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import java.text.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Homework4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input= new Scanner(;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
double subTotal= 0;
double total =0;
int Selection=0;
int cevicheCount=0;
int soupCount=0;
int steakCount=0;
int beerCount=0;
int wineCount=0;
double ceviche=9.45;
double soup=7.95;
double steak=19.95;
double beer=3.95;
double wine=3.95;
int itemsNumber = 0;
double tax = 0;
double taxes = 0.10;
double totalFinal = 0;
do {
// input
System.out.println("Welcome to Mixtura");
System.out.println(" 1) Ceviche $" + ceviche);
System.out.println(" 2) Chichen Soup $" + soup);
System.out.println(" 3) Steak with fries $" + steak);
System.out.println(" 4) Beer $" + beer);
System.out.println(" 5) Wine $" + wine);
if (Selection !=0){
System.out.println(" 0) Finish Order");
System.out.println ("Current Subtotal $" + (df.format(total)));
System.out.print("Please make your selection: ");
Selection = input.nextInt();
// computation
if (Selection > 5 || Selection <0){
System.out.println("No such a choice. Please enter a different choic
}else if (Selection == 1){
subTotal = ceviche;
total = total + subTotal;
if (Selection == 2){
subTotal = soup;
total = total + subTotal;
if (Selection == 3){
subTotal = steak;
total = total + subTotal;
if (Selection == 4){
subTotal = beer;
total = total + subTotal;
if (Selection == 5){
subTotal = wine;
total = total + subTotal;
}while (Selection !=0);
// final output
tax = (total*taxes);
totalFinal = total+tax;
if (cevicheCount != 0){
System.out.println(cevicheCount+" Ceviches");
}if (soupCount != 0){
System.out.println(soupCount+" Chicken Soups");
}if (steakCount !=0){
System.out.println(steakCount+" Steaks with fries");
}if (beerCount !=0){
System.out.println(beerCount+" Bottles of Beer");
}if (wineCount !=0){
System.out.println(wineCount+" Glasses of Wine");
System.out.println("Order: " + itemsNumber +" Items");
System.out.println("Subtotal: $" + (df.format(total)));
System.out.println("Tax (10%): $"+ (df.format(tax)));
System.out.println("Total: $ " + (df.format(totalFinal)));
System.out.println("Thank you. Please come again!");

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