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Payroll Reviewer

1st.sheet.Company Profile
2nd.sheet.Employee Details – type lang

3rd.sheet.Attendance(1 cut-off)

Name- ='Employee Details'!B3&", "&'Employee Details'!C3&" "&'Employee Details'!D3

Employee No. – copy lang
No. of work days- max. of 10
No. of hrs.- max. of 7
No. of min.- max. of 59
Total work time- =D3&"D"&E3&"H"&F3&"M"
Total work days- =(D3)+(E3/8)+(F3/60/8)
Total late and absences- =10-H3, H3 is total work days
Monthly Salary- Copy lang
Daily rate- = Monthly Salary/20days
Total Late & Absences Computation- Daily rate*total late and absences OR Base pay- Gross Pay
Gross Pay- = Daily Rate * Total Work Days


No.-type lang
Name-copy lang
Employee.No. -copy lang
Position-copy lang
Base Salary-copy lang
Total Work Time-copy lang
Gross Pay-copy lang
Late & Absences Computation- Daily rate*total late and absences OR Base pay- Gross Pay
Taxable Salary- =IF((E9)>15000,(E9-15000),0)
Withholding Tax- Taxable Salary*12%
Percentage Tax- Taxable Salary*3%
Total Tax-=sum(withholding:percentage)
Sss.-type lang
Pagibig.-type lang
Philhealth.-type lang
Total deductions- =sum(sss+pagibig+philhealth)
Allowance-type lang
Cash advance-type lang
Net pay-=grosspay-total tax-total deductions+allowances-cash advances

*Before Printing
Go to custom scaling >>>then custom scaling option>>scaling change fit to 3 pages

*making a copy of your payroll

-right click on the tab of your payroll then click move/copy
-check create copy and choose move to end
-delete the headings
-rename it (payslip to avoid confusion in merging files)
-save it
Payslip reviewer

1. Go to word
2. Go to Page Layout
3. Go to Size>>More Paper Size
4. Change the width to 4.25 and length to 6.5
5. Change also the margins to 0.3 inches
6. Type your payslip information

7. After you complete the needed information, click mailings

8. Click select recipient >>use existing file, use the file of your payroll, and click the sheet you copied
9. Click edit recipient list then uncheck the 1st and last blank data
10. Start merging info’s, click insert merge field on the opposite of the data’s
11. once you are done merging info’s, you can check your info’s by clicking preview results, as you can
see there is some with several decimals places in the transfer.
12. to correct it, CLICK ALT+F9 if you are using desktop ALT+F9+FN if laptops, edit and then insert on the
end of the each data \#”0.00” then after placing that corrections click again ALT+F9
13. click Finish & Merge>>>Edit Individual Documents>>Done ^_^

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