 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title : The Effect of Murattal Al Quran and Therapeutic Communication on Anxiety
Level of Minor Preoperative Patients in Unrestricted Area at Muhammadiyah
Lamongan Hospital.

Author : Imam Khawarom

Year : 2018


Preoperative is defined as the first stage of perioperative care that begins when the
patient is admitted into the patient's receiving room and terminates when the patient is
transferred to the operating table for surgery. Anxiety will increase as the operating schedule
gets closer. Feelings of anxiety are affected by the fear of facing pain and how the process
of operation is. Meanwhile preoperative patients will generally experience psychosocial
problems that is anxiety and fear. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of
Murattal Al Quran Therapy and Therapeutic Communication on Anxiety Level of Minor
Preoperative Patients in Unrestricted Area at Muhammadiyah Lamongan Hospital The
design of this study is Pre-experimental analytic with One group Pretest Posttest approach,
with all pre op-minor patients experiencing average anxiety in September-November 2017
of 1146 patients using Simple Random Sampling. Pre op- minor patients who experienced
anxiety in February 2018 as many as 44 patients. The data was collectedusing
questionnaires, interviews and observations, then the data processed and analyzed by
multiple linear regression test.

*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, the results of this study indicate that medical staff need to
provide Al-Qur'an communication and therapeutic communication to reduce the level of
anxiety in preoperative minor patients. because in my opinion it is as hypnosis to relieve
pain or feelings of temporary shock for the patient and to calm the patient's psyche.

*(approximately 50 words)

Report :5 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title : The Correlation of Parenting Style and The Use of Video Games with
Aggressive Behavior of School-Age Children in Elementary School 1 of
Sukoanyar Turi Lamongan.

Author : Rizki Amalia Putri

Year : 2018

Aggressive behavior is a form of complex social behavior that describe behavior
directed to hurt others. Parenting and the use of video games is factors that can influence
aggressive behavior of school-age children. This study aimed to know the correlation
between parenting style and the use of video games with aggressive behavior of school-age
children in Elementary School 1 of Sukoanyar Turi Lamongan. Study design was
correlational analytic with cross sectional approach. Population were 37 respondents and
sample were 34 of them taken using simple random sampling method. Data were collected
with closed-questionnaire and analyzed by chi-square test on SPSS program with significant
level a=0.05

*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, it shows that childcare style can influence aggressive
behavior of school-age children, so it is necessary to provide education to parents about the
ideal parenting style for children according to age and developmental stage. if the child is
given physical or verbal violence it will make the child change like the child's thinking and
development in mental and psychological terms
*(approximately 50 words)

Report :6 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title : The Correlation OF The Level Confidence With Anxiety In The Face Of
Competence In STIKes Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Author : Aisyatul Mufidah

Year : 2018


Anxiety is the feeling of fear which is not obvious and is not supported the situation.
Anxiaty in the face of uji competence in Stikes Muhammadiyah Lamongan influence The
purpose of research is to know the relation level of confidence with anxiety in of uji
competence in Stikes Muhammadiyah Lamongan Research design korelasi analitik with the
approach of the cross sectional, the sampling teknique used is consecutive sampling sample
taken as much as 42 responden, file collected with a questionaire, and in the analysis using
uji spearman rank on the programe SPSS 18,0 with level significance a=0.05

*(approximately 75-100 words)


After reading this thesis, it shows that the level of confidence affects the anxiety of
students in facing competency tests on Muhammadiyah stikes in Lamongan. before the
competency exam students should be given motivation to learn and also a spiritual splash
to increase self-confidence so that anxiety can be reduced or can be lost.

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Report :7 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author : Rio Okta Khoerum

Year : 2018


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*(approximately 50 words)

Report :8 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author :

Year : 2018


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*(approximately 50 words)

Report :9 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author :

Year : 2018


*(approximately 75-100 words)


*(approximately 50 words)

Report : 10 Date of Reading: 13 October 2019

Title :

Author :

Year : 2018


*(approximately 75-100 words)


*(approximately 50 words)

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