Abstract and Acknkowledgement

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Title: “Causes and Effects of Tardiness among Gr:10 students in OPS


Authors: Jonathan R. Amor

Ricky G. Rimpola
Rubentino B. Rimbao Jr.
Kyle R. Tangcuangco

The objective of this study is to know the common Reasons of the students
regarding to their behaviors of being tardy. Aside from that,the rearchers conduct
the study to help the students realized and minimize the behavior of being tardy
and the teachers to be aware and understand why there are students who are
coming to school late. In Oas Polytechnic School uptown campus there are a
number of student who committed late/absent. After the reseachers analyze the
data, the found out that most students are absent and coming to school late or
their irresponsibility in walking up early and lack of interest in coming to school.


With the completion of this dissertation. The reseachers would like to thank to the
following people Mrs. Aurora Candelaria and Mr. Victor Revale who gave support
and instructions to accomplish this project. They exerted their efforts in providing
guides for the reseachers in doing research. A special thanks to the school principal
Mr. Victor Revale who gives permission to the reseachers to gather data inside the
school. Also for the people who cooperate and who have shared their opinions
seriously and honestly to the Reseachers the respondents. Without them this
project will not be completed and no data will be gathered,their contributions are
of great value of the reseachers would like to thank to the parents who gave of
tardiness and protect instructional time.failure to do so will lead to a marked
decline in the academic climate and performance of the institution. Indiscipline will
also increase. Administrators must lead by example. Tardiness is a problem,
whether it is practiced by students or teachers. It usually takes two form; tardiness
for school and tardiness for classes throughout the schoolday. The school
administration must deal with it head on or it will definitely get worse.there must
be a clear and strictly enforced policy against tardiness in any shape of form and
from any source.


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