Biochemistry - Chapter 17 Dr. Bongon: Glycolysis & Oxidation of Pyruvate

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Ø Brain can meet no more than 20% of its energy needs from ketone bodies • In yeast & Other
Ø Glycolysis – Major pathway for glucose metabolism, occurs in cytosol of All Microorganisms – Pyruvate
Cells. formed in anaerobic glycolysis
o Function Aerobically or Anaerobically depending on availability of isn’t reduced to lactate but is
O2 & electron transport chain decarboxylated and reduced
o Anaerobic – Allows mucle to perform work even in low O2 and to ethanol.
allow tissue to survive Anoxic episodes.
Ø RBC – completely rely on Anaerobic Glycolysis due to lack of mitochondria.
o However cant oxidize glucose beyond pyruvate (requires O2 & The Reactions of Glycolysis
mitochondrial enzymes like Pyruvate Dehydrogenase, CAC, Constitute The Main Pathway
Respiratory Chain)
Ø Heart muscles – Relatively low glycolytic activity and poor survival in of Glucose Utilization
Ø Diseases in which glycolysis enzymes are deficient (Ex: Pyruvate Kinase) –
mainly seen in Hemolytic Anemias or if affects skeletal Muscles – Fatigue. • All enzymes of glycolysis are
Ø Fast Growing Cancer Cells – Glycolysis proceed at a high rate forming large Cytosolic
amounts of Pyruvate -> Reduced to Lactate -> Exported
o Produces acidic environment in tumors which may have
implications for CA therapy
Ø Lactate – used for Gluconeogenesis in liver, an energy-expensive process
responsible for much of hypermetabolism seen in Cancer Cachexia.
Ø Lactic Acidosis – impaired Pyruvate Dehydrogenase activity, esp. in
Thiamin (Vit B1) deficiency.

Glycolysis Can Function Under Anaerobic Conditions

• Fermentation of Yeast is similar to breakdown of Glycogen in muscle.

• Anaerobic Glycolysis – Glycogen Disappears, Lactate Appears
o Limits amount of ATP formed per mole of glucose oxidized
o More glucose must be metabolized than in aerobic conditions.
• Aerobic Glycolysis – Pyruvate is the end product
o Pyruvate is oxidized to CO2 + H20
• During Hypoxia – mitochondrial reoxidation of NADH formed during
glycolysis is impaired
o NADH is reoxidized by reducing Pyruvate -> Lactate. Thus
permitting Glycolysis to continue



• Glucose enters glycolysis by phosphorylation to glucose-6-phosphate, by the enzyme phosphofructokinase (phosphofructokinase-1)

catalyzed by hexokinase, using ATP as the phosphate donor. forming fructose 1,6-bisphosphate.
o Under physiological conditions, the phosphorylation of glucose to o The phosphofructokinase reaction is irreversible under
glucose-6-phosphate is irreversible. physiological conditions.
o Hexokinase is inhibited by its product - glucose-6-phosphate. o Phosphofructokinase is both inducible and subject to allosteric
• In tissues other than the liver and pancreatic β-islet cells, the availability of regulation – Regulates glycolysis.
glucose for glycolysis, glycogen synthesis in muscle, lipogenesis in adipose o Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate is cleaved by aldolase (fructose 1,6-
tissue is controlled by transport into the cell, which in turn is regulated by bisphosphate aldolase) into two triose phosphates:
insulin. § Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
• Hexokinase has a high affinity (low Km) for glucose § Dihydroxyacetone phosphate
o In liver - saturated under normal conditions, so acts at a constant § Both are interconverted by the enzyme phosphotriose
rate to provide glucose-6-phosphate to meet the liver’s needs. isomerase.
o Glucokinase - Isoenzyme of hexokinase in Liver • Glyceraldehyde- 3-phosphate is oxidized to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate.
§ Higher Km than intracellular concentration of glucose. o Catalyzed by Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD
§ Removes glucose from the hepatic portal blood following dependent).
a meal, so regulating the concentration of glucose § Structurally consists of four identical polypeptides
available to peripheral tissues. (monomers) forming a tetramer.
§ Provides more glucose 6-phosphate than is required for § Four Ś H groups are present on each polypeptide, derived
glycolysis. from cysteine residues within the polypeptide chain. One
§ Used for glycogen synthesis and lipogenesis. of the Ś H groups is found at the active site of the enzyme
§ Also found in Pancreatic β-islet cells, where it functions § The substrate initially combines with this Ś H group,
to detect high concentrations of glucose. forming a thiohemiacetal that is oxidized to a thiol ester.
ü As more glucose is phosphorylated by § The hydrogens removed in this oxidation are transferred
glucokinase, there is increased glycolysis, to NAD+.
leading to increased formation of ATP -> leads to § The thiol ester then undergoes phosphorolysis, inorganic
closure of an ATP-potassium channel, -> causing phosphate (Pi) is added, forming 1,3-
membrane depolarization and opening of a bisphosphoglycerate + free Ś H group.
voltage-gated calcium channel ->The resultant
influx of calcium ions leads to fusion of the • Next reaction, catalyzed by Phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphate is
insulin secretory granules with the cell transferred from 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to ADP forming:
membrane, and the release of insulin. o ATP (substrate-level phosphorylation)
• Glucose 6-phosphate - important compound at the junction of several o 3-phosphoglycerate
metabolic pathways: glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, the pentose phosphate
pathway, glycogenesis, and glycogenolysis. o Since 2 triose phosphate formed per molecule of glucose
o In glycolysis, converted to fructose 6-phosphate by undergoing glycolysis, 2 ATP are formed in this reaction per
phosphohexose isomerase, which involves an aldose-ketose molecule of glucose undergoing glycolysis.
isomerization -> followed by another phosphorylation catalyzed



o Arsenic Toxicity - Result of competition of arsenate with inorganic partly because the immediate product of the enzyme-catalyzed
phosphate (Pi) in this reaction to give 1-arseno-3- reaction is enol-pyruvate, which undergoes spontaneous
phosphoglycerate, which undergoes spontaneous hydrolysis to 3- isomerization to pyruvate, so that the product of the reaction is
phosphoglycerate without forming ATP. not available to undergo the reverse reaction.
• 3-Phosphoglycerate - isomerized to 2-phosphoglycerate by • O2 Availability determines which of the two pathways is followed:
phosphoglycerate mutase
§ 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (diphosphoglycerate, DPG) - o Anaerobic conditions - NADH cannot be reoxidized through the
intermediate in this reaction. respiratory chain, and pyruvate is reduced to lactate catalyzed by
• Next step involves dehydration catalyzed by enolase, forming lactate dehydrogenase. This permits the oxidization of NADH,
phosphoenolpyruvate. permitting another molecule of glucose to undergo glycolysis.
• Enolase - inhibited by fluoride (used to prevent glycolysis in blood sample)
o Dependent on the presence of either Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions. o Aerobic conditions - pyruvate is transported into mitochondria
o The phosphate of phosphoenolpyruvate is transferred to ADP in and undergoes oxidative decarboxylation to acetyl-CoA then
another substrate-level phosphorylation catalyzed by pyruvate oxidation to CO2 in CAC. The reducing equivalents from the NADH
kinase to form 2 ATP/Glucose. formed in glycolysis are taken up into mitochondria for oxidation
o The rxn of PK is irreversible under via either the:
physiological conditions, partly because of § Malate-aspartate shuttle
the large free energy change involved and § Glycerophosphate shuttle

Tissues That Function Under Hypoxic Conditions

Produce Lactate

• True for White fibers of Skeletal muscles – Work output (ATP

need) may exceed rate which O2 can be taken up & utilized.
• Glycolysis in RBC always terminates in lactate, because the
subsequent reactions of pyruvate oxidation are
mitochondrial, and RBC lack mitochondria.
• Other tissues that normally derive much of their energy from
glycolysis and produce lactate include:
o Brain, GIT, Renal medulla, retina, and skin.
• Lactate increase in septic shock, Cancer & Vigorous exercise.
o Much is used by Liver for Gluconeogenesis leading
to increase in metabolic rate to provide the ATP and
GTP needed.
• Liver, kidneys, and heart normally take up lactate and oxidize
it, but produce it under hypoxic conditions.



• The increase in oxygen consumption as a result of increased oxidation of • In RBC, The first Site of ATP formation in Glycolysis maybe Bypassed
metabolic fuels to provide the ATP and GTP needed for gluconeogenesis is seen o Rxn by Phosphoglycerate kinase may be bypassed to some extent
as Oxygen Debt after vigorous exercise. by the reaction of Bisphosphoglycerate mutase
• Lactate may be formed in the cytosol, but then enter the mitochondrion to be o Biphosphoglycerate mutase - catalyzes the conversion of 1,3-
oxidized to pyruvate for onward metabolism. bisphosphoglycerate to 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate
o This provides a pathway for the transfer of reducing equivalents from o Followed by hydrolysis to 3-phosphoglycerate and Pi, catalyzed
the cytosol into the mitochondrion for the ETC in addition to the by 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate phosphatase.
glycerophosphate and malate-aspartate shuttles. o This pathway involves no net yield of ATP from glycolysis, but pro
vides 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate, which binds to hemoglobin,
GLYCOLYSIS IS REGULATED AT THREE STEPS INVOLVING decreasing its affinity for oxygen, so making oxygen more readily
available to tissues.
• Three exergonic rxns in glycolysis, Thus Irreversible:
o Catalyzed by Hexokinase (and Glucokinase) ROUTE FROM GLYCOLYSIS TO THE CITRIC ACID CYCLE
o Phosphofructokinase
o Pyruvate kinase • Proton symporter – Transport Pyruvate to Mitochondrion from Cytosol.
§ Major sites of regulation of glycolysis. • In mitochondrion, Pyruvate is oxidatively decarboxylated to acetyl-CoA by
• Phosphofructokinase – inhibited at normal intracellular concentrations of ATP. a multienzyme complex that is associated with the inner mitochondrial
o Inhibition relieved by 5ʹAMP that is formed as ADP begins to membrane.
accumulate, signaling the need for an increased rate of glycolysis. • This Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is analogous to the α-
• Cells that are capable of gluconeogenesis (reversing the glycolytic pathway) ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of the CAC.
have different enzymes that catalyze reactions to reverse these irreversible • Pyruvate is decarboxylated by the Pyruvate dehydrogenase component of
steps: the enzyme complex to a hydroxy-ethyl derivative of the thiazole ring of
o Glucose 6-phosphatase enzyme-bound thiamin diphosphate, which in turn reacts with oxidized
o Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase lipoamide, the prosthetic group of dihydrolipoyl transacetylase, to form
o Pyruvate carboxylase & Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase acetyl lipoamide.
§ reverse the reaction of pyruvate kinase (Refer to Fig. 17-5)

• Fructose enters glycolysis by phosphorylation to fructose 1-phosphate, and • Thiamin (Vitamin B1) deficiency - impair glucose metabolism, and there
bypasses the main regulatory steps, so resulting in formation of more pyruvate life threatening lactic and pyruvic acidosis.
and acetyl-CoA than is required for ATP formation. • Acetyl lipoamide reacts with coenzyme A to form acetyl- CoA and reduced
o In the liver and adipose tissue, this leads to increased lipogenesis, and lipoamide. The reaction is completed when the reduced lipoamide is
a high intake of fructose may be a factor in the development of reoxidized by a flavoprotein, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase, containing
obesity. FAD.



• Finally, the reduced flavoprotein is oxidized by NAD+, which in turn CLINICAL ASPECTS
transfers reducing equivalents to the respiratory chain. The overall Inhibition of pyruvate Metabolism Leads to Lactic acidosis
reaction is:
Pyruvate + NAD+ + CoA → Acetyl-CoA + NADH + H+ + CO2 • Arsenite and mercuric ions react with the Ś H groups of lipoic acid and inhibit
pyruvate dehydrogenase, as does a dietary deficiency of thiamin, allowing
• Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex consists of a number of polypeptide pyruvate to accumulate.
chains of each of the three component enzymes, and the intermediates do • Many Alcoholics are thiamin deficient (both because of a poor diet and also
not dissociate, but are channeled from one enzyme site to the next. This because alcohol inhibits thiamin absorption), and may develop potentially fatal
increases the rate of reaction and prevents side reactions, increasing pyruvic and lactic acidosis.
overall efficiency. • Patients with inherited PD deficiency, which can be the result of defects in one
• PD Complex: or more of the components of the enzyme complex, also present with lactic
o Pyruvate Dehydrogenase acidosis, particularly after a glucose load.
o Dihydrolipoyl Transacetylase • Because of the dependence of the brain on glucose as a fuel, these metabolic
o Dihydrolipoyl Dehydrogenase defects commonly cause neurological disturbances.
• Aldolase A deficiency and PK deficiency in RBC cause hemolytic anemia.
Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Is regulated by End-product Inhibition & Covalent • The exercise capacity of patients with muscle Phosphofructokinase deficiency
Modification (Refer to Fig. 17-6) is low, particularly if they are on high-carbohydrate diets.
• Pyruvate dehydrogenase - inhibited by its products (Acetyl- CoA & NADH). • By providing lipid as an alternative fuel, for example, during starvation, when
o Also regulated by Phosphorylation (catalyzed by a kinase) of three blood free fatty acid and ketone bodies are increased, work capacity is
serine residues on the PD complex, resulting in decreased activity. improved.
o Dephosphorylation (catalyzed by a phosphatase) that causes an
increase in activity.
§ The kinase is activated by increases in the [ATP]/ [ADP],
[acetyl-CoA]/[CoA], and [NADH]/[NAD+] ratios.
o Thus, PD & Glycolysis, is inhibited both when there is adequate ATP
(and reduced coenzymes for ATP formation) available, and also when
fatty acids are being oxidized.
o In fasting, when nonesterified fatty acid concentrations increase,
there is a decrease in the proportion of the enzyme in the active form,
leading to a sparing of carbohydrate.
o In Adipose tissue, where glucose provides acetyl-CoA for lipogenesis,
the enzyme is activated in response to insulin.




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