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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Universiti Teknologi MARA NAME: Group

40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
MEC521 –
UiTM I.D.:



Instruction: Answer all questions. Provide your solutions on this test paper and ensure all
final answers are clearly indicated with correct engineering units.

1. (a) State the definitions of (or a brief note on) these terms in the study of vibrations:

Single degree-of-freedom (1-DOF) Static deflection

You may use sketches to illustrate your understanding of the terms above.
[5 marks]

(b) A 6-kg block is immersed in a viscous liquid as shown in

Figure Q1(b). The damping force due to the liquid acting on
the block is proportional to its speed with a proportionality
constant of 12 Ns/m. The spring that suspends the block from
the ceiling has a stiffness of 900 N/m. If the block is pulled
down by a distance of 20 cm and released from rest, show that
the equation of motion for the vibrating system can be
expressed as

x  1.96x  147.15x  0 ,

and determine Figure Q1(b)

i) the undamped and damped natural frequency of the vibrating system, and
ii) the equation that describe the position of the block, x, as a function of time, t.
[Hint for part ii): Use x(t )  Aent sin(d t   ) and its first time derivative
together with the initial conditions: t = 0, x0  20 cm , x0  0 ]
[20 marks]

Dr. David, N.V. ©2014 (in parts)

Solution to Q1(b) here

Dr. David, N.V. ©2014 (in parts)

2. (a) A 600-N centrifugal pump is mounted on six springs with a stiffness of 6 kN/m each.
Compute the maximum permissible unbalance (in kgm) in order to limit the steady-state
deflection to 5 mm at an operating speed of 1000 rpm.
X 1
[Hint:  ]
 st
1  R 
 (2 R) 2

[8 marks]

Solution to Q2(a) here

(b) A damped 1-DOF system that comprises a block of weight 270 N and a spring with a
stiffness of 70 kN/m is mounted on a base that is subjected to harmonic vibration.

i) Determine the damping coefficient of the system if the steady-state amplitude of the
block, X, is 125 mm when the base vibrates with an amplitude of 50 mm at resonance.
ii) Determine the force transmitted to the base, Ft, if the steady-state amplitude of the block
is 40 mm when the base vibrates at a frequency of 10 Hz.

1  (2 R ) 2 Ft X
[Hints: i) TR  , at resonance, R = 1; ii)  R2 ]
1  R  kY Y
 (2 R) 2

[17 marks]

Dr. David, N.V. ©2014 (in parts)

Solution to Q2(b) here

Dr. David, N.V. ©2014 (in parts)

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