Selected Gathered/ Collected Fluctuated Fluctuating

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The chart provides information on how much waste was selected gathered/

collected by a recycling centre between 2011 and 2015. Overall,all four types of
waste followed a similar trend,only fluctuated fluctuating slightly. It is also clearly
seen that paper was collected the most while garden held the smallest figure over
5 consecutive years.

In 2011,the centre reprocessed collected (recprocess k chinh xac vi de bai la

collect chu khong phai recycle rac) 57 tons of paper ,which was the largest
number, closely followed byt nearly 50 tons of glass. The figure for tins was
considerably lower, being observed at 35 tons and slightly dwarfinged the
quantity of garden waste, which stood at 32 tons. One year later, all numbers
witnessed a considerable decline with the exception of garden waste, whose
figure in 2011 roughly halved to only 15 tons. In 2013, the centre gathered a
greater amount of glass, tins and garden waste, while the figure for paper was
negatively correlatedshowed an opposite pattern/trend, dipping from 50 to 40
tons, making it no longer the highest figure.
Since the third year of the period, paper waste experienced an upward trend and
reached its peak of 70 tons in 2015. Likewise, the quantity of glass also amounted
to its highest point (52 tons) after a slight decrease in 2014 and that of tins
showed a similar trend, dropping to 33 in 2014 and rising to 39 tons at the end of
the period. Additionally, after a period of volatilityfollowing a volatile pattern,
garden waste collected ended the period at 35 tons, marginally lower than the
quantity of tins waste but still held = represented (thay bằng từ này ok hơn) the
smallest figure.
Bài này chị sửa xong em có chỉnh lại ạ. Bài này được band mấy ạ và em muốn
được 7.0 bài này thì cần bổ sung gì ạ Bài này có thể được 7.0 rồi đó, chú ý sử
dụng một số từ cho đúng ngữ cảnh nữa là ok. Nhưng phải đảm bảo là đi thi viết
được như vậy trong 20p nhé.

Task 2.Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can
cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent
do you agree with this statement? (cam 13 test 1)
As society develops, people now have the chance to live abroad and speak a
second language. Although some people think this brings some benefits, I am
highly supportive that it could cause both major social and practical issues.
To begin with, there are two main social challenges facing
immigrationsimmigrants.. Undeniably, when living in an international alen/non-
native nation, people would have to adapt to the country’s customs and traditions, Formatted: Highlight

which could be really hard for them = speaking a foreign language may cause
social problems due to the breakdown in understanding between people of different
cultures. This is because they have been used to their home country’s culture and
lifetyles, therefore struggling to adapt to new ones (Khi viết 1 câu, nên tìm cách để
đưa về mối quan hệ nhân quả bằng cách dùng câu điều kiện, dùng mệnh đề quan hệ
rút gọn “ Clause ,thereby/therefore + V_ing,…. For example, while eating loudly is
encouraged in some nations ( in order to show the host the meals are delicious) but
in other countries, it might be considered as an impolite actionmanner in other
countries (tránh sử dụng “but” vì hơi informal). Additionally, there are
considerable differences in many other aspects such as communication skills
methods or lifestyles, which would certainly make it arduous for foreigners to get Formatted: Highlight

on well or befriend with locals = integrate well . Cần expand thêm ở đây vì đây
mới chỉ là 1 main point.
Moving to the practical problems, it should be firstly recognized that living in a
foreign nation would put people into feeling depresseda state of depression. This
results from the fact that a different place with different people of various lifestyles
and customs would bring the feeling of isolation to international residents,
especially newcomers without the support from families and friends. To take an
illustration, students who study abroad often find themselves really secluded (tránh
sử dụng phrasal verb quá nhiều trong bài) left out and lonely because they have to
meet strange people on a daily basis. Another reason issue is that foreigners would
be likely to be deceived due to the lack of knowledge of the country they live in
such as regulations, human rights and the like. For instance, when purchasing
goods, the local seller may increase the original price to a much higher one without
the international consumer’s knowing. This is because the foreigner think that the
money they have to pay is the real cost. Commented [m1]: Ví dụ này không thuyết phục và mang
tính chủ quan, k thực tế. giá cả thường đc niêm yết nên việc
tăng giá là khó xảy ra.
In conclusion, immigrations immigrants/people living abroad could be confronted
with acute social problems together with practical ones because of differences in
culture and lifestyles and the lack of necessary knowledge.
6.0: Xem một bài mẫu phía dưới

One of the biggest social and practical challenges that people living abroad face is
the language barrier. I believe that this can lead to very serious social problems in
many countries but technology has made the practical issues less relevant over the
last several decades.
The main reason that having to speak a foreign language can cause social problems is Formatted: Justified
through the breakdown in understanding between people of different cultures. The
most salient example of this is in the United States where there has been
an influxof Hispanic immigrants, especially along the Southern border. These
immigrants are typically able to integrate well if they learn English but those that
have not learned have provoked social problems and even violent reactions. Many
English speaking residents resent the immigrants failure to integrate and this has
resulted in discriminatory practices and widespread racism towards
Hispanics. This in turnhas caused many Hispanics to develop an antipathy towards
other residents and segregate themselves in homogeneous neighborhoods.
There are comparatively fewer practical problems caused by not knowing the
language of the country where you live because of the development of technology in
general and smartphones in particular. Computers have made it much easier to look
up directions, find important information and get quick translations. Smartphones
have made this even easier. If foreigners do not know the language of the country
where they live, they can still find restaurants to their liking on Facebook and get
simple directions through Google Maps. They can even order food online without
having to use another language. If they need to communicate with someone who does
not speak their language they can simply take out their phone and use Google
translate to slowly, but effectively, convey a message. The problems that not knowing
the language of the country where you live causes are therefore minimaland easily
In conclusion, I only partly agree with the statement in question. Not knowing a
language when living abroad can cause social unrest but pragmatic concerns have
been mitigated by recent technology.
The pictures illustrate the how a city hospital's transport infrastructure a road to a
city hospital changed in a three-year-period starting from 2007. Overall, the the
hospital’s vehicle accessroad witnessed considerable transformations after the
construction of many new facilities, with the appearance of a new bus station,
new roundabouts and new parking facilities. (Overview nên có 1 câu nói là có sự
thay đổi đáng kể + 1 câu đưa ra 2-3 sự thay đổi cụ thể đó theo ý kiến chủ quan
người viết).
In 2007, there were six bus stops located along the Hospital Road, three on each
side, which helped people to get to the hospital by bus. Additionally, people could
also drive their car to the clinic and parked their cars in a place situated near the
right hand -side of the bus stations. This car park (garage k bằng nghĩa) garage
was available to both staff and public and adjacent to the City Road (tên riêng
không thêm “the””, which was to the eastern side of the Hospital Roadone. From
the bus stop or car park, people could walk straight toaccess the hospital via ,
which was surrounded by the Ring Road.
In the following three years, the city hospital's transport infrastructurethe way to
the city hospital underwent some major changes The six bus stops were no longer
present in 2010, and instead there was the addition of a bus station on the west
side of Hospital Road. The six bus stops were converted into a big one on the left-
hand side of the Hospital Road, where two roundabouts were erected, with one
at the intersection of City Road and Hospital Road, and the other second at the
other end of Hospital Roadfrom the beginning to the end of it. In addition, the
original garage car park become thewas designated area for divided into two
parts: the place for staff parking only was to the right of the Hospital Road, while
the one fora new car park for public use lied on the western side of the City
Hospital. The reverse was true forMeanwhile, Ring Road and City Road , which
remained the same throughout the period.
Chú ý đọc kỹ đề bài và phân tích hình cho chính xác. Ví dụ khu đỗ xe năm 2010 là
được chuyển thành nơi đỗ cho staff, và xây thêm 1 khu đỗ cho public ở gần city
road, chứ không phải chia ra làm 2 khu đỗ xe. So sánh vị trí tương quan các đối
tượng giữa 2 hình vẽ để mô tả cho chính xác.


Task 2. Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects.
Other people think that in today’s world, subjects like Science and
Technology are more important than History. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.
Formatted: Highlight
Every school subject has its own advantages, and the answer to the question which Commented [m2]: Câu này diễn đạt hơi cũ, thay bằng
“Opinions are divided on which subject is the most
ones are the most important varies. Some people believe that History plays a important of all school subjects.”
sigificant role in educationis a part of important subject areas, while it is claimed
by others that subjects such as Science and Technology are more crucial. While I
admit there are some benefits of studying History, it is my strong belief = I am Formatted: Highlight

more convinced that the two latter subjects bring = offers more significant
On the one hand, learning History provides students with two main advantages.
Firstly, Undoubtedly, when being taught this subject, pupils could know a number
of historical events and people, which means that their social knowledge could be
widened (Tránh sử dụng undoubtedly, undeniably,…). For instance, they could
understand the meaning = significance of a famous place’s name or simply how
their hometown a country has developed, thereby providing students insights into
different cultures and dynasties prevalent worldwide. More importantly, History
enables students to imagine the way their ancestors lived and survived, which Commented [m3]: Advantage này thực ra trùng lắp với
advnatge phía trên, đều là hiểu hơn về lịch sử và quá khứ.
could give them valuable life lessons and experiences such as how to make fire or Em nên tìm 1 point khác ví dụ như “History knowledge can
live in harmony with others. help people avoid those mistakes in the future. It is
generally believed that one must not dwell on the past
rather should focus on the present and future. But the roots
On the other hand, although the benefits History offers are notable, subjects such of the present and future are always linked to the past.
as Science and History would be of more necessityimportance/significnace. First Hence, humans cannot ignore the importance of knowing
about the past to create a better future.
and foremost, these subject areas could assist students in keeping up with the
Formatted: Highlight
modern world, where technology is the leading element = are the basis for much of
the fabric of the modern society since they affect different aspects of life. That is to Formatted: Highlight

say,  It stands to reason that studying subjects associated with natural

sciencethese supplies pupils withof knowledge about the science technology world
so that they would not be stone-blindignorant of contemporary issues or fallen
behind in the modern society. In addition, subjects related to Science and
Technology also help (chú ý thì động từ”ed students in their career. To be more
specific, as nowadays the wealth of a nation is concerned with its scientific and
technological developments and employers tend to look for high-tech
workers/employees, studentspupils could secure a promising/flagging career if
having profound knowledge of technological or scientific area.
To conclude, despite some remarkable = immeasurable advantages of studying
History, Science and Technology and other related subject brings more outstanding
merits in terms of their roles in formulating the modern societyjob security and
keeping pace with the pursuit. (summarise 2 main ideas cần phải
equivalent về mặt chức năng: Noun and Noun, hoặcV_ing and V_ing, chứ k phải
Noun and V_ing)
Bài này khoảng 6.0. Em cần phân tích sâu hơn vì nhiều chỗ hơi chung chung.

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