Why Cost Cutting Fails To Deliver: by J de Vries

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de Vries J, 2002.

in Proceedings Underground Operators Conference 2002, pp 127-

132 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne). Reprinted
with permission of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

By J de Vries 1

Over the past decade most, if not all participants in the resources sector have been involved in
initiatives to improve margins, reduce costs and improve business profitability. In many cases the
initiatives undertaken have fallen short of their stated objectives, and in some cases have resulted in
terminal declines of the underlying business. In reviewing why many such initiatives fail, a common
theme of arbitrary cost reduction and a focus on minimising cost as opposed to maximising value and
cashflow emerges.

This paper proposes a structured process that allows mine owners and managers to develop an
understanding of their cost structure and optimise production and cost outcomes from the business.
The broad objective of cost optimisation is to create value by getting more out of existing and new
assets by focussing on operational areas, particularly production and maintenance. The paper uses
practical examples to highlight the application of cost driver trees as a mine improvement tool.

Introduction Successful cost reduction and margin improvement is rigorous,

systematic and data intensive. It is only after the whole cost and
When observing what went wrong in failed margin productivity structure has been studied and modelled that
improvement and cost reduction programs, what emerges is a effective and organisationally safe improvement initiatives can
common theme of inadequate assessment of interconnectedness be undertaken.
between physical activities and their related costs. In many
cases actions taken reflect accounting decisions, as opposed to This paper reviews the use of cost and productivity driver trees
business decisions. to provide a systematic framework to highlight relationships
within cost structures. To highlight the methodology a case
Two distinct types of failure occur. The first type of failure is study is used.
simply making the wrong choice. Typically, this is due to
limited time or data to be able to complete the task. For The objective is not an attempt to discredit many initiatives in
example in a cost reduction program, the use of emulsion or place. Rather, it aims to present the use of cost and productivity
ANFO explosive in stope firings might arise. To make the right driver trees as a tool to assist mine management to take control
choice, a study should not only consider the direct cost of of their own destiny and act before somebody else does it for
explosive. The impact of hole size, drill spacing, cost to charge, them.
and blast induced dilution should be included in the assessment.
A more through analysis would include assessment of differing Over Time, Cost Structures Are Unstable
fragmentation on LHD bogging rates, truck damage, and Over time most mine and processing plant cost structures lose
crushing and milling cost and throughput. calibration with the activity or process that gives rise to cost
structure. Periodic reviews of the overall cost structure are
The second type of failure relates to arbitrary cost reduction. helpful in spotting early problems. This should not be confused
There is a very real probability that an across cost reduction with routine reporting of unit costs. Common causes of cost
will reduce physical capacity to below sustainable levels. This structure change are failed expansions, changes in operating
may have long term impacts on mine viability. The long term rates, increased depth, technology and management
negative impact of deferred mine development would be an restructuring.
experience familiar to many mine managers.
The impact of failed expansions, or the inability of a mine to
The common theme in both types of failure is an inability to reach design capacity can have important implications for cost
identify the bottleneck in the business. If a bottleneck is not structures. For example Ward and McCarthy (1999) observed
identified prior to restructuring, further operational capacity that only 50% of underground base metals mines and mills
reductions could further reduce the bottleneck, crippling the achieve nameplate capacity by Year 3, additionally 25% never
operation. achieve nameplate capacity. Yet it is reasonable to assume that
both manning and equipment levels are sufficient to achieve the
nameplate operating rates at the completion of construction. In
cost terms, we would observe that both fixed and capacity costs
in the above projects are underutilised.
1. MAusIMM, MMICA, Principal Mining Engineer, Australian Mining
Consultants Pty Ltd, 19/114 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 Recent implementations of Enterprise Resource Programs
Email: jdevries@ausmin.com.au
(ERP) such as SAP, GD Edwards etc have done little to
Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

improve the transparency and calibration of mine cost Figure 2 – Detailed driver tree
structures. The common failure of many implementations is the
inability to readily reconcile the observed cost structure to Cost/ person
observed physical activities. Under such circumstances
management has very limited capacity to assess the relative
value for money being achieved. The lack of transparency also People
makes it difficult to understand the relationship between Productivity/
($/drifter m)
physical activities and the cost outcomes.
Cost/ rig
Unfortunately most ERP’s are accounting platforms and are
simply not designed as continuous improvement tools.
Additional software, involving data warehousing and similar Development
processes needs to be integrated into the ERP before the drilling ($/drifter m)
($/drifter m) Productivity/
platform has enough data to be transparent. This next step is rig
still a few years away.

Driver Tree Analysis Supplies

($/drifter m)
The objective of using a driver tree as an analysis tool is to
highlight the relationship between physical activities and the Cost Behaviour
resulting expenditure within a cost structure. Properly
structured, driver trees drill down from high-level Key Most managers are familiar with fixed and variable cost
Performance Indicators (KPIs) to detailed operational cost analysis. However when assessing the potential for
drivers. For the purpose of most analyses, the author has found restructuring, it is useful to consider a third type which may be
the maximum sensible level of precision of the driver tree is to described as a capacity cost.
be one level below the cost centre. This allows the behaviour of
different cost types within the cost centre to be recognised and Capacity costs may be thought of as being short run fixed costs.
modelled. They are independent of the level of utilisation of a cost centre.
However, an essential distinction between a capacity cost and a
For example, the analysis might involve identifying drill fixed cost is management’s discretion to change the level of
consumable costs in production drilling. The impact of capacity available, and hence total cost at relatively short
increases or decreases in production drilling rates can then notice. In effect capacity costs are discretionary fixed costs.
modelled, while unit ($/metre) costs are held steady.
Capacity costs represent the real cost of having an increment of
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the relationship between high level capacity available for production, but not necessarily used.
and detailed cost trees.
Capacity costs can be thought of as representing an option to
High level KPIs are important as they explain what is going on increase physical activity within a cost centre with the only
with the business, while low level detailed KPI’s explain why increase in total cost being the variable cost component.
those things are happening. Being able to relate the two types of Alternatively, being able to identify excess capacity is good
KPI is a fundamental first step in extracting value for money first step in a structured margin improvement program.
from a cost structure.
Individual increments of capacity can be small, and can be
A further very useful outcome from driver tree analysis is the thought of as additional items of plant such as trucks, loaders
establishment of agreed definition of metrics. Rigidly defined and drills. As utilisation rises, the capacity of the fleet remains
metrics are useful when comparing cost and productivity constant, until at full utilisation, additional capacity is
differences between different mines, and across time periods. introduced, and the cost of supporting the increased capacity
Rigid metrics form the basis of any continuous improvement rises.
A detailed cost driver tree will involve splitting out components
Figure 1 – High level driver tree of a cost centre and catagorising behaviour into the three cost
types. The process allows incremental capacity additions and
Drilling re-engineering options to be tested against capacity utilisation.
Access to databases of industry performances makes this
Loading process particularly powerful.
Production Figure 3 illustrates the behaviour of the three cost types.
Revenue Ore handling

Mine Back-fill Capital Costs

Margin Mill Services &
Mgt Most ERP platforms report depreciation and amortisation as a
Return Costs Site component of total cost. While not important in terms of most
capital Admin restructuring, depreciation and amortisation are important
Capital considerations when assessing owner mining or expansion

To avoid confusion over the cost definition, depreciation and

amortisation should be shown as a separate branch of the driver

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Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

tree. Where depreciation and amortisation are associated with However, the cash flow must make adequate provision for
ongoing expenditure such as fleet replacement, they should be future capital.
considered as cash proxies ensuring the full cost of operations
are recognised. A final word on expansions. It is more important to consider if
a proposed expansion is simply making an inefficient mine a
Expansion or contraction options pose unique issues for bigger inefficient mine, or is the expansion doing something
inclusion or exclusion of depreciation and amortisation. A at about structural inefficiencies within the mine. It is not possible
times heated debate exists over inclusion or exclusion of to answer this question without a detailed review of the cost
historical capital is assessing future mine options. structure.

Figure 3 – Cost behaviour types Volatility, Capacity Costs and Scales of Economy.
A premise articulated by many mine owners is that expansion
or simply being big will permit better utilisation of fixed and
capacity costs. With capacity costs typically representing 60%
20 to 70% of total cost for most underground mines, the
Total cash
expensed “economics of scale” argument is reasonable.
Even those mines with a “schedule of rates” contractor have a
0 significant capacity cost. This normally becomes apparent as
0 20 40 variance claims or stand by charges when operating rates fall
Unit of production below some agreed level.

The use of expansion strategies to reduce costs poses two risks.

The first relates to the ore grade of the expansion. The grade of
70 additional production must pay back the capital and operating
60 costs of expansion without lowering the returns to the existing
50 mine. To do otherwise will marginalise the business. Inclusion
Total cash 40 of the existing capital base is critical in making the right

A good example of the relationship between mining rate and

head grade is illustrated in Figure 4. (Mikula and Lee 2000).
Unit of production McCarthy (2002) reviewed a number of such time based
tonnage grade curves and concludes that in most cases it is
quite common for a significant reduction in grade to occur as a
mine increases production rate.

Figure 4 – Mt Charlotte annual production 1966-2000

(Lee & Mikula 2000)
Total cash
expensed 6

Unit of production Head grade

(g/t) 3

Most mine owners use Net Present Value (NPV) as a decision

tool. In an NPV analysis, sunk capital should be irrelevant to 2

the operational decision which is based on cash flows. Sunk

capital is important in tax calculations, and should only be 1

modelled in tax calculations and considered where tax impacts

cash flows. 0
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000

An accounting view would suggest that undepreciated capital Annaul production (kt)
represents historical expenditure of shareholder funds. A
A second risk of expansion strategies is that working stocks are
decision to ignore this expenditure during an analysis of future
consumed at a rate faster than they can be replaced. As stocks
mine options is equivalent to writing the value off a mine’s
are diminished, production volatility rises, as ore available for
balance sheet. Conceptually, residual capital should be thought
production becomes increasingly scarce. These mines are
of as being the part of a loan advanced by equity holders that is
characterised by high instantaneous rates of production,
still outstanding. Depreciation and amortisation may be thought
interspersed with lengthy low production periods. In cost
of as the principal repayments of the loan, with profits forming
structure terms, these mines are paying for capacity, but not
the interest component.
using it. In such a scenario, industry practice of making a
marginal mine bigger will results in increased losses.
The authors experience is that at the end of the day “cash is
king”. Models should consider cash flow on an after tax basis.

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Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

Production volatility may be defined in a number of ways. A million tonnes per annum. Maximum monthly production
definition used by the author is simply the ratio of actual to achieved was 110 kt. On an annualised basis, capacity (as
planned outcomes. Such a ratio measures the stress induced on defined by the best monthly hoist) was 32% above the annual
management by production shortfalls. production rate. Historical development requirements were
approximately 180 metres per month. Poor productivity in
Production volatility is related to both stock levels and development required a combination of owner mining and short
distribution of stocks. Where adequate stocks exist, and are term contracts.
appropriately distributed, a mine is able to cover a production
shortfall from any one source by supplementing production Owner jumbo development was characterised as being both
from other sources. slow and expensive. Monthly advance averaged 140 metres per
month, with occasional peaks of up to 200 metres per month.
Figures 5 and 6 illustrate the relationship between total stock Owner development costs were in the order of $3 100 per
availability and its distribution and the capacity to maintain metre. Distributed overheads contributed another $600 per
production. Clearly, having alternative sources of ore available metre. Development shortfalls were made up with short-term
is an important cost management strategy for a mine. contracts. Contractor unit costs were similar, however after
amortisation of mobilisation charges and allocation of owner
Reducing volatility to an acceptable level is an ideal avenue for supplied ground support, contract costs on an equivalent basis
reducing costs. If volatility can be lowered, capacity can be were estimated to be $3 900 per m.
reduced, or utilisation increased, resulting in lower unit costs.
As part of the re-engineering, a significant short term increase
When an expansion is considered there must be a planned in development rates was required. Development rates were
increase in working capital (ie developed and drilled ore) to required to rise to 400 metres per month for six months, and
sustain the increased production rate. then drop to 150 metres per month, for the next couple of years.

Figure 5 – Metal output volatility vs mine inventory Ground conditions ranged from moderate outside of sheared
levels ground to very poor in and around fault and shear zones. The
mine is deep, and subject to closure in and around zones of
Metal Volatility poor ground. Ground support methodology involved jumbo
80.0% scaling, meshing and subsequent rockbolting.

60.0% The key decision in the restructure was a change in the primary
ground support methodology. Primary support was altered to
install surface control first. This involved fibrecreteing
followed by split sets. Mesh is only applied where required.
Scaling was limited to large slabs and obviously loose rocks.
The revised support methodology was applied to all headings in
10.0% ore and waste with the exception of the decline.
0 50 100 150 200
The results of the re-engineering are illustrated in Figure 7.
Inventory or Mine Stocks weeks Average monthly advance increased from 140 metres per
month to 250 metres per month. Direct costs fell from $3 100 to
$2 500 per metre advance.
Figure 6 – Tonnage outcomes as function of stope
availability Figure 7 – Restructuring impact on monthly advance
Actual tonnage
as a percentage 300
Monthly advance (m)

of budget
100.0% 250

80.0% 200

60.0% 150
40.0% 100
20.0% 50
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Aug- Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Oct-00 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jul-01 Nov-01 Feb-02
Average number of stopes on line during study period

Case Study The operational impact of the decision was as follows:

The case study relates to restructuring of jumbo development • Ground support cycle involving the jumbo reduced
for a medium to large underground mine in Australia. It from 4.0 to 5.0 hours to approximately 1.0 to 1.5
examines the use of driver trees to isolate problems with the hours. This effectively doubled the time available for
productivity and cost structure of jumbo development. face drilling;
• Elimination of jumbo scaling and rockfall during the
The mine in question, budgeted approximately 1.2 million ground support component of the cycle. This in turn
tonnes per annum yet achieved an anualised production of 1.0

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Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

eliminated the need to re-bog the heading prior to gaps to be identified. Typical gaps include poor operator
face drilling; productivity, high maintenance costs, and poor utilisation.
• Rockfall damage to jumbo reduced, lowering
maintenance costs and increasing availability; While the mine in question had all of the above, the most
important feature identified was the high percentage of drilling
• Shotcrete reduced rock surface deterioration, effort devoted to rock bolting. Close examination of the data
lowering re-support requirements, increasing the suggested that not only did the jumbo spent a lot of time
amount of time available for face drilling. rockbolting in development headings, it also spent a lot of time
rehabilitating older development. It was estimated that 37% of
In developing the solution the cost structure was mapped. Costs drilled metres were devoted to rockbolting. Of this
within the jumbo development cost centre were broken down approximately one third was associated with rehabilitation.
into individual behaviour types. With the cost centre now
dismantled into its individual components, the impact of Another feature of the data was high unit drilling costs ($ per
increased development rates and alternative operating scenarios metre drilled). Drilling costs are related to rockbolting effort.
could be readily modelled and communicated to mine Figure 9 is illustrates the relationship between unit drilling
management. A summary of the cost structure prior to costs and rockbolting effort. The relationship simply states that
restructuring illustrated in Figure 8. jumbo tramming, scaling, and single boom drilling is clearly
less productive for a jumbo than development drilling.
After mapping the cost and productivity structure, it was
compared to peer mines. Comparison to peer mines permits

Figure 8 – Detailed development cost driver tree before restructure. Zcost components are grouped by behaviour type

Metres Drilled
Cost / person ( 110,866 m per annum )
( 90,554.0 $ per person ) ( 1,441.2 $ per person )
( 6.53 $/m drilled )
Productivity / person People ( 8 )
( 13,858 m per annum ) Operator ( 8 )
Nipper ( )
Maintenance labour Other ( )
Jumbo drilling ( 2.27 $/m drilled )
( 13.56 $/m drilled ) Maintenance
Jumbo development ( 746 $ per m advance ) ( 4.31 $/m drilled )
( 3,158 $ per m advance ) Parts / supplies & contracts
( 2.04 $/m drilled )
( 111 $ per m advance )
Supplies & Consumables
( 2.72 $/m drilled )
Materials handling
( 348 $ per m advance )
Allocated drilling
( 34.18 $ rockbolt )
Services & supplies
( 769 $ per m advance ) Rockbolts Rock bolts
( 635 $ per m advance ) ( 38.77 $ rockbolt )

Ground support Mesh Bolt rate

( 1,184 $ per m advance ) ( 188 $ per m advance ) ( 8.70 bolts per metre )

( 224 $ per m advance ) Shotcrete
( 550 $ cubic metre )
( 138 $ per m advance )
Application rate
( .25 cubuc m per m advance )

Figure 9 – Relationship between jumbo cash cost and Similarly, maintenance costs are related to rockbolting effort.
rockbolting effort The key conclusion here is that maintenance costs for jumbos
are driven by the amount of rockfall damage the machine
Jumbo cash cost ($\m drilled)

14 While it is obvious the rockbolting rate was high and was
12 contributing to the high unit cost of development, the solution
10 was less obvious.
6 On a high level, rockbolting was costing $635 per metre, or $73
4 per installed bolt. Applying a 25mm layer of fibrecrete was
estimated to cost $140 per metre. To break even, application of
fibrecrete would have to reduce rockbolting from 8.7 bolts per
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
metre to 6.7 bolts per metre. Most mines would stop the
Percentage of jumbo drill effort related to rockbolting analysis at this point. The decision to proceed would be
assessed as marginal. Adoption of fibrecrete would be a 50/50

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Why Cost Cutting Fails to Deliver

proposition, or alternatively a contractor would have been Conclusion

brought in.
To maximise the potential benefit of cost cutting and
The process adopted in this case was to review the behaviour of restructuring, a through analysis of relationships between
each branch of the driver tree. Once the behaviour was differing cost types and their physical drivers is a primary first
identified, the branch could be scaled according to the proposed step. Failure to complete a through analysis before embarking
change. on restructuring can lead to unexpected outcomes, and
potentially threaten the viability of the mine being restructured.
Labour costs were modelled as a capacity cost. Total labour Cost driver trees are a useful method of increasing the
costs were assumed to remain constant. Under the proposed transparency of cost structures and assessing alternative
change, jumbo productivity (metres drilled per operator year), operating scenarios. The transparency generated using cost
was estimated to rise by 40%. This was estimated to reduce driver trees is further enhanced when rigidly defined metrics
labour costs from $6.53 per metre drilled to $3.92. are compared between differing mines. Such comparisons
generate insights not normally available within a single mine
Supplies and consumables were assumed to be totally variable
and remain constant at $2.72 per metre drilled. The analysis
neglected to examine drill costs in sufficient detail and missed References
the relationship between consumable cost and scaling. In
hindsight it is estimated that jumbo scaling contributed between 1. McCarthy, P, 2002. Setting plant capacity, in
25% to 40% of drill consumable costs. Proceedings Metallurgical Plant Design and
Operating Strategies, (CD ROM) pp 21-30 (The
Maintenance costs were split into labour and supplies. Labour Australasian Institute of Minng and Metallurgy:
costs were further divided into owner and contractor costs. Melbourne).
Owner labour costs are again assumed to be a capacity cost, and 2. Mikula, P A and Lee, M F, 2000. Bulk low-grade
were held constant. Maintenance costs were re-estimated with mining at Mount Charlotte Mine, in Proceedings
reduced maintenance contractor costs and reduced maintenance MassMin 2000, pp 623-635 (The Australasian
supplies, as a result of reduced scaling. Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).

Ground control costs were assumed to be variable, and a 3. Ward, D and McCarthy, P, 1999. Startup
function of metres developed. Unit ground support costs were Performance of New Base Metal Projects, in Adding
estimated using 5.7 bolts per metre, 20% of existing mesh rates Value to the Carpentaria Mineral Province,
and 0.30 m3 of fibrecrete per metre developed. Total ground Australian Journal of Mining, April.
support costs were estimated to fall from $1 184 per metre to
$780 per metre

The study estimated that total costs would fall by between $500
to $600 per metre and development rates rise to between 200 to
220 metres per month. The result was a drop of almost $600 per
metre, and development rates rose to 250 metres per month.

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