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I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Table 1.1

Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Respondents

In terms of Age


16 25 50

17 17 34

18 7 14

19 1 2

TOTAL 50 100

The table show that most of the respondents belonged to the age 16-19 years old with

the largest age group ranging from 16 years old the least respondents were aged 19 years old

This only shows that majority of the respondents are 17 years old or equivalent to

34% are sophomores of senior high feeling good about yourself; feeling worthy despite

imperfections. Being courageous enough to stand up for yourself and be assertive, knowing

that you’re worthy of others’ respect and friendship. Knowing and accepting the whole of

you, both your strengths and weaknesses

Relating this, an article by Anneli Rufus (2014) asserts that self-confidence involves

self-respect and having the courage to tell the truth about who you are, what you like, and

what you believe. Self-confidence, then, is the courage to know yourself, believe in yourself,

and act on your beliefs. A definition of self-confidence is a positive feeling about oneself and

the world that leads to courageous actions born out of a sense of self-respect.


Frequency and Percentage Distributions of the Respondents in terms of



Female 38 76%

Male 12 24%


The table above shows frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents in

terms of gender. As gathered, female respondents obtained the highest frequency of 76% or

equivalent to 38 total respondents compared to male respondents who only acquired 24%.

II. Level of confidence in verbal skills of the respondents in terms of:


Level of Confidence Average Interpretation

Speaking 3.412 High

Reciting 3.392 Average

Reporting 3.148 Average

The table above shows that the average level of confidence in verbal skills of the

respondents in terms of speaking is 3.412 means high. In reciting, the average is 3.392 which

means average and in reporting is 3.184 also means very high.

III. The academic grade of the respondents


Frequency and Percentage Distributions of the Respondents in terms of Academic Grades

Academic Performance Frequency Percentage

75-80 0 0

81-85 5 10

86-90 25 50

91-95 19 38

96-100 1 2

The table above presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents

in terms of academic grades. Out of 50 respondents, the academic grade of 86-90 obtained

the highest number of frequency of 25 which has a total of 50%.

IV. The significant relationship between the levels of confidence in verbal skills of the

respondents when grouped according to demographic profile

Table 4.1

Level of

Relationship between level Confidence

of confidence in verbal in Verbal Pearson

skills to the gender Skills Gender r Interpretation

Level of Confidence in

Verbal Skills 1

- - Slight

Gender 0.012258142 1 0.01226 Correlation

Table 4.1 shows the relationship between the level of confidence and the gender

of the respondents. The result of the correlation analysis was 0.01226 which means

slight correlation.

Table 4.2

Relationship between level of Level of

confidence and Academic Confidence in Pearson
Performance of the students Verbal Skills Age r Interpretation
Level of Confidence in Verbal
Skills 1 Very High
Age 0.997149938 1 0.997149 Correlation

Table 4.2 shows the relationship between the level of confidence and the age of

the respondents. The result of the correlation analysis was 0.997149 which means very

high correlation.
Table 5. Relationship between the level of confidence in verbal skills and academic

grade of the respondents.

Relationship between Level of

level of confidence and Confidence

Academic Performance in Verbal Academic

of the students Skills Performance Pearson r Interpretation

Level of Confidence in

Verbal Skills 1 Slight

Academic Performance 0.102255766 1 0.102256 Correlation

Table 5 shows the relationship between the level of confidence and the academic grade

of the respondents. The result of the correlation analysis was 0.102255766 which means

slight correlation. It interprets that there is almost no relationship between the level of

confidence and academic grade of the respondents.

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