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Tugas I

Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019

Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Industri
Fakultas Teknik UNS
Mata Kuliah : Pengendalian dan Penjaminan Mutu
Dosen : Dr. Ir. Eko Pujiyanto, S.Si., M.T., IPM
Tanggal : Senin – Rabu, 25-27 November 2019
Waktu : 2 x 24 Jam
Sifat : Take Home Test

Soal Konsep
1. Describe the role of acceptance sampling in modern quality control systems
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of sampling
3. Describe the difference between attributes and variables sampling plans, and the major
types of acceptance-sampling procedures
4. Describe how single-, double-, and sequential-sampling plans are used ?
5. Describe the importance of random sampling
6. Describe how to determine the OC curve for a single-sampling plan for attributes
7. Describe the effects of the sampling plan parameters on sampling plan performance
8. Describe how to design single-sampling, double-sampling, and sequential-sampling plans
for attributes
9. Suppose n1 = 50, c1 = 1, n2 = 100, and c2 = 3. Describe how this sampling plan is used ?
10. Describe how rectifying inspection is used ?
11. Describe the structure and use of ISO 2859 and its civilian counterpart plans
12. Describe the structure and use of the Dodge–Romig system of sampling plans

Soal Hitungan
1. An accounting firm uses sampling methods in its client auditing processes. Accounts of a
particular type are grouped together in a batch size of 25.The auditor is concerned about
erroneous accounts escaping the auditing process. Sampling and auditing the accounts is
time consuming and very expensive, and a random sample of size n = 5 is about the largest
sample that can practically be used. Suppose that the batch of accounts contains one
erroneous account. What is the probability that the sample that is selected contains the
erroneous account?
2. Hospital personnel routinely examine patient records for error, such as incomplete
insurance information, on incomplete patient history, or missing/incomplete medical
records. On average, about 250 new patients are admitted each day. Historically, about 5%
of these records have contained errors. If a random sample of 50 new patient records is
checked each day, what is the probability that this sample will contain at least one patient
record with missing information?
3. Suppose that a product is shipped in lots of size N = 5,000. The receiving inspection
procedure used is single sampling with n = 50 and c = 1.
a. Draw the type-A OC curve for the plan.
b. Draw the type-B OC curve for this plan and compare it to the type-A OC curve found
in part a.
c. Which curve is appropriate for this situation?
4. Find a single-sampling plan for which p1 = 0.05, α =0.05, p2 = 0.15, and β = 0.10.
5. Find a single-sampling plan for which p1 = 0.02, α =0.01, p2 = 0.06, and β = 0.10.
6. Suppose that a single-sampling plan with n = 150 and c = 2 is being used for receiving
inspection where the supplier ships the product in lots of size N = 3,000.
a. Draw the AOQ curve and find the AOQL.
b. Draw the ATI curve for this plan
7. Find a double-sampling plan for which p1 = 0.05, α =0.05, p2 = 0.15, and β = 0.10.
8. Find a double-sampling plan for which p1 = 0.02, α =0.01, p2 = 0.06, and β = 0.10.
9. Draw the primary and supplementary OC curves for a double-sampling plan with n1 = 50,
c1 = 2, n2 =100, and c2 = 6. If the incoming lots have fraction nonconforming p = 0.05,
what is the probability of acceptance on the first sample? What is the probability of final
acceptance? Calculate the probability of rejection on the first sample.
10. A supplier ships a component in lots of size N = 3,000. The AQL has been established for
this product at 1%. Find the normal, tightened, and reduced single-sampling plans for this
situation from ISO 2859, assuming that general inspection level II is appropriate.
11. A supplier ships a product in lots of size N = 8,000. We wish to have an AOQL of 3%, and
we are going to use single sampling. We do not know the supplier’s process fallout but
suspect that it is at most 1% defective.
a. Find the appropriate Dodge–Romig plan.
b. Find the ATI for this plan, assuming that incoming lots are 1% defective.
c. Suppose that our estimate of the supplier’s process average is incorrect and that it is
really 0.25% defective. What sampling plan should we have used? What reduction in
ATI would have been realized if we had used the correct plan?
12. A supplier ships a component in lots of size N = 4,000. The AQL has been established for
this product at 1%. Find the normal, tightened, and reduced double-sampling plans for
this situation from ISO 2859, assuming that general inspection level III is appropriate.
13. A supplier ships a product in lots of size N = 10,000. We wish to have an AOQL of 3%,
and we are going to use double sampling. We do not know the supplier’s process fallout
but suspect that it is at most 1% defective.
a. Find the appropriate Dodge–Romig plan.
b. Find the ATI for this plan, assuming that incoming lots are 1% defective.
c. Suppose that our estimate of the supplier’s process average is incorrect and that it is
really 0.25% defective. What sampling plan should we have used? What reduction in
ATI would have been realized if we had used the correct plan?

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