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Name : Mirza Khayhan Asyitiani

Class : IPAcc
Student Number : 20190420152
Subjects : Pancasila
Lecture : DR. Ahmad Sahide, S.I.P., M.A.

Resume Effect of terrorism discourse on the banning of Muslim

citizens to the United States

After the war of liberal ideology against the Communists in America seemed to have
been extinguished. Then at the beginning of the 21st century the world was again shaken by
witnessing the collapse of World Trade Center (WTC) from terror attacks. That resulted in the
casualties of 2,977 0rang who died. The event known as the Black September seemed to be the
turning point of the foreign political policy. The first target of the terrorist war is AL Qaeda
which carries Islamic ideology. The US view is influential in the international view, that Islam
is a religion of terror. Donlad Trump banned 7 Muslim Muslims in the early 2017, and then
inaugurated on 27 January 2017. An impact on the Islamic State: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia.
Although this policy has gained opposition from the U.S. state itself because it is considered to
be a legal and consitution, Trump remains strong to run it. In the policy made by Trump has
been established but has been done several times revisions, Islam and terrorism as if already
attached to each other in the public. In this context the discourse of terrorism can be seen as an
rooting of power. Welter Rich argues that terrorists can be broadly defined as "a violent
strategic designed to improve the outcome of desired outcomes" terrorist tends to be used to
achieve political objectives. The act of terror committed by AL Qaeda is one of political Islam.
Things done by them have an ideology because it has the concept of power.
Although both are different agam and ideology but in some aspects have the same
character and purpose. Some terms present Sarah's passing terrorism, such as jihad. However
jihad, and specifically jihadism, has another definition if attributed to the discourse of
terrorism. Jihadism is one of the variants of Islamic politics. Although since the beginning of
the policy of Muslim dams is very conversional, there are not many leaders of countries in the
world who rejected it explicitly, except the state of Islam. A solid support Factor has been seen
through the retention of Muslim banning policies in the US. After Black September, a
condensed terrorism discourse coloring international political rhetoric. The U.S. continues to
encourage this discourse by being accompanied by an overseas political policy that greatly
influences the dynamics of international politics. Doctrine (pre-emptive strike). This doctrine
makes the US Mersa entitled to enter and attack the country that is considered a terrorist nest.
His early victims were Iran and Afghanistan. Based on some of the facts, David Harvey calls
US expansion into various Islamic countries in the Middle East as a form of new imperialism.
The US also had an important role in the coup of the Egyptian president, Mohamed Moris, in
2013. The Empire in the view of Hardt and Negri is a political subject that effectively governs
the world's economic preexisting, an authority governing the world. What is striking is that in
the present time no territory has become the boundary of territorial sovereignty. Of the two
US-owned Imperium, the U.S. has implemented its powers to support its international
economic and political interests.
In the U.S. expansion to Afghanistan and Iraq it is clearly apparent that the Hard Power
is oriented towards the de facto space mastery. Indonesia is immersed in the neoliberal
economy due to a memorandum of understanding. The Sector of Piblik, which was opened in
a monopoly by the state, was open for investment. The interest of the US is very important in
the signing of a memorandum of understanding that the IMF has offered. In the banning of the
seven Islamic States to the US beginning in 2017, it is clear how the discourse of terrorism is
influential in the international relations of Islamic countries... Addressing the policy of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is only capable of issuing criticism and assessing
this policy only cultivating the nature of anarchism. Of the seven Islamic states that were
banned from entering the U.S. at the policy of Muslim prohibiting the first version, responding
firmly to Iran. Along with the banning, President Trump also authorized a postponement order
for refugees and the application of strict supervision for tourists from the Islamic State. Even
on April 7, 2017, the U.S. military forces were Frontal attacking Syrian airbase. From the above
exposure to the war on terrorism which is a form of foreign political policy in the UNITED
states has made a negative impact on international countries.

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