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Part A: Content Design

Course Title Business Data Mining

Course No(s) BA ZG522
Credit Units 4
Credit Model
Content Authors T V Rao

Course Objectives

CO1 Understand the importance of data mining and the knowledge discovery that can be
made from information repositories in a business

CO2 Understand techniques of preparing real-world data for performing data mining.

CO3 Understand data mining techniques for discovering interesting patterns from data.

CO4 Understand efficiency, effectiveness of applicable techniques for data mining.

Text Book(s)
T1 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition by Jiawei Han, Micheline
Kamber, and Jian Pei Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011

Reference Book(s) & other resources

R1 Tan P. N., Steinbach M & Kumar V. “Introduction to Data Mining” Pearson Education,
R2 Predictive Analytics and Data Mining: Concepts and Practice with RapidMiner by
Vijay Kotu and Bala Deshpande Morgan Kaufmann Publishers © 2015
R3 Recommender Systems for Learning by Nikos Manouselis, Hendrik Drachsler, Katrien
Verbert and Erik Duval Springer © 2013

Content Structure

1. Introduction to Data Mining

1.1. Data Mining definitions
1.2. Data Mining activities
1.3. DM process
1.4. DM challenges
2. Data Analytics Tools & Applications
2.1. DM Applications
2.2. Programming Languages for DM
2.3. Tools for DM
3. Data Preprocessing
3.1. Data Quality
3.2. Data preprocessing requirements
3.3. Data preprocessing techniques
4. Data Exploration and Description
4.1. Statistical descriptions of data
4.2. Measuring data similarity & dissimilarity
4.3. Data Visualization
5. Data Warehousing
5.1. Basic Concepts
5.2. DW Design
5.3. Data Cube and OLAP
5.4. DW implementation considerations
6. Classification and Prediction
6.1. Concepts of classification and prediction
6.2. Decision trees for classification
6.3. Rule based classification, Bayesian classification
6.4. Evaluation of classification techniques
6.5. Prediction Techniques
7. Association Analysis
7.1. Association analysis concepts
7.2. Apriori Algorithm for frequent itemsets
7.3. FP-Tree technique for frequent itemsets
7.4. Mining association rules
8. Clustering
8.1. Cluster analysis concepts.
8.2. Partitioning methods
8.3. Hierarchical methods for cluster analysis
8.4. Considerations for cluster analysis
8.5. Outlier analysis
9. Time Series Analysis
9.1. Time Series components
9.2. Smoothing techniques
9.3. Autocorrelation and Autoregression
9.4. ARIMA models
10. Data Mining Applications
10.1. Recommendation systems
10.2. Fraud Detection
10.3. Sentiment Analysis
Learning Outcomes:
No Learning Outcomes

LO1 Realize how data mining can enable knowledge discovery.

LO2 Knowledge of techniques of preparing real-world data for performing data mining.

LO3 Knowledge of data mining techniques for discovering interesting patterns from

LO4 Knowledge on efficiency, effectiveness of applicable techniques for data mining.

Experiential Learning Components:

1.This course will feature experiential learning components in the form of projects and assignments
that are designed to enable the participants to learn by doing. This will also form part of the
Evaluation Components for the course.
2.Please note that experiential learning components are integrated into the following modules:

Experiential Learning
Module Topic
3 Data Preprocessing R/Weka
4 Data Exploration and Description R/Weka
6 Classification and Prediction R/Weka
7 Association Analysis R/Weka
8 Clustering R/Weka
9 Time Series Analysis R/Weka

3. The students will need a laptop/ PC preloaded with recommended tools for
facilitating experiential learning.
Part B: Learning Plan

Academic Term First Semester 2018-2019

Course Title Business Data Mining
Course No BA ZG522
Lead Instructor T V Rao

The table lists topics to be covered by the contact hours. Students are expected to be prepared to actively participate
during the contact hours.
Before contact hour : Student is expected to review all topics covered in earlier contact hour.

After contact hour : Student is expected to solve exercises given in prescribed text books. Student needs to work
on the assignments/experiential components associated with the topic.
Contact List of Topic Title Topic # Text/Ref
Hours(#) (from content structure in Part A) (from content Book/external
structure in Part A) resource

1  Introduction to Data Mining 1 T1: Ch-1

2 o Data Mining definitions

o Data Mining activities
o DM process
o DM challenges

3  Data Analytics Tools & Applications 2 Public Sources

o DM Applications
o Programming Languages for
4 DM
o Tools for DM

5  Data Preprocessing 3 T1: Ch-3

o Data Quality
o Data preprocessing
6 requirements
o Data preprocessing techniques

7  Data Exploration and Description 4 T1: Ch-2

o Statistical descriptions of data
o Measuring data similarity &
8 dissimilarity
o Data Visualization

9  Data Warehousing 5 T1, Ch-4,5

o Basic Concepts
o DW Design
o Data Cube and OLAP
10 o DW implementation

11  Classification and Prediction 6 T1, Ch-8, 9

o Concepts of classification and
12 prediction
o Decision trees for
14 classification
o Rule based classification
15 o Bayesian classification,
o Evaluation of classification
16 techniques
o Prediction Techniques

17  Association Analysis 7 T1, Ch-6, 7

o Association analysis concepts
18 o Apriori Algorithm for frequent
19 o FP-Tree technique for frequent
20 o Mining association rules

21  Clustering 8 T1, Ch-10,11,12

o Cluster analysis concepts.
22 o Partitioning methods
o Hierarchical methods for
23 cluster analysis
o Considerations for cluster
25 o Outlier analysis


27  Time Series Analysis 7 T1, Ch-13, R4

o Time Series components
o Smoothing techniques
28 o Autocorrelation and
o ARIMA models

29  Data Mining Applications R3, Public

o Recommendation systems Sources
o Fraud Detection
30 o Sentiment Analysis

31  Review

Evaluation Scheme:
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
No Name Type Duration Weight Day, Date, Session, Time
EC-1 Quiz-I Online - 5% September 10 – 20, 2018
Quiz-II Online 5% October 20 – 30, 2018
Experiential Learning Online 15% November 10 – 20, 2018
EC-2 Mid-Semester Test Closed 2 hours 30% 29/09/2018 (AN) 2 PM – 4 PM
EC-3 Comprehensive Open 3 hours 45% 24/11/2018 (AN) 2 PM – 5 PM
Exam Book
Syllabus for Mid-Semester Test (Closed Book): Topics in Session Nos. 1 to 16 (contact hours)
Syllabus for Comprehensive Exam (Open Book): All topics (Session Nos. 1 to 32) (contact hours)

Important links and information:

Elearn portal:
Students are expected to visit the Elearn portal on a regular basis and stay up to date with the latest
announcements and deadlines.
Contact sessions: Students should attend the online lectures as per the schedule provided on the Elearn portal.
Evaluation Guidelines:
1. EC-1 consists of either two Assignments or three Quizzes. Students will attempt them through the
course pages on the Elearn portal. Announcements will be made on the portal, in a timely manner.
2. For Closed Book tests: No books or reference material of any kind will be permitted.
3. For Open Book exams: Use of books and any printed / written reference material (filed or bound) is
permitted. However, loose sheets of paper will not be allowed. Use of calculators is permitted in all
exams. Laptops/Mobiles of any kind are not allowed. Exchange of any material is not allowed.
4. If a student is unable to appear for the Regular Test/Exam due to genuine exigencies, the student should
follow the procedure to apply for the Make-Up Test/Exam which will be made available on the Elearn
portal. The Make-Up Test/Exam will be conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be
announced later.

It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self study schedule as
given in the course handout, attend the online lectures, and take all the prescribed evaluation components such
as Assignment/Quiz, Mid-Semester Test and Comprehensive Exam according to the evaluation scheme
provided in the handout.

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